Our Son's EXTREME Makeover

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today is going to be the biggest day of our son's life because by the end of today he's going to look completely different no wait no way wait wait why did you smile like that I'm so excited for this day our son Steve used to look like this so we decided to make an investment in his health and his future that's why we got him braces but after three long years of wearing those braces woo he's ready to take him off let's go see how he feels let's go let's go I'm so excited I've had these for 4 years they're just like the worst they're like my biggest insecurity because I just feel like they look so bad like sometimes when I smile my teeth just look yellow like I don't like them I feel like I'm just going to look better when I take them off and the worst part is sometimes I can't even have the snacks that I want to have I actually can relate a lot to fan and all the kids that have braces I have braces when I was 12 years old and it was the worst time of my life put those photos up put those photos up oh by the way I had braces when I was 13 years old but I look pretty cool though no you look horrible with braces what you did not look that good before we take off your braces your mom and dad got you a special surprise in the front yard we brought a carnival full of games outside the house and every single game that you pass you get to get the candy that you didn't get to eat while you had your braces on all right all right fam let's go all right let's go let's go let's go oh and by the way at the very end we're going to call a couple famous YouTubers and we're going to see if they can tell if for one guy his braces off or not we'll see if they realize all right for the first game you get to win some caramel apples all right bro I love caramel apples okay tell me what I have to do to get them you oh I just you just dropped one that one explain the rules all right so you have to get at least five apples with only using your mouth okay only my mouth only your mouth and you have 60 seconds 60 seconds are you ready yes are you sure yes 3 2 what get those apples let's go that's one that's one baby that's one go go go go go go you can do it one dump your head in go go go go there you go come on come on I can't get it you got this for run let go you got this for run that one that one that one there you go there you go get it get it that's two that's two that's two come on going keep going three more to go 30 seconds 30 seconds no two more two more you you can do it that one that one right there right there go go go go 5 more seconds 5 Seconds more 3 2 1 let go let's go let's go all right now you want some caramel apples after you take off your braces later on sorry all right whatever I can't wait to see what the next prize is all right fan hasn't had corn in a while so this is your opportunity to get it you and your mom are going to play cornhole against each other whoever scores three points first is the winner of this corn I'm going to eat all this corn because I'm very hungry your a is horrible I'm going to win all right go to your side guys first to get three points is the winner all right for you go first are you ready I'm ready all right 3 2 1 drop it in let's go oh that was really bad go bab all right two one come on come on come on oh dud for your braces oh that was so close no you weren't I know let's go babe put the bag in the hole you got this yes this is the one 3 2 1 that was really close no you were right everything was going smoothly until our dog Gucci decided to take the bean bag yo Gucci stop Gucci get the No No Gucci Gucci no no I got to get it hold on technical difficulties wait hold on you guys hold on guc give me the back yo he's quick come on get up guys I got it I got it we're back we're back all right come on in the hole in the hole I got this come on come on baby come on oh how bad is your aim bro just like fortnite yo see youa not true all right it's clear that you guys are not good at this game so first one to score one point wins oh all right I'll give you $1,000 just make it wait $1,000 is 100,000 v-bucks all right I'm making this ready yes C me down 3 2 1 I made it all right congratulations you won all this corn after you take off your braces later on it's okay wait until you see what we got next for you all right bet let's go for this game Fon gets to win some jawbreakers I love jawbreakers all right but here's the twist we're going to play dunk tank somebody has to go in the water you got to throw this at the Target and if it hits the person falls in the water wait wait but who's going to go in the water who's going to go in the water no no don't look at me why me no why me I'm just saying the royalty fan wants to see you go in the water listen royalty family it's very cold it's windy and the water is very very cold tooo you said cold twice I'm not going to do it I'm not going to do it do I make myself clear no no no no no no I don't want to do this it's cold are you guys ready to get mommy in the water yeah we have to hit the target okay Andrea are you okay no all right let's go you guys let's go let's go all right first ball are you ready I'm super ready let's go all right throw it do it don't do it please 3 2 1 go woo that was pretty bad okay okay no I got I got it it just the warmup shot can you get your aim right we only got seven balls left all right all right it's fine I got it let's go let's go come on get your aim right get your aim right come on close close close don't do it please come on 3 2 1 oh that was so close that was really close and now it's time for my three-year-old son Milan to throw the ball go throw it throw it throw it throw it there you go throw it you can do it throw it that was a good roll that was a good roll good try me good try you got four more four more baby let's go all all right I got this i got this go go go go go go go that's a no bro babe babe you're so lucky we only got three balls left I'm so ped a right you got this let's go I got this come on three balls left Focus this is it right here do it for the braces 3 2 1 that was not even close how'd you miss so bad it's on I got it give me another one oh you got two more balls left babe you're so lucky you are so lucky right now do it already come on baby stop binking the jaw breakers still on all right all right go go go no dude you only got one ball left all right please don't make it please don't make it it's cold guys I got this this is the chosen one okay I'm telling you this one's going to hit that by the way if you miss this no jaw breakers for you all right oh but I love jawbreakers you didn't make it [Music] yes yes I literally missed the Target by a centimeter more like a foot and a half bro that was so close all right so Fon hasn't had sticky cheese in about 4 years now cuz of his braces are you ready to try it yes sir all you got to do is hit the Bell and the high Striker okay if you hit the Bell you get all the cheese that you want but here's the catch you get three tries only three tries bro show your guns I got you can do it you can do it I got it I got it this is so good all right you got to get that thousand Mark all right I got you you hit the Thousand Mark you get all the cheese all right let's do it let's go go let go do you guys might want to back up okay he's so strong all right ready back up back up I don't want to hit you guys just do it not bad not bad for the first try he got all the way is 700 I wasn't trying okay I got this okay now it's for real he wasn't trying he said all right second try you got this i got this let's go ready Count Me Down 3 2 1 oh I got 9 that was that was so close to 1,000 he got 900 he got one more chance you got this all right got got hey hey hey do it for the braces for the braces and for the royalty family hey and the confidence and no insecurity baby let's go let's go go let's [Music] go I got it I got it let's go oh my God hey we got one more game left are you ready let's go all right for this last game we're playing tooth pinata all right all right I love piñatas all right there's four teeth but only two of them have all the gummies inside all right all right all right are you ready yeah let's do it but what am I hitting it with your stick where's your stick I don't know uh uh uh uh I got you a special stick my guy yo since he's going to take off his braces today we got him a tooth stick all right all right this is not a tooth stick it's a toothbrush toothbrush whatever you don't brush your teeth do you rarely yeah all right all right let's get this all right so Andrea's job is to lift it up and down and he's got to hit the teeth two of them have candy two of them don't okay I got it let's go good luck okay which one am I going to choose which one am I going to choose okay I'm going to go for this one right here all right you ready ready go [Applause] go no way I got it all right that one had candy next shot all right go keep going keep going come on bro you miss oh no come on break [Music] bro you broke the tooth FY move move I have to get the candy I have to get the C get the candy get the candy I want candy I want candy before foran goes and takes off his braces we had one final surprise for him and for this surprise I invited a stylist they brought all these cool clothes for you to look drippy you're going to dress up and then we're going to the doctor's office you get to pick out the outfits all right all right bet let's do it let's go let's go we got to go okay we got to go if you want you you go grab one of these there you go that's for you don't tell Mommy I gave it to you okay guys I'm literally right here oh oh yeah don't eat it Meine you should not eat that okay right go go go no no no no no go go go go yo these outfits are so sick I can't wait to put together an outfit there is something that you don't know is Ali is going to pick up an outfit I'm going to pick another outfit and you can only pick an outfit between the both of us yep you can only choose between our outfits you can't choose your own outfits I'm so sorry but trust me bro I got drip I got style I know what you like good trust me he got no chance guys royalty fan let me tell you something I've been dressing up foran since he was so little so I know his style so good I'm putting all my trust in you okay okay you got this that's a lot of pressure woo all right so you can go first since you're very confident so I give you the opportunity to go first all right I know foron Styles so well this is going to be easy come over here Ro we got pajama pants with a pink [Music] jacket I got these dark green cargo pants I got these dark gray t-shirt and this black belt now it's time for Fon to either pick my outfit or his mom's outfit all right guys let's check out these outfits from here they kind of look interesting starting off with outfit number one okay this is pretty interesting so first thing I see these sweatpants These are nice and I like how they're open leged that's pretty cool now this jacket I don't really like the color I feel like it's too bright all right let's move on to outfit number two let's check this out so we got this dark gray shirt I like how it's simple it's not too much color it's not too vibrant I like it it's nice and now for the accessory they got me a belt an off white belt this thing is actually kind of sick I think I got my winner the outfit that I'm going to wear to my death disappointment is going to have to be this outfit wait whose outfit is this me your mom I told you guys I got it it was me guys you didn't pick my outfit bro this is your outfit yeah it's dppy are you kidding me yes that's all you bro bro I had my trust in you I thought I could rely on you and you chose this yeah oh that money c not looks like her diamonds now her girlfriend are like all right guys now it's time for the big moment the moment we've all been waiting for are you guys ready it's time to take my braces off [Applause] [Music] go all right guys I'm about to go walk inside and take off my braces guys I'm super excited and don't forget I'm going to be calling some of my favorite YouTubers when I get my braces off to see if they can notice the difference without the braces one last big smile with the braces on I'm so proud of you let's go did did you lose your voice I've been screaming so much I've been so excited for this video I lost my voice all right let's go inside let's go let's go let's take a last picture with your braces on all right smile all right guys I'm here with Dr Zena I'm super excited to take my braces off are you ready doctor yes I did actually this is a day I look forward to for every patient this is for on 3 years ago oh my gosh that was you 3 years ago yes sir I look so much different oh you still look good though he had crowded teeth right there as you can tell my two front teeth were like massive too now it's the time to take your bces off let's go the moment you have been waiting for y let's go all right let's do this you guys I'm excited are you excited I'm super excited too I can't wait to see his smile without braces okay let's go baby yes say let's do this you look flying those glasses by the way I know I look sick I'm going to lean your chair back a little bit this is the moment this is the moment you're chein for all right all right there we go there we go oh we're going indeep all right he took off the top part already it feels so different already all right let's take off the bottom part the doctor was almost done taking off Fan's braces and my wife and I couldn't wait to see his new smile this is the worst part all he's about to [Music] polish and there's Andrea filming of course this is great for [Music] memories are you guys ready to see the final result this is the new fun where's he at where's he at where he he's behind me okay in three two 1 all right so before I go ahead and eat all of this candy wait hold up that's a lot of candy we don't want to ruin your new smile do we bro my smile is going to be perfect anyway but first we're going to go ahead and call some YouTubers to see if they can notice the difference in my brand new tea oh that's going to be fun all right let's do it wait wait that's my brother okay how about this how about we go ahead and ask Milan to see if he can notice the difference first all right good idea let's go let's go hi guys yo what's up Milan how you doing bro high five high f okay awesome okay Milan I have a quick question for you okay look at my mouth I want you to tell me if you can notice a difference do you notice the difference yeah what's the difference that yeah I know that I know that's my teeth but what's different you had no verion you had no verion he got it right look look at your brother do you notice any difference what what do you think blue all right so first I'm going to go ahead and call sailor matter to see if she can notice the difference mom do you think she's going to be able to tell let's beginig it out Hi sish how are you good how are you great okay I got a quick question for both of you guys all right all right so I wanted to know if you guys can notice the difference in my looks new haircut yeah new hair new hair new haircut nope keep guessing did you get a nose job a nose job I don't need a nose job my my nose is perfectly fine no keep guessing did you get your eyebrows done my eyebrows no but they look nice come on it's very obvious okay look look wait wait let's put the phone close show them wait why did you smile like that wait did you get your braces off yeah can't believe you guys guessed it yeah it looks really good bye bye all right guys now it's time to call Ben as alert to see if he can notice the difference I bet you he's going to be able to realize bro I don't think he's going to be able to realize really bet all right Mell bet Mell bet yo what's up Ben yo what's up hey I got a quick question for you all right okay do you notice anything different in my looks did you get a haircut a haircut no no keep guessing you dyed your hair no my hair's always been the same no keep going no it's a little darker though darker no why would I dye my hair darker no keep guessing let me see do you have earrings are you good no earrings wait hold up smile a little more oh your braces are gone congrats it looks good man oh by the way Ben I think we should collab soon we can make a secret room video ooh I like that idea hi Rebecca hey guys what's up what up hey what's going on guys do you guys notice a difference in my looks anything new uh haircut you got a haircut it looks a haircut no no keep guessing you're shaving for the first time no youing hot hairs guys oh oh you have two eyebrows now what I've always had two eye come on you guys can get this come on look around this part right here no way no way you got your braces off yeah I got my braces off oh my gosh your teeth are so straight all right so we're going to go ahead and call Darman mom do you think he's going to realize I don't think that he's going to realize what are you talking about I think he's going to realize okay wait wait how about this we make a bet loser has to cook dinner tonight are you sure about that yep okay so you have to make me a lasagna okay fine but if I win you got to make me pizza okay let's do it it hello yo what's up Darman how are you hi Dar do you notice anything different in my looks in your looks H put the phone closer to your face well first off you got some boogers right there bro what let me see no no I'm good I'm get I don't got no boogers what are you talking about no keep guessing wait did you color your hair color my hair nope look closely right here oh I know you got a pimple nope it's not a pimple wait wait open your mouth oh it's that smile you took off your bra es yes it I got it it looks amazing better than ever man thank you so much Dar all right see you guys congrats for on now I'm going to eat all of my candy let's go and I'm going to eat it with you are yall serious right now are you good no I'm good I'm good royalty fan we love you guys so much you guys are amazing and one last thing that my amazing beautiful son would like to say royalty we out he royaly
Channel: The Royalty Family
Views: 9,613,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Royalty Family, Royalty Family, Andrea Espada, Family Friendly, Royalty, Royal Family, The Royal Family, Royalty Fam, The Royalty Fam, Realty Family, Roti Family, Family Vlog, royalty family, royalty, royal, royalty fam, Ali andrea, Andrea ali, royalty gaming, royalty baby, challenge, Jordan matter, Rebecca zamolo, Dhar maan, ferran, I Survived 100 Babysitters in 24 Hours!, Our Son's EXTREME Makeover, extreme, makeover, extreme makeover, ferran braces
Id: HXNbegvRNvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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