"I Shall Not Fear Pt. II" | Rev. Dr. Howard John-Wesley

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] hey beloved i am excited and grateful to god for the opportunity on this day to get back into our series i shall not fear that we began last weekend as you recall what we're attempting to do today and for next weekend is to look at some snapshots of scripture that enable us to confront conquer and control the fears that often limit us in life today as we get back into this series in part two i want you to hear the reading of a snapshot of scripture where fear is prevalent and fear must be overcome if you would turn with me in your bibles to the gospel of matthew the 14th chapter of the gospel of matthew beginning in verse number 22 i want to read today out of the new international version of god's word prayerful that you keep along with whatever version you're blessed to have today matthew chapter 14. beginning in verse 22. immediately jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go ahead of him to the other side while he dismissed the crowd after he had dismissed them he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray later that night he was there alone and the boat was already a considerable distance from land buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it shortly before dawn jesus went out to them walking on the lake when the disciples saw him walking on the lake they were terrified it must be a ghost they said and they cried out in fear but jesus immediately said to them take courage it is i do not be afraid lord if it's you peter replied tell me to come to you on the water well come on jesus said then peter get down out of the boat walked on the water and came toward jesus but when he saw the wind he was afraid and beginning to sink cried out lord save me immediately jesus reached out his hand and caught him you of little faith he said why did you doubt and when they climbed into the boat the wind died down then those who were in the boat worshiped him saying truly you are the son of god let us pray god we thank you for the gift of your word which is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path we come today asking o lord that you would speak to us about overcoming and living above the limitations of fear in our life speak lord for your servants are listening in the name of jesus our savior we do pray amen i really believe that this series i shall not fear is critical and important to us as we enter this new year of 2021. for you will find often in scripture that whenever god is opening a new door whenever god is ushering in a new season whenever god commissions a new assignment on someone's life more often than not god also has to stand in that new day and remind the children of israel continuously and constantly do not be afraid for whenever a new season comes whenever a new door is open whenever a new divine possibility dawns in our life fear is usually right around the corner you'll recall from last week that in scripture there are almost 350 times the word of god reminds us to not be afraid and i share with you the reason it shows up so often in scripture is because fear shows up so often in life there are more commandments to not be afraid in bible than there are to pray to worship to love and to forgive as a matter of fact the only phrase repeated more than do not be afraid in bible is the phrase praise the lord because fear shows up everywhere and if you recall from the list of phobias you can literally be afraid of anything and none of us are immune to fear all of us can look back at a certain season and section of our life where if we were honest fear was a power that had control over our lives all of us wrestle with fear and i'm not talking about just a fear of the dark or fear of spiders or fear of public speaking i'm talking about those fears that cause anxiety and stress and paralyze you and keep you from moving where god wants you to be the fear being sick the fear of not being good enough the fear of making a mistake and being exposed the fear of being alone never having a spouse not having children the fear of failure the fear of rejection the fear of not being liked the fear of dying those fears surround us all the time and the very fact that god says do not be afraid 350 times suggests to us that although fear is common and universal and we are not immune to it fear is not the will of god for our lives it is not god's will for the faithful the righteous the redeemed to live under the power of fear you need to only go to second timothy chapter one verse 7 to see that that's where paul reminds us that god has not given us a spirit of fear and god understands that it is in our nature to be afraid as a matter of fact fear is one of the very first human emotions we encounter in the word of god you can't get out of chapter three in genesis and not see fear you know what happens adam and eve disobey god they eat of the forbidden fruit of the tree god comes down into the garden and is looking for them and they are hiding and when god asks adam where you are adam's response is i was afraid one of the very first human emotions we encounter in scripture is fear and yet god declares i don't want you to be afraid for three real reasons from last week number one fear is a form of reverence and whatever you fear you are inherently elevating to the same place of reverence that only god ought to occupy in your life fear is a subtle form of idolatry that whatever it is you fear whomever it is you fear you are giving them the same reverence that you ought only give to god fear is a lack of vision it's a lack of your ability to see that whatever it is in your future you are afraid of god is already in there god is not just in your present god is in that conversation god is in that interview god is in that doctor's appointment whatever it is you're fearful of god has already beat you to it because god says i go ahead of you and god promises to be with us that when you fear you lack faith that god is with you beloved i came by to tell you that fear and faith are mutually exclusive you cannot walk by faith and fear at the same time as a matter of fact i would argue with you that the opposite of faith is not doubt the opposite of faith is not unbelief the opposite of faith is fear faith will cause you to obey god but fear will cause you to disobey the commandment of god in your life i can look back over my own life and i will tell you that fear has been the enemy's greatest weapon to keep me outside of god's ordained will for my life if you think about it fear is the gateway to sin fear will make you disobey god fear will make you pursue things outside of god's will for your life fear will hold you back from some of the amazing things that god is calling you to if you learn to walk by faith and i suggest to you that if you're gonna do anything substantial in life if you're gonna do anything that bring god glory you have to learn how to confront control and conquer the fears of your life that's why i believe these events that are recorded in matthew chapter 14 are so critical to us matthew 14 this instance where we see peter walking on water now mark i need you to know that when you do your research on matthew 14 there are many scholars who debate the veracity of the events recorded here they argue can someone really walk on water scholars i want to tell you that if you're going to matthew 14 trying to find out if it can teach us how to walk on water you've missed the lesson matthew 14 does not teach us how to walk on water matthew 14 teaches us how to confront conquer and control the fears of life come on let me give you the cliff note context of matthew 14. you already know some of it and you're going to read it in your devotional time this week matthew 14. let me tell you what goes down a little background so you don't miss the breakdown the day begins with the feeding of the five thousand in the wilderness jesus has fed five thousand men and arguably five thousand women and a couple thousand children with just five loaves of bread and two fish bible says that after that miracle jesus is tired and he begins to dismiss the crowd telling them to go home but not only does he dismiss the crowd he dismisses the disciples the crowd has worn them out and the disciples have too cause every now and then disciples will wear you out don't don't touch nobody don't tag nobody don't text nobody but disciples can wear you out jesus tells his disciples here's what i want y'all to do get in the boat go across the sea of galilee and i'll catch up with you later they get in the boat they begin to cross the bible says jesus goes up on the mountain by himself for some time in prayer he looks up a few hours later and the disciples are still on the sea of galilee now some of us traveled to israel together a few years ago and we cross that western side of the sea of galilee it's only 13 miles it should only take about two or three hours at most and here the disciples are they've been out there a long time and they still haven't made it why because the wind is contrary to the direction they're sailing in the wind has caused the waves to buffet and push against the disciples in the boat and all night long they've been trying to make a 13-mile journey that has now taken them all night long the bible says watch the timing that just before dawn remember jesus went up onto the mountain before the sun set he's been praying all night and just before dawn jesus decides to come help him and he walks on the water the bible says that when the disciples who've been in the boat on the sea of galilee all night long see jesus walking on the water the bible says they cry out in fear this greek new testament term forbao from where we get phobia they are in fear when they see jesus walking on the water they are afraid and the very first question i have to ask peter and them in the boat is why are you afraid remember fear is the present perception of a future threat for fear to be real something has to be threatened something must be in jeopardy something must be at risk something must be on the line so again i asked peter and them what is being threatened what is in jeopardy why are you afraid what's at risk do me a favor get in the boat with the disciples make yourself one of them choose whoever you want matthew thomas judas john make yourself one of the disciples get in the boat and answer the question why are they afraid what's at risk what's being threatened beloved and i'm sorry i don't mean to just invite you into the boat on matthew 14. i want to invite you into the boat of whatever you're afraid of and i want you to ask the question why are you afraid listen being fearful is a human response it's natural it's common but whenever you are afraid one of the very first questions you must ask and answer for yourself is why am i afraid what am i fearful of what do i think is going to happen what is being threatened what is in jeopardy what is at risk what is the cause of my fear and sadly the answer for the disciples in matthew 14 is the same answer for many of us because of the truth be told these disciples have no reason to be afraid there is no imminent danger to them the bible doesn't say that this is a storm and the boat is being overcome no one's life is at risk no one is in jeopardy no one's reputation is being threatened they have nothing to lose there is no substance to their fear beloved sadly i come by suggesting you that oftentimes when we are dealing with the fears in our life if the truth be told there really is no substance to why you are afraid why are you afraid of people not liking you why are you afraid of not winding up in a bad marriage why are you afraid of being alone why are you afraid of applying for that job why are you afraid of walking through that door why are you afraid of this new opportunity god has presented in your life why are you afraid of starting over come by to tell you that sadly for many of us like the disciples the threat was not imminent the threat was in their imagination they saw a ghost and they thought it was a ghost a ghost is something you imagine and i don't know who i came to preach to today but often times when you are afraid and you ask yourself what are you afraid of you will come to the conclusion that it is not an imminent threat but rather that you must go back to the gospel of the temptations in 1977 and declare it was just my imagination once again running away with me that your imagination is the cause of your fear can i push it the bible says watches that when they see jesus they are terrified let the church say terrified terrified in the original greek let me teach is this greek term taraso t-a-r-a-s-s-o terrazzo shows up 17 times in the new testament and terrified is not the best way to describe it terrazzo does not mean terrified as afraid as a matter of fact the best form of terrasso shows up in john 14. in john 14 jesus says let not your hearts be terraced let not your hearts be troubled if you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house there are many mansions when jesus is teaching about heaven he understands that his disciples can't comprehend what he's talking about and therefore taraso troubled literally means to not understand what's happening terrazzo means that i can't seem to put two and two together terrazzo means that that you're saying something but i don't understand what's going on so when these disciples are terrasso when they are terrified here's what's really happening something is coming at them that they don't understand something is happening in their future and they can't figure out what it is beloved sadly most of our fear is rooted in the arrogant assumption that we are able be under to understand everything that happens to us our fears are rooted in our uncertainty we live under the misconception that we ought to be able to see the fine print of every circumstance we ought to have guarantees and assurances before we begin that you want to see the end right at the beginning and when you deal with uncertainty it challenges the arrogant assumption that we live under and the natural result is fear the root of much human fear is uncertainty and the danger is that we allow the uncertainty to turn into fear can i show you right here in the bible how the uncertainty turns into fear watch what's happening they're on the boat they see something or someone coming toward them and no one thinks it's jesus they say it's a ghost it's easier for them to think a ghost is coming to harm them than the lord coming to help them they are in this storm in the middle of the night and they assume that it cannot be jesus who's coming to us who else could it be how can you not think it's jesus they assume jesus can't walk on water after everything you've seen him do you doubt he'll come to you on water in the middle of the night you've seen him open blinded eyes you've seen him cast out demons you've seen him heal all form of disease you just saw him feed 5 000 folk with some cracker and sardines and now because it's night and you're in a storm you doubt that god is on the way to help you who else could it be but beloved that's what fear does in the midst of uncertainty it causes you to doubt that the lord could possibly be in this i know who i came by to help early in this sermon but one of the strategies for overcoming fear is for you to believe that no matter how dark it is no matter how contrary the wind is no matter how long you've been dealing with it no matter how long it hurts that somehow someway god is in the midst of this that the lord somehow is working this thing together for my good the lord somehow will turn my enemies into my footstools the lord somehow is opening a door that no one can close the lord somehow is preparing a table before me in the presence of my enemies no matter what the circumstance no matter what the situation no matter what you're afraid of god is in the midst of it so jesus recognizes uh y'all's problem is that you don't know it's me so watch what he shows up and he says he said hey don't be afraid it is i it is i it is i is this greek term ego amy e g o e i m i ego amy e g o e i m i and although grammatically it's translated as it is i it literally reads this i am you just missed your shout because you don't read enough bible jesus shows up at night in the middle of a storm and says i am you missed your shout you don't read in the bible jesus shows up and says don't be afraid i am now if you ain't shouted yes because you didn't read exodus chapter 3 in exodus chapter 3 when moses asked god god what name shall i tell israel they shall call you by god says i ain't got a name just tell them i am and when jesus shows up in the middle of the sea in the middle of the night in the middle of the storm he declares i am that the same god that brought you out of egypt the same god that's been making a way out of no way the same god that's been answering your prayers is now in the middle of your storm can you believe that yahweh is in your storm jesus says it is i and then my homeboy peter steps up and says lord if it's you tell me to come to you on the water watch it peter steps up and as we look at peter he teaches and models three things about dealing with fear let me drop them on you real quick so we can get to part three watch what peter does and learn how to deal with your fear number one peter shows us the courage to confront his fear the courage to confront it at some point you've got to deal with it face to face at some point you can't run anymore at some point you have to confront the thing you are afraid of what makes peter come to the edge of the boat and say i want to get down and walk why does peter decide he's going to confront this fear let me tell you why look at the timeline jesus went up to pray on the mountain before the sun went down he comes to them right before dawn which means that peter and the disciples have been dealing with this journey all night long we've been in this boat all night long we've been stuck on this sea all night long we've been roaring against these waves all night long and could it be that part of the reason peter decides to confront the fear is because simply he's tired of dealing with it i am tired of struggling i am tired of being in this boat i am tired of this midnight i am tired of these winds i am tired of these waves and could it be that the lord will leave you in the boat of fear until you reach the point where you tell yourself i am tired of dealing with this something has to change i don't know who i came to preach to in this sermon i came by to ask you a question aren't you tired of this aren't you tired of being worried about what folk think about you aren't you tired of laying awake at night because there's something you don't want to confront aren't you tired of wondering what your life will be like if you just went for this new opportunity aren't you tired of sacrificing your peace to be with someone who brings you misery because you're afraid of being alone aren't you tired of caring about what people think aren't you tired of dealing with the pain because you're afraid of getting the diagnosis aren't you tired of this and you won't confront it until you get tired of it can i push it i feel like teaching bible here jesus comes to them and watch the timing he comes at the dawn of a new day it's almost as if jesus comes and says listen if you're ready to confront this a new day can begin but if you won't confront it you're gonna stay in the boat in the same sea in the same situation but the minute you decide you want to confront it a new day will begin because a new day in your life cannot start until you confront some of the fears you've been living with that if you want a new day to begin you got to confront this thing can i push it let me push it jesus says it's a new day and peter steps up and says well let me walk on water now now you ought to know of all the disciples peter is the boldest peter is the bravest peter is the most outspoken of the disciples when jesus says he's going to die on the cross peter opens his mouth oh no lord not without me when jesus gets arrested in the garden peter shows his gangsta side pulls out a knife and cuts off a brother's ear when peter is following jesus and his crucifixion peter starts cussing that folk when jesus is on the mount and transfigures himself peter says let's build a church and when you get to the book of acts it's all about peter before we're introduced to paul we see peter leading the church we see peter preaching the gospel we see peter being bold and brave and courageous so maybe you think it just makes sense that peter was the disciple to stand up and speak but beloved let me show you something about peter peter becomes a disciple in matthew chapter four and from matthew 4 to matthew 14 peter says nothing from chapter 4 to 14 peter hides in the crowd from chapter 4 to 14 peter shows no courage from chapter 4 to chapter 14 peter does nothing it is this moment in this confrontation of this fear that a new peter is birthed before this moment peter was quiet before this moment peter had nothing to say before this moment peter had no courage but after this moment peter does not bite his tongue after this moment peter is bold and brave after this confrontation peter leads the church i don't know who god wants us to sink in but the lord told me to tell somebody that if you will confront this fear in this moment your life will never be the same again if you confront this fear you'll never bite your tongue when you ought to speak your peace if you confront this fear you'll never be afraid of being alone if you confront this fear you won't worry what people think about you god says a new day is about to dawn if you confront your fear god says i should this moment in to change you to put some back in your backbone some strength in your legs some courage in your spirit if you confront this fear a new day will begin and the new you will be seen you've got to have the courage to confront your fear let me share with you the second thing peter models not simply the courage to confront but the competence to conquer his fear he shows the ability to conquer it he walks on the water but this is so simple i'm almost afraid to say it but every fear in your life can be conquered every fear in your life can be conquered every fear in your life can be conquered come with me put yourself in peter's shoes he's getting ready to take a step out of the boat and i want you to see what he has to conquer what does peter have to do to begin taking that first step to walk on water well let me suggest you that one of the things peter has to overcome is the past precedence of other people to conquer your fear you've got to overcome the past precedence of other people here terrence is the problem nobody in bible has ever walked on water before you know it's easy to not be afraid of what you've seen others already accomplish but it's hard when you're the very first one peter doesn't know anyone that's ever walked on water as a matter of fact if i can argue this peter is a sailor he doesn't know anyone who's walked on water but i bet he knows some folk who've drowned i bet peter knows that if you walk try to walk on water you're gonna die peter knows that anyone who's jumped out the boat went down to the bottom and yet here he stands believing that he could walk on water because to conquer your fear you cannot allow the past experiences of other people to set limitations on the possibilities of your own life pastor gone say that again so you can get it right you cannot allow the past experiences of other people to set limitations on your own life just because someone else couldn't doesn't mean you can't just because they didn't doesn't mean you won't just because your father couldn't doesn't mean that you won't just because your mother never did doesn't mean that god won't enable you to you've got to see other people's experiences and believe that god has something different for you beloved i would suggest you that many of us argue ourselves out of the great possibilities of god and limit ourselves to what others have dealt with simply because we feel we are not worthy of something different beloved i want to suggest to you that our fears are not just rooted in our uncertainties our fears are rooted in our insecurities that we don't believe we are worthy we're afraid because we believe that i'm just like her i'm just like him and what happened to her and what happened to him is going to happen to me that i'm no better and yet there's something in peter that makes him believe that he is worthy to walk on water do you believe you're worthy do you believe god has something better for you do you believe that you can break a generational curse do you believe that you don't have to repeat the mistakes of people around you do you know you are worthy and what makes peter worthy is not arrogance it's not conceit can i tell you why peter believes he's worthy watch us because he now knows it's jesus who's been walking on the water and peter says i just want to be like jesus i i i want to walk on water not cause i'm so good and not cause i'm so great and not cause i'm the best thing since sliced bread the reason i want to walk on water is that i'm trying to mimic my life after jesus there's something about wanting to be like the lord that makes you worthy of what you could not merit on your own the reason god has different and better for me is because my desire is to be like him you've got to overcome past precedence of other people can i tell you what else you have to overcome if you're going to conquer your fears not only the past precedence of other people you've got to overcome the discouragement of the disciples the discouragement of the disciples listen listen we don't see it in the text but i guarantee it was in the boat peter is the only one to step up and say let me come to you on the water what were the other 11 doing answer this question do you think the other 11 were supportive or skeptical do you think the other disciples were encouraging or incredulous do you think the other disciples were talking him out of the boat or trying to tell him to get back in the boat if i know disciples the way i know disciples they were trying to discourage peter from trying to do what they did not want to do listen people will discourage you when your vision is greater than their reality when your effort is more than theirs when you desire more than what they become accustomed to they will discourage you simply because you desire better than where they've become uncomfortable with that's why i come by to tell you that when you're dealing with fear in life you got to be careful who's in your ear lottie dottie and everybody can't speak to you people will try to discourage you when god is saying come can i push this real quick here's the tough part about it marlon any one of the 12 could have walked on water any one of them could have made the request why is peter the only one who gets the ability to walk on water judas could have done it thaddeus could have done it matthew could have done it james could have done it john could have done it andrew could have done it but only peter i figured out why peter was the only one you ready peter was the only one who talked to the lord and then listened to what the lord said don't don't miss this peter is the only one to talk to jesus and then listen to jesus say come and could it be that the source of our fears are not only our uncertainties and not only our insecurities but the source of our fear is the deficiency of our prayer that if you're not talking to the lord and listening to the lord you will always be afraid but peter talks to jesus and listens to jesus and then he can obey jesus because there's something about talking to god and listening to god that helps you conquer your fears prayer is the key to conquering your fear because once you've talked to god and you've heard god say come it's hard to be afraid once you've laid it on the altar and you heard god say this sickness is not unto death it's hard to be afraid once you put it in god's hands and heard the lord say i will never leave you or forsake you it's hard to be afraid once you've given it up to god in prayer and you heard god say i'm going to use it for your good it's hard to be afraid once you've heard god and i would argue with you that maybe you're afraid because you don't talk to the lord enough and maybe you're afraid because after you talk you get up and you don't listen peter talks to jesus and listens to jesus and he's able to overcome the discouragement of the disciples y'all that's about as good as i get let me give you the third one and we'll get on out here you got to have the courage to confront you have to have the competence to conquer but watch what peter models to us the capacity to control his fear actually he doesn't model it watch what happens peter gets out the boat he starts walking on the water the bible says that he sees the wind he gets afraid and he begins to sink he gets out the boat walks in the water sees the wind becomes afraid again and begins to sink watches he's confronted his fear he's conquered it but he hasn't learned to control it because it comes back the fear that was on the boat finds him when he's on the water if you don't control your fears your fears will control you if you don't learn how to keep them at bay they always resurface fear always tries to come back and so watch what jesus says oh you a little faith why did you doubt oh you of little faith why did you doubt watch it jesus says this your fear was fueled by your doubt but your doubt shouldn't be controlled by your faith i'm gonna say that again your fear was fueled by your doubt but your doubt should have been controlled by your faith they said third time's a charm your fear was fueled by your doubt but your doubt should have been controlled by your faith your faith should have kicked in to deal with your doubt which then would have prevented you from being afraid again the issue is your doubt peter is accused by jesus of doubting what does he doubt he doubts that he can walk on water while he's walking on water don't don't miss this he's walking on water he begins to doubt that he can walk on water while he's walking on water you ain't caught it yet he's walking on water but he doubts he can walk on water while he's walking on water how can you be afraid of what god has already given you the power to begin to handle how can you be afraid of something that god has already started you to become victorious over in your life how can you be afraid of being alone when you've been alone how can you be afraid of the diagnosis when you've been living with the disease how can you be afraid of what they gonna think when you know they don't like you right now anyway how can you be afraid of being rejected when you never needed their approval to begin with how can you be afraid of putting your application in the ring when god has already put you in a place where your application could be accepted how can you be afraid of what god has already given you the authority to handle and i believe what jesus says to peter is what i want to say to you peter turn around and look how far you've already come look how many steps you've already made look how much victory you've already experienced look at what the lord has already enabled you to do and how dare you be afraid when god has already given you authority to walk on this thing how are you going to be afraid of what you're already conquering y'all i got to let you go but but jesus says to him why did you doubt your faith ought to kick in and here's what your faith ought to tell you the lord will take care of me that if i'm walking on this if i am facing up to these fears if i'm learning to conquer them the lord will sustain me you know y'all gotta go but i realize bobby that i've always read this text incorrectly and you know what you have to because i always read this and assumed that peter wanted to walk on water that wasn't peter's request peter's request was not to walk on water read it carefully in verse 28. that's what he says lord if it's you let me come to you on the water he doesn't say let me come on the water to you he says let me come to you and if walking on water is what it takes to get to you then that's what i'll do but my deepest desire is to come to you that peter's heart's desire is to be with the lord peter's deepest desire is to be close to jesus and beloved here is the key here is the key to overcoming fear here's the key to conquering controlling uh and and ultimately dealing with any fear in your life you ready your heart's desire when your heart is right god will sustain you when you hunger after righteousness the lord will make a way when you desire to please god god won't let you drown when you just want to do right by god god will take care of you i know i said i was done but i was a baptist preacher which means i get to say it at least two more times watch what happens peter's desire is to be with the lord his desire is to be close to god he gets out the boat he makes a mistake by seeing the wind and the bible says he began to sink okay you missed the shout and tried again he gets out the boat his heart's desire is to be close to jesus he starts walking on water he sees the wind takes his eyes off jesus makes a mistake and the bible says he began to sing okay third time's charm you little slope i used to be slow his heart's desire is to come close to the lord he gets out the boat he walks on water he makes a mistake takes his eyes off jesus and he began to sink all right mark mark here's why people don't get it um sinking is not a delayed response nothing begins to sink when it sinks it just sinks but this phrase beginning to sink without getting too complicated is in the greek tents called the aorist a-o-r-i-s-t and the best way to understand it is that it is an action that has begun but has not reached its completion so here's what happens peter gets out the boat and even though he's made a mistake and should has dropped to the bottom it is a delayed consequence because his heart was right when my heart is right even if i make a mistake god will keep me if my heart is right even if i don't do the right thing god will pull me up if my heart is right even if i disobey god will save me there's something about having the right heart someone today you don't have to fear because if your heart is right and your desire is to please god and your desire is to live for the lord and your desire is to be close to god god says even if you make a mistake i will take care of you maybe that's the power of the prayer of david in psalm 51 lord create in me a clean heart my flesh may be weak my mind may be confused but if my heart is clean if my heart's desire is right god will always save me listen i want you to have the courage to confront i want you to know that you have the confidence to conquer and the capacity to control if all your heart's desire is is to be close to the lord god created me a clean heart it's inevitable that i will make mistakes i will be afraid every now and then but with a clean heart a pure heart oh god you promise to always take care of me so someone you don't have to be afraid today all you have to do is say god make sure my heart is right and with a clean heart i'll confront because i'm tired of dealing with this with a clean heart i can conquer because you've given me the power to deal with what's been dealing with me and with a clean heart i can control creating me a clean heart in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: Alfred Street Baptist Church
Views: 48,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _BjsFyklYFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 49sec (3229 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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