God Will Get You Through This

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some prayer in Jesus name Amen encourage you'll never say it's just so awesome to being worship with you this morning look them and say let's just praise the Lord he done great things to me he gave me the big to me because he shelter he's worthy to be praised oh he has run my body he taught me how to pray I'm gonna let it shine I've got to let me know everywhere he taught great thing for me because he gave me the victory come on clap your hands in because he is worthy to be praised come on all the tenors in houses he has brought feet of my pillow come on clap your hands and praise Him he's a wonderful Saviour the Lord oh he's blessed you let's praise it he's a worthy of the brave let's just pray them and soprano that's just plain let's just pray them let's just praise Him glory hallelujah Oh oh you people are you servants Dean the Lord we sink just come up with those hands you may pick this be from the presence of the Lord this is a day that the Lord has made real rejoicing glad to see each and every one of you in the house of God we're excited to celebrate God's goodness and we're it decided to celebrate our senior pastor the Reverend dr. leakey Washington and 36 years of pastoral ministry he's in the building alone if your flag for the Ministry of path philosophy amen not only is this his 36 pastoral anniversary it actually technically was in September but we held it because we wanted to be able to see him personally but we also is his last pastoral anniversary he's going to be retiring at our annual conference in March of 2019 amen and he well deserves a meant to be able to take his list and to enjoy life and not only is he here but his wife is his sister Anna Washington help me thank God for all first lady help me thank God for her Amen waves with a could see a men here so grateful a God [Music] Ava was so grateful to God for their ministry together and what they have done for the cause of Christ y'all this preaching time and I want you to know there is as shown you know certified preacher in the house and the person of our senior pastor Reverend dr. Lee Paul Washington amen we're grateful to God for his ministry [Applause] amen and guess if you're trying to figure out what's going on it's just you don't know Amen but God has enabled and used this man of God down through the years to bless not this just this church but churches across the length and breadth of this land you came to read temple it was the little Church on Michigan Avenue it was a traditional certified AME Church those of you who know know what that means and through leading of the Spirit he was able to move that congregation out of the traditional mold that they were in and to embrace freedom and worship embrace understanding the significance of being Bible based and the significance of understanding tithing and giving and serving and sacrificing and from that work they were able to leave Michigan Avenue and arrived at sixty seven oh five good luck Road a man and Lana Maryland and when they first moved in now now again as I said Dave o'clock hour you can't stop the movie at the end and think you know the story you got to start the big when they went to go get the financing pastor Washington tells the story that they were turned down 20 times by various banks and they ended up doing bonds to get in and when they got in they had to rope off the back so that folks would you know could feel each other because otherwise everybody had their own road but under his preaching and under the ministry of the holy spirit that service field they had to pull the the velvet rope then added the second service then they added a third service then they added a fourth service to the glory and honour of God and and when that place could hold them no longer were able to move where we currently exist at the Glendale campus 11400 Glendale Boulevard and now there's still a served for services operating there and the Lord's name be praised in addition to that he has always been a progressive pastor who was not simply interested in Sunday morning church but an interested in holistic ministry and so his vision included a credit union a bookstore a Counseling Center a studio a duly accredited Christian school with a stem program and a Mandarin exchange program Amen somebody and to the glory and honor of God that this is not a flash in a pan ministry that makes you feel good this is a ministry that has done good down through the years and has made a mark on countless thousands his ministry cannot really be defined by Reed temple because it has impacted preachers and churches across this country not only within the denomination you need to know that you have the senior pastor who has serves the largest church in the AME denomination all 7,000 churches around the world this is the number one Church because of his leadership and because no matter God could trust him with more because God knew that it would not change him that he has kept the common touch he is he is the same person that that I met as a seminarian and as I've been saying for the last week and a half when he met me as a seminary I came as Howard University School divinity he would see me in the bank and call me up to the pulpit like I was one of the big preachers and I just had gotten licensed amen and then when he called me on staff he first met me as a senior statesman then he became my supervisor my boss but from the first day to this that he has always treated me as a colleague and I have appreciated his generosity and spirit and his magnanimous way of allowing others to use their gifts and to flourish and so I'm grateful of God on behalf of my wife and our daughter Alexandra we're grateful to the Washington's because of all that they have meant to us they have blessed us they have made room for us they have covered us and we're grateful to God and we celebrate then having the opportunity to enjoy one another in their own way and in their own time while they can still enjoy the newness of life earned doctorate author scholar he is respected inside the AME Church and outside of the AME Church and although he has never been one to promote either his name or the read temple name he only has lifted up the name of Jesus the Bible says your gift will make room for you and bring you before great people he could be on the road preaching 52 weeks a year and all the major pulpit you see across the the world he just chooses to stay at home because he's comfortable with the ministry that God has given him and he is a flat foot stomp down preacher of the Lord Jesus Christ in the gospel and so I want to get out the way I have so much more to say but I just want to say to our to the North Campus you don't see him every Sunday but you don't realize how much he has done to advance this ministry you don't you don't the you know in football the got the running back or the receiver they're the ones that score but none of them do anything without the line and he has been holding the line down through the years for this church in this campus to the breast and we want to personally and publicly express our appreciation for his integrity for his character for his commitment it is not to be taken for granted I'm gonna ask that you would turn now your attention to the screens when you have a little video intro you want to add Kwas gonna come back and ministers demonic selection and after that the next voice you shall hear shall be the voice of God as he speaks through his servant and our senior pastor the Reverend dr. Lee P Washington hear ye him and be blessed Amen Reverend dr. Lee P Washington has served as the senior pastor of Reed temple AME Church for the past 36 years guided by his pragmatic approach to ministry and a simple theme have faith in God thank you when Washington of all that you've been done you've always been very supportive to the husband and I he encouraged us to have faith when we were trying to leave Michigan Avenue to go to good luck though it was a small in number at the time that he kept encouraging us and talk to us about tithing and just having faith that was good lunch I have faith in God by 2001 faster Washington led Reed temple to acquire 32 acres of land in suburban Glendale Maryland over the next three years a modern state-of-the-art worship facility was constructed and pastor Washington lived the first services at the Glendale campus in 2004 he has been featured in The Washington Post Washington Times and Washington and former newspapers his dynamic and life changing servants can be heard every Saturday morning on praise 104.1 and on wyc be 1340 a.m. we want to thank him for his guidance and the opportunity to grow spiritually and when we had ups and downs and detours and postponements it was his preaching that taught us how to lean and depend on God I think dr. Washington has taught us that if you believe in God and put your your trust in Him and you do the things that you can do to uplift the kingdom of God then he won't let you down in 2006 Pastor Washington continue to lead the expansion of Reed temple as we became one Church in two locations with the opening of re temple north in Silver Spring Maryland on Easter Sunday of 2015 Reed temple returned to Washington DC after 25 years services were held at the East Street cinema then at the Howard theatre and as of January 2017 three temples Washington DC services are held at New Bethel Baptist Church Pastor Washington is committed to education and received his Doctor of Ministry and Master of Divinity degrees from Howard University his Bachelor Science degree in the behavioral and Social Sciences from the University of Maryland is the author of identifying conflict management strategies in a black church and the contributing author to the african-american devotional Bible I am just tremendously blessed by having the opportunity to be under his leadership for a period of time I heard pastor Washington speak and I was just blown away by Reverend Washington has just been amazing we've seen the church grow above and beyond what we can even imagine and we're just excited on the direction that retail pull is going and the legacy that he has enough for us he is listed among the 25 outstanding preachers of Washington DC and Maryland 50 national spiritual leaders and who's who among business executives pastor Washington currently chairs the Board of Examiners for the Washington conference of the AME Church he has served the AME Church as Northeast Regional Director of evangelism director of ministry beyond the sanctuary for the Washington DC conference director of the annual conference Institute and Dean of the Christian education institute among other leadership roles pastor Washington's married to mrs. Anna Brooks Washington and they have two sons LaVon Lee and Brooks Paul Washington for 36 years of tireless committed and humble leadership Thank You Reverend dr. Lee P Washington [Applause] it is a wonderful thing to be in the presence of God in the field the presence of his anointing and so out of the presence of God in this place today certainly let me acknowledge also the ministers of the gospel that are in the pulpit and those that may be in the congregation to the officers and ministers officers and members of the north location and then to the band to this choir how about this choir they are phenomenal they are absolutely tremendous and they sing my kind of music I really really hear what you're saying I'm not a Motown I'm not you know so I appreciate you so much although I like all genres of music I'm biased when it comes to traditional gospel and so I want to thank you for that so much I do want to express my gratitude words escape me as well as from my wife for the respect and what you have shared with us this morning I just can't find the words to express how much I appreciate you and how much I appreciate you following the leadership of Reverend Matthew Watley and sister Shawna Watley who are phenomenal in their own right they're phenomenal leaders phenomenal phenomenal a man I saw their daughter this morning and I said to her you get taller by the week and she smiled she's a wonderful wonderful wonderful gift and blessing that God had given to them Reverend Whitely has been a tree temple for 20 years now to 12 years he's served here as pastor he's really been your pastor he's really been your pastor for 12 years and yet and our AME system he does not have the authentic paper that indicates that he is the pastor but I'm praying and I need you to pray with me as we work through some things to make sure that as we go to this annual conference he will receive an appointment from the bishop that there's he is the senior pastor of this church [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] well-deserving he's certainly well deserving and I want to thank him again as I shared at the earliest service that not once has he attempted to overthrow or take the seat that I sit in but he's had nothing but respect for that seat and it would have been a problem giving it to him it's just that he was he has good home training and so he knew not to try to do that but I do want to applaud him all of what we say at the annual conference I have the responsibility to report on the work of Reid temple and that's inclusive of Reed north and Reed DC but when we stand and give our stats and when we stand and give the amount of money raised in the ministry that's impacted greatly by the work that's done here at this location on the leadership again of reverend Watley let me just go ahead and be prophetic past the white-white liad [Applause] [Laughter] and on top of all of that he is in such great demand globally because of his gift to pray he was at Glendale last week now I have one thing against them we we have roof problems we're having roofing problems and he knew it coming in and he just ripped the roof off the top of the building preaching preaching at North location is like taking sand to the beach y'all get good preaching all the time and great leadership so I'm grateful for him I want to thank my wife she's here we've been married 48 years she's very [Applause] she is like me we don't we don't like being so we don't like coming to the front and obviously she doesn't either so she's sitting like three rows back Reverend Reverend Russ came to me this morning and said your wife said I said okay and he said I'm trying to get a move to the front I said well good luck with that Raja when she says something is it that's it you're not gonna be able to but it's a joy for me to be here with the Reid temple north and and look how God has blessed you there's not a seat in this house you reach capacity you reach capacity and I don't give credit to man for this I give credit to God who worked through the man who worked through the man and we're so grateful again for what has happened and I'm optimistic about what God is going to do let me get to my assignment so I can get out of the way Lord thank you so much for the beauty of this day thank you so much for the history of rete empal the people that you've sent our way the leaders and specifically Reverend pastor Whitely and first lady Shana thank you and sister and their daughter Alexa elexander we thank you for them in we thank you because we know that this is just a door that's been opened the door is open and we're moving to another chapter and we're grateful for your leading and your guidance bless the people here today that's how these higher bless your people I don't know their needs individually but you know each one of them as you know the very number of hairs on their head let them leave this place different than when they came in let them leave here with hope and with joy and with and with great expectation do this according to your will in Jesus name we pray amen when she turn with me to the historical book of Joshua Joshua chapter 4 verses 8 through 14 I do you read responsibly here or do you do you just read one person yeah alright well I am the senior pastor so so I'm accustomed to reading it responsibly I read a verse then you read a verse and then we're all in at verse number 14 so the Israelites did as Joshua commanded them they took 12 stones from the middle of the Jordan according to the number of the tribes of the Israelites as the Lord had told Joshua and they carried them over with them to their camp where they put them down now I'm the priest who carried the ark remained standing in the middle of the Jordan until everything that the Lord had commanded Joshua was done by the people just as Moses had directed Joshua the people hurried over the men of Reuben GAD and half tribe in the half tribe of manasseh crossed over ready for battle in front of the Israelites as Moses had directed them that day the Lord exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel and they stood in awe of him all the days of his life just as they had stood in awe of Moses you may be seated in the presence of Almighty God I want to talk very briefly as a spiritual guide from the subject God will get you through this God will get you through that God will get you through I know it's flu season but touch your neighbor and tell them God God will get you through it I've lived long enough to appreciate the fact that anytime you try to move ahead in life anytime you try to make progress in life there is an instinct to hold on to everything and often everyone you can but there are things in your pursuit of promotion upward mobility if you are going to make progress or there are some things you just have to let go you can't feel your mind and spirit with what God has for you that is new if your mind and spirit is still occupied or possessed with that which is old Israel the chosen people of God had spent 400 years as slaves in captivity on the Pharaoh do you realize you can be destroyed by believing you are really what your enemy says you are James Baldwin said when the white supremists called him out of his name he was clear that he did not respond because you can become what your enemy calls you they were treated like slaves treated like nobodies their limits on their ambitions they were told what they could do and what they could not do where they could go and where they could not go under the regime of Pharaoh but now they are free they are tasting freedom for the first time as God is persuading them to move to the place of promise and the place of prosperity God named this place for them Canaan the land west of the Jordan Canaan though was more than a physical resting place flowing with milk and honey Canaan was the place beyond the reach of slave owners where oppressors couldn't no longer control them and have any say over them after the bitter encounter with Egypt and the recent loss of Moses God is moving his people towards psychological recovery God is trying to free them from their debilitating fears of their past but they have this instinct to hold on to what God wants them to let go of have you ever experienced anything or anyone from your past you had to recover from in your life anything you had to struggle over you had to let go you had to pray over you had to cry over you had to fast over you had to go to counseling over you're still in therapy now I'm trying to get over and some things or someone that was meaningful to you that hurt you that wounded you that close friend that betrayed you that person who rejected you and you love the same blood of the same family that search that hurt you that person that turns down the people who turned you off and even turned you away have you ever had one of those kind of encounters in your life where life has taught me that no one is exempt from the pain of letting go isn't that what God told Moses to go tell Pharaoh go tell Pharaoh let my people go but Pharaoh had a hard time with it and the people of Israel are now having a hard time when Moses had died and letting go we preach this often time or guilty or telling people just hold on sister just hold on brother but that's not where the struggle is it's not the holding on it's the letting go yeah letting go of your bad image letting go of a negative attitude letting go of a bad spirit letting go of wanting to get revenge with somebody letting go of your stubbornness letting go of your resentment letting go a pride letting go of fear letting go of lust letting go of low expectation life has taught me that sometimes letting go will leave you scarred if not scared it will leave you suspicious or stained and yet God endeavors to get his people to the place where they have let go but it's not easy especially when your expectations have been damaged it's not easy for you to move forward or to move on with the Israelites expectations have been damaged and daunted because we hear when they were with Moses complaining and grumbling in the wilderness that's what happens when things don't turn out our way as we expect it and God knows something has to be changed in our thinking and our believing if we're going to get where God wants us to go how God goes about this the methodology of God is mysterious it's unconventional if they're going to advance forward and reach their destiny it will not be without a battle another struggle another challenge it will not be without attest to their faith too God will do what God said he would do it will not be without a challenge or it will not be without another mountain that they have to cross or another river they have to cross this time they are facing the Jordan they are facing the Jordan River this was their Edmund Pettus Bridge over the Atlanta River the Alabama River on the way to Montgomery they're trying to get to the promised land but now they've got something in front of them that's hindering them listen if we're going to come into tomorrow's blessing we must first get beyond today's battle I better back up and say that again if we're going to come into tomorrow's blessings we must first get beyond today's battle how interesting it is for me to note Israel has to battle their way they had to battle their way out of Egypt and not everyone was satisfied to leave still some had memories and wanted to return to the fleshpots in Egypt the leeks and the onions they preferred a guarantee of food over newfound freedom in making a public and I'm making a public announcement there's always something in the way that's determined that you can't have your way if you gonna live God's Way in Israel is now facing another body of water this is not the Nile of Egypt this is the Red Sea this is not the Red Sea they cross that with Moses May this is in the wilderness and this is a whole new crowd but this is the Jordan that's at flood stage I heard my grandmama saying if it ain't one thing then it's got to be another but if God can get you to a Red Sea with Moses God can get you across the river with Joshua if God can get you through the burial of a loved one God can get you through a badgering supervisor you see it's not the size it's not the size that that gets in the way as much it is as it is the size of our faith in God who promised that he would make a and God has promised that it will faithful to him regardless of the size that was facing us but God will get us through it can you touch your name and tell them our God's gonna get me through this if God can get you through your Exodus with Moses God can get you across with Joshua and sometimes as I said before it's not the size of the thing but it's the size of your faith in God that will get you across what you what God is trying to get you to God is going to get you through it I'm trying to show this in your spirit so whatever you are up against whatever crisis that you are facing whatever challenge that stands before you you need to understand that God is with you and God is going to get you through it what Joshua does in Chapter in Chapter number four is he takes 12 stones from the middle of the Jordan for each tribe from a historical perspective this is the prelude to their past god of our weary years God allows volunteers now who brought us thus far along the way this is symbolic of their past but did you know that when they were caught in the prelude of their past they didn't ask Who am I or why am i they never even referred to themselves as the children of God and so what God had to do was to make sure that they had a new awareness in terms of who they were and so God did not define them by the context of their slavery what God did them by the power of his miracle the Egyptians created their pain but those who created yesterday pain don't get to control tomorrow's promises and so that's why you ought to learn how so because people that are against you today don't have an investment in your future tomorrow because God intervenes and hears your prayers and God handles the ways of the wickedness of the wicked and so this this pile of stones represented the prelude to their past prelude to their past they're walking through they're walking through they're walking through and the Jordan is at flood stage but the Bible says that when the priests step in the water with the ark of the Ark of the Covenant immediately the water gets happy and stands up on both sides and here now God is leading them through historically this brought my mind back to the brave little black girls and little black boys who trying to get the school they mad when the law demanded integration and there were persons on the sidelines adults hurling all kinds of insults with them but their parents have told them walk together children don't you get will it because God will lead you to the place that God has promised you God says to Moses when Pharaoh's army was behind them stand still and see the deliverance the Lord will bring you out today the Lord will fight for you can anybody justify that the Lord has come on your side to fight for you and here's the part I like he says the Egyptians you see today you will see no more brothers and sisters if you are faithful to God if you stay with God if you hold on to God if you believe in God God somehow or another will bring you through stuff that you thought you would never be able to get through even when it comes to sickness some of us can testify I didn't know if I would be able to see the beauty of another day but I called on God and God came to my rescue and God healed my body and I'm here too day to tell you that God will bring you through it makes no difference who's against you stop giving the enemy power because the enemy doesn't have any power no God's got all power and when the enemy comes in like a flood God will raise up a standard God has a way of letting his people know that there's nothing too hard for him and if you stand still and let the Lord fight your battles he'll just bring you food in verse number eight Joshua sets up twelve stones that have been in the middle of the Jordan somebody say in the middle yeah they were in the middle and that's what some of you are today you're in the middle but you ought to shout and praise God because the middle means that at least you're making progress you're not where you were it's a good thing you have weight to the finish line they were in the middle somebody's in the middle of a heartbreak somebody's in the middle of a divorce somebody's in the middle of a setback but listen you're halfway to where God is leading you to and if God has brought you this far I'm trying to declare to you that God's gonna take you all the way don't let the devil mess up your mind and fill your mind with doubter just because you can't see light at the end of the tunnel but mean that there isn't light at the end of the tunnel the God that I serve will grab hold of you and will take your soup and will lead you can I tell you something can I share something with you you see when we read this story about Moses and about Joshua we've been taught from a Sunday school perspective something that's not exactly true because we say that it was Moses who led them through the Red Sea it was Joshua who got them through the Jordan but no when I read this text in a critical way I want to let somebody know it wasn't Moses who got them true it wasn't Joshua who got them true but it was God who got them through and let me tell you this because in the text if you dig deep enough in the test you'll find something that's very practical in the instance of what is what God said to them that got them through God said to Moses listen the enemy that you see today you will see no more but I'm with you Moses and I'm with you and what God said to Moses God said to Moses tell say what I said to you to the people I don't know what you're saying to your opposition I don't know what you're saying to your problems I don't know what you're saying does that which is trying to hold you down but I come to tell you God's got something that he needs to say to you so you can say cue it here's what I love about it here's what I love about it what I say to you he says the Joshua what I say to you isn't about you but everything that's there to stop you I've learned for my 70 years of being on this earth that when I'm up against something that I don't have the human capacity or the intellectual way or a bandwidth to deal with God will say something to me to let me know that I can still have the victory and because I can't figure it out at the moment that means that I have to give up on it because if I just wait on God and if I pray and fast and seek God's face God will say something to me so I can say it to it and if you have the faith the size of them [Applause] the most the most the most and I'm testifying here the most liberating moment in my ministry has been when I had to say to the people of God who were looking for me from an and for an answer and the most liberating moment was when I looked in their eyes and say I don't know we like to be in charge don't yeah yeah we don't like to appear honorable but there are some times that you just don't know I don't have a plan I don't have a strategy I don't know I just I just don't know what I know is that I don't know and I've been liberated because that teaches me that times I have to be patient to hear what God says and if God speaks if God ordains it that means God will maintain it and it's God's choice that means God will handle the invoice and if it's God's will that means God will foot the bill but I got to wait to hear what God has to say now I'm a preacher Reverend Watley as a preacher we have other preachers in here and you see we like to talk about homiletically objectiveness and hermeneutical accuracy but the truth of the matter is you can be a great Hummel addition and I'd be able to hermeneutical a deal with the test but if you don't spend no time waiting to hear what God says it's all vain whenever the enemy scissors a move of God wherever the enemy feels there's promotion or elevation you have to hear from God and you'll see God's miraculous manifestation in verse number eight Israel does as the Lord told Joshua commanded them verse number 10 here come the priest standing in the Jordan until everything the Lord had commanded Joshua was done by the people just as Moses had directed Joshua I was talking about the prelude they crossed the Jordan 40,000 min now armed for battle before the Lord takes them over into Jericho he makes us understand that the people are now ready to fight they're ready to fight and who wouldn't be I mean after God has miraculously opened up for you a way that you couldn't get through yourself it should be enough to signal to you that whatever else is out there God can handle it and not only will God handle it God will get you through it they're going to Jericho and the awesome makes this in the makes this clear that they're ready to fight why are they ready to fight well because they know they're going to Jericho and remember that the spies never rest just by the name of Rahab in Jericho and the spies came back and talked about the lifestyle in Jericho and God is trying to tell them that if you don't fight against the people's lifestyle then you'll end up living their lifestyle I did not bring you through the Jordan so that you can live like the people in Jericho I didn't bring you to the Red Sea so you could live like the people why do you think I took you out either because of the lifestyle in Egypt either did not praise God either did not lift up the god of Jehovah no so if you're going to live in a land that you don't compromise your way and become a part of then you got to fight I know there's a lot of legislation legislation out here and we're moving into a liberal period but there's some things that the church has got to fight but I know I might be old Tommy and I know I like being outdated but there's some things I'm not willing to compromise because God has been too good oh they had to fight you know we were still fighting with we've got a regatta in Laurel we got an El Morro maniac in the White House that we still have to fight it you have to fight against injustice we have to fight against oppression we have to fight against voter suppression we have to fight and the church used to be at the forefront at one time impacting the social order and so he's saying to them listen get ready because I don't want you living a Jericho lifestyle I brought you out of Egypt because I didn't want you living our Egypt Egyptian lifestyle I got a lifestyle for you and that lifestyle includes worshipping me I am the one and only new card I'm the guard of your salvation I'm the one that wants you I'm the one that fed you when you're hungry I'm the one that kept your shoes from waxing old in the desert I'm the one because the pheasants are fall out of the sky when you got tired of eating that manner I'm the one and the least thing that you can do for me now and simply show your appreciation by worshipping me after their early service listen you have to get to a place where you are in a partnership with praise with God that God has been good to you and you know God has brought you out and God has brought you through then you ought to at least keep God some [Applause] I'm overtime I'm all the time but God is saying I can't let you go to Jericho and and then assimilate in their lifestyle it's no use you start acting like someone you're not no use you acting like you got to write you were without God's help something sometimes it's not defeat that gives us the biggest challenge it's successful that causes us to isolate ourselves from God and so he's saying I'm gonna get you through Jericho and I'm thanking God because God has brought me through many a trial and many exhibition I'm thanking God because God has got me to the place that I am now 36 years reven Watley alluded to it this morning nobody knows the time that we wanted a raise because we didn't have enough money to make the bills meet and we weren't doing anything wrong we just had some mean Negroes sitting on the board nobody knows the time that we had to live in an apartment that was rope and fisted because they said to us that we can't give you a money to move into another location nobody knows the time that we had to hold hands and pray together that I didn't slap somebody and the old kneading rise up in them but because God is who God is and God brought me through [Applause] the Bible says that I'm on my way the Bible says F sharp I'm coming the Bible says that God proved himself to Joshua God proved himself and that's the postlude because every prelude has to have a post leader that means that's the conclusion of the moment and so when they thought they would not make it through God shows him that he was wisdom and God would bring it to a close they were going to the other side and the Bible says that when they did what God told Joshua to do that the waters folded back that was an obstacle in their way I learned a shout now every time I see an obstacle because when there's something in my way I know that there's someone who's gonna help me get to where they want me to get to do you realize that's something called echolocation echolocation bats are able to navigate because of echolocation somebody says you're blind as a bat no that's not true because bat can see but that's not how bats navigate best navigator by sending out a sound and when the sound hits an object it bounces back and gives them direction as to where they need to go come hear somebody when you praise God all you're doing is sending out a sound and that sound hit something and bounces back lets you know where you need to be here I feel like sitting down right now because every time I praise God it spins out of town and [Applause] because an object was called a cross but he died he died one Friday didn't he done I know I'm a dummy but didn't he die he died one part and it hit him in the side and the blood came down unlike the way the bathroom oh yes didn't he die he died yes he got any blood came down but early oh right Alan [Applause] wah-wah [Applause] what we do it what we do it I still only do it if Rudy was here he would say won't it won't it won't it won't it won't [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on you want to send out a signal right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now listen listen we're overtime but I need to do one more thing and that's give somebody a chance to get to that blood the blood that came streaming down the blood came from Calvary's cross you need that blood over your life if you need to accept Jesus in your heart hold on now hold on hold on hold on if you need Jesus in your heart to be your Lord and Savior you need to find out what this shout is about and so if you need to be saved today I you to come on down to this altar if you're already saved in a Christian but you need a church home you need to come on down this altar now come on put your hands together as we praise God come on and be the fruit of the word today coming these save come and join the church come watch God do a new thing in your life hallelujah hallelujah god bless you we see it coming right now come on bring that beat back bring that beat back bring that beat back [Music] come on somebody else please - come on down
Channel: Reid Temple AME
Views: 13,010
Rating: 4.8688526 out of 5
Keywords: reid temple, ame, Pastor Lee P. Washington, Rev. Matthew Watley, Church, ame church, gospel music, Worship, Reid Temple, AME, Sermon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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