I Spent $100,000 Robux To Obtain Leopard in One Piece Roblox

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I'm on a journey to obtain one of the rarest devil fruits in Roblox my chances of getting it 0.06 fruit Battle Grounds is a PVP one piece game where you spit it for fruits to battle players or boss and recently they had an update where they added a leopard so because so many of you keep asking me to play this game today I'm going to be obtaining the new leopard first and fully mastered in this video fruit Battlegrounds I've actually never played this game really don't know what to expect but let's go to spin fruit fruit storage spin okay obviously we're gonna go to spend 0.06 percent this is gonna be tough but we got a fruit pity after 100 spins I guess you're guaranteed to get something good so that's hopeful first spin imagine we get a good first try imagine we get it first for Sam I've never actually played this game so maybe Sans actually decent let me at least check it out before I judge it desert wait wait wait hold on there's always someone here hold on is that gear two hold on desert slicer yeah get off me get up bro I'm getting clapped up I'm getting clapped up 12 Health oh my God this fruit is not it does it slicer I lost 100 money I didn't even know I had Bounty let's continue spinning second time's a charm hopefully we get something good rubber uncommon for our Second Spin third time's the charm yes sir come on this time get it give it to me give it chop barrier and sand are literally the most common fruits in the game so I imagine I'm gonna keep getting this over and over again let's go ahead and exhaust all our free gems before we spend a Robux barrier epic light 1.07 chance oh my God all right let's keep spinning that fruit is garbage and block fruits I'm gonna assume it's garbage here too and it's only uncommon please give me something this time give me something this time ice wow we got an epic first now we got ice should I keep ice no I'm gonna spin ice we're gonna keep light I'm gonna spin ice one last spin please give me something good so I don't have to defend Roblox please please please please please okay before we spend Roblox though let me just check something fruit Battlegrounds codes 650 gems 400 500 wow this is actually a lot of gems hold on let's see if any of them actually work though we got 4 670. I basically just saved 800 rubles right there gang gang first spin after all the codes getting close to getting that full pity Darkness rare wow see that I'm actually kind of interested in I have to actually start buying a fruit storage at this point bro look at this goodbye dark ripping that thing away get it out of my face [Music] flame oh my God we're like getting all the Elementals none of them are what I need though I'm starting to get annoyed now this is starting to get annoying and I'm not even 100 in yet imagine I'm at magma might actually have to buy a storage game pass at this point I actually want to check out magma I just want to see what that's talking about it should be good major eruption is the only move we have do I have anyone to test it out on oh I see someone right over there Lorenzo JJ I'm sorry to say it what the hell hey yo hey yo what just happened oh yo chill chill chill bro bro Dixie like Rock Lee or something doing some Tai juice damn hold on hold on bro dog that did like so much damage boom get him get him oh yeah oh yeah major eruption that's clean that is clean bro oh my God he's actually kind of packing me up with just his fists what bro that has like auto aim or something magma is not as good as I thought it would be all right goodbye magma I did not like you very much I should have probably unlocked more moves but forever I gotta say I'm excited to see what I get after this 100 spins this pity better be hidden we're on a 99th fruit pity this next spin should give us something good 100 penny come on come on come on that's what we get for our pity meanwhile there's no way we got that for the pity spin which I would have at least gotten the legendary at the very least gotta keep it pushing just keep it pushing boys Metals gotta be strong that's the only way we're gonna get this leopard we keep our mental strong it's time to to do it 1585 gems damn ten thousand gems though that looks pretty nice I'm hopeful that we'll get in this next 10 000 gems please give me something good and we get another barrier got another damn flame sand area yes no way what I'll take it I'll take it I asked for a legendary we got Phoenix 0.12 chance oh my God does that reset our pity it doesn't it doesn't even reset our pity we have to check that thing that's the first legendary we've gotten of the video move at the bottom how do you even say that Fuji Azan me boy all right what do people that what are people at oh I see someone right down there I think I gotta go for that guy all right bro I'm sorry to say you about to Oh okay that's what that move does I don't even know what that did I'm gonna be honest hey don't run now don't run now get back over here what do you think you run into boom damn it missed I don't know where you think you're running to boy not get nowhere far though yes sir that actually doesn't do that much damage I wish it did burn damage oh oh let me get out of there let me get out of there Fuji not zombie I don't even know what that name's called how did that even hit him that hitbox is wanky let me block yep yep do it instincts instincts PVP instincts kicked in back up back dog what get him he's almost dead he's almost dead we'll only need like one more of them and he's dead this fruit is actually kind of good bro you think you just remember you think about it run the same song bro get him dead awarded a hundred Bonnie yes sir damn that fruit's actually kind of fire I'll take it I'll take it let me make sure I keep that one I can spin off this power for all I care back to spinning we worked our way all the way up to 98 pity two more spins for that pity activates come on okay chop don't really matter we had 99 pity this is the one that I need please please pity kick in Kick in kick it magma definitely not what I needed that's crazy I got a legendary before the pity kicked in still got 5780 more spins though so that's 100 more spins I believe I need to get to that next pity as quick as possible oh I want to punch a wall so bad why magma stop giving me magmas Mother Falcon that marks us at our 99th fruit I need at least a Mythic at least a damn Mythic give me please I don't even care about the title 300 spins for a dart oh my God game all right you know let's buy some more Robux I've officially spent 50 total dollars of Robux what we have 19 217 gems and near 400 spins I think it's far like 450 something like that anyways let's get back to spinning boys magma another light dark just like that another 100 spins of pass we are about to be on our 400th please please please please please please I'm about to lose it I'm about to lose it oh we still got another 200 spins left with the gems no biggie let's just keep going honestly I'm more mad at the amount of time invested than the money you guys don't understand I've spent like three hours spinning and as the Dreadful spinning continued one of Winter's greatest fears had occurred oh my God no no no this is what I was afraid of I just got the rarest Mythic in the damn game the one I wanted was 0.06 let's just go ahead and store that definitely about to get rid of this Phoenix all right let the spinning commence I got hope I got hope let's get that leopard bro let's get that leopard 99 fruit pity I ended up getting a damn Dragon before I even roll 50 continue the luck continue the luck game continue the luck please leopard leopard leopard leopard leopard no I can't even mad we pulled a damn Dragon we pulled a damn Dragon I can't even be mad I literally cannot be mad a speed run through these next 100. oh Quake a legendary this at this Lake how am I getting all of this good stuff but not what I need I mean I can't even keep it I gotta spin it two seconds later oh come on please what what there's no way there's no way I got the new magnet fruit I've got Dragon but I haven't gotten leopard I have to do it man I I don't want to get rid of this magnet I gotta get this extra fruit storage bro here we go boom Another nine thousand and to top it off buy to get another 18 000. there we go oh my God I'm speechless I'm speechless I'm speechless this game's testing me this game is testing me first dragon now though I can't believe it luckily I bought the fruit storage though so now I don't have to reset a doe or a dragon anyways back to the Grind hundreds of spins later winter Spirit began to falter I'm actually starting to lose hope but then he remembered some important words that tools got to be strong that's the only way we're going to get this leopard and so he kept spinning for what fall look forever up until let's go let's go bro we just oh my God oh my God bro this is right after the pity no no way oh it's crazy bro just when I started to lose hope I pulled leopard back to back after pulling the other fruit too so all right let's go ahead close that and let's spawn in now we have to fully master and unlock every single move we have after image combo viral kick it's claw barrage Predators prowl and transform good Target right here let's see after Mitch combo yo that's fire that is he hold up hold up he's got dope what are the chances what are the chances I run into someone who has the 0.05 Mythic boom boom boom boom boom get him get him get him now we gotta start grinding now we gotta start grinding we gotta start killing fools oh my god did that dude just kill me with a one combo gotta start getting my riffs I spent all that time spinning now I gotta spend all this time grinding oh I got some over here got somewhere here let me get in let me get him let me get him huh piece them up piece them up yup yup yup get in that corner get in that corner uh-huh fight back fight back bro fight back follow how am I cool that's about to get off I'm about to hit him with this after image combo boom oh my God y'all fight back dog yo we packing them up yo stop running stop running you ain't going nowhere after Mitch combo boom boom boom boom boom get him get him okay okay bro what why would you give up I want to work for my wins I want to work for it bro why would you just give up like that all right so apparently this game you actually don't need to get kills to actually level up like you see I lose my move and I leveled up so that means it's like very AF cable I took the shot though see if there's anything in here two times the XP just enough to buy this all right bet we buying that two times exp get over here boom boom boom all right after I miss combo got him got him got him oh I ain't doing much damage to him I have air combos in this my fruit after Miss combo get him there get over here get over here get over here not done what you get I'm not done what you get boy I'm not done what you get boy get over here stop running yeah block that block that uh-huh my favorite combo well how did that all Miss do I have to like aim it up at him is that why I didn't miss try to hit me try to hit me oh I blocked it it went through my block though after Mitch combo all right I got him with just the tail end of that didn't do much damage one more hit one more hit get him get him his combo okay I got him I got him double kill double kill yes sir oh we get good at this game bro we got our next move at level 12 we're level nine right now so we almost there just a couple more kills we should get to it this after image combo boom after Mitch combo get that combo get that combo one more combo and oh I'm all combo in them oh my God yo triple kill we a threat bro we a threat at this point no wonder leopard was so rare bro like how good this is oh oh damn that's sad yo you ain't about to do nothing to me boy try to do that again try to use your move again yeah blocked it blocked it I barely hit him with that though I didn't do much damage combo I missed that um level 12 now oh I got spiral kick let's go oh is that Tempest kick but like is leopard basically just like Roku Shiki mixed in with like the transformation where you think you're going where you think you're going this dude is just running for dear life Bros fight me what is you doing oh oh you got yourself in a corner now got yourself in the corner now didn't you oh where did he go did it like fling him over there stop running bro what is you doing this supposed to be a fight not a damn Marathon all right clearly that dude does not want the smoke look at him bro it's a whole clown at this point I have a vendetta bro at this point I have a personal Vendetta against this guy oh look at that snipe look at that snipe uh-huh uh-huh get him get him get give him boom after image combo yes sir oh try to run now try to run now I can't I can't get complete keep running keep running boy who'll keep running I knew why he was running now bro he can't hang with me he can't hang with me all right boys we got our next move at level 36 where Mastery 20 right now this magma is on my cake what no no oh my dough is crazy although I will say leopard is pretty good in PvP so far from what I'm seeing like I'm not even that good at the game and we packing some people up all right boys we're about to get our next move claw barrage let's go ahead and mess around with these fools see what they talk about yo what are you doing why are you just walking casually like like you about to just walk your way out this fight boom got our next move I believe Club runs wait that range is kind of crazy what yo okay things just got serious leopard is a threat after that one bro hold on I see another victim over there let's go ahead and test out our new move on he's got to be foiled okay got him with the with got him with the Tempest kick oh this dude has a lot of hell this this dude this dude has a lot of Health hold 600 Health golly dude oh oh I think we're done I think I think oh my God that that range is insane okay after image combo uh-huh I think we can do it I think we can do it got him got him uh-huh claw barrage get him get him get him get on that wall get on the wall Falls except this kick tip where's my Tempest kick not working tip is kick no no no no no his barrage is better oh my God he had like literally like tripled the amount of Health I had bro there's nothing I could do there if he was around my level I would have clapped him up that's for damn sure we don't got too much more grinding left to go our next move is at 52 and then after that we get the transformation which is 105. hold up now hold up now it's actually starting to get a little difficult to get that exp now look at this I'm gonna use all three of my moves the XP bar hardly goes up bro I might have to look into that AFK thing the next day so I ain't gonna lie I did some AFK grinding overnight the leveling was getting a little difficult so we have all the moves unlocked now let's go ahead and showcase him now we have a Ford move called predator's prowl so let me go ahead and use that real quick oh oh wait a day a minute leopard's half form and it attacks people so this is the first game that I've actually seen like oh a leopard have form oh we got a mode bar at the side too we need to transform here we go here we go and we got it we got it the moment we've all been waiting for transform leopard yo this leopard model looks clean let me check out my moves my moves any different after this combo okay my moves are no different but we do have two of the moves rokagon and ryzen Claw combo what do you think you're going boy where you think you're going you is not getting away from my left here broken down boom oh I missed it I missed it but the animation is sick okay okay we still have one more move we still have one more move which is uh Rising claw combo let's see what that thing's talking about oh what the hell what the heck was this planetary Devastation why is it called combo there it goes damn we killed him just like that it's like a wrestling move or something boom [Music] oh my God yo that's so cool bro we packed up everybody nah leopard fours two op dog that's two op well that was a journey also if you enjoyed watching me play this game and want to see more fruit Battlegrounds content make sure to click this video right there thank you
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 554,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece roblox, roblox one piece, one piece, blox fruits, blox fruit, leopard fruit, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit leopard, leopard fruit blox fruits, roblox blox fruit, leopard, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits update, leopard mythic fruit, leopard fruits, blox fruits codes, blox fruits roblox, blox fruit roblox, 100 leopard fruits, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits tier list, blox fruits 100 leopard, leopard to worst mythical fruit in 24 hours
Id: 1R30MpYhxrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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