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[Music] foreign [Music] all right welcome to another angel on the go video and today we start our business channel business so if you guys are ready to learn how to sell on ebay and amazon you come to the right place make sure you guys share this video because we're ready to drop gold that's your right gold all right so for those of you who are watching for the first time if you haven't seen our any of our clearance videos definitely go check those out because that shows you the process and action of what we're doing and now we're going to get to what we do with all of those items and what you can do with all of those items to make some extra money okay so as you guys know by now we don't just do clearance shopping we sell um we have two storage units we have a whole house full of stuff every room has boxes we have a two-car garage which is filled to the top yeah because of him so our goal is to teach you if you guys shop like us or if you guys want to start we want to teach you how to make money right yeah and not just that we're going to teach you all the things that we made mistakes on so you don't have to make it yeah and learn the hard way all right so um this is actually a full-time job for us um it's not a part-time it's not something to do um on the side this is a full-time job so if you guys see us in our videos and we get a bunch of things it's because we gotta pay bills and it's a full-time job so this is our nine to five yeah this is a fun job so i guess the first thing you know is it worth it well we both get to stay home yeah and we have kids so we have two kids out the house and we have three kids at home so we get to stay home i mean we don't have to this is probably the most dressed up that we're gonna get because i'm usually wearing pajamas um i don't do my hair so i hope you guys like it um but my hair is usually in a bun because we list all day we shop all day and um we get to make up our own schedule yeah yeah so i guess the big question for you guys is is it worth it um can you do it um what else do we get you know do you make enough money how do you know how what to buy and we're gonna go into all of those in separate videos uh this one is just really to kind of make sure you know what's to come an intro introduction uh we get a lot of people asking us what platforms um how much should i sell this item for so we're gonna start breaking down each video um for you guys so our goal is to help you guys if you guys have any questions um ask us yeah for sure so what is the first thing we want to talk through um how did you get started okay so getting started i was like a lot of you guys out there i had a a nine to five job and she had quit hers long ago to deal with our our non-profit but i had to continue to work that nine to five and guys when i tell you my job was terrible i've been in cost center background so management and all that and two hours to get there sometimes two hours to get back in traffic that's four hours out of my day um not including the eight hours you got to work you don't miss it not at all he doesn't miss it you guys yeah so i know a lot of you may not have that drive some of you do and some of you have those bosses that are just terrible you have um co-workers that you just can't stand and you know it's so amazing to be able to work from home and not work at home for somebody else because you're still stuck at a desk or on a computer or whatever you're doing to be able to stay home and work for yourself is amazing and we have a lot of our subscribers who send us uh dms about a special we can just get up and go right we're not on a schedule we have our own schedule um so he used to work a nine to five um i used to work full time too but i used to work for my home and then um i found out both my girls had selective mutism which is the condition the nonprofit that we were telling you about on our live um so i ended up quitting my job full time that was hard because that was an income that was gone so i ended up quitting my job i started um diving into the research and when i put together charts and everything i went to my girls school showed the teachers the school staff on how to work with them and they started speaking right away so i decided to do the non-profit so i have a little bit more information my website is now up um when we did the live it wasn't up yet i was still working on it but i just finished it and i do websites too so if you guys need a website let me know um but i want to show you a little bit um this is what i started by myself um there was i got my girls talking and i started sharing my story about the girls and a lot of people started reaching out to me with kids with the same condition so i just started i i decided to put together paperwork charts um to send the parents so i'm not sure how much you guys can see but this is a postcard that i send out to parents um this is basically just explaining what the condition is we also have awareness items so this is my baby i actually started this from the ground up by myself um we have awareness items again and if you guys haven't checked out the website yet go ahead and check it out it's called and here's our bumper stickers so i wanted to show you this bumper sticker because my website i hope you guys can see my website is below and it's long so you got to make sure you get it spelled right but it's so hopefully you guys can see and we're going to put this information below but if you guys want to support um our nonprofit or if you guys just want to learn more about the condition um visit the website and let us know how you like it so i started that um i got real busy with working with different parents and send them out paperwork um so while i was doing that i used to watch clearance videos so i used to watch them to death manny never watched it i was always watching them and um i clearance so i'm like i can do you know i could do that and blah blah i used to run out and get clearance items here and there i used to coupon a while ago and um i ran into a video of some guy that was selling on ebay and i'm like i can do that remember it's terrible it's such a boring thing to me so for those of you who are out there like ebay and amazon about to scam a bunch of this but to that i was there i was the one when she came to me with this a couple of times and it took a little while for me to sit down and really look at the video because it was so boring i was so uninterested i was focused on the job how to increase money he didn't look at no video he's lying i saw you watching him he seen me watching wait he did not know he was not supportive he hated me clearance shop i used to have to hide some items i used to get that was clearance under the bed my neighbor's house because he would get so mad it was such a waste of money he was not supported like he don't understand why pay a hundred and seventy dollars for a christmas tree in december when you can pay 170 for 20 christmas trees and he just don't get it no i i absolutely got that part so let me explain to you what us guys for all the ladies out there who say uh you have those the spouses that are kind of not with you on this from our point of view it's a great deal if you get something even though you didn't need if you it was 100 you spent 20 great deal but when you get four or five of them to us it's like why we're not going to use four or five of them even though it was a great deal but you got that's our mindset and that was my mindset for years for yeah for a while for years um i ended up watching a few more ebay videos on this guy and he was from my area i actually met him one time and i was like so he gave me some encouraging words i started selling i went um he told me to look around your house first and see what you can sell don't just rush out and buy anything because you really don't know what you're doing so i went to my garage remember i pulled the boxes of dolls remember those begot dolls and i had three or four boxes of these weird-looking goth dolls and they had like piercings and tattoos and i was holding on to them for like a few years so um i went to ebay and did some research and found out that the 10 dollars i bought were actually going for like 100 to 150 i think the highest one was 295 dollars and i'm like so i didn't tell him i ended up listing it by myself i didn't know what i was doing but you live and learn i listed it by myself um i sold all those boxes of dolls within a few weeks or a month this was years ago um again i paid ten dollars for these dolls sold them the cheapest one i sold was a hundred most expensive was 295 about 300 dollars that's not even a clue in the shipping at the time we didn't do free or i didn't do free shipping um i actually charged for the shipping um i made so much money and then what i did was i took my ebay account and showed this one and that's when he said you need to sell on amazon too and i'm like nope i don't have time ebay my nonprofit is keeping me so busy plus the kids because i was working out of my home so i told him to do amazon yeah so even with that those dogs i still was focused on the job i think what got me was uh and it's been a lot of like wow moments in this business but i think one of the first things that got me was the cereal was it i thought it was a mascara remember we found well that's the one of the first things that we that moved like this but the first thing that got me like people buy any and everything anything oh the cereal yeah yeah i think i bought cereal for it was either 99 cents this was years ago it was either 99 cents or 1.99 and i sold these boxes cereal for 44. crazy i was amazed 44. his family was in town and i'm telling his family i gotta run to the store and she's like why you gotta shop again and your sister was like just clowning me like you shot too much you need to stop i say you know what come with me so your sister came with me to the store i'm not gonna say the store because that's our secret store for cereal um but i took his sister um and her husband with me and i bought four boxes of cereal i printed out the label i showed them how much i sold it for and they were like who is gonna buy a box of cereal for 44. but um the cereal that we kind of get it's like limited edition they only sell it during certain seasons and stuff like that holidays so i paid 99 cents or dollar nine i can't remember which one but it was under two forty four dollars and they couldn't believe it amazing but guess what they're still not selling no but i am but we all so that's what got me like if somebody's gonna pay that for cereal then i had to get into this so i try to get her to do because i'm still working so i tried to get her to do amazon and she pushed it on me like ain't no way i didn't have time no she didn't so i kind of jumped into amazon and i think then we've told y'all it took about two years so if you guys are thinking you're gonna quit your job tomorrow and and do what we're doing you're absolutely wrong no you got to start off really slow um and it's time consuming yes you have to be patient you have to be organized that's the number one thing if you guys are not organized you guys are not going to find anything once you sell it and we'll go into inventory and how we do it you might have a better system that you know of that you can do it but we'll show you the way we do it and you can change and make it hap your own um but it took about two years and this is grinding guys like you really got to be ready to move because i was working we had one car i think at the time and one car garage one car garage i was working until like 11 sometimes yeah and at 11 o'clock i would run 10 11 o'clock i would run to all the stores when we found these deals and yeah i felt so bad because he had the car i had the kids i couldn't drop him off at work come all the way home again it was like a two-hour drive to his job so he would have to take the car but then i would send him a message like walgreens has coolers for 199. that was amazing you killed that deal and um we used to facetime each other manny would get off of work at 10 11 something like that and he would run to all the walgreens like two in the morning three sometimes almost getting home it was crazy i mean i felt so bad because his eyes were red he was so tired but i mean we had the nine to five we had the non-profit we had um ebay i think we're doing amazon at the time um but we started off really small don't think we had all this stuff at first i mean we started looking around our house so the first thing you're going to do if you want to start selling is look around your house and see what you don't need um most of the used items i sell on ebay brand new items we sell on amazon i'm not sure if you could sell used on amazon you can you can yeah but look around your house um that's the first thing um take pictures and we're gonna do a video on how we take our pictures but um you're gonna need to take pictures and then um you can list from your your phone um computer your tablet you can list from anywhere but get it up just list it once you start selling on a regular basis or maybe once one or two times a week watch one of our videos go right out to walmart or whatever store we say and um just start buying a little bit at a time we buy a lot because we've been doing this for a while but if you first starting off just buy like a few items just to test yeah and if if if you guys you know if this is your first time you're not sure like she said start around the house what we buy for the most part it's clearance so it's like a couple of dollars it's affordable and you can use that to test it and see if it works and if it does repeat the steps repeat the steps because the thing you don't want to do is keep watching these videos and not really try it because then you don't you never get started i can tell you one thing that was me i was watching this guy that lives in my area um he was running doing clearance and listening on ebay i watched him for months months but i was too scared to start because i didn't want to mess up so when i met him in person i was telling him you know i'm not sure how to start he was like stop watching my videos and just start so you just got to start you're going to make mistakes but we're here to help we're going to do a video of mistakes you don't want to do selling online and when you first start off ebay amazon they know that you're going to make mistakes so it is what it is you're going to make mistakes but you got to get out there and do it just go so one of the good things that we have is um our personalities you may be doing this by yourself if you have a partner that you may have similar kind of what do you call that similar kind of personalities yeah well whatever that we have where you kind of we have a back and forth and we have fun with it but we're completely different in this like she'll want to research and study and make sure everything is right and i'm like jump let's do it and we kind of balance off of that um you know we clash as well and you're gonna clash and you're gonna you know have disputes on what to give what not to get with your significant other whoever you're doing with but at the end of the day you both learn and you both start seeing what it is and what works and what doesn't work and then you start becoming better at this and you start to get big real big because we grown so fast i mean right now we're doing inventory i don't even want to show you our living room it looks crazy i mean it looks like it looks like um the storage room at you know the back of walmart yeah yeah but but we have a lot going on too you know inventory plus new items plus cleaning the old inventory in boxes and stuff so it's a lot it's a lot of work guys it's a lot of work but it's it's different from going to work because this is more fun it's more exciting it's your own business but you cannot you know be like i have my own business and then start to slack off because then you don't make the money you need to stay home and then you go back and you're like well that wasn't worth it so it's a hard business she is constantly uh listing things or taking pictures or doing this and doing that and you know you see us running all the time so it's a constant movement to continue to do this until you get to where we're going you guys we're teaching you what we did and as we move on we're going to show you what we're doing to kind of expand and grow and different things that you can do but this is the channel that you're gonna get it on um what else for them i think it's rare to have just a couple doing this i mean i see a lot of women doing it i see guys doing it but i hardly see a husband and wife so um i could have started this youtube channel by myself but i wanted to introduce manny and have him in every video because i know a lot of you guys have your husbands boyfriends and they don't support but once manny started learning about how much money was involved in online selling so our channel is a lot different we just don't clearance shop we don't throw a couple items in and just be like here's some items at walmart and then the video ends you guys see us shopping at walmart you guys see us scanning you guys see us checking out you guys see us rolling our carts carts with the s hearts to the car you see our receipts and you see us putting it in the back of our car i mean remember when we got a new car we got a new car i mean since we've been since he quit we got a bunch of just we've been getting a bunch of things we got a new car what else yeah a trip we have not i'm saying working we have not vacationed in forever like forever no so that's coming it's just constant work so doing this has allowed us to get a new car has allowed us to take our upcoming vacation that we have it's allowed us to do get different things like we've never been able to buy the things we buy like we buy so much stuff it's we don't even want it like it's like oh this is cool we don't even want it and you guys we bring so many items in here now our kids don't even look at it yeah so it's just a shame so one of the things i'll say to kind of bring us back to this there's a lot of channels out there guys there's a lot of clearance channels there's a lot of how to sell channels there's a lot of whatever if you want to mix and match and you really want to learn angel on the go as a channel to watch because we're showing you not only that we are going out and finding the deals we're buying the deals we're listing the deals and we're making money off the deals so this is where you're going to get a full 360 view on how to sell on online how to find deals how to how to do it all right and um and then so much more to come so make sure you subscribe to the channel if you haven't already make sure you like this video and um get ready and i think our next video we just wanted to kind of do an introduction but our next video is going to be sourcing or listing what is it going to be what should be our first video um the next one that we have is is going to be choosing a platform and um we'll talk a little bit about what to sell like how do you know what to sell yes and again when you guys see manny in the videos like this on his phone he's looking up stuff um we're gonna let you guys know too about the difference between the different platforms that we sell on on on ebay i kind of look it up a different way versus manny going on amazon um amazon actually gives you the rating is that what's called rating yeah they give you the rating or ranking was it sounds right sales rank so basically uh if we find a item at walmart manny scans and he's like that's amazon sale rank right yeah yes so we're gonna go um more deep into the uh that video um we're gonna do a video on how to ship items which is very important uh what shipping supplies you're going to need to buy um how much it costs we're going to teach you guys how to create shipping labels um how to ship um what else um a little bit of everything the most important things that we're really gonna get into i guess after we get through the basics on the type of platform shipping and things like that is how do you make the money like what do you buy how much can i sell it for you know what's the profit you're gonna make and yeah and hit hit hint every time you guys see us in any store walgreens cvs walmart and you guys see something in our cart it's not for our kids and it's not for us it's to resell so if you guys see it in our cart and you see us checking out they should throw it in their cart that's gold that's gold so we want to thank all you guys for supporting us with our first video it's kind of like an intro the next video is going to be more detail on what platform to sell on uh we want to thank all of our subscribers we got 10 we got over 10 000. i don't know in under a year yeah for sure that was that was quick so thank y'all we want to thank you guys for keep supporting keep sharing and make sure you guys are watching these videos if you guys want to learn make sure you watch every video that comes out because that can be a potential clearance item that you can go out and buy it can be something for you to go buy for friends and family um but it could be that gold moment and we throw a lot of gold at you a lot of gold so make sure you guys give this video a thumbs up there you guys go how do you like my new youtube channel pillow so i surprised manny with the pillow back here i actually got four so i just have one back here but when we hit 10 10k i surprised him with the pillow so thank you guys so much we have merch coming soon um we're gonna do um probably another live soon and we're trying to get together an online auction so you guys can buy some of the stuff from angel on the go so again make sure you guys like this video give us a thumbs up and make sure you subscribe to this channel share this video and click on that notification bell bye [Laughter] you
Channel: Angel On The Go
Views: 2,965
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Keywords: how to sell on ebay, online business ideas 2021, online business from home, online business essentials, how to sell on amazon fba for beginners 2021, online business 2021, ebay for beginners 2021, ebay reselling 2020, how to sell on amazon fba for beginners easy step-by-step tutorial, how to sell on amazon fba for beginners easy step-by-step tutorial 2020, investing for beginners 2021, ecommerce business 2021, ecommerce business for beginners, selling on ebay 2021
Id: 2yc1njhXKac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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