I asked CYBERTRUCK Owners Their Monthly PAYMENT (and income)

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$100,000 fridge exactly I'm a truck guy I used to be a truck guy I traded in a ram to get it I traded in my m y uh I mean I've driven like Tacomas and like you know nothing like this my $7,500 tax credit is all I'm putting down right now take it to the half mile and just you know beat Everybody by using no gas I know it's like a 20 2010 kind of thing to say but it's definitely a YOLO moment hey guys we're at a Tesla meet today and you can see there's a bunch of cyber trucks here over 11 of them so we're going to ask some cyber truck owners why they bought their cyber truck and more importantly how much they pay and how much they make let's get into it what's your name and what Tesla do you drive uh my name's uh Jim Crouch and uh this is my ride love it what do you love about buying this cyber truck I'm a truck guy I used to be a truck guy I traded in a ram to get it uh my original model S and I've always wanted the truck when it first came available I I jumped on it right away I think I ordered it within the the first hour and after 4 and a half years it finally came up it was like awesome so what do you love about the Cyber truck versus like your older trucks that you've had before in the past well um I had an issue with the Ram with acceleration there was always a lag even though it was a Hemy there was always just a little lag there's absolutely no lag on this at all when you want to go it's go time so how much did you pay for your cyber truck and what monthly payment do you have for your cyber truck well I had to bite the bullet because I wanted it early so I had to pay the extra 20,000 so it's 79 plus 20 so it came to a little over 100,000 I believe the extra 20,000 is like legitimate stuff that you're going to get with the truck eventually so I I thought you know I want to be now I didn't want to wait any longer so did you finance it or pay cash and why I decided to pay cash didn't uh look into financing at this point in my life I also feel that after about a year who knows you have something else that pops up with Tesla and roll into something else it just seems that I keep rolling into other Tesla cars it's great product well thanks so much hey thank you my name is David and I drive a Tesla cyber truck awesome why did you buy a cyber truck this it's just so different and cool what's the one thing you love about your cyber truck the most that is just special it's like a a car that is going to be here for the for the long run see that it's actually wrapped like where didd you get it done it I did it outo restyling in chor and so how much did you pay for it and did you finance it or pay cash I finan it it was 107 do you remember what the monthly payment is uh it was uh a th000 oh that's pretty good so did you put a good amount of money down I put uh I traded in my model Y which was my previous car and I put some money down one last question what's one thing you don't like about the Tesla cyber truck that's a tough question there's there hasn't been a thing just yet that's awesome thanks so much cool thank you I'm Danny this is my cyber truck and why did you buy the Cyber truck uh the first reason I needed a truck I've had Tesla for a while I've had a couple model 3s um I really really rely on the autopilot okay I I commute for work so uh I needed a truck and I needed something with autopilot have you had a truck before in the past uh I mean I've driven like Tacomas and like you know nothing like this how much did you pay for the truck and did you finance it or pay cash uh I financed it it's about 100 yep yeah what's your monthly payment on the Cyber truck paying about 1,600 did you put money down or just zero down uh I put money down okay nice how much did you put down if you don't mind it was 10 10,000 if you don't mind me asking you what do you do for work and what's the salary range for someone in that position I'm a nurse practitioner okay I work in the hospital work in surgery salary varies a lot so depending on what you do it's probably about On The Low End about 120k and on the high end it's it's just Limitless thank you for sharing what is one thing you love about your cybertruck man it drives amazing it drives amazing yeah it's uh it's real smooth it drives like a Tesla it's a massive car but it feels like you're driving like a like a model 3 almost with like a lot of power what is one thing you don't like about bu your cyber truck all the attention a lot of attention I'm pretty private guy so this is like there's a lot for me no I completely agree well thanks so much yeah of course thank you my name is Scott and I drive a Tesla cyber truck the all wheeel Drive why did you buy the Tesla cyber truck I I still don't have a good answer for this I feel like that's the most common question I think it's just it's a ridiculous looking vehicle that happens to go ridiculously fast I know it's like a 20 2010 kind of thing to say but it's definitely a YOLO moment just to say whatever let's let's have some fun and and try this out definitely I mean life is short might as well try different experiences and everything what's one thing you like about the Tesla cyber truck M I think the nimbleness is very surprising I like to say that it accelerates like a sports car however it breaks like a truck so that's probably the the part that really surprised me at first was that it takes a second for it to break compared to the model 3 that I had before but yeah you'd be surprised it doesn't seem like it's something that's Nimble that you can get into parking space a lot of people think you can't maneuver it or that it's really hard but you know any parking lot I'm able to get into the spots that I need to how much did you pay for the Cyber truck and did you finance it or pay cash yeah so I financed it uh and paid the same amount as everyone else and unfortunately paid a pretty penny in sales tax but you know it it's it's definitely worth every penny and do if you don't mind sharing what's your monthly payment on the Cyber truck that one I'm a little too much okay did you or did you put money down on the Cyber track I did I did I I just put basically the required amount that was that but my goal sounds really silly my goal is to make it so that I owe less than how much it would be without the foundation series by the time that they stop making Foundation series right so making it so I owe less than 880,000 by the time that they're no longer selling Foundation yeah that's a good plan actually and so if you don't mind sharing what is your job and what's the salary range for someone in that position I'm I'm in the tech space that's that's kind of my my general answer at this point yeah that's about it perfect thanks so much last question is what's one thing you don't like about the Cyber truck M give be like this is going to be like a Jeopardy zoom in on face maybe the attention the size of it the length of it or you just love it fingerprints yeah it's honestly it's so clean like so easy to clean I had a model 3 before and was always afraid of cleaning it I was going to you know smear something and the dirt was going to scratch against it but this it's it's Windex and microfibers and that's that's it it's it's a super easy cleaning process I don't I don't know I I sometimes I do miss the model 3 just to have something that's really really tiny to maneuver around I will say this is a lot more expensive to to run you know I'm getting about 420 W hours per mile whereas you know model 3 you can get somewhere around 250 so for long road trips where I don't need this thing it's definitely something that I miss being able to to have that efficiency but it's worth it you know it's worth it this sounds system is ridiculous the interior the the suspension just they they really they hit it out of the park perfect well thanks so much nice meeting you yeah uh I'm Jesse I have a cyber truck nice why'd you buy the Cyber truck I used to have the model S really L the model S and got rid of the model S and waited patiently for this one so basically the replacement for my Model S so kind of my daily driver now how has it been as a daily driver so far so good I'm actually surprised on the Range it's doing pretty well on the Range much better than the model S I used to have so so far so good yeah how much did you pay for it and uh what's your monthly payment on the Cyber truck my monthly payment is about $1,100 so I put a fair amount of money down I think I paid total with taxes and everything about 110 I believe yeah okay yeah do you mind me asking how much you put down oh Jesus like 35 I think yeah that sounds about right we did the same on ours but what's one thing you love about the CES cyber truck you know I like the ride quality so it rides very smooth so that's one of the things that I was looking for I want a comfortable vehicle right it was either this or Alexus nice that's kind of where I was what's one thing you don't like about the Tesla cyber truck there's there's nothing that I don't like yet to be honest with you maybe the upcoming uh depreciation that might be it big losses yeah exactly if you don't mind me asking what do you do for work and what's the salary range for someone in that position I don't know what my salary is I own a a window company so we manufacture energy efficient windows and doors it's called be windows so visit us on Instagram at spare Windows there you go I love it the animal like the animal oh ba okay nice awesome well thanks so much yeah thank you my name is David J and I have an OG silver Originals Factory Silver Tesla Model 3 long range rear wheel drive which is a double Unicorn oh very nice how much did you pay for it and did you pay cash or Finance it so I finance it through my business I normally would pay cash stuff but I get to write it off so uh it was like almost $58,000 at the time so they were were more expensive back in the day do you remember how much the monthly payment is yeah it was 8.91 wow did you put money down I don't remember it was 6 years ago is this the only Tesla that you're going to ever own or you going to buy another one oh no I just bought a new model Y and I got the ultra red which I'm really excited about and uh I get it on Monday tomorrow that's awesome that's sick and did you pay cash for that one or finance that new model y I'm financing the new model y but I got some really good deals they're all stacking up you know free paint color and all sorts of other stuff because I'm a loyalty member so do you remember how much the monthly payment or how much cash down you're going to be putting on the new one yeah my $7,500 tax credit is all I'm putting down right now and uh out the door the thing is a long range I'm going to get a acceleration boost I'm getting all sorts of cool stuff and it's going to be about 45 out the door so I love it monthly payment range do you know how much that would be yeah it's going to be about 7:31 to be exact what's one thing that keeps you attracting and going back to test well first of all once you have a Tesla you're totally spoiled autopilot and enhanced autopilot not a huge FSD guy yet you know once that gets perfected then I'll I'll like that more but right now the ability to just kind of relax and have the car drrive for you on the freeway is a game Cher so now I can never go back to anything that's not EAP minimum so what's your job and what salary range or compensation is that range for people that are watching I manage rental properties Okay so um that's what I do and what did what else did you ask how much I make how much like the range of that but that could be Sky limit I guess right yeah so well the the rental properties are I manage different ones a commercial and residential so uh it varies awesome well thank you anything you want to shout out uh yeah Tesla Club SCV I'm one of the original founders of the club thanks so much hey nice to meet you nice to meet you I watch your videos all the time thank you awesome uh name's Braden and I own this Tesla Model S plaid ni model y performance nice uh why did you buy a Tesla bought it honestly to race uh I used to have a Corvette before this car and uh maintenance costs and everything so I figured why not get a plad and be cheaper to race than uh Corvette basically do you think you'll ever go back to like a gas powerered muscle car um de beta okay I'll say the bet how much did you pay for the model S PLA and what's your monthly payment so I bought this car uh October 2021 so when I purchased it it was 130 nice uh monthly payment was is 672 because uh my Corvette paid for most of this luckily nice so you put a bunch of money down on gotcha and the model y performance how much do you pay for that uh I think it was 56 we just got that last August the monthly payment range uh that one is 700 but with all the credits it'll go down what's the one thing you love about driving Tesla for daily or owning a Tesla definitely maintenance costs I already have 60,000 Mi on this so raced it I go to Willow Springs I take it to the half mile and just you know beat Everybody by using no gas what's one thing you don't like about the Teslas buying them early and then uh you kind of lose out on cost when they go down I'll say that's the biggest one yeah no definitely with all this appreciation of prices drops and everything what's your job and what's the pay range or salary range of someone in that position job I work at Edwards Air Force Base so I'm uh trying not to trying to say what I can say just work for maintenance for there not maintenance uh management I it's not too bad okay pays for a model ass yeah that's true we'll keep it at that well awesome well thanks so much oh yeah appreciate it [Music] mhm
Channel: DennisCW
Views: 241,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Payment, financing, rate, investing, income, interest, MONEY, passive income, saving money, cash, drop shipping, real estate, turo, model y, model 3, model s, model x, tesla deals, tesla buying, deal on tesla, best deal on tesla, asian guy tesla, asian man tesla, tesla cybertruck, cybertruck monthly payment, how much is a tesla cybertruck, how much is a cybertruck, tesla cybertruck payment, cybertruck car note, tesla monthly payment, tesla car note, monthly payment cybertruck
Id: qrAm58tY_A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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