I Spent 100 Days in a Minecraft WAR... and it's HARDCORE

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100 days minecraft war and it's hardcore this is a game mode i made with my friends and it's all about war and battling it out and what you're about to watch is completely unscripted i've just managed to make it feel like a story and this is my story from start to finish three teams of ten are being taken to an undisclosed location and once the helicopter lands we're heading to war and the game officially begins [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] if you guys go on to enjoy this adventure make sure to subscribe so you don't miss any more and also if you want this map it's on my patreons with all the headquarters and the gear spawned in for you so you can play this with friends and the mods can be found on my discord but the war has now officially started this is the 10 of us we're all on the same team and we're all pushed into a cage and randomly ended up here together there are two other teams out there in the wild getting ready to take us on but we're getting ready to take them on there are two enemies in this world you've got the spec ops crew and you've got the spatnets the only way we'll know the difference between these enemies is the armor they're wearing that's why we've named them after their armor and speaking about the enemies the spec ups crew they had found us they were in the lost city to the east just watching us in our headquarters it was time to introduce ourselves i sent three players east while i took myself and two others north these players were surrounded if we could do it right they were trapped into the corner and we could hopefully pincer them in we went through the city with the job of the two units meeting back up this was the last location that we had spotted them in we're taking it slow but sadly we were a little bit too slow and the enemies had slipped through the net and they were gone even though we didn't get him we showed that we'll come for you and we'll use our tactics as best as we can so it's back to base for us and let me introduce you to our base our base is referred to as a headquarters there are three of these on the map and each team currently lives at one like i said this is hardcore so when you die you're out of the game and you're not coming back that's for certain but these headquarters are supply lines this is where you can grab loot like ammo and building blocks and it's a place where you can also get vehicles if you build the proper infrastructure to support that like a runway for a plane or a helicopter landing pad for a helicopter each headquarters can have four vehicles owned to it at one time but the main reason why these headquarters are the most important thing for you to keep or to hold at least one is because these can give you reinforcements if players sadly die on your team and your numbers are dwindling well if you own a headquarters more players may join you but right now luckily there's 10 of us and 10 is the max amount of players you can have on your team so with our healthy team we better get to work and first things first we have to start building the infrastructure for our base we need to defend this headquarters because on the inside of every hq there's a nuclear bomb that you must defend from your enemies how do you set off this nuclear bomb well that's easy well if you can find it there's a detonator in one of the obsidian chests surrounding the nuclear bomb and that's the same in every hq and the only thing that's different with hqs is that every detonator is hidden differently if this base goes boom it isn't over you can still survive and you can still win the game you just won't have reinforcements until you take another hq but you really don't want to be around when this thing blows up [Music] now our headquarters location had been discovered but we still hadn't found any of the other teams with our runway now built it was now time to get the planes in the sky and find the enemy headquarters flying boy was in one plane while i was in the other we're ascending two planes at the same time so that we can find the bases as quick as possible because time is against us i instructed flying boy to go east while i bank left and head to the south that way we'll cover as much ground as quick as possible flying to the world i can see that there was a ton of lost cities plenty of places to hide if our headquarters is soon destroyed but flying over one i spotted one of the first headquarters one base had been found there was one more out there and getting closer and doing more recon with this base i just found i noticed that it wasn't the enemies who found us it was the others and it looked like they were removing a hillside probably because it was too dangerous to have next to their base it was looking right over i would say it wasn't until i got to the opposite side of the map that the final headquarters had came into view these were the players who did find us and they had a mega base they were blessed with a natural defensive position i dropped a bomb on that runway hoping that it would slow their playing process down because for a plane to spawn in you have to have a working runway now we had all the bases and all the information we needed it was now time to descend and head home decompile all the information and weigh up our options [Music] we weighed up our options and a small unit of us were heading towards the first base we'd found the team that seemed to have been removing a hill there are plenty of reasons why we're choosing to target this faction specifically but mainly their base doesn't seem as hard to attack and also they're the closest people to us we're slowly moving into their base and they were still removing that goddamn hill knowing that they were on the opposite side of the headquarters we were moving along the riverbank that was providing natural cover we knew that if not more than half the team were out removing that hill across the opposite side that we could potentially seize this base and take it for ours but we had a better plan in mind we wanted to get inside the base and find the detonator and then hopefully we could blackmail his team to do our bidding for us you know maybe they could go and attack the other team and in return their base wouldn't get blown up and they can get their base back if they keep to their end of the bargain we got to the end of the bank where there was no longer any cover so we rushed towards the base surprise was our biggest advantage here we got into the base and to our surprise there was no one here it was completely empty they were all outside and with absolute potluck the first chest i opened had the detonator inside it we all rushed out of the base to get to a better position so that i could get into a discord call with the enemy group of players here and tell them the bad news there were shocks that we had the detonator i think they were more shocked that they got attacked or infiltrated so soon i told them what i wanted that we wanted them to go and attack the other players in the west and that if they kept up their end of the bargain and they weakened their defenses they didn't have to win they just had to weaken them down we would give back the detonator and let them own this headquarters again they agreed to the deal but in fairness they had no choice it was perfect it was now time to herd them across the country to make sure that they kept up their end of the bargain we'd actually have to see it we couldn't just trust their word for it forcing players into war when they're not ready and inheriting them across the country it's tricky business their members kept getting lost so we would lie them down and make them wait until the upwards will group up but we learned some valuable information while we were wasting time here we found out that thomas yeah you see him lying down there yeah he's the leader of his operation it's important to know these things because if you can take out who's calling the shots when it comes to war you destroy their communication it's nice to know them information can be lethal when you know it days rolled on by and we were taking them across this was taking longer than we thought until finally the enemy headquarters that we even our team feared came into view this team like i said they were blessed with a wonderful headquarters spawn yes i know our base is quite well blessed as well but theirs is even better so getting another team to do our bidding for us will hopefully be a huge help we don't have to waste resources and most importantly we won't lose any lives we're not expecting this team to take them out we just want them to do damage to them that's what we want damage if they do that they'll get their headquarters back the sun was setting and thomas team was waiting tonight to start the attack we were all watching in the distance [Music] they headed in for battle the tactic of waiting for night wasn't really worth it because the enemy saw him coming that day [Music] one of thomas team members died and instantly they started running away and they abandoned the fight we gave them a chance they didn't even put up a fight now it's time to head back to base and show them what happens when they don't keep up their end of the bargain [Music] we resupplied and we quickly got a big group of players together this time more than last time two players were staying at the base while flying boy was getting into the plane he was on standby ready to bombard when i give the call the journey across to thomas headquarters did come with issues we had one player who was severely lagging his computer couldn't handle the mob pack so i knew sending him into this battle was most likely sending him to his death so i ordered him to safely make his way back to base by himself he agreed but instead of going back to base he went into the lost city to hold up there to hopefully fix his mob pack while the rest of us kept moving but now i recognize the lost cities and we were getting very close to the base the plan was to show no mercy to take them out and drive them out of the base and take the headquarters for us having two headquarters would allow us to have eight vehicles and also a backup if one gets destroyed we're in position and it's now time to start the attack drive them out but there was no mercy all the players that were here we annihilated a few spetnaz players managed to escape into the forest including thomas their leader but it didn't matter we now had the headquarters but the victory it was short-lived and we had a huge problem our base was under attack by the spec ops crew i ordered flying boy to get airborne to lay as much covering fire and to stop the team from getting inside our walls if they get inside there it's game over i order the two players who are holding down the fort to do their best to keep them at bay one of the players on our team did have a light machine gun which is perfect for holding down an area like that meanwhile we were charging across the country trying to get home as quick as possible hearing everything that was unfolding flying boy was desperately on the enemies but sadly he was shot out of the sky and he fell to his death it was over for him and he was the first death of our squadron not only that we also lost emzio inside the base and this is when loafy decided to abandon the base was lost and the enemies now owned it we're finally closing in on the base but i think we all knew it was just a little too late [Music] there are now only two headquarters on the map and as it stands we are now baseless no headquarters to our name because until we put this detonator back in the other headquarters that we took it from we don't own it so now we can no longer get supplies and we can't get reinforcements we need to play this careful but we had one thing going in our favor the momentum from the enemy team was now surely lost because the enemy team detonated our headquarters before they are out of the explosive range and some of their members were wiped out and i'm sure now they're heading back to headquarters to replace those members they've just lost with the one player who managed to escape the base he was defending he needed to now group up of us so we're in a forest and we decided to fortify here and hold down until he would meet up with us luckily general guacamole the guy who was lagging with his mob pack he didn't make it back to base like i said he went into the lost city and held up there really a blessing in disguise but his blessing didn't last long because an enemy found him and took him out and i could see to some replay mod and now i can see that this took place only a couple of hundred blocks away but right now we needed to stay hidden last thing we need are a bunch of enemies coming towards us knowing that we have no headquarters they'll want us so bad now knowing we had no headquarters we were taking things slow time had passed and the enemies could have regrouped and the headquarters down below could be more fortified now or even the enemies that just blew up our base could be there too steam rolling over the map we got closer and things seemed quiet but with the hardcore aspect i feel like everything moves a lot slower you've got to move a lot slower move too fast you die but you move too slow you go nowhere that's when we could see enemies those were the enemies that probably escaped the attack that we first did one of them didn't even have time to grab supplies when we did the attack knowing that they're on the outside and confident that the other enemy team weren't here they're the ones we fear at the moment we knew that we could take this base and we need to get this base operational as fast as possible because another attack is imminent this is minecraft 4 after all the whole objective is to slaughter entire team straight away being inside this base we knew if we get attacked in the space it's gonna be a hard one to hold the positioning of it is just dreadful to the west you've got forest you've got a wide open area to the other side that would be all right but you're just surrounded by forest so many places to hide by the time you know you're getting attacked they're going to be already at your walls but we should just count our lucky stars and be happy that we even own a headquarters at this time and that's right we own it because after clearing the whole entire base i put the detonator back inside the chest that means that we can't take it out now and we own the base and can use the supplies let's just hope we can hold this one thomas team we noticed we're out in the forest to the west we didn't see them as much of a threat but we didn't want them getting close to test that so every so often with them being in the trees i would send a warning shot to the sniper telling them that we see you and you're not sneaking up on us barry was getting to work on a tank shed the idea of having a tank felt quite good with the squad could be used to defend the base if an attack happens but it wasn't long until the enemies were back these were the enemies on the hill which i'm going to call these guys the spec screw because that's the armor that they're wearing spec ops armor you can spot it from a mile away but they'd set a plane in to keep up the pressure i must admit their tactic for genius because the plane is quite deadly when he knows how to drop bombs i was in the a gun trying to do as much damage as i could to the plane but let's just say these a guns they're not fantastic and on one of the bombing trips around i thought it would be my last life let's take a look at this that bomb was nearly a direct hit that could have been fatal even with the plane managing to be a nuisance and keeping us suppressed barry was still able to make a tank shed and we now had a tank in our arsenal the plan was to drive this outside get it on an adjacent hill nearby and see if we can hit the plane with one of the tank shells sounds easy but you gotta get lucky but if it does hit it will destroy the vehicle instantly i was waiting for the best moment to fire my shots and i missed every single one the tank was now out of tank shells for that whole night we were focused on the plane trying to take it out with the sky but it was dodging and weaving every single shot from our air guns but we were so focused on the plane that we realized that that was the job it was a distraction the enemies had pushed out of the forest it was the spec ops crew like i said the spec ops crew there are people that live on the hill they're the people we fear and now they're here to take away another basemas they're not giving us any breathing room whatsoever and i feel like we're constantly playing catch up now at this point i abandoned the tank outside but there was no ammo inside it so they couldn't do anything with it they were fortifying on the hill where the tank was though which wasn't a problem but now we had a plane and we had players to worry about the plane wasn't killing anyone before but now that we have to look at two things at once and especially once the enemy starts splitting up this plane is going to become a nuisance i knew we had to put up some aggression quick so burying myself swapped weapons picking up the sniper i started laying down the fire if i can get a hit and one of these players it'll do damage and it might make them think twice before coming closer speaking about coming closer sorrow had done a sneaky loop around the back of us and was trying to destroy our tank shed so that would get no more tanks he was successful but it was a one-way ticket he was taken out within minutes when we took out sorrow that seemed to have angered the plane i wonder if sorrow was their leader because after taking out sorrow we learned to regret it our members started dropping like flies and within minutes we lost marcus he was pummeled by a sniper and to make it worse then manta was lasered by the enemy aircraft we had just lost two great players and we knew something drastically needed to happen we had to abandon the base and we need to do some damage to the enemy team so i gave them 30 seconds and told them take as much you can and we're leaving in 30. if we leave the base we'll have no headquarters we'll have no more reinforcements but we'll have one advantage we can keep on the move the enemies won't be able to find us we can hopefully cause some damage to them that was our goal we left the west side going under the trees hoping that the plane wouldn't spot us but it didn't matter anyway because an enemy was chasing behind but quickly he was taken care of now knowing the enemies are at our base or what was our base probably blown up by now we were charging across to their base we knew we probably wouldn't be able to attack it judging by the numbers that were attacking us it looked like they had five players there and five players at their base but the goal right now was to motivate the team and cause damage cause casualties on their side [Music] while moving we were luckily enough to stumble across two new recruits who had just come onto the server just as we lost our headquarters so these guys were allowed to keep playing so we now had two players who are replacing marcus and manta marcus and manta will be missed i'm just hoping we can do them proud i love how every new player that comes into our group has a skill like barry being able to build so well and loafy he's a great base defender but we didn't have time to chit chat and meet the new people because we were in an operation and it was called operation ghost i just made it up now but it was to take out the enemies without them even able to see us or at least when that person dies they probably will see us eventually we're on the hill looking over the enemy headquarters this was the closest we'd been so far and we were right there were a lot of them home we saw one person standing still and we called the order three two one [Music] taking him out instantly with every shot we took we wanted to move change position so never guess where we're coming from that was one player taken out they still own their headquarters so they can still get reinforcement that didn't matter but the problem was with that shot they had a quick reaction helicopter and that was airborne it managed to catch up with us it was easily able to it's a helicopter it was right above us i ordered the team to get underground as soon as possible we had just lost a new recruit we just gained to one shot of that thing it just shows you how brutal this game mode is the guy had just spawned in he's already gone but we all knew what we were getting ourselves into we wanted to win but we knew that might not be possible but we all agreed we wanted to try and give it our best shot and be a nuisance to the enemy team after a while of being underground we emerged back onto the surface the helicopter was no longer here and there were no players in sight we began moving to a new position this time we wanted to come in from the opposite side and attack there our goal was to try and pick as many off on the walls we were in a new position and we were scoping it out this time we weren't fortunate enough to have any of the players standing still those are the easiest targets much easier to hit a target at standing still than moving especially in minecraft but we're tracking the players around trying to line up who's the best one to go for i could also see a player on the hill that we were just at that's why he wanted to keep moving we didn't want to be predictable could see he was waiting on the hill waiting for us to come back but we were completely somewhere else we knew now if we took a shot we'd need to move position faster because that helicopter it'll catch us faster this time everyone in the base was on high alert and there were no players standing still anymore the next target is going to be a moving one we need to wait for the best moment and take our shot it's a waiting game [Music] took a few more shots than we expected but it was successful we had puddled ign nick who had taken out marcus revenge but then i saw to my left there were players on the building how did they not spot us there were scouts on the outside with them not keeping a lookout they just let one of their team members die when he could have easily just taken us out but we didn't have time to shoot at them because we knew the helicopter would now be getting airborne and to make it worse it wasn't just a helicopter this time there was a plane searching for us we knew what we had to do get underground before that helicopter gets us we dug for what seems like an eternity on the ground trying to gain some space and pop up somewhere new but i feel like when you're digging you kind of lose sense of how far you've actually dug but we emerged onto the surface finally thinking we were miles away from the action where in reality we're at the lost city where the enemies were standing on a building [Music] i couldn't get down the ladder i needed to find another escape and at this point the group was in chaos it was every man for themselves get out there stay alive we'll regroup later with the helicopter i knew what to do get underground i managed to meet up with jack underground but the others they were offending from ourselves we were all split up all nervous that the enemies might be closing in on our tunnels if that happened it'd be game over we finally emerged again onto the surface this time we knew we weren't that far away from the base but our goal wasn't to go back it was now time to get out of here and regroup we'd managed to take out two of them but they had sadly managed to take out one of our guys too with the events that just occurred and the shock of finding that many enemies and a helicopter and a plane coming towards you on a building bravo catches went to shock and instead of running he hid and he hid in the lost city and they expected people to be there so sadly he didn't stand a chance and there was no way we're gonna be able to go back for him so he was killed the two new recruits that we just got recently they were gone and now [Music] we were down to only five members five people alive no reinforcements and as we're aware there's only one headquarters on the map and it's heavily guarded barry finally met up with me and jack and two other players were on the run but at least they were together the server was beginning to shut down for the night we decided we'd hold up here and we'd talk tactics on what we want to do [Music] the next day rolled on by and in this session we were slightly a bit calmer from the events that just happened we decided to keep pushing away from the enemy base we didn't want to go back we had caused some damage but we'd gained no ground even though that wasn't even the objective anyway i think all of us were slightly hoping in our head that hopefully when we went to the base an opportunity would arise and we'd be able to enter the base and take them out but no opportunity happened it's almost like the enemies are ready for it and they stomped us out now the spec up crew they were miles ahead and they were the most dominant force in the server barry jack and myself we're heading east we wanted to get to the opposite side of the map where our base was originally and then the other two players who were by themselves were trying to make their way over but from a different direction that's when we could see our original headquarters in the distance a reminder of what we lost and the people that we lost that zone is uninhabitable now you walk inside there you'll get radiation sickness and die within minutes you can't go anywhere near it if any supplies did survive inside how would you even get in there we were heading upstream towards tamra's headquarters the base we just abandoned a few moments ago to see if the enemies blew it up or left it if that headquarters is still alive it gives us a fighting chance to try again and to my surprise the headquarters was still there and there were players inside which at first we assumed that this was the spec ops team but actually looking closer it was thomas team in the chaos when we abandoned that headquarters the spec ups crew must have chased us instead of actually blowing up the base itself and tummer's team seized the opportunity and captured the empty base and now they've got full reinforcements and we don't if we're gonna take this base we need to be smart there's only very few of us now the three of us we're looking for a vantage point that would look nicely onto the headquarters when we found the hill there was a good distance between us and the base we had a plan and this was it our current objective right now is not to attack the base head-on but to try and break down their team we had been successful in the last base moving from location to location taking out targets but this time it isn't any target that we're trying to take out we've encountered this team we know who leads them and that's thomas he is their guide our target is to attempt to take him out disrupt the team then attack we staked the base out for days looking for timers to come onto the walls when he finally did we were just waiting for the perfect opportunity this is minecraft we're also on a server and we're attempting to fire a gun at this range it's not going to be accurate but all we need is two shots to land thomas was out building an external wall on our side we just had to hit our shot we were unsuccessful he dodged the bullets so we went back into cover they didn't know what direction the shots came from so our location was still hidden we had another opportunity where timers were standing still we attempted again but still we failed this time they were ready for it and they knew where the shots came from the second i saw thomas bring out an rpg it was time to move rotate position pop up somewhere new i think these sniper shots are made harder because of the pressure that we're under we know no help is coming until we gain a headquarters and the longer we have no headquarters our supplies will go low as the days go on while barry was on top of a hill keeping an eye out this time we moved in by the birch forest he was vital because we couldn't see the whole base this time so if anyone comes outside he'll let us know that way we have a window of time before we know an enemy will be rushing upon us we used the bank as cover like earlier in the episode our whole team was increasingly getting nervous as time went on because now they had a helicopter landing pad and soon the admins will give them a helicopter if that happens and they use it on us it's gonna be game over and we'll probably have to go in hiding for a very long time the enemy team now knowing that thomas was the target of this attack he was nowhere to be seen so we decided that we'd shoot the first person we saw [Music] it was unsuccessful and we missed our first shot we turned around and we headed back to barry we had failed but we had one final idea it'll be all over for us and it would put our team in jeopardy but desperate times come for desperate measures the helicopter landing pad was incredibly close to the tree line which we had now managed to loop around and were on top of the plan was jump inside the walls and get in the helicopter fly that thing and bombard the enemy team as leader and this could be a sacrifice i decided to put myself forward for morale and for the group if i die on i know these guys will fight i'm not gonna lie my hands were incredibly shaky the hardcore aspect really adds a lot but with the nerves i was ready to go i had to do this it was our only hope let's do this [Music] [Music] the helicopter it wouldn't take off had no fuel and it had no ammo it wasn't ready yet i was a sitting duck and i didn't know what to do thomas fired an rpg at me exposing himself and jack took the opportunity to take him out with tamra's gone and me realizing this we knew that team would be in chaos so we took the opportunity to attack it's now or never if we die we go out fight [Music] we had successfully taken the base we cleared it all the enemies on top of his team were dead and out of the game there were now only two teams remaining ourselves obviously and the spec ops team who have been a dominant force and an organized bunch there was one problem we couldn't find the detonator it wasn't in the chest that i put it in originally and moved it or worse someone had taken it and it's on them all of us couldn't help but think this was a trap so i took the call even though we just spent so long working to get this i told him to abandon it and head back to the hill that overlooks it the base is about to explode it shouldn't kill us here before we can move into that base we need to make sure that the detonator is there so barry decided he would go inside and risk it for the team and search for the detonator just as soon as barry said he found the detonator a plane was circling in the sky spec ops team were here before we could even get a chance to get in every time we gain ground we lose it they're always one step ahead this time knowing the aaa guns are absolutely useless i decided to use the anti-tank guns to try and take out the plane but they don't aim far enough into the sky no matter what happens here i do not want this plane to take out more of my men and my players it's devastating and it will destroy morale we're taking over the hq is now ticking time bomb we now knew with the plane here it wouldn't be long before foot soldiers are on the ground we had to hold off until our reinforcements came and then we decided we're gonna give it hell and go out fighting i spotted the enemy sniper the tree line before i can snipe him he sniped me bringing me down to two and a half hearts that's how strong the snipers are i was on full health and that's how much it brought me down by this plane needed to be taken care of the foot soldiers are here and we know exactly what that means but we still have no reinforcement with the plane and the men in the ground we are being completely overrun we couldn't even settle in we had received the reinforcements that we needed and they were inside the hq gearing up for one final fight i don't envy the situation that new recruits have been put into it's a lot to be spawned into i was just getting sick of this plane i needed to go so i had one idea i asked loafy for the rpg this thing's used for taking out tanks but why can't we direct it onto planes [Music] the plane was now down the rpg struck the wing he spiraling out of control but our team was spiraling worse we knew it was over for us the space wouldn't last long but no one wanted to die here if we're gonna die it's gonna be on our terms and on their ground taking out as many of them with us we had all the recruits that we were going to get we didn't have enough time to wait for more we had a tank but that sadly couldn't be driven over to the enemy base we didn't have the road in the infrastructure to drive it and you can't place it and in the rules you're not allowed to break them and place them back down so i drove it out quickly before we abandoned the base and i let loose at the enemies on the tree line we then rushed out of the base abandoning it with the plan to rush towards the enemy's backup space no stops go in and cause as much damage as possible if they destroy our headquarters we'll hopefully destroy theirs then it'll probably be guerrilla warfare from there on out and everyone was eerily cam while running across the country the base was in sight and this was our final stand [Music] there was a pillar box right at the enemy entrance so i decided to make my own entrance this was my final moment i'm good i'm lagging again that should be good yes on the left on the left check up above as well come on spread out spread out we got to get over yep running out spreading out guy over there one down one down another one here one below you one right there oh i'm dead no i was taken out and not long after jack was gone too followed by barry and the rest dropped off like flies we were unsuccessful but i can't help but think we're always on the back end always playing catch up next time we need to be smarter we didn't win this war but maybe we'll win the next and this gives me more motivation to do so you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 6,184,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I Spent 100 Days in a Minecraft WAR..., Surviving 100 Days in a Minecraft WAR, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in minecraft war, creepersedge, hide or hunt, mc war, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hide or hunt, minecraft war, ryan not brian, ryan not brian minecraft war, ryan not brian minecraft war. ryannotbrian hide or hunt, ryan not bryan, ryannot brian, ryannotbrian, ryannotbrian 100 days, ryannotbrian mc war, ryannotbrian minecraft war, 100 days, hardcore minecraft
Id: o96DIP6ayLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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