I Spent 24 Hours in a Tree Tent and You Won't Believe What Happened.. (WORLD'S CRAZIEST AIRBNB)

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ladies and gentlemen the quest continues our bubble house Airbnb is it's broken right now the smash like button and we'll revive it and the treehouse Airbnb we stayed in a few weeks ago was pretty cool but I think we can do better so the quest to live in and create the world's coolest Airbnb continues this time we're making our own potential Airbnb more specifically we're making a tree tent but you guys get to decide what we do next should we a revive the bubble house and put it on Airbnb or be stay in the dog bark park in Airbnb vote here and comment down below which you want to see next and in the meantime let's set up our treatment first things first we got to bust open this street pen see what we're working with okay it's like it looks like a big bag this oh that's what it's supposed to look like pop it open and set it up bro this is wavy that's big bro that's big for one person though you wanna join me in it kaalia we can cuddle all night I could cocoon just like the tree house he's thinking Bros or he's thinking holy [ __ ] I'm assuming these are the poles hey we got some rope some points all right well we're gonna look through the instructions and set this up all right guys we got the cocoon tent done and to be honest we could have shown you actually putting it together but it took two hours and it was just a whole lot of it but the point is it's done and now all we got to do is get it into a tree that's the easy part right hi ladies and gentlemen we have our tree ready behind us our tent is also ready now we just have to attach the tube which is definitely gonna be the hard part because I would guess it's like 25 feet means we have a ladder here but kind of a thin ladder as you can see first attempt we'll just see if we can throw this rope over it it looks so small compared to the tree well I had this I know you need a nice thick tree in order to support all the way you know how to know how old the tree is the rings on inside Thanks all right here we go I'm gonna do my best Indiana Jones Indiana Jones impression what's the John Wayne John Wayne exactly I think yep that's the ridge for triangle okay focus though no like that focus on focus how shall I go I'm gonna hit it right now get ready for the beat drop that's a feels bad yeah we're gonna use the ladder but thanks for liking the video anyways cuz I know you did for our second attempt we're a little more heavy-duty actually I'm gonna just climb the ladder first I just I need to get my bearings under we have YouTube passwords in case you fall and crack your head and I can take over you know what you can't thank you is it I hate you that's what the password is it's like stairways that hasn't worked before go straight yeah welcome to raw this is scary this game I won't be scared like you I'd be on top right now okay do it if I fought I cracked my head the password is zero zero zero go for my DM and DM every night I love John it's wobbly Oh what am i doing I'm just looking here yeah I'll pass you up the to catch up - oh my god catch you I'll catch you have your softball I die no I catch you wrong I'm small but I'm strong you're gonna break the branch yes I can't pass it you hear too high up you need to come back down a bit the start of that we need for people with us for that oh [ __ ] that's heavy alright I don't think you're gonna reach it there's no way okay okay we need to try we need to figure out another way alright we thought the second way would work better but it's still too high up so we're gonna have to figure out something else alright we're going back to the Rope throwing technique smaller rope heavier weight on the other side so I'm gonna try and launch this over the top and then down the other side basically we can tie it to the other ropes it should work let's try it ready you this time smash alike one the beat it's coming in right now to the beat right so knock it over alright here we go three all my got you Olman I got in the tree [Music] I'm trying hey let's go BAM that's how you do it folks as you guys can see we've attached a much stronger rope to our weak rope and we're gonna basically replace it using the classic Polly Peck this is actually really heavy all right so we've swapped the ropes we're closer to our goal but somebody still has to go to the top and attach the chains so you're looking at me don't look down right this is my face they're gonna know that it's been over there for last literally 30 minutes making me hold as dartie camera Wow he said be safe slowly slowly be a waste of my time filming 20 minutes or nothing over there I don't know how much of that you guys will have seen but I literally spent at least 15 minutes in that cheap play we untangled everything I think it's set up we're gonna try and attach the ten short all right guys our pulley system is set up it's time to hook it up to our tent and see if it will go up into the tree look like a nice flat burrito you're hungry aren't you I'm starving because my whole life is in this thing right here three two one Oh let's go it's ready it's time to see if it will hold me now and if it will still go up into the tree that take your shoes off before you get in the house this is gonna be my home for the next 24 hours so I gotta get comfy okay all right pulley team imagine this just collapses in my back listen YouTube channel I'll be rich okay I'm in oh my god what is the bad oh my god that's strong but I think it's actually ripping in a bit look very comfortable to be honest it's kind of a bad bro I keep rotating hi I'm not trying to leave you guys know you're but these dripping down there your ass Oh guys we are at least 10 feet in the air right now I'm chillin in my cocoon vibe you know oh okay that's how you get in and out of the tree house we're gonna test out our little rope elevator vibe all right guys so our treehouse is set up but we don't have anything in it so it's time to go to the grocery store dumpster don't get away the Dempster deficit that's the right you know oh you know Froot Loops yeah it's not called Froot Loops it's got moot loops like look through there's not a you it's fruit I know you knew it Oh or not you yeah no you didn't that's a fun fact you know I'll do you a favor and cut that okey I'm just kidding I'm leaving it all right guys we secured the bag literally and now it's time to head back to our tree tent and get settled in now just how you deliver groceries into there to the cocoon house eggs oh [ __ ] that might have caused a mess okay alright a groceries are in there and now we have to see like we know I can get out of it but can I get back in a little bit more up hey [ __ ] okay you break it like I said a lot harder to get up than it is to get out but good thing I'm gonna be in here for the next 24 hours so I'm gonna have to get it back and any time soon what am I saying just be your servant down here what you want to come I don't think it'd be good for both of us let's cuddle wait I don't have everything all right guys you started bright and early in the morning it's closer to noon now and I haven't had any time to eat so it is time for breakfast as you guys know we got some eggs I know I said I wasn't gonna have an oven or anything to cook with but I just completely forgot about it so yes we're having raw eggs folks oh no I got a little tripod okay this is not gonna be fun this is definitely something to chill in not something to live in folks gotta live in here for 24 hours I need my protein oh dear [Applause] tell Nash Oh delicious okay now for the rest of our breakfast meal of course you need more than just protein for breakfast so like II said we're gonna have ourselves and the air sandwich because I also forgot to get peanut butter spread on some air but it's gonna be a really really terrible day all right guys I got some water in here that's nice right I'm stuck up here this is my only defense okay I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done it's for you you don't want the egg I put it away guys okay are you coming in over here a minute oh my god that was one of the funniest exterior ever I could feel the panic in your voice is I was panic you guys saw my death you know who I thought about right before I die I don't know Oh might not have know maybe but new YouTube channel that I'm gonna take on I kill you and why is this a theme mouth me dying and you taking my channel you made it in a lot of hard work you did some climbing just like on these verse so let's share some some grub what you think I'm letting go of the rope get breezy some Bob this looks like a baby diarrhea oh my god you know I know you just got in here and everything and there's a super fun but like I feel like this is a one-man tent yes I'll get up you like my shirt says replay replay you know replay what replays face replays my guy what it would have replay what replay he's struggling we'd get hit to the fan all right I'm down alright are you cutting now no what you want to stay in here longer the thing is I'm down to fly from this like Oh you'll die and then you take my YouTube channel and become richer than you are yeah but I don't want yours it's not very good I'm just kidding it's great go check it out guys yes go come check it out Dr Hubbs I need all of the it's your fam to become my family and I need you guys to be my family so come I felt that I felt that deep in my soul like I can feel you almost crying I'm your family buddy thank you well we had the optic Yee yeah drive to my shower then will become a weed family yeah all right I can't wait to watch I'm putting a the gloves like Dookie gloves on my Rolex bust down so I don't know how also fun fact this bracelet know how long he's been on my hand it's less Rhonda ten years literally ten years if it rips on my car all right you can do it I'm going down in style ready now you see me now you see me now you see me now you go oh I love you and all but it's so much better without you guys I don't know if you saw look at this he did this when he just tried to get in he came in we hung out for a little bit he's back outside and it's time for lunch now I realized I don't have an oven but maybe I could get a microwave I've got power up here so that's the major key and there's a microwave down below daddy so kindly set up for it you're kidding it wasn't deep but we're gonna try and pull the microwave up so that I can have some pizza pop Babs Babs oh this my fault oh my god I need my microwave Oh yo yo yo I'm running in this thing okay let me help you how can I bring them a door this [ __ ] at the same time oh if we are the head on the microwave let's go up there putting putting escalated I'm so tired too isn't it really bad to like be close to a microwave when you're using it it's just bad having Kylene with a microwave don't do it actually it's not good I brought it all the way up here yeah now you can just put it back down and that's an example of when you're rich walking just want to wait it's your microwave I took it from your house I can just do this hey guys so obviously one of the main issues is how do you go to the bathroom in here I mean I guess I could just take a leak from the front window but he doesn't know that so what I'm gonna tell them is and going in this year jar in reality it's just water and then we're gonna do a thumbnail I'm gonna tell them we need to do if I'm male where he's like standing underneath it to show how big it is and then bodies standing underneath I'm just gonna pour this on his head he's gonna think he's gonna think it's not water at trip yogi I need to piss ro I need to piss Sol back what do I do look no like can you give me like a jar or something I'll just piss in a jar yeah yeah water okay yeah yeah just pass me that you're gonna drink it first yes okay yes [Applause] okay oh yeah yeah yeah good idea thanks for okay yo I'm going to the bathroom don't look don't look K yo I finish but you I need your help with a thumbnail just set the camera down on the ground and then come stand underneath the tree okay yeah that's good yeah [Applause] but here yeah I'm right under okay yeah yeah yeah yeah three two one yeah you're sick just like a quick Oh your whole life what's all PR my my ear it's just water that's good to be honest yeah it wasn't warm like this right yo yo what are you doing don't play games yeah oh my god yo hi folks time for a breeze ski you want you want anything well okay good sounds good yeah imma get you know what I haven't had in a while to McDonald's I feel like a good old Big Mac would just hit the spot right now that's all order anything no no all right sounds good Burger King McDonald's is on its way our driver will be here in 25 minutes and let's see his reaction when he hits you yeah our youth drivers here hey yeah we're over here this is the treehouse yeah Wow I figured the treehouses all right we got it thank you very much man thank you sir oh my god okay Babs did we get our order oh how nice delicious Big Mac you want some ghee no okay sounds good no up moving in the tree time really isn't that bad no I'm gonna breach and living your best life I'm living my best life that's all Mike let me get him down here thank you come on Pratt don't worry I got you but it's getting late as you guys can probably tell so Sam you're ready for bed hi guys I don't know how well you can see this is my only source of light right now as you can tell it is laid outside I actually took a little bit of a nap while G left because ghee is no longer here he's not participating you chickened out so it's just me solo dolo in the tent I'm not sure there's the tree and here is our tree tent I was really worried about sleeping in here overnight cuz I thought I was gonna get super cold but it's actually really warm as you can see I took my so much not sure oh can you see I took this shirt off and just I'm wearing my undershirt me use this as like a bit of a blanket but ladies and gentlemen it is 1252 as you can see I was listening to david dobrik podcast coz what the hell else am I gonna do in here with that being said ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna get comfy I'm gonna go to bed this is actually really not a bad bet it's pretty comfortable it's like being in a big hammock so let me know in the comment section down below would you guys stay in a tree pen overnight or am i insane oh my god where oh do you guys see that it's a [ __ ] [ __ ] they go oh my god do you stress your week's yoyoyo exert the dirtiest thing I think it actually climbing my ear while I'm sleeping I was about to go to bed did it go I think I might have flicked oh my god it's still there you see it crawling [ __ ] stress up I can't I can't what am I supposed to do don't I supposed to do I can't sleep okay i trapped it can I kill it nope [ __ ] cheaper what do i do first faster No no he's still there I can't flick them out just roll all right guys I'm gonna get this bastard out of here one way or another I took care of him we did what we had to do but now more like what if more get in here I'm covering my ears all night this is how I'm sleeping can't get in my ear to ear the eggs okay I'm ready for bed now officially goodnight ladies and gentlemen I will see you in the morning oh good morning ladies and gentlemen I just woke up and I actually made it through the entire night I got a little cold so I put the sweater back on and I hope no ear wakes time to my ears while I was sleeping we did it as you can see it's bright outside literally what woke me up was the cars driving now the question we were trying to answer when we started this was could you live in this street town for 24 hours the answer is yes but there's a second question could we actually put this on line and have people stay in it overnight that was really what I was mostly wondering and as much of a vibe as this is I don't think we could put on Airbnb because like we would have to have something else maybe something on the ground where there's like a bathroom and like I don't know just something else because obviously up here can't really put anything so I think we'd have to make like a little Hut on the ground that you could put stuff in and then you sleep up here so this is basically just your bed then maybe it would work but other than that I don't think it's gonna work so if you guys think we should do that smash that like button and we'll turn this into an air B&B with a little hut on the bottom or like I said at the beginning of the video if you guys think we should either stay in the dog park bark bark Park I don't remember what it is in or revive the bubble house and turn it into an Airbnb be sure to let me know in the comment section down below so if you guys are enjoying this be sure to subscribe be sure to smash the like button and as always thank you guys so much for watching and I will catch you next time toodles [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ItsYeBoi
Views: 455,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsyeboi, its ye boi, itsyeboi challenge, 24 hours, 24 hour challenge, 24 hour, challenge, last to leave challenge, challenges, living in a giant bubble, bubble tent, giant bubble tent, giant bubble, bubble house, living in, 24 hours in a tree, overnight challenge, tree tent, 24 hours in a tree tent, i spent the night in a tree tent, overnight
Id: ifWdbd6-AmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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