I said Monitors suck now... then this showed up...

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i've been saying over the last couple of years that monitors are just boring and no one brings anything new to the table and then this arrived meet the samsung odyssey neo g9 so first things first this one's going to be a bit of a challenge to film just because of its size i mean it's 49 inch diagonal measurement now i know a lot of you are probably already tempted to click off of this panel because or this video panels on the brain obviously because you're just going j it's just an even wider ultra wide yeah 32 by nine but let's talk about some features here and and when i thought about doing this video which by the way samsung was gracious enough to uh sponsor today's video by sending this to you to us so huge thank you to samsung to find all the links down below i was like how would i use this in the real world the 32x9 that is essentially two 16x9 panels side by side if you want to know what the actual dimensions are like and you have two 16x9 panels at home already they're identical just smush them together and that's that's the horizontal viewing angle that you got there but it's a 1000 r curve display which means that it's its curvature is based on sitting exactly one meter from the center of the screen and by doing that it means that it matches the curvature of your eye or the curvature of just like the turning of your head so that when you look at the right side of the panel or you look at the left side of the panel you're going to be looking at it straight on it's supposed to really alleviate things like eye strain and it's supposed to just feel a lot more natural and more immersive by having such an aggressive curve it's also hdr 10 plus specifically 2 000 nits worth of brightness that is a massive amount of hdr dynamic range that we have our high dynamic range that we have to play with here we'll be doing some of that testing now when it comes to the dimensions of this panel it's not just a big panel stretched wide before we get into the back lighting technology which is another main talking point of this panel let's talk about the dimensions 49 inch diagonal 1000 r curve screen which we've already talked about 2048 local dimming which means that you're going to be able to have a much better experience when it comes to contrast high scenes dark scenes by getting deeper blacks better highlights and a much less halo effect around bright objects against the dark screen now how are they able to achieve that well that's because this panel like we've seen in many of the mainstream tvs and stuff offered by samsung has now taken its quantum mini led technology and brought it down to desktop so by having much smaller leds gives you a much denser array of lighting which gives you those 2048 local dimming zones so that's how you're able to although you have a fully backlit panel not edge lit a lot of panels have edge lighting which is you would see the brighter you know kind of a ring around your your panel and then you have maybe the the lighting horn we call it a horn effect coming off the corners because that's where the led makes a turn so there's a higher contrast or higher density of leds in the corner shining against the foil backlight or reflector that's designed to create the backlight effect by having actual true mini led backlighting it's going to give you that higher dynamic range hdr 10 plus 2000 nits which we've already talked about but also those 2048 local dimming zones giving you just the kind of thing you would expect to see in a flagship tv made its way down here to an actual panel sitting on your desk now the 32x9 if you want to know what the dimensions of that looks like just take two 16x9 panels side by side that's essentially what the actual viewable area is of the screen if you were to take 2560x1440 and put them side by side that's essentially what this looks like because we have a 5120 by 1440p panel they're calling that their dqhd which stands for dual qhd so yeah you you have a massive amount of viewable area here now one of the things that makes this panel also unique is the fact that it has its pvp and pip or picture by picture and picture in picture and we've all seen this in tech in tvs right you could have multiple inputs going to a tv and you got a picture in picture we have a small little box in the corner when i was a kid that was dedicated to me being able to watch tom and jerry on that while my dad watched football on the big part so i just kind of sit there real close to it watching cartoons you can actually do that now with your panel in fact we'll go ahead and demonstrate that real quick i got my webcam here because we'll be talking about live streaming and stuff on something like this in a second here um the way we're achieving the picture in picture or picture by picture is if we go ahead and remove the cover here which snaps on there very tight and i truly appreciate that because i hate when back covers like to just pop off without any sort of helper you know input from you you want them to stay put we are able to achieve the picture by picture and picture in picture with the three inputs that we have so we do have a displayport 1.4 and then we have two hdmi right here now this is a 240 hertz panel so you're obviously going to want to have at least 18 gigabit per second hdmis uh higher is available now because of 8k so if you want to get that 240 hertz through hdmi you're going to need to make sure you're running a high bandwidth hdmi cable uh you can see here we're using a 5k display port but we do have two inputs set here so you can have three inputs you can have a displayport which could be your computer maybe a console maybe a tv and then we've got our power cable over here we do also have uh you can't really see it up here but we do have a headphone jack and we do have a usb 3.0 built-in hub has integrated cable management here so you can see we have it running down through the stand i don't have the keyboard or mouse cable going through but it gives you this nice clean pass-through on the back so if you have this on the edge of the table you can have a nice clean cable management not sure how much i would use this but it does on the back of the panel have a headphone stand i think standing it on the back of your monitor kind of makes sense if it's plugged into your monitor and you're using that as your as your audio source however um that seems a little inconvenient to get to but one last thing to mention here before we show you the pvp and pip is their core infinity lighting so this has got a an led on the back that has got a infinity mirror effect behind it so it it looks like it just kind of goes on into infinity behind the panel there is also a vase amount that comes with the panel so you can do a 100 by 100 visa on this but this is actually controllable you can change led colors you can change led styles all done through the menu system on the panel itself but it also has core sync where it will actually sync the lighting in the infinity core lighting to what's happening on the panel giving you some kind of a little bit of a backlight maybe off of a wall or if somebody's sitting right here they would see the colors kind of change based on what's happening with the screen giving you a little bit more of an immersive effect by giving you some area of effect lighting happening behind the panel that kind of makes your game feel like it's a little bigger than the panel itself so the way we have the pvp and pip going here is we have the display port hooked up to my test bench and then the hdmi we have hooked up to my laptop right here so let's go ahead and start showing you those different settings how they work because it's not just picture in picture there's a lot of customization you can do to how you could have multiple sources or input sources hooked up to the single panel now the cool thing about the the pvp and pip is it's not something that you have to like all or none it's not like you have to choose one and that's your setup and then if you want to un undo it you gotta undo cables or move things around you can do it all on the fly so you can see my laptop is on right here my my test bench is on and this is clearly the desktop for the test bench but if we navigate here to the joystick menu underneath and we center push we bring up a menu if we go to the right we get the pip pbb settings which at that point we can set what the actual inputs are so we know that hdmi 2 is hooked up to the laptop and displayport is hooked up to the panel the main uh test bench here so if i turn on the pvp that just turned off display because i have it set to the external display to be the main display so when this comes back on there it is right there now for default we've got two 2560x1440 panels right here operating two completely different machines and it's a seamless line right down the middle so you might look at this and go i don't like the way that the stretch look is but there are use cases out there where somebody might not have room for multiple panels or multiple arms or whatever it may be or you just want the cleanliness of having a single panel split right down the middle with two different inputs or input sources you get two 120 hertz 2560 by 1440 panels if you're running a single display port uh you get the 240 hertz if you're running the single panel i just want to point that out it does go down to 120 so it splits it in two obviously because of the processing engine having to handle two different panels at that particular moment i'm able to now have two separate panels right here so they're completely independent of each other which is a pretty neat feature now let's say for instance you only want one for maybe monitoring a stream let's say this is a dual stream setup right and you don't need the 32x9 for your main setup you can go in here and actually adjust that input ratio or the aspect ratio so you go in here you got mode type right here so if we go down to mode type we can set it right right third left third or picture in picture so the top three are picture by picture which means two separate panels or picture in picture which is the bottom corner overlays one on top of the other which becomes the entire screen so let me demonstrate that let's go ahead and move the laptop over to a four by three aspect ratio on the right now we have a four by three aspect ratio over here which is actually squished down to 16 by nine we can change the resolution inside the laptop if we want now we're running 1680 by 1440 which is a four by three now we have a 21 by nine title over here so you can see the way we can do that now we could do that also in the inverse where we can take our four by three put it on that side and make it this main panel is a 4x3 and then this laptop gets the 21x9 so you can switch that around however you want it or we can go ahead and go down here like we showed you a second ago to the picture-in-picture functionality where the laptop will now be a small pip on top of the main display which will be all the way from left to right or in this case you can change the location of it right so that's all the way up there in the left corner we go over here to the menu again go down to the pip we can go down here to screen size so you can change the size of it watch we can make it bigger see it's bigger now and it's still loading and then if we come in here and go to location or screen position we can change which corner we want it on so maybe bottom right there you go so there you go there's your picture-in-picture with our laptop so if you just needed to like always be monitoring something maybe you got some vms running on another machine or maybe you got a server somewhere and you want to keep an eye on your server by having it on your screen over here and then you still have the full display and then if you just want to turn it off again go back up here vip mode off everything seamlessly goes back to the way it was you can see we would go back to a single display over here we're going back to a single display over here and we never turned anything off at all ran flawlessly so the pvp and the pip functionality is what makes a panel like this already have a lure and value or propositional value when it comes to why would you want a panel like this so let's talk about the way i would personally use this panel when it comes to its particular dimensions and flexibility so for me this seems like the the absolute perfect live streaming panel for anyone that's using a single pc setup or even a dual pc setup as i already showed so what i've done here is is this is this is my game window right and it is playing in windowed mode i actually when i stream play in windowed mode that way if i tab around to different things it doesn't stop the capture it doesn't stop the audio it enables me to have a seamless bounce around to different windows without sometimes if you're not in a full screen window and you tap out of it the hook breaks or something so i play in windowed mode on my on my stream which you can find on twitch and under a name that you guys know i use so that would be jsp in case you grew new around here so we've got over here the the twitch stream going um this is actually a replay when i did alien isolation last night but anyway moving on we got the chat right here we've got obs going over here we've got an available spot right here that we could do something else maybe if you have your stream labs or stream elements uh activity overlays you don't miss those subscribers you don't miss those those bits or whatever everything shows up right there but you can you have basically a 4x3 when we go 21x9 because this window is 3440 by 1440. this is the typical 21x9 qhd layout our wqhd layout which is wide qhd so anything 1440 is the cue part when it comes to qhd and then the first letters w for wide or dq hd in this case it's dual qhd for as you can make sense now and draw that line there's dual qhd but let's say you don't want to do a 21x9 let's say you're a 16x9 you know type of gamer well that's fine so we even get more real estate when we do that so if i go over here and go 2560 by 1440 and we run that same window again we can actually pull that window over more if we wanted we can get a bigger obs portal window there so we can kind of see what's happening we can scoot this over and get that in there so that's my webcam hi guys we're not live so i know what i'm waiting at i guess hi you have room here if you wanted to if you were in the moderator window and i can't do this when we're when we're watching a pre-recorded thing you can pop out the chat you can have the moderator window there where if you're doing stream updates you could then just move your mouse over and do your updates and you know hit submit or save so that your stream title changes and all that sort of stuff um yeah any of your monitoring software could be up though but check this out you get the screen right here which is 16 by nine and everything happening all in one display and you know what i used to like to do too when i had multi-panel setup is if i didn't have key lights which wasn't a thing when i first started live streaming you could just open up two notepad windows move them over here and just let the actual panel be your key light and with 2000 nits hdr it is perfectly capable of doing that on this particular um you know setup like this so there's one use case right there now one of the other things that we haven't talked about yet that we want to is actually hdr because hdr is one of those things that it's it's starting to become much more normal on many of these panels and hdr a lot a lot of game developers and studios now are starting to implement hdr which gives you a massive dynamic range now this panel has a static dynamic range of one million to one now dynamic range is one of those numbers a lot of companies like to just throw out there right but when it comes to 2000 nits we get ourselves a 12 bit black level which means that if you're playing games that are dark that enable hdr you can have more detail in the highlights like up in the sky clouds and stuff and this is not an hdr image we'll switch that in a second and you get more detail in the shadows meaning you know if you're playing a scary game uh and it enables hdr which by the way all the best scary games do use hdr because it allows them to do more dynamic things with the atmosphere you can see things in the shadows you can see things in dark areas you can see things when bright lights are happening you don't lose all the detail it doesn't get all blown out in the highlights so basically if if this is the range of sdr standard dynamic range you take that and you stretch it out beyond those stops of dynamic range that's what gets you hdr okay so we're in doom eternal ray tracing is on it is a ray tracing supported title so if you're gonna have all the beautiful stuff of like hdr 10 plus 2000 nits and ultra super ultra wide one millisecond response time two millisecond input lag you know you got your g-sync compatible you got your free syncs you got to have your ray tracings but look at this you can actually see what's happening they bring the hud in so this is like a normal 16x9 right there so if you're running a 16x9 24 or 2560 by 1440 you gain another 2560 with 1440 worth of resolution split in half on either side so if you're serious about not getting snuck up on from the sides this is clearly the kind of panel that you're going to want so with the hdr it's amazing the amount of detail you can see down here in the in the low lights the amount of oh yeah look at that dude [Applause] dude like right now when i'm all damaged like this it it's bright it's bright with all this hdr going and the ray tracing too like it's funny these are things that i feel like just not even all that long ago people were like i don't care about this stuff but then once you experience it the more i play on this monitor the more i feel like it might make its way to my house okay well you get the idea it's beautiful and it's glorious and my gameplay is not it's better on twitch i promise so at the end of the day i think one of the greatest takeaways from the samsung odyssey neo g9 is the fact that you have flexibility there's the the original odysseys that we saw offered the the picture by picture and picture-in-picture options but the fact that we've seen it now progress as far as it has in this next evolutionary jump in the 32 by 9 dq hd i found myself at the start going what would i do with such a panel like this and i think the demonstrations that we've shown you with having multiple systems hooked up to one monitor having uh one monitor be able to be used for an entire live stream setup without having to have the extra wires the extra clutter that comes with having multiple panels hooked up having multiple power bricks multiple heat sources one of the things that's really uh kind of a downside of live streaming with multiple panels and multiple systems is the fact you have a ton of extra heat going into that room if your air conditioning or hvac in that room isn't great you're gonna start you know getting all hot and sweaty during your streams or you're going to be running fans or auxiliary acs in there which is going to make your audio sound terrible but you can have a simple single wire connection like this giving you two 16x9 wide panels worth of viewing real estate without having any of the extra clutter and again having one panel that does not generate in fact we didn't even talk about heat the heat that comes off this thing it's just it's it's lukewarm at best some of the panels that we've had uh come through here you would think that there was a 3080 inside of it because of how hot it is so you got the single strip vent across the back and the heat that comes out of it is nice and spread out and it's just you have to put your hand against the vent to even feel the heat which like i said if you have multiple panels in your room and they're all putting off a ton of heat that's extra heat that you have to deal with in your room but the heat that comes off this is actually very very tame yeah we've talked about all the gaming features that are built into it right the one millisecond uh response time the two millisecond input lag the fact that it's g-sync compatible that it's free sync uh the fact that it's got hdr that could obviously display uh you know hdr and ray tracing and all that sort of stuff and it's beautiful you know gloriousness that it is we're also looking at this panel as being an amazing productivity panel because of the 125 srgb um color gamut which is obviously overlapping the srgb 100 requirement so it's greater than we could use this as a content creation panel so having a single panel phil uses an ultra wide when he's editing our videos this would only give him more real estate to have his uh his his playback portal showing so he could have all of his assets showing on one side phil loves to show his assets we know much phil loves to show his assets you could have so much going on on the screen whether you're a computer programmer whether or not you're a day trader or you just work in a professional environment we have tons of windows open you've got tons of email panes going you've got things that you're monitoring there's just anything you could possibly do with two panels you could do with one with the odyssey neo g9 so it's that that really is what it comes down to we we struggled for a while beginning to come up with the concept for this video of like how would i use it and it wasn't until i set it up but i really started playing around thinking okay okay this makes sense the picture picture by picture is an awesome feature if you want to have another system hooked up to it and the fact that you can leave that cable hooked up plug a laptop in into it or something at any point and just unplug it and you solve a way that it seamlessly switches back and forth not to mention input sense is a thing on this it has automatic input sensing so that if you plug in something the display port and you forgot to switch it from hdmi it's going to know and it's going to switch to hdmi or displayport and automatically turn on there's no more having to fumble through the menu to try and find the right input so that you get a display thinking something's wrong with your computer when you just had it on the wrong input all along it's going to do it for you so there you go guys a huge thank you to samsung for sending this to us i am greatly considering moving this into my live stream setup the one thing that i think some people uh might have be put off by initially and you really have to kind of sit in front of it and get used to it is just the 1000r curve the 1000r curve initially seems extremely aggressive but when you're sitting in front of it and you turn your head and you realize that that viewing arc when you turn your head is the same arc as the panel it's not like if you have a three panel setup where it's square and square it's like you know half of a hexagon and then it still looks kind of off viewing a little bit this it always is facing you directly so it's it's a neat function that i never thought that i would actually really like until i sat in front of it so once again a huge thank you to our friends over at samsung for sending us the odyssey neo g9 to take a look at i i think this one might come home with me we'll we will see so anyway you guys can find links down below for everything you want to know about this panel so that begs the question to be asked comment down below how you would use a 49 inch 240 hertz 5k 5120 by 1440 dqhd one millisecond response time two millisecond input lag hdr 10 plus with g-sync compatibility and freesync and once again for the second time 240 hertz that can also do picture by picture and picture in picture how would you use it sound off down below
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 649,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ULTRA WIDE, ultrawide, ultrawide monitor, are ultrawide monitors good, what ultrawide monitor is best, samsung ultrawide, samsung screen, samsung g9, samsung neo g9, neo g9, odyssey neo G9, 32:9 monitor, dual screen, dqhd, what is DQHD
Id: ZITwnqsBh1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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