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Loved this episode - such a unique map. Props to Tom for suffering through all 4 hours of it

Edit: Left out a word

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/ShittyMcFuck 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
a bam welcome to creeperworld4 everybody we've finally done it we've located who's in charge of all of the creep it's this guy wow uh bam so welcome uh we are in the map and okay this is some kind of boss fight challenge run which instantly sounds amazing um and i am really excited to see how it goes i have not played this at all so i am completely unaware of what's gonna happen let's just get down some uh basic infrastructure okay great we've just got our towers coming down we'll just kind of like let this get to doing a bit of building so we've got a little emitter two bigger ones there's a spore launcher and this guy okay right so i guess we just have to work our way up the map and do some nullifying uh how is this gonna go i kind of need to get some weapons up here the mage looks like the most dangerous spot but we'll get some more guns because why not just bankrupt ourselves immediately that's never gone wrong are you serious uh so i'm not gonna be trying to do anything with this totem although we have a totem objective uh the guide for the map says ignore it because uh reasons and so that's what we'll be doing okay right get this all online uh oh i don't have a factory that's super bad and let's get an earn port because i guess we're going to be doing all of our financing with the old school old school sort of style i wonder if like investing in runways early normally i'd hold but i don't think we're gonna get busted too soon i kind of think just have planes forming this area like a little strip around here then we can advance up try and take out this emitter and just see how that that all pans out right spores coming in not the end of the world great okay once these planes are up and running i might actually go a bit more ham on defense around here what is that noise what are these where did they come from did he summon them ah okay how's it going uh so something the map also warned us about is you can only have a single m rift due to tectonic activity so that is a thing apparently we just i just want a really solid front line right planes do we just go like that kind of area and then we're going to get a kill squad come in here hope for the best how are we doing wow we might not even be able to support planes right now we are like re-arming them but this should help to stem the flow coming down the hill we will stop here take you out make a new front line uh up there okay these guys getting armed right time to move up kill squad how deep do you wanna go relatively okay pylons are all working just fantastically uh re-armed on kill scored guns are coming down this guy's making like a little bong every now and again and that's making more creep which not super down with okay this this all looks pretty good i'm not gonna worry too much about neatness of towers anymore okay i do want to just expand my lines out a tad and hope that we can just seize a bit more ground because more more ground is more money you know you know the drill you've seen creeper world before okay right we're kind of taking some space this is looking pretty good the planes got the planes have done great work for us as soon as we've got spare resources i'm just going to queue up kill squad mark ii maybe even give them some mortars uh now let's try and nullify this so i'm not sure if this is like part of the boss stage or if i have to kill him uh but we'll we'll see how this see how this all pans out yeah is there any other good resources on the map oh yeah okay we literally can't even activate the totem there's no um lift deck right your boy has been taken out man maybe we just need to be pushing like much faster up then i'm not overly worried about their other stuff okay because we've got resources i reckon more planes are now the answer for me okay massive deficit again but three runways worth of planes i think this will help us like push in i'm not sure if i if we need to take out those other guys oh we can overload oh my god i love the overload mechanic so few maps let you do it uh let's get some more missiles ah nuts okay they're literally landing where i don't want them to be okay progress is pretty good right now okay right they're all equipped this little outpost can be a bastion for us for the time being okay right planes are just going to be endlessly bombarding where is all of this stuff coming from man there's a lot of creep on this map okay i'm hoping that the planes are going to be the ones that kind of just thin out the creep for us we'll try and take out these emitters they're not the strongest okay progress is really good off the map oh this guy just finds like lasers out wow okay oh we want to clean these spots that's where it's coming from oh is that what he's doing is he planting more of those okay right we've gotta actually get in there oh that's really bad we need to kind of clean those up stop them getting uh anti-creep in there i'm gonna lose a lot of towers now but if i can arm my boys also maybe this is the time to get an m rift oh god man wow i really should have been paying attention oh okay kill score stabilizes kill squad is stable and let's just begin making more kill squads wow this is like real old school how um we used to play a thousand thousand videos ago uh just lines of stuff and just not really ever moving things because i was just too lazy resources good just build build more okay this might be too much i want a lot of kill squats coming out right we're almost to the boss we need to wait for some infrastructure to get up here oh nice actually the m rift is kind of really helping that nullifier is gonna want to overload when he's on all the planes can move over to the other side and we'll take out those guys too he's almost got ammo right second nullifier is coming online you are [Music] kind of doing it come on great we've killed killed off their stuff that makes me have more land okay right we can now nullify nullify this dude we're firing mortars at his head which is fun he's been nullified perfect we've destroyed the other stuff we'll try and overload that's coming in nicely okay i've got no idea what to expect here there's meant to be like multiple waves else multiple stages oh okay did we do it oh my god what the hell uh jeez god that really made me jump oh okay right we can zap him take this get out of here you damn dirty creep wow man those lasers are actually pretty strong they take out like a big area oh jeez oh my god the car is exposed now it's time to hit it with a nullifier oh god we actually kind of did that already the core seems to be what is destabilizing space when it's nullified there'll be a release of negative energy that will cause our micro rifts to collapse as well as large tectonic shifts in the terrain they'll destroy proportions of our network let's pull our units back as soon as the core is nullified uh-oh uh okay right he's fired just just all the stuff that's a lot of that's a lot of things being fired um it said pull back i don't have that many missiles but we do have a lot of junk that might defend us oh look i can see his see his bits okay all right the spores all landed sure okay i'm just putting more defenses down are we allowed to nullify again okay we can okay we like i don't know if this is how you're supposed to be playing it this is the most ridiculous defense okay let's nullify again all right you can see his like weak spot if he's following zelda rules that's the part that we've got a blast okay we've got arg here uh now let's see how this goes come on how are we doing overload uh several dark towers have appeared and cut us off from the front line we've got to pull back i just think greener will produce a slightly slower rates okay oh geez okay right we are cut off oh no did they lose all of our ark supplies they released a lot of it can we race them god should we just be pulling back okay well yeah i think all of that stuff come to here why am i cut off oh dark towers of course oh that literally is our front line and why am i exploding back here oh it's greener okay right we need to be doing a whole lot of stuff okay luckily we have some remaining ammo oh god not a lot uh the planes are good oh i need to defend my front lines better with planes okay we're gonna we're gonna lose a lot of ground um i'm kind of banking it all on if we can get this micro rift up uh luckily we have we have a lot of reinforcements oh my boys move back okay maybe maybe this plan is just just terrible maybe this is a stupid plan uh okay we are getting greener now i need to get beacons out here super fast and um try and nullify that i want all of my goods going into you that's gonna take too long we are rapidly losing that front line move back i need fresh reinforcements to pull to these front waves while ammo is low the planes are doing a great job but no it's not enough is it okay this is getting pretty tense now um the plane's actually holding really nicely i guess i could have tried to arm a nullifier up here oh yeah we didn't actually have supply oh god the planes were a great investment uh that for sure okay right we're online oh okay right plan kind of worked okay now we can push back okay pretty good and there's a boy up there ah he's not too strong okay nullifies here overload all of that take that stuff out uh maybe we should actually be while we have resources not that we have resources we are in super bad shape get more porters we'll make a backup thing because i think if they're going to keep doing these these tricks we can actually counter them pretty hard uh by doing this emrift jump but we'll fly the stuff out next time so all i need is four packages so i'm worried they're just gonna like laser down the middle again okay right we're gonna make a gigantic wall that i can use as an armament also actually we'll start putting anti-creep over here as well oh god you guys i sent you very aggressively oh no he's still lasering me come on guy okay how's the wall going wall is pretty much complete okay that guy should get nullified soon this could be a little bit bold but that's what i'm all about baby and where is everyone else we are not spending all of our money so just put down some more kill squads and then we can actually like focus our planes in just on this guy you are turning off i want that overloaded before anything happens we've got to overload these guys otherwise uh when we might get cut off again the bad the bad times happen wait did his hand just move oh oh okay he makes like a fun little uh fun little wave that's cool nice okay right all the stuff has been destroyed we can run some guns out here got so many cannons just a ridiculous amount oh wait he's gonna do his hand thing fly you fool oh okay well we actually saved him that's cool mechanic like an actual physical thing on the map that can can damage you because exposed the surfaces becoming unstable be prepared okay luckily oh god how many things is that uh okay it's moving slowly enough oh god that is a lot did we try and build too many maybe is the answer oh they're getting real close i don't actually have that much in the way of weaponry around here uh get them get them armed okay right we're fine wow okay it's time for us to nullify oh the land is being torn apart pull our forces out oh god oh god oh god that's so much damaged everyone died look at those lays oh my god the map is just completely different uh okay right we right that whole um plan that i came up with that ain't gonna work at all oh nuts how the heck are we doing this wait no hold pause can we skip oh god they destroyed like so many of my boys can we speed race just to the end here if i can get am rift up and running there i got to turn my planes off i think because i don't have enough um ammo for them right now what it can do is just tell them to like guard this front line because the idea is i'm going to just try and snipe into here get the m-rift built oh what do you laser we are going to need defenses in the back line eventually blue emirates half built they're kind of holding if i can hold that that'd be amazing i might not be able to though okay we've taken boss island a bit more it's slowly increasing our resources i might be able to get that emitter great nullification should be happening pretty soon uh have a few more of these right the resources all seem to have leveled out enough doesn't really feel like there's a ton of value in building loads of things because they all just get destroyed okay can we take this hill easily enough i think the answer is going to be maybe oh god they're going to lazy me again oh geez the goal's exposed okay we're likely to lose our front line with each terrain shift is this off frontline now okay i think just in case well i've got like some cash let's just put a couple more a couple more guns in there i don't really want to lose all my planes though nice right we've taken out one of the emitters the other one has a nullifier coming for it okay time for us to move in and actually kill kill the big big blue boy uh we'll make some more guns running at a loss isn't the end of the world i feel like i need some snipers to move around okay right be killed kill all the emitters let's just send in the kill squad and get this nullifier built now we gotta watch out for his hand i forgot about that oh oh my oh my god he killed virtually everyone not the guy's closest to him no wait can we speedrun this and just get the nullifier up and running oh okay planes help defend this all doesn't actually look too bad right man like the map changing every time god is such a great mechanic that's a really cool way to uh keep things keeping spicy maybe this just isn't needed like this these like stupid m-rift builds oh wait are they you're gonna be in range maybe it's so dumb oh i need to be building an emrift back oh i need to build the one at the base first because otherwise he no build he only said okay this front lane has held relatively well my ridiculous little bastion oh my god you're almost built this could work oh they are slowly dying maybe we need to be running ammo up as well rather than just building this i can't believe it built this is i don't well maybe this is the way you're supposed to play it i'd my gut tells me probably not okay this this is this is going just fantastically but if that nullifier can be built and we can turn this off like super fast actually gonna help a lot this whole front line oh god the wave is coming though that ain't good okay this is gonna be a slow march what is that oh it's those guys field generators wow man i've never actually played against one of those i use those on the um when you play as creep maps okay your boy is turned off that's great let him charge uh we'll take the side of the mountain having the hill is gonna do great work for us wow so god we've gotta grind up the mid then come over here um oh remember our big wall that we built he's dead huh we could have been building rockets this whole time let's get a pair of those why not oh also now i think about it beacons just in case the we need to uh beacon it up later okay we've managed to seize this whole section the planes have been doing just a just a fantastic job uh i guess we oh we can't even nullify these guys can we snipe them maybe okay can we sneak behind your boy not sure if he's is he still doing his hand hands thing quite possibly oh the call's exposed not over eat okay so oh uh that ain't good that ain't good at all i didn't really build i've got some missiles over here oh god that's a lot of boys um i need missile squads coming out everywhere so right we can handle that snipers are kind of tied up god these guys are my missiles all too low can i even get more snipers i wish you could get oh god man they are really coming in deep how is my back lines for guns i just need to make kill squads around here and then just fly them into my back line i don't care if i'm running out of deficit uh right they had to come in a little bit lower oh god okay the anti-creep the anti-creep is doing nothing uh all planes oh planes come back oh god you jerks you absolute jerks okay we've finally managed to sneak another fire up to this guy's mouth i hope those aren't gonna bite me in the ass because it doesn't hurt to put some more more guys down oh we only need to nullify his call one more time to finish sip everything that braves must be suffocated everything that makes sound must be silenced everything that is must vanish into the void what um ciao anyway so oh my god look at his lasers look at this boy right 15 oh that's a lot of spores oh and look at this horrible map i've got to go across and there's lava pits this nerd up here what are they gonna do send them a bunch of goo down into the side of my base hate that oh god this is gonna be such a pain to get through can we cheese it though okay right you're building nice and quickly i love that uh someone is exploding over here which i do not love wait what did that the map re-terraformed oh oh my god that is such a big boy this is never gonna work we could try and do it with rain rain might protect him the the planes the planes could do this this seems insane oh it feels like it's worth a try but i might have to use rain to defend my actual my actual base planes planes bomb more planes oh even if you build oh you know what they're doing better than i was expecting that is such a big wave i need to just pull everyone back man this map is gonna be such a pain to take back oh shoot god that giant wave is getting here oh there's so much stuff okay the sound expansion is dead oh my god there's so much creep like from our low eye view look at that wave oh god i need to be um making plans here and keeps kind of keeping at bay we have a lot of weapons now which is definitely a big boon oh skimmers don't do this to me wow it's kind of subsiding a little like ammo is just busted though uh i need more snipers to defend because skinners will kill me right even if we lose stuff now honestly not the end of the world this central wave is going to be kind of bad we've got these missiles just hang out somewhere else okay this this is just going to be an absolute nightmare to fight our way up through uh what's the plan here planes i need you to be a bit more focused okay right we are slowly slowly grinding it up the map unfortunately they are definitely getting more creep they are producing faster than we are killing it it's been slowly on the rise although i've taken a bit of territory we've increased our income by like i don't know 25 not a lot i think this is going to literally take i feel like it's possible one wrong move and we die yeah otherwise it's just gonna be like an hour of me moving my planes up a fraction getting them to bomb right so we have to just carve off a chunk move up blast it make sure there's mortars on the side god i removed my mortars from up there that is annoying uh some of our guns run out of ammo every now and again which is less than cool like i keep like move having to pull stuff from the sides here have some extra mortars maybe oh you guys don't have weapons uh don't have ammo looks like we've got ourselves another chunk so just kind of try and advance everyone up a little bit moving moving the entire line at once is actually a pretty bad bad decision uh i should just move the back of the line i just need territory i just need income because as we get more income i will get exponentially faster because the planes will become more effective uh all of my guns will be able to fire oh i guess i was supposed to be terraforming these side bits so i could actually bomb them ah we'll worry about that we'll do it further up i really want to kill you oh we're actually lowering their overall number that is really good oh our rockets just launched okay why is this an extra use of rain we might need to use that to actually push this oh god look look at that lull in the creep i need more more towers oh okay we've got another fire up although oh god sometimes it runs out of ammo i really want to get this thing overloaded please we are dropping their creep down at a fairly steady rate well not fairly steady really slow rate oh don't do this to me my number five is going offline okay i don't think we can expand and take that guy out i just don't have the the money okay right it's these jerk-offs that are making all of the stuff they warned me about it but god i just haven't been able to get close enough uh right what do you want to kill forbes uh also take an um i want some super sniping going on okay right we have this this footing on the other side of the ravine now what i'm trying to do is push up close enough that i can get a sniper into range of these guys but the crimson is causing a lot of problems i just need like a footing along this entire front line but it's honestly harder to get up there than it looks i think we're just gonna just gonna go bold we're actually kind of evening our money the deficiency is getting less every like extra inch that we take god is good for business okay right no more expansion for a little bit i say as i'm placing down a thousand tails oh god you guys nuts that's bad bad for business oh we finally did it we finally killed that guy right that oh man that actually takes a whole load of stress off of me right we're still grinding them back man that damn crimson is just a pain in my moles okay right we have our foothold we are advancing money is working oh my god just everything's coming up tom right i need my super boy you only kill forbes i guess eggs shoot skimmers too why not right i need people to defend you they are not defending you pull back pull back my brave boy god are any of them dying oh he is really beginning to thin them out now okay this is good uh well i see some shields now maybe i should have been doing that this whole time but i did not and on the sides i guess we just keep advancing oh man it's good to see how few of them are there are now because there were so many and then just like churning out creep uh also we're now nicely pushing up the sides which feels very good god let's just do a let's just try a really risky aggressive push now now that we're actually making some more headway oh real good yeah okay we can build build stuff and that is not going to bankrupt us now feels good oh okay please just get that nullifier up oh come on find an egg at me who even does that these days oh where's his hand still going for you okay more nullifiers i think is the answer okay we have nullifies set up they can still be destroyed which is not super good but oh please ow god so bad if we take out those two side bits that really cuts down on his actual production nice one of them down two of them down right we're doing good where does actual production come from okay right there's all the random plebs uh like little bits of goo that i need to send kill squads in to deal with okay man we are still just grinding up this map um i've not been able to get a successful thing going on here blah wow god that that hand is just bad news uh we have to keep refreshing towers because the hand comes along and actually blasts a whole load of our creations right we have a nullifier coming online please do not get destroyed try and overload we've shut that down just even if just briefly oh we're done we're good wait don't i go we're finally making it up here oh god stops landing in my back lines not good for business okay overload is always done come on buddy blah okay right the creep production is now just what's coming out of the baby's head okay just look at his face uh right we are here man i hope that we can actually kill you this time okay right snipers are you getting involved yes they are they need ammo uh so it turns out at some point my emrift had died and i just did not even notice and so that's why everything's taking a long time to get here oh they're gonna smack my boys again okay as long as some oh okay it's fine let's just plug the holes oh god oh no he's brought his boys back ugh okay missiles are kind of handling them the old air sacks they're gonna do a bit of damage honestly it's not the end of the world as long as snipers keep blasting man he's really putting up like a fight what the heck once again sx annoying but kind of more just an inconvenience god how much health does this guy have please please just die oh oh we can get the nullifier in now please just do it why are you obsessed with like this specific area is it trying to reach like back here but it blows up before it makes it oh the creeper bubbles and sizzles as it's vaporized the clouds part and the wind lightly blows as if the universe itself has breathed a sigh of relief the stars seem to shine just a little bit brighter than before the seemingly endless fight against the creeper has finally come to an end you're not wrong it did both seemingly endless we killed him he's gone he's dead oh we can leave oh i'm out of here four hours what the heck wow i did it two hours less than um this guy but like double double units my god creep world what a game the amazing things that people can make that's a really cool idea for a map could be a little bit shorter but really cool until next time everybody see ya
Channel: Angory Tom
Views: 300,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angory, Tom, angor, yogscast, walkthrough, playthrough, funny
Id: EVrpP2fT2c4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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