Cutting some pipe in the shop

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hey y'all CB here again at NBS Weldon coming to you from the shop today uh going to be cutting some pipe uh if you follow the channel you might have seen several months ago in the winter uh I was working on a grocery store that my buddy's building and we took some uh we took some 4 in schedule 40 pipe and we we cut through the que decking on the roof of the grocery store we cut through the queue decking right where the bar joist were and we put 4in pipes uh that we welded to the bar joist and they came up through the Q decking for the reason of setting equipment this kind of equipment is the the condensers and HVAC stuff and stuff for the uh freezers in the grocery store and so what we're what the idea is uh we now have the place has been roofed since then um so what we have now uh we've got a 4 a 4in pipe that's welded to the barj coming up through the que decking the place has been roofed and we're going to put a uh three and A2 in pipe down inside of that with an angle iron frame on top of it and and setting on that angle iron frame will be uh the freezer and refrigerator condensers and HVAC equipment whatever equipment that goes on the roof uh be setting on the angle iron frame that is welded to a 3 and 1/2 in pipe that is slid down into the 4in pipe uh and our 3 and 1/2 in pipe will be I'll be field welding that into the 4-in pipe and that'll seal the roof so uh what I'm going to do right now is I've got a bunch of 3 and 1/2 in pipe that I'm going to be cutting into 20in pieces that pipe right there I'm going to be bringing this pipe in and I think what I'll do on this one we can shoot more video later as the job goes on but I think what I'll do on this one is just kind of showcase the way I would set this up bring the pipe into the shop set up a stop on the saw and saw the pieces got a bunch of the same length pieces to cut so we're going to set up a stop we're going to uh roll the pipe across the roller system on the 872 saw rig I got uh 2 872 chop saws dewalts that I run this is the way I'm set up to saw here and this this is the saw that is locked down doesn't move it's boled down and it has the stop so uh that's kind of big difference with this saw in this saw this one's not locked down it it it's great to Roll material across here and cut but this one is the one I I can easily adjust angles on and another thing that we're going to be doing this time that I don't always do is we're going to be moving this saw completely I'm going to unplug it from the wall and I'm going to jerk that completely out of there so why would you do that like what advantage is it to remove that saw well we're going to be using the the hillbilly Bridge crane to roll this pipe over and set it in place so with the hillbilly Bridge crane what we got is a we got a a 5,000lb Harbor Freight lnch uh and it's connected to its own deep cycle marine battery and this rig moves through the shop wherever I want it to go and it carries its own power so there's no wires connected to it now if you see that wire hanging down and on the digital display there it's telling me the voltage of my battery but whenever I'm not using the saw at night I'm plugging a cord in right there because up there I've got an onboard battery charger that'll maintain charging the battery so what we're going to be doing is I'll be using the forklift to bring the pipe over to the shop door I'll be picking the pipe up uh on the one side with the hill bril Bridge crane I'll probably use the forklift to shove the pipe on in and get it in the shop a little bit farther than what the forklift can normally bring it and then with uh with that saw out of the way they'll be a place when I pick up a piece of pipe with the hillbilly Bridge Crane and I go to set it down I'll be setting it down uh with my my hoist hook in that voided area where the saw is now and that'll give me a nice place to be able to unhook it and uh get my get my uh my hook and and and and hoist cable and everything completely out of the way so let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] it's [Music] [Music] [Music] it's yeah [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music]
Views: 1,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dewalt 872 chop saw, Shop hoist rig, Hillbilly bridge crane
Id: -cew-_osF4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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