Dillon XL650 vs Hornady LNL AP. Which one is best?

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look at these two beauties got a lock and load ap on the right and a Dylan XL 650 on the left so today I wanted to go over each of the pros and cons of each of these presses is briefly as I can there's a lot of in-depth videos on these I just wanted to focus on comparing the two I've had the Lock and Load AP press for a lot longer than the Dylan the Dylan I've just picked up earlier this year so I've had a lot more experiences with the with the Hornady good and bad but I have had a good amount experiences with the Dylan as well so I'm just going to go through some of the pros and cons of each one so if you notice each of these has a case feeder right away I'll tell you that the the case feeder on the Dylan is far superior it is it just works it's quiet I didn't plug the the Dylan in but I'll show you the horn D is pretty loud and with cases in there it's even more loud I had a problems with what they call brass rain on the on the Hornady where the the brass will just kind of get a traffic jam up there on the top and fall down all over you so there's that problem that smells it with nine-millimeter and then of course you have cases that are supposed to go here on to this on to this bar and they just kind of fall off and there's a there's a there's a fix for that too a little little wall there I've got a clear clear tube there but there's a there's a Hornady fix for it now so anyway the case feeders the other thing I like about the Dylan case feeder is that these changeover kits so that you see this little white tube if you get a nine-millimeter and you get the changeover kit it has that that two that specific caliber fee there's a 45 he just changed out that piece and I think there's one other piece in there for for that appropriate caliber it's pretty easy the Hornady on the case feeder you don't have anything to buy here but it's it's something that you do have to adjust when you change it's not awesome it's you know kind of trial and error but you at least you have to buy anything but it's a pain in the butt to change on that part the the powder systems on each of these they're both pretty accurate the Hornady uses a a drum type system it uses some metering inserts that are in the front here with that little button you could just take these out it's pretty nice I actually like the the Hornady a lot because it's in a lock and load but bushing system you could simply take it out and then dump your extra powder back into the back into the original container so that's pretty nice on the Dylan it's a it's a bar that moves front to back it's just a different style works the yeah that's probably about it if I had to choose between one or the other I'd probably choose the Hornady powder system the primers priming system the Dylan is pretty nice it has a alarm system an audible alarm system this little rod goes inside and ways the primers down and once it reaches the point where there's only a few primers in there it makes an audible alarm so that's pretty nice so you can continue to load and focus on your loading down here and just listen for an audible alarm that's pretty nice the priming system on the Dylan it's got a little disc system I don't know if you can really see that here but the thing I don't like about it is when when primers are fed into the system if there's not a piece of brass there to feed it it's gonna keep rotating either way so that's why you have this chute primer chute system so primers if they don't get seated they'll fall here and they'll they a lot of times fall onto the floor which is not great the the original system for the for the primers to come out come out here into a little box I change this over because they come out into the box and they just pop onto the floor so I changed it to this system where you have a tube system the feeds into the trash can so an aftermarket thing but it works a lot better than the Dillion original design the Hornady primer system I also prefer Hornady's priming system reason I like it it's because it's a kind of on-demand system so if you have if you have a piece of brass there and primers are being fed into the system you can you can seat that primer if you don't have a piece of brass in there a brass case and there's a primer there and you continue to move the handle which you have to do that sometimes primers will not continue to to fall through they're like on the Dylan they'll they'll just keep they'll just remain there until a case is there until you seat it so it's pretty nice the other thing I like about the the hornaday system is that there's just just one screw here and to take off this priming tube and there's a little punch down underneath and you just change that to go from large to small it's pretty nice also if you have primers left over in the system after you're done reloading you take off that little bolt there and carefully rotate it and you can remove this tube system with the primers in there and dump it back into your original container so that's pretty nice what else the way the cases are are held into the shell plate on Hornaday it uses I set Hornaday it's actually Hornady but anyway a lot of people say Hornaday it's confusing so this the retaining system is it just a spring it it's I prefer this as well it's a it's easy to get the cases in and out and you have to do that a lot of times if you want to check a powder charge or if you have a hang-up or something you have to take take up case out you just you just move the case you just put it in and out of there very easily whereas on the dillon you have these little pins that are caliber specific so you have to bought these off aftermarket little little holders here it makes it easier to get the pins in and out but it's it's just a pain you know you lose these things and i've dropped them i you know it's it's it's a pain you get used to it but I prefer the Hornady the Hornady system so what else the the other thing I'll mention is if you notice here the way the the way the press is is laid out you have this big robust system here this bar right in front this Oh Oh Tom so if you're looking in here let's say if you're reloading and you're looking in cases to see if everything's good it's a little bit harder to see cuz this is this is kind of in the way whereas on the Hornady system it's it's kind of offset so that you can you have a lot more visibility into into what's going on here and that's why it makes it easier also to get cases in and out in case of a hang-up or for whatever reason and you know i've been saying a lot of positive things about the Hornady about what I like but speaking of hangups that's kind of what I don't like about the Horner you have so many issues with the case feeder system a lot of people have had issues with that with that priming system I haven't i've been i've been lucky I guess but there's always a little little quirks and things the way you just the timing on it is with these poles underneath here so it's actually very easy people kind of talk crap about it but it's actually pretty easy to adjust these poles one is for the upstroke one for the downstroke and it's just a little allen head it's just very minor adjustment and yeah I've never had to adjust mine a lot of people have on the on the Dylan over here you have this little system here that little little plastic angular thing that hits the other deal on the bottom and that's what adjusts the timing so if you want to adjust it you loosen these bolts and you can move this I believe left to right to adjust the timing so not really a preference there it's just different both of them work I haven't had an issue with either one one thing you'll notice is - your grease zerks so you'll have to keep each of these as since they have moving parts you have to keep them gray stuff there's grease zerks on the Dylan they say to use oil here just motor oil on the RAM and then there's some other places here and there that you have to grease on the on the Hornady it's basically just grease zerks so you have one here and then two down here and you just grease those up every now and then I just greased mine up and and I feels like it's running a little slower maybe I used too thick of grease or something but I mean it runs fine so anyway that's just uh that's all you have to lube up on the on the Hornady so the Hornady I have as you can see here I have a bullet feeder this is the this is a rifle bullet feeder I had just I've just purchased as I haven't actually used it yet I have the pistol one that works pretty good haven't had any issues with that one so it's nice that it's a Hornady branded accessory and you know Dylan doesn't have their own bullet feeder but there's mr. bullet feeder that are made specifically for for the Dylan and it's it's actually pretty nice because it attaches to the the case feeder and it doesn't take up space on the bench like like this one does so with either the pistol or the rifle bullet feeder from Hornady you're gonna have to mount mount it somehow on the bench it's not great but it you know it works and I just have it clamped on so I can move it if I don't need it and it seems to work fine that way so anyway these are two great presses I've had I've had a bunch of issues with the Hornady and I've resolved every single one I've had some of them are user error most of them are just design flaws the if you're gonna if you're trying to decide between a press the Dylan is probably the way to go it just works the only reason to go with a Hornady is you get a lot for your money so if you're trying to if you're trying to save some money and you're gonna do multiple multiple calibers that's one other thing I'll mention is that for calibers changeover so let's say you know this is a setup for a 22 right now but if I wanna are sorry two two three if I want to go to forty five let's say all I need to buy is the dies and the shell plate and that's it and maybe for the case feeder you'll need a a case feeder plate but otherwise that's pretty much own you'll need on the Dylan it uses these what do you call them tool heads so you you take out these little pins and everything set up and and you can just remove the tool head slide in and well that gets expensive when you're having a buy a you know a powder powder drop dies a tool head and it just gets expensive so if you do multiple calibers you know it gets expensive plus not only that imagine having a bunch of these set up on your desk let's say if you do ten calibers and you're gonna have a whole bunch of those whereas the the Hornady maybe you only need a powder measure for the rifle powder measure for the for the pistol and then you just need different metering inserts for each recipe that you have and then your dyes go in the dye boxes it just takes up less space so a lot of pluses on the on the Hornady so I you know what that's why it's a try that's why I was attractive to me when I bought it because I just had so many features but yeah if you're if you're starting out and and you don't like to tinker and you just want things to work and you don't care about all those extra features that I mentioned then get the Dylan the Dylan is is more expensive but it's well worth it the finishes is really nice I mean it looks it's a sharp looking press you look right there on your reloading bench the Hornady is not too shabby either or he looks pretty nice but in my opinion it's not as nice looking as the Dylan so anyway guys I hope this was helpful if you have any questions go ahead and comment below if you have experience with one or both of these bad or good and you want to comment go ahead and leave that below thanks for watching the video and hopefully I'll have a follow-up video and let you know which one I decided to keep thanks guys have a good one
Channel: brandon4256
Views: 114,730
Rating: 4.8417377 out of 5
Keywords: dillon 650, hornady LNL, lock n load, lock and load, reloading
Id: vIPUgJbzbmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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