I Ripped a Plane in HALF with a MINIGUN! (Teardown Mods)

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time to take out the crowd that is so cool i hope to see more of these here we go and okay that's creepy that is creepy that is oh are we have we cut the plane in half yet oh something big just exploded [Music] hello youtube motogaming here bringing you guys another episode of tear down and folks we're about to drive trains into buildings because i like trains you know i kind of wonder why this map even exists but why not this is amazing now this isn't the only thing we're checking out today because we have zombies giants and we have a giant nuke and it's gonna be fantastic so if you guys are excited for some more teardown on the channel be sure to hit that thumbs up button and uh let's drive a train into a building why don't we but first john i want to look inside is this like a fully furnished oh it is this is beautiful i mean except for the fact that i just smashed the window on bad tv there we go uh let's see this is a nice apartment you got one bedroom two bedrooms uh actually it's kind of like a kid's room and uh is this a bedroom oh that's the bathroom and we have an empty room and i'm assuming this goes out to the hallway and oh oh there's an elevator in here okay this is cool and then you can go to the roof so yeah this is a a map it's like a stand-alone map but somebody added trains to it because uh why not so let's go ahead and jump into the train well this isn't something i thought i was gonna do today here we go oh oh handbrake oh it's taking it oh there's a thing in front of it okay i figured it out i need c4 there we go okay let's do c4 here the train's ready to go okay and do i need to do them here maybe just those here we go three two one oh it's loose it is loose we're about to drive a train into an apartment and what the oh oh oh holy man oh that is amazing you know i thought it was going to go through it but it made a pretty good gash in it that was cool oh we hit the other trains you know we should do them all at once that would be awesome all right here we go three trains at once three two one go uh uh oh wait the middle one didn't release uh that's bad oh the top one got screwed up too didn't it oh okay i mean i could just hurl it into there that mean that would be a thing i think it fell off the tracks that wasn't as epic as i thought it was gonna be come on let's go up up get back in there get back it uh oh you know it's fine here i got this and yate [Music] i missed you've got to be kidding me han let's go yeah oh there it goes oh did it just chop it in half oh it's going through that's not something you see every day hold on can we chop the building in half with the train oh we could totally do this uh this is a really destructive tool hold on almost there and i just took it out is it gonna fall are you loose oh it's loose now oh oh that's bad okay there goes the building it's collapsing this is great uh this is laggy very very laggy uh probably shouldn't have done this oh you know what i think the uh the tracks are mounted to the building too maybe that's why i was staying up and oh hey it's settled i mean you could totally still live in the apartments up there the value just went down in them a little bit oh wow we have a really laggy mess here han i could totally fix this let's grab this and go uh oh that might have been okay that was a mistake waiting for the crash did we crash oh we just froze the game yeah don't allow me to do stuff like this oh look at that oh oh that's why it froze okay so you're telling me maybe we should go ahead and jump to the nuke segment and spawn in a giant nuke and have it take out the whole building okay so ready to go i spawned in the normal map it's got a couple other apartment buildings this is nice uh it's gonna be really bad though when this uh nuke hits the ground or do i spawn it in oh there's a shock wave strength oh i like this okay so what do i do do i just do i place it or do i is this where it's gonna spawn i'm afraid to click the button all right we're clicking it oh oh uh oh that's definitely a nuke in a mushroom cloud isn't it okay we probably should have tested this out on another map oh the mini world would have been good oh look at the shockwave dude that's cool you can see it it's cracking the concrete so you can make that like go even further this was not a good idea to do it with this particular map though dude it shredded the building oh the building's falling down uh oh oh oh on let's try to look at this all right so i'm gonna speed up the footage a little bit i'm not gonna talk i'm gonna play some nice classical music watch this thing crack and go down okay so that was definitely a mistake so let's maybe do this in the mini world like this would work because it's not as complicated i don't believe so yeah if we spawn it maybe there we can simulate a nuke hitting a major city so question is here i'm going to zoom up where do you guys want to live do you want to live in the city do you want to live in the neighborhood over there do you want to live over to the right with the nuclear power plant or do you want to live over to maybe the uh the castle over there oops accidentally clicked the button that was my bad i didn't mean to do that all right three two one nuke uh oh okay i said it wasn't gonna be as laggy i might have lied yeah this thing is oh oh you know we can always turn down the nuke but doesn't that eliminate the fun of the nuke this one might be laggier than the big building should i just do this in like a flat area oh it is hurling the buildings look down at the neighborhood the buildings are moving it's throwing them this might be the most devastating weapon and tear down it's not one that just eliminates the blocks and eats the world this thing fully simulates a nuke i want to see what the world looks like after this like is it going to be like a big crater uh what is like the radius i mean we can always increase it to probably eat up the whole map if you look down in the neighborhoods you can see the ground cracking that is an incredible sight i just wish it ran better but obviously we're causing mass destruction and that's not a thing so let's let it settle oh wow the shock wave is getting even worse it is yeeting buildings through the sky that is probably one of the most incredible things ever even though it's laggy like i love this all right so i'm gonna fast forward this let's let this settle and we'll come back and inspect the damage of the nuke hmm [Music] okay so we're back it doesn't seem like we're getting our frame rate back i figured once everything would settle it'd be fine but as you can see the city is pretty much gone there's some skyscrapers that have been pushed over the neighborhood has a big gash through it uh the highway is devastated this is a powerful a very powerful mod but yeah it's also a very laggy boy so i think we should probably move on to the next thing so real quick i want to go over to some of the mod creators so we have gordon nick for the apartment with the trains in it and then for the nuke the new nuke uh it's this name that i can't pronounce but i'll zoom in on and for the next mod we're going to be checking out zombies this is by snakey wakey we have zombies and there's a survive the giants oh this is going to be cool so what is it oh oh that is terrifying what the heck and wait did they actually break through oh uh this might be the coolest thing oh they're gonna break the door down oh they're coming in um uh where do we go here can we go into the bathroom uh oh oh dude that is creepy i wonder how many of these you can add into a map i think there is a tutorial on how to add these to any map man there's a couple maps these things would be fantastic in okay run run run run run so can i actually like take these out let's go with headshot oh wait so if you shoot them they actually die really that's so cool all right shoot the crowd wait do i have another weapon shotgun time all right stay away oh okay uh go run back oh they're coming oh that one uh that one went down yeah i wonder how many of these you can add uh what else do we have we can hit him with a tornado gun oh we got the mega gun uh on are they coming around oh they're in the house all right you know what we got to hit him with the mega gun time to take out the crowd that is so cool i hope to see more of these here we go and there we go i mean we kind of just took out our base but it's fine uh the zombies are dead oh except for this one over here look at all the bones that are left here yeah i actually want to do this like i want to go to another map and like place maybe like a hundred of these uh that would be cool oh we got this one last zombie here hey mr zombie how do we want to take you out let's go with the blow torch to the face how does that work oh that actually works yep we just completely melted the zombie that's cool i want to experience this one more time though like what if we only had a sledgehammer and we have to stay in the house so it's like a legit zombie survival all right here we go sledgehammer mod only okay here what's this wait i probably should have just opened that oh that is so creepy i love how they push through this so we're about to check out another map called survive the giants it's essentially the same thing except i think it's the big uh giant characters from the i think one of the human playground maps and okay on their oh okay they just broke down the door uh here they come to this one okay i think we can hold them off at this door okay wait are they gonna break the wall too oh they're breaking into the wall okay stay back come on just keep hitting them oh it's just a bunch of meat and bones flying around hey batting them dude that is so cool uh i want to see more of these mods like these ai style mods kind of like when we checked out the demon uh from one of the last episodes oh this is amazing all right keep hitting it keep doing that no up we have a pile of dead bodies here that bought us some time hon let's go out this way go oh that's tv on go into here and start hacking away so i don't think they actually hurt you do they like if i'm just standing here they don't seem to actually kill you so if that can be a thing like you could have legit zombie survivals here all right right now they just kind of bounce off you this is fine like can i spray paint them i can i can spray paint the zombies that's kind of funny okay what about this survive the giants i wonder if those are deadly all right survive the john oh okay that's creepy that is creepy that is oh oh what the heck okay they went right in no no okay fine we gotta get out of here dude those move a little bit faster okay here they come uh oh dude it's like a i guess you can say attack on titan episode uh except for well i guess that are they naked in that episode i don't know these are kind of naked it's fine uh here let's go over here okay oh is he still coming okay oh i hear stuff breaking dude they're trying to come in on me okay uh what can i use here uh i can hit him with c4 oh dude he just blew through the back of that okay let's not use the mega gun let's use maybe uh the enhanced airstrike on them uh there we go boom oh oh there you go we just splattered that one all right we got the others trapped let's go ahead and start reining in oh just cracking open the skulls here there we go and it's calling another strike oh we still have some alive in there and let's hit that one and boom dude i mean we destroyed our shelter but oh look at the chunks of human skull here oh there's still one trapped in there hey buddy uh you know what we gotta hit him with the uh the pipe bomb here there we go look a little sus there it is and oh we just blew its insides out a couple on its head and oh oh oh that's freaky looking that's uh some nightmare fuel though that's terrifying yeah i'm pretty sure you can maybe even spawn these in other maps too could you imagine these attacking the little mini world that would be awesome all right let's chuck a couple more of these in there real quick there we go you know just making sure they're all dead with the humongous bombs all right so here we are in our final mod we're checking out here today this is actually a plane it's a boeing is it a 787 hon let's open up the door here wait was there a correct way to open up the emergency door here oh and i got something you should probably never do in an airplane actually you won't get one of these on an airplane uh we got a blowtorch huh let's blow torch the door real quick that way we can get outside and take a look at this magnificent plane so this is like a teaser version of this map uh it's not finished yet hon let me go ahead up up up up almost got it and uh did it go come on uh one more little piece here there we go also we just caught the plane on fire this is fine so yeah check this out it's a a full-blown plane it's a yeah it's a bow in 737 so let's see it's got a full like cockpit and stuff it's actually suspended in air right now so if we start to uh damage it it will fall apart but here let's go check out the cockpit real quick let me get a sledgehammer here it's fine uh let's go oh oh oh there we go let's get in oh i think i might have just hit a pilot and was wait was that a ragdoll i think i just hit somebody uh let's go through here oh that door is reinforced i actually think there's some ragdoll passengers in the back so that's kind of cool so we got a flame though can we hit it with the flame though uh actually there's not a lot to catch on fire it looks like there's parts of the door on let's light this up real quick oh dear uh you got like a little back here huh let's put some c4 on the door that way we can blow it open uh let's go i don't know how much is too much c4 is that too much yep that might have been too much this is fine we got a big door now uh so this is the back uh it looks like some of the seats aren't placed yet but you do have some in place uh they're just on fire right now yeah there's like people like you got uh we're gonna call her karen let's throw that there and then we'll go oops sorry karen whoa dude the oxygen mask just deployed so that's a feature uh there's a lot of fire in this right now huh let's just go out this way so can we break it in half uh let's get the mega gun and we're gonna break this thing in half let's go start with the engines and oh that's cool all right waiting for it are we have we cut the plane in half yet oh something big just exploded uh okay keep going and oh there goes oh the middle section just fell off oh it actually falls oh there's a ground down there wait could i grab the whole plane and just fling it into the ground you do like plane crash survival let's go there we go i wonder what's holding this up is there like a piece like an invisible piece somewheres like i'd like to take the whole thing down that would be kind of cool come on just blow that apart oh that's cool looking that is satisfying this little mega gun is really awesome and we can just go right down it like this and yeah you can see the different layers like this thing is completely detailed looks like you had cargo down there uh i really look forward to this when it's uh completed so here's a question can i actually grab this whole thing oh oh i can somewhat grab pieces on it but i can't grab the whole thing i was hoping to be able to grab the whole thing uh that way we can just go down with it uh what if we just simulated a big explosion in it uh when i say big explosion uh we can go ahead and do let's go and increase the size of the explosion actually that's decreasing it uh let's go increase so i don't know how big the c4 like what is too big uh i think this is as big as it goes so let's go ahead and place c4 this is fine right it's a lot uh yep yep keep going keep going keep going c4 c4 everywhere c4 for you for you for you all over the back door all right here we go and uh oh uh oh that was too much that was definitely too much you know i just wanted to see the oh oh oh yeah that was uh that was way too much that was my bad you know if there was a button somewhere to just release the plane i'd like to stand in it and let it hit the ground maybe there is somewhere so i have to read more about this but definitely go check out this uh teaser version of this uh plane because this thing is amazing but anyways that's going to wrap it up for this episode of teardown hopefully you guys enjoyed it and we will see you guys next time
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 621,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plane crash, plane in half, cutting in half, teardown, teardown gameplay, teardown mods, teardown fnaf mod, tornado, teardown download, camodo gaming, teardown game, teardown vehicles, tear down, sandbox games, physics game, teardown mod showcase, camodo gaming teardown, teardown workshop update, teardown plane, teardown train, teardown minigun, teardown zombie, teardown zombies, teardown zombie apocalypse, destruction, airplane
Id: AfHZohFaPD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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