I Will Not Go Quietly

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you go my protein go my old and all Oh you my toy my today by and Oh god god Oh ah lobster yeah I wish I knew somebody in church on a Wednesday night that doesn't mind saying I don't know what God is to you but he is my all he is my all in all if you know he's your all and all you are to rest on your feet come on I know it's early but you ought to give God some praise but just be in your all and all some of y'all are really playing with it you need to just bless him for being you're all being y'all and all y'all can sing that a little more cuz I ain't finished with it yet yes Oh thank you that's a good shouting spot right there thank you Lord Jesus hallelujah take your neighbor by the hand and ease them on down in their seat come on tell them put your seat belt on there's gonna be plenty of time put your seat belt on thank you Jesus I don't know what some of you came to do but I came to have some church on a Wednesday night I know some people say they're best freeze for Sunday morning but tell somebody I'm getting ready to do something up in here on a nobody knows with me I came to have some again music told y'all don't push me with that music now I give honor to the spirit of the Lord tonight who is always first and foremost in my life and I do honor the set man of this house 31 years of successful come on y'all rest on your feet successful pastoral ministry god bless you Reverend dr. Lee Washington my momma to all of the ministers of the gospel to the first lady of course and to all of my brothers and sisters here at Reed temple it is always a delight to come to this church I feel like I'm at home this is an easy place to preach and I thank God for this marvelous opportunity we hope that you will meet us I think in the lobby area our latest book is entitled how to survive a hurt somebody say you're hurt a hurt attack and this is guaranteed to bless you from our life clinic series it's built around our television talk show The Life clinic we hope that you will tune us in but stop back at our book table and allow us to bless you with this book we have some free CD giveaways somebody holla she said free not the book now because for the book I'm going to do some signing we take credit card stamps Canadian coins gold silver cattle corn and your firstborn whatever you have we want to make a deposit in your life by way of these books amen I feel like hearing the word tonight yeah the atmosphere is charged and I hope that you like the person that you're sitting next to because I like to say look at your neighbor and say neighbors in a whole life so let us practice tell your neighbor neighbor tell them get a good look at me tell them coz about 30 minutes from now I'm not gonna look the same I'm really not I'm really I'm not gonna look the same I need you to make a declaration to everybody around you if you will go on and clear and see to them I don't mean to be discourteous or impolite or just plain mean but tell them I'm here for me tonight and I have determined that before this service is over everything dead on my row is coming alive that I don't already prayed about it I've already gotten clearance from God so if that is not the reason why you are here let me know so I can move my seat and relocate because from this point on I am taking charge of the atmosphere tell them you are sitting next to a prese and anything you can do about it praise is not just something I do praise is Who I am hallelujah to Jesus come on sit sit I'm not going to be before you're too long I'm just going to be before you until I am done but more than any subject any other subject in the Bible I look like - I talk about praise I am fascinated by the miracles of Jesus and I am encouraged and energized by the words of Jesus I am excited and delighted about the promises of God that are mine because I belong to the Lord but I think that more than anything else I like to talk about praise because I believe that there are times when the enemy will try to do anything that he possibly can to keep you from praising God and this is why the enemy knows that god inhabits the praises of his people the enemy knows that when you begin to open up your mouth and give God some praise the Spirit of the Lord comes and sits right down in your midst so what the enemy tries to do is to keep your mind bogged down and preoccupied and discovers them in a panic so you won't have strength to praise the Lord so with that if you will turn with me to the subject for tonight we're going to look at the book of Acts chapter number 16 if you have your Bibles with you chapter number 16 somebody say 16 and we're going to start at verse number 25 and we shall be reading in your hearing from the light application contemporary version of the word of the Lord this is a fresh slice from an old loaf of bread Acts chapter number 16 verse 25 when you were there say Amen and the word of the Lord reads like this verse 25 around midnight somebody say at midnight Paul and Silas they were praying and singing hymns to God and the other prisoners somebody say they were listening suddenly there was a massive earthquake and the doors immediately flew open and the chains of every prisoner fell off the jailer woke up to see the prison doors were open and he assumed that the prisoners had escaped so he drew his sword to kill himself but Paul somebody holla Paul Paul shouted to them stop don't kill yourself we are all here now go down to verse 35 the next morning somebody say the next morning the city officials sent the police to tell the jailers let those men go so the jailer said to Paul the city officials have said that you and Silas are free to go in peace but Paul said hole up here they have publicly beaten us without a trial and put us in prison and we are Roman citizens so now they want us to leave secretly the devil is a liar certainly not let them come down here themselves to release us look at your neighbour now and say neighbor I will not go quietly tell him I don't care what you gonna do up in here but I have no intention of sitting here looking and acting like the frozen Chosin I'm not going and going out here to quietly sit sit sit let us pray God we thank you now God we honor you and we bless you for this Lord another opportunity to stand behind this sacred desk to proclaim your word now God have your way devil since you showed up on a Wednesday night we cancel your assignment whatever you might try to do to hinder this word from coming forth Holy Spirit use your servant in Jesus name we pray in the redeemed of the Lord said amen and amen I will not go quietly nearly 2000 years ago a match was struck in Palestine and the holy fire that was created by that spark was the start of the Christian Church the book of Acts is an accurate historical record of the beginning of the early church and Acts tells us how the church began and not only that but how the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ grew the Bible lets us know that the church grew not only because of the preaching and the teaching of the gospel but it grows by the preaching of those who preach and teach the gospel but who are empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the work people like you and me with human frailties and human limitations the Holy Spirit uses us to turn the world upside down and you do it because you heard the message you had an experience and you are willing to open up your mouth and say something well the first half of the book of Acts tells us about the outpouring of the promised Holy Spirit but now the second half somebody say the second half it is focused on the missionary journeys of a man named Paul somebody say Paul and no other person except Jesus Christ himself did more to shape the history of the cumin of the Christian Church than the Apostle Paul I'm talking about Paul that articulate African Paul that tank maker from Tosh's Paul that serial-killer turn st. that gospel Globetrotter that persecutor who became a preacher talking about Paul in the 16th chapter of the book of Acts Paul was traveling with a young man named Silas and they're going to a number of key cities to spread the gospel and Philip I is one of those key cities the D Texas telling us in dealing with an interesting situation concerning Paul and Silas but before we visit that well-known Bible narrative I am relying on the Spirit of God to give us fresh insight and a new revelation into this New Testament Bible story that is so familiar to all of us in this particular peretta P the text is dealing with an interesting situation concerning Paul and Silas and I know that you know that Paul and Silas were put in jail because they spoke out against the soothsayers and the diviners and the psychic readers this is the story the Bible says Paul and Silas along with Luke and Timothy were going down to the river at the place of prayer at Phillip high and there was a demon-possessed slave girl that met up with them this slave girl followed them day after day stalking them and harassing them and his companions and saying these men are servants of the Most High God follow them and they will show you the way to salvation well this girl did that day after day over and over again why that is because the enemy is persistent now you would think that Paul and Silas would have no objection to what the girl was saying because she was right they were servants of the Most High God and they were able to show the way to salvation but Paul knew that we have to be careful that we don't give the appearance of being in league with evil you see you and I cannot shake hands with everybody we cannot blur the boundaries for the sake of trying to be inclusive and to get along with everybody you see because any ideology that is not built upon the birth death burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ it is a false doctrine and we cannot afford to be in agreement with them that's a point right there the Bible's is that the demon-possessed girl followed behind Paul and Silas day in and day out Paul got to the point where he couldn't take it anymore the Bible says he turned and he spoke to the demonic presence in the girl and said I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her the Bible doesn't say he hid the girl in the forehead he didn't sling it with oil and he didn't holler forward to the floor he just said I command you in the name of Jesus Christ and that demonic presence left the girl Samara Holly immediately and when the master saw this they became enraged because fortune-telling was big business much like it is today and all of this caused a great deal of problems for Paul and now I don't want you to pay a whole lot of attention to the fact that the girl was demon-possessed because that is not the issue somebody say that's not the issue that is not what made those men so angry with Paul they were upset because Paul was interfering with their business practices can I say it in the vernacular they were mad because Paul was messing with a money and and meddling in their business and you know those are sensitive areas most people say don't mess with my money or my honey and you're gonna be alright with me similary let's throw this little sidebar in some people have a problem when you start messing in their sensitive areas oh we hear it all the time people get upset when you mess with em money and a personal life I'm warning you Rev don't you start creeping in my closet and look it up in my background don't start snooping around and asking questions about my money or my honey and you gonna be alright with me can I preach a little up in here you just better stick with the stuff about how to get to heaven and we ain't gonna have no y'all riding here we ain't gonna have no issue but if you start getting into my sensitive areas then we gonna have a problem it is important that you understand that the real struggle here and the real problem here is that Paul had been meddling in the personal life and some sensitive areas of some important people because these folks had pull with the politicians Paul and Silas they were taken into custody and dragged before the rulers of the city the Bible lets us know that a mob formed quickly and the magistrate's order Paul and Silas stripped and beaten with wooden whips and after that vicious beating their backs were left raw and bleeding then Paul and Silas were thrown in prison and booked on trumped-up charges that made it look like it was because of the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ they were thrown in prison they were placed in bondage they were handcuffed and shackled and tied up in some things but watch this this was not the first time they had been tied up and it wouldn't be the last as a matter of fact my Bible lets me know that it was just a few chapters ago when Paul said I've got tied up on a Damascus Road Paul said I was on my way to Damascus to persecute some Christians he said that I got tied up because a light shine from heaven and knocked me off my horse and the risen Christ spoke in an audible voice and said Paul I persecuted thou me Paul said so this wasn't the first time I was tied up you know dr. Washington I am amazed how some people try to act like they never been tied up in nothing some people try to act like Oh God ain't never brought him out of anything some people try to act like they always been saved but they never been in bondage never been tied up never had a struggle I never needed to be delivered from anything somebody ought to be reel up in this place on a Wednesday night and you ought to admit God brought me out of something and it wasn't that long ago matter of fact it was just a few chapters ago it was just a few months ago just a few years ago some of y'all still got the smell of Lucky Strike on your lungs you still got the smell of weed lingering on yo fingers up you still got some hoochie clothes up in your closet cuz it was not that long ago that's why I praise him like I do cuz God kept me and God covered me matter of fact tell your neighbor if you want to know what a miracle looks like tell them snatcher quick look at me it took a miracle for me to get here the devil tried to destroy my life but God kept a hedge of protection around me the devil had a trap set but I'm still here if there'd ever had a head is way I would have been dead by now whatever I got to go through God's getting ready to work it all out for my good tell him I am living proof get the goblet our service y'all know I feel like preaching tonight the God that I serve is a way making a strong tower a schoolmaster a gift of God is stronger than a liberator a bridge over troubled water I just thought I would throw that in Trey your neighbor was just a few chapters just a couple of chapters ago Paul and Silas they were in bondage they were shackled and they were tied up in some things but the Bible says they prayed and sang praises to God now I know that there are those who would consider praise my old entertainment because in their estimation they say it don't take oh you need to know that the enemy does not care how much you come to church the enemy doesn't care how good you look how well you sing how much money you give the enemy does not care how often you come to church as long as you sit there and don't say nothing long as you sit there and don't do nothing but as soon as you have the audacity to open up your mouth and say something something happens this is the application and this is the tension in the text you see praise cannot be manipulated you cannot worship God under false pretense you cannot come to church with a hidden agenda you cannot come to the house of God with an ulterior motive you cannot praise God as a means to an end you just got to be willing to praise him cuz he's been good that's for somebody right there who says okay I'm gonna praise God when I get debt-free oh I'm gonna praise God if I don't ever get sick again oh I'm gonna praise God if they get married next week well I'm gonna praise God that the enemy stops bothering me that is a false promise of praise when I praise God I'm not praising God to get something I'm praising God for cuz I'm grateful for what I already have look here and if nothing else comes behind this he's already done whoa blessed Jesus he's already done enough for them and I hear somebody saying in my sanctified imagination well now bishop honor why you takin all this time giving us all this background information two reasons first because I can and second because I've got the mic what I'm trying to get you to understand and what I want to Semana CLE suggest tonight is that the devil had some of you tied up in some stuff all of this year 2013 and you should have been dead but you're still here cuz the devil knew that if you ever got loose he was in trouble you better lean over to somebody and tell them you ain't heard the best of me tell them this is me up under pressure this is me up under duress this is what I look like when I'm struggling but if I ever get loose see sometimes I got to preach under pressure sometimes I got to get up and go to work under pressure sometimes I got to go to the house of God under pressure some folks know what it's like I have to sing and dance under pressure see see I don't know what it is about praise but when you open up your mouth and bless God stuff happens I can't explain it I'm not able to put it in words but somebody knows that you can come up in here and you can say you know what I'm gonna be cool calm and collected yes I am and you can you can tell yourself I don't care what that woman up in that pulpit is saying I ain't moving I don't care what she says I'm gonna sit here with my ankles crossed my arms crossed my lips tout and I'm not moving then you look over here and you see somebody getting blessed up and you look over there and see somebody getting blessed and you start thinking about all the stuff you were tied up in but God made a way out of no way you start thinking about how goodness and mercy has been following you all the days of your life you realize because of God's goodness you're here but it's because of God's mercy that you are not in a car accident on the way to church it's because of God's goodness you got a home to go back to but it's because of God's mercy that that house is not in foreclosure it's because of God's goodness that you've got something to eat but it's because of God's mercy that you can feed yourself and you're not hooked up to a breathing machine I dare you on hollow Merced up in this house at night Paul Paul and Silas they were in jail they were put in prison and placed in bondage they were handcuffed and shackled Paul and Silas were tied up in some things but the Bible says at midnight something something happened Paul and Silas were in bond to somebody holla bondage but they prayed and sang praises to God watch this and the prisoners heard them now I know that it's easy really easy to get excited right about there at that particular point I know that it's easy to play into that area that everybody wants to talk about where it says Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God I hear somebody saying that is right there that's the spot that is the place where she's going to talk about not going quietly lean over your neighbor and tell him that tell him say that ain't the spot that ain't it that's merely the part of the text that tells you what to do when you're in bondage when you're tied up in some stuff yeah but that ain't the high point now I know y'all are waiting for the clothes but don't miss these points because you know what that is preacher gotta get an introduction three points and then close at least three times at least three times so so we can talk about but no matter what the situation is that's not the point right there you see because some of us can't pray unless we in church some of us can't pray in prays unless we put on our favorite CD unless you have some background music but the Lord sent me here to tell somebody tonight that you've got to have a relationship with God that is so sure that if the praise team doesn't show up if the organist ain't sitting on the organ if the drummer misses a beat if the wire doesn't sing your favorite song you've got to have a relationship with God that is so sure that you can be standing on the bus stop with your feet aching your ankles swollen your coins and your bunions talking out loud telling it doesn't matter when I think of the goodness of Jesus and lo that is done for me you've got to have a hard time relationship with God that's the kind of relationship where I can reach God when I can't reach you I can talk to God when I can't talk to you cuz they're gonna come a time and you've got to be like David you've got to be willing to encourage yourself cuz your prayer partner might feel I not feel like praying the intercessors might have gone home you're going to have to have a relationship with God on your own now this is my last point before my final point Paul and Silas prayed and they sang praises to God and everybody heard them when somebody praises God something happens why that is because praise is contagious a you see I've come to understand that even if you're sitting on a dead row if you bump up against the praise that you gonna catch something you shouldn't wait for somebody else to get something started on your row you can wake up a dead row all by tell everybody dead on your Road tell him I'm getting ready to shake up something in my section the Bible says Paul and Silas they were praising and praying and the other prisoners heard them and suddenly there was an earthquake and the foundation of the earth of the prison was shaken and the doors of the prison flew open and the chains of the prisoners fell off but I told you don't get excited touch your neighbor and tell him don't get excited tell him that years not the sponsor that's not the spot right there where you were supposed to lose it that is not the high point of the message - now you see the Bible says when the jailer when the jailer woke up and saw the prison doors wide open he assumed that the prisoners had escaped - he drew his sword to kill himself but Paul said don't do it Paul said we are all here and the Bible the Bible says that fear and trembling came over the jailer the jailer fell down in front of Paul and Silas and said I said serve what must we do to be safe they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you shall be saved and your entire household but watch this the Bible said haha the jailer took the prisoners home wash their stripes and death ever and show them hospitality and the jailers entire household was saying but watch this this is the topic of the text that were trying to teach the Bible the Bible say Wow in the morning the jailer took Paul and Silas up took him back to jail and while they were wrapped up in the jail cell the city officials sent the police officers up over to the jailers to tell him let those men though the jailer said to Paul he said y'all got to get out of here you are free to go but Paul said hold up let me get this right Paul said you're beating us openly you dragged us in here on trumped-up charges you thrown us into prison for no reason now you handcuffed us and shackled us you restrained us and tied us up and you did it in public view and we are Roman citizens Paul said you messed us up emotionally you humiliated us and you try to make it look like it was our fault Paul said and now you want us to fade into the woodwork now you want to try to take us in a back room and pull off a private apology Paul said the devil is a liar Paul said I will not I'm going quietly there it is right there Paul said I'm not going anywhere Paul said if you want me to come out to tell them to come down to the prison and get this out themselves you said I want the ones that put us in prison to come down and get us how the prisoner and the Bible said that the judges feared for their lives they heard that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens so they come down to the beg them to get out the city they said get yourself a ticket on a Greyhound bus take an airline a helicopter get on a skateboard or roller skater he said whatever you do you got to get out of here well now what am I saying huh I need to suggest to somebody that if you want to get out of the mess you air now you got to come out rich some noise huh you gotta open up your mouth and say something I know y'all want poop to be quiet you want him to fade into the woodwork huh tell him I know you want me to sliver away hide in a back room and act like God ain't never done nothing for me yeah but you don't know what I've been through you don't know the way I cry you don't know the prison I was in you didn't sit Bryce after you did not feel what I felt uh the devil wants me to act like I'm not blessed the devil wants me to come out quiet the devil wants me to be ashamed to share my testimony the devil wants me to leave out the juicy part he wants me to water down and deliver a sterilized version I touch three people and tell him I will not I'm not going quiet tell him I was quiet when I was broke I was quiet when I was struggling I was quiet when I was going through some things huh but now that I'm out of my bondage uh I got my joy back I got my prayers back up I got my hope back up I got my shout back say somebody somebody said you know what you thought I was gonna come to church on the Wednesday night and sit here and act like I'm dead I'm getting ready to give it all I got tell them you know you thought I was shy you thought I was bashful I but I'm getting ready to get out of order getting ready to upset the status quo I'm getting ready to make the devil mad there are some other things I could have done I could be home chilling I could be watching the game I could be at the mall the devil thought he had me up I was this closer but I know too much I've been through too much I might have to go down but I'm not going quietly the bottom might drop out but I'm not going quietly I have to go all by myself but I'm not going quietly they might call me crazy but I'm not going quietly they might put a straitjacket on me but I'm not going quietly I've got my dance legitimately I got my shout legitimately if you had a caught me last year I might have had a little more decorum if you had a caught me last year I may have been a little more reserved I might have been a little more restrained enough but too many dangers toils and snares I have already come but it's great huh that brought miss sate I better stop Kuran feel like preaching a grace then bartmess safe thus far and grace gonna lead me on I'm almost done somebody said she's almost done I hear somebody saying preacher you don't know the kind of prison I was locked up in you don't know what I had to deal with you don't know what I got to go back home to look at here maybe you've never had a dilemma maybe you never had a situation maybe you never had a struggle but what you need to know is that when you're left home this morning the devil had a contract out on you but did you notice that you're still here tell him and you don't want me to make some noise huh tell him every time I praise God huh I get a flashback every time I bless God I remember where God brought me from God never meant for you to be defeated to plead in the leader now God never meant for you to be stressed out broke busted and disgusted and can never be trusted Oh God never meant for you to be frustrated aggravated irritated humiliated God never meant for you to have a heart breaking getting and body broken knees swelling kidneys failing God never meant for you to be oppressed surpressing depressor touch three people and tell him I'm too legit to quit too legit that's why I survived what I survived that's why I came through what I came through that's why I came together when I should have came apart that's why my deprivation became my elevation that's why my haters became my elevators that's why my enemy's huh they became my footstool I know I try to act bougie I try to act sophisticated I try to act hostile didya but I can't help myself because praise is in me I need to warn you that there were some people around you who really don't like noise oh that people around you they don't like noise you want to tell them right now I want to get close to God and I want God to get close to me come on if you want to mess somebody up if you want to throw somebody off go back to everybody that laughed at your faith go back to everybody that pointed a finger when you were going to church and trust in God tell them I must show you a before and after picture tell them pull out your cell phone right now take a picture of me click cuz this is what success looks like like me on facebook and follow me on Twitter that's why when you see me praising God I'm not praising God to get something I'm praising God because I'm grateful for everything that I have I refuse to go back home agenda I refuse to go back home depressor I came to watch God move I'm gonna give God or old school praise that's when you bless God when you don't even feel like it you praise God when you don't know how your situation is gonna turn out come on go on and throw yourself a praise party let me talk to the quiet folk right here sometimes the devil doesn't want you to show too much emotion in the service but looking here it's gonna take more than that to break me devil it's going to take more than me losing my job more than me losing my house more than me losing my man or my woman huh more than me losing my car more than me having hard times up because Kay nobody do me like Jesus Kay nobody do me like the Lord I need somebody who don't mind blessing God all by yourself you've got to have the audacity to open up your mouth say so excuse me if I've got to bypass protocol I know this is a windy night and ordinarily some of you save your best praise for Sunday morning I and I know you said you won't go get out of order because you don't want nobody to look at you funny you don't want nobody to talk about you and the servers but look at somebody real quick tell him I didn't press my way to sit here and look shooter no no no somebody needs to know that I've come that if I'm the only one blessing God God has been good to me there are people sitting around you now you don't want you to make noise huh but tell him I would hold my peace her if I could I've got a whole new appreciation but weeping may endure for a night but joy joy comes in the morning I might have started out talking about Paul but i'ma end up talking about Jesus he was announced by an angel or born in Bethlehem I hunted down by Herod I smuggled into Africa reared in Nazareth and and by the scholars baptized in the Jordan ah tempted by Satan challenged in the wilderness became my preacher now you heal the sick he raised the dead he fed the hunger walked on the shore condemned by Pilate exchange for Barabbas or arrested by the soldiers or cursed by the crowd crucified on Calvary hold it in aside died on a cross of sealed in a grave y'all gonna make me talk about him he died to the Sun refused to shine he died to the moon ran crimson like blood he died ah to the dead in Christ got insomnia they refused to rest in Pisa he died to all of heaven was silent he died till nature pause he died - the flowers droop their head and the trees hung their branches are and the dark mountain of Calvary itched in pale shadows but the Bible the Bible sale oh my god he got up shut up shut up got up from the grave in his hand in his hand tell your tongue to get ready say get ready tongue we getting ready to braise together tell your neighbor you gonna be you're gonna be my prayers partner can I read the Bible I you see I cannot go quietly cuz he that have begun a good work in me shall perform it to the day of Jesus Christ the race is not given to the Swift but to them that endure to the end I'll be not weary in well-doing a foreign goose season I'm a reap if I faint not can I read the Bible greater is He that is in me than he that's in the world I better stop cuz I feel like preacher now I once was young but now I'm older and I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor receive begging bread when my enemies ha they came upon me just to eat up my pleasure they stumble and fell said I look to the gills from whence cometh my help my help comes from God I delight myself in the Lord he shall give me the desires of my heart said summer just in the horses Justin man I will I will just in the Lord only not up to my own understanding but it all my way huh I'll acknowledge him he will he will here we direct my paths say yes somebody say
Channel: Reid Temple AME
Views: 53,904
Rating: 4.7735848 out of 5
Keywords: Acts 16:25-28, Rev. Millicent Hunter, reid temple, ame, Pastor Lee P. Washington, Rev. Matthew Watley, Church, ame church, gospel music, Worship, Reid Temple, AME, Sermon
Id: W3kZTXa5Rik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 24sec (3024 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 01 2014
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