'I Refuse to Panic'

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[Music] amen we praise the name of Jesus feel his presence in here already the name of Jesus it's a strong tower high tower a man you maybe see that we acknowledge the presence of the spirit in this place today and to Reverend Watley and to first family and to the ministers that's on the pulpit and those that may be in the pew to the offices of the reading off location to honor you my brother this choir this choir this is quiet these are known as Levites all of you my brothers and sisters I greet you in the name of him who is able to do whatever he wants to do however he chooses to do it when he wants to do it because his name is sovereign and that's my god I serve a sovereign God as all power in his hand grateful again for this wonderful opportunity to be here to stand North location grateful for the leadership that's been provided by rivet and widely revered widely has been a great leader tremendously [Applause] great works has been wrought through and by him great things have been achieved and I simply say eyes have not seen these have not heard neither has an end in the hearts what God has in store I shared at the I think it's this 8 o'clock service that as we travel across the AME connection AME AME Church by discipline only has one category for a senior pastor and there are sociopath associate minister not associate pastors and so often times they'll come with me and come to me and they'll talk about what's going on at North location and that Reverend winery is not a pastor and I say to them wouldn't you love to have someone like him to be as fruitful and productive as he has been and it's really not about what he's a pastor non-passing executive minister it's about someone who's committed to do the work of the Lord Jesus Christ and I found that I found that in him the other thing I want to lift up about him he said I'd never once sense where he was trying to unseat where I said I acknowledge his gifts tonight and now it's the way that God is using him because for me it's all towards the kingdom of God and so I refuse to stoop down on a lower level and trivialize what I believe God is doing in the bigger picture so I'm grateful for red and white their game for all to enjoy let us pray gracious God we come here today in the name of Jesus I believe that Jesus spirit is what called us to be present today and as I'm here Holy Spirit I ask that you touch my eyes that I might see in the text that what you'd have me to see that you're grab hold of my voice and I might speak that which you had me to speak that you think through me God that your people might be blessed and empowered we ask that you do this and we'll give your name the glory you deserve now here's for and forevermore and the people of God said amen from the Old Testament book of Exodus chapter number 10 I want to look at verses I'm sorry I chapter number 14 I want to look at verses 10 through 15 and this is what it says an NIV and we read it responsibly as Pharaoh approach the Israelites looked up and there were the Egyptians marching after them they were terrified and cried out to the Lord they said to Moses was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you bought us to the what have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt then we say to you and Egypt leave us alone let us serve the Egyptians it would verse 14 the Lord will fight for you you need only to be still you may be seated in the presence of God I thank God thank the Lord will fight for you you need only to be still so I want to talk today briefly from the subject I refuse to panic it was several years ago my wife and I were returning from vacation we've had most enjoyable time this perhaps was the best vacations that we had ever experienced we were coming back the plane I was traveling to bring us back to Baltimore about 45 minutes in rude the captain came over the intercom and said this is your captain and the computers are showing that there's a malfunction one of our engines however we have an uncontrolled under control please relax sit back and enjoy the rest of the trip about half an hour later the captain came all in and said we're still working on the malfunction that the computer is showing we're going to have to make an emergency stop Cincinnati Ohio in the meantime sit back relax enjoy the rest of the trip about 20 minutes later this is your captain we're making our approach to land in Cincinnati if you look out of your window you will see the emergency response vehicles they're traveling much faster but we will catch up with them please sit back relax and a few moments I'll have you on the ground I remember very clearly the last statement from that pilot captain he said ladies and gentlemen there were two scenarios I want to share with you we've discovered that the malfunction in the plane we have no hydraulics when we land the plane will not be able to stop said two scenarios the plane possibly will break in half that's the good one worst-case scenario the plane will explode please put your head down between your legs cup your hands behind your head and assume the crash position at which time the flight attendants begin to scream and holler and some persons were texting on their phone what they thought would be their last message to their loved ones I was sitting beside my wife I held her hand I said I love you and she said I love you back and I said we have the best of both worlds I said if we don't make it we're saved we'll be in glory if we do make it we'll have a great testimonial these were my final words either way I refuse to panic and so it was in our text when the children of Israel were in the wilderness they were four days in to this new experience of freedom what they were feeling was a reversal of all they had witnessed in the past this was new to them they will exhilarated they were happy they were enjoying freedom for the first time no longer did they have to hear the crack of the whip of the taskmaster the longer that they have to work from Sun up to Sun up making brick out of straw no longer that they have to be subjected to the tyrannical forces of Pharaoh they were free exhilarating they were marching towards Canaan but God called Moses and told him I want you to stop they stopped at a cul-de-sac there were mountains on both sides in front was the red see or read see they enjoy this experience I mean after all they had been watching in the sweltering heat of the desert and now they could feel the cool breeze coming off of the Red Sea they looked and saw the Whitecaps of the waves they were having such a grand time this was a place where they could bathe themselves and so the reed sea was to their benefit and here they were four days in to this newfound freedom but Bible also says that God spoke to Moses and told Moses I'm going to change the heart of Pharaoh Pharaoh after four days begin to reconsider what had just transpired he said to himself you know what Moses negotiated their release but Moses said let the children go into the wilderness three days to worship and now this is the fourth day and they have not returned Pharaoh said within himself I could handle it when those that Moses threw down his rod and it turned into a snake and then my magicians did the same thing they countered I could handle that I could handle it when the Nile turned to blood I could help that because certain seasons of the year the algae would cause the water to be discolored I could deal with that I could have handled it when the Flies and the nets and the frogs came upon the land I could deal with that I could I could I could handle I could cope with that I I could cope even when there were hailstones that came from the sky like fire I could deal with that but when they took Pharaoh jr. my firstborn child I was walking through the streets that day and I saw the Israelites they were busy putting blood over the lamp over the doorpost I thought they were absolutely crazy but that night God sent what was called The Death Angel and I heard the mornings and I heard the groans and every firstborn that did not have blood over the doorpost was taken and that included my little boy my my I could take all of everything else but when he took my firstborn now I'm gonna ruin those Israelites and so he called for six hundred of his chariots his fastest chariots and they mounted up and the word came back from the spies they are caught they are caught between the mountain and the Red Sea the same Red Sea that they began to enjoy somehow another noun becomes a dilemma for them it's an uncommon experience that which you welcome can become wicked and that which you rejoice in you can regret some of you know relationships like that the relationship that you took delight in is now the relationship that you're caught in a dilemma the thing that you used to enjoy can somehow another shift on you and what you used to it enjoy now becomes against you and so they are crying out to Moses Moses where we are cut between the mountains and the Red Sea what are we going to do and Moses responds in simple terms as this I refuse to panic he was the panic because what they don't understand is that Moses had led them by assignment they were upset because Moses did not consult with them they would have said listen if we had to choose the path we would have taken the long way around but God didn't take them a long way because they were not warring people they had no experience so God took them too short that took them the other way and and because they were going that way they said we didn't have any input in this Moses you bought us out here as if there are no graves in Egypt you put us in this situation Moses here we are what are we supposed to do and Moses said shut up stand still God will fight your battles what they understood did not understand my brothers and sisters is this that Moses was following his assignment and whenever God gives you an unsigned mat there are enemies that are also associated with your assignment and your assignment understand this your enemies have a purpose even in your assignment and the enemy's purpose is to bring you out of our score each a into a place of significance and you do understand that if David did not have Goliath we'd never heard of David but Goliath was his enemy and Goliath bought David out of obscurity to a place of significance you know Gideon would never have been the kind of leader that he was if he did not have the Midianites and so the enemies came only to elevate Gideon to a place of significance you remember Jesus the reason why Jesus was significant is because on every corner he had a Pharisee and he had a sad you see and you must understand that if you aren't assignment from God but God's got enemies but those enemies are only for the purpose of promotion because so many times we can confuse with an assignment an appointment an assignment it's divine from God an appointment comes from man and oftentimes we find people in the church who get in position and talk about I was appointed there and failed to realize that's more to the appointment than just wearing a title and calling a name when you get an appointment you must see that your assignment and you must understand that when you get an assignment trouble will always follow you that's how you know that you've been called by God because trouble will always follow you you don't believe me the Bible says that when Jesus Sutton came up out of the water and he was anointed that he was led into the wilderness by the spirit but guess who followed him Satan followed him I'm trying to tell you that when you are called by God to a divine assignment don't spend your time trying to deal with enemies because God uses the enemies to promote you to the next level of elevation Moses said I will not panic I will I will not panic because I'm on a streaming what the Israelites did not know that in chapter 13 that God spoke to Moses nunna Michael does say that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God it was the conversation that Moses had in chapter 13 that prepared him for what he had to deal with in chapter 14 I know you didn't get it but sometimes when you in a situation where it looks like you oughta panic or should panic you should just put it in reverse and go back and have a talk with God and let God talk to you and I declare that God will bring you to a place where you sold out of your mouth I refuse to panic you see I've learned in my experience in working in the spirit that one of the chief chief weapons of the enemy is to get the people of God to panic because when we panic it opens up the portal to our faith and that's how the enemy is able to influence us and cause us to lose our confidence in him who we say we believe because if we panic we start worrying about ourselves and fail to realize that we've got a God who said he's gonna take care of us and so instead of panic and I suggest put a brace on it instead of you here is Moses the Israelites are caught in a cul-de-sac the Egyptians are fastly approaching them but look at this you see they had a flawed perception and when you have a flawed perception it blinds you to the to the pervasive presence of God because in verse number 20 it says that the cloud by day and pillar of fire by night shifted from the front to the back the head enemies coming after them but the power of God the pervasive power of God from the front to the back you didn't get it I said I said the pervasive power of God shifted from the front to the back comes my enemies but now they got to deal with the presence of God because you got the cloud and the fire Oh shelter but let me tell you our show because God gets between me and my enemies the only reason that I'm here today it's because God somehow got between me and my enemies I might preach myself happy the only way I'm still clothed in my right mind it's because God got between the stuff that was going to make me go cuckoo for cocoa puffs the only reason I'm still strong and healthy it's because God got between the sickness that was sick to take me out the only reason my house is not in foreclosure it's because God can't beat you [Applause] flawed perception causes you to be blind to the pervasive presence of God God is everywhere Moses said stand still shut up and begin to understand the presence of God and then he said something else that caused me to really get happy he said these Egyptians that you see today you'll see no more what is he trying to say he says listen on tomorrow we're gonna March because if you think what God did back down and ease it with something when God said the Death Angel you thought that was something you just wait until tomorrow when you see God really unleash we're not gonna lose our lives because God has made a preeminent promise God said he's taking us to the land flowing with milk and honey this is desert this is the sea ain't no milk around here ain't no honey around here this is not what God said he's gonna take us God has a preeminent promise he says I'm gonna lead you to a land flowing with milk and honey every time you kiss a review of what God is trying to take you the enemy steps in to try to get you to panic but I refuse [Music] [Applause] because when your panic physiologically things begin to happen your pulse rate when you panic you perspire profusely when you panic and it can happen any way you can get in an elevator and the elevator stops before it gets to your designated floor you can be driving and going over a bridge elevated and panic will come on here they can come on you when you get a piece of mail with that green strip that says certified they can come on yeah when you get a voicemail on your phone what the doctor says I need to see you in my office they can come on you at any time but as a child of God you got to look back at your situation and say I refuse to panic because God has already promised why should I fear Davis said when my enemies come upon me to eat them I feel like preaching to eat of my flesh they'll stumble and fall if you know you're holding on to God and God is holding for perception you can't see the pervasive presence of God see those mountains God made those mountains see that see God made that sea see that desert God did that kill God is everywhere at the same time and nowhere is anywhere that God has not already been on that's the pervasive presence of God my ancestors said it like this and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me I am his own but pervasive presence of God and when I wake up in the morning and my eyes fly open I'm aware that God was there also and so Moses said look we're gonna mush they said much where we're gonna march in the Red Sea you need to understand this the people that caused your misery yesterday are not entitled to deal with your potential in the future and so God says I'm gonna take those jokers out the ones you see today you'll never see we're going through the Red Sea get your stuff together clap your hands and get ready because we're going through the Red Sea and you know the stormy they line up Moses said don't say a word we're gonna weaken we're gonna get to this and they go through the Red Sea and they get to the other side Moses watches as the Egyptians lose their lives and did you say what did God say yeah these enemies that you see today you'll never see anymore well my brothers and sister there are some people that I see yeah I didn't realize it would be the last time that's one thing but when you had enemies haunting you and you have folk hounding you and you had people trying to embarrass you and reject you it's good news when you know that God is fighting your battles and all you got to do is stand still and see the salvation of God I refuse to panic well let me take you back to the plane the flight attendant said put your head down and put your hands behind your head now assume the crash position what she failed to realize that was that I'm used to putting my head down and when I put my head down I don't look to the pilot when I put my head down I look up above my head I said ladies and gentlemen we are sorry what happened we don't understand how we get my wife y'all may not understand it but I understand it if God before you is more than the whole world the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life but who shall I be afraid window wicked even my enemies came upon me to eat my flesh they stumble and fall ocean chilling camp about me and this one thing will I be comforted back to the story they get to the other side hey Miriam who's ninety years old why y'all standing around for she pulls out her tambourine and begins the Beatles and begin to praise the law and everybody joins in and begins to praise God I'm true people asking me why haven't we simple is so radical when it comes to brains because you don't know what we've been through you don't know where the Lord has brought us from you don't understand that unless I I'm gonna stop Father Son and the Holy Ghost of these enemies that's been on your tracker these are trying to take you down these people your problems everyday the ones you see you see no let me be the cavalry that's what Jesus said you remember the fight between Ali and George Foreman happy use the rope-a-dope but I'm beating bad I mean real bad and all the sportscaster said why isn't there a rematch and it was all hearsay I'm up for a rematch you go and ask George he said the reason why I don't want a rematch it's because I beat joy so bad that last time George don't want to fight anymore come here Jesus oh calorie happy one Friday night he said I beat him happy when he went up in his room was back from the dead I'm gonna beat that so bad he's not gonna ask for a rematch but I'm so glad I don't even have to panic when death comes when death comes I can look death in the face that said my heart is fix my mind my sister I'm finished preaching but is crazy [Applause] lift your hands up and cry out to God I thank you because I didn't have the planet the Lord is my shepherd I don't have the panic believe me [Music] [Applause] [Music] come all just text one person and say neighbor I'm coming in for a landing and God told me that everything is gonna be all right [Music] hallelujah what you gonna do when you get to the tarmac and what was supposed to happen didn't happen what you gonna do when you walk down the stairs what you gonna do when you get to the other side of the Red Sea what [Music] [Music] kind of feel everything's gonna be are everything [Music] ever eat a Scorpio hallelujah everybody I want you to stand up on your feet if I stand up on your feet everybody stand up on your feet because listen the greatest testimony of deliverance is not from one trouble to safety the greatest testimony of deliverance is from being a sinner to becoming a saint that happens when you accept the Lord Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior so if you're in the building but you're not in God because God is not in you because you've never accepted Jesus
Channel: Reid Temple AME
Views: 15,011
Rating: 4.797235 out of 5
Keywords: reid temple, ame, Pastor Lee P. Washington, Rev. Matthew Watley, Church, ame church, gospel music, Worship, Reid Temple, AME, Sermon
Id: BMxrHcoHuPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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