Drilling holes in a Brand New Denali | Midland MXT500 range test

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so it's very hard to believe that we are drilling holes in a new denali pickup [Music] we need calms [Music] [Music] [Applause] morning so in today's video we are doing some radio installs so if you're new to the channel my father and i just purchased a couple new pickup trucks he got a new chevrolet and i got a new gmc but anyways neither truck came with a midland micro mobile that's what we run in all of our farm equipment so that's what we're adding to these now these are the mxt 500s so they're the 50 waters dad just got his installed i still have to install one in my truck and then we're gonna do some range testing at least that's our plan all right is this dog grooming with pappy yeah is that a wire brush he must have a lot of hair cause he doesn't care kayla you're next all right so that needs to go in here so so far we have found a way through the firewall with the hot wire well melt the radio right here is the plant with the help of some youtube viewers i found out there is a hole right there to run accessory wires through that's where we're going through the firewall and there's a hole under the passenger floor mat to get outside for the antenna i don't know if we're gonna do that we might just come up through the door and out for now i don't know try to push it a little bit whoa push a little bit more okay so we got our wire pulled in not the funnest task but we we got her a few working words involved there now we are routing the wires up here going right to the battery what are you doing i was told to film you where is it it won't focus they have a great way of getting this antenna where i want it so right now i'm just going through the rear window supposedly there is a way through the floorboard but we'll address that later for now this is how it's going to be let's be honest i'm surprised this is probably how it'll be my face off [Music] bill was good then there's right about there why do you need two drills one's in the oh just the way dude this would be a lot easier with an impact but the impact's not here so we're using a screwdriver it is hot it is very hot yeah do you think it's hot very now we are just using the small antenna that comes with the radio i have the more powerful 6db antenna that we will be using for the range test but i want to test this radio right now on a close range test basically just to the office and you need to have an antenna on and do that so for now that one's going to work is it recording action yes so this is the first time we fired this radio up we're gonna turn it to the channel we run we should be good to go but no one's on no one else has their their radios on so we have everything done and ready the kit comes with a mic holder i don't know that i'll use it i really don't want to drill into the dash anywhere or have this just stick in there um there's plenty of places i could put it but what'll probably happen i'll probably just leave my mic out of the way when i'm not using it shut it off cut dad you got a copy over i got you i got you here ten four ten four so we are just a few feet apart there's dad in the back up camera but at least we know that the radio works so we still have to do a range test i don't know we'll do that today we might do that tomorrow because i predict i'm gonna have to drive a pretty good piece from here i want dad and his pickup to just be staged on a road and i want to just take off driving we want to do this on a road where we have uh it's fairly flat i want to try this in a fairly flat terrain that way there's no terrain features interfering with it it should be a good test that way we could do it here like dad could sit here in the driveway but there's enough little baby mountains around here that it might interfere with our range test all right so this is the next day i'm gonna put some six db antennas on these trucks these are the most powerful antennas midland makes and we're going to give us a range test so the last time i did one of these range tests it was a 115 15 watt radio we tried all the antennas uh we could do that again i don't really want to i just want to get what the max range on this is we're going to the same test strip that i did that previous test one that was four years ago i will link that video here if you want to see what an mx-115 or mx275 those are both 15 waters will do it's a pretty good range test video there dad is getting ready to go sit at the driveway of one of the farms i'm gonna go snag another big antenna and then we're gonna start heading north see how far we get don't tell my brother but we're just gonna steal his antenna off his old truck he got a new truck as well and uh yeah he don't really use that one anymore so i'm taking it we're gonna reset our trip meter here just to give us a little bit of a mileage reference now this won't be exact once we get done with this test i will look on a map and actually see as the crow flies how far we are in a straight line uh this should be fairly close we're not really there's a lot of turns in this road but it will vary a little bit so one other thing that we will do every five miles we will do a transmission i don't think it's going to really even matter for the first three or four transmissions after that we might uh start doing them a little bit closer eventually we'll probably go like every mile every half mile as we start getting you know further and further away now the 115s we were able to get 25 miles out of those now that 25 miles we weren't carrying on a conversation that was the absolute max range you could maybe get a a simple yes or no or over and out like you weren't going to have a conversation that far away but they did work 25 miles away so that's what we're going to push this radio to we're going to get to where we can't hear each other anymore that's the that's the goal hey brad yeah i got you i'm just about to chill golly i'm uh five miles away that was good okay well we're doing a range test on the radios the new midlands brian got uh i don't know what number it is he knows he'll tell you we went five mile he's going toward columbus i'm sitting over the green bins and uh he's had to climb toward columbus up 23 i believe five miles good he just poured 10 miles now he's going 15 miles so it's good then so you know it's like 15 miles so while we're cruising to the next five mile mark i'm going to enjoy me a hot and spicy wag bark so wag bars are american wagyu beef bars if you guys are interested in those i do have a discount code in the description for a 10 discount uh if you like beef jerky or beef sticks these are supreme awesome american wagyu beef it uh it makes a pretty tasty snack now if i just had a coffee pot in here so we are now 15 miles hey dad you got a copy of a copy yeah brian got coffee sounds good sounds good can you hear me now hey dad you got a copy so we are going down a hill right now and when we were going up the hill and at the top of the hill i could hear him fine uh now we're at the bottom of the hill or go on the other side of it cutting out a little bit i'm sure once we get one up the road a little ways that'll be not the case but there's a slight grade right here i wish we lived in a place where we were just completely flat but uh we don't we have hills all around us i am going right up the siuda river valley basically that's one of the flattest areas and we are progressively getting flatter as we go north but dad's staying at one of the farms so it's fairly flat but i think that hill might have been messing with this little bit here can you hear me now okay i got you now i was going down a hill and i couldn't hear you anymore he's up that way about due north there there's a few hills up there but i don't know he might be in a line of sight straight through there or not i don't know it might be behind that one hill up there that's mount logan that's where the great seals made in the high state seal yeah we're right at 20 miles now i'm just a little bit south of circleville call me yeah i hear you okay very good down here yep i'm just going by the toilet paper plant 22 miles away 23 miles away okay 23 miles okay these radiators are nice in the tractors the combine especially the combine uh the harvest time get on the green cart so one thing i should mention we are not um employees of midland we are not paid by midland we did not pay for these radios though they did send me these radios to test yeah i hear you so just thought i would throw that out there and completely level with everybody i know someone's going to say well you're just paid and yadda yadda that is not the case with that i will give you a couple things you need to remember with a midland gmrs radio one thing you do have to have a license to operate one of these the license is very easy to obtain it's all done online midland has an excellent guide on how to get one check out that guide check out what you have to do to get your license state legal eagle hey dad you got a copy i'm 25 miles out breaking up just a little bit on that one definitely getting some interference from something now grant we are driving down the road we're passing semis with cbs all sorts of interference probably but this is a real world test i believe in a perfect world they rate this radio at 50 miles i don't think we will get 50 miles i really don't know how much further than 25 we're gonna get like i said we got 25 with the 15 watt radio but i how much of that is antenna how much of that is radio we're using the same antennas so 25 miles we're in a low spot we're getting ready to go on an overpass i'm guessing we're going to overpass we'll be able to make contact but right now in this little depression here going through circleville it appears that we are not connecting dad do you have a copy dad you have a copy now eventually i will give him a phone call just to make sure that his radio is working and everything but we're going to get up on this overpass here first now in case you guys are wondering what kind of high-tech camera gear we've got mounting this camera to my dash i have a sweatshirt on top of the dash and it's holding the camera just fine gotta improvise hey dad do you have a copy dad do you have a copy hey dad do you have a copy all right so he just made contact now we are 27 miles away that doesn't sound like it's going to go well for us hitting like 35 miles because that was very weak transmission there we're getting ready to go on another overpass see what happens now we do have a lot of overhead power lines i don't know how much those interfere with you i'm going by a substation at the moment yeah yeah could you hear me at all i can hear you but you can't hear i guess can you hear me at all i'm talking on the radio right now to you no i don't hear you now all right okay where are you at he'll implement okay i'm getting ready to go under overpass right now i'll see if i can hear you then okay okay i just heard you right there okay okay i'm gonna go uh can you hear me any better can you hear me yeah yeah i hear you there yeah see if you can transmit to me because i ain't heard you yeah you got copy you got a copy brian go chopping nope okay i'm going up the overpass now okay okay okay yeah i heard you there so on top of this overpass i can hear you yeah well you go higher man go hard now can you hear me now you can hear me now yeah yeah yeah i hear you okay yeah that that's 30 miles so definitely capable of 30 miles when we're in line of sight basically when i'm up higher i can hear him perfectly fine there's just too much uh terrain difference on this route that we took hey dad you have a copy yeah there's 32 miles 32 miles we just made contact that kind of surprised me yeah i can hear you just fine now again we're kind of getting to the point where we're not really going to carry on a conversation this far away but we can't make contact and that's really what we're trying to do we're just trying to see what the max is uh he was about 30 miles farther so that big uh hill right up there if i get above it outside town i could probably talk to him all the way up through there almost columbus probably but it's just a line of sight makes a big difference how flat it is yeah i heard you but you didn't hear me no i couldn't i heard you a couple times there at the end but they weren't real like i could hear you kinda yeah right like now you're really not right now i'm going across a little walnut creek so it's a little bit of a dip yeah i'm talking on the radio now can you hear me at all there's a rise up here by the patrol coast i'll see if i can get you there right we're going into south bloomfield okay yeah okay okay and i suppose you're going with very quickly well i'll think about i'm doing it that's nice you don't need to get a balloon here yeah think about it yeah okay i'm going by the patrol post now can you hear me on the radio at all dude okay good to hear me now nope don't hear them how about me hear me hear anything no no hold on a second can you hear me now this is the highest point i'm at the top of the rise here yeah okay i heard you too that's 35 miles that's off that great guy that makes a difference for a good gross yeah i'd say if we get some place flat we'd hit 40 miles oh i'd say 50 miles probably more yeah because you're coming in pretty clear whenever we're up yeah yeah now you can't hear them no i can't hear anything now yeah yep that's pretty good yeah i'm gonna turn around up here at south bloomfield okay the elevation makes a big difference so it's line of sight so uh them raiders get good waves up a lot farther they used to the other ones we had so yeah we want good dairy queen but there is a tim hortons right up here so here's a map showing the bird's eye view of the uh basically the pathway we took i did not realize that we were kind of in behind the uh the green area on the bottom of the map that is a great seal park there's a couple thousand foot uh baby mountains there probably wasn't helping our case any but hey we still got close to 30 miles all right guys this is a couple days later i'm going to a different place i want to test this thing on some flatter terrain so basically i'm going west of chillicothe aways at 35 we're gonna start at frankfurt ohio and we are going to uh see what it does dad's going to stay in frankfort i'm going to go west on 35 we'll see how far we get this is probably about as good of a test as i'm gonna be able to do in my area without you know traveling a few hours just to find flatter terrain so dad is going to stay at this exit here it's basically either going to sit on the exit or go over to this little store right down the road and we're going to continue west fairly straight that direction and we should get a pretty good test this way so we're at 20 miles dad do you have a copy dad do you have a copy i knew based on the previous range test that we would be good for you know the first 20 plus miles so first test was at 20. hey dad do you have a copy do you have a copy dad do you have a copy huh [Music] i gotta hear you but i can't make out what you're saying still can't make out what you're saying so we are just shy of 30 miles on this one i'll call here on the phone see if he can hear me any at all his antenna is newer shouldn't matter they're both the same yeah yeah could you hear me i could hear you okay you're just kidding you can't hear me i just hear static when you talk yes how far are you at i'm at 30. i'm talking to you now on the radio can you hear me at all nothing nothing light up yeah okay i guess i'll turn around i just didn't go any further than the previous one didn't go as far okay okay come gonna give you some sandwich there we go well there you go we tested this in two different areas and we got that one was 29.5 and the previous one was 32.5 so there is some slight rises in this ground this isn't completely level by far the best performance would be ridge top to ridge top if you could find two ridges 50 miles away with nothing in between but 30 miles is pretty dargo and good for radio moving forward i would prefer to use the mxt 500s instead of the other radios we've used or the 575s really like that radio it looks like it's the same head unit just all the controls are here in the mic like an mxt 275 but thanks for watching everybody like i said do as a favor check out the wag bar link in the description if you're interested help us pay for some diesel fuel here on this this range test and uh yeah i'll i'll put a link to midlet's website i don't have an affiliate link for anybody but i do know they are having a sale and they will be at farm progress show as will i so if you're at the farm progress show be looking out for us we'll also be at the maggie custom applicator show maggie illinois that is i believe august 24th i will be at the oxbow booth so come see us there but until then we'll see the next youtube video
Channel: Brian's Farming Videos
Views: 57,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Midland, Micro mobile, MxT500, Rangetest, Radio, Gmrs, Brown farms, BriansFarmingVideos
Id: tXBwAZ4gKgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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