I sold my Lee Loadmaster and bought a Hornady Lock N Load AP

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hey everybody welcome back to the channel in today's video we're going to be going over my new hornady lock and load ap progressive press uh one thing before we get started here if you'll forgive my nasally voice it is peak allergy season here in tennessee and my sinuses are having a heck of a time with it so just bear with me on that i picked up this hornady lock and load ap after getting completely fed up with my lee load master that i had mounted in the same spot and i sold it it would it would not get through 50 rounds without jamming up in some way in fact the night that i decided to sell it the night that i broke it down and posted it on the facebook marketplace i worked on it for probably three hours uh trying to get everything adjusted right had it torn all down put it all back together had everything set just the way it should be and i was not having any luck with it like i said i think i got out about 50 rounds that night and uh just didn't want to work i did relay that information to the guy that bought it from me so don't think i'm a terrible person uh i told him the reason i was selling it i was very honest with him and uh he was gonna give it a go anyway so i really do hope that he had good luck with it and uh if he happens to watch this video let me know how it works uh shoot me an email and uh ever since i sold that load master i'd been going back and forth doing a lot of research studying to see what progressive press was the best for my needs and you guys that watch the channel know right back here i've got a hornady single stage and it's what i use for the majority of my loading guys i'm not a brand loyalist whatsoever i want to use whatever works and will provide me the best value for my money now that's not necessarily the cheapest thing and that's where i made the mistake in buying the load master but i was going back and forth between the hornady lock and load ap that i have here and a dylan whether it be the 650 which i think you can only get used or the 750 i'm not really sure how all that works uh but what i figured out is that in the long run i think this press is going to be the better option for me for a couple of reasons i want to load three different calibers mainly on this press and want to have the opportunity to expand into others later mostly i'm going to use this for 9 mil i also want to be able to use it for 223 and 300 blackout and if i go back to competing i want to be able to load 6'5 grendel on it as well the way this press is set up it comes with everything to do large and small primers it comes with everything to powder feed for all different lengths of cases and i already have hornady dies with lock and load bushings that i use on that in fact this press came with an extra four lock and load bushings which is great because now i have some extras and i'm sure that i'll be using them in the future when i get more die sets so already having the lock and load bushings and not having a whole extra tool head that i would have to get and slide in and out ended up making the decision for me in the end the only part that i have to switch to go between calibers on this is obviously the dies but that's a given that's on any press and the shell plate and we'll look at each part of this press in detail in just a minute here the shell plates for the hornady press is are just a little bit expensive their price as listed out of stock on midway right now is about 50 bucks a piece i don't know what they were before but on ebay right now you can get the shell plates for about 70 to 75 each that's kind of steep for what they are but it's what they're going for right now and i was happy to pay 20 bucks over normal price to get started with the press loading for i've got nine mil and two two three shell plates right now and of course 300 blackout will use the same shell plate as 223. uh the price of the press when i initially bought the lee loadmaster these presses were going for about 400 bucks and that's that's the kit not with the the brass feeder and all that i think that was still around a thousand dollars or a little over but the press kit as you see here with the powder measure priming system and all that about 400 bucks or just a little bit over by the time i sold the la load master and knew that i wanted to upgrade to the lock and load they're going for around 700 bucks after tax and shipping and everything on ebay out of stock everywhere else i was just about to buy one of these and pay that much on ebay but i did get a back and stuck notification from midway last week now and they had this kit for 529 now if you look on their website right now it shows it out of stock and for 619 dollars so it does look like when it does come back in stock there there'll be a price increase like i said i was prepared to pay about 700 bucks for this thing and i do think it's worth it and we'll get into that in a few minutes here i've not added anything to this press so far i am going to be adding the inline fabrication ultra mount to get it up about a little over nine inches more off the bench it's kind of awkward to load standing up right now i could probably do it seated but i like to be able to look around and see everything and standing is how i want to go when i'm using this press i'll also be getting the inline fabrication roller handle and i think that's about it i eventually want to replace this bin system just for one more ridgid but this really works right now i'll also be adding at some point a brass feeder we'll talk about this later but this press does not come with a brass feeder you have to do that all by hand it's still way faster than loading nine mil single stage but it does take a little bit longer than with a case feeder if your case feeder works and again that's kind of a jab at the lee which was constantly binding up on me and throwing cases everywhere i will say some people have had good luck with the lee load masters and they're able to get them running after some fiddling and constant adjustments and people will have i've seen youtube videos of guys having a pr a load master for each caliber they load set up on their bench in the line and hey if that's your jam go for it i wanted more for right now one progressive press to do everything that i want to do uh progressive so i think that is enough of a quick overview for right now again i was able to get this whole setup press shell plates uh two shell plates and everything for around that uh 700 or just a little bit more dollar mark and um i think that's a reasonable price to pay for this right now
Channel: The Outdoor Generalist
Views: 762
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: b8OMcWtWN9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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