"Theres Something in the Fields Behind my Apartments" Creepypasta

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I never really considered myself to be much of an explorer or even a particularly brave man however that hasn't seemed to stop me from getting in the predicament I'm in now he was around three months ago but my girlfriend of four years left me for another man and she really was the last tether keeping me grounded to any semblance of a social life don't get me wrong I have friends that I'd love to see but most live across the Metroplex about an hour's drive so it's a rare day when I make the effort to drive out there and even more rare to have them drive out to see me for the past three months I've gone through most of the stages of a breakup sorrow self-pity hopelessness and anger it even after taking a look at myself I decided there were a few things I could improve and although I'm not in particularly bad shape now what did the school my physique does something more attractive to women this is a problem as I'm a fairly lazy man and everything in my life has to be handed to me but I've learned to put the least amount of effort into any and all the activities as possible so rather than buying a gym membership and taking the 5-minute drive down the road I decided I'd simply build myself a home workout center and do some ab blasting in my apartment I only recently moved in this place about a month before my ex left me sharing a two-bedroom with absolutely no one it lies in the far corner of the complex on the second story and the balcony gives me an excellent view of the enormous soccer fields and the woods beyond that the only problem is the landlady lives underneath me and I learned fairly quickly that the whole home gym setup was a bust as almost immediately when doing reps with the weights I bought I heard the crotchety old woman banging on my floor with a broom handle banning me to keep it down as irritating as it was walking on eggshells all the time I supposed it was understandable so I opted to cut corners some other way and rather than doing the smart thing and hitting the gym my eyes turned to the vast fields and my very doorstep the fields was simply massive stretching back several hundred yards surrounded by dense woodland on all sides other than the front which faced my apartments and the equally large parking lot which was sunken in such a way as to be unseen from the main road that led to it it was October when I first checked out the fields I live in Texas so it doesn't get cold here until December if at all so I had plenty of time to get familiar with the area before winter hits I only went at night preferably past midnight or even 1:00 a.m. when the large floodlights were shut down and all the late night teenagers were done with their shenanigans I would slip through the thick rapid fence that shuttle II guarded my apartment and disappear into the night and during this time I felt amazing completely uninhibited and alone just the way I liked it I would bring out my weights do laps around the field and heck I even brought a few buddies out there once or twice to have some drinks and play soccer once it had cleared out and although I will admit going out there in pitch black alone with nothing but the moonlight could be slightly unnerving at times it was far better than the alternative at least at first as my isolation grew my sleep schedule strayed from the norm and it wasn't long before I found myself awake at odd hours of the night and about a week ago was a particularly rough one after fruitlessly lying in bed for almost an hour and not even feeling my eyelids flutter once I realized my efforts to fall asleep were futile and I found myself crawling out of bed at 1:00 in the morning it's strange many of the times I find myself drawn to the field it's almost as if I'm not in control of my body movements or even my own thoughts and as I throw on a jacket in preparation for the chilly embrace outside I glanced out my bedroom window finding to my bemusement that the floodlights in the field still on because it was so late I figured one of the workers must have forgot to turn off the light for the night and initially he thought little of it grabbed my phone and headed outside I was feeling strangely courageous that night confidently strutting out onto the barren field dropping off my shirt and my jacket near the edge feeling like the biggest man in the world and after putting some music on my phone I headed to the center of the wasteland after expecting to see someone out there waiting for me the overpowering luminescence of the floodlights combined with a sharp contrast of the utter and complete darkness of the forest encompassing it made for an odd sensation indeed but I still found myself walking to the center of the field and simply observing my surroundings in the darkness in the early hours of the morning it is easy for one's mind to play tricks on them and it was not uncommon for me in the past to do a double-take over my shoulder whenever I thought I saw a shadow sprinting for the night only to see a harmless flag or feel a wave of fear crawl up my spine when I heard a rustling behind me only to discover a plastic bag in the breeze but this night felt different the glaring light cast long dark shadows across the field and as I marched around cold and alone with only David Bowie blaring for my phone to keep me company I felt remarkably uncomfortable after kicking a soccer ball around the fields but less than five minutes strongest wind hit my shirtless body leaving me shuddering involuntarily but this was meant by a loud climbing sound of her metal-on-metal from the woods at the edge of the field which halted my shuddering almost immediately as I stood still as a statue with goosebumps quickly forming up my arms as I mentioned it was not uncommon for there to be noises around the field even at night and I quickly rationalized that the wind had knocked something against the large metal garbage can at the edge of the field creating the clanging noise I had heard earlier and I continued with my workout still in the zone what alert David Bowie and briefly shut off jarring me into glancing at my phone damn it I thought out loud the battery had died that's when I heard the clanging - again and my head snapped back towards where I perceived the noise to have originated from I waited several seconds no one this time those who don't know a large field such as this it's nearly impossible it's a pinpoint where a noise is coming from because of the effects echoes can have in such a wide unobstructed space but I had the distinct feeling it was not coming from the garbage can at the other end of the field I did no fun for the night without glancing back I put my phone in my pocket and started jogging away from the center of the field and back towards the hole in the fence that led directly to my apartment and that's when it happened the flood lights went out I kid you not every single one of the damn lights turned off instantly here I was damn near naked eyes watering from the cold and goosebumps covering every inch of my body when darkness took the field that's my jog turned into a sprint I felt exposed alone and oh so vulnerable I'm not a feeble or cowardly man but I knew anyone or anything out there messing with me so late at night had to be even crazier than I was I still had about a hundred yards to run when I glanced behind me I don't know whether to be grateful or terrified but I saw nothing in the shadows of the night but either way I ran harder and faster then I had no long long time my terror was so severe I completely forgot to grab my shirt or jacket but immediately relief overtook me once I entered the premise of the complex squeezing through the broken fence racing up the stairs and slamming and locking the door behind me breathing heavily I stumbled over to the kitchen table my legs and lungs both burning with white-hot pain I was shaken but I was all right I throw on a shirt almost completely forgetting about the one I left behind and started boiling some water for some tea and I knew I could finally relax and that's when I knock-knock-knock three knocks on my door my front door at 2:00 in the morning law enforcement that was the first thought ad they had finally busted me for trespassing all those times but I figured if I just can't me explain myself maybe they'd let me off with a warning I walked over to my door and grabbed my doorknob but something stopped me from turning and pulling it open instead I lowered my eye to the circular peephole in the door figuring I might as well see who it was before I opened my shakily backed away from the door with goosebumps immediately reemerging in my arms and neck as the familiar sensation of dread radiated throughout my body I glanced at the door to make sure it was locked and for good measure ran up and threw on the deadbolt when a second series of the thumps reverberate it throughout my small apartment my view of the peephole had been completely black meaning someone had covered it for a reason that God only knew but it couldn't have been good I went out to get my jacket and shirt the next day when the Sun was high in the sky bringing some semblance of warmth and order to the world the field is full of parents and kids happily playing soccer but my articles were gone along with any signs that anyone or anything was out there the night before that was five days ago and every night since the lights in the field have remained on until 2:00 a.m. without fail and every single night at the same time I hear that metallic clanging in the field whether there be wind or not followed soon by that familiar thudding Amador I suppose going to my apartment immediately after was a poor choice as now what if is out there in that field knows who I am and knows where I live I don't know what to do I think I should move maybe I'll move back with my parents I don't know I need to get away and and I'm terrified it was this morning that really sent me over the edge I opened my door at 8 a.m. in order to head to work when I nearly stepped on something I picked up a ragged piece of cloth apprehensively thinking it to be a garments of some homeless vagrant when it dawned on me although horribly mutilated and torn to shreds it was still recognizable I dropped the cloth in horror it was my jacket even now as I write this I regret to inform you I hear it knock knock knock you
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 383,163
Rating: 4.8904905 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepsmcpasta
Id: mXMSUwamtnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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