Dwarves deceived? Demolisher done! | Valheim - 53

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hey everyone midnight Nova here and today we're going to play some more valheim so first thing I want to do is make a basically a cage out of this black marble around the uh the extractor machine here because it puts out this uh green energy from the ier it shoots out those green beams and hits my base so it actually does does damage over time and I want to make sure that I have this contained as well as possible apparently it will destroy most other materials except for the black marble so we're going to make black marble wall around it just make a little little cage I'm just going to use these blocks I'm going to make the stone cutter workstation right here so that I can make the the blocks here so we're just going to make the make a little wall that surrounds oh that's not quite right is it oops that's not quite right either okay so that's better so that's one layer of the uh black marble it is putting out all this energy M there we'll just leave it a bit messy looking who cares cuz as long as it's contained we're going to just kind of leave it maybe I'll make some stairs some uh regular Stone stairs probably mhm there okay and we will kind of just build up a little bit more of the the black marble in [Music] front maybe I don't need the black marble back here cuz back here is just dirt I just need a wall B basically in in the front yeah what just make a wall just to kind of prevent it from doing damage to the base I just make a little wall in front of the machine and I want to make some kind of door barrier if I can would this work [Music] so that's an archway and um make some cubes on either side of it [Music] and there and I'm a c oop too big there we go perfect so this ought to allow me to access the sap input and the iter output but most of the machine will be blocked hopefully that contains it well enough there's there's dirt um around on the backside I just don't want the stuff to shoot out through the front and I don't think that this doorway is directly in the way um I might need to put a door an actual physical door um so like maybe one of these hexagonal Gates or a dark wood gate or an iron gate for that matter I don't know if there's a a type of gate that would be best to to contain the um the energy we got some more lingering stamina potion in the old base good good wanted to make sure I had more of that cuz that comes in handy going to make my secondary Forge over here as well so I can make this door cuz you can't make the door unless you got a forge nearby so let's see the uh here we go there so I can open and close the door so I can access the eer as soon as it's refined and the the energy should not be able to escape even if it damages the door the door is very durable I can repair it so I'm not worried about the door I just want to make sure that the walls don't get damaged over time so that should keep that contained all right so let's eat and go to bed and then we are going to go raid some dwarf bases okay so down here is the dwarf tower that I already raided for their extractor and they were hostile to me last time I went to visit them um so we'll go down there we'll just see if they're still mad at me and uh if they are we will attempt to take them out if not we will try an alternate way of getting their stuff which is to destroy their um destroy their Ward the thing that activates when uh any of their stuff is damaged and turns them aggressive we're going to destroy their Ward with a with a cart so I have the stuff to make a cart with me and we're just going to go down there and see whether or not they're friendly for right now I can see their tower now so am I going to want to start picking them off from a distance or go in there and attack them directly not sure depends on the the dwarf I guess the Rogues probably I could take with my sword and shield if um if they start shooting at me I'll turn on my my bone mass buff and uh see we can take him out mad you're mad you're still mad uhoh wow okay they're mad they're still mad all right I see how it is well arrows it is if they're stuck on a hill then uh they'll be difficult to it'll be difficult for them to shoot back do they have blist the crossbows they don't seem to be able to hit me so this seems to be a safe way to do it got one of them seems to be activating their Ward whenever they uh shoot through it yeah they get stuck on this hill and they can't climb up got him okay how we doing anymore I can definitely still hear some Seekers nearby oh hello [Music] uh-oh yeah yeah see now they that guyy stuck down there come on man got him yeah he he dropped some soft tissue himself so it's not just their uh oh bunny got you bunny too got the bunny so it it's not just the boxes they they hoard in their Hall but also they have soft tissue on them directly um so if I destroy this Ward will the rest of them chill out if there are any more [Music] left certainly core interesting and Gori so we'll drop uh the black marble or no I'll drop the copper because I can't take that through the the uh portal anyway so now are the rest of them are there any more first of all are there more and are the rest of them mad at me still cuz I destroyed their Ward or are they just like activated aggressive forever if there are any left so let's see let's get their boxes yes okay got 14 soft tissue okay all righty finewood though maybe I should get this finewood um yeah I need finewood more than I need those eyes so grab these and are there guys on the top cuz they might have more soft tissue on them might want to take them out if there are any left nope don't appear to be H can I take out this lamp oh I I can pick up the lantern is this an item theer Lantern wall Lantern ooh wait so this is just like I can build this I can use the build menu with that as a an ingredient and I can make a wall Lantern or a Lantern pole but we need the black Forge for that okay interesting okay well that's a new thing so if I see any more uh of those lanterns I'll grab those too but I think that might be it for for these guys I didn't see any more of their kind let's see if I can knock down on this Lantern uhoh yeah I can't reach it are these like the ones in the the mines okay just copper scrap h well is there anything else here that I want to grab we have copper and fine wood oh did I drop this fine wood copper scrap copper scrap okay I mean I guess that is all there is what about this bed can I make a dger bed that might be interesting it's just regular wood and copper scrap well now that the the dwarves are all dead does that mean that um Lantern I'll take that is that a separate inventory item oh man I'll drop the gold so these don't stack unfortunately but I got two lamps two dger lamps I can uh I can hang those maybe outside of my bedroom that might be cool um one thing I did want to experiment with was how to get this blue juk so what I'll do is I'll make a workbench since they're not not um they don't have um their Ward up anymore I can build inside so we'll make some ladders that go up can't reach these lamps here um if they're like standing then I can grab these but apparently if they're a fixed to the wall I can only break them so let no go now how about this blue J stuff oh oh what we got blue J yeah blue J okay drop this finewood or these two black marbles yeah I'll take that that's what I wanted can I shoot it let's see if I can shoot cuz it's like you got it whoa what shot me what hurt me what is it oh one of their Wizards their Wizards are are still around okay I can knock that down I didn't get it though it fell down but I didn't get it got that one so I can shoot him and just grab it quick before it falls down got a good amount of it now hopefully I can make a rug or two couple of rugs might be nice might look nice you know all right I don't know about anything else here there might be some soft tissue that fell so that one's done I want to go over to this dwarf base and see if I can get their stuff in a more peaceful way so I don't activate their aggression they just uh are none the wiser [Music] essentially uh-oh that's a that's a that's a bad that's a bad one oh boy I'm surrounded I'm surrounded by very strong enemies right now yeah very strong very strong oh boy I don't like this one [Music] b [Music] um help me dwarves help me dwarves I need your help I'll lead these guys over to the the friendly dwarves and see if they can help me take them out I won't leave them to die I'll try to help them defend themselves but they're going to need to do some work too hey guys sorry to bring enemies to your base but um yeah yeah got you ooh those guys are strong see yeah they're strong okay well took him out foring appreciate it guys appreciate it who goes there so here we go here's the test their Ward is down here yeah we've been I've been causing a ruckus my bad don't want to piss this guy off but their Ward is down down here um and they might have oh yeah they got a component crate can I build a cart and then wheel it inside get it downstairs and basically push the cart into their Ward Until It Breaks he cart yeah should be fine all right excellent so uhoh ticks no bad tick bad tick B does that mean there's a skull nearby if ticks are spawning or thanks man appreciate apprciate your your assist with the ticks there um do ticks always mean that there's a skull hidden somewhere nearby or do ticks just kind of randomly also exist like do they spawn at night more than during the day or something I don't know but oh mandible now can I get my cart in inside your base will you will you mind okay got it inside I think yes yes okay wo you don't mind you're you're friendly still they got their crossbows pointed at me but they're not attacking me just yet uh-oh [Music] like um that doesn't count as me breaking anything right that doesn't count it's upside down now it's not ideal okay okay this is going to be difficult to manage back up the cart maybe okay get it closer little closer yeah all right so here we go let's test I was doing damage to all the things around here see that heard it that did it I need to make oh I need to figure out how to do consistent damage to this Ward like if I rock this back and forth can of do like damage I wish I could just there we go I need a running start I got some soft tissue there we go I got it [Music] now [Music] [Music] okay we're doing [Music] it it's [Music] working oh I broke my uh broke my stuff uh-oh let me try that again I can do this it's just silly enough to work I can't make my uh my workbench closer so I can repair though unfortunately that would be nicer if I could like repair it while I'm smashing [Music] it oopy yeah pardon me guy don't mind how strong is this component crate or um this this Ward how much health is it [Music] have cuz I'm doing like 40 per hit or 20 per [Music] hit did I break it I broke it I broke it yes so now that their Ward is broken the question is if I break their stuff will they get mad at me let's find out I'm going to be prepared to [Music] run nothing eh he so I got my dger extractor and uh bunch of soft tissue break open the rest of these boxes these crates yeah so now they are just unable to become aggroed I think go ahead and get this finewood and what about what about these barrels what's in here copper tasty Mead tasty meat I don't know if I want tasty meat lower health regen but stamina regen I mean that's like it's essentially like the uh the lingering stamina but it Nerfs your uh your health so it's worse then uh yeah we're good here here we got another 40 soft tissue yeah all right so we got we got 40 soft tissue and another extractor so that worked all I had to do is Ram a cart into their Ward and they stopped being aggressive unless I attacked them directly I assume um so I could take any of their stuff and as I wish but I'm going to mark this dwarf base as complete and then I want to just explore to the South a little bit because there's an unexplored region just to the south of here just a little bit of mist lands there there we go I didn't need 14 but whatever we'll go explore and then when we're done we'll head back up north to the the Mist lands portal up here miss lands too oh hello you're on fire tick all right if there was a skull and that's where the ticks are coming from where would I search for that okay cuz it seems like they're coming from over in this direction a bit but I don't see oh oh bones there's bones here so I'm going to put um a skull question mark let's go and we'll come back later investigate cuz there are ticks here never mind there's a skull right here there is a skull right here I didn't see this before so let's go cool untapped skull we'll come back for that at a later time today we were just kind of uh doing some experimentation on uh on the dwarves just to see if uh we could pull it off once you kind of get the hang of controlling the cart ramming it backwards that's what it was I wasn't hitting it hard enough I needed to run get ramming speed and then we were able to uh do the damage that we needed to do take that jerk uh yeah yeah yeah throw away these rocks throw away that I want your meat more than I want uh your trophy so again we're just going to explore a bit is this another ruin or dungeon let's find out if it a ruin or dungeon uhoh run run ouch okay let's go ahead and eat the rest of our food and um check this out out does this have a downstairs is this another dungeon or just a ruin cuz this was right here and we just never went down far enough to reach it oh I think we have another dungeon we'll mark this too yeah so we got another skull and another dungeon right we will come come back for that so we can get hopefully the rest of the cores that we need to make the gerer table um as well as the the skull we'll get the rest of that uh soft tissue so we are we are eating good today we found some uh very valuable finds so far there's anything else over here any more skulls any more dungeons maybe a location marker to the boss o more bones we'll mark the bones so we can get more uh black marble if we need to but um I someone put in the comments that if there are ticks that spawn like nearby the bones the these uh uh rib cages then that's how you know that there is a a skull nearby cuz the ticks are coming out of the skull or they're spawning out of it oo more bones doubly bones but I don't see any ticks so maybe just bones perhaps just bones time to head back head back towards our our base our our our portal up to the north really that's where we're going to be going hello one star Seeker h [Music] okay take that guy out got his mandible so again I'm seeing ticks is there a skull nearby there might be yeah cuz there's some bones oh there's just a skull out in the open never mind okay there's two skulls I must have just entirely missed this whole area I mean it's good to know now that I can look for ticks to find them to find the skulls yeah what's going on with these fuelings in the mountains okay and that skeleton killed the fueling for me interesting okay we're like right above where we need to go and we definitely have another another gall so I'm going to pop that in there and oh I need black metal don't I I need black metal in order to utilize uh-oh I don't have I don't have any more black metal here oh come on now so what am I going to do Drake you getting on my nerves really grinding my gears here okay what we're going to do we're going to get this tap here we're going to drop our uh extractor pick up our cores and we'll come back for that later I totally forgot we need black metal on that island in order to use it and uh we'll have to sail there again so let's go ahead and fill up this uh Refinery and uh let's just see if the uh the wall here is sufficient to protect the rest of the base cuz um I see it's hitting this door this this gate and it's doing zero damage yeah and the and the marble as well yeah it's not doing any damage to the Iron Gate nor to the black marble perfect we can let this refine we won't need to worry about our base getting damaged excellent perfect okay I'm going to turn this armor stand around and uh rebuild it properly so that we can put our our old armor our padded armor on there so there we go that looks pretty cool and then I'll need to get some more wall stands for the the weapons I'm so happy that this uh barrier works [Music] out I can shoot up into the sky I don't care now um let's go see what we can upgrade what do we need need for upgrading the armor besides carrus and mandibles and maybe some scale hide and this ier I assume that's mostly what we need so we will oh yeah carapus scale hiide and eer to upgrade to level three so breastplate upgrade GES and the helmet I need more more careus okay make sure it's upgrade upgrade the carapus helmet and then buckler to level three as well yes nice and then to upgrade the well put our stuff back on to upgrade the sword we'll need more of the Wisps do I have any wisps left I need to wait until night time again for wisps all right right and make more iron so let me go put my black metal sword and shield next to my padded armor again for emergencies where I need to recover recover my stuff so boom boom boom boom and then don't look at it and we put our put the sword and shield put the shield over here and sword over here there we go nice so whenever we want to to retrieve our old armor just in case we die and uh lose our armor we can remake it get our five black metal remake the G table just so I can repair my Cape 10 black metal what iterator what is using black metal the sap extractor ier Refinery okay do I need to break down the ier refinery so I can make the gerer table temporarily yeah I think I might think I might do I get my soft tissue back yes I do okay making sure yeah okay we'll remake that refinery in a minute but right now I want to make gold table okay and then fix my fix my cap make the Run table real quick and then we can upgrade our feather Cape 10 feathers five scale hide we'll upgrade the feather Cape again and now we have armor level two armor two coming from our feather cape and I think the dur abili is also higher um can I make the unfading candles do I have enough ier I do not darn it all right I'll have to do that some other time woh woh what have I done I can't undo the unfading candles cuz I don't have the G table break that one down and then break this one down [Applause] okay now remake black Forge and remake the refiner and get more ier get more eer going come here we go there we go I need to get more black metal so that um I can make both so I only need to disassemble just the one thing the just the the black metal forge okay one wh to whsp there now how much to upgrade the Mist Walker 10 iron five ier okay got another wisp want to make sure I have extras um get that wh don't want the black metal here CU I can't take it through the portal okay all right what else do we need to upgrade the misw Walker so we'll do upgrade okay here we go and 20 iron now now we need 20 and uh how many chickens do I have right now quite a few quite a few I'm going to put down four dandelion we'll see how many eggs that produces hopefully four eggs we got plenty of Head meat got a bunch of iter once again need more sap so this should be enough black metal to disassemble the black Forge and make the gerer table if I ever need to fix my Cape again that should be enough metals to do it 20 I have 20 iron available to me right now what can I make with 20 iron I need five silver for IMA it's a two-handed like pole P ax type of thing yoten Bane 15 okay I want I want to make the yoten Bane that's what I want to make oh you can you can build the dger lanterns just takes two bronze okay so we got two of those uh demolishers 20 that's what it is Demolisher is 20 chop another one oh not another come on it's really weird to see the the G while there's a snowstorm I'm just trying to get wood man let me be I Can't Let Him Live though he's got to die he's right next to my uh my portal okay got his bile bag uh St six more okay we're good well let get the rest of that oh I need soft tissue let put soft tissue in there now there get that up refining now before we end the episode what do we need for the Demolisher 20 iron 10er here we go so now we can craft the Demolisher yeah very nice whoa look at that how how much does this slow you down 20% movement penalty what wow whoa don't do that near your base okay okay let me let me just uh test it down some poor beasts who squishes them that's an AOE I don't have an alternate attack with this guy all it does is just Smash down on the ground and everything around just explodes what about we to work on death skos yes it does okay all right well let's go back now all right well that's going to do it for today so in this episode we went around to the dwarf bases and took all of their resources one of them was already hostile so we just killed them and took all of their soft tissue and the other base wasn't hostile yet so we tricked them by making a cart in their basement and ramming it against their Ward until it broke the ward and now after that they were no longer aggressive to us when we when we broke their stuff we also found a couple of skulls that we marked on the map as well as another dungeon that we can uh check out in the next episode um we also crafted the Demolisher a AOE Hammer two-handed Hammer that just explodes when it is smashed down on the ground but it also makes us very slow so in the next episode we're going to hit up that other dungeon see if we can get another five black cores so can make our Galler table at the same time as the rest of our other tables we're going to continue refining more uh ier and uh make more of the weapons that are available to us so if you'd like to follow along in our adventure and see how the resource Gathering goes and perhaps if we can find a um map marker to the boss in in the next dungeon go ahead and hit the Subscribe button if you'd like to make a comment down below or hit the like button that would be appreciated as well so until next time thanks thanks for watching
Channel: MidKnightNova
Views: 671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valheim, gameplay, video games, pc gaming, vikings, Let's play
Id: UGFw7hwyRtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 57sec (3477 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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