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On the strength of this video, I bought the game. Not very expensive, good for a few hours, and obviously still unfinished simply because there's nothing to use the (current) final ore tier on.

Pretty decent music, and trippy visuals vaguely reminiscent of the ol' Windows Media Player.

A number of Youtube comments were mentioning the automation, and macro possibilities. It can get very involved since you can have a macro reference a macro, but ultimately I've not got much experience with that part - I just stuffed a macro's slots full of ore mining, and the game would automagically pause the queue to refill my stamina because that's an option you unlock.

I'd say a solid 7/10 for the moment.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LoopStricken 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2022 🗫︎ replies
well do you love fidget spinners and rpgs well now there's a game that combines the two blam welcome to fidget spinner rpg by the way warning uh there's some pretty severe kind of seizure warnings at the start of this um it might get a bit flashy uh so bear that in mind uh so the way this game works is uh we have a bunch of abilities boom weak spin that's what we're doing nice we did our first achieve uh so we have a whole bunch of objectives uh first objective is just because we spend a whole bunch of times at 50 rpm nice we uh we done yet i don't know i'm out of uh out of a energy so i've got a just gonna have a quick light rest from fidget spinning and uh go for this again quest complete next up restore stamina so the way this game is going to work is uh we're going to get a whole bunch of abilities to use and uh we are just trying to spin our fidget spinner amazing um it may sound pretty pretty easy right now but oh it's gonna get tougher uh so if you're familiar with games like world of warcraft or diablo where you're managing managing stats uh then this is the perfect game for you oh did we do our quest nice right what are we doing unlock the mining skill okay sure unlock the queue feature great uh we can now we can now queue stuff up okay we've got more quests coming in uh so now i can uh add stuff to the queue um we're kind of slowly getting experience as we increase speed our spinning is going up which is great love that mining we can now mine and we've got an inv skills mining we are smashing stones okay right we've got a new ability mind stone great can we just cue up that a whole load of times what are we even doing with raw stone used in blacksmithing okay right nice uh we've got skills going on you can kind of hang up there journey do you want to go over here that seems seems real good uh we've got to do a bit more a bit more mining now to unlock stuff um so this game is kind of you know one of those sort of incremental uh style adventure adventure things nice blacksmithing we've got that those turn uh metals gathered from mining into useful items at the moment i only have stone which is sad birds aren't real oh my god oh my god i believe i believe birds they're fake when i see a pigeon i say come back with a warren you heard that line amazing skills okay competency is going up spinning's going up um oh no stamina stamina problems it is it is an issue uh it's a problem myself from um but competency pretty good i think we're gonna ding nice uh so man i do like games like this um i'm not sure if you've played this sort of uh sort of style of game uh sort of incremental um what's that there's one ultimate paper clip um there's one about potatoes um it's just something satisfying about seeing your numbers numbers go up um and uh we don't have to worry about kind of walking around and uh actually doing proper quests nice mind copper as an ability yeah okay that's what i'm talking about let's get some let's get some copper in here how much experience do we get from that 167 right now nice that's good because maybe we could actually just take off some of these like lower quests i just need more competency is it like just better just to get weak spin going on and uh increase it gives us 10 each time oh we're not too far and we are just getting faster just faster and faster love it okay so we've actually got a whole load more hold on more skills uh moderate spin [Music] how you doing for us wow amazing oh big spinner one great uh oh spinner two nice our spinning is going up competency pretty good uh we can start chiseling stone if we want to but i kind of think i just wanna i just wanna get my uh nice there we go some spinner xp we are getting close to oh my god we have so many skills so many like so many objectives to unlock talent trees oh god oh god increase the base xp oh wait we should probably be like queueing up uh competency i want um chris the stats gained from skill levels by 10 it's pretty good spinning that's a good trick wow look at that look at that rpm go up what other abilities have you got i've already got all this uh the all i do spin talent bonus for your max strength uh oh okay right you gotta watch out if the fidget spinner starts to burn there's a lesson you must learn okay now can i can we make it make a thing um blacksmithing's going up nicely which feels very good oh it's that strong spin okay sure at that add that in i'm a little bit worried about my fidget spinner it's getting it's getting hot not enough stamina oh god okay right we haven't really done lesser rest uh but strong spin okay wow man it strong spin uses a lot skill okay right we can make glovies and booties um right can i make a make a glob we might not have enough stamina to do it but let's try and oh yeah god item crafted being equipped oh no we made too many uh almost all equipment you find we'll have randomized stats um i'm pretty sure we all have made just the best item immediately and let's just kind of alternate between those a little bit uh right what have we got here baby uh plus 47 strength plus 69 strength oh god well that those gloves way better come on in baby a new low quality stone boots well we'll glad we'll add add you to the mix uh my fidget spinner's on fire it's all on fire okay there's just so many skills so many skills for us to be dealing with right now achieve mining uh i would like to get pants um where is that okay right a helm let's kind of re-jig the skills you go over there uh light rest seems good we'll keep mining you get out of here okay who is this uh talent trees we unlocked that wait is that actually no it's not a dragon ball of course it isn't right we just gotta keep uh keep leveling um i need to get myself a helm oh that's blue green uh what is that plus 97 strength okay yeah green definitely seems better oh wow that one's actually not terrible it's got a smaller crit multiplier uh yeah delete all the trash nice get out of here um oh my god my fidget spinner is just just a red hot mess right now how are we doing on actual skills and stuff pretty good what is my journey going on we'll just gather gather stones i feel like maybe we should have got rid of that away a long time ago um as that actually seems really easy to do nice yeah we nailed it wow that's the fast fidget spinner okay if your fidget spinner ever catches fire that's a it's a bad day um abandon all hope as the end times are coming yeah 500 000 rpm i feel like we can get there as we are kind of going pretty quickly um i have not been dealing with my talent trees blacksmithing increase the experience maybe i should have done a bit more of that uh one percent chance per point to be converted in bars at a one to one ratio let's just get the spinning all i do is spin every ability you perform adds uh more spinning okay we are increasing pretty rapidly okay maybe it's time to actually start getting some some awe uh my fidget spinner is just having the worst day of its life um it was not designed to spin that quickly i don't think um do not okay it's kind of more fire than spinner right now you can't even hear it anymore some stuff happened and then nothing happened nice that's kind of uh man that is kind of my grip on reality that is about as as much as i know what's going on uh we're getting some good good stuff right i need to make the stone leggings i did not do that uh abilities blacksmithing give me those leggings um we'll keep our hat for the time being um can i put leggings on please very good skills skills for days wait can we just maybe even just put you down there somewhere ah that's too much resting oh god there's lightning are we gonna go back to the future [Applause] all right what do we need were crafted chest plate i could probably do that great that's just like an easy skill just to tick off immediately um is that what fidget spinner's supposed to look like uh we need higher level stuff i don't get an exceptional item i guess we just gotta grind grinds wargear oh purple that's got to be good oh man look at this queue we've got and we are it's no longer a fidget spinner we are going into the future uh oh we hit hit half a million rpm okay right we've got a bunch of resources let's just try and make some like fancier stone leggings we got some okay great uh because we are sort of vaguely in the market to get better stuff nice just like man just getting stoned levels is pretty quickly or upsell speed is a million speed a uh a quest oh yeah it is oh yeah it is okay right we are definitely going into the future now so i've never actually owned a fidget spinner i don't think i've even handled a fidget spinner in my life i think like when they came out you know i was i was too old i wasn't allowed to play with one ah oh my god it's getting all uh like neon genesis very uh anime look at this uh we've got a lot of stone do they want us to get more stone what are you unlike the haggling skill haggling love that guy uh what is that ability epic shiny item oh animated purple outline oh i really want that oh wait the fidget spinner's coming back i see him i see my boy okay spinner smith helm okay i kind of just want to like get these uh get these stone quests complete stones coming in nicely we are going pretty fast what is the next milestone for spinning macros you unlock your first macro ability with five slots dragging ability onto a macros slot allows you to then cast that macro to get multiple actions at a time oh my god macros so that means like we can we can mine we can do a thing uh like make a boot and then like a rest maybe add a spin in there as well although it's kind of clearing my bar and then like macro one okay nice okay uh so this isn't the most efficient macro by any means but um for us just to do uh some like easy mining okay i don't i don't even know what's going on with our fidget spinner now we've got a bit of stone in the bank uh blacksmithing oh god we've got like points that we should be spending here just take take them anyone i'll suffer gives me potentially double you just add more spin i love that and if it's a haste uh sure more thing and more backpack sounds kind of exactly what i'm after oh jenny step complete just get us something else what did that just give us uh powerful spin wow i don't have enough stamina for the powerful spin right how much spinning is that really adding i feel like kind of spamming the like the little baby skills is kind of better for us um just because stacking that ability vendors and haggling nice okay mud select the vendor you sell to vendors okay most of this stuff is just garbage not even worth selling because how much is he charging ruby's god that stuff is expansive shiny stones uncut gems men i can't there's no point selling just crappy stone boots to them who would even buy stone shoes oh oh we finally got the boots oh thank god oh legendary item hello uh amazing um right yeah equip love that look at that boy and we're just gonna do the same thing until we get some kind of super gloves um we are almost up to 3 million rpm which i feel oh there we go nice yeah equip okay right stop halt halt criminal scum you violated my mother what do you want to do change this to mine copper now uh blacksmith smelt copper i guess we're going to be doing something fairly fairly similar uh and then we'll smith smith some some gloves oh we can actually socket them oh god gem crafting um we gotta we gotta get into gems smell iron god we just skip this and just go straight into iron maybe it's just a spam like dig uh oh was that a second macro ability oh would like bigger slots oh god we already had unlocked more complicated ones yeah let's just do this a whole load and maybe it works engineering oh no oh no you could make this so much more complicated uh which is not my style baby i like it easy but i guess you know getting macros that's a smart smart thing to do okay most of this stuff is hot garbage but i feel like if we just do it for the chiefs are we all copper nice we did it okay the other quests are kind of a bit luck based um i sort of want to see if we can just right rest uh spinning am i not powerful spin yet still not enough stamina heck and we're like at full uh oh big spinner oh did i just literally get it because we just cast one ability okay love that uh we just need to cast more abilities a hundred thousand rpm in one action i'm just curious if uh this counts as an action i don't think it does count but i feel like let's just get to like a cool five milli and see how this goes uh i probably have some tree points i've not been spending oh i've seen all that many oh you've got some what do you want hasty sure increased haste stat why not uh max stamina oh i do need stamina can i buff that oh it can be cast now i've just got enough stamina okay well let's make a new macro for that powerful spin oh yeah it does kind of use up basically all the stamina okay so if we just queue that up we're just gonna get to five million that's the dream i feel like it's better just to spam skills just like cheaper skills like it's a big bump but actually maybe not it does actually put us up quite fast uh we are almost up to five milli yeah there we go fidget spinners back a bam uh well this might be a good a good place to call it uh there's still some chiefs left to do um but i think i need to sort of rng them a little bit um i hope you guys have enjoyed this uh this game's only a couple of bucks on steam uh i like this i like this kind of game it's pretty cool uh maybe you can get them all and spin those fidgets until next time everybody see ya
Channel: Angory Tom
Views: 52,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angory, Tom, angor, yogscast, walkthrough, playthrough, funny
Id: UdqMTNsXgu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2022
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