Is the Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 57 Inch Good for a Streamer - YouTuber?

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what's going on folks and welcome to ARG this back here is the new Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 57 in super ultra wide gaming Monitor and for me this was a huge [Music] mistake all right so firstly this screen back here is amazing I absolutely love it if you're a gamer a video editor if you like to do a lot of multi tasking have screens side by side many of them this screen is perfect for you it is 57 in of absolute wonder and if you're curious this is the equivalent of having two 32in 4K monitors side by side without your bezel so plenty to work around with I absolutely love this background too it's a uh a moving background from Steam that I downloaded that was really cool um first of all before I get into why this was not right for me let me run a clip for you that uh we put together the other night all right as you can see here this is where Austin began the unboxing process now Lance is there too but he's just kind of running around holding a phone on a stick you know like an idiot as we were showing us off to Tik Tok at the time for that and as you can see there's actually not a whole lot of components to come with it you got the stand but we weren't going to be using the stand because well Austin's death just isn't made for that really it also comes with its own set of cables which is fine and dandy on its own but unfortunately again for our setup they were just too short so we have plenty of our own cables now the nice thing is because this thing is a little complicated you want to treat it nicely you can actually attach the arm to pull it out of its box to keep it safe and place it where you need to in this case we placed it on the top now this project took us 4 hours why because we're not using the mounting arm so we had to find the bolts and nuts and washers all to do that and that became a big problem now once we did actually get this thing finally set up which you'll see in just a moment we also had to figure out how to get the video settings to work since we have the gaming computer hooked up to a studio recording computer which is again while you'll see the big doofus sitting down at the desk playing around with all the visuals once that happened it looked great but just a little bit glossy why was that right right Austin had to spend about 5 minutes peeling off all the little cover plastic which he enjoyed very much and enjoyed sharing that with everyone live enjoy all right well hopefully enjoyed that hyperlapse of the unboxing and uh setting it up on the stand but uh yeah how you like that uh moving wallpaper there I think that's really cool looking all right so first we're going to start off with Call of Duty uh Modern Warfare 2 because well everyone wants to see what this game's like on a screen like this I'm going to show it off first in full screen like wide screen mode and then I will show you show it to you in uh soral screen mode and I apologize for no sound currently I do not have any speakers hooked up so um I use my headset most of the time but I can't really you know relay that all right so here is Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on full super ultra widescreen mode what I have noticed is that you know once you get past that 16 by9 ratio and it starts bleeding over to the uh 21 by9 or the 32 by9 uh you'll notice the image starts stretching on the corners so it's pretty much the same exact thing as if you know if you were running 16 by9 you're getting the same image but it does make it more immersive so that's pretty cool that you get that oh that was a good shot anyway that is super ultra wide now let's play this in 16 by9 like you're like this right here but without the game expanding now the only thing that I don't like is that on a game like Call of Duty here obviously this is like an 8K cut in half so you've got 4K up and down but you got 8K left and right 7680 by 2160 so you would think that hey this is a 4K screen this is a 4K screen so why can't you have 4K straight in the middle I don't know why but it doesn't give you the option it gives me 3840 by 1080 but it doesn't give me the um the actual 2160p resolution for this particular game so I'll go ahead and go down to 1920 by 1080 and I'll show you what the game looks like in that all right so here we've got full screen in the middle 1080p again and not sure why it doesn't want to do 4K straight in the middle but at least you have the option that you can run it through here honestly I don't see a whole lot of difference I don't know why um between 4K to 1080 so maybe it I maybe it adjust on itself I am not entirely sure but it does play Smooth it is great and I am dying like crazy cuz I don't have my headset on now I'm going to show you what it's like to play on the left or right we'll just play it on the left hand side um with the split screen mode and I'll make sure we got the 120 HZ on the left hand side uh when you do this you can only run 120 HZ on the left and we can do 60 on the right but we're not worried about that because that's where you would put your uh you know whatever info you want over here whether you're streaming or web browsing or whichever okay so apparently I was incorrect so I went ahead and had it uh switched over to the left hand side you can go left or right easily all you got to do is click the button down here uh go up to menu pip or PBP which is picture by picture or picture in picture select that go down to source and you can select where you want your HDMI 1 to go now I am using HDMI 1 uh my display port is a 1.4 I'm running a RTX 490 so I don't have the radon that's got the the 2.1 um but if I wanted to go over there with it then I would select HDMI one well that was the wrong one uh that's like number two click it and then HDMI one and it last me to switch I'll say yes and boom it switches over to there instead uh but it's only letting me do 60 htz it won't let me do 120 HZ on one side of the other doing that I don't understand why I don't know if that's a Windows 11 thing or if that's something with a 490 or HDMI or what and this here is going to be Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on picture by picture on the left hand side we are running 4K and it is 60 HZ which sucks to be honest with you I would much rather I'm used to playing at 120 A lot of people are used to like 144 you know gaming monitors um or you know 240 if you got highend I am quite used to using 120 so even 60 HZ for me is just way too low I hate the 60 HZ but as you can see that's the best you can get with this right here um over here it says no signal because obviously you have I can plug my um display port in um cuz the 490 only has HDMI uh one HDMI slot and then it's got three display ports unless you have like Theus version which has two HDMI ports um but this is made for another input whatever system you have it doesn't matter you can put it here and picture in picture you can put the picture wherever you want pretty much I think it has like selected spots but still the corners or whichever all right now I'm going to go ahead and show you the 4 um I do have HDR enabled I didn't have it enabled with Call of Duty I kind of forgot all about it uh but it is enabled now so let's go ahead and get into the game and I'll show you the Diablo 4 all right so now we're in the game for Diablo 4 I'll just give a little bit of a walk around HDR is enabled um options HDR is enabled right there uh we it says we're running at 7680 by 2160 but for some odd reason we're not getting the full screen I don't understand what's up with that but this is Diablo 4 walk around down for a minute and show you the horse horse looks kind of cool let show you the colors the fire let's go to the uh portal up here I'll show you the colors of the [Music] portal pretty cool but that is Diablo I now I'll show you an older game like Mass Effect this is the legendary edition and uh it looks pretty cool right except for if you notice on the side here see how we got some weird stuff going on that's because for some odd reason the game is I think I think it's like copying the image from this game and it's kind of giving a bleed through on this side and that's cuz it's got two monitors right here pretty much but anyway yeah um I just went into the settings and messed around with this Su it's supposed to be at 1920 by 1080 full screen which is usually it'll cut it off um but as you can see in the older game like mass effect of course this is BioWare and from my understanding their uh UI and all the how how their game works and such like that is kind of finicky um but a game like this it just kind of breaks it we're not getting any bleed through on the other side now but it's also stretched all the way across I don't really understand what's going on there and that's kind of a bummer I was really hoping for you know at least play it in the center without any issues and um so far we've messed with it a couple times and I have yet to see it actually get centered without any issues and and all that I think we managed to get it to play on the left- hand side one time um but again it was still just not not great all right so I did the uh picture by picture thing um playing Mass Effect on the left hand side here and again it's it's much better it's it's playable at least but we are getting the um the 60 HS refresh rate which is just not great so um you can play it if you wanted to legendary edition you play on the left or right but uh it's not entirely the experience that I would prefer to be honest all right now we're in the hog WS Legacy um absolutely phenomenal game beautiful game awesome to play uh really do like it hdr's turned on everything is to the max right now and as you can see it looks this is probably the only game that actually looks really good on here uh Call of Duty does look good it's just it's got a little too much stretching and although this does stretch it it still looks pretty decent to me however I am noticing that even though I am using a 490 where this is maxed out on everything and it's not just 4K it's like uh the 76 80x 2160 resolution it does have a little bit of a drop in frame rate it's not horrible it's most definitely playable but it is uh it could be a little bit a little bit smoother it's not it's not quite as smooth as I would like even at 120 HZ I don't know how well you can tell that on camera but I can tell it in person but now that I've shown you all the gameplay let let me go ahead and show you what what it's like to do productivity such as editing all right so as you can see the editing department is where something like this really shines because you have all this screen R estate that you've got your things down here you can see all the way across easy to zoom in and out and uh just overall an a really good experience drag drop down here I mean you you have so much room to work with so uh when it comes to the productivity and whatnot I'm not sure what all you guys will be doing as far as the editing goes but just saying when it comes to editing a video that part about this screen I absolutely love it is nice all right I'm sure that you all can see it kind of uh the lighting and all that stuff kind of off with this if I go down to here where you're actually eye level you don't see any of that it's much much better um right now like my phone is actually capturing see how it's got like rings and stuff out with my phone you don't see that in person the phone's just cap caping extra bit of that but the screen is actually really nice um and of course when you get straight onto something it's fine and when you start going over it you see the blooming so you see the blooming if you look down but in all honesty who's going to look down at your screen you're playing a game or watching movies or editing or whatever so big whoop all right so y'all have seen what this thing's capable of you know what I'm running a 4090 in here I am using HDMI 2.1 uh no point in the display port 1.4 the only reason um you would need that is if you have an an actual display port 2.1 which is in uh the latest AMD graphic cards unfortunate for the for the 4090 owners uh so why is it that I made a big mistake well I made a big mistake because of how my desk is set up um I also had the thought that you can run um 240 Herz on HDMI 2.1 if Nvidia released an update however that's not entirely the case so yes it is possible you can technically run it um at 240 htz with maybe an update but it does so with a uh compressed file it's it's not as good it's not great for games or anything like that it's it's just not good um so that's where you need the display port 2.1 at so for any anybody that's running a 4090 right now this right here you might as well uh wait to get a 90 I'm sure that will be a pretty awesome thing um now as far as anything else goes so as I said before I can handle 120 HZ that's not a big deal big whoop I'm used to 120 HZ because I had a LG C2 before this the 42 in and honestly that's what I'm going to go back to is another LG well probably LG C3 now um however if you notice this over here is my desk the rest of my desk space to put my Sony camera up here put my microphone up here like the camera itself is going to be in the way of the screen not ideal I can't really put it above it cuz it's too high I can't put it below it CU it's too low so it doesn't work in the best interest for me um when it comes to playing certain games on here uh it's it's rough okay uh Call of Duty is fun it's immersive but having the screen just stretch on the sides is not is not in my best interest I would rather have a uh the OLED OLED picture quality over the mini LED personally everyone has their own differences and most people would say oh you need a 240 Herz refresh rate at 1400 or uh 1440p I mean sure if if you're a hugely competitive gamer absolutely um I'm not a majorly competitive gamer it's a gaming channel but we're here to have fun and just play things and talk to people so it's it's not for me personally um I I love my visuals and with a with the C3 I can have maybe another smaller monitor set up over here but even if not Lance has a station build up over here that he can uh watch the chat and everything so it's not that big of a deal um for games for older games Resident Evil 7 practically broke it I didn't break the screen but it just didn't want to run right um thankfully I ran that game and beat it before I got this monitor uh game like Mass Effect I can't run it at the full 120 HZ and I can't run it in the middle of the screen because it just doesn't work right so for certain games that need that 16x9 aspect ratio um that are maybe older this is just not going to work for it at least not that I've seen so far maybe one of you all figure out how to later but I haven't yet and I've been messing with it for a few days now um but those are my reasons for not really regretting getting this screen I can return it or sell it and I'm doing either one right now um but it's My reasonings reasons for getting rid of it at least I tried it I've tested it trial and error very expensive trial and error but it's there so with that said I hope this was an informative video I hope that the games I've played were enough to show you kind of an experience you get um a game like Hogwarts Legacy where it will utilize the H screen or even Call of Duty really Call of Duty still has a little bit of a frame drop from time to time but it's not like Hogwarts Hogwarts is definitely more intense on the graphics and uh it it did take some of that smoothness in way and I I love that smooth as butter screen uh screenplay granted it's 120 it's not smooth as you 144 and 240 hertz folks uh tend to get but I've not ever played on that I played 144 on my laptop and I do love that but on a actual desktop I don't have that experience so I'm fine with it um if you are a person that likes your 240 hertz or 144 and you have a 4090 do not get this the monitor um unless you plan on getting uh the 90 in 2 years or uh possibly up not upgrade but swap over and get an AMD graphics card instead uh to my knowledge I don't think the AMD cards are as powerful as the 490 I think the 490 unless I'm wrong now I haven't checked in a minute but I think it's still the most most powerful card on the market it just has a non-updated display port which sucks but uh again I hope hope that this was informative I hope you all enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up if you did um feel free to argue anything I said uh constructive criticism uh subscribe for more if I can get a benchmark going between now and the time I get rid of the monitor I will try to do a benchmark but no promises so just in case you might want to hit that notification Bell and if you're interested in Resident Evil or what's it called Psychonauts he just played some Psychonauts I'm playing Titanfall on the laptop I might play Titanfall here at the house and took vacation this week uh so we got several games in the works that we're working on uh Mass Effect I do plan on playing and beating that that's going to be a pretty long Series so make sure you hit the notification Bell And subscribe if you want to see some cool games but with that said I'm going to hop off here I hope you all have a wonderful time and see you on the next video peace [Music] out
Channel: Austins Retreat Gaming
Views: 25,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jF55WRTriNM
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Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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