i ruined my robot sim's life by accident

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Forget it, just break up with  him, we're done Vlad, we're done. It's not me, it is you. Hello my friends and welcome back  to the nightmare legacy challenge. Last week, we had a pretty eventful  episode because all of my Sims aged up. Like literally every single Sim  in the household had a birthday. Well not everybody because Nina's Immortal,   but everybody else had a birthday so things  might look a little bit different around here. And I think today the main goal is to play  with Faye a little bit more, because she's   finally a child we can actually do stuff and we  can work on skill building and making friends. I'm not super set on who the  heir is going to be so I want   to try and get both of these two a  bunch of bonus traits just in case. It's fun to have all kinds of bonus  skill traits like Tinker has with the   scouting aptitude and stuff like that,  so I'm going to try and make it work. Tinker also has a lot of not so fun bonus traits  like being afraid of literally everything,   but it's okay, I relate to every single one of  these deeply so I'm not going to judge you for it. And also I loaded into the save just now  and I was kind of admiring how pretty   the house and the environment looks in  the snow, like look at everything back   there with the trees, it's kind of  pretty over here in the winter time. I've been complaining because  I missed the green grass,   but actually this is not so  bad, it's kind of nice out here. When we last left off it was  Winterfest and we were kind   of trying to get a few of these little tasks done. It looks like most people  are happy except for Faye,   she is the only person who has  not had a successful holiday yet. Oh my god, the cat's eating the tofurkey! What  is wrong with you? Look at your little face. The mischief involved in this. I'm going to  put that away I would like to keep that because   that's good food, even if it's like tainted by  a cat now, I'm just going to ignore that part. And you know what else? We haven't had  a fire inside of the house in a while. I probably shouldn't jinx it, but  I'm just sat here thinking that I   haven't seen a fire toilet do anything in a bit. I feel like that means we might be due for some  chaos, but I'd prefer to avoid that if possible. I'd like to have at least one  or two nice peaceful days. Okay, come on, merry Christmas, let's go  intensely train on the barrel for a little bit. We look so bad, this aspiration, the fact that  there's like no progress, we haven't been in   a single horse competition, we're certainly  not winning gold in any horse competitions. I'm trying to get a little bit better about this. I'm also making some Winterfest decorations   because I realized that we  don't have any cute decor. We have the decor that I put up,   but nothing that's kind of cute  like this, look at how fun that is! We can leave that for the next like  three hours before my Sims go to bed. Also you might want to take a nap because  you're getting really tired and I'd like for   you to wait until Santa gets here because  I would very much like to get a prize. Did you fail again? Oh my god, I'm  getting real sick of this Tinker. I don't even know how to help  you, maybe you can make a candle. Let's do a sage rectangular molded  candle, yeah? And the kid's exhausted too,   oh my god, I've done a terrible job  today of taking care of my Sims. Oh, you can't get up, oh no. Okay, new  plan, let's have you come slide on this. I am going to teleport you, I know there's like  a blizzard outside, just ignore that part too. We're going to slide until we get enough movement  skill to climb stairs and then we can go back in,   or -- okay, you're going to sleep in  the tent in the freezing cold snow,   cool. Great, thank you Sims 4. There we  go, level two, you can go to sleep now. We'll talk to Santa when he gets  here, but you can sleep for now. I feel like Santa should be here any minute,  but it's snowing so much that I can't see him. We're napping again, but we came downstairs to  the couch this time so we have a better view. Also the heating's not even on, oh my god,   no wonder they're all miserable,  it's freezing in the house too! Oh, there he is, he's adding  presents to the pile. Here we go. Let's come do a friendly introduction,  I hope we get something good. What are you doing, grilling?! No, no no no no no no, no. I do not accept that at all, I don't  trust you! If he lights this on fire,   I swear I might start crying. Look, he made this de-stressing  concoction, what is wrong with you? And no one will come talk to him. Everybody's  asleep, my Sim's going to pass out in the process. I think only one Sim's going to be getting  a gift today. Can you ask for a present? I personally think that he should just  give one to me, I shouldn't have to ask. Maybe that's wrong of me to  say, but I really feel that way. She actually won't do it, I've tried like five  times, please can I have a present? Please? Oh, here we go, here we go, here  we go, here we go, here we go. What's it going to be? I'm getting a  screenshot of this, it's important. She doesn't look that pleased.  Oh, we are happy, okay. And the result is... a wisp? Are you  serious? A single voidcritter card? Worth five simoleons? Okay, good,   the cat's attacking him for that one,  which personally I think he deserves. Take bath? What? Okay, Nina's  giving the kid a bath, I guess   he won't get a present from Santa, that's fine. No, I need to teach my kids to be grateful no  matter what. Santa came all this way and yes,   he gave me a single Pokémon card,  and it's not a good Pokémon card,   but it's something, you know?  That was really nice of him. Oh, Tinker's awake. I think we're  too late, I think he left. Oh no. Whatever, just go back to bed, let's  sleep it off. We'll have better luck   tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a better day for us. Is there an iPad next to the bathtub? Oh my god. Is there a reason you're sleeping in the snow? I  don't know if the cold affects horses in The Sims,   but it feels like it should, and you just  sleeping in this blizzard is not a good idea. Okay, rise and shine everybody, let's start  getting ready for work and school and stuff. It is going to be Faye's first day of school.  You'd think that the first day of school for a   child in The Sims would be a bigger deal, like  you'd think that they would care more or there   would be like a moodlet or like something, I don't  know, but no, there's nothing, it doesn't matter. Nobody even reacts. Okay, she's  off. Quinn is going to get ready,   I'll have you get some food and then I think that  today I'm going to go join a horse competition. We've got horse riding level five which isn't that   bad, I think the horse has like level three  in one or two skills which isn't good,   but we might win at least one little  baby contest, and that's the goal. This is Quinn's dream and I'm really trying to  help out with it even though it's kind of um,   inconvenient, because I live so far away. Let's enter a competition. The only  problem is that we don't really have   enough endurance skill to do any  of these because we haven't tried   endurance riding at all, but  I'm going to see what happens. You need level two and we have level  one, and it's the thought that counts. We got a bronze medal! See, we  put ourselves out there, we tried. We're not doing this for money,  we got plenty of money so it   doesn't really matter, we can do whatever we want. Okay, I think I probably should go  work on some endurance riding though. I don't know why I don't do that more because  we can do that at home, that one's easy. We can just ride around the docks  and the factories. This is maybe a   slightly more pleasant place to ride  around, but we could do it anywhere. Oh, this person is having a way worse time  than us, look at them go, you're struggling. I look fine. Oh, they disappeared.  Okay, wow, they really were struggling. Okay, I think I'll just do this until about  3:00 when the kid gets home from school,   or not, because you're going to stop on your own. Please, I want to practice more! You're  sleeping? Oh my god, okay, whatever, that's fine. Maybe I could do some horse training  for you. Does that horse have pink? Whoa! Who are you? Wait, I'll come talk to you.  No? Okay, the horse is gone, never mind. You   know what, we just can't win today. Everything  I get excited about, it gets taken away from me. And I just peed my pants?  You went to wash your hands,   and you peed your pants right there in the sink. You know there's a bathroom right there,  right? You could have used that, but no. Instead we chose to do this. I guess  that was my fault for not helping you,   but how could I have known! Okay, Captain's back from training,  I'm going to go back home. I was here a little bit longer than I wanted to be   and it did not go as well as I had  hoped it would, but that's fine. I don't know why I thought it would go  differently, of course it went badly,   it's this legacy challenge,  everything goes badly in this one. Okay, ew, go take a shower  because you are being disgusting. Our kid is just dancing, I guess now might  be a good time -- ugh, we have this splash   pad thing. I don't know where you expect to stomp  playfully on a splash pad in the middle of winter. Oh, you can open a present,   I forgot about that. The present pile  is just still here so we might as well. Oh, we got a child's violin!  Now I have two of them,   that's so great and helpful  and I totally need that. Okay, well I'm actually going to  practice because I kind of like the   idea of us playing the violin a little bit,  it might be kind of fun to be into music. Tinker did finally get promoted so after all  this time, we're level three in our career. We need logic and handiness skill,  do you want to woohoo with Quinn? We   can do it in the shower because  that'll help save us some time. You want to give my number to someone?  Okay, you know I'm married, right? That's our sister, of all the people to be  trying to like get us with somebody else. I might have the toddler come up in a present too.  Maxis Man Saves the City, oh, a little kids book! Oh, that's kind of cute. I never have my  Sims read anything to the kids because I   feel like it doesn't usually work  that well so I just kind of um,   ignore it, but maybe I should be doing it more. I'm sorry, the noise of this is  unbearable. You are so annoying. All the aspirations for kids stuff  are like really hard for us to do,   we need a treehouse, we need a splash pad. I wonder if we can maybe go  place a treehouse somewhere else,   like put one down in a park  or something so I can do this. Alright, it's only 8:30, but you my friend are  getting a bit miserable so you can just go to bed. Do you want to self-repair Nina  because you're not doing very well. If we can get our durability up a little  bit, we're feeling flirty right now. Ohp, never mind, short-lived. I was going  to say we could go try and see Vlad,   but it doesn't usually go well  for us when I try and do that. I might do it anyway just to see. I've been trying to date him  this whole time and they have   kind of like an on again, off again relationship. More so off again to be honest as of  recently, it's not been going very well. Let's try and be casual, I'll like offer you   a rose. Now I'm sad from people  peeling away, are you kidding? I'm cheating that away, I can't deal with that. Now you're scared of the dark?! Oh my god! It can't -- it physically cannot work for us.   I don't know if we can --  do you want to come inside? It's a very awkward encounter, oh, but now he's   kissing my cheek? What is it that you  want then? We're feeling a bit better. He poofed inside. Poofed, not pooped, sorry,   in case that wasn't clear. He  does that, he like poofs around. Okay, I've made it significantly worse,   it's a very awkward encounter.  Why is he impossible to talk to? Oh, oh, I'm flirty, I'm flirty!  That's good. This might work. No? You want try to apologize? You can't -- he's  impossible to talk to! Oh my god, I'm sorry,   I've had enough and now what, you're just  going to recharge yourself in his living room? Alright, that's enough. Maybe  we should break up with him. This might be time for us to just give  up on this because it's been weeks,   weeks in real life and I can't  do it, I just can't do it. Maybe Nina's not destined for vampire love. I feel bad for her because she's had  like two really bad relationships,   first the wife tried to kill us and now this. I don't like leaving the house at night  time, in real life or in The Sims. Because I feel like when you leave at night  time in game, it kind of throws things off. Are you grilling? Ew, that looks disgusting.  It's wild nut soup, but it doesn't look very   much like wild nut soup, it looks like moldy  because you made such a poor quality version. I'm just going to throw that,  there's no point trying to save   poor quality food in this game  because it just makes them upset. And to make matters worse, my  sim is starting to get burnt out. Oh, Faye has a loose tooth, and we're  up at 5:30 in the morning. Oh good. Eating cake for breakfast, even  better. Well you know what,   this might be a good time for  us to get a school project. If she's going to be awake this early,   we can just work on a project  while we wait for school to start. I like this chemical reaction  volcano because it builds logic   skill and I think logic is always a  helpful one to have later on in life. And then maybe after school today because it's   a Friday we can go try and hang out  with some of those kids from class. We made a club last episode with the intention of   trying to meet some of these  people and befriending them. It looks like one of them already  aged up so that didn't go very well. Loves wake-up time, that's not bad.  I feel like he had the loves wake-up   time trait as an infant too,  at least one of the kids did. To be honest, it happened so fast  that it all kind of blurs together,   I don't remember which one  had which toddler quirks. I just did something really bad. I cheated  away Tinker's moodlet, the one about burnout. I just said mm, I don't think so, and then got  rid of it. Which is probably not a good thing. Oh, I'm an hour and a half late to school? Oh  my god, I didn't realize how late it had gotten. I'm terrible at this, I'm actually  really bad at The Sims sometimes. We have a lot of people in this house,   in my defense, it's very easy to get  distracted with this much going on. Tinker's late too by like an  hour! Oh my. And sick? Feverish,   you have a fever and you went to work? That's bad. Okay, well I'm going to delete some  of this Christmas decor quickly. I might get rid of these streamers too because  I can't really see this part of the house with   the streamers up, and Christmas is  over so we can kind of tone it down. Oh, the nutcracker, I almost  left you behind, yikes. Okay, well let's go back and  do some more horse riding then. What's wrong with you today? Um,  you're in the wall, that doesn't help. Hello, are you good? Oh, whatever.  I've decided the horse is good. I'm going to go back out  and do another competition. I think we have a slightly higher endurance  skill now so we might win this time. We could try western pleasure, we've  got all the skills we need for this one,   let's see if we can win that one instead. Oh my gosh, I love this Sim's  outfit, I think that is so cute. I would wear that cat sweater in real life, I  know no one's surprised by that, but I would. Bronze medal, okay, well. That's two out of 15 horse competitions.  I'm going to come intensely train on these   horse jumps because the jumps are the  one thing that we don't have at home   so if we want to get the jumping  skill up, we have to do that here. We haven't even broken it yet,  that's impressive for us because   we usually break this thing a lot  so this is a massive Improvement. Wait, is that the nectar guy? Oh, never mind,  that's all the nectar for today, he's leaving. Well, I don't need to buy any nectar,  I'm busy. We don't have time for that. Alright, I think they have officially given up.  I'm going to bring Faye here and then -- oh,   she's still upset about her loose tooth. I get it, that would stress me out too. I want to go to a park or something and try  and bring those other kids that we know. I think it would be nice  -- oh, Thalia aged up too. Oh no, the kids get old so  quick on short lifespan. Well this one -- call Van  a toad-licker, oh my god! I was going to say Van is our cousin, and then  we've got Declan over here and also this Sim Leo. Oh, and that was Thalia who I wanted  to befriend, but then she got old. And she wears a lot of creepy eyeball  rings, I don't know if I can be around that. The eyeball rings are too much for me. Let me see   if I can edit the club because we  can try and kick out the teens. I grabbed a couple new ones, this one's  called Kirk and I think Kirk is a fun name. Hopefully they show up too. Well this is Hollie  Scott, I just gave her a little bit of a makeover. She has best friend potential, she's got a pretty  big family too which is all -- Paul Pizzazz? Of what relation? Why is Paul Pizzazz here? Do  you think she's descended from Penny Pizzazz? Because if so, that really excites me. I would  very much like to befriend the Pizzazz family. I'm deciding that Paul Pizzazz is her  uncle. I have no reason to go off of that,   I don't -- he didn't have like a relationship  to her, but Paul Pizzazz is her uncle. I don't know of what relation Paul is to Penny  either, but we'll figure it out eventually. Oh, I'm on the wrong lot! Oh, this  is what I get for going into CAS. Switch control. Hopefully they're  still there when we show up. Enthuse about candy, talk about  school, discuss interests. No! She left! I knew that was going to happen. I was trying to queue them up. Whoa, this Sim Skyla has cool hair. Okay, take two, let's see if we  can talk -- don't call names! Jeez,   I don't know why I like autonomously  try and click on the worst ones. Well, it's going well, we're getting a little bit  more friendship with this Sim and I'm thinking   while I'm here, I might try and  place down one of the treehouses. I don't know if I can cheat the treehouse to   be full grown. I don't think full  grown is the right word, but built? If I can cheat the treehouse to be built.  Debug, build treehouse. Debug build treehouse. Debug build treehouse. Okay, I can't. A little pro tip for you, if you're looking for   stuff like that, like a full built  treehouse, um, a cooked ambrosia,   sometimes if you search by rooms on the  gallery, you can find things to download. A lot of these are custom built  ones from a long time ago,   but often times people will upload like an  upgraded treehouse and then you can download   this and place it and have a full built one  without actually having to build it yourself   because obviously I don't have any adults  here so I wouldn't have the help that I need. Oh, we can play pretend with one of the  other Sims, that'll be good. Hollie agrees,   maybe vegetarianism isn't as  intimidating as she thought. Are you trying to get the kid to also  be vegetarian? That's kind of cute. Okay, next we have to stargaze and  achieve level three mental skill. Do I really have no mental skill?  No, I do. Oh, it's just glitched. I'll put a telescope here quick  too. I'm not thrilled about this. I feel like it makes me in danger. Only  available at night, what? It's 8:30! What do you mean only available  at night? We'll do it quick just   so we can get this finished and  then I'll leave and go back home. I don't want to do it for too  long and risk dying from it. There we go. Okay, next is to  sleep in a treehouse for six hours,   achieve level six creativity  skill and level five mental skill. Um, how bad would it be if I slept  here? Do you want to just stay out? This kid is having a wild Friday night.  She's not going to come home until like 5am. I'll sleep in the treehouse while  we're here. We don't have one at   home and I don't have space for  it at home so we have to do it. I mean these kids are all still  out too and it's midnight,   there's nobody watching  them, there's no adults here. I guess it's my fault because I have  a club gathering still on. Whoops. I'm going to upgrade the  club capacity now real quick. And we have to be here I think  until 3 or 4am, uh-oh, Van aged up. I don't know about your haircut  Van, I guess it's kind of cool. You've got a fun new mohawk. Well it's fine,   there's an older kid here to watch over  them, we're being babysat, it's okay. Alright, we did it, it has  been six hours, it's 4am. Imagine being like 8 years old and coming home at   4 in the morning because you  were out with your friends. Alright, let's send everybody to bed,  you can eat breakfast in the morning. I would prefer if my Sims were in a better mood,  but it looks like nobody slept while I was gone. You know what, I can see that. I can see why  Quinn was up all night because if your eight   year old was out and about and not  coming home, you would be stressed. So I'm not surprised that you didn't sleep,   I'm disappointed that you didn't  sleep, but I'm not surprised. It's almost Cay's birthday now, we have  zero days until we age up with this Sim,   life really does come at you fast. You know, it's only 5 in the morning, let's go  out, I think that Vlad should still be awake. I might go dump him. I think we've had enough,  we've tried enough, it's just not going to work. The two of us, long term we are incompatible. I thought that we had a lot in common  like being occults, being Immortal,   but Vlad is so unlikable, we need Nina  to find someone who loves her for her,   and Vlad, he just... I don't  think he loves anything. He's not interested, he's been telling us  that. We have to stop trying, there's no point. Is he even here? Oh, there he  is, of course by the organ again. Oh, he's singing to himself in the basement. Wow. Wait, I kissed his hands and it worked. Wait. I came here to dump him, it  kind of worked though. Maybe if   I can get our friendship back in  the green, it could be the time. He's kissing me! Maybe he does  love me. You know what Vlad,   he's just been going through a lot  recently, he's been having a hard time. It wasn't -- oh, it's awkward  again, okay, no, we've had enough. Yeah, okay. Forget it, forget it, just break up  with him. We're done Vlad, we're done. It's not me, it is you. This is all your fault. You are impossible to  be around, not even as a friend, you suck Vlad. Literally! He literally sucks. Nina, you know what, this might be a good time,   make a resolution. Let's try and get a new  significant other, that's our next goal. I'm out, I'm out, I've had enough. I'm  going back home. It was about time. And the thing is I was just so enamored by him  and his wealth and like the idea of Nina being   happy and safe long term that I just couldn't let  it go, but it wasn't right for her, it never was. You're grilling again? Oh,  you're cleaning it, okay,   that's fine. That's acceptable,  I'm sorry, I got nervous. I think today because it's a Saturday, I don't  know if we have work at all this weekend. I'm probably going to have us work  on a little bit of skills stuff. We need Tinker to keep working on  skills like this for our aspiration. We have to make a whole bunch  of candles. Oh, you know what,   maybe your resolution can  just be to raise a skill. I know that's boring, but  it's the most logical choice. Nina likes nature enthusiasts? Oh, you know  what, that's really helpful information. Oh, she's playing chess with Faye! That's so cute. But knowing she likes nature, that  gives us something to go off of,   we can use that information  to find her someone better. Bunny Day's tomorrow? Oh my god,  it's like non-stop holidays. Okay, Tinker, is it possible to collect our bugs?  Oh, we haven't even farmed anything yet, oh. I think I'll farm some crickets  in there. I might get another one. I think it's because my PC died that one  time so I never finished setting it up,   I had to like put it back and then I forgot. Maybe farm some beetles in there.  You should probably nurture those. This kind of scares me, I'm not going to lie. I don't know about these. I didn't  realize they were red like that. Eugh! I don't like it! Early midlife  crisis, oh my god, this too? You can't catch a break. I think -- you know what,  we've had enough for today. Oh, you want me to go to your sister's  house. No, I've got enough to worry about. I'm going to keep working on some candles and   then I think that this might be  a good time to stop the episode. I'm realizing now that the candles are actually  a pretty good, low stakes way for us to build   the fabrication skill because we keep wasting  a lot of stuff in this fabrication machine,   but maybe we just shouldn't bother with that  until we've increased our skill a little bit   more through candles because there's less risk in  a tiny candle than like a giant dresser, you know? We need to get the handiness skill up too  so all around we just have a lot to do. So in terms of next episode,   I think we'll be working a little bit on  aging up Cay which will be kind of fun. And if we do decide to have  another kid, next week is the time. So final call in the comments,  do we want a third child or no? I'm going to need your help on this one. And the big, big, big news is that in just a  couple of days our fundraiser for St. Jude starts. Every year for the entire month of May  we raise money for St. Jude Children's   Research Hospital over on my Twitch channel. We have like 30 giant, really fun streams planned. I've been working on it for a long  time, I'm really excited about it so if   you want to come by, I'm going to  link my Twitch stream down below. My name's just lilsimsie on Twitch. We play  a lot of Sims over there so if you like this,   you'll probably enjoy my Twitch streams too. I'm plugging it a bunch right now just because  I feel like you're going to have fun over there. And I've been putting a lot of  work into this so links down below,   and on that note I'm going  to end this video right here. Thank you for watching, have  a wonderful rest of your day,   and I'm going to catch you all  tomorrow, okay? Bye everybody. I can't believe I lost two horse competitions. I really felt good about the second  one, but I'm not good at anything. All of my Sims in this household are just  mediocre, nobody is great at any single skill. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 127,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: 3gBkEdisapA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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