I Spent 100 Days in ARK Modded with New Dinosaurs [Dramatised Story]

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hey everyone zedfast here and in this video i'm going to be trying to survive 100 days of ark survival evolved modded with new dinosaurs the mod pack that i'll be using adds hundreds of new high quality donors that still manage to coexist perfectly with ark's original creatures these dinosaurs include new friendly herbivores different types of raptors apex carnivores and so much more in this video i plan on discovering new ecosystems taming as many new dinosaurs as i can slaying some bosses and just trying to survive in this new modded world i hope you all enjoy watching as i try to survive 100 days of ark survival evolved modded with new dinosaurs on day one i work on the shores of valgrero i admired the scenery and then began harvesting berries and fiber from some bushes i then collected some stones punched a tree and made a pickaxe with the new pickaxe i harvested some thatch and wood from some more trees and harvested some stone and flint by destroying some rocks i crafted a hatchet some spears and a cloth hat after some more harvesting i found a wild pinacosaurus what is this can i it says i can snuggle oh i can tame this thing what i tame it by snuggling it once he tamed i named him peanut unfortunately i couldn't ride him yet because his saddle had to be learned at level 40. later i made myself some more clothing and when it became night i started making myself a small thatch house on day two i finished placing the foundations and walls of my house and i placed down a campfire i then went looking for some creatures to kill so that i could cook some meat in my new campfire i came across a small herbivore called a zuni ceratops it seemed pretty weak so me and peanut started attacking him it was going well until he started shooting poisonous darts into me and then another zunicerotops came into the battle thanks to peanut i was able to finish off both of them and i was able to harvest lots of meat i also got a lot of hide back at my small base i started cooking the meat i then made a storage box to throw some stuff into i also made a set of hide armor some bowlers a bow and some arrows then i made a mortar and pestle split all of my meat so that it would spoil quicker and then i made some narcotics in the mortar and pestle using the spoiled meat and naca berries day three i crafted some trunk arrows using the arrows and narcotics i then went looking for another dinosaur to tame i came across a parasol followed it shot lots of trank arrows into its face but then it ran away and i lost it i found a head of pinakosauruses well there's so many so many of them and some sort of alpha herbivore that was glowing red it scared me so i avoided it then i found another parasol and i managed to knock this one out i put some measure berries in its inventory and he soon became mine i named him leonard i crafted a parasol saddle and read my first creature of this new world then we harvested lots of berries and thatch on day 4 i didn't do much i just made a forge harvested metal from some river stones smelted the metal and then made a smithy and metal tools i then harvested lots of berries with leonard kyoto for yemiya for her meat spoiled all the meat and then made hundreds of narcotics i also made a handheld torch and put up two standing torches to provide light during night time day five i crafted a metal pike and a crossbow with these new weapons i was able to easily kill a fiomil without the help of leonard i then found a pteranodon that was about to land after missing my first bowler i trapped it with my second one knocked him out and put me in its inventory then i checked the requirements for crafting a tyrannodont settle and saw that i needed lots of keratin so i then tried to kill as uniceratops with the help of peanut and leonard but things went horribly wrong during the fight we accidentally hit a pair of ankh theosauruses and they were much stronger than the zuni sarah tops was you stuffed everything up leonard i was extremely close to dying and the night was also freezing so my health dropped even lower but luckily i managed to just survive leonard don't die okay i killed thank you oof killed it leonard was also extremely close to dying because no matter how many times i told him to stop fighting he would just keep going in okay leonard just stay here okay a no of my thought shot was also destroyed and of course there was the corner where i had all my things at least i got lots of keratin from harvesting the zuni and anki corpses and the pteranodon that i knocked out before had tamed during the battle i named him morin in the morning of day six i repaired my little thatch hut i then killed another enki to get some more keratin to make my taranidon settle after i killed the enki and alpha nazi turcerotops came out of nowhere oh there's a what the heck what i then found a group of babies uniceratops i had to passively feed them to tame them and it took forever is that another baby there's another baby on day seven i finally finished taming one of the baby zunis and i named him zuzi okay he is growing before my eyes he is getting very big wow okay primitive zuni sarah top saddle nice look at him i made a saddle and tried to ride at home when i saw that the alpha nazi terceratops was walking around my thatch hut luckily it didn't seem aggressive to my teams i was getting bored of waiting for it to leave so i approached it and it didn't try to kill me anymore i guess it only attacked me if it saw me attacking other herbivores i also found a massive fish which was interesting what the heck is that what is that what is that what is what is going on that is a giant fish there's a giant fish here on the early morning of day eight i rode warren the tyranidon for the first time getting all that keratin was definitely worth it then i tested zuzi's abilities properly okay left click is it a headbot nice right click okay right click he sniffs the ground control okay control your shoot starts i just shot the parasol my bad it was an accident with warren i explored the land around me oh there's a calicotherium guy right there okay this place is interesting oh so there's like a redwood forest here what is that thing okay there's a lot of interesting creatures in here oh nice metal and obsidian okay i guess i may as well harvest this and i'm getting anthra anthracite i have no idea what anthocy is that is a lot of metal whoa what is that what is that oh it's a it's a acrocanthosaurus look at him he's so big that is an apex carnivore right there when day nine came around i was a high enough level to make a saddle for peanut but i needed lots of keratin again i tried killing some more zunis but the alpha nazito came charging at me again and i almost died this time almost losing warren too the alpha thing is there you okay it definitely gets angry if it sees me attacking her before i led the nazi tercerotops away from my island and to a dangerous tundra island where i hoped it would die i also found a giant baryonyx looking thing now i was able to kill a bunch of zunis with warren also the massive fish died somehow so i harvested and got lots of fish meat on day 10 i killed some more zunis with the help of zuzu and peanut and finally got enough keratin to make peanut saddle i also got a zuni ceratops chibi which i crypt and named zayn finally riding peanut was great he had lots of health did good damage was able to harvest stone flint and middle really well he could also harvest wood batch and berries day 11 i harvested lots of [ __ ] berries and metal with peanut i used knuckleberries to make more narcotics and use the metal to make flak armor i also made a cooking pot and made some red and black dye using tinto berries naca berries waterskins and charcoal then i used a pair of scissors and used it with a dye to turn my hair into my iconic red mohawk and beard but it would take a few days for it to grow out day 12 i dyed my flak armor to be red and black i now looked like the proper zetfiles i then made three more forges and placed them outside my thatch building with four forges i could now smelt metal at four times the speed i also crafted a long neck rifle and made hundreds of spark powder on day 13 i made two more mortar and pistols i could now make spark powder in one while at the same time making narcotics in the other while the third one made gunpowder i also expanded the refining forge part of my base so i now had eight forges running at the same time this gave me lots more metal and lots of charcoal then me and peanut went and harvested more metal we accidentally hit a pair of stiggers while harvesting but there were no match for the mighty peanut day 14 i made cementing paste which i used to make a personal grave this grave allowed me to easily recover the stuff from my corpse whenever i died by just pressing e on it then me and warren flew to the redwood forest again and we found some new creatures he seems friendly what is this it's so big edmontosaurus we then also came across some pasta circus nests on day 15 i hatched the three pasta circus eggs and with one of them i got twins on my fourth poster circus i got 100 imprinting so she got a 30 damage boost and 30 incoming damage reduction these guys were carnivorous pack creatures so i finally got my first hunting diners i named them pacho pechi pechi and parchi bachi was the leader of the pack since i was able to imprint on her let's see how quickly we can kill this guy oh my goodness we annihilated him we killed him so quickly okay this is great these guys are amazing day 16 was hunting day for me and my pack of pasta circuses i was now confident enough to kill the annoying salter sources that kept running all over my base we got lots of meat prime meat hyde and keratin on this day we also got some oil element dust scrap metal and electronics from killing some tech power source i spent day 17 flying around with warren to find crystal so that i could make a super spy glass we explored the tundra area a lot where there were lots of dangerous creatures like the uterineness who scared warren out of control we eventually found a lot of crystal and headed back home on day 18 i made the super spy glass now i can see the stats of everything like my own creatures and also wild ones i also made a water jar and lots of bullets and shrink darts for day 19 i looked long and hard for a high level rg i found a level 140 but it got itself killed by a couple of mammoths and a ud i avenged him by killing the two mammoths with the warren's barrel rolls i found another allergy stuck in a rock i broke her out eventually knocked her unconscious but then she got killed by a connor no way no way no way for day 20 i found another level 140 rg i managed to knock her out and friday prime meet while she was taming audi came pretty close which was very scary once she tamed i named her bernadette and flew her back to the base and made her a saddle on days 21 and 22 me and bernadette begin our journey to fly around the entire map of valgrero i wanted to find out what biomes were on this map see some new creatures and also find a location that i could make my permanent base while exploring the tundra area i found a water canteen from a yellow supply drop in the redwood forest i found lots of new herbivores i found chimerasauruses and a head of tarosauruses they were getting killed by something called an enos tran silvia i also found a group of little europa sources and a massive brachiosaurus i then came across a massive abandoned fortress i marked the spot as a possible base location while exploring on day 23 i heard an extremely loud screaming noise while i was flying over some mountains the noise came from a giant had ziggy objects a flying apex carnival i flew away as fast as i could hoping it wouldn't notice me as day 24 began i entered the right cliff spine a beautiful biome with white and green terrain and a large variety of creatures i found a flat area of land and marked it as a possible base location i then snuck my way into a dynamicist nesting area i then found some little herbivorous dinosaurs called salidosauruses okay i'm sorry i have to shoot you okay oh he's he attacks me no passive we're still passive if i'm alone if i'm alone harji got to sleep okay nice i got him he's unconscious he's eating the berries oh he damned already raj hello raj he's so small it's crazy how small he is and he's so cute oh i can pick him up oh look at that he's just riding on my back now on day 25 i came across a creature called an andrew sarkis at first i thought he was aggressive but it turned out that he was friendly i tamed him by passively feeding him measure berries and prime meat i named him andrew and tested his abilities okay it's pretty fast very fast actually uh let's see can it jump okay it can jump you can bite you can do a swipe it can raw but it can harvest you can harvest the fiber this is the best creature ever andrew is too powerful yeah good job andrew we killed it day 26 i found some giant beavers and beaver hearts i stole the cementing pace from them and flew away i then came across the jungle and found some really weird creatures called elephantosauruses i began teaming them but was rudely interrupted what is that no i'm leaving i'm leaving no no i'm gonna die i'm gonna die what is that what is that what is that no no no no no no no this can't be happening no i died i died back on connect i didn't even know i spawned at my thatch hut used the personal grave to recover my stuff repaired my flak armor and took warren to go look for bernadette and raj while i was flying i was chased by two giant bird looking things luckily i could just outrun them i spent all of day 27 looking for bernadette and raj i eventually found them and luckily neither of them died he's there he's there he's there he's there he's there he's there he's there he's right there come on warren warren follow me warren what are you doing get up here okay when i got everyone back home i made the dyno tracker device which let me see the locations of where all of my creatures were and gave me directions when i wanted to find them then i explored the map again but this time i explored with warren rather than bernadette because he was much faster day 28 was a sad day while exploring more of the redwood forest i got passed and killed by a thylakolya [Music] no way no get off me get off okay finally and i'm gonna die when i got back to where i died barrage was killed no raj was killed raj died luckily warren was still safe though on day 29 i accidentally attained the pegamastax which i left unnamed because i did not want him what a loser then i tamed another celidosaurus and named it raj too then i discovered a snow biome and it was freezing luckily i bought some food armor to keep me warm and there was a nice looking dinosaur that's bad at me i dodged it spit just in time i don't even know what would have happened if it hit me day 30 i found a large body of water that led to a waterfall that led towards the massive lake that was in the middle of the map i also found a large sauropod called an apatosaurus i could tell it was quite powerful just by watching it from afar later in the day i arrived back at my thatchbase it was time for me to choose a new base location looking at the two possible base locations that i marked on my map i decided to go with living in the white cliffs since the redwoods was extremely dangerous next i began packing up my most important resources and items in bernadette's inventory and began transporting them to the new base location most of day 31 was just more base moving but i did find a small pack of astroraptors and tamed some of them but they're really weak so they immediately got killed by some duos day 32 was more base moving and i now had all of my resources items bernadette and warren at the new base on day 33 i killed myself so that i could respawn at my thatch hot i then recovered my inventory and said goodbye to peanuts leonard and susan they were way too slow to bring to the new base but i did bring my pack of pasta circuses because they were pretty fast on day 34 i tamed a new pinakosaurus since they are great harvesters i named him walnut for the rest of the day i harvested lots of stone as i would need it to make my new base day 35 i tamed a parasol i tamed him because i thought he'd be useful for gathering wood but then i realized it would be quicker if i just gathered wood with my middle hatchet so i named him woops and then found a dinosaur called a cintel sauce which was like a mini power saw he was a passive team and i named him tatsu he was good at harvesting berries and had some cool abilities you can bite you can roar well that just did a ability ah so this lets me find dangerous creatures and stuff oh and i run faster too i think on the early morning of day 36 i found and teamed another oscar raptor this time i was able to make a saddle and ride it before anything killed it i named her ally ally was a fantastic simmer had lots of attacks chessa had very bright colors and while i was with her a rainbow appeared behind us then i found another andrew sarkis i tamed it using some muddin that i got from killing sheep and i named him andy andy was extremely fast and powerful he would be my main mount from now on on day 37 i went chopping down lots of trees and i began to build my new house day 38 included more house building day 39 included even more house building until i decided to go look for a giant beaver to team so that i could harvest wood more quickly day 40 i found a max level bieber i kidnapped him from his family brought him to a beach and knocked him out the bieber finished taming on day 41 and i named him howard then i went back to howard's old home and murdered his family so i could steal all of their cementing paste i got hundreds of cementing paste and thousands of wood i spent day 42 building more of my house day 43 i finished building the structure of my house i know it looks bad i'm not a good builder okay shut up then i began adding things to the inside of my house i put down some storage boxes smithy preserving bin to store my spoilables a forge and a fabricator day 44 i knocked down an enkei made some gasoline started making some jerky in the preserving bin and made a feeding trough so that all of my creatures could eat from it and not starve to death day 45 the anki finished taming and i named him alan i needed an anki so that i could carry it to the mountains with bernadette and harvest lots of metal walnut was too big for it to carry then me bernadette allen and rosh too went to some mountains and harvested thousands of metal on day 46 we went to the massive lake to harvest some oil and crystal from the ocean floor ellen was surprisingly a great swimmer even though he looked so heavy while we were swimming we suddenly got attacked by some massive fish the fish grabbed allen and swim away then another fish came and grabbed me and i didn't die from the fish itself but instead died because i couldn't breathe underwater yeah i'm dead game over no the next day i respawned made a personal grave and recovered my stuff then me and andy ran as fast as we could back to where alan was when i arrived alan was still being grabbed by the fish so i bit the fish with andy and then let go then i got allen to safety i just realized how weird this sounds out of context imagine a guy called ellen still being grabbed by a fish and then another guy called andy biting the fish so he would let go of ellen i was even able to save raj 2 and killed one of the fish then i went back to harvesting oil and saw this massive fish snake looking thing look at it it's so fast it's attacking the manta it is so scary once i got 1500 oil i went back to base on day 48 i checked if i had enough materials to make an industrial forge only crystal 2 500 metal i set up eight refining forges three inside and five outside and put metal in all of them while i waited for the metal to smelt i began working on placing gates around my base perimeter i continued making my base the next day and then the sky became orange which was cool then a raptor attacked raptor raptor and this is why we need a perimeter okay passive i then realized that i would need a lot more stone to make my perimeter and since walnut and ellen harvested more flint than they did stone i started taming a dodicarus on day 50 the dodicarus was attacked by some raptors luckily bernadette killed them but the dodicarus was almost dead and the teaming effectiveness was now super low she later teamed and i named her dora and then harvested lots of stone award we are now 50 days into this amazing journey and also at the halfway point of this video so now would probably be a good time to go get a drink and some food and if you haven't already don't forget to give this video a like and subscribe to the channel and [Music] here's a random clip from a cartoon that i used to watch when i was younger it is called diner squad i spent all of day 51 building the perimeter and i finished it on day 52 and i had a massive chunk of the my cliffs as my base i have blocked off this massive section it goes all the way around oh this is my base and my house is here and then the other sec the other side of the perimeter is here on day 53 i saw that i still needed 500 more metal ingots until i could make an industrial forge so in the meantime i went to get electronics as i need them to make my chemistry bench a good way to get electronics was to hunt and harvest tech creatures i then found andrew the andrew sarkis that i tamed on day 25 and apparently he was actually a female so i changed her name to andrett day 54 i used the fabricator for the first time to craft some more electronics because i didn't get enough from my hunting adventures and i now finally had enough metal to make an industrial forge it's so big that is crazy it gives so much lighting okay let's see inside oh it's making it makes one charcoal every second from this wood i'm never going to need charcoal ever again this will just make so much and it smells trini metal at a time okay this was definitely worth it day 55 i made the chemistry bench so that i could now cook up large quantities of drugs i then made a generator to power the chemistry bench along with other things that i would soon get i then connected a bunch of wires and outlets to the generator then i began making thousands of gunpowder and hundreds of narcotics i then crafted hundreds of simple rifle ammo day 56 i made an industrial grill so that i could cook meat faster then i made another preserving win so that i could make jerky faster as well at night i harvested lots of metal day 57 i made a fridge where i kept my spoilables then i harvested lots of knocker braids with andy and made thousands of narcotics in the chemistry bench with those narcotics i then made hundreds of tranq darts day 58 i was almost ready to go taming lots of new dinosaurs but i first needed to make an air conditioner area of my house so that i could hatch any new eggs that i would get to make air conditioners i needed more celica pills so that i could make more electronics so i took alley and went exploring in the massive lake on the way we killed some jellyfish and got their biotoxin a very powerful type of narcotic underwater exploring soon became very boring because i had to keep up coming for air like all the time so i made a scuba tank we then found the silica pearl jackpot i got thousands of silica pills there are still more of them on the ground but a bunch of manta rays came to attack so we had to leave day 59 i made and placed nine air conditioners i then hatched the dinocus eggs that i got way back on day 24 when they grew up i named them feather and fluff on the dawn of day 60 i tried out the dinocuses they were very fast could climb up to rain and even managed to climb onto and kill an allosaurus but after the fight fluff was extremely close to dying later i was harvesting some keratin and a very very sad thing happened ally was killed by raptors i avenged her by killing the raptors early no no i spent all of day 61 building the greenhouse i built it on the beach so that i could get water easily day 62 i finished building the greenhouse set up the irrigation system and planted seeds into all of the crop plots i was now also a high enough level to craft shocking crank darts which were much more pertinent than regular trunk darts day 63 i found a ridden turbine from a red supply drop it was too heavy for warren to carry so i just put it here my first crops had grown i then went out to look for a new aquatic creature to team so that i could harvest toxin more easily which would let me tame some larger dinosaurs instead of finding an aquatic creature i found a miniature therazino looking dinosaur and it was called a segnosaurus she was taking a while to team and apparently her favorite food was honey so i went to look for some honey while looking for honey on day 64 i found tons of new creatures instead first i found a family of amp for coyotes i sneakily fed the baby some raw mutton and then picked her up and flew away from the parents after she matured i found out i couldn't ride her without a saddle so i just left her in a safe spot and i would come back later before flying off i named her anna i then found a group of hippos and these tiny herbivores called cytokosauruses and i started taming one of them i then throw a massive creature called a dynasty is that what is that what is that it's huge it's massive dinochirus two of them actually they looked insanely powerful i finished taming the cyticosaurus and named it city then i began flying back home to drop him off it turned out cydia passively made sidicosaurus binds in his inventory which i could combine with stone arrows to make them venomous and then tested it on an allosaurus 30 damage oh and it gets poisoned you can see damage numbers on him now okay he is attacking me on day 65 while i was making my way back to anna i saw asukamaimus fighting and allosaurus it was pretty fun to watch and then a large dinosaur started chasing me very scary and then i found this cool looking bridge and then i woke up a gollum which was even more scary than that dinosaur from before then i looked over the beautiful wycliffe's bio eventually i got back to anna and i decided to change her name to lucy because for some reason i did not like the name anna i tested out lucy's abilities she has a bite a claw a roar i saw some dinosaurs called niger sources and a platyosaurus and then i started going back to base day 66 i jumped off a massive height but with my professional arc skills i managed to survive when i got back to base i checked andy's inventory and he had somehow gotten sega lilies using these sega lilies i would be able to finally team in nazito ceratops but first i wanted to try and tame one of those giant dinocyrus dinosaurs in order to tame them i needed to passively feed them something called crop blend another thing i needed in order to tame it was a red panda because apparently the dynacaris would be aggressive without it so i started looking for a red panda my search continued on day 67 and i was now in the jungle in the jungle i found a funny looking lima thing and then i found what looked like a red panda but it was actually something called a binturong i tamed him named him baxter and swapped him out with rash too then i used the dynatracker device to see if there's a red panda nearby and there was i quickly followed the directions they gave me and then i saw him the majestic red panda i fought off some compies and insects then tamed the little panda i named him master shifu i swapped him out for baxter and made my way home to make some cropland on the dawn of day 68 i made some cropland at dino cairo saddle and made my way back to the jungle i found a level 130 female down on carys she was very hurt though and in a fight with an amphicaion she entered the fight by chucking it into the sky she then fell down a waterfall and i had to follow her i swim through the water fed her some cropland and teamed her on day 69 i named her doris and tested her abilities so it has left click which is like a little swipe it has right click well i just did a mess i just stunned that thing behind me oh no this thing's attacking me now it did [ __ ] look how much damage it does this thing is so powerful oh he can do like a hug oh and then he does a raw i also found on my diner tracker that there was a level 150 male dynacaris around and if i tamed him i'd be able to breed the two dynacarses and have an army of them so i left doris in a safe place and flew back to base carrying raj 2. day 70 i made more crop blend and went back to the jungle again to find the other dino charis i found a level 150 male and started taming him but then the worst thing possible happened he saw warren and warren was not close enough to me and master shifu so he didn't have the cuddle buddy buff the dynacarros attacked warren and i got caught in the attack but luckily i didn't die i was just stunned and then later he saw warren again and i got caught in one of his attacks again as well off my armor broke and i was sent flying into the air but i somehow managed to survive but he was still relentlessly attacking warren and when i tried to whistle warren to fly away the dino cars no longer trusted me and sent me flying one last time day 71 i flew back to the jungle with bernadette and luckily master shifu and warren were still alive i looked for the dino charis again and eventually found him in a nice lake area he still wasn't hungry so i had to keep waiting and while i was waiting i saw a raptor nearby so i knocked it out with my shocking shrink darts since it was easier than trying to kill him then i tamed the raptor because why not and i gave him the animated raptor costume that i had been carrying around for 71 days i finally finished taming the dino charis on day 72 and named him dwight then i took everyone back to base i then named the raptor absorber day 73 i swapped master shifu out for baxter was a much more useful shoulder pet because he had the ability to decrease the food bar of wild creatures which would be very helpful with taming then i did lots of hunting with dwight and doris and these guys were so powerful they were definitely stronger than rex's they were also extremely fast had good stamina and good weight then i found a cymous horse which i wanted to tame when i was approaching him an arizona soros started chasing me i tried to use an uppercut to send him flying away from me because i wanted to tame him later but i accidentally killed him then i fed the cyanosaurus some biotoxin got him tamed brought him to my greenhouse and named him stanley day 74 i made some flippers and then stanley and i explored the massive lake we hunted some jellyfish and got lots of biotoxin apparently stanley could harvest silica pills so we got 5000 of them day 75 i found a narwhal all i needed to do to tame him was to give him one piece of mutton he also didn't even need a saddle to be ridden it was kind of slow and pretty weak but he still managed to outrun megalodon and i named him kevin one of the good things about him was that he could automatically create oil in his inventory then i prepared to tame a new flyer an ornithocyrus it was the same creature that chased me and warren on day 26 i made some stone gates fence foundations wolves and bear traps and then i went to look for one day 76 i found a giant sea turtle fighting some megalodon and i also found an alpha ornithocaris it was impossible to tame an alpha so i just left it alone finally i found a normal onythicis which was hunting some pelogonis i started making my [ __ ] nearby the first ornithocaris i found got itself killed by attacking some nazito stereotops day 77 i found another only third chirus but it was too annoying to get into the trap and started attacking a celtasaurus i shot lots of tracks into it while i was fighting but then it started attacking the nazi triceratops then i had the idea to go get dwight kill all of the herbivores in the area and then use him to tank the oni while i cranked it day 78 i found the third orni i brought it to dwight and i almost got it knocked out but then it flew away i chased after it with warren but i couldn't find it anywhere for the rest of the day i flew all over the lake looking for more of them but i don't find a single one day 79 i found another orni but it was right next to the alpha one which had now flown to shore so i killed it with dwight it was much weaker than i thought it was after killing some nearby herbivores that were distracting it i started knocking it out i got extremely close to knocking it out but then it started flying away i spent the rest of the day chasing it with dwight but eventually it flew high up into the redwoods and he was gone day 80 i found my fifth orni and this time i tried to get it to fly into a bear trap i think it was glitched or something because it kept on flying through the trap when i almost knocked this one out it flew away again i was so angry later i found another orni managed to get it into the initial trap i made but then it broke my helmet and flew out of the trap after some more drinks it flew away again i made some modifications to the trap found my seventh orni and got it in the trap many trance later i finally knocked it out i fed it some mutton tamed it and named him sheldon the oni was the most annoying creature i've ever teamed in my entire life i'm never going to tame one ever again stupid seagulls day 81 i gave sheldon a test run or test flight sheldon was a bit slower than a tyranidon but he had the ability to dive downwards which made him extremely fast whenever he got near water he also got another boost to his speed his stamina was also great he had lots of health too lots of weight and a lot of damage he could even swim under the water which is cool day 82 i made a gps more shocking drink darts because i used them all up trying to tame an awning and a full set of right gear then i put a cooking pot in my greenhouse and made some red and black dye then i dyed all of my new right armor and cut my beard a bit shorter day 83 being sheldon went to look for some giant beehives to get honey so we could finally finish taming the cygnosaurus from day 63 on the way we found a swamp and we didn't find shrek but we found five cycle circuses so i killed them because i needed their skin to fight the final boss fight then i saw a tech pretzel which was pretty cool day 84 i found a giant beehive and i stole its honey then i found a giant beetle and tried attacking it but it had insane armor so i only did 9 damage to it and then stunned sheldon and i fell off the wheel did so much damage it was insane luckily i was able to whistle sheldon away and escape day 85 i got more honey and then found a floating rock i couldn't find the signosaurus from before so i found a new one instead i fed it the honey and named it jim jim had very useful abilities it was a great harvester and also a great fighter then i made some sweet veggie cakes in my cooking pot because these would be great for healing dwight and the other dino charises day 86 i wanted to tame a sultasaurus because i had seen so many of them in the past 85 days especially when i was first starting out i found a group of them and i tried to tame the highest level one but because of its armor i barely applied any torpor to it so i instead knocked out the lowest level one it still took quite a lot of shocking tranq darts even though he was so small i fed him some corn and then when he tamed i named him ryan then i saw an apex carnivore and acrocanthosaurus so i quickly ran away then i tested ryan's abilities he was trash i then meant to team another two ceratops as they were one of the strongest herbivores around and i had seen lots of them in the past i found a max level 150 male set up a billboard trap got him to chase me got it run run run run run run run yo he's so fast it's faster than i thought he was faster than i thought come on okay he got trapped okay but now okay so then i just put bear trap i mean this thing i can't put it it's glitched okay i kind of stuck in there oh it worked it worked i began tranking him but then my rifle broke went back to base repaired the rifle came back and continued shrinking him 90's shocking shrink darts later he finally went down and then gave him his favorite food sega lilies then he tamed and i named him michael oh oh he does trample damage okay you can't run from me i'm way faster than you oh he pooed that's not the time now's the time to kill esperanto oh no he's fighting again killed it okay he can harvest meat that's very useful okay yeah this guy's pretty good now that i had tamed all the dinosaurs that i wanted to tame for now it was time to get the artifacts that i needed so that i could fight the bosses of valgrero i needed to make lots of things before i went spelunking the first thing i needed was a gas mask for the gas mask i needed some black pills so i tamed a new ostroactor named her ali2 and headed into the ocean i didn't want to bring stanley or kevin because they were kinda slow very slow actually i hunted some trilobites to get black pearls and then realized that the lake had a tunnel that led to an underground ocean here we go so this is the underwater cave whoa whoa yeah there's a whole ocean here what it goes deeper oh what okay hopefully i don't see any dangerous creatures this plesiosaurus is chasing me black pill i think this is black pill got it okay the pleaser is right there no get away get away from me goodbye from me okay i'm getting out of here now i've had enough there's so many get away from me oh i think i found it oh i found it oh i found it okay thank you wikipedia oh fandom.com same thing let's get out of here get out here we're gone oh okay there you go and it is now day 88 [Music] so yeah i am i had some technical difficulties from days 88 to 93 my laptop is extremely trash for playing arc on its own it's not too bad but trying to record arc for long periods of time or trying to edit videos it is very painful and so basically my screen recording software turned the footage of these days into a slideshow don't worry though because everything goes back to normal on day 94 so yeah back to the video days 88 and 89 i made lots of things that i would need to retrieve the artifacts such as gas masks grappling hooks and healing brews as well as repairing all of my weapons and tools then i went to a supply drop and inside of the drop i crafted two cryo pots then i crowd-potted andy and flew to the lost temple to get the first artifact day 90 it took me a while to find the entrance to the temple but i eventually found it and there was a scorpio venator protecting it but surprisingly he wasn't aggressive and i even tamed him with a piece of mutton i named him creed and apparently he was really good at killing bugs like a megatherium i set up some sleeping bags and a personal grave pressed the button and walked into the temple after getting lost many many times and with the help of a youtube tutorial by a guy called the magic worm i eventually found the power of the cave with the artifact that i needed with my grappling and parachute skills i got over to it and retrieved the artifacts of the devourer i also got a trash supply drop and another artifact from the cave called the artifact of the brute but i didn't need this one but i kept it anyway i emerged from the jungle temple on day 91 and then flew back to base unfortunately creed was murdered by piranhas very sad and then me and sheldon began to fly to the great trench to get the next artifact on the way i found a max level kokara dantosaurus an apex carnival i flew above it with sheldon and knocked it out with trunk darts it took ages but i eventually knocked it out on day 92 then i gave her some modern she tamed and i named her pam i flew back to base made a saddle came back and mounted her she was extremely powerful and she did tons of damage and she was very fast we killed camarosauruses segments therazinas platiosauruses and achille betas even accidentally fought some dino charises which i thought would be difficult but it was actually extremely easy day 93 me and sheldon continued our journey to the great trench when we arrived we saw tons of ice wyverns flying around i dived through the trench and entered the lava area here it is in here down through here yep it's very hot i kept flying down landed on a small island grabbed the artifact of the skylord as soon as i started flying away i began to get burnt alive by fire wyverns i flew as fast as i could diving as much as i could but i could not outrun them i finally found the exit out of the trench but then sheldon burnt to a crisp sheldon has died i died immediately after that but i could respawn sheldon could not i recovered the stuff using my personal grave including the artifact the artifact of the skylord but at what cost the cost of sheldon's life [Music] later in the day i started preparing to get the final artifact that i needed the artifact of the pack this artifact was in the layer which was a cave predicted by broodmothers one of ark's bosses in order to get this artifact i would need to take down the broodmother so i began breeding an army an army of dinocaris while they mated i finally made saddles for andy and andret since i would need them for the layer as well i didn't need saddles to ride them but i gave them some armor the baby dino charises were actually very easy to imprint on i named the first one oscar the second toby and then i had twin dino charises but they got stuck to each other and couldn't move i tried destroying some of my air conditioners but they were still stuck later i just cryo-potted them and threw them outside of the house day 94 i named the twins sprinkles and bandit then i continued growing my dino karasami i named the fifth dynacars david wallace the sixth meredith the seventh angela and the eighth daryl then i went to get some metal day 95 i used the metal to make some feeding troughs for the dino charises and lots of saddles so everyone can have armor yay then i continued to raise the dino charisses for days 95 and 96. i named the ninth one phyllis the 10th bob vance the 11th erin the 12th jan the 13th prince unicorn the 14th mafia the 15th dunder and the 16th mifflin and i had a massive army of dino carases 18 of them in total and then with pam the car car that made 19. the amount of creatures that you could take to a boss arena was 20. so i had room for one more creature and i wanted that to be a support creature specifically a dead on the pig that could heal its allies so then i flew to the tundra to tame one day 97 i found a max level male i kidnapped him knocked him out and fed him mutton when he tamed i named him mose i tested his abilities and he could definitely heal things and i had everything i needed to fight the bosses of valgrip then while i was writing this very script tattoo the centausaurus was murdered by raptors i didn't even know how they got in the base without anyone noticing next i needed some items that were required to teleport to the boss arena i needed some rj talons and titanoboa venom so i went to get those with bernadette killing intense killing bam bam bam boom boom boom everyone's dead except for me and bernadette before setting off to the redwoods where the final artifact was i leveled up everyone's health and melia damage and then i healed them all with most day 98 was the day i gathered everyone i would need for this final journey before we headed into the redwood forest i first wanted to get revenge on the alpha nazito ceratops way back on day six i was brutally murdered by one of them but never had the chance to get back at them because of how strong they were but now now was time for revenge sixty thousand health okay let's do or die oops i just mounted kill him well he just got flying we sent him into the air kill him destroy him destroy him he keeps throwing him into the air because of the uppercut ability oh look at him he's bleeding because that damage like all that damage i can't even hit it it's almost dead look at that uppercut look at that uppercut oh my it died we killed it oh pam killed it apparently 13 levels i got 13 levels from that i'm killing that alpha we then traveled into the redwoods where lots of dangerous creatures lurked there were concavenators kalenkins poster circuses tons of things then eventually we arrived at the leia aka the spider cave we traveled down and encountered the broodmother one of ark's bosses that guarded the cave me and my army rushed in there were damage numbers everywhere the dino charises were showing no mercy mifflin jumped down from above like a majestic goose and flanked the brood mother and then prince unicorn jumped down after him even more majestically the breed mother's minions tried to help her but we were too strong and with one final strike meredith brought down the broodmother the broodmother barely did any damage to the dino charises so i didn't even need to heal them with most i then congratulated everyone by levelling up their melee damage it was now time to explore deeper into the cave so i gathered my cave spelunking creatures together then me and michael began to head down there are lots of little spiders but there were no match for us i gave glitched so i couldn't see the floor but i could still travel across then i put on my gas mask and scuba tank as i was poisonous gas around then we were confronted by some enemies there were tons of mega neura spiders and titanoboas we then got to a part of the cave that was too small for michael to fit so i used my crime pod to get him through on the other side there were lots of leeches and deeper into the cave we found arthropleuris archatinas and ants then we came across a broken bridge which i got across using my grappling hooks across the bridge was an artifact the artifact of the strong but this was not the one i needed further into the cave we came across a small tunnel that michael was too large to fit in so i had to leave him behind for now there was some water that i had to swim through and on the other side was the artifact of the pack now that we got what we needed we started to leave the cave unfortunately lots of creatures respawned and michael got really close to dying we eventually found our way out of the cave and met back up with everyone else day 99 i now had everything i needed to fight the final bosses of valgrero while we're leaving the spider cave the worst possible thing happened another brewed mother spawned and i had already gotten the majority of the dino charisses out of the cave so i only had like five dino charisses fighting this one it was a lot harder this time the bridge mother would never die and it killed oscar so i whistled everyone away and then whistled my entire army to attack it then we killed it with bob vance getting the final hit after that i healed everyone with moes and we started heading deeper into the redwoods to find the closest obelisk on the way we found and killed lots of dinosaurs like edmontosauruses megaraptors giganta raptors and even acrocanthosauruses it took forever to get everyone to the obelisk like legit it took hours it was a nightmare but finally we're at the obelisk ready to fight the bosses of belgrave i put in the three artifacts and the other items it was time to start the fight day 100 we teleported into the arena there are three bosses here the megapithecus the dragon and the manticore come on guys we're killing the monkey okay that's the damage kill the monkey just kill the monkey oh no all three things are here come on guys you can do it just keep fighting okay he is dead okay monkey dead get the dragon let's get the dragon kill the dragon the dragon has like not much hp at all killed him already let's go good job guys okay the manticore is not landing oh no it keeps firing these things at us he's here fight him get him get the man to call here's the final thing oh he ran away already yeah this guy oh no bob vance died how did bob vance died i didn't even know he was low on health oh no oh no okay and there are four medical breeze left oh no prince unicorn is asleep now as well he landed get him now's our chance now's our chance kill him kill him come on he's so close to dying he's so close just get him get him get him nice we did it we killed it and we're returning already we had successfully defeated the three bosses of valgrevo we then got teleported back to the redwood forest i didn't want to bring everyone back to base because of how much of a nightmare it was to bring them all here so i just took the most important creatures now that we were back home i put all the flags on top of my house and hung up the trophies on the front of my house then i made two trophy stands for the spare artifacts that i got and then i took a screenshot for this video's thumbnail and then i made a graveyard for the friends who are no longer with us first there was raj my first celedosaurus then those random oscar raptors that were killed as soon as i tamed them then ali my first proper astroraptor creed the scorpio venada who only survived a day sheldon the seventh only third chirus that i tried to tame oh how i miss sheldon tatsu the centausaurus that i never used oscar the dinocharis who died to the second broodmother and lastly bob vance the dinocaris who died to the manticore and then i gave a speech you were all very good teams who helped me complete this 100 days so thank you for your contributions and i'm sorry that you had to pass now a moment of silence as it was now day 100 the very last day of this 100 days video it was time to say goodbye to everyone i flew back to the old home and i said goodbye to leonard peanut and zuzu goodbye leonard this is the last time we see each other goodbye peanuts you might you are my first team and probably one of my favorite teams goodbye zuzu who has fun raising you from my baby but it's time to say goodbye forever then i flew back to the current home and said goodbye to everyone there goodbye dora you were a very good dodicarus goodbye walnut peanuts replacement because it was too hard to get peanut over here goodbye ryan the most trash team i've ever seen in my entire life goodbye howard are very helpful for getting wood even though i never made you a saddle goodbye jim you were a very interesting looking guy goodbye pacho my first poster circus and goodbye apache pitchy and pitchy the best poster circus family goodbye feather and fluff goodbye dwight the father of my dino cairos army goodbye lucy goodbye bernadette you were an amazing amazing argentavis goodbye mose you were a very good pig goodbye whoops goodbye after goodbye allen goodbye andy the best andrew sarkis goodbye andrett goodbye doris goodbye sprinkles and goodbye dunda and goodbye every other dinochirus that is not here with us goodbye michael the best nazir to sarah tops goodbye ali too goodbye pam goodbye stanley and kevin the cymosaurus and the navel and then i watched the 100th sunset from on top of my house with all of my creatures while eating some jerky well those were my 100 days of arc modded with new dinosaurs and that is what happened comment below your favorite team of these 100 days and if you enjoyed i found this video helpful do not forget to like the video and also make sure to be subscribed to the channel so you don't miss any of my future arc videos thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: ZedFiles
Views: 1,978,161
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Keywords: zedfiles, ark, ark survival, ark survival evolved, ark evolved, ark pc, ark xbox, ark ps4, ark console, ark nintendo switch, ark mobile, ark dinosaurs, dinosaurs, ark creatures, dinosaurs ark, creatures ark, ark best creatures, ark dino, ark dinos, ark best dino, ark pve, ark pvp, ark mods, mods for ark, ark ep 1, ark new creatures, ark new dinosaurs, ark 100 days, ark how to tame, 100 days in ark, 100 days of ark, 100 days ark, zany zebra, modded dinosaurs, dinos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 55sec (3715 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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