I sold WhistlinDiesel a tank….

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my excitement could not be contained any longer and I was mowing and I was like man I'm just gonna get a ticket and go we're just gonna go oh so all right no freaking way oh no you know what it is don't you know come on look at it you can't tell me yeah yeah um [Applause] yes no it's a garden bed we bought a garden shed oh it's a garden shed oh [Music] you're kidding me oh that that's a that is a breath of fresh air because I've been looking for him here right really yeah yeah yeah yeah did you just find it in a ditch somewhere uh this one no this one was parked up quite nicely really um yeah that's how we pretty much found it this is technically quite a thing very difficult condition so um yeah remember the podcast that Dan's Diesel Performance a long time ago where I I said um they're like where do you see yourself in the future and I was like I don't know maybe like once we get far enough doing stuff with a tank foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Mickey [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] oh dude oh this is gonna be so much fun it is one of the biggest wolf it's literally like it's a main like this is what they ship out when it when it was like crime you know this is what they ship out to like it's up front [Music] how long do you think till it ships a month till it ships or whenever the costumes yeah I mean I've got a family to do but yeah but we can do that wait the gun's not deactivated yet not feared the activated for us what's what's the difference so for us we have to weld we'll show you in a minute inside because if we have to weld a massive like four inch plug in the barrel right inside but to go to America which makes no [ __ ] sense for me um that isn't good enough you have to guess the [ __ ] massive hole and you go inside the barrel like and then there's a bit of basically when you put the shell in yeah off at the back yeah and like you're talking about putting steel like that yeah and by doing it into turret so yeah take that back of the gun off which is probably weighs as much as that jeep yeah and then get it out of like the commanders yeah patch I think it's because they know we're crazy how old is this thing 60s 60s yeah so it doesn't look like it it looks tough it looks newer it looks came from Afghanistan like yesterday yeah that's it and that's why we put that cover on it seriously yeah we got we got like bulletproof vests showing up and everything you might need to worry about them when you're in there so what's the biggest gun you've got biggest gun uh 50 cal 50 BMG it won't touch it no but it might fracture it inside all I mean is we're going to shoot each other inside we are yeah probably this is crazy huh you said no like if you guys are shooting at me while you're driving the tank I'm not saying you guys are crazy but I've watched your videos recently you know what we were going to do already if you're sat on the seat and say you shoot the 50 cal bear we probably wouldn't shoot the 50 first try we'd probably like work up to it but basically when when the bullet hits the metal although it won't penetrate it'll Dent it and then it'll fragmentate in a bit of fragment it will kill you really yeah yeah they're quite bad for that because obviously it's still quite an old tank like modern stuff now that changed the armor yeah that's one of the modern things like it doesn't do that but these old things this has been something I want to do for a long time literally I know there's a podcast over two years ago they were like long-term winter go I was like oh maybe we do something with a tank and that was two years later we're already there oh my goodness okay I quit but literally the funny thing is um it was posted a Marketplace and I thought it was in America and I literally agreed to it and then I realized it was in the UK and I'm like I'm not waiting that long before I look away so I was like I'm mowing the lawn I'm like you know what I'm just gonna go over there so yeah so you and then you literally he's I was of all people to get a tank from like he literally straight piped it already for us this is great you hear this thing okay we're about like the English version of you guys just not playing nowhere near as famous we're gonna talk about this but there's a lot of YouTubers that have bought tangs that weren't actually tanks they drove their tank to McDonald's but it wasn't let's just say it wasn't this so it's time to do it properly it's time to actually like take a tank to McDonald's through McDonald's so take down through the McDonald's drive through through the McDonald's it's time to take a tank drive it drive through the make a McDonald's drive-through with a tank whatever yeah he did I remember that he was like we could take the excavator through town I'm like let's take a tank it's a fair bit quicker than you I don't I don't think Tennessee has one Texas has a few for sure tanks yeah well they got Drive tanks what never mind I when I asked when I asked what you guys thought it was you guys guessed tank like four or five times and pretty pretty quickly into it but you were so cool about playing it off though he's like we can go to Texas and drive one anytime it's not and then you said that too remember you're like yeah yeah but as soon as I've seen all this tactical stuff I'm like okay either one of them he said it on one of his benches he said on the plane here he said what the Tactical stuff he said something I swear oh really yeah I dumped it but yeah oh it's ghost Modern though doesn't it sound better than anything you've ever heard yeah yeah the best sounding thing 12 yeah 12 piston engine 900 you get dump bringing vegetable in it and it's gonna like have twice the power yeah seriously so we're gonna drive to McDonald's we're in the used cooking oil out of their fryers drive home I think we this this may be the one thing that doesn't fall apart on us If This falls apart if we need to find another planet to go do stuff on because this is just weak at this point well I'm driving this when we tug monster Max I'm just saying you imagine hearing that rolling up you're building like what's that this is exactly the kind of territory you would like imagine tanks being too oh yeah sure oh it just feels like a Battleground on the front nothing nothing it's an American Life yeah oh that would be sweet yeah I can't afford any more add-ons right here what kind of accessories do we have which package you got them you got the base tank package man it's like panoramic windscreen yeah there's no blinds about monitoring on this one it's got a 360. I can't even get coverage on it because there's no blind spot monitoring that was another reason uh the shipping is like 40 Grand okay well actually it's 40 good it's only 40 Grand some of us are made of money Tyler yeah I thought Tyler to be fair no I ain't saying that have you ever seen the cow swim yes very well that's literally just like our sinkhole we talk about the cows are crossed and only half of them come back out yeah probably better teach you how to drive it I think instantly definitely oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] you're not supposed to do that because it makes it a little more inaccurate because it's really precise in there what yeah you'll bend the barrel yeah well that's a big problem is that like those barrels Bend easily so you don't want to hang on [Music] [Music] thank you foreign I did I was like are they like chill with that here or something no yeah they're great with it so I was wondering if you guys use the word cookies yeah we use cookies yeah okay because I was thinking Americans would be that dumb that they would call something cookies just because you have to cook it to eat it I was like there's no way I even thought about it okay I was gonna say maybe I was gonna say that's some dumb crap American any English person or anything because it's the sound it makes when you pop it open yeah it pops let's call it pause what would you call it you call them low boys don't you thought yeah yeah I like that term though yeah to be very sensible yeah straight up American term though again [Music] let's call it a little boy straight up and like some there's this old Ford pickup that was made a little higher they call them High boys I've wrapped the whole entire interior with bubble wrap like you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] so we're gonna see how this tank does in this I would assume that it would sink because it's so heavy but we have tons of contact patch so he says that this is not his land so we need to be really careful to clear it all out for them to make sure there's nothing in anyone else's way so we're gonna just he said something like this being zoom in on it that bad boy out there look it looks like [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you all of them except that one that was so funny and then yeah you literally flicked like seven switches to shut it off dude I hit one I hit that one like clump of bushes and dude it went like right in my face like caught right here you kind of just duck and like hope it doesn't like a big one doesn't hit but yeah like these were around my neck we definitely need to have I'll have the hatch on all the time I won't even be looking where I'm going the biggest you don't need roads but we're going we'll see what you're expecting way better yeah I was expecting him to play a prank like yeah we'd go through all this trouble yeah and it would be like something silly I don't know it's pretty silly it's fun this is legit this is drive it down the road legally so this is like one of the only Chieftains in the UK that can be driven down right now get right now you can drive down the road if we stuck plates on it yeah in America [Applause] [Music] that's an American power right there [Music] it's a bit wet I've flooded it we literally got it foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] all right foreign [Music] yeah do not get in front of it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] get down number two yes it didn't drop you in half I want to die we die like men what come on shouted I'm closer come closer [Music] [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Music] [Applause] scarred um but yeah that was quite a lot of fun quite a lot of stress yeah but we we pretty enjoyed it didn't we Ted I think we all enjoyed it um so now we've just got the small job of deactivating the tank and cleaning it a few of the little bits which we'll probably do some videos on as well so that that's there that's it for this video [Music] I've come closer
Channel: Mr Hewes
Views: 76,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WhistlinDiesel, Whistlin, Diesel, tank, farmer, phil, Mr hewes, mr, hewes, cheiftain, mk13, mk11, leyland, war, warzone, toyota, hilux, monster, max, USA, us, UK
Id: cyTmeGQ0eeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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