I Sent Preston Back to First Grade

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these are my students and this is my classroom the student with the highest grade at the very end gets to keep cool but the first class today is going to be English so we're going to have a vocabulary lesson today can you spell school for me okay school that is correct that's correct Nick I didn't ask you to answer the question but that is incorrect Preston can you please spell library I'll get library they're actually having to think a little bit I've noticed don't judge my handwriting okay I'm a beautiful person on the inside and that's Rob yeah well I'm Jennifer Gryffindor Nick what is that it's a library I have drew a library extra points for creativity okay give me a nice easy word like they got okay let's spell their like their house is awesome is it they are or is it they're like possession I think it's showing possession okay John how about you spell skate out it is I think I would mess up on this one I'm not gonna lie I know how to spell it nope nope I checked Knutson no there's no way you got it right yeah it's ske Dadd agreed you told me before we started I checked that thesaurus.com is both artists table can you take away his phone because if you have this moment it's gonna be blowing his whistle don't know why that's taking away my points okay you will get this back at the end of the date service I didn't gee how do we know he didn't look up library huh pronunciation may be a little incorrect on this one but uh bloviate what are we supposed to come out I mean spell the word if you can't even pronounce it miss miss Breanna you looked at I looked at your father yeah I need to see some evidence empty your pockets sir violent what is in your other pocket a secret CIA good job John I don't know how he pulled that one off oh no I'm gonna get the hardest one I know it badinage is this bandage this is the worst thing might be related to the teacher they're always way harder on you that means Preston I'll give you another complicated water chocolate I'd trolla tide yeah I think it's pronounced Rockland I wait oh that isn't how that doesn't know oh yeah I believe it how about just felt right glycerides that one's easy oh I think I can do triglycerides I don't know if it's a why Edie I don't know if it I think I'm gonna go three for three bit was an i I did high instead of why No even notice I I am new to the schooling system I actually have one a Oh genius of the class has done its Pterodactylus answering questions I didn't even ask him to answer so bonus point but now it is time for mathematics students you need to pay attention to your instructor you have one minute fill out this timer starts in three what okay I got this one let's go you really fast what do you become so slow everybody is making fun of the homescholar right now I don't appreciate this you still have 20 seconds I'm not gonna make it I'm not gonna make it there's no way I'm gonna have enough time pass them down to John and we have another math problem this problem involves my royally beamers royally b.com thank you so much on the car shoosh you have to listen to the equation you have 17 shirts okay 717 shirts we switch these emoji yet you have to give half of those to Barney I rip a shirt down the middle that I give happen I'm not smart enough for this all right so if I've got 17 John I'm just going to divide just count out your mirror and I've got 17 bro I have bought this to make the half makes sense we'll put it halfway on John style and how am i taste that doesn't count that does not count really want me to cut this down the middle I can always say that this teacher is dumb because it's my wife the real teachers deserve respect it's like a blanket now don't call your teacher dog this is BS stands for bull strength this is you then get three shirts to make one two three I hope you're going home Preston doubles his shirts count with ones he forgot he had okay so I've got 10 now actually I've got technically 11 [Music] so here's how it works listen after giving my share to John and Nick I had five I magically doubled back she had five and a half that I doubled once I got home I got 11 why did you have half of a vertical like because the teacher said I'm just gonna bestow us a B of water I get a big we have a very important announcement March 21st in March 22nd if you use the code be safe free ship you will receive free shipping on all royally fever he was the quickest to solve all the problems though I'll be real I thought this was a team after I didn't write anything down where's my seat my freakin seat Preston is just breaking all the rules like a what F is better Preston because you got that one what would you like a second f no okay it is on to art class you are going to have 2 minutes to finger paint what you would like to be when you grow up now I know they're not not grown up but I need to eat your dreams two minutes to finger paint starting now Joe one wants to be a house when he grows up this is how many kids Breanna is willing to give me no no we can stop make it stop wait times up time is up now it is time for each of you to stand up explain what you would like to be and I'll give you a grade based on your creativity when I grow up I would like to be a carrot because I enjoy the outdoors I like relaxing with my friends the they're carrots not pictured and sad drawing and look at that hair I didn't want to be happy with this hair with a girl is that why you don't eat carrots it's because you would like to be a woman with Oh guys comment down below what would you give Nick I'm not sure I feel like that's a PE how can you judge someone's dreams because John some rooms are better than others like the carrot I don't get a nice answer you could get a C for carrot Nick might have a carrot but I have 10 children here that bran and I will have well maybe adopt half of them we we are not having 10 adoption is wonderful right I got a question where are you in this picture supporting your family because they're surrounding you asking I am responsible with my wife two children in a home John hh-here a a daycare people Nick take your B you did a wonderful job and Preston you can enough this teacher sucks now John I need to see your grades in front how many do you have just a I got an F in there don't you yeah I think Nick has the best grades those your Arabic was your first grade it was creative Preston - that is 100% an a this guy's never gonna graduate first grade that's it's lunchtime Lunchables upload it I don't think I ever had one of these when I was going through school I can't believe he called a kangaroo Lunchables Preston what have you brought to lunch today other than moodiness an attitude can tell me I was home-schooled cuz he never had to use a locker what did you bring for lunch today probably F's hotdogs chocolate and Capri Suns you cannot eat until you tell me the country of origin for your main part of your meal that is a big old classics each and that's from the US and that is not from the US of A it is from the Earl of Sandwich who is from England no lunch for you oh I don't know where okay I guess I've got the shoes I'm gonna say Capri Sun America no no hot dog hot so just a hot dog huh so just a hot dog I'm gonna say Germany pizza is from Italy Nick in Preston gets John give me all your food kid give me all your food dude drag eye candy here you go guys if you look under your phone and your subscription button is red make it grey right now under this video or you're gonna fail the class it is time for Spanish class Nick no sneezing in the classroom yes can I say is it good okay before I start this lesson I want everyone to know if Spanish is beautiful my pronunciation is not but I'm going to try hola clase how do you say this word join we'll start with you autobús escolar and what is that he's cheating puppeteer dsq la puppeteer is that your cheers yeah yeah dance whele what is this you like it said student at school you know what I kind of understand where you're coming from but it's incorrect that is it's not a pupil nope it is a school desk it's a school desk this school this is a poop of tear I'm on the Bupa dear what is this how do you pronounce it good try keep keep trying the rest ha ha yep day-o berets oh the car of the almonds no this is supposed to be a normal thing not I thought it was pretty much like nice work you're incorrect but good try John you're the only one who got a pointless rounds before class ends I have a riddle you will get bonus points if you understand what I'm saying what's going to credit I need this right now donde esta el mejor lugar para comprar are merchandising in YouTube that's right I know every word except for a one we're all mopey is where do I notify the besties to merchandise morally mean morally me really need a no Spanish to that one think it's where is the best YouTube merchandise yeah that's my guy secure okay I'm gonna give you guys your grapes a be where is good to buy in the search on YouTube you're very welcome to see on oh hey I'm gonna spin you you have to tell me the state you have touched and three interesting facts about the state where's the white board you are near it I live in Texas and uh so go Thank You Texas I don't know you have to look at it I got a really interesting facts one Texas we have our own power grid which means we could survive - remember the Alamo and threes thank God dude we've got the Alamo we've got don't history and Texas is the only stable we can have our flag ride is more important than my grades right now hey just point me in the right stall spin myself I want to spend a fair amount oh I was there you go [Music] Master Chief Montana Maryland there's no other there's a lot of corn in this state it's cold and it's not a very populated state that's Washington that's where you're from walking his fingers knock out name the state chief this is Oregon it is home to voodoo doughnut it is below Washington State Oregon has no sales tax hey there's a bee you're doing well there is no fairness here this is not an egg what did you do it's time for yes time for push-ups I will tell you when to go up and down until you cannot stop down [Applause] Nik just try for your last and final PE challenge now I feel like you should be familiar with the rules for this one so let's get going where are you going can't get hit a walk if you can hit his Walker keep out it's Jan I'm hot I got it all it's caught in the locker hold on I'm gonna fart up against it nope don't keep him in there he didn't win so he'll just stay there Nick John 1 John John you are the obvious winner thank you of the school bus you win the school bus so let's get the keys here you know John Thank You Bree go Preston finally my first a and it comes of course in people birth my [Applause] bill the only kid that's never gone I have tallied the grades n job and comments I will read their comments down below and feature them somewhere do you guys make sure you go ahead and click on one of these two videos that youtube is recommendation
Channel: Brianna
Views: 6,928,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, challenge, family, brianna, preston
Id: sM5Tsbq_qhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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