The "Ethical" Way to Get Rich in RimWorld

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most people get rich in Rim world through drugs and guns but these methods are immoral instead I want to get rich by helping people so today I will be getting rich through clothing the cold feeding the hungry and solving the planet's blood shortage our CEO katak konen vagen has spent the last few years building up a modest settlement and started tackling the planet's hypothermia problem it gets cold on rim world so we produce some nice warm parkas and built a little shop to sell them to the residents of the planet and we've done quite well for ourselves accumulating over $145,000 in wealth but those 145 bands isn't enough to be rich so we're going to have to step it up and the first step is changing our clothing production as of right now we're making parkas out of cloth sourced from cotton plants but since the planet can sometimes get a bit nippy let's just say it is an ideal for the cotton plants to grow we could use hydro ponic basins to grow the cotton but there are two issues one we haven't researched them and two I don't want to so we're not going to do it but we have to solve this problem so the innocent people of this planet can survive the harsh Winters I could use leather but it is in short supply now you might say just Butcher and use the leather from your Yaks well cronet vogan likes his Yaks so killing them is a nogo wait I've got it up until now when raids show up I have been burying the bodies of my Fallen enemies instead I could butcher them and use their skin to make my clothes but the obvious first step is to burn my old inventory and my Cotton Fields hey stop it Let the Flames engulf the fields you too stop saving the cotton Now isn't this much better on second thought maybe it wasn't the best business decision as our valuation has plummeted I don't think it's anything to worry about as once we slice up some people and get enough human leather We Begin production on our new line of Paras introducing the Cronen vagen fall collection well it's actually summer but we'll start selling them in the fall these babies retail for an affordable $410 and aren't these the most comfortable jackets you've ever worn you just got to ignore the mood debuff from wearing someone's flesh interestingly Croc Vin doesn't have the debuff maybe it has something to do with him being a psychopath he might not care that much about people but he still loves his Yaks and when an unthinkable disaster struck in the form of yak flu crocod vagen will tend to his poor babies we have a problem our new clothes line is super popular which actually isn't the problem the problem is that we don't have very many parkas in stock we ran through our human leather pretty quickly and only have 30 left so we need to restock and luckily some inventory was delivered unfortunately we only made about three jackets from them for a new total of six the company's going to find a new way to get more human leather the easiest way to get more materials would be to raid the tribal bases to our North or the Pirates to our South but we only employ three Security Professionals at the moment so in order to pull off a successful raid we need a plan a plan that consists of uninstalling our base's batteries and defensive turrets hopefully we don't need either of those eh they'll be fine we were going to load the batteries and turrets onto the yak but we got a quest that promised us some Raiders nice I guess we'll reset up our turrets and by the time we finish the quest expires all right back to plan A I guess let's re uninstall the turrets get gather the Yaks and load our supplies onto them I bet you thought the Yaks wouldn't have a purpose besides being PUK I mean that is their main purpose but we used them for work too we set out towards the closest pirate base and when we arrived I noticed they weren't exactly human as they're covered in fur I hope they still count and give us some human leather otherwise this whole thing would be a waste of my time we set up the batteries to power the turrets and then we take our Collective MPS halfway through the the preparation stage and this security guy is even sleeping on top of a yak the next morning we finish setting up our trap when suddenly a waste pack infestation appears oh boy when these bugs pop out they'll finish the pirates for us that's not a bug it's a cocoon a dormant cocoon so now we have to wait for the Pirates to fall into our trap and when the Pirates finally stupidly rushed out of their base our turrets engaged and mercilessly slaughtered the Pirates except this guy whose will to live was mightier than the bullets I threw at him and he eventually escaped when the fight was over we began dismantling our turrets and batteries when our main base was attacked by a Mech hiive I was kind of hoping this wouldn't happen while our security team has half our defenses so hopefully the remaining turrets can handle it is that a body we missed from before ah we could have used that to make some jackets with the Mech defeated we reformed the Caravan loading the bodies of our enemies and strangely they aren't contributing to the caravan's weight but they are contributing to food interesting when the Caravan arrives back at the company HQ we unload the Yaks and store the bodies in our freezer the description says they're human so hopefully they count and yes these dog people do give us human leather and with the new source acquired we produce more clothing ready for sale and look at this graph we have regained the wealth we lost when disposing of our old cloth jackets so it wasn't a bad business decision I think our last resource acquisition gave me a good idea since the bodies were counted as food I thought we could expand our mission of helping people by feeding the hungry a lot of people on this planet are starving uh crocod bugin aren't you going to feed this man no don't give him medicine he needs food and and he died of starvation cool well actually he died of an infection that we didn't treat quick enough so the medicine was actually the correct thing to give them but my point still stands people need their food the easiest way to feed the planet would be to use our excess supply of potatoes and Yak milk but the people don't need those they need protein to fight off the deadly Raiders that is why we will use meat and not just any meat human meat every time we carve up a person to make parkos a byproduct is human meat and we have a lot in storage before we begin production of human meals to sell we need to prepare a little first we need to hire more employees for the company whether that is through raid recruitment or uh buying out their contracts we hired three new employees two to cook the food and a new vice president in charge of food operations Mr big bucks why was Mr Big Bucks g given this high ranking position oh it must be because he has extensive knowledge of cooking SL food no it's because he's a smooth talker that can make a sound in order to prepare for our new business segment of food production we're going to remodel the store it'll be more efficient to just sell our jackets and bulk to our neighbors anyway we tear down the shelves build up dining tables and install a new freezer and finally our restaurant is complete but it needs the name perfect once our chefs finished cooking and filling our freezer with cannibal meals fulis has its grand opening now it is Mr Big Buck's job to smooth talk customers into throwing away their morals and eating human flesh and then paying 500% more than market value for the meal and some of our employees partook in the fine dining of Foles including our CEO konen buggin however they did get a debuff after eating the meals so I should probably ban my employees from eating here again it's best we stick to our potato and Yak milk meals other than that folis is a sweeping success with our ever growing loyal customer base we have achieved a new company value of a quar of a million dollar we are well on our way to becoming rich but we do have a problem on the uh meat procurement front when new supplies show up they can easily breach our outer defense fences as we have a pretty open setup this leads to workplace accidents I don't want to pay any more workers comps so we need to set up a more efficient defense layup we launch our new strategic growth initiative to build a wall around our entire base our amazing employees work through nice weather and bad and here at ethical Corporation our CEO Works alongside his employees doing the jobs usually deemed beneath his position except the uh butchering of people Cronen vagen is a moral person so he wouldn't do that when the wall was finished we began construction of four killboxes or as the boys in marketing col them meat grinders our future jackets and fast food are forced to slowly walk their way through a maze until they exit a tiny opening to face our capitalist turrets and if there are enough enemies they get backed up and have to wait patiently in line to be turned into a coat this has made our whole meat collection process much easier and has cut down on injuries and this implementation has led the company to a golden age of helping people with foli now the number one restaurant on the planet and a steady supply of jackets being sold we have combed hunger and hypothermia and raised our wealth significantly we even built orbital trade beacons that send our Goods to nearby trade ships to help people offworld in exchange for an airdrop of cash and to top it all off our employee diver made one of the greatest pieces of art ever a chair but this chair Bears an image of a yak giving birth to a yak who is glowing softly white as an interesting contrast five combat drones appear beneath the main subject and the piece is titled A yak's Vision it is beautiful and perfectly captures our company's love for Yaks and uh uh helping people yeah but this piece of art is way too good for f iies so we reinstall it in Cronen Vin's room so he alone can bear witness to its beauty all of this has been possible because of our CEO's dream of helping people but Crockett vagin had a thought what if people were more valuable Al than dead no that's crazy that can't be right but what if it is when the next raid hits we're going to go easier on the Raiders and not well execute the down instead we will tend to their wounds and only ended up capturing one and they died to blood loss but don't worry we found another perhaps our methods are still too brutal so what is their purpose for living there are several organs that you can Harvest from prisoners most of which will kill your patients but not hemogen or blood much like in real life Rim world has a shortage of blood donors and our company intends to solve this shortage we began the surgery and obtain one hemogen pack leaving our prisoner with moderate blood loss I assume doing it again won't kill them right all right in their current condition we probably shouldn't do it again aw it won't let me we have our new method to make profit I mean help the world but our current method of obtaining blood donors is not effective Crocket Ving gets to work researching and planning new methods of capturing living blood bags he invented tranquilizer turrets which we begin constructing in our most popular killbox once the next raid arrives I discover that these turrets are making my game stutter not cool turrets they still work and when everyone was put to sleep we capture four more donors which fills up our current holding cell but we could have captured so many more volunteers if we had a larger donation Clinic before we take on the project of building a larger one I installed a new tranquilizer turret mod that doesn't St my game but it doesn't work and now I have tribals spilling into my base don't worry my Ace security team will take care of it how did you survive that you deserve a promotion which konen vogin won't give you by the way with the Raiders defeated and my new turrets destroyed I switch back to the old mod I'm just going to put up with the stutters now that the turret situation has been uh resolved I can focus on building a a new blood donation center I need to pick a spot to put it I could build it in the top left of my base but I would have to mine out the stone and I don't feel like doing that the bottom left is also an option but once again Rock so that leaves the top right of my base like always there is a problem it contains a graveyard that predates the time when the company innovated it would be disrespectful to dig these people up and actually I don't have a problem with it at all we dug up and dumped the bodies outside our base and when they were all gathered together we burned the corpses in a very uncontrolled fire to prevent our colonists from getting a debuff from seeing the corpses we began construction of the site despite interference from a trade Caravan that decided they were going to be in the way despite your distractions we finished the prison donation center I said donation center I want to reiterate that these people are here 100% because they want to help the planet oh and what is this room of the donation center for well it's a secret so don't tell anyone wait you actually can as I haven't told you yet so uh we began recruiting more volunteers to donate blood while also having to deal with our fair share of uh contract disp security handled most of the negotiations which unfortunately resulted in some of our donor deaths it's actually kind of ironic because they died of blood loss not from our operation but from bullets to further avoid the loss of our donor's lives we have to improve our security systems in the clinic please don't stutter my game as it turns out the stutters might actually be gone as when the next batch of eager donors arrive my game surprisingly doesn't stutter over the next few months we filled the donation center and some of its occupants weren't too happy about volunteering nevertheless it was at capacity and blood production was at an all-time high as we extracted more and more blood our warehouse was filling up and things weren't that bad for the donors sometimes we even fed them folis despite our success we still needed somebody to manually extract blood from the donors which was time consuming and distracting konen vagin from his CEO duties like admiring a yak's vision so kronen vagin came up with an idea we will build new state-of-the-art blood extractors when donors are placed inside it keeps them sedated and prevents unruliness all while producing more blood packs than doing the operations ourselves unfortunately prisoners require a lot of food to maintain with the amount they are eating our food reserves are being drained the blood extractors however let us use whatever garbage we want to feed them without the mood debuffs which means they're getting a balanced diet of uncooked human and insect me words spread of these machines to the donors and some were not excited your complaints have been heard by upper management and we will take it into consideration as we begin expanding our blood donation center building more extractors and continuously placing patients into the money printers we emptied the clinic and filled the extractors except for slag kill we didn't build enough extractors so instead of being unconscious in a tube blissfully unaware of the manmade Horrors being done to him he has to be fully Lucid as we rip the blood from his veins in a haunting situation that he will be trapped in until the end of his days over the next few months we extract copious amounts of blood filling our warehouse until it is overflowing with the blood packs we began distribution throughout the world via our Yak distribution Network further increasing our already ample wealth I mean at this point we're rich we are making so much in profit that we had to hastily expand our cash storage room with cheap and easy to build wooden walls so it could all fit despite our massive success in blood farming disaster came knocking a wild party of pirate Raiders appeared and one of them has a grenade launcher which he used to shoot a random steel wall it isn't even ours look I have the option to claim it so it's not ours I mean he's probably just being a silly little guy when the Raiders began their attack that crazy Bozo with the grenade launcher began shelling our wall eventually breaching it and allowing The Barbarians to flood in it shouldn't be a big issue for our turrets to take out the Raiders but the real issue is this specific turret some of the Ys were in its line of fire and were unfortunately hit by the turret luckily none of them died but it could have been so much worse crocky foggin slaps a Band-Aid on his prize possessions wounds but he want wondered if the money and power that came from this company was worth potentially losing the thing most important to him he thought long and hard about what his next choice in life was going to be he reaches a decision he gathers some Yaks and sets out towards the nearby base of the empire of God to rat out his company's misdeeds in exchange for his freedom and the freedom of his Yaks he even promised the Empire that they can loot the cash surplus of over a 100,000 silver they have in their vault did I say 100,000 I meant to say 75,000 I mean I honestly cannot believe that I accidentally said 50k silver when I obviously meant 25,000 catac cron vagen gathers his Yaks emptying their enclosure he then Journeys forth toward the coast to find a new home for his Yaks disabling the defensive turrets on his way out after his departure the Empire show showed up in Mass numbers they easily infiltrated the base as the turrets were Switched Off they proceeded to wreak havoc overwhelming the security forces while slaughtering the employees they lit the base of Blaze destroying what we have worked so hard to build our company's VP Mr big bucks hid inside in fear as the sounds of gunshots and Flames seem deafening from his hiding spot yet he gathered the courage to go out guns blazing and face an almost certain death at the hands of his attackers but the empire was gone and he was left alone amongst the ashes and the corpses of his employees on the other hand konen vagen had made it to the coast and as he sat watching the sunrise as the ocean breeze swept through his hair he felt happy that he had helped this world survive winter beat starvation and get the precious blood they needed but more importantly his Yaks are safe thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video or are a really cool person you should check out my last video where 32 of rib world's toughest combatants fight to the death in the most lethal tournament the planet has ever [Music] seen
Channel: KibblesJack
Views: 505,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, Funny, funny gaming moments, funny gaming videos, KibblesJack, Kibbles Jack, KibblesJack Gaming, gaming challenges, Funny Challenge, gaming challenge, rimworld, rimworld playthrough, rimworld gameplay, rimworld funny, rimworld funny moments, rimworld biotech, rimworld vehicles, rimworld cars, rimworld game, Rimworld experiment, rimworld raids, rimworld mods, rimworld blood farm, rimworld human farm, rimworld human leather, rimworld get rich, rimworld money making
Id: LQrC6hszTbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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