I Spent 100 Days in MODDED MINECRAFT with FRIENDS! This is What Happened...

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today's video i spend 100 days in modded minecraft with my best friend sodium so more amazing people will meet later on in the video i spend hours scrounging the internet adding every single newly updated mod i possibly could in minecraft without my pc split and the results were i mean just what is that what yeah i'm scared by the way the goals for today's video are to somehow kill the warden dragon and warden craft a full suit of warden armor build a minecraft city with my friend control movement i also want to kill the evil and very dangerous netherrite monstrosity boss and the ender guardian boss and of course have as much fun as possible for the next 100 days and modified let's go we got a ton of months oh this is going to be so fun whoa yo what's up guys you guys ready for 100 days of modern 1.19 first person to chop a tree is a loser wait i was going to see it hold on all right almost got joe's gotcha we were all so excited to be in this brand new modded minecraft world now keep your words guys it hasn't even been one minute we already got drama oh look at that village i quickly made a pickaxe and began mining s'mores there goes my uh guys i pushed sodi off a cliff oh and it begins baby oh i'm so excited let's go i mean oh no okay you murderer yeah so he definitely wasn't happy about that when he started chasing me and then that's what i saw this what what's this what is this wait wait sony what is that wait pause pause five seriously okay yeah that's not something you see in normal minecraft that's for sure no he got me though oh no what have i done he's got my emblems now and sadly sodi ended up killing me and taking my loot couldn't have gone far where are you oh yeah i was definitely gonna have to get revenge revenge so i met up with some of the other players and i convinced them to attack sodium and that's when we find something absolutely terrible come back sonny oh you're dead what's that spot is spider brood mother whoa what's going on oh it's going for him it's going for tamriel oh no we were barely two days in and there was already other chaos that's how you know this is gonna be a super fun 100 days i got this oh wait that's not the brew mother that's just one of his babies wait i'm getting the emeralds in the iron and i'm going no i somehow survived that giant creeper brood mother we all collected ourselves and then we realized our voice chat mod sounds hilarious when we talking cage [Music] [Music] that was amazing but i didn't feel like starving to death and so we went around a little food on it you need that stuff you know that is a weird looking fish what's up duckies oh they actually fight back oh we ended up finding a village this definitely wasn't a normal village and you'll see later on the villages in this mod pack are extremely well designed super cool and unique and they also have a ton of good loot hey i do love blue two seaters they should be yeah they are racial see if i run over this duck we kept on traveling because we wanted to find a place to begin building the city and as we cross the ocean someone heard something and that something was a giant squeak oh get him get him oh it's a giant squid what the heck oh my gosh you just splatted it it did and hey look another village we've been stealing a ton from these villages you know and so we gathered around and i held a quick church sermon you guys ready for some church have a seat and let the holy spirit be and i said hallelujah thank you jesus for these eggs and the chicken that laid these [Music] after church we uh borrowed just a little more loot from the villagers and continued on the journey to find a nice spot the boys on the road let's go find a place to build oh this piggy wants to get slapped how'd you get a backpack already yep that's me i fell into a huge hole it was kind of cool actually hey look we finally found the perfect spot to build what would eventually become minecraft port city area code two five five six five anyone get that no no all right anyways it was a great spot and we all agreed to work on building a mountain shack community starter base to help us get set up storage thanks we built it ourselves accidentally found the warden yeah he almost took me out that's why i started digging straight yup apparently we built directly above the deep dark where the warden and warden dragon lives that's freaky scary okay i had to go check it out okay but i definitely wasn't ready to attack it so i had to be very careful oh my gosh he was telling me about this okay if i'm ever gonna defeat a warden i'm gonna need to get rich okay strong powerful if you will and so i went on a mining trip with study i found a cool zombie spawner but that's pretty much it once i got back up to the surface it looked like people were making some progress we had a man-made river and some sheep and chicken um okay i yeah i did kill a chicken and blame it on sodium and then this did happen it was sodium you liar get out of here oh yeah sodium honeybee and so i murdered sodium now technically was this all my fault probably anyways i got fitted up in some iron armor oh geez full fitted baby say something for the rest of it looking spicy i just named my bow bowling ball we need to get more house resources so we can finish building our port city oh saudi was poking me yes it was time for us to set out on another adventure who knows what we will discover in this modded reality but we really needed building resources to start building our homes in minecraft port city the two five five six five baby we're not supposed to like drive right over those things right oh apparently i don't play minecraft enough because i forgot those one night ocean thingies give you mining fatigue for practically oh literally it was lasting forever but luckily honeybee was working on some magic and she gave me a special little berry thing and they took away all my potion effects that that's it that was nice axolotl in a bucket so cute around that buddy you're just hopping around as a little bucket did you see these all right i'm gonna build a little town monument right here i started building this miraculous fountain it was going to be the center of our city but then i got distracted and made a diamond pickaxe and sword and enchanted them with the books i borrowed from the village chest i just got an enchanted sword with sharpness three and sweeping edge three oh wow and a diamond thick wow you're swimming i'm swimming like a fish out of water with a little boom boom bippity boppity boom i managed to finish the glorious city fountain i think it's nice there we go hey gentle buddy gold's malleable a little fountain action you know what i'm saying it's now time for a very cool time lapse of me building my house now this isn't just any normal house you'll see this is poor city after all i figured i should make something boat related you know i had this great idea to make a boat rental service straight into my house it was genius really it's pretty cool almost as cool as the dolphin poop of found swimming in the boathouse the dolphin in the boat oh it's now on the other side having a good time we need to name it i have a nametag i had always wanted a pet dolphin you know seems cool and so i decided to name the dolphin after subscriber named oj who left a very nice comment on my last video thank you oj oh what's up oj i was pretty much done with my house but other people were still working on their builds and i saw that there were these modded base protection turrets that's right turrets nice there we go i got one the first turret all right where should i put it there it is it's got one sniping turret all right i'm just gonna make a bunch and add them all over the town yeah they seemed way too cool for me not to build and so i did not not build them i built them they were they were super cool they were insane actually check it out um in that case oh it's working oh my gosh that was sick it was amazing wait you can throw like any item oh my god we also realized you could literally chuck your items across the map by holding q oh no it came back oh it went into your inventory you can literally have a food fight let's play hot potato i got i got bread that works on my forehead potato hot potato good times well everyone was pretty much done with the outsides of their builds so it was time for a community tour let's check them out you guys ready to take a look around yeah yeah who's house should we look at first um well this way it's my little secret i don't know what you call it i wouldn't say it's a dungeon shiny we're gonna ignore the inside right now look at this inside am i right guys beautiful wow nice look at the view from here this is sick who's next i guess i am all right let's go see all right let's go golden farm go take a look a lot of animals i like it modern naked sheep here dog perhaps a little inhumane farming but you know holy that the bottom storage space what's that boom going on do you guys hear these explosions yeah i hear it i just don't know where it's coming from it's here i don't know about this one oh what do you got in the attic don't no one read this book okay no one read it gold's book do not read you really thought i would leave a book in the open dang yep and that's the face i think it's a nice house what are you guys doing how many dudes can you fit on a boat all right who's next ace gaming check out your place yeah sure now she ain't much to look at but hey man you know you killed enough villages you get a lot of emeralds wait what hey yo everybody click it everybody click it how fast can we get it right moon you go first we have officially broken minecraft it's going so fast we're going to the future boys hold on has anyone seen moon all right on to the next pumbaa who's is this this place this is my i like it it's not finished yeah this will be the let's go let's go with the pop theme i thought the lighthouse could look over everything oh i like that very good this is a pretty cool view oh oh oh what what happened murder well let's take a look at inventory while we can only couple cookies as we were checking out everyone's bills something took over me i just saw some arson go down oh no i think actually my dog or something hopped on my computer for a second and somehow took a flint steel and actually lit tamriel's house on fire um but i'm not exactly sure the details of what exactly happened if i'm being dishonest anyways it was just a little larson you know totally harmless and then uh golden side he was going to murder me oh he's trying to kill me oh no he killed me that's it grab that guy hey get out of my inventory oh oh oh he killed me for no reason i mean you did do a little bit of arsenal well is killing me gonna solve anything because now i want to do even more arses wait a minute i'll be back by the way totally unrelated wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it was true i wanted to do more arson it just you know just just a little bird oh no wait that's way too fast that's way too fast i didn't mean it i didn't beat it you got deserved it it's all going how'd this baby chicken get here you're not supposed to throw chickens at people i'm sorry okay i forgive you i'm missing a house yeah true let's go out let's go take a look at my house yeah guys follow me this is the boat station all right check it out come in here you get your boat and then you take down the trapdoor and you sail away pretty cool up here there is tons of stuff going on up here actually wow it's so busy i know i showed everyone my house it was great and well now that we had officially built the city we needed some government right and so we all agreed to hold elections it was chaos hilarious but chaos fellow 100-day players we are here today to vote for a leader but i say no to leaders wait let him speak let him speak come on guys beetroot thank you pumbaa these lands were disgusting when i came here i built a beautiful waterfall so basically guys i have done slightly above bare minimum and i think i should be the brutal dictator of it that concludes my speech tamriel potato if i become king i promise to all the subjects that everything will be not free i hate tea awesome tea party anyone i am not interested i have one word cookies yeah i will give everyone free cookies for the end of time [Music] all right josh let's see what you gotta say i'm so nervous all right i excuse me listen there's one thing that binds us that's it i'm killing them all and my first order of business will be to shove golden king in a dungeon he cannot escape all right i said we play all right guys we will meet back here tomorrow place your votes by tomorrow at 12 a.m and then we'll see who's the winner we finished our speeches and it was time for everyone to vote i decided to step up and put myself in charge of the voting system you know just to make sure there's nothing fishy going on you know and so everything would run smoothly like butter babies everyone placed their voting if you placed your vote in stand in a line eventually everyone placed their votes and it was time to see who would win mayor of port city looks like i got four out of five guys four out of five look at that it looks like i want i won everyone must have liked my speech listen everyone simmer down it looks like i'm your leader now so everyone needs to respect me everyone seems so happy that i was the leaders super happy well except for gold you guys remember when he killed me trying to kill me king you're sentenced to five days out of jail never take me alive get him guys arrest him instead of doing the right thing and just doing the time in jail goldman on the run hold on i'm gonna go talk to him and go talk to him hey so here's the thing buddy you can run all you want or i gave him one more chance to turn himself in and he denied you'll you'll see what happens josh you'll see all right i wish you luck no i wish you luck you're gonna need it oh i don't need a lot oh you need luck you need sheer luck well he chose his path i didn't wanna have to do this so i called the town meeting and i set up a search and defense group i'm gonna destroy you basically it was what he said i think he's threatening our whole town i don't really know if anyone's saying it gets worse next thing i know he have like sodium on the inside by any chance i i mean i hope not i didn't even think about that he's walking through the town with tnt what yeah we caught him all of us what hey he's not he's making our viewers yep apparently ace was a traitor it honestly broke my heart we started chasing ace and the next thing we know gold comes back to defend ace oh gold's coming in ciao guys ace you have a chance to to spill the beans or else you're going you're going in the jail with them ace run for it oh my gosh help guys i don't have anything i don't have anything we were outnumbering them but i only had nine shovels and so i did my best to just whack them i mean shovels do kind of hurt i mean i wouldn't want to get hit by one no i'm saying just like bomb oh i got him the shovel worked but man do i miss my enchanted diamond sword so he's so graciously uh launched into the ocean anyways i stole some of gold's loot and uh it looks like he surrendered you got him boys we surrendered jail bring him to jail guys i made an obsidian jail for gold and put char char in charge i promise i i didn't plan that i had to love around the base of the jail to secure it even more and then i took a quick trip to get some supplies and ended up finding and taming this dog up but once i got back to the city i i couldn't believe what i saw a second where's where's gold wait what no but where's charger who's guarding him wait how do you escape there's no there's no blocks missing yep he was gone but how and where i had no idea but i immediately called the town everyone hey everyone tell me tell me what's going on what happened yo guys gold's gone come look look what what do you mean he's gone who was unlocked charger was i don't know where he is oh my gosh dude gold sword he was gonna come back and do something real bad i don't know what that means but what do we do i don't know with gold out on the loose and ace potentially being a traitor it seemed like the next best option was to gear up as much as possible so we all headed into the mines in search of diamonds you know those shiny all right guys i'm doing this for you okay are you jumping down you're gonna try a water bucket i betcha get into that diamonds first you hear me this is when i hit one of the best quick scopes in minecraft history look at this [Laughter] i've literally replayed this clip like 50 times already nice after messing around though we got to mining i felt a lot safer mindling in these creature-infested caves now that we had a group of people in mind for a very long time and we got a bunch of diamonds but the goal was to get everyone full diamond gear and we needed more diamonds and so we decided to try to set up a villager farm to trade up and get diamond gear okay i can't find the footage so i guess i didn't record the part where we went and stole the villagers from their village and set up the farm but it took us way longer than expected but it was definitely worth it we were able to get some great gear which was perfect because we were about to fight our first boss the nether right monstrosity this sounds terrifying right that's because it is this thing is strong but if you kill it it drops a special weapon we turned the jail into another portal and after ace gave us a pre-battle speech to hype us up we entered the nether we didn't know exactly where the netherright monstrosity spawned all we knew was that it was in the nether and it looked like it had blackstone for wolves we searched the piglen thingy i hate i don't know what it's called it wasn't there it wasn't that we also ran it to another fortress but it wasn't there either but we did see a flying piglen that's right a flying piglet which was confusing but a pleasant surprise very well i never thought i'd see the day pigs fly then eventually we found the nether right monstrosity oh my gosh it's getting uh it's waking up it's waking up oh my god the battle was intense he was using this i've never seen before oh he's shooting laughs at me oh no oh no i need blocks i need blocks [Music] he's attacking me whoa oh no i'm on fire get it get it let's go we did it and i got his special weapon the infernal force i got the infernal forge hammer what yo this thing's huge of course i had to test it on my buddies purely for scientific reasons only oh yeah it was sick and not only does it have a special attack but it also has infinite durability i enchanted the infernal forge it kind of got robbed and then aced one to show me something i think you're ready for this josh you're ready for this oh my god how in the world did you already get that right yeah there was a monistal that makes piglets sometimes drop ancient debris so this dude already got a full nether right army what in the world and that's when i realized i could combine his nether right helmet with the monstrous horn i got from the nether right monstrosity bus and turn it into a monstrous helmet which also has infinite durability nice you look cool i gave the helmet to ace and the next day he was nice enough to give me enough netherright to upgrade my own diamond armor i officially had full nether i was looking sick with the infernal forge i'm ready to fight some wardens i felt like we were finally strong enough to go hunting the warden and warded dragon yeah at least i think we all headed into the deep dark and i had absolutely no idea what to expect but i definitely did not expect this oh these noises are creepy whoa i can't see oh no oh no i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die guys one hit i'm one hit i'm one hit i'm one hit i'm one hit i'm one hit no attack let's go guys one wait where yep he's getting out the ground oh no oh he's going for me he's going for me oh he got me yep that thing got me i couldn't believe how powerful they were like super powerful we eventually found out a good tactic using shields and hunted enough wardens and warden dragons so i could finally craft the warden armor and let me tell you this it looks sick i feel so good next thing i know pumbaa called the town meeting i didn't know what was going on what's up my my fellow friends it has been a darn pleasure adventuring with you killing the warden what's going on pumbaa i am sad to announce that i must leave you and find adventure elsewhere out in the ether goodbye my friends i will always remember you oh [Music] to take care of in the heavens business involving a spatula odd but understandable we were nearing the end of our 100-day journey but we still had a very important goal to complete defeating the ender guardian boss and so we set off to find the end stronghold he's behind the tree all right let's dig down huh i mean yeah that works could all die in lava at any moment now i'm in oh yeah all right there's an end boss in the end that we also need to kill now oh it's right here all right guys it's been a great 100 days so y'all all right guys it's been a great 100 days so far the survivors the remaining all we gotta do is defeat this dragon in the emboss and we'll be victorious oh yeah let's do it we jumped into the portal and warped into the end before we could find the ender guardian boss first we had to take out the ender dragon all right guys keep your shovels close and your publish didn't even close soon let's do it ender blaze what is this oh wait that thing almost killed me okay we have to deal with thunder blazes too what oh sorry died no oh come on yes we can shoot it now let's go oh yeah here we go oh he's taking damage oh oh sorry to get no oh get wrecked fire boys is always dead come on we're kidding aside from sodium a couple times we were able to take out the dragon oh my gosh that's sick we did it free xp baby we regrouped and began our search for the enderguardian boss and there it was oh my gosh he's strong it's the big boy oh get up oh my ears deflected oh no oh no what's happening the floor's moving oh no oh he's mad at you sodium oh sorry man come on he's almost a half oh no saudi guy i'll avenge you died come on guys let's go get it yes we did it whoa oh god of the guards yes we did it and i got a special weapon nice we headed back home to where it all started and celebrated a great 100 days with some fireworks what a beautiful city good job everyone i hope you enjoyed i'm josh and v subscribe for more videos
Channel: Joshemve
Views: 1,192,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, minecraft hardcore, 100 days hardcore, 100 days in hardcore minecraft, 100 days harcore trios, 100 days in hardcore modded minecraft, 100 days mc, survival challenge minecraft, minecraft with friends, 100 days with friends, 100 days minecraft hardcore with friends, 100 days hardcore trios challenge, modded minecraft, 100 days mc best video, minecraft 100 days, all the mods 6, 100 days in minecraft, dragonfire, 100 days dragonfire, modded 1.19, 100 days 1.19
Id: Z5DUNwMyg84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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