I Skipped Class and Went to Korea

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[Music] [Music] so I've actually gotten a few hours I have like a negotiation class as well as a leadership class but I think today I just to the airport please [Music] [Music] [Music] if you haven't guessed it already today we're doing a travel vlog I'm traveling to South Korea for the first time in like six years or so I just took calculations and the total travel time for this trip is around 20 hours straight so that's gonna be fun but this trip starts here in Nashville and then right now I'm headed over to Atlanta and then in Atlanta I'll be taking a flight over to South Korea so if everything goes well by the end of this video I should end up in Korea [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I'm in Atlanta now I'm at the airport and I've got two hours before my flight to kill some time I thought I'd do an airport Q&A so I asked you guys to ask me some questions and we're gonna try to get through as many as possible I so first question that everyone is asking is why are you going to Korea I don't even know if you guys know that I have a sister I have two older sisters actually both are out of school they've got jobs they're living their lives and the oldest sister is now getting married my parents and my sisters both live in the States but my grandparents and my relatives and all of my extended family lives in South Korea and so my sister just decided to hold the wedding there like I said earlier in this video I haven't been to Korea in like six years so it's kind of exciting that I'm going back I used to go every single summer until like high school and then I started doing SAT prep or like random things during the summer to boost my resume so I haven't been in Korea in a really long time another question that a lot of people are asking is how are you so confident vlogging in front of people so it's not like I was really good at vlogging from the beginning I feel like that's really unnatural to just hold a camera in front of you and talking to the lens but if you look at some of the earliest videos that I posted versus the videos I post now I think I've gotten pretty comfortable with talking to the camera and it's only because I practiced a ton a huge tip that I always talk about is if you're trying to get used to talking to a camera try talking to this one the one on your phone and just try to like talk to this camera record something and then maybe like put it on your Instagram story or something and that'll put you outside of your comfort zone but it's also good practice to talk to a camera also I definitely have to clarify this I am Korean I get that I'm Chinese a lot oh yeah I get a lot of things but yes I am Korean speaking of Korean someone asked how fluent are you in Korean so I actually grew up speaking Korean I mean like not as my first language but I spoke Korean with my parents and I still speak Korean with my parents today I would definitely say I'm fluent but some of the vocab like really hard boat cab I don't know and like I guess lingo or slaying in Korea I wouldn't really know I'm a little bit insecure about my Korean because I don't usually speak it with friends and I have like an accent and I don't get to practice it a lot but recently I've been trying to practice it more with my friends at college yeah you'll probably hear me speak Korean when I'm in Korea someone asks how do you stay consistent with upload so if you've been following the channel since the very beginning when I started around like nine months ago you'll know that I have always posted at least once a week for the past nine months I think the longest break that I took was like a week and a half and that felt terrible to me right now I'm pushing for like three videos a week and it is a lot to balance you know especially when filming takes the entire day and from beginning to end when I start my edit until I finish it probably takes me a minimum of 8 hours for sure it takes me at least 6 but it usually takes me a minimum of 8 hours so doing that three times a week yeah it's a lot of time but the reason I'm really motivated to be consistent with my uploads is because honestly this is my dream like making videos and being creative is my dream and I want to be able to do it full-time as of right now I'm in a really like insecure area of my life where I have you know I want to call it insecure I would just say like I have a lot of options and I have many different paths that I can take and it's a bit overwhelming just because like I know I can be successful in a number of different areas but it's like up to me which path I actually want to choose straight up like I don't really know what I'm doing with my life and I feel like a lot of people at college go through that and they go through a discovery phase trying to figure out what they actually want to do so yeah as of right now I'm just like tasting a lot of different things but this is my dream like I would love to make videos full-time I would love to be creative full-time it's scary as hell like nothing is ever for certain but it is my dream and I'm willing to put in the work to get there so the reason I sacrifice so many things to make these videos is just because I know I have an opportunity here I know I have a chance to live like my dream life and not everyone gets that chance at so so the fact that I have that opportunity I'm just grateful for it and I don't want to regret not working hard enough during this time so when I have this opportunity I'm gonna work my ass off and honestly I'm really proud of myself like I have been working super hard I have a few things on my plate right now I have school first of all I've classes homework tests I'm also going to Korea for a week so that kind of screws up all my stuff and I have to make up all these things I'm going through recruitment for a summer internship I'm recruiting for my business fraternity trying to get people to join I've also made it a goal this semester to prioritize working out and staying healthy and then finally I have YouTube you know filming and editing so it's a lot to handle but at the end of the day I feel like I've practiced a lot of my time management where I know that if I do X amount during a day then I can achieve X amount during the week and then therefore achieve X amount during a month a year etc so I feel confident about my ability to do everything it's just like how do I manage my time so I can get everything done someone asks will you study abroad so I do want to study abroad next semester that's my spring semester of junior year and I've been looking at a number of places actually I missed the deadline yesterday for Tokyo I really wanted to go to Japan but the timeline for it leaks into the summer and then therefore I wouldn't be able to do a summer internship if I went there so I decided not to apply for it so right now I think I'm aiming towards Europe I really wanted to go to Asia but none of the programs really give me credit for what I need so I'm looking at like Barcelona and Italy as my top choices but if you have any recommendations let me know because like I'm totally struggling with where I want to study abroad all right this was airport Q&A with Elliot thanks for tuning in this airplane is huge I'm only on domestic place usually and I haven't been to Korea in six years so I've been seen a plane like this and so long but that'll be my home for the next 14 hours guys I'm not feeling too well right now so I just chucked this orange juice and I just got naked and this has a lot of vitamin C if I'm hoping this will help a little bit but yeah I just really hope I don't get sick on this plane ride plane ride flight flight plane ride guys I'm feel delusional I don't think I'm gonna be vlogging on the plane because I feel like that would be really awkward and even that's too much to handle for me so I'm gonna bring out the GoPro that I have in my backpack and then I'll record some of the stuff that I'm doing but I'm really just gonna be editing sleeping eating doing some homework and studying so I'll record some of it with my GoPro but likely I'm just gonna be trying to stay alive so this huge camera is going in the backpack there's so many people in line for this flight it's crazy in every day I'm feeling them fakes they don't anything yay DPR we gain gay DPR we gain gay DPR we gain gain deep here [Applause] [Music] [Music] till I saw the negamatter chair I'm gonna be a legend he's just watching say it didn't in my moment egg and tinnitus in the denied you take give me than another no go come up yeah everybody to politic not tell us to be Oh late night when the Bubba don't alright we landed it in Korea I remember when I lost came here there was like a swine flu outbreak and then they would just monitor everyone that was going through the store but there's none of that anymore so let me go find my luggage and then go meet my family [Music] [Music] oh my luggage hi hi Ellie [Music] I know I'm in Korea because every single car is either Kia or a Hyundai I just noticed that all the cars in Korea are either white or black look at that they're all white or black or gray or some kind of like grayscale tone you just drove back from the airport we haven't even gotten home yet and we're headed to the mall because again I'm buying a suit for tomorrow and I'm only with my dad right now but we're meeting the rest of my family [Music] all right so I'm terrible at vlogging so I totally forgot to vlog last night but I got home and I just passed out so it's not that you're interrupting me so now I'm in Korea you can tell the apartments and this is my grandparents like apartment complex and yeah we're gonna be vlogging here in Korea so I hope you guys enjoyed this travel vlog and I'll catch you guys in [Music]
Channel: Elliot Choy
Views: 855,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elliot choy, korea, skipping class, skipping school, school, class, vanderbilt, vanderbilt university, south korea, flight, long flight, i skipped class, college, travel, travel vlog, vlog, casey neistat, i skipped class and went to korea, went to korea, korea travel vlog, DPR, dpr live, dpr cream, dpr we gang
Id: fKMD5WoF9e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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