100 Things That Shouldn't Be Sold on Amazon…

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we're finding the weirdest things that shouldn't be sold on Amazon starting with the Blobfish this is supposed to be Unbreakable did it break no he's just dirty go Scott you're gonna break the table scratch crossbow to the Blobfish oh okay I think this guy's actually indestructible this is The Golden Throne coffee mug this is massive it holds 10 ounces it's your duty to sip this beauty all right we got some tea right here six different kinds of teas that just looks bad I'll drink from it it doesn't look like it's easy it's kind of decent definitely a very weird item from Amazon what do you want to give this to I think I know just the person um hello this is The Golden Throne coffee mug it'll go great with my morning poops too these are flip-flops Scott I think we need you to try them on why don't you try them on because I have tennis shoes on much harder to take off I also have tennis shoes on ah it's just the rules of the game husbands have to do the weird stuff show them that whoa whoa don't give that coffee Johnny blurry get the flop sir this is the weirdest thing we've seen okay as well as giving away items throughout this video we are also going to be ranking the weirdest item that we find so this I think definitely goes to the top of the podium this is the Gatlin blaster oh my God I love that let's go to the main office and show this off say hello to my little friend bubble surprise oh Brie say hello my little friend [Music] we are giving away weird Amazon items for the Christmas holidays and I decided this would be a perfect gift for you Merry Christmas waffle maker basically the inside wow some little shapes of like little cars did you read the instructions yes are you sure yes I did unlike you making cookies I didn't measure anything because I was just like oh Alan probably already measured it out did you already measured out no we don't have to talk about it okay what are those called measuring cups do you like to use them no wait I want to do it it's actually the last one yes now we wait cringe all right all right see whoa I'm making a little syrup roadway can I try one no you're messing up my road you're amazing it's two lanes this is so cute why is that look great that's my tastes ready I honestly think your food tastes more fun when you can play with it all right we have another dad in the office Merry Christmas do you know what this is it makes little toy waffle cars you can put them together yeah this is the next thing is that fire March okay why is fire merch on Amazon you guys should not be on amazon.com right now you should be on taylormerch.com hello I have an announcement to make killymerch.com is on sale you can get this lovely hoodie this poster which I hand signed myself all 1 000 of them you better check it out this is a Shrek beanie put it on me I have a look I look like it from a swamp why is your face it has disgust on it you're gonna put this on we're gonna see how crazy you look Fiona behind us is bald Jeff Bezos or just normal you know I have to point out that he's bald and we have a toupee here and you have to blindfold with the Shrek beanie place the toupee on the Bezos am I allowed to feel it's kind of weird just feeling amazing [Music] I think this is definitely very weird um so this is definitely going on the podium anyway right we have a gift for you it's a Shrek beanie oh nice oh my God these are big booty leggings Scott are you gonna put those on I don't want you to wear those no I'm not wearing them fishing to the fashion show big booty Skies what let me see the big booty oh my God why do they come and pick you pretty good Bezos just went no do they go up on the podium no no this is a hot dog making machine Scott is gonna be making a hot dog normally we're gonna see how they compare and which way is a better way of making hot dogs I think you just put yeah split it like that right I'm choking mine go all right I got a nice crunch on these whoa it's smoking you drink the water afterwards oh I want to hit you man I think mine was quicker quicker buns look I'm gonna give tester very good time for the dog no no no why don't you try mine okay good mine tastes like it's cooked more thoroughly oh yeah that's better is this machine a better way to cook hot dogs I think it's going on the podium next item is if I make this you have to give me a date night Texas de Brazil if I win this you have to give me a baby I'll do your baby if I make this you guys have to subscribe like this this goes on the podium for the weirdest item on the podium this is a fruit cutter boom Oh wait wait that's amazing it's just cutting fruit saves so much time wait that was a really fast way to chop this grape oh my gosh wait wrapping fire they're just shooting outside the plate no not the dog ew ew it's the weirdest fruit salad I've ever seen in my entire life I have this Amazon storefront right here where I'm putting all the items in this video on and if you want to buy this click the link in the description all right Scott what is next a Taylor Swift happy birthday card does this sing to me that would be cool to see you happy birthday it doesn't even seem we're gonna give this to somebody because this is this is cute Johnny I have a gift for you okay happy birthday Johnny Hey when's your birthday January 9th oh dang this is a spill me knot you're supposed to just put a nice drink right here swing it around and it's not gonna make a mess all these items we got from Tick Tock today we're finding out if they are fat or if they are capped oh my gosh I think it's too full this is the true test okay ready isn't that crazy okay I definitely think this Tick Tock product is fact it definitely works this is Stretch Armstrong okay Scott tell us why Tick Tock told us to buy this I saw somebody take his head off and zip tie a water hose to it and just let him expand like a huge massive water balloon okay we cut off Mr man's arm ready what is happening okay we're gonna come back to him in just a few minutes oh no do you ever accidentally spill coffee beans and sprinkles on your keyboard good thing got the world's tiniest vacuum to clean it up hey good kind of works so there are a lot of really good products on Tick Tock this however is not one of them it is definitely a cap this is a fruit sprayer you stab into lemon lime whatever twist it right in and then you're gonna make some homemade fresh lemon and lime spray [Music] oh did I get that in your eyes wait no I got it it's gone oh my god well you need homemade pepper spray that works too this is dangerous next one Tick Tock these are smart glasses that I saw this guy on Tick Tock use what they do is they heat up and massage your eyes and help with migraine so these smart glasses work for you what's going on in there it's the massaging my eyes it feels like a heat pad and a massager whoa whoa my eyes they're being suffocated what does this button do strong pressure activated storm pressure take it okay so this works but don't have a Scott around if you're gonna use them this is the neck extender blow it up Scott okay what this does other than make you look ridiculous is it extends your neck to take the weight off of your head okay I don't think I can breathe if you keep okay so stop there but I like it it feels good let's go get somebody else to try this Hey Stephen I've got uh something for you to try can you breathe kinda it's kind of hard to talk and I'm a little light-headed however I would love for you to try this oh my gosh that feels so good well how am I why didn't you do this let's get a little tight Scott okay did you just let me know all right here right now but you want me to keep going right uh this one think is definitely a fact it works it's super cool this is an apple peeler so you just shove the Apple and then what I just rotate this wait whoa whoa whoa whoa this is the coolest thing ever what else did you want to try potato oh my gosh look at it look at it guys please like this video if Scott and I should make a short trying to make the world's longest curly fry next thing carrot okay oh peeling the carrots I'm brilliant I don't know why you would ever need to peel a carrot but in case you do this is the most perfect way to do so you gotta close your eyes for the last one all right listen I'm gonna say this machine for vegetables and fruit incredible for tennis balls do not recommend this is the anything speaker anything I put this on becomes a speaker listen my song sundress oh my gosh it's so much louder that's so cool oops the jar sugar is low-key the best so far here try this box oh my gosh it's so loud wait I gotta keep trying stuff oh my gosh Josh we gotta see if your head works as a speaker what safe to say this works but listen to sundress and not that okay we're checking back in on Mr uh Schwarzenegger oh my gosh look at his little head no I'm so scared he's gonna pop we gotta come back to this okay I'm sure by now if you've been on YouTube for years you have seen this thumbnail with this laser keyboard I'm a backspace type Keeley oh my God wait who's not subscribed if you're not subscribed Alan you're not even subscribed this is back and you guys should subscribe okay this is a Spyro water gun the coolest water gun out there and Scott what do you have it's an Orbeez Blaster this thing can do some damage we're gonna test both of them out and see which one is more powerful let's see oh oh my God that's the most powerful water basically you just fill this up with Orbeez you screw it onto the top of the gun voila all right Scott see those cans over there three two one who could knock them over first go oh my God I'm bad at aiming Scott I have a surprise for you okay what is this next one just put your finger right here what is what is happening ah what is going on you take your coins that you gather and you Chomp them right in there and he eats them for you oh as disgusting this haunts my dreams I have seen many things this is big big big cap okay we're back for Mr Jelly Belly and Jelly Belly is very large now breathe you still got popping so we're gonna go test some more tick tocks and then come back this is a facial steamer found on Tick Tock nicely hydrates and seems to face oh I have one too what is in here Scott orange juice can you taste it wait I want to try it's like a hint of corn I inhaled the orange juice fact it definitely works would I buy it though I don't would you buy it Scott oh I said that we are going to be trying to make a golden egg now you get yourself an eggy and when you put it inside of this it spins it around and shakes it only on the inside without breaking the shell now to boil the egg there are four eggs here two of them are golden and two of them are not this one is for sure not a golden egg because it cracks this one's gonna be a golden I promise three two one go Oh no I got a white egg you got a white egg wait a minute wait open the last is it gonna be this one no what no they're all white where's the golden egg what's the inside look like oh wait look at yours on the inside though no no look look yours is different than mine yeah I'm kind of supporting but a little bit Scott is there a can of soda too warm too quick buddy it's a good thing Tick Tock told me to buy this wait do these Pockets open they open doesn't work I just know you put your soda in here so it keeps it hot or cold you zip it up just like I zip up your jacket when it's cold outside I slip up my own jacket thank you let's see if it stays cold it's like a mug it's like a mug for your soda this is it only feels hot chocolate oh my God I would put hot chocolate in that it would keep it warm too this is not an ad I just really love this this is 100 fact 10 out of 10. okay we're back can you believe how this guy started oh my God oh my gosh oh no though this is not how the product was intended to be used this was so much more fun and satisfying sumo wrestler strongman Jelly Bean Jelly Belly water balloon guy this is frozen magic basically you can make your own slushies out of any liquid don't make it too full I'm going to slowly take it out of the grooves and push it back in and it's going to slowly freeze it up I don't like how this looks does this make anybody else uncomfortable okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it's got some eyes look at this that's a slushie that's a slushie to you okay it is icy however it is on a flat it's very flat very liquidy still though I'm gonna say this one half backed half cow it is technically slushy but it's like is it good slushy okay oh Daisy all right Daisy come on Scott are you having trouble walking your dog right now yeah I am Scott try this product out and look at that Scott a hands-less leash sure Daisy oh my gosh this is a 10 out of 10. you literally look like a robot walking around I'm on another level I'm superior hey Kitty look at my new glasses you like glasses full eyes can even see me bro Scotty broke your glasses you know what good thing Tick Tock made me buy just the thing for this Scott this is a liquid plastic welder check this out dollop of glue here hold it on the back end a little LED light and voila look at that oh wait no he was working it's it this one's cap do you hate that feeling of flat soda this is canned pump it's a fist keeper so uh you snap this onto your can and then yeah you just pump this these have been the left open for a few hours maybe with the can Toppers they'll be fizzy exact same very flat however this is really convenient to have a spool proof tab oh I'm saying this is this is Cap this is a reusable water balloon one of the coolest inventions ever check this out put it underneath the water reusable water balloons we're gonna see who has the best aim where we can get closest to the bullseye wins yeah that was horrible that was red red rings [Music] you sucker and these water balloons are great this looks like a mint no you don't eat it it's Underpants just dunk it in here and apparently it's just gonna turn into Underpants let's find out okay okay it's been a few minutes what is this well we got to try them on look at those briefs they fit pretty good what do you think instant Underpants would I buy this no do they work no this is a flying orb [Music] I'm gonna play cats with you okay I'm gonna angle it towards you a little bit okay why is it so scary no no I'm really bad at directions with this thing oh no okay we're gonna try this in the dark Scott are you ready I'm ready [Music] this is amazing okay this item is amazingly cool and throughout this video we're gonna be seeing what is the coolest item that Tick Tock told us to buy I get to keep whatever I theme the coolest item this is so dope I don't know if anything's gonna beat this talk about how this girl is magic root cover up to make fake freckles put the glasses back on you look like the guy from the Treasure Planet right here experts oh what did you do with my eye it just sprays so harshly I'm done I'm done oh my God I look like I have a disease Oregon is still chopped here and I'm taking that bad boy home with me this is a portable juicer check this out we are gonna cut this Orange in half flop it in your hair lock it turn it on oh wait that's a lot of orange juice from one orange it's still going there's nothing left it is taking out all the pulp this is just juice this is the straw teeny it's a glass and a straw built into one it's gonna do a little oh wait that's really cool wait it tastes so good okay so now I want to test out some other fruits this is a pomegranate check that out look at that that's a beautiful color this looks like an awesome cocktail oh sour or sour you know what I want to test out next Scott is a potato why potato look we're about to try potato juice on camera for you guys this just means you guys have to subscribe ew it's gross for you guys wait actually yeah it's kind of like a cucumbery water the juicer is now top tier for me unless I find something cooler we're gonna find out this is an electric head massager it sends vibrations uh onto your scalp it has a couple different modes are you okay whoa it like vibrates each one of these ends going around oh my head is still vibrant even though it's not on my head I feel my head going whoa whoa whoa It's A Hard pass for me I will not be taking this home this product from Tick Tock is called the all-in-one razor you might be asking what does that mean you can spray your shaving cream lather and moisturize spray water not shaving cream okay well you know close enough this packaging I'm obsessed with also on the back it says it's vegan and cruelty free put your leg up here oh whoa two different razors cool spray the Shaving spot whoa that's a bald leg that is some smooth oh my goodness right now the juicer is top tier I don't know this might are you serious it's like so convenient for traveling I'm small I'm swollen all right Keely so you might have been wondering what this is this is a mystery box Tick Tock item at the end of the video you get to choose what you want to take home or you can pick to take home this so either whatever's left on the pedestal or the mystery item this is gonna be hard next up feet flops I hate those also baguette slippers I love those Scott you can't have those out don't look at my feet Johnny you gotta make sure those are blurred now you can look [Music] you can't have those out don't look at my feet Johnny you gotta make sure those are blurry now you can look my toes go into the toes I like my baguette slippers these I'm gonna give them a 9 out of ten those I'm giving a zero out of ten I can't look at them anymore we gotta cut this is ugly this is a soda gun so what we're gonna do is take this bad boy out fill it up with some sodas not too much because it's fizzy screw the lid on and then you just pull the trigger it only shoots one sip of soda oh it's leaking everywhere this is a horrible product this is the worst Tick Tock product oh look at this it's the world's smallest flashlight three two one go wow wait wait look how great that is like let's compare to how bright iPhone flashlight is but is this cooler than the portable racer this is cool putting it on the podium this is a squeeze orangutan very similar to our Stretch Armstrong for my other Tick Tock video this is supposedly indestructible so let's try to pull it apart see what we can do come on okay I don't think oh it stays like that let's try something else perfect he's taking a shape again let's go back to its normal form he's supposed to be like this oh he's leaking oh I've got another idea all right leaving all right let's see what the Katan can do with this stretch gorilla Victory I'll slice his legs straight clean well it's definitely not indestructible to a katana hi pants I don't know well look no father I brought you so much you can stop being sad now little boy wow can you snap [Music] oh my gosh I can see the world they are going to sumo fight three two one I can't tell you what to do but I can tell you it's just a circle of life who are you what are you doing something a mustache you revealed my identity this is the No Hands umbrella on the race perfect for eating your pickle in the rain we can get on our phones well don't get on your phone you can play rock paper scissors rock paper scissors but today we are performing high winds hybrid and attempt of Landing ramen noodles this item's not going on the podium pickle cotton candy I'm excited about this because I love pickles I do not like pickles she does not like pickles ew okay so we have real pickles and real cotton candy to compare oh it's super soft all right now here's a real pickle we're gonna find out if this tastes like this is it good better than this this is not going on the podium so I can't afford a real Tesla yet but I do have a Tesla toy car that giddy up look at me I'm a Tesla driver I want to bring this bad boy home lonely and pathetic anyway your cheesy food by yourself and you should try out the finger Chopsticks check this out Sonny look nothing on your fingers perfect perfect for eating look life is so much better with the finger Chopsticks look at what it could be like oh yeah look at that perfectly clean oh what rubber chicken Bruce what is the purpose of needing this I have no idea but I mean look at this bad boy I mean it's a rubber chicken and it's a purse honestly I think that I could low-key like style the mix is it not even fit out of your shoulder oh but listen it's not just a chicken purse we have some other Tick Tock items inside the chicken first come on all right let's see what we have inside handy squirrel it's holding a walnut I don't know it is I don't like this hello Allen scarf hello okay these are not going on the podium what else in the bag all right this is the other item in here this is automatone okay keep your mouth open I'm gonna play us a song okay sure close it up wait that's something better than mine and I'm the actual musician crowd squirrel fingers out not going on Podium this thing done not going on the podium the chicken bag do not put on the podium better get on the podium I can tell you right now what the mystery item is way better than the chicken I want to know what's in the box what's in the box but I also want to keep the chicken bag well just make your decision wisely because whichever one you don't want to take home this Church pillow pillow I think you put your hands in there and then I think you just two hours later hey Keely oh this actually work I could just sleep so hard in there no you can't do my bit bro it's my bit you have to say give me a second all right Kelly put this back on and lay down on the table wait put it back on yeah it's time to take a nap your favorite thing you do like naps these are horizontal reading glasses it takes your vision and it changes it 90 degrees so you can read while you're laying down you can also watch Keely vids without even lifting up your head okay Kaylie did any of these beat the chicken purse it's the glasses it's the glasses there's a problem horizontal glasses it is all right killing now's the time do you want to pick whatever is in the mystery box or the horizontal reading glasses I love these glasses with all my heart I really want to keep them so that I can read while I'm laying down however I'm a girl for a mister are you sure I'm a girl for a mystery wait what is that is that a pillow look at this beautiful man no no not you look at this beautiful man you're a good husband you get some point thanks for watching the video bye I have seen many things this takes the cake on the podium booms
Channel: Keeley
Views: 2,752,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2022, challenge, comedy, Comedy, entertainment, family friendly, funny, Funny, funny video, game, games, gaming, hilarious, humor, laugh, new, no swearing, prank, pranks, reaction, Recordings, video
Id: nwvI6sub1Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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