Furnace Time Rev. Lee P Washington

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stand on your feet real quick and just turn to your name and say I love you and it's good to see you yeah hey my god is an awesome she reigns forever and ever my god is an awesome she reigns forever and ever you say [Music] Oh [Music] he is all lit up and he waits forever whenever you say [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I got a big bull [Music] forever these are baseball and forever and ever you'll say [Applause] [Music] oh man she's a mighty go anyway poor we'd never get safe can we get a little bit from way [Music] [Applause] yeah well B word [Applause] [Music] around hey you [Music] we worship for little bit louder [Music] but if you're the one y'all saying [Music] we wash it like you mean it that's maybe why we worship we worship forever we will never stop well [Music] yes you [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] - about the Lord in this place come on keep got your back brain I love you forever I love you forever hallelujah if you believe God reigns forever and that his love endures forever give him a hand clapping praise just for being who he is and all the wonderful things he's done he woke you up this morning hallelujah hallelujah a proclamation what is today what shall we do come let us enter into his course with let's join the choir as we sing this great helm of the church amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen read temple good morning our tax that we approached the throne of God in this moment may all has rebelled and our hearts open for word of Prayer lo God we thank you to father God for first being God or father Lord God the word says tomorrow's not promised to God so we thank you for the gift of today then father God Lord God be with us today the father goddess we try to give you praise today father God Lord God you know the hearts and minds of all this present that father God Lord God clear our hearts and minds the Father God to help us the father God give you the praise today father we thank you to father God because you're deserving of all Oh God we thank you for your son O God who bled and died there father God Lord God we thank you because the cross provided salvation today that God we thank you today that father God for salvation Lord God we thank you to father God because the Cross provider forgiveness the father God Lord God we have not been all that we should have been there father God so God forgive us today the father God set our hearts and minds on a path there father God that we may walk straighter today than we did yesterday father God we thank you to father God because by your stripes that God you said we're ill to God so God we thank you today father God for healing their father God Lord God you are all of a provider to God we thank you for food clothes shelter the Father God we thank you for being in our right months this morning there father God Lord God we thank you for the active use of my limbs there father God Lord God is this nation struggles with tragedy there father God Lord God while hearts and minds go out in prayer to all the victims that father God but yet God we thank you coz to God you bless our footsteps that it was not us today father God Lord God we fainted her father God and we had a thousand tongues God we couldn't praise you enough but Lord God we offer this humble praise to You Father god bless it and magnify father when you are worthy in Jesus name we pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] amen amen amen whoo how y'all doing yeah I'm feelin tonight I said are y'all feelin all right good good not these children look beautiful I know y'all can give him a better hand and that don't they look beautiful man this whole year we've been working so so so so so so hard bye y'all y'all could tell by you Sunday was getting better and better and better things where things were happening that that never happened before with kids and now we're looking to pretty much expand and with that expansion comes new responsibilities new songs new ideas and our first idea is to bring back the gift card that we had in 2015 huh yeah so with that being said now when we had to use part it was all it only filled up that middle section but the idea in the vision that I have is to fill up the entire choir stand with kids and youth from ages 3 to 17 so my best idea is the second idea is to have all the kid hello all right there all right so that so can I can your meeting good okay I'm gonna try this again can I have kids ages 3 through 17 you stand up right now 3 to 17 come on Stan you got 30 seconds come on contemplate with your parents I know come on stand up stand up stand up I saw the kids all right I want all y'all to come down to the front right now right now yes right now come down to the front there you go you can join them on the steps ok come on come on there you go quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly there you go there you go that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about see the youth they want to be represented in the church is now often overlooked but we're gonna start a movement and not it's not only gonna start and reach simple what's gonna start every temple but this movie is gonna be all around the world and it's gonna start here we're gonna have a full fledge hard-hitting T youth and children's ministry yeah yeah y'all like that don't this look nice what do you want to see this every time every fifth and second Sunday what do you want to see this every second until Sunday all right so the parents of these children that came up I want y'all to meet me out in the front welcome dance after work not rehearsal after the service you know so we can you know get your contact information to tell you about rehearsals all that action selling airliner you know that all right so anyway moving for a song about to do is called put a praise on it I know that's something y'all know that song all right so I chose this song because I was searching on YouTube searching on Facebook I was like we need another fire song for the kids to do and I came across this young lady singing that resample north how you don't man I came across this video and she was like killing the whole song like singing it word for word exhortation and all that and I was basically blown away I was like yo that's though that's what we need that's what we need for our youth in our kids we need that type of fire put all about youth and so her name is Sydney birthday Brody and she's gonna sing this song okay she's gonna sing this song and we're gonna dance we gonna have fun we're gonna have a holy ghost praise party I all right here we go hold on for a second mr. Sydney I wanted to say a little something so we got the two people who really started all of this craziness here and I want to recognize Devon is Michael White and his wife stand up let's give them a great big hat [Applause] yes yes yes yes and they're the first ones who had Sydney to come they had this great idea now what we're gonna do we don't want them just stand up here and I want to don't want to send back to their seat so we're gonna show you give you a demonstration of what we do we're gonna have rehearsal right now and what what kids are sawing B flat is that a B flat right down all right what's the first line there's a miracle in this room all right everybody we're gonna have a rehearsal with you all right all right repeat after me there's a miracle in this room with my name on it now sing this there's a miracle in this room with my name on it and then what's the next line there's a healing in this room and it's here for me say that y'all can follow instructions I said see it not sing it alright and the last line is what there's a breakthrough in this room and it's here for me with my name on it there's a breakthrough in this room say that with my name on now sing this there's a breakthrough in this room with my name on it now sing this so I'm gonna put a praise on it like this so I'm gonna put a praise on it say it good appraise I need now rehearsal is over I know but now we gonna sing this home alright alright so let's give it up for miss Sydney [Music] there's a miracle in this room with my name there's a hand in this and it [Music] this room got my name [Music] so I'm gonna put a price on it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a miracle next row [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] where my dance is that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] right peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck peck [Music] now y'all know y'all like the shop start the count of three oh my god you've got your bed damn what [Music] I know you got a CI thought you got a Nazi Oh [Music] [Music] come our way a walk [Music] here we come before I love readable man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] glory to God hallelujah our scripture reading this morning can be found in the Gospel of Matthew the twentieth chapter verses 1 through 16 and I will be reading from the New International Version for the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard he agreed to pay them a Denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard about 9:00 in the morning he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing he told them you also go and work in my vineyard and I will pay you whatever is right so they went he went out again about noon in about 3:00 in the afternoon and did the same thing about 5:00 in the afternoon he went out and found still others standing around he asked them why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing because no one has hired us they answered he said to them you also go and work in my vineyard when evening came the owner of the vineyard said to the foreman call the workers and paid them their wages beginning with the last ones hired in going on to the first the workers who were hired about 5:00 in the afternoon came and each received a Denarius so when those came who were hired first they expected to receive more but each one of them also received a Denarius when they received it they began to grumble again against the landowner those who were hired to last worked only one hour they said and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day but he answered one of them I am NOT being unfair to you friend didn't you agree to work for a Denarius take your pay and go I want to give the one who was hired to last the same as I gave you don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money or are you envious because I am generous so the last will be first and the first will be last may God at a hearing and a blessing to his mighty words who is hot up here Oh Carl you missed your cue I was so sure he was gonna come out there and shot with us today but I don't know what happened to you I was looking for you you gotta join us the next time give it up one more time for Ryan and the young people for Michael White and his wife who started that great minister years ago we got another message all come on this thing I know you're hot and tight put the fan down yeah and come on here no we got a little further to go in Jesus name but I want you to touch your neighbor and tell them I have no doubt the Lord is gonna bring me out come on put those hands together if you believe that today you know the song singing along with us there are [Applause] I can't even begin to tell you to fight a minute what an eclair by the Word of God so I'm gonna pray declaration of victory [Applause] come on sing it again I have [Music] [Music] the spirits will find out man [Music] [Music] so I'm gonna pray [Music] [Music] [Music] my confidence [Music] bring me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] those hands together [Music] [Music] bring me he's able [Music] let's go with it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait just one minute I know the Lord has been a blessing to all of you in here if it's been a blessing wave your hand but I still know that there's something that you're expecting the Lord to do and I want to know if there's anybody in here who's willing to praise God on credit is that anybody in the balcony who's winning the prince got on the credit he hasn't done it yet but his word it's good I said his word [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to God come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes ma'am he ain't loyal be to God [Music] [Applause] [Applause] this is this is a date that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it Loy be to God [Applause] [Music] places named his holy name [Applause] good morning Reid temple friends and family [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go [Music] touch somebody say everything's gonna be all I put it in awhile but I know that God's gonna work it out [Applause] all right good morning we temple with all your first time in return visitors please stand a member of our Greta's ministry were Hannah welcome packets please fill out enclosed coordinate the Welcome Desk up to the service as you leave who praise God for you yo your presence with us this morning makes our fellowship sweeter [Applause] with those who invited our guests please stand thank you for being obedient to pass desire to plan now on behalf of our saved sanctified Holy Ghost filled filled fire baptized pastor the river dr. Lee P Washington our beautiful first lady Miss Anna Washington the minister's leaders and members of Hui temple welcome our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will meet you here at the point of your need please come back and bring a friend you may be seated [Applause] Thank You Evan Williams now please stay tuned for a special announcement amen give George a round of applause [Music] amen we have one more floor announcement please join the James a Parker lay organization celebrate the lady of the church on its annual a day next Sunday as we partner with the newly appointed Commissioner on social action to raise awareness and advocate for social justice to empower and carry the banner of peace fairness and equality our 7:00 a.m. speaker will be the Honorable Judge Sheila our Tillerson Adams Prince George's County Circuit Court and our 11:15 speaker is brother Patrick Josie from Allen Chapel AME Church in Southeast Washington connect with us by stopping by the James a parka lay organization table after each service next Sunday stay up-to-date with local and national social action news and the social action ministry programs with the James a Parker lay organization please turn your attention to the screens for the further announcements amen praise the Lord I'm Reverend Keisha and here are this week's announcement it's time to celebrate the 53rd church anniversary of re temple AME Church as we continue walking by faith Saturday and Sunday October 21st and 22nd on Saturday October 21st 3dc welcomes Reverend dr. Darrell al Williams pastor of st. Paul United Methodist Church in Oxon Hill Maryland on Sunday October 22nd Reverend shalida fom bee will be our morning preacher at all three services at Reed north and on Sunday October 22nd at our Glendale campus Bishop Michael Mitchell of the 12th district of the AME Church will be our morning preacher and Reverend L Timothy dates will be our guest preacher for our evening service where our Sunday Night Live service the assessment for this year is $1 for adults where every year the children one penny for every year let's celebrate together what God has done for 53 years a tree temple AME Church three temples cancer support ministry presents their 17th annual prayer breakfast celebrating the promises of God on October 28th from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. this cancer awareness event is a time to celebrate what God has done and continues to do with caregivers family and friends and an uplifting event the guest speaker rubbing the bias a bottle Thomas award memorial AME church gospel selections by spiritual minds liturgical dance by the reflections of God dance ministry sign up in the lobby after service our email JCP jewelry at gmail.com the reads for annual turkey giveaway sign up has now started if you are in need or know someone in need of a turkey and our local community please stop by the Queen Jefferson Women's Missionary Society registration table in the lobby after each Sunday worship service now through Wednesday November 8th additionally volunteers are needed for the distribution of the turkeys and may sign up at the registration table as well hi my name is Sam Richardson remember assigning to serve ministry in honor of disability awareness month assigned to serve ministry would like to engage the wonderful members of reading temple by teaching them the sign of Ashley who taught you Jesus this week we will learn Lord the sign for Lord is moves of the right shape and palm facing left and the left shoulder diagonally down to the right side of the waist the sign isn't is indicating the royalty of our Lord to whom we honor we have faith that you can remember this significant sign and look forward to seeing you next week for a new sign of the week the military support group we support the community so we serve the active duty veterans the reservist the retirees we provide moral and physical support to our local service members who serve in the US Armed Forces we support people in the combat zones and we send care packages out to the people and we also serve the veteran homeless centers 7% of the u.s. population is veterans that's military has come the retirees act as everybody I would like to thank Reed temple for their tithes and offerings and the members and community of reat empal that have provided support for the military now you're up to date with all of our announcements for these and other announcements please follow us on all of our social media outlets such as Facebook YouTube Twitter and Instagram may God bless you and remember have faith in God and we greet you this morning the power of the Holy Spirit who's made himself very welcome here this morning and moving throughout this congregation wherein we are glad we have seen the Holy Spirit move already and certainly I just want to say a word to brother George he represents the disability and challenge members that we have here along with the Deaf ministry here and one of the things that really touched me is how he feels the Holy Ghost how he feels the Holy Ghost and he is bold enough to talk about it our deaf ministry again you can see them excited and and I just don't understand how people don't believe in the Holy Spirit I just can't figure it out generally in the black church people expect women to show but when you see men dancing in the front you've been liberated and what we don't really understand is that in the Old Testament it was really the men who stood in the in the temple and worship both day and night the Bible says so if anybody has any complaints anybody's doesn't quite understand what's happening tell them we in the word we the word we in the Bible I want to also acknowledge with us this morning we have Bishop Henry Rex cold and his wife Reverend Renee cold they are out of this church at this church per film and we're glad to see them with us this morning along with brother Michael a white and his wife Sharon and and family daughter and Grandma mother would you with all y'all staying because they have come back home to share with us in a worship experience and we're just glad to have him and see how God is blessing them and how God is using them to broaden the kingdom amen let me share quickly with you some announcements so we can get back into the worship and praise of God there are a couple pending funerals sister why neither be Matthews brother John a clever the brother father brother Scott clever that's going to be finalized we don't have the details at this point we'll share them with you as soon as they are received funeral for Billy G Smith the father brother Jeffery Smith will be held in Kannapolis North Carolina on Saturday October 14 at noon the memorial service will be held a little later it's coming Saturday at 9 o'clock I'll be meeting with all of the ministers and also at 10 o'clock meeting with the Stewart's and the commissioners and those that are representing a discipleship team for the implementation of the work that's being done so that would be at 10 o'clock and then from 11:00 to 1:30 we'll begin the hidden agenda book tour and so we plan to do about five of those sessions we ask that you would be in prayer October is Domestic Violence Month and Debbie Morgan from All My Children is putting on a play a play at Boise State portions of the proceeds will go to the domestic violence cause on October 25th I'm doing a Bible study here at midweek on domestic violence out of the pipe oh so we would share that as well last night at the North location there were 96 in attendance for the young adults remix' nine souls were saved and with thanking God to the glory for how he's moving and so we're just grateful for the great things that God is doing you ought to be able to rejoice when you look at the world news and the situation that's going on and what happened in Las Vegas and you still alive and you never know when you go out if you're gonna come back home based on the spirit of terrorism that's dominating this late nation and then for God to give you another day just another day that within itself is sufficient for somebody to say lord I thank you lord I thank you and I glorify your name let me ask the persons visiting us first time or return visit and you're not a member would you please stand first time in returns visit and you're not a member I see you thank you so much I see you see you I see you we're so glad to have you with us this morning now we're gonna ask that the members would stand get a big smile on your face turn to the right and left greet that person thank that person for blessing you and being here in the worship service this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] where the Spirit of the Lord [Music] join us [Music] [Music] a man if we can come to order at this time and celebrate God as we lift up out tithes and our offerings celebrate God because God has been so gracious and kind to provide us with resources that we can sew back into fertile soil and we believe the principle that if you saw it in faith it will multiply a hundredfold and return unto you that we have in the first time tireless person never time before but you've grown in your faith to tide would you please stand if you're first-time father I will acknowledge you first time tither seen done follow these instructions from the rear to the front if you're tithing it goes into the center box and if you're growing in faith to tithe it goes on the table God loved it what kind of a giver let's be that way when we come to the table never ever be cheap with God because God's never been cheap with you God always gives us the very best that it has god bless you as you come god bless you as you give and the young adult choir who are singing to the glory of God will continue to lift us as we go further in worship at this time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] amen all things come up be all things come [Music] and I'm not on [Music] that may also salute the children with Christ weren't they wonderful a man let's prepare for the semantic selection [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let us pray oh god I'll prayer this morning it's very simple it's biblical save us O God save us save us from our selfish ways save us from using your name in vain save us from creating our own gods and not looking to you as the one and only true God save us from watering down the sanctity of marriage save us God from not dealing honestly in our relationships one with another save us from greed save us from hatred save us from racism our prayer this morning is simple save us and continue to save us in Jesus name Amen from the Book of Daniel chapter 3 verses twenty fourteen to twenty six fourteen to twenty six and while you're standing let me thank Reverend shall lead a fund but she preached at the 7:15 and priest at the 9:30 which is a powerful preacher and the Word of God went forth and souls were saved to dine and glory of Jesus name Amen verse number 14 and Nebuchadnezzar said to them it is true Shadrach Meshach and Abednego that you do not serve my gods or worship the image of gold I have set up Shadrach Meshach and Abednego replied to him King Nebuchadnezzar we don't need to be to defend ourselves before you in this matter but even if he does not we want you to know Your Majesty that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up [Music] and commanded some of the strongest soldiers in his army to tie up Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and throw them into the blazing furnace the king's command was so urgent and the furnace so hot that the flames of fire killed the soldiers who took up Shadrach Meshach and Abednego the king then King Nebuchadnezzar leapt to his feet in amazement and asked his advisors weren't there three men that we tied up and threw into the fire they replied certainly your majesty [Applause] Nebuchadnezzar then approached the opening of the blazing furnace and shouted Shadrach Meshach and Abednego servants of the Most High God come out come here so Shadrach Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire a man may be seated I want to talk this morning briefly from the subject furnace time the Book of Daniel stands at the height of Jewish writings and it expresses the pain and the suffering of a people who were taking into exile the book of Daniel has within his pages perhaps one of the most known stories of the Bible for who is it among us that has not heard about Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace if you haven't heard about this story you may not want to tell anyone because that's an indication about your church going even more if you aren't aware of this story it says a lot about your faith if you've lived any length of days you know that your faith will come under fire what you believe and what you stand for and whom you believe will come under fire in fact you don't know that you're really a Christian until your faith comes under fire and as much as I enjoy praising God and celebrating and dancing if your faith has not come under fire sit down because it's when you have been pushed up against the wall it's when you have been called into question about your belief and your commitment to God that you really understand that what you know you know and you know who you know now a kanessa built a statue of himself and requested everyone would bow down at the sound of the music when the band played everyone except three boys bound these three young boys resisted and they would not bow down and what they were saying in essence was simply this that there are some things we just can't go along with follows me and puzzles me that how sometimes when we get saved we still like to operate in both sides of the world but after you are saved there are certain things that you just can't go along with I mean when you were in the world that's one thing but when God delivers you out of the world and God saves you and fills you with His Holy Ghost and God washes you there are certain things you just can't go along with and the reason you can't go along with it is because the Holy Spirit gives you a new level of tolerance level of tolerance which means that I can go only so far but if you push me beyond this I have to let you know I just can't go along with it and so they knew they had no chance of gaining anything by bowing so they decided we may as well stand up as a sign of protests they were not only not they weren't the only ones who believed but they were the only ones to take a stand for what they believed and what they were facing exceeded their tolerance level let me come on your pew what is your tolerance level how much can you put up with before you say enough is enough that's important as a Christian but because the devil is going to keep on trying until you let him know that you have pushed me to the point of my tolerance level now it's not as if you can't take some stuff but you do get to the point where you're so saturated with stuff that you can't take no more and you have to let the enemy know that I can't go any further with this because enough is simply enough I'm bothered and troubled at the same time about the tolerance level of our nation I mean you know not a week goes by that there isn't something tweeted that's really outlandish not a week goes by without some kind of statement made that's not a reflection of sound leadership in the highest office of the land from calling someone rocket man to thanking people for gathering in a convention center as if they came to see him from saying to Puerto Rico that you de messed up our budget the throwing our Bounty paper towels I want to know when do we get to the point where we say enough is enough every week there's some tweet there's some talk that the NFL and in Russian collusion and when is it that we as a people rise up and say enough is enough I mean if the only black president couldn't even wear a tan suit or couldn't go on vacation and you couldn't handle that and now it seems as though there is no tolerance level at all anything goes and so they said to themselves why bother why bow you you're not our King the boys said listen this is beyond our tolerance level we we just won't bow why should we bother if no one is willing to make this an issue than we will and so they didn't care what Nebuchadnezzar said they didn't take orders from this king took their orders from another king never never kanessa had made an idol but their King had made the universe and so they simply ignored what he requested now they were not singled out just because they were Hebrew they were singled out because they decided to stand for what they believed in they were singled out because they refused the cop-out they refused to compromise they would not be double-minded never cognizer s to bring them to him because he thought that his educational process had certainly had effect on them had washed out all of their former belief about the God of Israel he had an educational system that first of all changed their names his ultimate goal was to change their view of themselves and changed their identity which is something that the enemy is still doing today if he can get you to change your sense of who you are in God then he can not only change your identity he can change your imagination and if he changes your imagination it goes to the core of your integrity it's not that you are a bad person it's just that the enemy attacks attacks your image and your identity and if you don't know who you are in Christ Jesus then eventually he'll get you to succumb to whatever he recommends and so the King said bring them to me because I have more experience working with these kinds of people I know how to talk to him he said look I know you were having a hard time getting with my program I know you are custom to bowing down to your God but there is no other God other than me in fact Shadrach Meshach and Abednego I'm your God because I'm the only one that can keep you from going in the fiery furnace I'm the only one that can deliver you at this particular point in time and here's where it shifts they say to the king Oh King we're not careful to answer you in fact we only have to make an argument about this our minds are already made up now can I suggest to you it takes strong faith to get to that place I mean when the devil really tries to take you out and the devil really tries to get to your mind and you can stand in the face of the devil and tell him I don't care what you do I don't care what you say my mind is made up I know in whom I believe and I know that my God is able to deliver me they say for neophytes this is for people who have grown to a level of maturity in the Lord to say that whatever you seen in my direction to negate me I don't care because God's going to deliver me now now you just can't make that claim without some first-hand experience and some personal faith knowledge it's one thing to get to church it's one thing to praise the Lord and while the music is going and the beat is going but it's something else when you out that by yourself and the bad news comes and the bottom drops out and you don't know what to do and don't know where to go and yet you can declare I know what God said to me and God's gonna take out and they backed it up with verse number 18 but if he does not even if God doesn't act like I want God to act or God doesn't act like I think God should add I'm not gonna separate myself from God that is faith that says if things happen in Reverse and can go from better to worse even if the cancer is malignant even if it's an operative even if it has metastasized even if the doctor says there's nothing else that we can do I'm still standing on what God says and I'm not gonna back even if I don't have a reliable source of income even if things don't go my way all I can say is my god is able you oughta hunt your neighbor and say oh yes he is my God is able my God is able my God is able and so the King says time up dressing up why they going in the fire time up dress them up why they going in the fire tie them up dress them up why they going in the fire if the fire is seven times hotter than it ought to be it's gonna consume whatever you put on them but he says dress them up time up and so the three boys have to go through what is called a furnace time I've gone on this way to bring you to this point that there are times in life where every Christian has to go through a furnace time sometimes it's depths of a loved one sometimes it's unjust treatment sometimes it's extended sickness sometimes it's disease sometimes it's job loss but every child of God will have an experience where you have to go through the furnace time and when you go through furnace time then ain't no time for you to be nervous and scared and acting like you all by yourself when you go through furnace time you had to be planted and rooted in what God says by faith so that you don't count down God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind and so King Nebuchadnezzar dressed him up tied him up and then he threw him in and went and sat down but when he sat down that King rose up and looked over what was going on and I can imagine that my black preacher mind that God looked over the universe he looked over headings and said I've got to send somebody down there maybe would have called Superman but he had to change his uniform and by the time he got down there it would have been just a little bit too late he couldn't call back man but that man would have to get in his car by the time Batman got in his car he would have been too late he could have called flash but flash wasn't fast enough so God looked around and said who can I sit down in the furnace and Michael raised his hand and Michael said God send me God said no you're not fast enough he looked around and Michael looked at another angel why don't you go down and he said no you're not fast enough he said Jesus jesus said I'm already there I'm already there I'm right in the mission I'm already there and so when Nebuchadnezzar got up and he went to check out what had happened what he realized was that Jesus was the fourth man in the fire and he realized that God will come in the midst of your furnace time I ain't got nobody talking to me this morning I need somebody that has some experience where you went through some stuff that nobody else thought you were gonna come out nobody thought you gonna make it but some reason or never you are a survivor and you're still here it's called furnace time don't tell me about how good god is until you've been through a situation where you didn't know how you gonna make it and didn't know if you were gonna make it only to help God step it and with you and tell you I got this look at your neighbor and tell them God says I got this I've got this I've got this I've got this I got this I've got and so when when when Nebuchadnezzar open up the door and looked in he said didn't we put him free say yeah but we see a fourth man and it looks like the Son of God he was in there walking around and the Bible says that the brothers were praising God in the midst of that furnace time now you can praise him when something going right but you don't really know praise until you go through some furnace time can I tell you that my best browser come out of my furnace time can I tell you my best praise comes out of my furnace time can I tell you that when I don't know what I'm gonna tonight that's the time that I'm really depending and leading huh and so the furnace was hot seven times and it ought to be but Jesus was in the midst of it we're already shouted wink I danced no more but can I tell you this when Jesus was in the furnace what they didn't understand was Jesus was checking out the temperature and Jesus was controlling the thermostat I'm so glad I've got a guard that knows how to turn things down when it gets too much for me to bear I'm glad I've got a guard that's got his hand on the thermostat and he knows when the heat is too much for me to take I'm glad I've got a guard when I don't think I can make it can say to me don't worry about it I'm gonna work this thing out for your favor well well well they opened up the door never kanessa looks in and sees the man and here's the thing that I make his shout because this was Jesus this was the son of God and here's the point that I make yourself God not only the God not only controls furnaces God controls furnace makers and so even when the enemy tries to get something to set you back you got to understand God's got control of that nothing happens without God's rubber stamp on it nothing can come your way unless God permits it and God knows how much is put inside of you how much it would invested in you and so no matter what folks say they may not even understand how you can take up all so much you got to take up but they don't know that God knows just how much you can bear a much furnace time stop talking and complaining about your furnace time because the devil can't stand it when a child goes through furnace time and still can lift up their hands and still can open up their mouths and still can dip God he can't stand it when you go through furnace time and you still got a hallelujah on your lips he can't stand it because what he creates is supposed to destroy you but what he doesn't understand is just elevates you I'm glad I'm glad and I'm finished we shut it enough today I'm glad but that's one more thing I gotta say before I sit down and that is something that when preachers preach this they overlook the Bible says they tied them up tied their hands and tied their feet and when they do the men the Bible says that they came out without a smell of smoke look at your name and tell them you don't look you don't smell like what you been through you don't smell like what you what you been through I know we said we don't look like what we've been through but the truth of the matter some of y'all been in some low places and some smelling places and the Lord brought you out of it huh and the Lord cleaned you up and the Lord clean me up and you don't look like what you smell like but that's not the dancing part the Bible says they tied him up and they bound their feet and they came out not smelling like smoke there was something that did get burned up and what got burned up was the roof and the shackles and that's why some of you can't praise him because you ain't been in a hot in that situation to tie up and make you loose oh but when you bid in the heat and when the Lord has loosed your hands and loose your finger and lose your mouth for any time they open up they'll see you pray they came out close like they went in the only difference was what was binding them had been burned and had been consumed and all I'm trying to say is before I sit down but the reason why you are so slow in responding in praise it's because you still got your hands behind and you still got your feet back and you still got your mind bound but when you've been in hell and back and when you had your hands loose and your feet loose - ain't nobody can stop you from giving God some praise now I need about fifty people huh that says I know something about the furnace I know what the furnace can do I know what the ferns are supposed to do but when I was in the furnace that's when I met the Lord when I was in the furnace that's where I got my shelter when I was in the furnace that's why I learned to praise Him [Applause] so I thank God for my furnace time hallelujah if I had had an Infernus time I would still be the way I was before I met the Lord but since I've been in the furnace now I don't mind raising my hands I don't mind lifting up my feet and I don't care who looks at me because it was my furnace and not your furnace sir I know what I've been in I know what I've been through and I know who delivered me out of this and that's why I got a praise because I've got to give God glory he could have let me down I couldn't stay right there he cleaned us [Applause] take the shackles off my feet so I can dance I'm true [Applause] I'm through we didn't shout it enough today those who could shout those have been in the furnace everybody else looking at you like you crazy then understand that it was in the furnace that your hands got loose it was in the friend that's where your feet got loose it was at the place where you didn't know what you were gonna do and then you looked around and saw your deliverer standing right beside you and you said to yourself that he thought enough for me to come in this hot situation I think enough for him to let him know that I'm gonna give him glory [Applause] man furnace time you got to go through it I got to go through it we all got to go through it might as well get ready amen see this is the test between emotionalism and faith when you in the furnace Oh No see when you in the furnace and its emotionalism all you fall out is all please please come on Jesus I need you but when you know that you know that you know that's your internet friends by yourself and you can say god anytime now I know you're gonna do something I don't know how you gonna do it but God give me time now I'm gonna stay right way until I see you do your thing because I know you're evil and that's what they said to the king we know you're able we know king that our God is able is he able I know he's able that word is for somebody this morning so don't be discouraged because you're going through furnace time no and you're gonna have to put up or shut up I mean you can't say all this stuff about God and then there's no authenticity to what you're saying no you got to have some furnace time and the furnace time will validate bill that will validate how much of what you're saying is true I want to invite them on their feet this morning furnace time will come when you least expect it this week I have been suffering from a just a terrible cold I didn't accept it I didn't I was rebuking it and all that and I can't receive it my body decided that well you say whatever you wanted to say and got really tough I went through a period never had this before something called vertigo and and and you know that's when the whole room starts spinning around and and and and and you you you were helpless it seems I mean is just spin it around and me I said well operate at myself will I'm trying to walk in the room spinning and I'm not even gonna take me down and the room just to spinning and then I said well you ain't gonna take me down I'm gonna lay down [Music] I lay down I pray said when I get up it's gonna stop and I got up what I'm still spinning still spinning going round and round and I'm saying what is this and then the inner spirit in me said this is furnace time so now you've got the call on what you believe and you got to activate it as long as you address the circumstance it's gonna get the advantage over your mind so I started saying Jesus the healer of my life Jesus the savior of my soul I said thank you for giving me vertigo not giving me but allowing me to go to vertical vertigo because if I hadn't gone through this vertigo my testimony wouldn't be what it is right now and so I they told me well it may be two weeks before it clears up two weeks before you go back out again well it was it was Friday Friday [Music] [Applause] sanity on the third day oh yes thank God for the third day sometimes you gotta go down but there's a third guy [Applause] yeah pull your head back in how to thank God for the fair day the fire day [Music] [Applause] my wife said to me how you feel I said it's the third day I'm getting up from here alright I go to the house of the Lord I got a I got a I got to go to the house of the Lord and I got to get this testimony out I didn't panic I didn't you know I didn't keep lingering in it I just said I know that God is able and God is greater God is greater than anything that can come against us and so I share that with you this morning only to let you know that you have to go through some stuff but if you stand firm on what God said don't let it get in your mind cuz the devil will deceive you he'll trick you but you've got to stand firm on what the Word of God says and so he let me get up on the third day and come back into the presence of his people I woke up Dork Church for somebody this morning maybe you are going through what I call furnace time I don't know what it is I don't know who you are but I do know whatever you believe is gonna be called in the question at some time or another and going to church is not enough amen just coming up in here and having a good time is not enough this thing has got to be rooted in you it's got to be real within you and so I want to open up the door for the church for somebody this morning who feel like you you you Infernus time and listen if you live long enough it's coming there's nothing to be embarrassed about I've been through it I'm going through a prior through some more but if you have enough faith to say Lord your reputation is on the line with this and I believe your word I believe every word that you say if you're here this morning and you're going through a furnace time can you can use about join with us if you hear you don't have a church home you hear you're not actually involved in ministry and here's the thing these boys were doing nothing wrong they were already saved they were already committed but they still had to go through furnace time and so I called you this morning if you're being tried in a fire if you feel like you are in a situation that looks helpless I'm talking to you they can be a sickness it can be something in your mind that you've been struggling with along my arms I just want to encourage you to come I want you to come this morning I want you to believe God is with you I want you to believe God is gonna bring you through it I want you to believe God's that give your praise that's beyond the praise that you already had I want you to believe that God is loosing loosing your situation in your circumstance would you come what can you lose they've become [Music] glory hallelujah won't you come this morning brother Porter come so soon come on come on God will do something with you God wants to do something in you can you believe it for it although I see you coming I see you coming come on come on get your place [Music] all you have is a Fame so you have to go on that's all you did what's your car the Lord is here to meet you standing with you this morning come on come on let's put our faith ball in it let's put our faith Hornet let's put our faith on it we've already put our ladies on it let's put our pay for it [Music] come on come on try the god in faith walk out in face [Music] having faith workout raining God trusting God knowing [Music] no reason all work [Music] [Music] when the track garden with you his crackers about see you coming somebody else would this morning [Music] that we can talk about the study said [Music] that doesn't mean we're gonna back down on what we believe because he's already promised last call last call last call came into my life yeah for down keeping clean me up to die for just so I could be free so I could eat and tell [Music] hallelujah hallelujah glory and I'm gonna praise you forever forever forever forever [Music] last call I hear the Lord saying somebody else needs to be up here somebody else needs to be up here this morning you need to be up here you need to be up here the way the Lord moves through this congregation this morning you need to be up here hallelujah yuria you need to be up there he came here for you this morning he came in with your situation this morning no situation that in name [Music] because [Music] I see you coming [Music] hallelujah there's a little girl getting ready to happen right now getting ready to take place right now getting ready to come off right now God's getting ready to do it right now [Music] because because [Music] can you hold hands and lock arms if you can hold hands they were in the fire praising God and they looked around and saw that Jesus was with them standing right beside them and so everything that they felt before that no longer existed and some prophesy right now that the Lord is standing with you and everything that been running through your mind I want you to know it's counseled in the name of Jesus I want you to believe that God did not bring you this far to leave you at this time that your destiny is not true your purpose has not totally been fulfilled and God's got something greater and you I want you to say these words after me my best days are yet to come my best days are yet to come so don't talk about bearing me too soon don't talk about parently too soon because my best days are yet to come father in Jesus name you said where two or three are gathered touching and agreeing and I stand as the man of God sent to this house I'm not coming in agreement with any doubt I'm not coming in agreement with fear I'm not coming in agreement with disappointment I'm not coming in agreement with depression I'm not coming an agreement with failure but I'm coming in agreement with victory in the name of Jesus the one who is and always will be and who can do anything but fail I come an agreement with you right now and God I know that there are stresses out there I know but that's pressure all around but God I come in agreement with freedom for healing and restoration and renewal in the name of Jesus devil I'm serving you notice you don't lost again you already defeated in the name of Jesus and so God we stand in agreement today that the work of God the will of God the might of God the power of God will bring the fruition what God has promised us in covenant relationship ask anything in my name according to my will couldn't do my word did not give it to you in Jesus name and for his sake and the people of God said amen amen a man reven Washington we have a vigil Nobles coming for special prayer Kevin Williams coming for special prayer Lamont we love a special prayer Douglas man salt for special prayer Jamila McDonald special prayer her mother died Rodney McCall special prayer and Williams special prayer evany Magee special prayer Quneitra Burton special prayer Darlene Cleveland Show elray Sharia Brown special prayer John Hogue Tracy more Tony Smith special prayer enola special prayer Peter Ramsey chaplain Whelan special prayer and we have Bishop bricks and reneik hold for special prayer we have Brianna comedor coming to join read temple we have ki old Keola Harris coming for baptism we have Chantel Peter coming to join read temple and we have Caprice hackney coming for salvation these are they that have come [Applause] [Music] amen if you will go with brothers are now brother Darnell and give them a hand as they go [Applause] can you stretch your hand towards this family by faith stretch your hand toward this family and just simply say Lord do it do it again you can I know you will do it by faith according to your word in Jesus name Amen amen and amen those will be read in the full membership would you come this morning if you to be read in the full membership and you finished all of the courses would you please come god bless you and others that are coming I see you those would be our see you come and God bless you to be read in the full membership amen [Music] [Applause] dearly beloved you are now seeking the great privilege of union with the church which our Savior has purchased with his own blood we rejoice in the grace of God given unto you in that he has called you to be his followers you have heard how blessed are the privileges and how solemn are the duties of membership in Christ's Church and before you are fully admitted it is proper that you do hear publicly renew your vows confess your faith and declare your purpose by answering the following questions do you hear in the presence of God and of this congregation renew your solemn promise contained in the baptismal covenant ratifying and confirming the same and acknowledging yourselves bound faithfully to observe and keep that covenant and all things contained therein you answer I do have you saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ I trust I have do you possess friendly feelings to what all members of this church I do do you believe in the doctrine of the Holy Scripture as it is set forth in the Articles of Religion of the African Methodist Episcopal Church I do will you be governed by the discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church hosts sacred the ordinances of God and try as much as possible to promote the welfare of fellow members and the advancement of the kingdom of God you answer I will will you give of your time talent and money for the support of the gospel church poor and various ministries of the church you answer I will any reason why these persons standing before us should not be received in the full membership no objection Gordon Lee welcome you into the fellowship of the Church of God and in light of our Christian love I extended you the right hand of fellowship and may God grant that you may be a faithful and useful member of the church militant Lu a call to the Fellowship of the church triumphant which is faultless before the presence of Almighty God if you'd give me your name please this is brother brother James by Joshua Lorenz David Holladay sister Jamila McDonald Meera Birdwell Denis Starling rose one newbie and we welcome you into the full membership Reed temple African Memphis Episcopal Church may the Lord keep you strong may you walk by faith and not by sight use your gifts and your talents and your abilities that God has given you to expand the kingdom become a witness lift up the name
Channel: Reid Temple AME
Views: 7,487
Rating: 4.5492959 out of 5
Keywords: reid temple, ame, Pastor Lee P. Washington, Rev. Matthew Watley, Church, ame church, gospel music, Worship, Reid Temple, AME, Sermon
Id: jqSjw5UDqxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 10sec (8290 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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