Reselling Hangout w/ a CPA - Amazon FBA eBay - WALMART CLEARANCE - What's New with you?

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all right looks like we are going live everybody happy friday night i'm gonna have to mute myself here on the other screen give me just a second looks like it's taking a minute to to catch up here there we go that's right all right hey everybody how's it going let's see so we'll go ahead and drop the link in the chat if anyone wants to come by and hang out all right we'll go go around and say hi to everybody in the chat see who's in the room here we got uh lee has been here for a while lee thanks for thanks for dropping in dropping in early uh i saw you were chatting with johnny cajun roots reseller johnny thanks for helping lee out and uh giving him some tips on um how to do editing stuff like that johnny is a great resource and likes to help people out so thanks for doing that we appreciate that let's see go through uh cheap finds goldmines that said suckle that like button appreciate that you guys know that hit that like button ella thanks for being here appreciate you johnny said you were staying up late to catch live for the first time i appreciate that johnny i appreciate you being here i appreciate everybody being here on a friday night lauren said is the flippin wolf of walmart in the house you you know it you know but um i went ahead and dropped the uh the link to the chat or the link to the stream yard if anyone wants to jump in i'll go ahead and pin that message up there anyone is welcome to jump in as long as you uh not a creeper or anything like that that would be good johnny said up past his bedtime good evening pacific northwest picker i think paul said he sent you uh sent you my way so thanks for being here johnny said while you got past the 3k now moving on up justin yes sir um been very lucky lately you know i got a couple shout outs and been consistent with my videos and been been pretty lucky so um just putting in that work amy and corbin said who's it gonna be what's up greg greg greg i mean you can you can jump in you're more than welcome to i'll put the wherever the uh the button is you can drop in carter how's it going jen my chant you know it [Music] chandra thanks for being here dana thanks for being here appreciate you dropping in on a friday night hope everyone's doing well hope everyone's having a good week ready for the weekend what are you guys doing this weekend are we going sourcing are we hitting garage sales estate sales thrift stores pawn shops not shopping just gonna be digging through that death pile i'm i don't know what are you guys up to how you doing lee thanks for being here yeah thanks for being here i appreciate that well i guess i'm out there well i mean you you can drop in feel free you're you're more than welcome to drop in anyone is welcome to drop in luke thanks for being here listening and listening well that's great that's that's good that's something i worked on today i've managed to get 96 items for amazon fba uh shipped in tonight so i'm pretty happy with that i've been kind of slacking on that but i'm trying to get more of that stuff out there it just takes a while so ella hope your headache is better and we're getting caught up hey craig i would be you said no weirdos well i mean i'm here so you know anyone is welcome to join um pota potapeca potapeca hello from europa thanks for being here appreciate you amy and corbin says yard sales tomorrow with bdb big daddy brian good luck tomorrow guys that's awesome hey marcy love your ewok making videos here all right dana okay putting in some work okay turned out it's because i haven't eaten i feel much better yeah you have to remember to eat um if i don't eat i get migraines i don't feel so good you definitely gotta take care of yourself because because nobody else will but i'm glad you're feeling better ella mr freyna great seeing you live well thank you i appreciate that um i think it's been about three weeks since i did the last one and the last few have done like three hour marathons and i wasn't planning for that so i'm not planning for that you know we'll see where the night takes us but uh um we'll see what happens but thank you for being here small town picker howdy thanks for being here this weekend all the above all right okay chandra is just gonna be hitting all the stores all the thrift stores garage sales um what you doing this weekend homie oh i you know i don't really have any plans i've heard that there's some community yard sales in the area so i might have to check those out might have to see if there are some estate sales in the area you know take my take my partner crime with me and maybe do a little bit of that we'll see kids deals no more hi everyone thanks for being here um i'm not i don't think i'm familiar with that name but thanks for being here i appreciate that um small time picker sounds like my lives uh johnny saying hi to everybody greg says justin do you have any plans on expanding your channel beyond walmart lowe's and target greg it's funny that you asked that because i do have some other videos in the pipeline um and i have my uh i have a few walmart videos ready to go and i do have a lowe's video coming up and i have done some target stuff i haven't really done any of that lately but the thing is like i'm trying to do two videos a week and i also work my full-time job so doing more than that is is kind of pushing it you know plus trying to have um you know time for doing other stuff as well so i i definitely am going to try to do a little bit more different stuff and try to mix it up because i don't want it to get stale you know so so the short answer is yes i'm going to mix it up a little bit and we'll see what happens but thanks for asking greg go ahead sit up a little bit here small town picker hey greg janet thanks for being here this evening i appreciate you david thanks for being here my favorite uh las vegas reseller in the house podapeca may i have a question is reselling your main job or part-time job reselling is my part-time job and a passion of mine i've been doing it for years and it's a lot of fun i really enjoy it you know there's it provides a lot of great opportunity you can make extra money you can pay off debt you can meet new people i've met some cool people reselling so it's it's a part-time job but it's definitely a passion um but uh i do have a full-time job but uh part-time uh reseller but it doesn't feel like part-time so pacific northwest i've been listening today doing some video editing tonight so i can hit the sales tomorrow hope there's some good ones yeah good good luck tomorrow i hope you find lots of good stuff out there what kind of stuff are you looking for this weekend um lego score at walmart see conch massachusetts half price bought a carriage full well congratulations on getting a whole a whole buggy full i i know you said carriage but i'ma go ahead and correct you there because i believe it's a buggy so let me know what you guys think is it a buggy or a carriage or a shopping cart i don't know i don't know i'm open but uh congratulations that's awesome way to go cody mccarson in the house what's going on cody i appreciate you being here uh this guy's super busy and i appreciate you spending your time here thank you for being here sir uh super unsexy has been able to grow with just walmart i could see the pros and constables options yeah absolutely um i just don't want to you know i just don't want to get stale and do the same thing over and over again you know i wanted to mix it up a little bit so jennifer hayes in the house thanks for being here jennifer i appreciate you michael west made a killing today with the mr and mrs potato head sets after watching your video the other day that's great michael i'm very happy to hear that i'm glad you made some money and um you know by the time i had posted that video the prices had come down a little bit but there was still plenty of meat on the bone you know plenty of profit to be made so i'm glad that's uh glad that you definitely made some money there that's great she finds gold mines who's the mystery guest suspense is killing me well plot twist i didn't have anyone scheduled tonight i did put the link in the chat anyone is welcome to drop in uh you guys are welcome to drop in i know you like being uh you know being on camera hanging out giving me grief about being flexible so you guys are welcome to chat if you want to we'll be we'll be chatting talented mr dp what's up justin just living the dream here um just having a little uh drinky poo just hanging with you guys this is my friday night so i'm happy to be here johnny saying hi to everybody ella said hi again janet i did see your last comment about watching my videos yeah thank you guys for supporting each other and um miss jennifer hayes is in the room here she can drop links but i think she's the only moderator that i have but that's fine because i trust jennifer so it's cool i mean not to say i don't trust anybody else but she's the only one i have as a moderator at the moment i agree greg my walmart has all clearance marked right so no hidden clearance for me he's doing good summer david thanks for being here um haven't seen haven't seen you around too much lately but i do appreciate you being here wow i am way behind carriage it's a cart cody says it's a buggy i'm all about buggy kimberly giles thanks for being here kim i appreciate you all in on the buggy small town picker said cart duh uh gracie said shopping cart um we'll see about that strictly on the hunt for super cool vintage closing but i'll pick up anything good clothing not closing but yeah good luck with that this weekend jen i hope you find lots of cool stuff uh let's see it's instacart not instabuggy or insta carriage well i mean you got me there maybe i should start my own instabuggy but uh i definitely think you're right so we would appreciate some tax advice well um i can give out general information i can talk to you guys about tax stuff if you want but i'm not going to give out any specific advice if you have any questions you can drop it in the chat and i can do my best to try to help out so i am a licensed cpa and they do have an active license but that is not my full-time job i do work in the accounting industry so not biased on what i find things i know and wanting to take chances on other items if price is right absolutely katie reeds thanks for dropping in the house small town picker i eat potato after breakfast boil mash'em stick them in a stew i feel like that's a hobbit quote from lord of the rings or am i just kind of nerding out here david i feel like i feel like you would be on the lord of the rings quotes carter thanks for being here tonight uh wow trying to catch up i'm almost caught up mystery flipper thanks for being here appreciate you dropping in hope you're doing good do you have something mixed with that apple well i do have uh have it in a nice little rocks glass so there is a little extra in this and it's very tasty so just wanted to relax just want to hang out with you guys so yeah a little drinky poo you know nothing special here i'm holding back listing the legos until the price goes sky high as usual usual to make a killing on them absolutely that is fantastic way to go nancy that is also my strategy right now guys we have breaking news we have a mystery guest trying to drop in here um give me one second here let me try to connect and there we go there you go hey how's it going man we felt bad because there's no guests popping up so we got to drop in boom roasted absolutely no one was coming in and we were like what the heck bro like get in here yeah then okay we'll do it you're like we'll take pity on this poor soul you said it on us um mystery flipper sent me a 9.99 super chat thank you very much i appreciate that mystery flipper's got some great videos out there too he's been doing some walmart clearance super stuff like that and he did a thrifting video recently so check him out if you all haven't already katie reed said cart which is incorrect what are you guys up to tonight correct you're wrong um tonight we're just chilling on youtube man just if you haven't seen we've been in literally everybody's lives yeah i haven't i hadn't really seen you guys on today so oh yeah okay well yeah we uh we went to a big uh indoor church yard sale today and it was like amazon return palette stuff but it was yard sale prices yeah and that's a very dangerous combination we got brand new sealed switch games like five bucks it was nice yeah very nice very nice um i want to say hi to a couple other people in the chat here that's awesome guys so i mean you've got some bolos to share with us multi-gasm geek thanks for being here gasm nation hey oh uh aaron's outdoors do you have any idea what lego sets are going to be on sale this summer i heard a lot of legos are going on sale in the summer yeah so generally walmart has like two big lego clearances a year one after christmas and then one about summer time and we can pull up the uh the retired list because there's supposed to be a lot of sets retiring this year so i'll try to find that and share that with you because there's a bunch of sets are going to go on sale so i know you guys just love legos you're a big fan huge what are legos uh is it a trolley what do you guys call it a shopping cart or a buggy i mean it's buggy i call it a a people mover a bulldozer how it's really how you use it yeah yeah i suppose you could use it for other things i just said cart the shopping cart yeah that's what you said i yeah i heard buggy buggy boogie yeah guys again yeah i'm guessing paul's going to drop in any time he's following you guys right he is he is he's a stalker jeff said i came here for a mystery guest we're waiting on you jeff everyone's just been been clamoring for jeff to be in the chat so when you're ready to drop in you know let me know feel free to hang with us so what do you guys got going on this weekend got more garage sales more community yard sales that kind of stuff yeah yeah so tomorrow morning we're getting up at 6 30 and big daddy bryan's meeting us here at the house okay and shoot over to a city over from us and there's a giant neighborhood yard sale but it's supposed to rain so okay chatting on that one i don't know just just not sure about that one so maybe there would be some like indoor um like you like you guys want to tonight like maybe some more church right there that kind of stuff yeah yeah i mean again now that craigslist is like disassociating themselves with the treasure map it's hard to find them yeah i i i don't understand why they did that that does not make sense to me nope but i'm hoping somebody else picks up that ball and runs with it because that's there's definitely a lot of opportunity there well the mystery was i didn't really have anybody planned and i didn't like take time to make a new thumbnail so i was just kind of being lazy about that um ella shot me a five dollar uh super chat thank you ella i really appreciate that that's very sweet so you can buy what 40 video games with that that's not that one yeah but the checking out is the hard part i mean it's like hey guys look here's a 50 game for three cents wrong wrong you thought lauren said what do you guys drink and you guys having a drink too yeah coke we're always having a drink strawberry lemonade from wendy's virgin very nice we don't drink just kidding i don't believe you yeah people are still saying a cart too i don't know break for me got to get back to that crawl space there we go jennifer hayes thank you for dropping the link to uh cheap fines gold mines thank you you're the link queen again quick queen i just got the notification you were live yeah i mean i could have just jumped on now like 17 minutes late these guys would have been picking on me about it rookie mistakes i i did i did have it set up though like i set it up through stream yard and then i went through and um you know made sure all the tags and everything was on there through through youtube so i'm getting better like i'm slowly getting it's only taken me a year so we're getting there you guys are already way ahead of me where i was a year ago what's up paul can you say that again i just missed everything you just said yeah paul said your next fifteen dollars three cent video games are on me thank you paul that's very sweet of you 15 bucks super chat man look at this guy paul is so close to a thousand subs too anyone in here that's not subscribed to paul yet needs to go check him out um he is just like he's knocking on that door he's getting pretty close he's got a lot of good videos too he does he does we're fans of them yeah you guys been in half of his lives too so if you guys like if guys like them you go check out him too yeah we're best buds justin i will say if you could educate paul on where to put the money symbol at that would be great great fantastic i don't know man it's not like i'm a professional expert on money or finance or anything like that he likes to put the number and then the dollar sign maybe that's just personal preference huh i think it's like a ukrainian thing you see ukrainian yes yes i didn't know that you guys use keeper or app similar to that i don't uh i i don't use keepa um i know other people that do but i i just i don't need it um so that's that's an app that you kind of use with like the walmart seller app to find the sales so gotcha man i'm almost caught up i'm slowly slowly getting there i don't know how i don't know how johnny does this all the time like they're really good at that when did you reschedule your disney trip uh we're going at the end of april so pretty stoked about that and if we uh have to reschedule it again i'm sure i'll do another trip with them yes we will we've got that in the back chamber just in case but um no we've got it scheduled for the end of april so i'm pretty pretty stoked about that that's pretty cool so pretty pumped so but uh green why are people saying green and yellow what did i miss black and yellow black and i don't know they're just saying colors maybe they're just trying to get our attention here blue green yellow red interesting yeah i'm not sure what it is greg said apple i don't know what's going on i'll look that up it's appropriate either way but signed first is my preference yeah sign first is my preference too but you know everyone has their own personal preferences katie reed said here's a five dollar super chat remember when you didn't want to do youtube or show your face justin that is correct i was hesitant to like show my face on instagram because i didn't really for a while and then i started youtube and i was kind of nervous about that and i don't have any training like any editing skills like how did you guys learn how to do editing and like how did you guys learn how to do your own videos mine is all like self-taught we're still learning yeah my me i'm the one who edits right and yeah i just i just figured it out on the fly i just hovered over the buttons and it told me what it was and i was like okay yeah makes sense like yeah this this looks good why not sure exactly and i just i continued to mess with it and figured it out yeah i've never taken any like classes or anything like that obviously but uh you know mine is all just learning from from being online but yeah and that intro that i did for our videos lately improv didn't know what the heck i was doing yeah yeah now you you definitely did a great job on that i mean i i think half the comments i've responded to on the videos were like oh that intro was awesome justin justin and corbin were cool too i'm like well you know amy did a great job so thanks logan and i were there not us it was all it was the amy show but uh katie reads thank you for that five dollar super chat go check her out she's got some videos too she's um a lot of stuff on book selling and she's a fiction writer so check her out too two hip chicks just dropping in didn't you guys tell me you guys were going to be on nana tank's show was that this week or next week again yeah we were going to i was surprised too because i thought you all said it was yesterday and i was looking for it and i was like well i swear they said it was going to be tonight yeah we tried okay all right i'm just making sure i didn't you know i didn't miss here so but everyone put a thumbs up for good luck in your next ra trip thank you i appreciate that all right they've got a video game question is 1999 a good price for a new ps4 diablo eternal collection if you're looking to resell no the current market value is 24.56 okay see you guys are ready on that one you're my favorite youtube channel at the moment small town picker very zen okay i've never been called zen before how about you guys no we don't get called zen no bdb in the house our man everybody listen brian is new to youtube he's our best friend he's a reseller does it locally um part time and he just made a youtube channel so if y'all can go check him out he has two videos up now yeah he's he's very knowledgeable on a wide variety of items so just check them out if you all don't know about like the video games and just the weird stuff like the weird stuff that you would never think about like vintage underwear who would do that brian does brian does yeah well having that knowledge and those niches that that people don't know about you can definitely find a lot of opportunity there for sure sorry sorry i was just reading the next comment but yeah bdb thanks for being here man good luck tomorrow so so what happened with you guys earlier today y'all uh were messaging on the same link or listing or something yeah so we just went and picked up some some pretty rare sports titles for the ps3 okay and the guy wanted 50 for the 10 games i messaged them i was like i just want these two i'll give you 20 bucks 10 each and he's like well i just got an offer for all of them i said i'll give you 10 more what they offered and i'll come right now and i called brian and told about the games we just bought and he's like man that was me he was about to go pick him up and i was like brian you got to tell me bro guys so so yeah so you guys didn't know obviously no we didn't know right yeah that's i mean that's funny you guys are just you know looking at the same stuff i mean i'm not surprised you guys are in the same area looking for the same kind of stuff so yeah yeah poor nana hasn't been feeling well so we'll say a prayer for her hopefully she gets feeling better soon troy said do you guys have experience reselling halloween items do you guys sell halloween no we tried we got a bunch from a yard sale they i don't think we actually listed them yeah no we've never listed them and just threw them away so here's a fun fact if you don't list the items they will not sell yeah did you know i can confirm yes can confirm things do not list themselves which is definitely the worst part about reselling so i've been good about that today what i think you guys are out there buying today done a listing lately yeah did you say buying yeah we've done a lot of that all right jen said she's getting out of here for the night thanks for being here jen for being here i appreciate you champion said what's an item you regret thus far buying for ra hard time to sell i'm gonna open that up to you guys first because we can say let's what's what's something you regret buying for thrifting or or for resale or whatever and then i'll answer too we got a bunch of vintage leather jackets oh yeah that was in the very beginning and we have about two years and still haven't listed them no whatever happened to that jacket no idea we i remember uh we got a bomber jacket for like 50 bucks and it was worth over 200 dollars it was worth like five yeah yeah 400 there you go but this was a while back like in the very first little bit of our career here just never listed it so it's just been kind of just sitting in a pile then yeah no it's hung up it's like beautiful never worn i gotcha yeah so so my most recent purchase for resale that has not gone anywhere was uh steinmart was closing down in my area and i bought pretty much like 80 of the inventory that they had left so i bought like men's jackets men's ties pants suits just tons and tons of like colorful clothes and i think i spent like 500 bucks on all that stuff and it is all still sitting in my closets and in my garage and i have not touched it at all so it'd be like that sometimes oh how's that uh cereal going uh cereal is uh actually hasn't sold any yet so i had to i had to send that in so the price says like corbin so it's all good but i did remember to put your name in the sku so when it does sell i'll be like that's how i need to talk to you about this but none of it has moved zero bucks corbin forced justin into buying like he legit was like yo justin you need to get this it's gonna fly and um apparently it hasn't sold yeah have not sold one yet but that's just how it goes that's how ra is though it's like when when they sell the same product in a hundred different stores or a thousand different stores i mean that can happen so dana goodnight thanks for being here i appreciate you so luke said he sells more halloween stuff throughout the year than i ever do in september and october that's awesome so people just buy it throughout the year for like costumes or just scaring their kids or something i don't know just just for dressing up so lauren said if y'all have skeletons i'll buy that if we have any uh dolls or clowns or anything we'll send them your way uh yeah any kind of creepy uh small time i want to go full time i hope i'm not a death pile collector i need to get this all listed yeah that's a struggle like i i i wish i was better at listening it's just that's not the fun part for me it's it's that fun view now and i will say a lot of stuff that we sit on we're waiting for the market to skyrocket in it so some of the things we are trying to predict what's going to pop off like the nfl head coach 09 randomly so we're trying to kind of predict a little bit we're buying lots and lots of just a high quantity of it and just hope that it pops off yeah you look pretty yeah i mean it's it's it's different like when you find something that has like you have a ton of one item that's easier to just do like one listing and then you have you know 20 items listed or whatever but when i buy 100 items and i have to do 100 listings i am in no rush to to do that i know you got time for that we got time for that we got to be out there finding these deals i will say i made it up to you about finding the pokemon little clip and go things that's right yeah yeah those uh those those are going to sell quick so yeah one day one day i hope they sell no i uh we put you in debt i didn't corbin did no i mean i'm glad you guys found stuff so that's cool i'm glad you all made money is it the little yachty cereal no but they they do some cereal like that with you know with different collaborations that sell well but um no we were talking about different cereal that had like the pokemon cards because they were real hot there for a minute um and just as more supply came out the price just kind of slowly went down so but this is how it be some sometimes so what the 600 boxes yeah yes i'm glad i stopped at 30. we'll take this 30 and we'll cram amy in the car with the rest and we'll not come back for this whole palette yeah so johnny said he sells holiday stuff year round that's good greg says a lot of kids like to wear random costumes throughout the year i mean adults do too but that's usually your college kids they like to do that parties and theme stuff that's dumb i never went to one oh crap i don't know i was only in college for about a year so it's overrated and it costs too much so don't worry about it i know pacific northwest dinner northwest dinner picker being called for dinner oh goodness wow johnny's killing it he listed 46 items today that's awesome yes you're an inspiration johnny you live in the blue eye of a giant his people in the black hole sign like a people the sun seen from outside appears as a black hole okay then kim says where are y'all from corbin and amy where y'all from lexington kentucky ye we're not related i know that's probably your next question i mean it'd be okay if you're in kentucky speaking of hey kentucky yay what up kentucky what up so this is one of our local resellers uh here in lexington and uh he was like one of our first subscribers yeah much love we'll make the morning show you know yeah his 46 listings hey lauren you know you you you know poop oh my goodness i would have returned the cereal yeah see that's the thing is like when you um when you send stuff into fba that's kind of the that's the gamble with buying retail arbitrage stuff is you buy it and then it takes a week for you to ship it into amazon it takes a week for them to essentially move it to their other warehouses to when it's going to sell so i mean even at like best case scenario you're talking like two weeks where the price can fluctuate up or down so that's just kind of a risk that you take so kim said harlan kentucky represent don't know where that's at but represent go also i don't know what this means but i keep on doing it i i wouldn't be throwing up gang signs i mean that's not i i don't think that is i don't know what it means but i know it's not a game sign i don't think it is what does everyone listen to when they list do you guys uh you guys listen to music in the background or um i listen to him complain yeah i'll just say the same thing i hear her scream at the phone all day pretty much michael said corbin what unit did you serve in uh well i don't even say that yeah probably not hhc that one good night small town picker thanks for being here appreciate you good night bdb usually jam out some 80s tunes yeah johnny said he he plays other channels while he's listening i i have a hard time doing that because i get distracted like oh what are they doing oh if it's alive you can't i can't get anything done yeah yeah i don't think that means oh no i know exactly what i got that from i'm not gonna say it on the live i'll text you what it is okay that's fine it's not gang related it's um just yeah all right next brian said the new chevelle album my jam i i think a lot of people are listening to dmx this weekend you know do you see his cds his body hasn't been cold yet and they were already selling them sealed on ebay are they like out of control right now thousand dollars for a sealed uh cd yeah yeah i had the same idea i went to the distributor that i have an account with and they were all sold out so just trying to make money off dead people huh justin uh trying to you know pick up on those opportunities when they're there i feel like somebody was trying to get me to buy a betty white action figure which i did so just saying just putting that one out there i can't believe you threw me under like that bro i said somebody i didn't say who did why why i taught you i served in 10th mountain okay yeah i'm a 149th infantry are you sure about that one no okay very positive nancy said good night shot killing me well i hope you get feeling better nancy thanks for dropping in i appreciate you jimbia said his vinyls are going crazy right now aaron said can we look at the lego retired sets list thanks for the reminder i'll i'll try to pull that up real quick so so what what all did you guys get at this church sale you've got some protein powder and some video games we're making a the video will be up tomorrow we're actually going to finish the last half after we get off here but uh stuff that we normally don't pick up we found some like uh pill bottles that were still sealed the expiration date was still good on them that we found and action figures it was actually really quality return stuff so i'm surprised surprised about that nice so it was like it was a bunch of return stuff but it was all new yeah so everything was brand new sealed but it was like return so i don't know i don't know how they did it or or what but and then they had yard sale prices on each item yeah so again we got there five minutes after they opened there's already 50 people in there just destroying the place yeah well it sounds like you guys killed it though yeah we got lucky yeah well there were no resellers everybody was you know buying for the themselves resellers in there yeah well i mean that that that's nice you guys hit it at the right time because you know maybe after you guys left some other resellers came in or bdb came by and you know i was like oh there's nothing here well lauren said do y'all have any prince charles swag because he just passed away today do you guys know who prince charles is talking about we do not have any the duke of edinburgh now i know who that is i don't wait prince charles i'm also thinking of the piercing okay that's how i know that name okay that's that's like that sounds familiar uh yeah well that's not what we were talking about but you know what's the big deal one thousand bucks for the deal yeah it's crazy oh prince prince philip passed away sorry got it thank you jennifer appreciate it lauren lauren lauren why are we going to be like he's in trouble over here thank you for the correction jennifer thank you jennifer hayes saves the day again yeah it's always about saving the day here charles is alive and well she says thank you guys don't look that up oh no cooligus says what's your take on buying and holding bought some predator stuff at walmart but hoping it may appreciate in a couple years yeah absolutely um if you have the time and the money to invest in stuff that you know in the space to let it just sit and collect dust and go up in value i'm all about that that's kind of my strategy this year with the legos is normally i buy them and send them in but this year i'm buying and holding until everyone else sells out and then i'm gonna ship them all in so definitely the way to go if you have the the capital to do it in the space kentucky yay probably do you think the sales has been better than normal probably if it's raining yeah well so hopefully it drizzles a little bit and scares away the other resellers yeah because we'll stick it out we'll go yard selling through a tornado we don't care who cares as long as there's video games sorry i'm putting the uh the retiring leg unless in there for um aaron outdoors because we were talking about it yeah lauren said buy all the cereal and hold it that is not a good strategy but thank you for chiming in i agree lauren you should do this yes lauren good job all this all this support well you could just pull the pokemon cards out and hold them i could i could uh i would have to recall the cereal back from amazon first and have them send it back to me and then open it and then i'd have cereal i just have a lot of cereal i suppose wait which cereal did you get uh one of i don't remember which one it was okay it was like lucky charms or something i think yeah because there's like five or six brands that have like the pokemon cards but they um i think that they're kind of you know i think they're kind of everyone's on to it now big daddy brian said tornado earthquakes tidal waves can't stop us from the goods so bdb said y'all are going out thrifting tomorrow and going for those garage sales no matter what the weather is like yeah i mean regardless we don't care yeah dmx died too died too so look for his stuff while you're in the thrifts and stores yeah we were just talking about that a minute ago they somebody was saying that the vinyls were crazy right now i believe it oh it looks like johnny's piecing out uh i'm out it's been great to spend time with y'all headed to bed getting rest for tomorrow for the long day working your auction awesome johnny thanks for being here good luck with the auction tomorrow i'm sure i'm sure we'll all be dropping in yeah buddy so good night johnny it's way back um yeah i find it crazy how vinyls are the ones that go for great resale price keeping the advantage and yeah i think vinyls are are great a great item to sell um on ebay or amazon if you can sell them on amazon they they fetch a premium over there but uh do you guys ever look at like cds or records or any of that kind of stuff oh we did actually just pick up a few oh yeah we did actually uh for this yard sale thing that we just went to we found a lot of sealed sets like a sealed annabelle set and that's like a horror kind of you know set so we picked that up justin act like it happened i heard nothing i think that was the uh i think that was the the the lego website i was looking at so you said you found some annabelle stuff uh lauren are you listening because she likes that horror stuff um yeah we found a couple of like music cds nothing crazy they were in like the 20s so yeah probably bought them for like two bucks yeah that's awesome jennifer hayes is plugging the royal auction tomorrow so make sure you guys check that out tomorrow if you guys um want to buy some stuff online they always have some good stuff over there bdb said if you can find some 90s 2000s dmx concert tea or promo tea that bring in some good money we know a guy who has about a hundred thousand of them do with tags we might just do that not all dmx just a bunch of concert keys yeah the same place with all the uh the cds and stuff yeah possible very nice very nice so yeah we've still got quite a few people in chat if you guys have any questions if you have any questions for me or for amy and corbin you know feel free to drop it in the chat and if anybody wants to join feel free yes it's an easy going vibe up in these parts that's right we're pretty open pretty flexible so pretty flex mystery flipper said has there been anything that you were gated in that you had to get ungated in recently um there was you scanned in the store that you had to get permission to sell you know i don't know what it was but sometimes that happens like sometimes it'll just be like some weird brand and i'll scan it and it'll say like restricted and then i'll click you know and then i could just it lets me write in but sometimes it doesn't let you do that um the last thing that i got ungated for was maybe about this time last year was like in tex pools so like i can sell pools on amazon now but i kind of feel like everyone's on to that right now so i'm not really trying to chase after that but definitely worth looking into you never know so jennifer said that's cajun roots that's johnny's reseller auction just so you know thank you jennifer i appreciate you so well corbin do you guys use your own camera for ebay or do you use the app photo setup i literally just tried using it and feel like it's better um i we have our own photo booth so i just use my phone yeah but like when we're on the go doing road trips photo room is excellent we were taking pictures in the car oh yeah the next pawn shop and the photos look professional and we had stuff sell like five minutes after we listed in the car so this photo room is definitely worth the investment i think if you do kentucky you had a question for me what is some brands that you are gated in um honestly there's not that many brands that i can't sell and i don't say that to be kind of in a bragging way but like i've had my account for several years so there's a lot of things that i can sell that a lot of other people can't like i can sell nike under armour adidas legos nintendo just like the whole gamut there's only a handful of brands i can't sell in which are like squish mallows like those big stupid squishy pillows um so i can't sell those and um nothing else is really jumping in mind like high-end perfumes i can't sell perfume on amazon which is weird but uh i don't know i can sell a lot of stuff so have you ever tried to buy items like lego for sale on sale at walmart to pick up yeah and sometimes you can do this it's like in one of my videos not too long ago i bought some legos at a store that was like 200 miles away but i bought them ahead of time like through their website so i had like 10 sets waiting for me at like 75 off so i was like no matter if i find nothing else i'm already profitable so like i bought them ahead of time and then i went pick them up so that's you know good way to go if you can plan ahead there oh louis thanks for being here appreciate you mr flipper said thanks for the info about the photo room you guys are helpful he didn't say you didn't say you're helpful but oh he did yeah he didn't say i guess i'm just assuming that yeah but it's okay it's a good imprint because i i feel like you guys are helpful so so you said we got a video coming out tomorrow for uh for all the stuff you get found today yeah well we've got like a little party going downstairs not ours but it depends on if we can film it we got all the cousins over right now playing dungeons and dragons well there we go we we have a clarification you're welcome thank you appreciate you appreciate uh how well do lego star wars sets do for you any tips um yeah lego star wars sets do really well for me um there's just follow the trends if you can like not too long ago there was an actress that was fired from star wars at the show the mandalorian show so there was one lego set that she was in 75254 and that's the only set that has her minifigure so like that minifigure was selling for 40 bucks and that set is normally like 40 bucks so i think those are like 80 90 bucks right now so that's just like a trend that you know that that i'd heard about so a lot of people really went deep on those so very nerdy stuff i know but uh but but uh yeah so like i look for like sets that only have like um mini figures that have been printed like once or twice just because they're super rare and they're worth more money that way so our new sellers on amazon not allowed to sell legos now if you're a new seller there's a lot of categories you can't sell in but it is still definitely worth it to um apply to get ungated in these categories and i've actually been thinking about doing a video on how to get ungated in toys and i'm not sure if people would be interested in that i would be very interested so um because like a lot of people charge for those kind of services they're like oh i'll for a hundred dollars i'll teach you how to get ungated in this out of the other thing and it's like it's not that hard like if you know if somebody walks you through it like a 10 minute tutorial i mean pretty much anyone can do it i think it's i think it's good information that should be out there now justin we have a question sure let's say people in the chat have an older amazon account but they haven't been a seller on amazon okay hypothetically yeah asking for a friend could then yeah be grandfathered into any of these categories it's possible um because like my amazon account is an older account but i used to sell books on it like years ago so like i i have certain things on my amazon account that not everyone would have like i have daily payouts and stuff like that but if you have an older amazon account it would be worth trying to sign into the amazon seller account because it may be you you may have like some un-gating or being grandfathered into things that you don't that that not everyone would have so if you have an older account it's worth checking into for sure yeah so be fab brother from another brick in this house uh he's got a lego lego channel talks about legos different sets you know sorry cool stuff so um what do you do to become ungated why are you gated so like so here i'm gonna i'll explain it to you guys and hopefully this will answer this for gracie as well so to get ungated in like a category say you wanted to sell something like star wars hypothetically i just happen to have a star wars thing right here what you would do is you would find a distributor that sells star wars products you would buy 10 of these then you would submit an invoice to amazon and you basically blank out the pricing information and once they realize it's a real invoice from a real company they ungate you and then you can sell that product on amazon so it's kind of like a pay-to-play kind of thing kind of um like some categories you can get ungated in over time but as a newer seller like if i wanted to jump right in like you could get on gated in star wars for like 10 bucks and then you can sell star wars toys uh video game i'm sorry not video games like lightsabers action figures you know any anything with the star wars brand on it you could sell it and there's tons of potential uh profit there so uh mr flipper said use bricksleek daily thinking about getting it um not as much as i used to like when i was pretty heavy doing the clearance stuff i would use it every day but lately i've been kind of slacking just because i'm trying to get caught up on all my stuff but i think it's worth it like they have a ten dollar membership and a thirty dollar membership and they have a free version and i think like the um i think the thirty dollar version's worth it so a few items will pay it off yeah absolutely and that's the thing too is like with the different tiers of membership like the more you pay the quicker you get the the information so like if you pay 30 bucks um you get the information before anyone else and then a few weeks later they'll release it release it to the 10 people and then maybe a week or two later they'll release it to the free version so if you're just looking at the free site you're already weeks behind everyone else so just saying just so you know just putting it out there in fact you know lego set numbers are scary i'm sure bfad knows all his lego set numbers too you said always hop on trends star wars sets you'll always win when it comes to profit same with harry potter and marvel and dc minifigures sell well after a while that's okay is there pokemon lego sets no there is not pokemon lego sets there are mega bloks yeah yeah they're awful they are just horrible i've uh bought those as gifts and given those pokemon mega blocks as gifts and the kids are like hey don't like it they're they're like it's not lego it's trash is clear and stuff katie said getting in gated in toys was great but then it's all the specific brand after that i had to be strategic with my purchase to hit a lot of birds with one stone yeah absolutely and you can do that too so like i'm i'm talking to you guys and everyone else can kind of get this benefit too but what you can do is you can find like a certain toy that will cover like three or four brands and what i mean is like if you bought like a star wars nerf gun that would unlock you in star wars and nerf or if you bought like a disney frozen pop then it would cover disney frozen and pop that's what i was thinking i was like top stubby griffin pups yep so there's there's definitely a lot of strategy that goes into that so if you guys are ever interested i know somebody that knows a little bit about amazon oh interesting it's curious i feel like the more you get ungated you are the deeper into the cake you are and the less competition there is that's right we all want to be a part of the cake so i couldn't tell if you guys were frozen or just not moving i think we're not moving we're reading chambia ra has changed my view on money for the better it's like an investment and you have fun with that yeah yeah shopping is the fun part listing is the not fun part yeah big time all right they're asking me but maybe that's a question for you guys justin would you sell a brand new sealed ncaa 2014 on amazon i bought one and wonder which platform to sell it on definitely go for amazon because they sell for a lot more on amazon no go from mccarry oh yamakari makari makari for sure yeah so justin if you don't mind i'll take over on this real quick listen i'm i'm here to learn tell me i was just thinking uh between ebay and amazon i would go for amazon because you could get more profit out of it you could get more but amazon will i feel like amazon sides of the with the buyer much more than ebay would um so we would sell our high end stuff on mccarry because the buyer literally has three days they have three days to decide if they won or not and if the buyer opens it we're covered because we're not receiving the item in the same condition that we sent it yep okay so that's a benefit to me to selling on mercari because i'm i'm not sold on my car in a long time and i didn't really have a good experience with it so i don't i don't really use it really so we had a we've had a great experience um yeah and we've sold some very high-end ps2 factory steel games and gamecube and gamecube and we've had no issues um again there's always that person out there who's going to try to scam you but they've gotten three days exactly on makari it's extremely hard to scam so yeah okay uh i i guess i would put a different perspective onto this if if it's a sealed legit copy and it's worth good money which i i don't know is this like a valuable title i mean sealed it it's not much higher than a complete wha what are we talking like 15 60 70 80 something like that 200 i think sealed okay so let's throw another angle what if it was phoenix resale what if you got it graded if it's in really good condition maybe it'd be worth getting graded because he's rated don't get it graded they just announced the newest one is coming out in 2021. okay it's about to lose all of its value yeah because it's okay last college football game made if you're going to sell it sell it now yeah get rid of the cracks get rid of it quick because that game is going to be another five dollar goodwill game okay yeah because i know he's been buying a lot of sealed stuff lately or trying to buy sealed stuff lately so i was just wondering if he's like getting it graded or just saving it for the long term but you guys would say sell it quick sell it now get rid of it okay there you go katie says that's what she had to do stacking methods so she's talking about like buying one toy with three different brands so greasy or is it greasy how do you invest long-term iras bonds et cetera um i invest through uh through my work they have a matching program so i you know i invest the match there and just take advantage of of what they have there so if you have the ability to to get a roth ira that would be something i would look into because it's you know taxed up front and then it's not taxed on the back end when you pull it out for retirement so your money grows tax-free but that's all just information purposes and um i think it's just personal preference so just it's a very it depends kind of answer so just depends on your current situation for long-term resting i would say eat uh buy healthy food invest in your body hey yeah i agree no one's going to take care of you but you yeah bacon cheese sticks will keep you alive i promise yes yeah where's the cheese sticks out tonight guys what the heck we're burnt out yeah we feel like we have to now you know yeah now it's a chore you know yeah yeah we're going to continue but but on our lives only okay i'm not going to do a mukbang here have you guys flipped trading cards like pokemon and panini have you guys flipped any pokemon or paninis last year we sold 500 000 and been in one in one deal that was your sports card deal you're telling me uh yeah and we find uh we haven't found in a while but we find pokemon cards at yard sales here and they're in the flea markets and we've never found any that are gonna go get graded but just flipping back on ebay yeah but yeah we don't we don't buy booster boxes and open them and that's too much of a gamble to me yeah we like having like a we're gonna make money a little bit more conservative as opposed to taking a risk and just like cracking a whole box yeah we're not we're not huge risk takers i can i can get with that i'm definitely more conservative on that you know i like to know i'm gonna make money i don't just you know buy a whole pallet of something and go yeah i hope i make a ton of money on this yeah like a whole thing of cereal no you would never if it's not our money then go for it you know oh right right if it's somebody else's money then yeah sure whatever um i love how mercury actually listens to the seller i've had an incident where a person lied about something returned the pc without the gp cpu i've heard a lot of issues with ebay helping the seller so you guys are all about makari yeah if you want if you're selling more rare items or more expensive items we throw ours on makari yep because it's a faster turnaround for us as far as we're pretty much guaranteed positive feedback and if there's an issue we're not going to get scammed yeah exactly so all of our consoles as well they'll either go up on facebook marketplace or mccarthy never ebay okay again that's like a handheld yeah that's personal opinion but yeah flip the world said what's up everyone what's up flip the world what up what's uh what's going on i can't see but no one's wearing a tie what's going on with that tiebreaker going on right now do you guys know about that yeah i saw that on joey's yeah so they so so um there was this huge reseller bracket of like the best reseller uh which you know it's totally scientific and everyone voted on it and all that and flip the world came to a complete tie with joey badabang22 so like now the tiebreaker is there each auctioning off ties for charity so i'm not sure like if if it's like who who gets the most money for the tie then that person wins whoever sells it for the most amount of money wins yeah so i'm excited to see what happens i'll have to uh i have to check i don't know if you guys have your ebay store maybe we'll have to find it or something but i'm curious to see how that's going to go all right jennifer she said he'll she'll be back brandon said what's up i can't believe that lady didn't allow you guys to buy that three cent game what up brandon so first of all brandon is an up-and-coming amazon phenom oh yeah uh but yeah i mean same with justin we went uh shopping with him and we tried to like five different stores and they all they all had a different excuse why they can't sell it so yeah that's just part of the game the majority of them just didn't believe in the walmart plus app and they're like yeah we can't use that here we don't do that that's right that's not affiliated with walmart it's like um do you know what your store is like yeah we don't support that you don't support the walmart app right okay interesting that's that's a bold bold move there cotton we'll see how it works out for him cameron hello what's going on aaron said sealed sports cards have really high resale value right now i've heard that too but i've also heard stores are like limiting the number that you can buy and then people are like going at like 6 a.m to target bringing their whole family and their neighbors to buy all the cards out and i just i don't have time for that ain't nobody got time for that we got time for that but you have to know where they stock sports cards all right he's already on top of the game here i bought a couple of 20 boxes to sell for 150 so awesome way to go it's pretty sweet very nice there's a question from bfab for you guys uh so makara used to be a flat ten percent fee and then they upped up the 13 and plus 30 cents per item that you sell so that's when we made the transition from makari to ebay because at least ebay offers international shipping yeah we were upsetting spaghetti but yeah i think once you get on manage payments i think it's like 12 maybe 12 and a half percent is that your feet i smell you know the mic is still on right i know but it stinks oh my god i smell like soggy cheese didn't hear it didn't happen yeah we're just gonna keep moving along somebody type in the chat please uh if anyone else has any questions for us feel free to you know send us a message get any questions about amazon ebay garage sales thrift stores clearance video games shoes any of any of the above topics yep so oh goodness let me go up here what are you doing yeah so we so we had some bad weather here today but um i don't think it's supposed to be that bad tomorrow you said you guys are supposed to get some storms tomorrow yeah it's supposed to rain in the morning a little bit but i'm hoping it rains like the first hour and it scares away all the resellers and we'll just [Music] yeah yeah now i'm looking at the at the prediction for tomorrow it's like supposed to rain up until like three o'clock so probably not gonna be hitting any garage sales for sure sad depressing yeah wendy said howdy everyone what up wendy happy friday night thanks for being here with us bfab says if ebay and makari both take around the same percentage why not just sell on facebook marketplace because it's free we do oh yeah we do yeah we do sorry we didn't mention that yeah so what are we still there too if you're selling like the rare sealed ps2 games you might not have somebody in your local area who is looking for that and it may sit for months and months and years you know you just never know so we try to get a larger audience you know more eyes on the yeah almost the camera said just finished packaging up my shipping for tomorrow good job she's been killing it lately with the with the video game funds yeah she has he's making his deals it's your mm-hmm roi on amazon um an accountant's favorite answer is it depends um you know stuff stuff from like walmart i'll take a lower roi if it's gonna sell quicker if it's gonna sell faster mystery flipper actually gave me some tips on looking for phone cases i don't know if you guys remember being there for three hours when i was looking for phone cases but entirely his fault thanks mr flipper thanks dude greasy blop said how much longer to the asmr i wasn't planning on any do you guys want to do some subscribe all right there you go good perfect amy's the new sweater looks cozy it is it's great fantastic got that a good old brand new with tags yeah for 20 bucks 20 bucks was hard to do but no it wasn't you said can i go by right now said yes no you said go buy it right now if you wanted i said okay yup that's happening been holding on to ncaa xbox 360 especially since cousin was in the game don't play and about to lose value seller keep so you guys are saying like get rid of it now if you want to have any so a week before they announced it we were selling for 150. yeah they announced it we uploaded like two or three of them because like we're still waiting to see if we climb and we got like a hundred we got like 110 we got like 90 of them yeah so i'm telling you it's gonna it's gonna plummet it's just gonna be another sports title it may go down like 20 bucks so like it may be a little above average but it's not you're not gonna be excited to find it anymore okay wendy said when when you try to buy the cheap games did you buy them via cashier or self scan registers we tried everything in the kitchen sink like we tried self scan cashier manager walmart plus we tried stealing it i mean just nothing nothing worked yeah it's just uh we tried just about everything so just did not did not work question for both i would say is getting lower roi per item on amazon versus higher roi with different processes on ebay macari face uh fbm which one is worth the effort or is it dependent per person justin well you can go first on that one that's a lot of work yeah there's i feel like there's a couple questions uh loaded into this one here but um i feel like selling on amazon is worth it for the higher roi because i feel like amazon has a higher sales velocity which means that the products sell faster and even though i'm gonna pay a little bit more in fees on amazon i'm gonna sell more uh on amazon so i'm okay with the higher fees because it's gonna have faster turnover so that's just me personally i do sell stuff on ebay i don't really talk about it on my channel that much but i do sell stuff on ebay but amazon just for me is just way faster so what about you guys do you have a preferred platform like ebay makari uh preferably facebook marketplace honestly um if we can sell it locally with no fees want to ship it yeah don't worry about return that's what we prefer um yeah but yeah again people are weird on makari as far as they either will only pay below market value or sometimes they'll pay way above ebay is ebay buyers pretty much know the market value and they'll never pay more and obviously they always try to pay less but they ebay buyers are more informed i guess on current market values and stuff like that okay so you guys are trying to sell to the uneducated crowd precisely gotcha troy said you guys sell board games no no no no no currently facing a link i sell board games no oh you gotta pop that there you go mistake yep uh gracie i'm dropping the link right now all right uh jennifer just put your guys's link down to you trying to find big big daddy bryan's yeah yeah she asked about it gracie did okay we need a new competitor to rival ebay and mercari with lower fees so then they're forced to lower their fees i think um stockx is allowing people to sell legos now too i don't know what their fees are like but i thought stockx was just like shoes and stuff but they're i think you can sell legos on there now too so david said hey hey i have returned thank you we have all been patiently waiting for you to return and go ahead and click that uh that pin button up there you can jump on we can see your beautiful smiling face do you want to come hang with us bro said you're not supposed to be on there for three hours it's like 10 minutes can send photos of the ones i buy at walmart and tj maxx and double my money on all of them fast well i mean hey if you're just going to be like hey here's the bolos i'm going to take them but it really wasn't three hours amy was just being silly and you know when you said we're at the phone cases for three hours oh yeah three hours i took a nap the bus uh greasy i think jennifer just dropped it for us thank you thank you miss hayes we appreciate you very much susana how's it going hey susanna listed let's see if i can sell while on the live what'd you listen for oh listed oh what did um was that the ncaa so we're talking about how much did you list it for uh pacific northwest picker i hope it sells quick for you and which which uh is it 360 or ps3 because the 360 tends to be more expensive i think they said it was 360. nate's in the house hey nate thanks for dropping in susanna and we have someone in the back here let me go ahead and bring him into the room what's going on david what up brother how are we doing guys hey man how's that wait just waiting on you i know i know sorry sorry to hold up the party killing time waiting on you exactly uh pacific northwest picker so the value has dropped a ton it is now factory sealed it's worth 140. so and that's what we were selling for like in loose condition two three months ago so yeah i would have yeah get rid of that asap yeah the football game the ncaa and i would be weary about doing it on ebay because if the buyer buys it and then he gets wind because the people buying it now they don't know that there's a new one coming out so if the buyer gets wind of it that's coming back he might try to return it on me so i would be oh but that was just recorded live click that i don't know what that is that is their new youtube intro oh wow which coke [Music] in here to give you some lotion it smells good that was great that was perfect let me write down the time stamp here yeah that was that was worth coming on just for that i'm currently sitting on top of a mini fridge with a pillow on it so it's very slick yep uh mama with the camera we're we're on it we we will make sure that that does not get lost in the um the youtube voids oh is anybody saying something [Music] just send it straight to paul oh god he'll take care of the gif nate said mentioned you in my last video guess you haven't watched it only like 20 people have though which one of us you got you've got several people here in the room so you could have mentioned any one of the three of us so because all three of us have watched the videos i don't know what so i i will i will check it out i do try to stay on top of it but there's just so much content but i will i will check it out bfab was laughing possibly at someone falling off a chair what a fridge saving saving with vero thanks for being here tonight happy friday night thanks for dropping in with vero somebody please make that to a gift anyone mama with a camera after all the help we've given you right i'm normally the one texting you all these answers look at this dude northwest 135 yeah it was like that this morning when you're on johnny's show so like have you not fixed your hair in like 12 hours no they've been on youtube for 12 hours they didn't she didn't have a chance right gosh nap today man yeah oh you guys didn't get a nap today ah that explains that explains it yep makes so much sense we were gonna say something but we figured you knew yeah we know what the heck we know you know hey you know you know oh uh i think he said 135 free shipping with offers yeah that's your best bet i think yeah um yeah once once those games once people start talking about them i feel i feel like i've heard more about them in a while and you know once people start talking about them online the price starts to lower a little bit a little bit by little hey thank you so nate uh narrowed it down a little bit yeah i'm i'm guessing he's talking about david clearly clearly but uh but i guess if you're talking about me i will definitely check it out uh something that's kind of cool which i i just learned about this when we're doing our collab is you can actually tag people in your description you can tag other youtube channels they get a notification so yeah same thing with like hashtag you can you can hashtag your descriptions as well um and it'll if people have like searched for things it's almost like the tag but but it's even more like it adds into the suggested videos wait so if you if are you saying if you drop their link in your description they get notification or if you add them will like pop up and i click on it it's a click it'll be a clickable link okay i don't know because well when we were doing our collab i was trying to at you guys i was trying to set it up but it would like i kept trying to search your name and it wouldn't work but i think i added um osborne to thrift shout out tim is that because we have space in our names it's probably because you guys changed your name there's there's a lot we're good now yeah it pops up now when you type it in oh it does oh that's good maybe just enough time has passed yeah all right guys pacific northwest said what is a better platform in your opinion outside of ebay david since you're new here we're gonna let you jump in yeah um so the two that i would and and i only sell on ebay so this is just my opinion and what i'd like to get into the two that i would say number one would probably be amazon um obviously you know this guy over here is is the man for that um you know obviously there's bigger barriers getting into it right now um also he's the guy for that if you want to learn about how to get ungated on certain items go check out some of his videos um and that in facebook marketplace i think facebook marketplace is going to overtake ebay by a lot um i think ebay has done a bad job in in captivating the both the seller and the buyer experience i think they're they're they haven't caught up with the times and once facebook figures out how to a better way to integrate their selling or the facebook marketplace into instagram it will completely take over everything else so those are the two that i would do i've just i've been lazy about doing facebook because i most people when they start selling on facebook you have to do the local sales before you're able to start shipping and i've just been lazy about doing it but those are the two that i i want to get into and those are the two that i see the most future in but i will say on facebook amy and i have probably made over a thousand sales in the past year on facebook alone wow we only have i only have like 60 reviews on my account yeah i only have like 20 25. so i made a crap ton of sales on that thing so it's very hard to establish yourself as a you know distinguished seller on that platform wow yeah that is a lot and after i'm sure if they tweak it and fix all the glitches and stuff i think that there might be automatic ratings integrated which is needed yeah now can you guys offer shipping on facebook marketplace because i can't offer shipping and i don't know why i have like plus 70 positive feedback and i do not have that as an option unfortunately i think i think you can go and request it if it hasn't automatically come onto your account justin um i know that there's there's supposed to be a threshold of like sales before you're even eligible and it should be automatic but i've heard actually um tracy parks was talking about this that it didn't come automatically for her but she reached out to facebook and then they added it right away and one thing that we don't do we don't have our card linked to facebook so whenever we do make uh sales like we put in the title like venmo only or paypal only or whatever but i think we're gonna need to link our card i don't want to because i don't really trust facebook security enough for that but yeah i think we're gonna have to yeah because everybody gets hacked you know yeah unfortunately i think every platform has that like i saw a news article today that linkedin somebody had hacked linkedin and they were trying somebody was trying to sell like 500 million people's personal information on that it's just i mean it just unfortunately it happens to to these biggest you know websites there's not much we can do about it nate said the title has the word flipper and walmart in it take a guess so i think that kind of narrows down they well very you put thrifting in the video and they put the walmart in the video so in the colander videos um jennifer dropped your link thank you jennifer oh thank you jen i appreciate that jennifer is the best mod on youtube just found that out there jennifer's the goat oh yeah she said i've seen you made a walmart video nate i assume that was inspired by justin i've been wanting to make a walmart video and i can't because my walmarts will not put things on sale i feel like i caught a fluke like the first time i went i got like 10 things on secret clearance and i've gone back to three different walmarts since then yeah and it's been nothing do you have the bricks or anything are you just scanning what was that do you use brick seek or you just like go on there like we do we just start scanning everything i just scan i've gone down the aisles and scanned everything yeah yeah i mean that that's definitely the most time-consuming method but you can find stuff that isn't listed on brickseek and that's the thing too is like i i try to explain that to people it was like brexit is a good tool but it doesn't have everything on there because they get their data from walmart's api they get it from their like development program and that's only as good as the employees that are entering that information so half the time i would find legos on clearance at walmart i'd scan it with the walmart app and it would say unavailable in the store because nobody ever scanned it in yeah the one thing i will say about my well so my vegas is really heavily populated in a very small area so like there's a there's a constant turnover so they have a less need to put things on clearance the one thing i will say is that i bought in multiple three cent games and i got a high five every time they're like cool you found it bam no issues so i'm still surprised they wouldn't sell it to you yeah that like four months ago we could buy threesome games right we bought a lot of factory sealed ps3 like i think fallout was the game that we found and uh yeah the guy was like whoa like that's like that's never very good but but now they're like nope yeah that's super weird well the machines won't let you do it like it pops up its error and won't like order it's illegal to sell or mine was recent like mine was less than a month ago that i bought one at a three cent i mean it's not it wasn't it was like farming simulator 17 or something like that but i was like okay cool three cents neat yeah uh nate said david wasn't on the bottom when i said it okay we got it that's david by the way i will respond to rando it's okay dave is here now finally some knowledge i know we've been waiting for someone smart to join us and it's just been the three of us uh i'm just gonna throw this out there you you're gonna want to watch the video back about five minutes ago it's hilarity don't do that i've got the timestamp how are you doing 114 35 that's the just go back to that this man wrote it down i'm gonna put a hyperlink in the description so you can click and it'll take you right back to that oh good thanks i'm famous there we go put it on tick tock actually have anfisa put it on tick tock her latest tick tock got like how many how many and pizza how many views do your do your chickens was it chickens or cats how many views do they have now i know it was like a million views or something crazy on tick tock oh yeah i had a tick tock video uh of me and corbin and we got like a couple mil on that it was insane that's awesome well it was one of like the the trends that i hopped on you know and just everybody was funneled towards it [Music] yeah i uh that's awesome i've never had a tick tock you know go that high like i've done a couple like walmart clearance things on tick tock i actually had one taken down saying it was illegal really there was enough salty people about my lego shopping cart that they reported it as a legal and tick tock took it down and i had to file a complaint to like to get it brought back up and they brought it back up but at that point it was like yeah there's no point yeah the most i don't do anything on tick tock i've done a couple like instagram reels that have gotten like some decent traction but like the most is at like five thousand right now um but yeah nothing crazy three point eight million views that's crazy and visa it was it was a couple mil i don't remember eight months ago yeah that's crazy now are you guys so this might be another revenue stream are you guys monetized on tick tock because that's a thing yeah i didn't know that was a thing until a couple weeks ago because people were like yeah all you haters you're just watching my videos and guess what you're making me money i was like you can make money off tick tock yeah tick tock started paying they it's like there was i can't remember what it was but they they started paying their creators um it's like pennies for a thousand views or something like that but it some of the big ones can make a lot of money so i do make a lot of money monetize during that like how many followers do you need i'm curious because i have a couple thousand um i would have to look at the metrics but the only person that i know that's like monetized on tick tock is wait who is david and he's got an instagram that's wait who uh it's that's like his brand on youtube and in instagram and all that stuff but he does like liquidation stuff i think he's in las vegas area david fyi and he like buys pallets and like he sells stuff at like flea markets but he does like tic tocs and he makes money off of that but he's got just a ginormous following on tick tock like 70 80 000 followers on tick tock and i know i make money i just don't know how much and and fisa is answering some good questions in there um it's 10 10k followers and i think their cpm is like three three cents per thousand oh okay yeah i've only got like forty two hundred so hey that's halfway there and fisa made 140 bucks on tick tock so far um b fab said every time i go on tick tock i see kids dancing and lip syncing and it traumatizes me see i'm not on that i'm like on the funny stuff like the dogs like falling off stuff is that yeah you can get on different sides of tick tock depending on what you're watching and liking and it'll funnel you into that crowd if anyone's a fan of your mom's house podcast you know that there are some weird sides to tick-tock i only use tick-tock when amy sends me links yeah it's always about like couples doing stuff together no it's more it's more like either dogs or like crazy mother-in-law stuff you know okay you take all the letters in the word mother-in-law and rearrange them it spells a woman hitler yeah that makes sense without missing a letter makes makes sense yes makes sense is that what you're saying yeah rescue resale hey all how is everyone thanks for dropping in thanks for being here friday night is that renee i think uh tick tock pays out bad pennies for thousands of views compared to youtube where you're making an average of two to three dollars per thousand views yeah so that's like the cpm versus rpm yeah and that's how that um breaks down and there's different niches or niches however you want to say it on youtube that get you get paid differently i suppose yeah so for like i mean just in just in like the reseller range and like because we're technically under like finance and we have a higher age of demographic which equates to a higher self so like reselling and like finance the cpm is usually between between 10 to 20 where like gaming channels because they're basically they're they're streaming to a people that don't have their age recorded in younger demographics are gonna be like the dollar to three dollar um things but i've seen some i know um josh harry tornado was talking about his being around 17 um depending on the month 17 per thousand um it'll it'll range depending on the advertisers um i know graham stefan's talked about it too in like the finance world of the older the demographic and the more like adult not adult content but like adult content um the higher the cpm yeah yeah so i'm still i'm still learning about the analytics i'm still trying to get a better understanding you know and it's fun to deep dive into it but there's just so much information to learn on you know what what does better what's what's higher cpm or um you can kind of compare your videos and stuff like that so i'm still trying to learn all that so and feasibility is asking about your tick tock what's what's your tick tock you better have some good mother-in-law i don't have any but i should put some up and it's not about his mom it's about mine so my mom's crazy probably drop it so i'm probably not going to put that out there because there's probably not renee and rob thank you guys for being here dave paul paul said dave's trying to get me demonetized already so i don't i don't think that would count um it's actually kind of funny because when i was like working towards getting monetized you have to go through like almost like a training course through youtube to learn what they accept and what you what is family-friendly content that you can like put ads on um and they have an interesting list like you can do you can have swearing like you can have lights but you can't have like heavy swearing and they give a list they're like don't say this and this and this okay yeah you can toss a few in there but it's not you can't and you can't have it in the tight like you can't have it in titles and things like that i think you want to stay out of titles and descriptions with any kind of curse words um and lives is a little bit different because the lives don't get a lot of like as much replay so we can cuss it okay they said why are there two mystery guests or the hosts worried no one will show up with advertisement absolutely not i am happy to have these guys on the show that was all me i did not do a thumbnail that was like hey it's me hanging out on a friday night i just used the thumbnail from the last i'm out of live so i'm happy these guys are here and if anyone wants to jump in feel free nate you've been an angry boy lately you've been on our chat saying some stuff that just doesn't need to be said bfab says dang now i'm becoming a reseller youtuber now hey there's nothing wrong with that um we're we're reseller youtubers you're in good company yeah well the other thing the other thing about that and so like and this is what i've always said about it is that um so like if you want a million youtube subscribers reselling is not the way to do it it just isn't i mean there's it's just a fact like if you look at some of the highest subscribed youtube channels for reselling you're in the quarter million range um so i mean you can definitely make money out of it if you get to that point and and you can have it as a you know a nice add-on but to try to be like okay i want to make money on youtube hey going at it with that mentality is never the way to go and you'll probably most of the time you will fail even if you're not in a re like in this niche um but if your goal is to get a million followers because you have a passion and a dream and a message there's there's better niches to be in right this is but the community in this one i think is probably one of the best on youtube yeah reselling is just hard to make very entertaining it's uh because it's not really an entertaining subject uh you really gotta do something special to hit a million followers yeah there's yeah there's two things you need to put out you need to put out like good information and you have to be entertaining about it because that's that's how it's that's why people are going to come back to the channels um but yeah and like you said i saw you saying there you have graham stefan cpm it's because he's putting out and it's the same for anybody that's putting out like financial information it's you know the kids aren't flocking to the financial information and they're also not necessarily flocking to the you know how to make money on ebay and you know go to thrift stores and things like that so you're dealing with a demographic that is more advertisable too and that's why advertisers will pay more to be and especially somebody like graham stefan you know in that range you know advertisers will pay more to people that they feel like have money yeah um real quick i wanted to say thank you uh bfab sent me a five dollar super chat thank you very much that's very that's very very very sweet very kind i appreciate that that's um you know unexpected always appreciated but uh thank you very much so um i said i'm starting our channel just to hang out with my people hey why why not you know fi find people you want to associate with and uh you know spend your friday nights hanging out with people you want to hang out with yeah you know the reselling community is very friendly very supportive and i would say we're a highly motivated group of people oh yeah um i just want to um apologize uh my mom just texted me apparently she is currently watching this i am sorry mom i called you crazy she texted me and i was like oh god it's all for entertainment purposes mom it's it helps them get i'm sorry they're gonna they're they're gonna play up your craziness to get them views which that means that they'll then buy you a house you know when they're famous no go along with it play it up play it up give them stories give them stories to tell to other people i just brought you up i'm sorry do more crazy things and give them stories to tell to make them give them more views on youtube well apparently a bfab saying we need to make lego videos here because he knows people making ten to thirty thousand dollars a month doing lego videos yeah absolutely again you're gonna have to get a lot more viewers right if you're getting millions of viewers on lego videos you are damn right making 10 to 30 000 a month if not more yeah that's that's amazing that's yeah way cool patrick murphy in the house hey patrick how you doing haven't seen haven't seen you a little while thanks for being here um derek dropped five bucks in the super chat thank you so much derek i appreciate you this guy what's going on man justin i think uh what was it two weeks ago you did it live and you had no super chats and now you're just climbing the leaderboards well that was definitely a mistake on my part because you didn't have it turned on did you i didn't have monetization i think i had people like message me or they were like hey justin i i can't i can't click the button and i was like yeah it's not there that's my bad um but this time i was like i'll set it up it'll be ready for five hours from now golden so thank you very much eric i appreciate you check him out if you haven't already i'm just doing the buy me a coffee link for now until until that point when my when i possibly get monetized in the future all right here's a question uh-oh are you busy justin or can i ask this i mean i was but i i guess you can say something while you're on channel yeah i can stop no it's okay go ahead what's up in your opinion when is it a good time to start developing or thinking about merch david what do you want to say which got um you know i don't know i have a couple ideas that i would possibly do for shirts um for myself you know for for myself it's tough you know for me it's always kind of like a weird thought um i haven't done anything yet um but i don't i also don't don't necessarily like not that i doubt my branding but i feel like i need to figure out exactly how my branding of like thrifting after work would translate into a like merch form i haven't spent a lot of time talking about that so that that's the biggest barrier for me i think as long as you're not investing too much money into it up front then it's really whenever because you know who cares if either nobody buys some or you know a lot of people buy some for me that's been my barrier is figuring out how to translate what my channel and and branding is online into a physical space of merchandise um but i feel like anybody can do it at any point it's it's more just you know again and i'm also weird about that like i'm weird about what i put out and like the quality of it so you know hence why i haven't put out a video in like a week because i haven't had the time to sit down and get it to where i want um but i don't think that there's a stigma on when or where you should do it i think actually i think katie you know katie's katie reads is a great example is that you know she had merch before she even did her first youtube video obviously she had a an instagram following um and everything and she had a you know status in the community but you know i don't think that there's a right or wrong time to do it it's just you depending on what the initial investment is um you know if it's not going to cost you a lot and just to get out there you know there's no reason not to in my opinion and i think harry tornado had like a video of explaining how he did his even with the company that like pretty much that you can go on his ebay store and buy his his shirt or whatever and the company makes it and ships it straight to the buyer yeah it's the same one that um that joey bada bing uses i think it might even be the same one that dante uses yeah it's is it teespring or is it some i can't remember which one it is i can't think of it yet but i think if you're thinking timing like i wouldn't think of it as timing i would just think of like you know do you have you know do you have something that you want to put out if so do it because again if nobody buys it or if a thousand people buy it it doesn't hurt anybody right i don't think i don't think it does other you know other people might have and i you know hey who are you know you know i i have that thought about myself like oh who's this guy putting out merch kind of thing but it's like that's something i need to get over because you know i don't i'm actually over i don't care it's more of like figuring out how i want to do it justin what about you when when's your when's your when's your merch coming out yeah so you got the monetization you got the subscribers let's do it man we've got our royalty on it so yeah i i don't you know i i don't have anything set up at the moment but i have kind of a leg up on that because i have a merch by amazon account so i already designed and sell t-shirts on amazon so all it would take for me would be to create a logo or create something that i like and then i could immediately post it on amazon it would be for sale on amazon and then i could use my amazon affiliate links and put it into my description and i would get a double dose of affiliate link and then a royalty on my own shirt then people would be wearing a shirt with my logo or saying or whatever um i don't uh cause i'm knocking stuff over i don't really have anything that i want to make at the moment i think it's kind of cool to to do that stuff and to have something out there um i mean if you have a cool logo or a cool saying or something some some way that um you know you feel like you get your message out there or people want to support you in some way i think that's fantastic like you don't have to have a big following you don't have to have thousands of subscribers you don't have to have a huge base or whatever but it's you just have to have people that want to support you and want to share in that message or whatever you're doing um and that doesn't take a big group of people to do that you know so i think whenever you want to get started with that stuff anytime is the right time so thank you guys or was that too much no i appreciate it i almost forgot what question i asked yeah you were you're asking about like merch like getting started my apologies i'm tracking them no i appreciate all the all the input all the information so but but yeah like if you wanted to like get shirts you know you could do a print on demand and put it on a print on demand and then you don't have to buy anything and then when it sells you make a couple bucks which is cool um taking it to the next level would be to like buy a hundred shirts and then screen print them and then sell them you make more money but it's also more work and you got to deal with it too so my mom actually just texted me and was like hey i was actually thinking about getting you two some shirts that says cheat finds gold mines on it and i was like oh thank you like before we even said anything on the lives yeah nice it sounds like nice not so crazy after all right real quick i'm gonna try to catch up in the chat um gonna go yeah it's gonna last it's got a little bit of a direction there but yeah steve was here all right is here or what's here thanks for dropping in steve i appreciate you everyone saying hey to derek because derek's a cool guy and hanging out with us on a friday night i appreciate you very much sir said i found three lego sets this past week for half off thanks to your vids nice there we go that's what we like to see way to go uh everyone's saying hi to everybody just trying to get caught up here um i think mike i think mike chong had a good question um if you get down there for you justin right um a couple above that i think a couple above that all right sorry just joined has anyone got ungated in two brands at once i have a pokemon in funko but they just ungated for the ace and for funko yeah so we we talked about that a little bit earlier in the stream um basically it's like when you buy one toy you want to be able to get several un gatings from it so you're getting multi-use or multi-purpose out of it but before you do that look at the toy that you're going to buy look up the acen on amazon and it will tell you you need to be approved in this brand you need to be approved in this category need to be approved in this so amazon will straight up tell you what categories it you'll get ungated with uh for that particular particular item so i hope that helps if it doesn't feel free to send me a message you can shoot me a message on instagram or send me an email i do reply to my gmail uh when i have the chance and i try to answer questions there to try and help out so but uh anyways i'm just trying to get caught up here let me know if i'm missing anything here guys i do want to address some of the other conversation that's going on in the background that i haven't really been putting up on screen and it looks like somebody's not so super excited about what's going on in the chat and i did message in here but um somebody said something about you know popular kids or if you're not a part of the cool kids crowd or whatever and i'll put this up on screen so you can see this or whatever but i i had almost a full year of slow no growth and i know like i know what it's like to make v like videos and not get any kind of response and i do not consider myself a popular kid or part of the cool kids crowd or whatever you know i feel like i put in some hard work and i'm glad it's finally taken off so i don't think i'm better than anyone else i do the best that i can so yeah and i think that's with any youtuber i mean we you know i'm not we're not huge david's not huge yeah but you just got to keep working towards it just keep just network network yeah yeah abs and i think the other thing too is i think the thing that everybody and again some people don't have this feeling but i always have is that there's room there's room at the top for everyone there's there's no like you know somebody else's success does not equal my failure um you know like the a perfect example of that is like you know i haven't i haven't been as consistent on youtube and like you know my growth is you know it has slowed down a lot because of it and it was funny i was literally looking today and i just popped open my phone and i saw that corbin amy had reached the same subscriber account that i had and my first thought which i i feel bad that i didn't do it my first thought was oh i should like send them a message on instagram saying congratulations because you know they like and i see why like they're you know they're putting out videos they're they're doing all these things and my first thought wasn't like oh they're you know gonna pass me or anything like that my first thought was that's awesome for them like like i want everybody to be able to have every subscriber that's out there in the possible world but and somebody else having more subscribers doesn't mean that they're taking away from you know anybody else it doesn't mean that that they're better than you either exactly exactly justin he's definitely not better than us we reached him not thinking oh he has so many subscribers he's way bigger than us you know we've reached out to him because he's a cool dude and you know made a collab with him and if you go back in a recent like our lives in the beginning i mean that was my that was my biggest turn was reaching out to bigger people because i didn't want them to think that we were trying to use them and then we realized that's just something you have to get over you can't have and sometimes it just doesn't work like for example when i start like so i like like two years ago i was like you know what i'm i like playing video games i'm in a stream playing video games on twitch i spent multiple hours streaming to zero people and i choose i chose to stop because i because i didn't want to you know i i wanted to keep playing but i didn't want to have to focus on that so i was like okay i'm just going to stop doing that but you know if i kept going maybe i would have gotten more and if i would have stayed if had that consistency but you know that's the thing like you know everybody will do that and not every not every person will get to you know these higher levels but that doesn't mean that like other people okay we can yeah let's move on yeah um i'm just you know i've gotten lucky i've gotten blessed lately with my growth and with um being more consistent has definitely helped being being more of myself on camera has definitely helped my first year i was very robotic and not super energetic and my better half was like hey you need more of your personality you're a funny guy like you need to put yourself out there and i do my best to put that in my videos too so yeah um if you want some other like tips i would read a book called youtube secrets i think it was like seven bucks i bought it off amazon it was a great buy it's a great read i've learned a lot of great information on there and that was very helpful and i've used a lot of that stuff too so um i will say um one reason why we are you know getting bigger faster is a networking but b because we're a couple people eat couples up i don't know what it is but they like couples so well and if you go back and look at our beginning videos we were nervous to be ourselves on camera like kindly justin said in the beginning were robotic yeah and once you get out of that out of that comfortable state um it's growth yeah being comfortable just be yourself you're stagnant if you're comfortable yeah always be uncomfortable be comfortable being uncomfortable well i mean the only thing consistent in life is change right so we just have to you know do it do the best that we can and either you know rescue resale networking is key and we all gravitate to different personalities you could have one thousand subs that watch every video from start to finish or just five thousand that just subbed and don't interact or watch yeah well that's the other thing too is that once you hit a thousand subs sub count doesn't matter anymore view count does once you're once your mon again not that you know you don't want to have more subscribers because there's the better chance of your subscribers watching your videos but essentially once you you know not that again youtube youtube is not about making money but on that side of it you know the real milestone besides getting the plaques and everything when you get to 100k is the thousand subscribers and the 4000 watch hours after that you know you want to try to get as many viewers as you can not necessarily as many subscribers so trying to figure out how your videos can get more viewers is more valuable than trying to figure out how to turn non-subscribers into subscribers in my opinion all right no you're good i was just reading this comment no no you could say the algorithm promotes consistently when i post the daily i was getting two thousand views minimum most of my videos got three to five thousand i stopped posting for a week and now i only get one views per per video yeah they they definitely want consistency they want you they want it predictable is what they want because then you can read the analytics and then youtube tells you when your people are on youtube says hey this is when your people are watching and it's like this is when you should be promoting this is when you should be doing stuff so but yeah enough about that i'm done i'm good derek said it's not luck i've been pretty lucky i've been pretty blessed i'm putting more energy out there and i'm lucky i'm lucky that these guys reached out to me and they wanted to hang with me and work with me and that we got along great and had a great time i mean that's that doesn't happen with everything i don't think every collab goes great with every person but that was you know you never know and fisa said you guys like each other i don't know who who they're talking about do you guys like talking about us because i was talking about couples for a second oh okay no i just they stay together for the youtube videos i'm just kidding this is my best friend wouldn't trade him for anything except one thousand subs and four thousand watch out uh enthusiastic just uh mike said trying to get ungated and lego found a distributor that might work out but have you heard lego is not auto on gating at this time how did you guys gonna get it in like oh yeah yeah so the answer that i have is not gonna be the answer you're looking for i was grandfathered into the lego category so i did not have to apply to get ungated so unfortunately i'm not much help in that arena so i'm sorry but i can't tell you what distributor to use because i didn't use one bfab is showering me with compliments here when i first found your channel i was drowned to your personality and love the channel name so i had to sub you will be at 100k in no time those are some big goals i don't know if i'm at that that uh that josh status yet but maybe one day so thank you that's very sweet uh lexi from michigan what michigan people in the house how's it going what's up you guys say hi to my niece the wild thornberrys hello hello oh i think we facetimed you one time yes we did we did we met you interesting hello look at us being all close with the you know flipping accountant family what's up sister was in here too i don't know she's still watching but if they are how's it going in michigan love you guys love you so much [Laughter] that kills me every time so much um we got we have another lego investor great channel we've got jim from brickbucks if you guys are into lego investing or making money or learning about how to do this kind of stuff this guy has a ton of great videos tons of great insights he is just very knowledgeable and breaks it all down just super nice guy check out his channel if you guys are interested in legos or reselling anything like that very knowledgeable that's a sweet logo too yeah i like that it is yeah simple clean to the point yeah very much merchable what i could see that on a tv shirt or on a tv shirt i could see that on a t-shirt yeah yeah on tv just hit 500 but i'm trying not to be in the reseller niche i'm slowly trying to find my community that's great yeah and fisa you're you what what you're doing i think you're doing you're doing well and i think that very soon people a lot of people are going to start realizing that you're putting out some cool stuff with like everything that you're doing not just the reseller stuff but the off-grid stuff the alaska stuff the chickens everything so i'm excited to see paul said he's been sending carrier pigeons i i have not seen the carrier pigeons but uh perhaps he has maybe we'll have to get him on i mean it's only like we've been here for like two hours and paul still hasn't come to come on so i don't know derek said he's going to bed and then we'll stay up watching lives for four hours derek just have another drink just it's cool you can hang but thanks for being here i appreciate you man can't get a hangover if you don't stop drinking exactly in middle school flipping accountant where's your security guard mr mr bernie is over here snoozing up real quick so dean is in the house everyone say hey to dina what's up what's up i just realized that that his youtube name is ceo of security securing 80 ps5 consoles in his picture is just a pile of ps5s that's now that's branding right there there's the guy yeah why is it when you pick dogs up there like what the heck are you doing to me we need dogs on camera yeah where's your dog at david where's my dog i got him yep pet his head naked oh i got it down here thank you jennifer i appreciate you very much tip for hayes you don't get enough credit for what you do oh my gosh i know she's everywhere just doing it whatever you guys are paying or double it yeah yeah hey where are you going get on it jennifer can you drop your uh your buy me a coffee or buy you a you know milkshake or whatever it is you need to show this jennifer some support here drink some wine with us saving with vero thanks for being here so i've seen your name pop up too because i know you do some clearance videos and stuff like that and um when i've been doing the deep dive into my analytics it actually shows other channels it's kind of neat it's like other channels that people watch your viewers watch yeah and and her hers had popped up too so i've checked hers out too so thanks for being here so everyone liked the dogs i think i don't know if that includes you too corbin i love dogs okay i mean i love myself mine likes to just sit on the chair she's not much of a lap dog yeah i do like that picture 8080 uh ps5 consoles oh i saw i saw some i saw i was just scrolling through like youtube shorts and there was one you know like all you know all those like it's not really asmr but it's like the oddly satisfying videos there's the one people like putting them through like the the mulchers and there's this guy just dropping ps5s into one and i was just like yeah i mean i guess if that video is going to net you a lot of money on youtube maybe that's right but i was just like and just like people were just like no that's such a risk oh my gosh yeah were there actual ps5s or were they just ps by boxes uh no well it was like it was it was parts like you could tell yeah it was at least some kind of computer part maybe they had it looked looking like a ps5 but they threw some controllers in there too i've seen where people are taking ps5s and spray painting them black and then putting them back in the box and selling for like two grand because like there's a limited edition one um uh get some uh black spray paint we got another guest here we got patrick murphy jumping in the jumping jack how are you doing hey guys what is going on hey patrick how are we doing we got a joe shirt is that cobra commander that is a cobra shirt yes yes yes but uh you know i just wanted to pop and say you know i i enjoy the content justin and just listening to you know some of the guys or some of the things you guys have said um i'm kind of new into the youtube community if you will and i've i did about a month or so worth of videos and i just found that for me this i'm just speaking from my own personal experience it's like uh kind of like what uh corbin was saying up there is like you gotta you gotta like let your personality come through you know what i mean and here's the thing for me like i i it's not a big secret i do radio okay or i've done radio how about that okay all right i definitely got a radio face all right the fact that you can see me right now all right that that's just something i've been told that before too go on so but you know so for me i can do like you know script and copy and stuff like that but like when i'm doing these uh youtube videos it's like ebay i am i'm very robotic it's like how to sell on ebay take this go to you know it's like and my personality is not coming through in those videos and it's like you know i've i've heard i've heard kind of like mixed mixed reviews about this it's like people say don't go back and watch your old videos or you know some some will say but like when i was in broadcasting school we constantly did air checks to just improve in our ourselves it's like you know i go back and i watch my videos and it's like oh god no that's horrible delete you know and it's just like i feel like i don't know i i did make a video last week saying you know i'm gonna kind of stop put the brakes on it because it's like i don't feel like my heart is in video yet you know what i mean yeah so that's my two cents oh another thing too uh amy mentioned this you're right people do love couples all right they eat the poop out of that all right whenever i would have my girl uh on my show with me it just the the i just watched the numbers climb climb climb climb you know um i did a weekly radio show for uh i want to say 2013 to about 2015 2016. i still kind of pop in and do like a uh show here and there but it's like whenever she was on or like i'd have my ex-wife with me because we're good friends you know we we spawn together so we have a good good uh relationship that's not together you know and but no people people love love that stuff so yes i absolutely agree with that so that's all i got no that's pretty cool yeah i i agree like if you know if you're not enjoying the process if you're not enjoying the videos it's not it's you know it's going to come out people are going to see that that you're not having fun you're not enjoying it and people aren't going to enjoy it either so you really want to be into it you got to be in that mindset like hey this is fun i'm having a good time and if if you're not then maybe you just have to change the way you're doing it or just change you know change either your topic or change the way you're recording it or something but you know just figure out a way to make it more enjoyable for you so people people read that people see that and they feed all that energy you know yeah i don't think that corbin and i would have gotten very far or at least as you know far as we have so far without each other like if i were doing it myself good lord i would be way too awkward to do it corbin same with him we feed off each other so yeah and and i think watching your old videos is a great way to improve i mean yeah we can go back to a video that has 70 views why does that have 70 views you know oh because we talked like a robot for five minutes straight um and yeah we're just reiterating you know i'm bad about that he's extremely bad about that and we would go through because i would tell him you know like don't do this and he would continue to do it so i showed him the videos and they stopped so yeah i go back and i watch my i try to watch my videos objectively like i watch my videos as if i'm like cr as if i'm critiquing a random person not like judging myself because then you'll get in this whole head space of like oh man i'm not doing this but i'll be like oh like the facial expression like my facial expression changed like when i started talking about this subject and it did and i didn't catch it because i'm the kind of person where like kind of like you like i'm i can read copy like nothing like nobody's business um but when i'm talking i need to make sure that my face is animated otherwise my i'll just i'll look like this and i'll just kind of be talking and like doing that so i have to make a conscious decision to do that so that way i'm semi watchable um and i'll go back and realize and i'll try to catch like the cues in my own face of like how to adjust it but i only do that by like re-watching videos and like watching them over and over when i edit them and all those things and we we all have like weird tendencies that we wouldn't notice unless we re-watch videos it may be when we get to a certain topic we lose eye contact with the audience or we do we have like a weird twitch and like yeah it seems like nothing to us but if you can start grinding those out of your videos and perfecting the videos nobody will ever be perfect you can't make a video um you know you can't please everybody but the smoother and cleaner you can make it um is when you'll start you know seeing the numbers grow so yeah yeah i've noticed some weird things that i do too sometimes when i'm on camera like if i'm if i'm in this position and i'm looking at my camera or if i'm doing if i have my tripod or whatever i'll notice that unlike sometimes i swivel in my chair i don't realize i'm doing it until i go back and watch the video or i'm editing it and i'm like stop moving i've definitely i've done that oh yeah so so yeah so there's those little little you know idiosyncrasies that we pick up on or whatever but uh i mean i i i definitely think just trying to try to enjoy it more try to have more fun with it and uh make sure you're in the right headspace for it and that you know you're because if you're not enjoying it nobody else is going to enjoy it or they're going to pick up on that they're like if you don't like it why am i going to like it absolutely that's why i haven't done a video in a little while is like like there's been times where my man i want to record a video and it's like okay i either have to drag my like i don't want to drag myself out of bed like at 11 o'clock at night because i i feel like i need to put something out so i don't um you know and that's the thing like i i got into the bad habit like right at the beginning because my like my channel realistically accelerated pretty quickly um you know i i'm still at that point where i'm i'm over 400 subscribers in four months which again depending on the realm is a lot or a little but like that's a pretty steady growth but i got in the bad habit of comparing myself to people who have a lot more not a lot more time but a lot more a different focus than i do so like i need to realize that like with my with my job commitments with my home commitments like i can't pump out three videos a week i just can't do it so i'm i'm now trying to fall into okay what's gonna be the best pattern for me on putting out content because it's still something i enjoy doing but i need to make sure i'm doing it right i will say this is the most educational we have ever been in any life and here's here's one there's like last thing i'll say on it uh i noticed as an athlete when i took a wrestling match too serious or if i took a cross-country race too serious i would perform a lot worse you almost have to go into the mindset like i don't care i don't care how this could go i don't care how it's going to turn out i don't care how i act just kind of have like the no f's given kind of attitude towards things and absolutely yeah and i mean again this is all for me but it could help somebody else and once you kind of get past the putting the pressure on you you really loosen up and you for me i perform a lot better when i just i don't care i don't care yeah and paul uh you're welcome you know it's funny because i've done i've done i've tried to do the the ebay videos and just failed miserably in my opinion and you know just my opinion whatever but it's like when i record at work and i'm pissed off at something about work like somebody's just done some stupid and i like throw up the camera and then put that down that is what i find people like me doing like you know i got my friend texting me saying you know do more that or you know and it's like i get it you know but that's where my i guess my real personality comes through because i'm pissed off about something or it's like i'm calling somebody they're stupid you know but it's like that's not i don't want to say this that's not why i got into the youtube thing to to just it's like i wanted to bring something to the table but it's like people like the bitching so it's like all right we can do this goes wrong yeah they love it because it takes away from their drama in their life i mean i can sit here and about my job all all night but yeah um guys excuse me for one second my dog is sitting here staring at me so i'm gonna let him out real quick so i'll be right back we'll run some circles don't do it so no i guess i guess we get to see him we get to talk amongst ourselves you know have some coffee call your mother get some cigarettes and talk amongst yourself all right let me throw out a topic all righty mr murphy well you're never cool you're never home somebody's been feeding you and i'm sure it's not kosher you haven't been around every time do something all right now amy you do a voice hey um i'm here we're going with we were going with like jewish mother but you can do whatever you want i don't know how to do that i can do like i have one so that's how i knew be russian that's about it oh now i feel like i'm pressured don't give enough go i give too many apps right now okay i'm gonna go to uh general quick she said paul i'm afraid it was not for paul it was for his sister that's getting married tomorrow she dry shaved her legs and now has a bunch of like you know red marks go to walmart get this specific self tanner and it'll take it away and i don't know but you don't know it it may work not oh no i know it works because you never know you never know yeah uh no go down to the walgreens and ask for help he'll he'll he'll set you straight all right honey now let me tell you something don't don't don't get that other guy ralph he's new he don't know what the hell he's talking about ask for help yeah lauren every now and again somebody mentions the the nasa hat i i always appreciate it it's my it's my it's my go-to youtube hat yep same retweet i'm always in the poker room hat my girlfriend hates this hat oh yeah paul paul heard somebody say russian and he's he's popping in here yeah um if you if we ever hang out i'll show you yeah get on here well it goes it's like russian and then it goes into like stupid if you know what i mean it's like this is what i do and then it goes like in it like it changes it's weird like i have a perfect accent and then it goes into like really dumb justin thank you for getting back so quickly we were struggling speak for yourself i don't know why you guys are struggling you've only been on youtube all day i know they ran out of they ran out of words not of accents i've got one accent to complain about perfect pointing patrick alliteration too yeah patrick's got it going on he's got that good radio voice he wasn't he wasn't lying about that now the voice okay i mean i i'm not i'm not i'm not one to like you know whatever um but yeah the voice i know i got all right this this right here all right this is my momma's fault all right all right i've had 45 years to deal with her mistake of making me all right i like your look so i don't like rockstar yeah exactly you got you got the shock jock look man it's it's a good thing this this is because uh i i don't like people in right now with the whole you know the the virus thing you know i usually kind of keep it here tell you what let's let's stop this that's my usual look right there okay plus the sanyo hack because my girlfriend hates this hat i love it does your girlfriend hates it so you're wearing it oh yeah i know this this thing is gonna be this this thing's gonna die with me all right just just to piss her off john q john quinn was saying how famous amy was yes yes she was recognized just while we were just standing there scanning books she was looking at some underwear or a swimsuit or something and this guy like started talking to us and he didn't really want to talk to me he was like oh yeah i heard your voice somewhere but he's like hey how about you hey hey hey like three times and it's always just me it's never corbin or anything it's just like hey i know you like do you do youtube and i'm like yeah i was in the back playing with shoes so yeah he saw the opportunity he took it hey kentucky's a small place it was either that or you're related so no it's always like in alabama every single time nice i don't have a parry hat man paul what were you saying patrick i'm sorry i was going to say i'm i'm actually in the kentucky area too oh where are you at i'm in newport northern kentucky yeah it looks about 45 well i guess a little bit more than 45 because i lived in florence it was about 45 minutes because y'all no and he's live on wbkc kentucky's classic rock radio uh time to get this uh the zap out god it's less new ports about an hour and fourteen minutes from us oh yeah the fedora hat i forgot i'm not i haven't kept up with perry perry go down to the uh when lexington uh looks at comic con i used to hit that every year yeah we do we usually do a amazing las vegas con out here uh my wife used to go to san diego um in years past but uh the amazing one that here amazing cons is pretty decent actually we saw um stan lee right before he passed he did he he was speaking with um todd mcfarlane um that was a super awesome panel it was just him and todd mcfarlane speaking of todd mcfarlane did you guys see um the animated series on hbo spawn spawn yeah swans coming david keith's voice oh my god that man could just read me the phone book i mean that voice really is why i got in broadcasting okay that it's just like justin needed a hat just that is awesome that's awesome wait he was saying they needed a hat because i'm left out because you guys all have hats so there you go there you go slow down a little bit just just seizures you know you never know sorry if you're uh sensitive to uh light here justin okay he's gonna still do it cincinnati and louisville across the river is is i i don't know geography here can you guys pitch in here volvo is in kentucky and cincinnati is like above our area about about like an hour from lexington if that was your question miss jennifer how are you feeling by the way i heard you were feeling a little under the weather the other day this ain't no rain it's ain't no rave priests space yeah i'm excited for that for that spawn that spawn um animated series it's gonna be good wait they're making another one whoa paul i literally just saved your sister's wedding and this is how you're gonna do me very poor choice of words anywho um [Applause] paul bro bro broski get in here dude lisa how is everyone doing tonight lee's been with us for the past couple hours how are you doing lee i'm doing good how are you guys doing these dreams are made of it [Music] less than eight seconds and we're good it's fair use exactly so can i do it multiple times just an eight second like spurts oh yeah yeah i forgot you pay for um you pay for certain things too um for your music usage yeah i use uh epidemic sound yeah it's like 10 bucks a month but you get tons and tons of royalty free music and all that yeah sound effects i've gotten hit for copyright if you're singing a hook even if it's eight seconds it's they'll flag it wow really yeah if it's if you're singing like a very noticeable part of a song especially like a a popular song it doesn't matter if it's five seconds if they if they designate it as the actual recording they'll flag you singing it vocally is probably okay but if you have the actual recording they'll flag it doesn't matter if it's under eight seconds or not wow a picture of his sister's legs it was his sister's saved the wedding by the way just saying i am amazing at what i do apparently hair is a problem for this wedding because paul had to shave his beard his sister to shave her legs family of sasquatch is here what's happening oh my goodness just kidding just because you said they were hairy so okay i know paul was on at like 6 a.m this morning all the way through you guys were on you guys were on it like 6 a.m this morning or whatever or that was my time my my 6 a.m yeah johnny's show today weren't you yeah but we weren't on all day we uh we went out and shipped and then hit yard sales and goodwill's yeah you guys want you guys went for pizza too right you went to a non a non papa john's yeah i saw 50 the pizza looks phenomenal though i'm not gonna lie well it's not worth 50 bucks i can tell you that much 15. we have some we have some awesome pizza places here and at max yeah even like sit down you're talking like 35. holy hell did you get a reach around with that how big was it did you see it was like 20 inches or something it was like about it's about yay big [Music] 20 inches of pure meat for your mouth pizza we're just talking about talking about pizza pizza reacharounds lee said hey david how are you i'm good lee thanks for asking man doing good doing good ready for the weekend which is nice yeah i'm a monday through friday nine to five guys so weekends are always fun so so what do you have on the docket for this weekend david um probably stuff probably stuff not not too much um i think my mom's my mom's gonna come over she's got surgery in like a month so she's gonna come over see the kids and stuff um they only go like a mile down the road though so they're just coming over but yeah not too much relaxing so the weekends is when like we work the most yeah yeah i try to get like a few things like i try to at least depending on like my how my thrifting is again it's like my i'm a lot of my stuff is so up in the air because i do have a lot of work commitments so it's like if i don't go thrifting during the week i'll definitely do a thrift trip on like a saturday or sunday so i have stuff to list on my monday night live um but yeah and then i'll try especially this weekend like i already i need to just dedicate time to work on a video at least one of the three videos that i have like pieces of in my phone that i haven't like wrapped together yet so that'll be what that'll be my weekend just pizza nothing to see here okay what the heck did i miss don't worry about it no i want to know harlan said just have to ask thanks thanks for being here harlan appreciate you thanks for thanks for going through this with us what is it well guys i do gotta get some work done so thanks for having me appreciate it you all take care thanks for being here patrick you take care peace patrick ladies and gentlemen that has been patrick murphy all right i think we're going to give it about 10 more minutes i was trying not to do a three hour live and uh we're gonna gonna try to end it about two and a half hours so good about ten minutes if anyone's got any more questions for them if i can learn how to point either of these cool people let me know i'm always backwards on here that was yeah it was pretty funny that radio it's pretty awesome amy doesn't know amy doesn't know that's patrick radio voice tell me please uh david you you know that movie you know oh yeah yeah that's why i started singing the song such a good movie i haven't watched that in fact it's so like it was crazy to me how many people didn't realize that that was matt damon i know right oh man it was very clearly matt damon that and like the other thing so like if you are you guys avengers fan so you watched like thor was it thor ragnarok whatever where it was matt damon uh sam neil and what's in um who was the third one oh the other hemsworth brother that were the actors on the thing yeah liam chris liam yeah such a good movie though no i don't know that's why i'm asking jennifer said good it's past my bedtime well we have another guest star coming in guys uh give me one second here let me get the connection going we're gonna drop him in and go oh it's not paul i gotta represent huntsville here tonight harlan what's going on brother not too much how are y'all doing pretty good pretty good just dream you know thank you just talking pizza yeah okay so what was it bro pizza yeah this is just pizza that's all it was oh sure reach around so yeah like i gotta reach running for the pizza that's right let me get that pizza harlan i will say i'm a big fan of your namesake mr harlan williams one of my favorite comedians [Music] yeah yeah that's me i haven't heard of him i have to look him up you ever heard harlan williams he's in like half baked a few other movie it you'll you probably recognize him if you see him i'll have to look that one up harlan williams very like late 90s early 2000s i'm surprised i haven't heard of him [Music] pacific northwest was asking about can you talk more about music restrictions with videos what's allowed and not allowed so like my understanding for fair use for for youtube is like i don't use more than eight seconds of a clip and if you do you have to materially change it inside so you're not like infringing on copyrights um i pay for like a monthly service so i get copyright music copyright free music to use on my channel so but that's just me so yeah i you i use the music that i specifically use songs that are on that are in the youtube list um the ones that they've provided um i try to go like deep down on the list so it's not like the first one on that everybody puts on their video um there are specific artists too that if you do want like like a song with like vocals and things like that there are specific artists that you can look up that have released the rights to their copyright for um digital purposes like streaming on twitch and youtube videos but it's you're you're at a pretty small um slim pickings for those ones so so so real quick guys i want you to meet uh meet harlan here if you guys haven't haven't seen his channel or met him before he we're actually not too far from each other um i just moved closer to you as a matter of fact oh you did yeah because you sold your house right sold my house and downsized to department that's my new casting couch what everybody calls it when i'm on live video fairly accurate description behind you beside the casting so i just got this i thought that rick daniels jack daniels tennessee honey display i got to put something on the wall too so okay uh i see the couch i see the jack d'angelo's daniels but what i really see are those stacks of plastic bricks of money back there i've been working like 60 hours a week at my job and i have not had a lot of time to list on ebay i've been selling a lot at uh the auction that we sell at up in tennessee i've okay selling a lot of sports cars a lot of silver sports cars are just stupid right now so uh i've pulled out all my cards that have not been worth anything for a long time and selling them for a lot of money at the auction up in fayetteville so nice yeah that's what we tell people about our death pile we're just kind of waiting for the market to go yeah just keep telling yourself it's a 401k pile that's what it's called right my death pile's behind me you can't see it yeah you've got yours blocked quite well i have mine perfectly angled so you can't see any of it but i mean my office is pretty clean as you guys know but i have a death pile it's just not visible so yeah he's got like those few closets behind you were just filled from floor to ceiling don't tell anyone so harlan are you guys are you guys still doing the auctions uh wednesday night or like during the week uh tuesday we start back this week okay yeah scott and dan are they're doing they've got that class that they're doing they all met up at asd in orlando okay they are there uh right now i tried to get down there but i couldn't make it because it worked so but i am going to vegas in august what yeah since ebay won't do their ebay open anymore okay so you're going to go there for uh for the asd show is that the plan and the hangout and hang out this guy lives in uh lives in new las vegas who does really yeah the one who looks like he lives in vegas yeah [Laughter] hello yeah we're starting to pick back up a little bit starting to get a little busier which is good and actually dante will be here at some time at some point soon if he's not watching the live but he he uh he should be here at some point yes katie we are still at it lee said i am still watching this video thank you for still watching the video we appreciate it you and everyone else being here i i appreciate i need that update because i'm i'm just like hey is it just me are we just hanging but yeah right so is there a mask ordinance in vegas yeah so masks um some of the hotels are raising their occupancy percentages now um if you come here in years past for conventions and stuff like that so i think they're back up to about 50 or more capacity in the hotels um yeah masks that's about it um everything's open um vegas didn't close for very long so like there's not there's nowhere really that's closed except for some like the theaters and the live shows and stuff but other than that everywhere else is open we had our mask ordinance dropped at five o'clock today i can't wait to walk into walmart with no mass tomorrow walmart still has a requirement though like businesses can still have an individual requirement it's just like the state overall is not enforced they're leaving it up to the businesses but i really don't think they're going to say anything to you because now they're really putting their businesses at risk if they start running people out that i mean there's a lot of people not wearing masks already and uh we noticed that in tennessee on the way back tennessee never had a mask ordinance yeah yeah really i didn't know we wore masks going into pawn shops and people that gave us weird looks on the strip take it easy there city slicker they had one in uh nashville they shut down the strip for a while so they had one in there but everywhere else there was no well nashville makes sense because here in kentucky all the sorority girls and fraternity guys they always travel to nashville like everybody absolutely yeah party and stuff so that that's probably a smart mayor just riddled with you don't even want what they have oh yeah no yeah no vegas is vegas is full full mask everywhere okay well maybe by august that'll be possibly that is a probability we're getting really good at doing we're getting a lot of vaccines done so like i work um i work in healthcare administration so like we um we we've been getting a lot of vaccines done like you know my facility we just um my company just gave like almost a thousand vaccines just last week and like a lot of other companies are doing more as well plus the city and all the hospitals so uh vegas will be pretty vaccinated by that time uh my wife just yeah we're about 31 vaccination rate what do you think your max capacity will be where you got the people who want to get it and you've got the people who do not want to get it what are you from what okay so from what i've seen um and this is from my industry and i'm i'm in the dialysis industry which is kidney disease um where we do have and we we deal with a lot of i would say i would say people that are more skeptical of vaccines um in general not to get into that debate at all um but i we had about a 15 refusal rate that's not bad no so i i would say it's probably gonna be in that realm hopefully it'll start changing even more soon um but yeah i've from what i've seen um it's it's realistic yeah 10 between 10 and 20 i think is realistic um for the refusal rate currently um which will probably change it sometime soon real quick josh said that uh they highlighted you on their show last uh last wednesday so oh awesome man just a four i would i will definitely check that out thanks so much katie said thanks for what you do david because you work in the healthcare industry yeah john davidson john quinn said david where are you located i'm in i'm in las vegas las vegas philly flipper said you as a legend every now and again i have my moments and he's in vegas i went to a tiki bar in vegas that's about the last thing i remember yeah we've been i've been to a few it was probably the golden tiki i'm assuming um i don't remember it's it's the it's like what's the guy the guy on that does youtube videos the big tiki guy um oh okay was it a standalone or was it in chinatown it was a standalone okay i know which one you're talking about that one's actually it's got a lot of hype there's a couple there's a there's another one called the golden tiki which is a little bit nicer really dark inside yeah the guy got mad because i couldn't tell him what i wanted to drink i thought it was martin is it is it frankie's it may have been probably he got mad he gave me a drink called the zombie and that's that's about all i remember after this sounds about right that that's all you're gonna know i went live on my youtube channel on fremont street for the next hour getting drunk and i don't get drunk very often like once every 10 years yeah when you do come though what i the place i would recommend is a place called herbs and rye it's off the strip and they have a happy hour but they're happy hours not drinks they're happy hours steaks so all of their steaks are half off from nine to midnight so you go for some late night dry age ribeye and you get it for half off that is the place to be corbin i think we need to go to vegas half off steaks yeah that's yeah their happy hour is a steak happy hour it's from like 3 p.m to 5 p.m and then from like 9 00 p.m to midnight and they're open till like 2 a.m or something so how much are they um well it's like a steakhouse price like normally so like you're like their normal price might be like a 55 like you know it's a good it's a it's like a you know dry age 20 you know 20 ounce ribeye but you're going to pay half off something like that it's it's it's a high quality steak house 55 for a piece of meat what are you are you crazy jason t smith wait till you try it he's invited yeah he runs the thrifting board he had a hangout at that tiki bar um okay he was on a he was on a tv show uh thrifting tv show years ago and now he's got a big facebook group called the thrifting board so he was out he lives in vegas yeah that was fun but yeah we're gonna try to get together with some big youtubers and uh ebay open was so much fun oh my gosh and then they canceled it the year after they weren't going to do it of course coveted anyways it wouldn't have happened but they did all these little satellite things around the us and everybody said they didn't really care for it so we're going to get with a bunch of these youtubers and kind of just throw it out there hey you know asd is coming up everybody go out there and hang out that's the fun part is hanging around other people that do stuff that you do people that you watch on youtube following graham stuff like that that's fun meeting all those people yeah i've been meaning to uh get with our boy graham stefan who just moved out here to vegas but uh i haven't i haven't driven over and knocking on the knocked on the door yet yeah well you know send them a message you never know um so i know i know where i know where his housing development is i'm just gonna go knock on the door um there uh i can't think of this uh young lady's name but this this um this girl made a comment on one of graham stefan's videos and then she was on his podcast because of this comment that she made and her youtube went from like i don't know 500 to like 8 000 subs and she's like 12 000 now and then josh hurry tornado had her on his channel because he was kind of blown away because like she made literally one comment on a graph graham stefan video and then she got on his youtube and like like yeah i i'm gonna try to do that i'm gonna be one of the because he always responds like the first hundred comments or so i'm gonna try to be one of the first be like hey man i'm in town let's get together i'll be on the i'll be on the uh the coffee the iced coffee hour let's do it yeah yeah he's he does personal finance and stuff he's a he's a little bit smaller than us but he's like height wise yeah [Music] oh i can't i can't think of her name i'm gonna pull it up i'm gonna go to josh's i know you i know who you're talking about though i know because i watched that video yeah mama with camera said it was it it wasn't an essential endeavors it wasn't brittany um it was somebody else on josh's channel but i'll find it real quick but but yeah i mean you know the worst they could say patrick said it right here the worst thing they could say is no exactly yeah the best thing is you know you're going to get a yes and you're not going to get a yes if you don't have the app you can put it out there so it doesn't hurt so yeah what i really wanted to do is actually go at him with like a hey man like i'll like i'll let you kind of go through like my finances and and talk through um like you know how he does like reviews of like what what this person lives on in this state uh but then i realized i i'm under confidentiality with my actual employer and can't disclose my my income i typed in graham and graham stefan came up first so i knew he had a few followers just a couple just a couple yeah when you're the number one search reference for graham yeah uh-huh yeah he's number one yeah all right i gotta i gotta do the wrist check harlan what's on what's on your wrist oh michael kors oh okay no i just keep an eye out for watches it's just random hey can i see your wrist real quick thanks i like it seiko [Music] watched my first fairy tornado video a couple days ago yeah that's a he's got a lot of great videos out there for sure so definitely take some time to check out josh's channel if you haven't already if you don't know who josh harry tornado is he's got a ton of ton of great content out there he's a super super nice he was the first one i watched he was the one that i was like i was like oh somebody's doing this like maybe i could do it too and then i was like oh there's not that many people doing that i'll jump in there and document my my my experience jen's closet yeah jen came back woohoo taylor bell that's that's this that's his young lady's name she was on uh i sound like such an old man that's this girl's name she made a comment on one of graham stefan's videos and then she got on his podcast and like she's up to like 13 000 subscribers but just from just kind of like from being on his channel like that gave her a huge boost a lot of momentum and stuff so so if you're like serious about like reaching out to him i mean be one of the first yeah i've actually i've actually i've actually thought about it i i need to i'm i'm probably will i need to i was going to try to like direct message him and um probably even just like shoot him actually shoot him an email because that'll most likely get read before a dm will but yeah if you need help on what to say let us know we'll do so what is your channel's names oh yeah ours is cheap finds gold mines and i'm thrifting thrifting after work yeah so so harlan um amy and corbin up here in the top right and cheap fun gold mines they came down a few weeks ago and we went thrifting and we hit a bunch of thrift stores and pawn shops and they were not impressed by huntsville's um pawn shops we suck way overpriced yeah you're not coming to vegas for pawn shops this is not a good place for pawn shops they do a tv show out there or something i remember the day that's 100 stage absolutely sorry were we saying corbin i'll just go kill amazon oh don't say that um not on live bro um but what were you trying to say we tried to do was trust up a bulk deal with one of the pawn shop owners he was like yeah i'm in a really good one today i'll work with you he took four dollars off four freaking dollars we were like haha no all the games were used and he like did brand new sealed walmart prices for his game yeah okay yeah see we don't have so vegas we don't have like mom and pop pawn shops all of ours are like super pawns and like gold and silver places like they're not like local pawn shops that you can like go in and find some deals and stuff oh justin this chat's blowing up yeah bro what what what's that what a mess what was that deal oh which one was that corbin and amy just saying that was with the justin wasn't it when we got the ds's yeah yeah yeah got on was yeah that was definitely the uh the score of the day for sure 134 bucks for like the ds's and all the games and stuff so yeah that was your town uh kepler's competitive with you justin huh i said that was the only deal that kept us competitive with you yes harlan we were headed to the walmart on south parkway and they saw a pawn shop and corbin was like squirrel he's like pawn shop and we immediately pulled over and that's where they found like some good stuff they've got some video games and a couple ds's and stuff like that they got i mean they got a really sweet deal yeah but the other pawn shops were just not worth stopping at unfortunately there's some of them that are like full retail yeah rescue it's crazy though i mean they still have to this day they still have a line around the around the block for the the pawn stars pawn shop um it's funny though when you go in because people don't realize that it's not filmed at the location it's filmed on a set okay so like when you go in it doesn't look like it does on tv because they don't film there like they film on a set it's 100 there's a whole like fake store that they do they're filming in wow um yeah my ex went out there and uh of course we were married when she was out there for a business trip and uh she bought some t-shirts and stuff like that she goes it wasn't nothing like the show it's like no i mean you can find stuff from the show that's on there but it's it's all like people submit like the the way the show like you submit your item it's all set up ahead of time you already agree on a price and that's why like you know they or they or you agree that it's just a cool item that they're gonna feature and you're not gonna sell it right because you gotta have if it was a regular pawn shop somebody said hey we just bought these ds games for five bucks and you know you'd be ripping people off and then people don't want to watch they want to watch oh my gosh you've got this rare thing from the 1700s and you're not going to take that to a pawn shop to begin with so it's just a neat it's a showdown to see neat stuff i've got a piece of the gutenberg bible where do i want to take that oh golden pond let's do red sea scrolls here where do i what do you think hey cop a mouse that's our goal is to overlook yeah like the end goal is pawn and then just like film the interactions kind of like cam kicks if you all know like uh craig like craigslist all those guys yeah craigslist hunter oh yeah i can't i i i his stuff stopped popping up in my feed is he still doing videos the cam's kicks guy i know he was getting some like backlash about some of the stuff i think what was he getting backlash on um i i don't know i think it was something i think there was some stuff that it was like not 100 as legitimate as he was making it seem of like the deals but i could be i could be wrong and i misread something so don't quote me on that i'm good we're gonna quote you yeah i'm gonna just take your word just send them a dm that i'm talking crap yeah he blew up fast that was good but i i agree with you guys i i like watching his for some reason he stopped popping up in my feed yeah storage wars is really i actually i'm i grew up in orange county and that's where a lot of people live so like i would actually like i know where the store is of like the the jason and couple the bald guy um and i would see the uh the the dave the yep guys like trucks driving around like they actually have stores but the actual show is not legitimate yeah didn't they have like a bunch of lawsuits or something like they were suing each other they were suing the show and they think dave dave hester got into some lawsuit with uh with them i think it was just like he didn't read like the fine like because the show even came out like hey yes we staged some of these items like yeah they've they've admitted to staging items and it was in the contracts that like they are bidding on lockers that could be that will potentially have staged items in it but they got to keep they got the thing is they got to keep the items like that was that was why he lost that because it wasn't like hey we're filming this and by the way give us back i think like the biggest example of that they had a locker full of just like [Music] it was like elvis newspapers from like the day he died or something like that and they freak out about it oh and i heard those because they'd be digging through it's like oh we spent all this money on all these clothes oh my god a revolver from the 1840s it's like how was that in the clothes bag i mean you that's just all set up yep john listing and listening thanks justin hitting 950 listed tonight i will take all the credit so glad we could glad we could keep you entertained while you're working and we're just hanging yeah just chilling i'm glad to have another three hour livestream with you justin i know that that that ten minute that ten minutes went right out the window we i wasn't gonna say anything hey you know what if you didn't say anything he was gonna go four hours man dropped in the rules change yeah actually yeah let's just keep it going to the four-hour mark corbin and amy need practice for their 24-hour extravaganza we've already done 24 hours plus oh yeah yeah i forgot you guys have the you guys did that crazy video yeah when we first started i'm not playing we like did 36 hours straight and then we'd sleep for six hours and do 36 hours straight again yeah just because we had so much stuff and didn't know what we were doing no freaking clue seriously it was bad it was a struggle yeah we almost killed each other a couple times we went through kentucky at the on the 127 last year [Music] yeah isn't that is that still you guys your picture the one two seven no that's 100 corner model my bad yeah nice you're bad yeah we actually started above well no we may have started in kentucky this past year and headed north and then we came back down and jumped back into tennessee and came all the way back down yeah looking forward to that this year pretty lucky where we live we have good pawn shops the goodwills are very cheap here usually um and then yard sales people just don't care what they have yeah yeah see vegas we have it we have an abundance of of thrift stores um they're not the best prices they're but they're not like crazy la or new york prices but yeah just in just in like a 20 mile radius we have 17 goodwills like um one of those is a and one of those is a bins we have like five savers two desert industries like 10 salvation armies and then some local local thrifts as well um yeah all within like a 30 minute drive um but the salvation armies are really bad i i stopped going because they just their stuff is always is always crap um but the goodwills are pretty good and the savers are actually even better they have better prices but there's definitely but we don't have we don't have a lot of bin stores we only have the one um there's places to buy pallets and stuff here that are really like they're really expensive like it's it's hard to like it's hard to kind of do anything other than like thrifting but there are some good yard sales here you have to go driving around for them camera so obviously call of duty is a mass-produced title the ones that are worth picking up if you can get them for 10 or less is the newer ones for the call of duty modern warfare call of duty careful with the chair amy for the ps4 and then with 260 there's actually a few tiles we're playing [Music] i'm listening i i know you guys are talking about call of duty i'm just going through the chat still going kids deals and more another question for you guys from john it just depends on uh what it is if we want to bundle them with um you know consoles it's probably going to go on facebook marketplace for hurry um but predominantly makari and ebay depending on what it is if it's higher dollar it's going to go on makari like factory sealed stuff like that with hari we have one good wheel it sucks yeah it really does i don't go there at all we got a new one though we got america's thrift mark we we went to that one we did the speed run there guys we we literally ran in there was like they were open for like eight minutes and we ran in and like we didn't really find anything but oh yeah the big like mall looking one like the big giant one yeah yeah it used to be a the kroger there harlan right you have kroger on drake yeah i hadn't been to it yet i drive out every day and i haven't been missing much yeah i don't remember that one yeah we didn't we didn't film or anything we literally just like pulled over and just like ran in and out and then that was working with me no cool well she's like people were flirting with me at every store so you have to be more specific you know i think i've been to america's thrift mart in in austin texas maybe i was in the graveyard we got drew profit monsters jumping in well i'm just getting through leo saying good night thanks for being here lee and we got droon hoof we're in the first what's up oh that one okay i gotcha what up drew what up drew how are we doing man hey drew you buy that shirt hey drew hey drew florida i know hey i'm the only one wearing a shirt purchased from him but yeah you guys do it as well they drew drew your watch ready ready ready that was a little actually amy we told you to keep your corbin's activities off the stream yes don't ask questions get that tissue handy yeah you already know oh my god yeah then there's just a lighter right but actually the packing sales wish i had this up the whole time well oh man that's what she said um john quinn hey drew dang all those t's are fire but david's the best i guess corbin you got to moisturize here you got this can't have that dry skin rub it so so i've asked them already but harlan what you up to this weekend you you taking a break or are you exposing or i took off today i hadn't had a day off in like six months wow so um i've been doing about 60 hours a week at work so today i got up i went to the only yard sale that i could find okay spent 36 bucks there i bought a wii for 20. uh no games not even inside it unfortunately uh picked up a few items to take up to the auction in tennessee okay i don't know what it is about that place people are just buying stuff like crazy i don't know if the stimulus or what but they're buying i'm taking everything i can get up to there what do you what do you do for work electronic technician work on um different types of pc boards that we manufacture troubleshoot i feel like if you buy a wii and there's not a game in it it's bad luck and you should just put it back honestly most of them have a game in it i was actually shocked just like i know that's what i'm saying that thing's gonna be cursed you gotta put it back i don't know it's probably not gonna work right [Laughter] parliament police do you know this story no but i think i've seen a picture [Laughter] when i did my first video for youtube my first comment was you look like a cop i i get that vibe so it went on from there harlan's a cop harlan's a cop harlan's a cop so my friend i was on his show um this is a long time ago but uh scott bearded picker i was on his show and i told him that i was going to leave the live show for a minute and i was going to put on my cop costume from um 9-1-1 yeah officer dangle i was officer dangle so it just went on and on i walked out i came walking back in with this um costume on were you cowboy boots officer dangle or just regular i did not have my cowboy boots on see if i could find the picture so anyway going going to ebay open they had a costume party one night and i took my costume to las vegas so i come showing up as officer dangle to this party there's like a thousand people or more there and only about five percent of people dressed up so anyway i show up to this party in my costume nice in las vegas and uh police officers kind of stuck with me after that so uh yeah that was that was fun las vegas was fun i'm ready to go back it's a good place to be [Laughter] not a cheap place to be but a good place to be that's not too bad [Music] not too bad the visit is not bad yeah not even living here is not it's it's it's uh john i'd make sure do your research on some of those ps2 games and they can have some crazy value yep yeah do you think um most crazy titles the most the rarest ps2 yeah gamecube gamecube really gamecube because they produced games for such a short amount of time so the uh before they gave up on the system so there's a lot of obscure ones that weren't printed as much yeah like resident evil code veronica or pokemon colosseum stuff like that yeah we actually found a we were cleaning out my car one day and we reached under the seat and we pulled out that code name veronica yeah excellent and we post on ebay and it sold in like 20 minutes like 120. nice how was it under your seat that it just remember these things happen harlan they're two young kids things go under the seats it's just yeah it's like how did that go that's a good one just nothing nice deck right there just got like a huge stack of like gamecube games that i picked up these are all yeah they're all like problems and corbin was just like the whole time why do you still have those just wait i was supposed to list them today but i only sent in 100 items because i'm a slacker so well i mean if you want to wholesale them out let us know yeah i mean you're pretty familiar with them you were looking at it justin i'm just letting you know my birthday is may 1st um okay i i like gifts i like gamecube games huh my 11th and i'm just down the street so yeah yeah there's some ps2 games that i've been looking for but they're they're definitely obscure titles that are in the hundred dollar range for like um what's the name of it there's a few um a few ones that i used to play like mainly old rpgs um that i can honestly i'm literally blanking on the name right now um but i got i gotta look it up but there's a couple of them that but i know like i can find them but they're all like hundred dollar games but but it's but it's not they're not like they weren't popular um and then i do have a couple ps1 games out with you guys before i have like some old ps1 rpgs um that are worth that are actually worth pretty good money like i have a if you know about like rpgs i have a brave fencer musashi and inside is the original final fantasy 8 demo disc nice yeah if you get those complete like like completely complete with the original stuff then yeah yeah i have like two full sets of the legend of dragoon um i have a battle arena to shendon which is like a but i don't have like the box or anything like that it was an old like if like pre-mortal combat like fighter game that was pretty cool yeah justin if you're going to wholesale them out yeah i just i just need to take the time to list them and send them into amazon i've shipped i shipped a bunch of stuff into amazon today but i didn't quite get to that stack of games yet because i want to test them and go through them and all that stuff i just haven't had a chance yet well john actually had a pretty good idea if you want to go ahead and click on that i mean i don't know sounds like a pretty smart person to me that is an idea uh we'll be chatting you know vg can stand for a lot of stuff [Music] drew you've been bored man you drew's been packing packing order silently for the last three hours he's like i'm ready to buy let's do this it's like what's that games just sitting around let's get those out of there let me help you yeah i'll do a dollar you can't go backwards i have five i do want to know the answer to greg's question yeah so how old is my account so my amazon account probably is like six seven years old because i've been doing this for a few years part time and i had used it a few years before i used it for my side business and i was selling books like just i just sold a few books on amazon but because my account is so old i can sell in certain categories that most people can't sell in plus i have the ability to request daily payouts and that's not something everybody can do most people have to wait two weeks to get paid but as soon as i sell stuff i can get the money i'm glad you didn't hear my comment justin i did not hear the comment what is good because he's old he's tracking she said your account was so old you started it on in carta probably because i'm old i think that's probably what she meant but you know i i don't even think they know what encarta is so it's okay old old encyclopedia on disk i think all of you are young compared to me so i'm not even that much older than them it's just funny i'm 31 31 oh use a baby yeah still not that old are all babies he's got 11 years on amy ms-dos 95. i'm the big pity so kidding yeah you don't you don't look at though you look good yeah so are you gonna um when they get the baseball games going you're gonna go to a trash panda game may 11th is when they start which is my birthday but they gotta uh they make you wear a mask outside in the stands yeah so i don't know i would like to see the trash pandas play they have made so much money off that name they made so much money on all the swag like they make money that's what they make the most money on is the merch it's like it's a raccoon it's a trash bag so mama with a camera is fitty also yeah he's printing out his ebay labels on a dot matrix that's right they gosh the holes aren't lined up it's not feeding the paper i actually haven't got matrix printer at one of my one of my jobs so i can i can qualify for saying that yeah like some some car dealerships still use printers like that because they still use like the old forms yeah the old transfer paper ridiculous corbin's just got this face like what the hell are you guys talking about it's like the old printers that are like this big and pretty paper with holes on the side that you it's perforated feeds into a printer it's a dot matrix printer oh interesting we use rollo she's 48. she has already just to make you feel better about yourself right yeah just corbin and amy here are here to raise spirits and just make him feel good [Music] thanks for being here harlan i appreciate it it's good to see you we'll have to do wings sometime yeah we're there every tuesday tuesday i thought it was thursdays now we go before the auction okay yeah hooters has some great wings [Laughter] uh the girls of this place i actually look better than the hooter girls in my opinion but is it a twin peaks we have a twin peaks no this one's called tailgaters [Music] was in someone's other chat and they're insisting that katie was 20 21. she she's 31 gang so just fyi i have so many kids i have from eight to 20 years old that's impressive i think i think it was it was it paul trying to figure it out i think paul was trying to figure it out and i'm like well she has like a 10 year old daughter so unless she started having kids at about 11 that's not going to work mama with the camera that's how um not that she looks not that she doesn't look it my oldest brother is like 35 so and i've got four brothers they're easy to make boys kids this like the the range of conversations have just like gone so far today yeah you like how i saved that katie that's great my kid's eleven so i was with my wife for 30 years that's that's longer than y'all are old so uh i've heard that a few times in my life [Laughter] i'm older than you are long and it was a five-year-old oh god you don't want to hear that in the same sentence wow josh turning 38 here well happy birthday whenever that's coming up josh yeah again that's why i love reselling in this community like we made friends with justin he's prehistoric yeah and then we have friends just all over the all over the range of ages yeah well i think honestly i really think you guys are a good example um too for you know i think more people your age should be getting into whether they're whether they're trying to do it full-time like you guys like you guys are are kicking butt and like you know getting dedicated and make money doing all that stuff but i think you guys are a good example for people that are your age to get into at least doing something on the side and having alternative revenue streams and doing all those different things like i wish i was doing something extra when i was 20 years old as well and that's when you say that because i wish i would have done this when i was like 13. yeah that's awesome to have somebody you can do that with my ex she hated it she hated my retelling um so i don't know kind of weird yeah that would be cool to have somebody do what you hate about it like the shopping bag i mean think about it idea your ex i don't know i don't know it's she just told me she hated it i don't know i guess i don't know amy if you told me you hated it would explain but it's game over well i mean i got into it together so i mean think about it like you're right he hated video games i enjoy video games do you see her sitting around here i mean i mean it's okay to be wrong you know drew said he'll be married 10 years and yeah buddy a long time lee lee is still hanging on hey i know he's still here please bring it up for a thread yeah lee was here earlier lee was here before the the chat started and cajun roots was in here too and cajun roots and him were chatting and like johnny was giving him some tips on editing and stuff so like when i finally got in to like get this the stream going like they had had a conversation and johnny had been helping him out which was very sweet so john that picture that she had was that that was the guy from um one direction one direction yeah kyle and liam oh it's both of them okay i recognize one on the right okay i actually have a nile horn doll that's worth about like 60 bucks sell it yeah those one direction fans will pay a lot of money yeah oh i i'm going to i also have a canadian american girl doll factory sealed how does that make sense a canadian american girl doll i don't know it's themed it sounds confused to me sounds rare it's just it's just as american girly does your doll have dual citizenship um does it apologize does it come with maple syrup and a handgun i don't know it's not we're getting really offensive yeah she's saying the word hey i'm dual citizen all good all right does it say i'm sorry when you need to marry me actually i got super bummed i was at i was at i was at goodwill yesterday and i'm walking by the toy aisle and i see a giant box and it's an american girl theater set and i grab it and it is empty it's just like it's just the display which i mean it's still like the display still sells for like 15 20 bucks but they wanted like 10 bucks for it so i wasn't gonna get it but i was i got so pumped and then it was like nope empty sounds like an estate sale i went to the other day these people had bought this house and all the contents and they said it's all gotta go we go in there and we get to the back bedroom and it's like oh my god look at all this it's stuff it's still in the boxes dude didn't throw away a single box it was empty boxes in that house made me sick and be like yeah it's i just went through it was a whole wall i was like tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap it's like they're all just hollow oh no oh my god i thought we'd hit the jackpot uh mama with the camera said that's one thing that's cool about this community we have a common goal so the other stuff doesn't matter before the camera stays in our dms i'd say flourishing foil you're in the right you're in the right uh why for at least half of that yeah one month in selling on ebay awesome congrats on starting your reselling journey everyone's at a different point but we can all help each other any advice on walmart clearance and goodwill arbitrage so goodwill what do you guys got to say about thrift stores so like i do a lot of so i will start by saying you're on the right channel so you're gonna when whenever you're done watching this just hit hit autoplay on all of justin's videos on the flipping accountant channel and you will learn how to how to get through the walmart clearance um and then yeah thrift stores is really i think the biggest thing in the thrift store is especially as you're starting is just make sure you're looking up items make sure you're just you're not don't assume that something's worth something because it's a brand that you know or things like that just you know make sure that you haven't have your ebay app out and you know scan if you can if not look up sold comps before you just buy and spend some time just learning and then eventually you can like have you'll start to gain pockets of knowledge where you can just okay i know i need i know i can get that um i deal mostly in clothes and clothes and a little bit of electronics corbin amy you want to jump in i know you guys can do a lot of different yeah i mean uh it just starts slow yeah you know don't don't dive in and and try to hit all categories focus on a category that you enjoy that you like um ours is video games and keeping account for how much space you have you know if you don't have much space you probably don't want to buy a bunch of vcrs for furniture so there's a lot of variables to to keep in check on that but probably something you enjoy if you don't enjoy clothing you're not gonna want to go buy clothing and wash it and fold it and take pictures of it it sucks justin nothing crazy just do what you like to do yeah so starting out i would definitely start by selling what you know so like if you're into books or if you're into clothes or video games start with what you know because you're gonna have a good knowledge base there so i'd start by selling some extra stuff you have around the house in the closet in the garage things you're not using just kind of get comfortable with whatever platform you're gonna use to try to make some extra money on and then if you're gonna do um walmart clearance stuff i'd follow some different walmart clearance channels um there are some people that just like their channels are just about like they just go to walmart clearance and just kind of take the camera and just show different stuff mine is more focused on like reselling so there are other channels like mine out there too there's facebook groups you can join that share a lot of great knowledge just search like walmart clearance and you will find a ton of facebook groups to join uh there's a ton of great pages on instagram that you can join or follow that give out great great free information so there's just tons and tons of information out there you just kind of have to just gonna jump in and you know get your feet wet so yeah if if you're new especially learn how to use ebay app the solds you know looking at what stuff is listed for versus what stuff is selling for is a huge difference just just know how to look up solds and even um sell through rate is big also what's up todd flippin hustler yeah and i think that goes into austin fields um has a question too it's very similar hello i'm new to re i knew and just started my journey guessing i should start out with books only right now i think the point of that and i think i think justin had the best point is sell what you like and same with corbin amy like sell what you like and and start there and you know most likely what you're interested in will be sellable and has an area if you are really into books there's some awesome channels katie reads and a bunch of other channels that you can go follow and learn a lot about selling books but i would say start with what you like and start with what you're passionate about because if you you know yes you can start with books but if that's not your thing then you're going to get burnt out and you're not going to enjoy it um do do something that you enjoy and i'm i guarantee you there will be there will be a market for it uh but yeah if you like books there's plenty of channels like i said katie reads is one of the is one right where i would start with is that ebay or amazon that he's talking about i wonder yeah that's another good point too a lot of people start with with books on uh amazon to get some to get sales to help open up the categories but um ebay i need to start with whatever you know yeah and another good tip uh what kind of what greg is saying uh if you go a whole day of thrifting and you don't find anything don't panic buy something just to say yeah that is something we still do to this day and bought cereal dealer time you know when we were down there i was like justin don't buy that cereal he's like i've got to buy something right same thing for yard sales i remember going long time ago it's like i got to buy something while i'm here no you don't yeah but i'm also more picky like i'm i'm more picky about the stuff i buy because i i stick with certain with certain sales prices and certain profit margins on my items so and also i'm on a time constraint so like i don't have as much time to just sit there and go through a bunch of stuff and look up everything so if i go through and i'm i'm going through quickly and there's nothing that i find i will walk right out of the store i'll say i'm not the one who does the like it's always corbin and i'm like dude that's like five dollars profit but put it down we don't need it have you seen the death pile bro [Music] yeah that's that's one thing that i've learned too is like is is even then like because and you'll start tricking yourself because then you'll be like you'll in that moment you'll forget all the different things that come out of that profit and you'll say well it's still five bucks we can make five bucks but then it's like okay it's five bucks before the 13 fee before the fact that like maybe i miscalculate on the shipping and there's an extra dollar off there and then you're making you know two dollars for an item that took 20 minutes of your time to get clean and listed and all those things like that's something i'm i'm realizing now is that even like like even things that are like 10 like 10 profits like i'm thinking oh it's 10 bucks but then i'm i'm forgetting that there's a 13 fee that comes out of it there's all those things that i know and i factor later but in the moment when i'm like okay cool 10 bucks is 10 bucks i'm starting to pick up less of those items oh justin we were last night and we found something that might be good for you to sell on amazon was the uh go on www walmart exclusive funko pop yeah oh okay i forget which wrestler was i don't know he had like colorful glasses on and stuff yeah it's like an older wrestler it was something like nine bucks but ultimate warrior oh yeah walmart but on ebay it was going like yeah so is it one of the um what are they called what are what are the what are the limited ones in the packs not the exclusives but the limiteds on even the exclusive what are those called justin knows to answer that uh i do i'm blanking on the words flock flocked wait a second i'm sure that i can't get that f-o-c-k-e-d i think though like they they have it'll have a little sticker and say it's flocked but real quick i i just want to interrupt real quick oh yeah uh drew uh true sent me five bucks thank you very much for the uh super chat he said it's for the gamecube games that he thinks that he won tonight oh that was a heck of a deal he got was that for the whole stack yep the whole stack [Laughter] it's chase chase is it it's the championship oh okay chase all right yeah or chase variance but thank you yeah true it's this one it's the uh macho man hey brother yeah they're like what what what was that patrick said you guys are still here john said richie can teach you about profit margins yeah uh richie does richie hustles does a lot of the clearance shopping but he does other stores too but his channel's really blown up lately too so i don't know if you guys check him out but he's got a lot of videos on the same kind of stuff i saw some macho man randy savage uh halloween masks that were pretty good [Music] do you still have halloween stuff you're selling harlan or you like all out i've about sold it all out cause you you've been selling halloween stuff for a long time i had a halloween well i had a haunted attraction for a few years out in the out in the corn field that we'd plant we had animatronics and all kind of stuff i had about 20 actors and then we had like 4 000 people come or last year for my co-owners bailed out bailed on me but then i had a halloween store inside another big haunted attraction and then that ended up closing he closed his due to uh had a big mold problem but uh yeah i started selling stuff online and man that that whole industry is so cutthroat price wise oh my god and you've got such a little window that it's heavy selling but then throughout the year it's okay but man you may buy a mask for 25 bucks and and sell it for 39 and it's just you have to invest 25 to make 14 and then you i mean you have your fees and your shipping and it's just it's not worth it it's just not worth it so i just said i'm going to sell all of it out and just you know do other stuff so harlan fun fact i met my wife we were both i met my wife working at a haunted attraction really yeah knott's berry farm their halloween haunted oh yeah we were monsters there for a few years sweet one they were going for 22. 24.99 24. whatever after fees and stuff does does anyone know how to refund this super chat because i do not carefully i think you should send them all the video games i mean that's that's one option that's one way of going about it and i think you have the address uh i think we sent it to you so just you know we'll be chatting uh thank you for still being here here's here's what i imagine like every time lee talks i think he's doing like this like here i'm here guys he's like he's sitting there with a phone in bed and just just just smacking him oh new person's here let me say hi i i appreciate the support yes he's been hanging with us for for the uh we're not even before it started too we're not mocking we're not mocking you either we got it you're a trooper yeah we've been there i've been there too where i'm like watching something that just hit me oh yeah yeah okay you can't just say macho man you have to say much oh man i mean you have to do the voice you can't just say it right step into a slim jim eat me all the young people is like what the hell are they doing they're like what's wrong what's going on you're talking about i watched wrestling growing up but they didn't have the slim jim commercials nope fair josh i have three characters next the warrior hogan macho man [Music] the personas i met john cena in real life if that amounts to anything shook his hand [Music] hey there you go that's worth it i cried i hear he's actually a pretty like nice dude i was like i don't think he's gonna be mean to me but yeah just slap his head he's still alive you know much of me and randy savage here want to talk to you about some slim jims snap into a slew gym [Music] there we go oh and he's gone just like that damn we damn i'm old i'm old hey i thought you looked like pitbull in that cop photo that you showed us from vegas so that's the war one miami with the button up with this with the shirt open and all that stuff thanks for dropping in much old man i love how this live was supposed to end like an hour ago amy are you falling asleep too over there is that longer we're good now i'm about to go get our pizza that we got for [Music] but i spent 25 on two pizzas so oh no ours was like a 20 inch they did not have the prices on the menu so we didn't know how much it was um and and you were laughing about and you were shocked by a 50 stake yeah well we didn't know and we already we're gonna ate the majority of it so we wanted to pay for it right i should have just like you know that would be interesting it was like was that hulk hogan that just drove by i got it no i i i do uh do have to agree with amy i do think we've we've probably ran a little long here might be past our expiration date i i at least i am so i think i'm going to start to wrap it up do you guys have anything uh else you want to add to the chat do you have anything you want to promote any videos or anything coming up feel free and i'm dropping links too so you guys can chitchat and amy corbin we've got that going on thanks for that justin yeah yeah i'll defer to the couple yeah i'll defer to the oldest guy here man are you pointing way too long i'm gonna try and start making videos again i've been so busy at work that it's you know and this is something we talk about on when i'm live with my friends it's like you know you have ebay you have amazon you have youtube and it's like you really can't do all of them and get your maximum potential so you have to kind of pick what you want and making videos has fallen off my chart for a while but i need to get back into doing that so i'm almost caught up at work so i'm hoping to be able to get back so now we're [Music] at this point yeah no i'm i'm i'm right there with you man i've had a crazy like last two weeks at work um like i said dulling out all the vaccines and stuff came at us pretty fast so we got a lot of 60 hour weeks over here as well but yeah i'm definitely on a video this weekend um and then i'm i go live every monday night um to do live listing um i'm usually on pretty much right after joey and drew over over on joey badabing's channel um so i i pretty much go live right after they're done uh for kind of a late night live on mondays uh make sure to hit the like button if you're still here make sure to circle on that like button for us um we have something very big in the works um it's going to be dropped on the 2011 um huge absolutely huge we all want our autographs now let us know just saying when we say it's huge we mean huge bigger than the pizza we ate today yeah so just know just know the 27 be there or be square yeah 27th roll yeah and we have to get up and like what time is it right now i don't know when can we start promoting that yeah we got to be up like six to go to yard sales yeah don't worry about that you're good you're young you got this you don't have responsibilities just wake up it's fine but uh anyways thank you guys thank you guys for being here i really appreciate everyone hanging out i really appreciate everyone on this uh knowledgeable panel hanging out with me uh friday night you guys have a million other things you could be doing but you're here with us tonight so i really appreciate you guys here being with me and everyone in the chat and anyone that's watching this thanks for taking the time to watch this and um make sure you check out everyone here in the uh in the panel i've been dropping links but i'll also put it in the description and make sure we get everyone linked up so thank you guys for being here and um we'll catch y'all next time
Channel: The Flipping Accountant
Views: 1,437
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: walmart clearance, clearance deals, walmart hidden clearance, how to find walmart clearance items, how to find walmart deals, how to find walmart clearance, walmart clearance haul, walmart clearance shopping, walmart clearance app, walmart clearance electronics, walmart deals today, clearance, hidden clearance, hidden clearance at walmart, walmart clearance this week, walmart hidden clearance haul, the flipping accountant, lego clearance, taxes, amazon fba, ebay seller
Id: ZbuEYVuxlSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 45sec (12705 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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