"I regret popping the packet" - (r/AskReddit)

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our slash ass credit serious in the heat of anger what was the worst decision you've made what were the consequences I confronted my then wife's lover and he said yet I'm ducking her what are you gonna do about it it was dark and I don't think he had seen the golf club that was right next to me I beat him with it's civilian didn't stop until I heard sirens I was sentenced to three years in prison edit obligatory thanks for the gold I sincerely hope it was for starting such an interesting conversation and answering all these questions and not for committing a violent crime throwing my phone because I was arguing with the Lenovo customer support about the warranty on my broken laptop the phone hits the TV which cracked the screen on the phone and TV now that I'm using Internet Explorer on a library computer I regret everything I can totally see that happening because phones are just so perfect for throwing in anger I can't even remember all the times I got upset after a conversation and then just threw the phone on the table until it bounced back one day and cracked the mirror didn't say goodbye to my mum the last time I ever saw her wished in my head she'd died only because I was pissed off she and my brother were going to Fiji without me and I was stuck with having to go to work but I didn't realize it was because her radiation therapy hadn't worked and she was pretty much going home to die I had no idea it hadn't progressed to that stage so when she came to hug me I turned away so she gave me a side hug well that was the best she could do and she was pretty weak at that stage I still feel like the shittiest person alive thinking about her face that morning and her little bony frame pressed up against me edit hey thanks for the nice comments guys I didn't realize anyone was going to take any interest in my story I explained below a bit more about the situation in a reply to someone I also should have explained that I guess my mum didn't tell me herself probably because she was a super positive kind of person in the last couple of months before she passed she was still telling me her plans about what she was going to be doing in her words when I get better she had plans for where she was going to go forward with her she had a psychology degree but worked with disabled people in a respite Center it didn't seem like she could die to me really that added to my shock I guess after a series of frustrating events Duquette today is a good day to try a cigarette still trying to quit nine years later worst decision I ever made while angry telling a suicidal friend he was look at him and just wanted sympathy so as usual like most people turn to suicide for that sympathy consequences I saw a good friend blow his brains out a day in an argument with my now wife at our first apartment I being alpha as dark decided it was best to show her my love by punching a wall to things I had to repair the hole in the wall I found a stud is this sort of thing learned my dad never hit me but when I really set him off would have to get really bad he would punch walls break chairs etc then when I found myself old enough to get pissed off at things I would do the same telling a judge whatever duck this court in the city of Richmond consequence 30 days in jail for a contempt of court charge edit Richmond Virginia to be clear on a list of things not to say in court that would be right up there I was making food got angry stubbed my toe on a salad bowl that was on the floor for some reason kicked said salad bowl out of the way got even angrier when to leave stubbed toe on salad bowl again picked up salad bottle smashed salad bottle key three hours of my four-year-old sister crying and screaming saying you killed my favorite salad bottle I was eating some tuna after having a very bad day my younger brother kept teasing me for something I don't remember now and wouldn't shut up after I told him to several times all of a sudden I snap grab my fork and launch it at him fork hits him in the head five seconds later blood starts coming out of his head with increasing intensity consequences a lesson if you are having a bad don't take it out on others especially your family which is the only group of guys that really give a [ __ ] about you Plus for life scar on his head got into drunken fight with wife drove off angrily crashed into tree spent a long time in intensive care Palmer's died face permanently disfigured I was in my dorm room at college I was tubby and a bit of a loser played a lot of video games by myself anyway my roommate and his friends only made fun of me but one day it was especially bad I tried ignoring them but when he sprayed water on me I just snapped and throw a pair of scissors at him they got lodged in his arm someone else was filming it and of course it ended up on the Internet they immediately reported me to campus security parents were called lawyers got involved long story short the stupid Ducker taping you didn't delete it ones the college staff and lawyers saw the video they advise the duckers to drop it thankfully cooler heads prevailed I moved into a single room nobody else really liked most duckers either so I enjoyed a small amount of Fame for a couple weeks but since nobody really liked me either I was quickly forgotten when I was 19 I worked at a summer camp as a sort of supervisor of a group of counselors there was an event coming up and I had wanted to take a day off in order to attend my boss insisted that it wasn't possible for me to take the day off so I decided to cool and sit because it pissed me off now knowing that I would need a note from my physician I actually went to the doctor the following day my normal doctor was not in and a nurse practitioner was filling in she did a pretty thorough exam poking and prodding my stomach and asking if it hurt etc I probably reacted in a couple of areas trying to sell my illness at this point she recommends that I visit the ER because she believes I may have appendicitis this means a better doctors nerved right I'm in the air my entire family is there at this point they're having me drink the berry milkshakes to prepare for imaging to see if I need to have a nap Dec to me I have to drink four of these things over an hour I'm on my last one and the adat comes in and tells me he's going to have the surgeon come in to chat knowing that they're going to take these pictures and everything will be fine I'm not concerned well the surgeon comes in after I've finished the last drink he says that he can see I'm in some pain still selling it to which I explained that were going to take some pictures to see if it's legit which will turn up negative he then explained that he doesn't need the pictures and we should just go to surgery now ten years later I'm appendix free and to this day still haven't told my family too long didn't read I faked being sick to get back at my boss and now I don't have an appendix edit row' thanks for the gold in a heated argument with my mum I shouted suck my dong instantly regretted that found out a good friend raped my little sister in 1609 I was around 12 at the time walked to his house when he answered I hit him in the head with a metal bat dink consequence for him some juvie time plus sex offender [ __ ] mine was being depressed and feeling like I failed my family but [ __ ] the sound of the ding from the bat on his head kept me going I was a little kid around 8 years old and I had gotten in a fight with my sister I got really pissed off and threw one of those many CDs at her in a rage it was one a GameCube game I think it curved perfectly through the air and hit her right between the eyes I'm laughing about it now but she had a scar for a while similar story I was sitting on my bed reading a magazine and my sister came up to my doorway and started bugging me I told her if she didn't quit I'd throw the magazine at her now you wouldn't think a magazine is aerodynamic enough to be thrown accurately 20 feet or at least not do any damage once it gets there anyway she continued to pester me doing so with the door cracked open just an inch i sat up on my bed through that magazine like a ninja star straight through the crack in the door and hit her squarely between the eyes the spine left a red mark and she was hurt a little but we both started thing because neither of us could believe what just happened my older sister was teasing me mercilessly when I was about eight years old I was stewing over it for about an hour and decided that the best revenge would be to destroy her favorite blanket that our mother had made by hand one for her one for me cut from the same cloth I grabbed her blanket and a pair of scissors and proceeded to cut the blankie to ribbons in front of her she started laughing hysterically which was not the reaction that I expected I looked at what was left of the blanket and saw my initials on it and realized that I had mistakenly destroyed my favorite blankie a girl chased me out of a bar after an argument we had gotten into didn't know she was following me until she punched me in the back of my head turned around and elbowed her I went to jail for that because I stayed til the cops arrived to give my side of the story I had to take anger-management classes and pay her for the insurance of her injury emergency-room visit prescribing her ibuprofen and now I have to show future employers a slip showing my case was dismissed punched a cop in the nose and broke it it was instinctual after having a ducking horrible day coupled with some creepy Ducker following me for four blocks I thought it was the creeper not a cop I hid when I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder the cop was freaking out on the ground and his partner pulled his gun on me yelling to put my hands up I had to explain why that mistake happened worked okay but had to go the police station to explain my story found out the cop was about to ask me if I noticed my wallet was about to fall out of my pocket ends up with the broken nose cop saying it was okay and that it would be let go if I bought him the burgers he was on his way to get his grin was comedy gold ended up buying burgers for the whole department that was expensive edit yet I was really lucky this happened when I was 18 and I'm 21 now if it helps white as can be for a broke college student over two hundred and fifty dollars for burgers is a bit steep I'm just happy it all ended on a positive note my parents don't know and probably never will thank God or what every other deity let's go with Odin thank Odin I was camping at a lake drinking a few beers and just having an all-around good time with my buddies and some girls out of nowhere some diaochan izl comes up and starts harassing my buddies girl he's a pretty small guy who is also a pacifist I'm a big dude that love to fight I asked Dow missile to leave and he said you gonna make me [ __ ] I got really pissed blacked out and apparently threw down a Celeste first into our campfire tl don't do I throw people into fires when I get mad edit I don't call myself Jay I just have fat fingers in this phone keyboardist tiny not myself but my dad used to have a serious drinking problem one night when I was in high school I was driving home from work in the town I lived in was very small I ended up driving behind the truck that I was pretty certain was my dad's now I should add that I was driving with my brights on because one of my headlights was messed up and it wouldn't turn on without having the brights on well I am driving home thinking how funny it is that I ended up behind my dad when he slows down and comes to a complete stop at a curve where I couldn't get around him I was very confused he gets out of his car and starts screaming at me from his car he is calling me all sorts of names and grabs a frosty from Wendy's and throws it at my car he ended up throwing it so hard it dented the middle of my hood I was absolutely terrified he had gotten mad like this before and I seriously had no idea what I had done to piss him off he starts walking towards my car and even though he was a good distance away I could see the look of rage in his eyes I was physically shaken so much so that I couldn't even manage to cry because I was so terrified turns out my dad had gotten into an argument with a guy in the Wendy's parking lot who had a similar car and since I had my brights on he couldn't tell it was me not to mention he was probably drunk when he got to my door I assume he planned on grabbing the dude out he just stopped frozen he got back in his truck and drove away when I got home he walked into his room grabbed a bag and left to stay in a hotel and start getting help he couldn't look me or my mother in the eye punching a huge dent in the sidewalk the refrigerator I am NOT a smart man car broke down for the 20th time barely made it back into the driveway no money for repairs angrily kicked the rear of the car smashing the taillight yell at my own stupidity and throw the keys far into the tree line immediately have to go find them because my house keys were also on there when I was 14 my dad forgot to pick me up after school and he told me to find my own way home I walked approximately 8.5 miles to get to my house then he wouldn't let me in I was so angry I went to my neighbor's house kid in the same great as me live there Mike and when I told him what happened he said I could come in he had an older brother who smoked cigarettes and weed I had never before smoked drank etc but I was mad really mad we stole all his [ __ ] got high and smoked all night in Mike's bedroom consequences eleven years later still smoke cigarettes dealing with cancer worst decision ever all because I was angry with my dad I was getting a ride to school and I saw my bully at the time riding his bike so I opened the car door hitting him the consequences were I had to pay all his medical bills and thank God he didn't press charges in my short-tempered teenage years me pops got into a massive argument I don't remember about what but thinking on it now it was probably petty in my fit of rage I decided to punch a tree I didn't think it was that hard of a punch until my hand was about the size of an eggplant went into the house and told my dad my hand got caught in the garage door and off we went to the hospital the first words out the doctors mouth after the x-ray looks like your son has a boxing fracture : after the surgery six weeks in a hand a month of physical therapy two weeks of my pops not talking to me and the family calling me Samson I learned to control my temper and not my temper control me edit I'm more of a console guy but we'll definitely check out minecraft I got angry at someone who was born and proceeded to treat them like [ __ ] for almost eight years I was eight or something when my cousin was born Wendy got older he was always over here I don't know why I hated my little cousin so much he was a great kid I just had this rage it would manifest in doing tiny little things to hurt him maybe trip him or would just destroy him repeatedly in video games or something I also used to glare at him a lot when he wasn't looking when he was about eight and I was 16 or so I had to watch him for a little bit and he wanted to go outside and play with this stupid little golf set but all I wanted to do was stay in the house and play video games he dragged me out he gave me a turn and I accidentally hit him on the head when I went to swing and by accidentally I mean completely on purpose but looked like it was accident so I hit him he broke down crying had a small gash on his head I took him into the house and cleaned his cut and indifferent to his crying I just coldly said it was an accident then he replies through tears it's okay I know you wouldn't hurt me on purpose that's when it hit me almost like I hit him that's when I realized what a ducking shitty human being I had been I treated him like he was ducking trash what the duck was i doing why the duck was I so angry after that it just went away I'd say that we're pretty much best friends since then when I was a kid probably around 12 I had an argument with my sister and I punched her in the mouth really hard for a twelve-year-old I immediately felt bad for what I did she started bleeding and crying I told her I was so very sorry and that it would never happen again she stopped crying and didn't tell anybody what happened and of course it never happened I love you sis thanks for not telling mom and dad I was playing chess with my mom I was in my elementary school's chess club at the time so I thought I was pretty hot [ __ ] I was 10 however and she was an adult so she was beating my ass without effort I was a small dome head so it didn't take long for me to reach my 10 year old boiling point in a fit of misplaced child rage I picked up one of her Knights and I bit it it was a cheap plastic set so I managed to take a chip out of it the night remains chipped and to this day whenever I get upset about something mom just says don't bite the pony I was probably around 12 my older sister had a friend over and was being really mean to me she was in her room with the door shut so I took some string and tied her doorknob to mine across the hall so she couldn't open it of course right after I did bat she knocked a bottle of nail polish remover onto a candle and lit her carpet on fire yes I cut the string no they won't hurt her friend actually told her to stop being so mean to me but the next time I'm 12 and upset I'll remember that teenagers aren't very responsible with fire picked a fight with a SWAT team in my defense the only reason I was so pissed off was because of the Adaro I was prescribed I was shot in the left testicle with a beanbag round and was carted off to a funny farm for half a year when I was 14 I kicked my dog it didn't hurt her badly she licked me afterward but I can't think of anything I've ever done in anger that I have regretted as much or for as long it's been 23 years and I still remember her turning to lick me what an amazing animal whoa you made it to the end you were ducking Beast I'll cut you a deal smash like and subscribe for more curated content brug it's free and that's a great price
Channel: Sir Reddit
Views: 199,384
Rating: 4.9074292 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, sir reddit, doctor reddit, reddit and chill, giofilms
Id: hQjSrDmA79Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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