I really need to stop these experiments... DO NOT TRY!

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wasn't feeling very creative today i know what i wanted to do and then i looked down and i saw a piece of equipment we haven't used around here in a while and i thought what else could we test using this guy remember what happened last time we used this oh this if you're not aware is a compressor compress so many errors with this guy all right building upon their highly popular h-series cases the h-210i h510i h510 elite and h710i from nzxt offer a sleek yet functional chassis for pc enthusiasts ample interior space and airflow make the h series the perfect choice for both air cooling as well as water cooling while the intelligent features offer seamless integrated temperature monitoring and lighting controls to learn more about the h-series chassis from nzxt for your next build head to the sponsored link in the description below so this is just my little 150 psi small capacity six gallon air compressor that we bought when we were building the sets and we needed a way to do like staples and all that sort of stuff we recently used it oh i say recently it's been a while but we've used it to test how much pressure a water cooling system can hold fun fact if you didn't actually go and watch that video we pretty much maxed out the compressor right about the point where the soft tubing build the loop that we built exploded the radiator deformed massively before it blew up and then we had fun hitting it with a hammer we turned it into a bow tie just because but this was the radiator right here the end tank's like completely stretched out and it actually started leaking at this rear fitting right here because that's where we had the piece on there to make it you know connect to our air tank here so what we're gonna do today is just be super immature and super unsafe what we are going to do today is highly highly frowned upon amongst anyone with even a fraction of a working brain i don't think you should do what we're gonna do but if you do do it have fun and you're on your own and we're not responsible for any eyes limbs or body parts that may end up missing or become maimed and or deformed because of playing around with pressurized air this is pretty bad like all the way down to accidentally getting an air bubble injected into your bloodstream could happen like people like to go hoops with the thing on their hand yeah you can literally inject an air bubble into your body and that can kill you sure some of you now are hoping like i hope jay injects himself with an air bubble this is actually illegal in many states if you take this and you turn it into a like a like blow darts or blow guns like they're illegal in many many states but that's okay because ours is made of paper but what i want to show right now is just how ridiculously dangerous this can be and then we'll get on to how we're planning on testing this because i what i want to test today is actually scientific it's not just jay's being an idiot with an air compressor no we are going to be taking a loop wow that's really tight i don't think that's going to go anywhere we should cut that down a little bit what we're going to do is we're gonna test um soft tubing versus hard tubing and then the different types of fittings that there are to clamp down into hard tubing now i'm not gonna use the metal tube although part of me is like that'd be funny no that would turn into a freaking projectile that would really hurt somebody having a big piece of brass metal go flying across the studio and or hit phil or my cameras i can replace cameras i guess i could replace phil too if i found an editor that's really good camera is no no i can replace phil there's other other editors out there but you know then i gotta go through all the paperwork yeah so anyway um but no there's different types of fittings and i've talked about how this particular one from alphacool has more clamping force so i figured we could take a couple of different types of rigid tubing fittings and see which holds more pressure before it lets go let's see we got here there we go this bad boy's got one two three so as you can see the way i made this work not that i'm giving you guys any instructions on how to make any sort of a pneumatic projectile ballistic launcher this is just a pneumatic fitting to a g quarter thread because all the threading on pc stuff is like 99 g quarter and then some g g three eighths but that'll work so this little valve right here we only had this valve on here that way we could open and close the um the valve the valve to let air pressure through when it's all nice and high to make this be able to shoot spit wads across the room at 200 feet per second um but we don't need that in this case because what i want to do is i'm going to turn the compressor on like we did last time and i'm just going to let it build pressure or i guess i could do like last time too where i started with the regulator real low and i just kept upping the regulator it was scary though i don't think people realize just how scary it was turning that knob and as the tubes were expanding and deforming and changing shape they were like all right so we've got one type of fitting here so this one's from alphacool it's actually one of my favorite fittings so far for rigid tubing whether it be metal tubes like this which need extra bite to grab onto because they're so slippery they just pop off and i feel like part of me wants to include this but anyway it's the ice derb fin it's a german product and uh it's sad i can't even pronounce it my family was german but whatever i digress uh one of the things that makes my favorite fitting too is it's got this built-in hex head into the bottom of the fitting so if you've ever tried to get one of these unscrewed and you're sitting there like slicing up your fingers as you're trying to undo it you don't want to use your pliers on it because you don't want to mar up the threads although damaging these threads and making them ugly wouldn't hurt anything that just is for the cap right that doesn't hold any sort of liquid but anyway it's got this that makes it easier to take off so this will be subject number one these are the primo chill revolver fittings so this is a piece of petg plastic right here you would put on your cap you put on your o-ring this is where the seal actually comes from push it down inside that recessed part of the fitting you can see how there's a taper there that's where the o-ring sits so it goes like that and then you tighten it down so this will be type number two that we're testing and then last but not least here we're going to test corsair's rigid tubing fittings which are basically bits power i'm fairly certain that these are bits power collaboration with them but in 14 millimeter and it's a well that makes it one millimeter bigger but this is actually acrylic it's 14 millimeter acrylic this is 13 millimeter petg i know some people might be like but jay that's not apples to apples uh it doesn't matter what the outer diameter is it in terms of bite it has to do with the mechanism at which it's being bound did by but for the 13 mil we'll be testing the friction of just the o-ring from the premature fitting and then the gasket plus this kind of you see how this is almost like a c-clip if you will so as it gets tightened down this gap will close which will make this kind of a tapered brass fitting bite into the material you can even see on the metal tube how much it bit into it there was a mark so my predictions before we do this i think the primo chill is gonna fail first why single o-ring sure it's thick and it's gonna squish quite a bit but it's got a single o-ring holding it the corsair on the other hand has two o-rings there's an o-ring inside the fitting so this is part of what gives it its seal so it's sealing on the outside and the inside of the o-ring and that's giving some friction on the tube plus it's got this other o-ring that goes right here that when compressed by the compression fitting that o-ring also expands so it will be held on there by two o-rings and then i predict this guy i can get nice and tight i feel like it may not let go at all this one could get dangerous because these are rigid and if you ever heard those stories about a straw and a tornado went through a light pole i'm gonna say in the tornado when i think about vortech i think about tornadoes when i think about ford i think about and then i think at the end of the day i want to try one of my scraps and then just hide yeah here this is gonna sound like when it goes across the room cutting petg is so much easier because look you get your favorite cutters and you just i'll give another link that can you try it with acrylic [Applause] and it cracks yeah so you can't cut acrylic traditionally and then and then that is so not good it's been a while since i worked with acrylics just purely out of coincidence wearing my very old beat up performance pcs t-shirt you can get this stuff i'm showing at performance pcs they didn't pay for that man do i love their store for anyone watching that right now getting triggered because of that condition of hearing that pitch i have it too it sucks where's my heat gun can't say i've ever had to do this before oh well there's a guy that follows me and i hope he's watching this video he's a guy who follows me he's a glass blower by trade glass worker and he made glass tubes but he did the thing where you like squish it together and it makes that bubble you did it like perfectly all throughout the tubes i made a beaker that's such a good sign speaker that's forged they go it's folded forged forged pgtg i've been watching too much forged and fire yeah we got we got this real damascus ptg now i'm only going to put these on as tight as i can with my fingers because that's how like you should be putting it on your pc you don't need to crank this down and i think that's one thing we're going to kind of prove with this video too is that you really don't need to go all kinds of crazy with how much pressure uh you tighten your your compressions with because you don't especially acrylic you don't want to crack and you don't realize it's cracked in there that would be a very bad thing yeah i i had it wrong that's what that's okay that was my fault because there is an o-ring that goes between that metal that that washer right there and then this i'm sure alcohol was like what is he doing oh hey responsibility is on me i hadn't made this video and i had to put together right and be like i didn't hold any pressure then that's my bad so our n95 mask will protect us in more ways than one today i feel like i just took this thing hostage and it's like no no let me go all right turn the regulator to zero the regulator is at 30. the regulator's at zero the tank's at 30. that's the premature one yeah i called it so somehow i had i even had the regulator backed all the way out i think because there was no pressure in the tank there was no pressure to push the regulator like spring back so it was filling the regulator with air and that's when it blew up the first time so now the tank is fully pressurized at 150 psi i'm gonna slowly turn on the regulator and i made myself a little blast shield okay here we go we're going to 30 40. what's next 50 oh it's leaking ah whoa and and it started leaking before it exploded by the way i heard that then it went so i'm just going to crank it now i'm sure it'll blow up before i get it to 150 psi in the regulator but i'm just going to crank the knob you ready the primo chill hung on but the corsair let go [Applause] but then we don't know what what dsi going to break at oh wait stuff it's at 50 approaching 60 it's up 70 80 85 90. i don't know where my blast shield is so it held it it blew just just above 110. that's ridiculous because it was at 110 when i looked back for my black shield and but look at that look at the line in it so it held because of the that bite just like i said there's one more test we have to do we want to test the metal fitting and what we've done here is we've created a box to catch it i predict the amount of force that thing is going to have coming off of it is going to take the box off the table with it but it will catch the force at least and then we need to somehow crimp it wait it's brass i wish i had my press here so after a lot of caveman with computer hammering i was able to actually smoosh it flat and holds the point two bar point zero two bar or a human lum whatever can create all right here we go okay i don't think this will hold as much pressure honestly because it's way too smooth one of the things that we do when we do metal tubing is we sandpaper the ends maybe i'll do one before sandpaper and one after man there's so much science in today's video so i'm only going to be able to see this in the replay because i ain't joking around i'm completely under this table because i refuse to hit in the face with a piece of brass pipe i predict at about 60 psi it will give and then it will hit that origin pc crate and it will take it off the table it's 20 30 40. did it just slowly slide out that definitely shows how smooth it is let me try that again this time i'm just going to crank on it all right so clearly metal pipe because of how smooth it oh it's a sand it remember that's what that's what we always did because that was the problem in fact it was alpha cool that was like we recommend sanding the end so that it has more bite but don't forget there's other factors that could cause pressure on a on a fitting and that could be poor tubing bends in your you know for you you could have your gpu somehow pulling down on it and sag and so if you're trying to like if you put the tube in there all nice and tight and your gpu sagging you're like oh you push it tight and then you're like oh the tubing is holding my gpu up that's not a good thing you don't you also don't want it pushing so hard it's making your gpu sag either you want the length to be just right to where it's under neutral pressure it's not being pulled on or pushed all right we're starting back at zero ready 80 90 100 the regular is maxed where is it oh i forgot to plug those in all right here we go 20 30 40 fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred oh it's leaking up there it went all the way at 140 and that's what made the compressor kick on so yeah we gained 100 psi of capability by sanding the end of it alpha cool is the clear winner of compression fittings they're red too that's surprised right oh yeah nobody expected that optical radiator to survive the abuse you put it through and then like the radiator just was like here all the little pieces of metal just expanding hey alpha cool if you want to use any of this in your marketing material talk to me all right so here's what we're going to do i'm going to max out the compressor at 150 psi i'm gonna unplug the two the hose and i'm just gonna plug the hose in with the regulator cranked because i wanna see what happens if sudden shock hits this all right here we go you ready that's pretty much as long as you want that's a hang tight now we're going to do is we're going to demonstrate why this was dangerous three two one oh that was super late did this fall over see what could have happened to your face i didn't know what else to do today and i looked down and i saw the compressor and i said well i felt like making a big mess apparently because you're way over there okay all right i just was bored today and i wanted to make a video and i know what to make it about whenever i'm bored i like to make experiments we learned some stuff today alpha cools ice and fittings 150 psi approved not really because it blew up there so let's say 120 psi approved um honestly all these fittings would have done just fine in a loop they don't they don't have to hold much pressure they just have to hold flow water maybe we need to do a test to see how much pressure a system actually builds from when it's room temp to heat it up under load because as heat increases so does pressure because there's expansion of fluids as they get hot the reason why the radiator cap on your car is like do not open when hot because we've all seen what happens when people do that all right guys thanks for watching if you have any suggestions on some stupid science we could do challenge we could do put it down in the comments below thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 335,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watercooling, fittings, is watercooling safe, custom water loop, custom water cooling, how to watercool a pc, how much pressure can a water loop hold, jayztwocents, post malone, terry crews, henry cavill
Id: qt592MpG1Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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