Maybe it’s time to give up...

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person yeah you know if you follow me on twitter you're like what the is he talking about shut up anyway i got really mad about some things in this video and then later on i found out i was an idiot and uh yeah i figured out my problem physically with what i was dealing with today the day you guys are watching this so i said in this video to be the last ln2 video that you're gonna see that's a lie there's at least one more because now that i figured out my problem we're actually making progress so if you look right now we're setting up to show you guys um that so i missed the trash can whatever enjoy the video just laugh at me me getting mad is kind of funny all right so you guys have uh if you guys been following along enough on the whole overclocking adventures thing you know i've been sort of struggling like i get to a point and i can't get past that and i've gotten a lot of coaching from kingpin and uh so i mean the rest is just on me i've been given the information i just need to to start doing it i guess right so a lot of the cracking sounds you guys here it's actually the the installation as you can see cracking so i'll probably clean this up a little bit you'll notice i took the back insulation off it's so gross um yes guys i've seen the video from uh what's his face lewis rossman about the our sonic cleaner and the alcohol being bad i'm aware of it okay let's just say that but moving forward with this this is the first card we got the one that clocks higher than the second card which is kind of a dud we received another pcb uh to see if we can get the scores to improve or the clocks to improve because um vince wants that card back so he can be like are you just an idiot or is it actually not a great overclocking card because up on the leaderboard now there's a lot of kingpin cards popping up and they are like all beating me so what do you expect i mean i'm new to this so this is the retention bracket that's on the back of quite a few of the 3090s and one of the things he explained to me was that because of how wide the mounting points are away from the center of the gpu it's hard to get hard like firm pressure on the center of the die which has a lot to do with your temperature control and it has an awful lot to do with how far you can go on the frequency because of temperature spikes during load so i've showed you guys before the mounting pressure right and there's always like a circle or a spot in the center that's where there's more firm pressure but if it doesn't make it all the way to the edges then you can get hot spots on the dye that can create instabilities so one of the things he recommended is that i try to find a way to put firm pressure on there now i've showed you guys my mounting technique for the pot how i just take this big ifixit kind of a pick looking thing place it over the mlcc's on the back i use a c-clamp to apply firm pressure in the very center then i tighten down the nuts and then i remove the c-clamp and off we go so i was debating just doing some runs right now with the c-clamp on but one of the things that vince had recommended is that i try putting the back retention plate back on so what happens is this pushes down like this and then as you tighten down the screws it that's really hard to push that actually it'll apply that firm pressure right to the center around the perimeter of the of the gpu die i want to try that first now because i know i have a great mount right now on this and i showed you guys last time like the mount on this is good uh really really good and i don't want to take it off because as you can see i've got all the installation going around right now i'd have to take this back off and i just don't want to break the seals that i have going and i don't want to undo the good mount that i know that i have so what i'm going to do right now because if i undo these screws i'm going to lose that mount i'm going to put my c c-clamp back on and then i'm going to hold it in place with the c-clamp while i loosen up those screws to put that retention bracket on and then we'll do some testing if it doesn't seem to have improved or done anything for me then i might try it with the c-clamp and then what we'll probably do is see if i get any improvements on a card where i already know where it lands my current single card score is with this one so that will allow me to see if i gained anything by playing with the pressure mount now that i've learned a lot more i haven't really gone back and tried single card i kind of want to try that again with this card to see if i gain anything then we'll check out the second card or the third card technically to see if it's just the card or me being stupid but i need to go and get something real quick as long as you're careful and you don't over tighten this isn't bad the hard part is i just wish i had three hands sometimes so i can hold the card hold the c clamp and hold the the twisty screwy part of it oh i'm an idiot how am i going to put this on wait i wasn't very good at shape to kindergarten there we go that's how you pass an object through an object so now i can undo these screws without losing that mount pressure ew i got the vaseline all over the fingers shut up do you mind go somewhere dirty with that the nice thing too is that this will also help keep the mounting pressure even because one of the problems is if you just have the screws on the back of the let's just call them studs the studs sticking through then all you really end up with is uh it could be uneven but this will allow it to sort of i think level itself which should help with the mounting pressure so now you know what i'm doing let me go ahead and just get this all set up let me get the test bench up let me get the fans on the vrms on this guy and then i'll probably put some more tape and installation around the top where it's all cracked there because one of the the other things here is frost control like frost control is really difficult one of the things that vincent even suggested is like i have a block i have the block heater the heater for the back of this he had suggested like not hooking it up but then using that to mount to the back to give something like more firm for the card to mount against but i don't want to do that given how tight this is i'm feeling pretty good about this bracket i've just got to go for the good numbers immediately i've said this a million times and i know it could potentially make for a shorter video if i'm like hey look two runs and there we go but that's the way it goes apparently if you sit there and you screw around with it forever you never get the uh the card becomes fatigued with it becomes too cold you start having frost buildup everywhere and then you're not going to get your good scores like key pen he's like long clocking sessions make for great overclocks or great streams and entertainment but you're not going to get good scores out of it we kind of came up with a way to deal with the vapors and cool the cpu a little more at the same time the vapors get sucked up through the aio which as you can see will help cool it some because the vapors themselves are very cold as long as it doesn't come crashing down on everything in the middle of the run we should be okay okay so this is the first time i've ever had the clocks or the temps be essentially exactly the same at with k boost on because if i turn caboose off it stays roughly the same so before i would turn on k boost the clocks would come up and then the temp would like there'd be a delta between the two but that's at 34.4 that's at 35. so that's kind of good that tells me that that mounting pressure might actually be doing something so i gotta start pulling the temps down as quickly oh well not too quickly and then just go for it i guess i'm cheating i'm kind of going with some recommended starting points that vince has recommended as we make some recommended starting points i've explained before there's i know this sounds like repeat but i know a lot of people will pick up seeing this for the first time on one of these videos that's like way after the fact that we've done three or four of these already there's time it takes time for the pot to fully reach temperature like you may have a part of the pot that's coldest at the bottom because of the fact that that's where it's it's the the ln2 is collecting down there and puddling and creating the coldest spot but it takes time for the entire pot to reach its temperature that way it can maintain that amount of temperature control under load and so if you just go oh it's at minus 100 now and then just go for it you will probably have a big temperature increase because of the fact that the pot is not as cold as it can be therefore allowing it to stay that cold if that makes sense um i probably explained that very poorly so now they're at -55 it reaches a point too where it just doesn't really want to go any colder like at first which is good because that tells me right now with the voltage applied and this is the rtx classified controller this is uh this comes with evga cards or excuse me kingpin cards because this is what unlocks the software voltage control inside the card so without that you have no voltage control no you cannot just download that and then start voltage controlling your further and three cards and stuff it just only works with the kingpin cards because that's the way it's designed and the controller works it takes a lot of ln2 to get the temperature initially down in terms of temperatures though it does seem like around minus 125 to 130c is where we tend to get the best results because here's the thing it's not just finding the balance between voltage and frequency it's also temperature temperature has a big effect on stability as well and too cold can be just as bad as too hot too hot's really obvious but too cold is sometimes hard to tell because of the way that uh the the issues will sort of present themselves now my previous score in the past was the best of 25.50 i think it was 2550 or 25.65 either way with 1900 megahertz memory i'm gonna try going with a little bit lesser memory a little bit more core on this first run the top the pot is not ready yet it's still full of alan tube boiling right now we're at minus 100 and it's coming down slowly so once this is burned up i'll torch the pot i felt like i was missing something and i was this will create ice inside the pot which will give us a good insulation factor so that we can keep the pot as cold as possible and then we'll do our first run well let's go for i want to go for 2600 i just want to see if that'll even go you know what i mean i like that sound that tells me it's cold in there it also tells me the gpu is heating up like as it's getting right around this test oh i'm going to say it a million i'm going to say it again this car is not capable of more i've said this a million times vince gets mad it's true i know he's going what the hell i'm the expert you're not how can you say that and i'm going to say the settings i keep being told to try don't even come close to going and it's frustrating frustrating it's frustrating and i want to try the other card it's just i want to see what we get with this one i can't i have to believe it goes higher than 2565 because all the other kingpin cards are showing up on there are doing like 2700 and i know this probably seems really boring but this is it this is this is this is this is what you do it's so frustrating because it always will crash at the same frame and i don't understand it i'm just upping the voltage each time right now to see what happens to see if it's voltage or what because i reduced the clock and it ended up crashing at the same exact frame when with more vrm cooling and more mount pressure i'm not getting any better overclocking ability ahead of it that time it crashed even sooner i will reduce the voltage then and see i feel like the load line level six is too aggressive i believe it's dropping too much voltage this is really taxing on just my my nerves and my frustrations and to see other guys get their cards like oh look first time 2700 easy shut up that time it crashed immediately all right so i think we need to try a little bit lesser load line on there this will probably be the last ln 2 video i'm just starting to get burnt out on it i think by loosening it up and putting that bracket on i think that screwed the paste and i think it needs a proper remount and rather than doing it to this card i want to try the new card that we got to see if that one's any better yeah see all right it's the mount good to know we're gonna shut this one down i'm not gonna take you guys along for the ride of putting the pot on the new card because you guys have seen that a million times we've showed it more than once and i'm just gonna do it and we'll come back with the the new card that we got to see uh what happens i just need to warm this one up and then we'll we'll come back okay so everything's installed on the new card our bios has been updated to the unlocked ln2 thingamabobber our voltages do apply everything sort of works we just crossed minus five so now i'm going to do the same thing you saw last time so rather than show you all the same crap let me go and bring the temps down get it all going we'll see what happens on our first run i really don't know what to expect with this card i do like that the vapors are going up and out of the way though nick had a nick had a lot of fun making this nick made this if it looks like some crazy contraption that i would have made that's why knicks here we we do things brain wise together are you five dollars into your tongue on there no wow god man i just suck at this so badly you know that why am i so bad at this sort of wonder if that bracket the way i have it on there is causing bad a bad mount i guess one thing i could do to investigate is i could take that one off this is the first card we had right there and see how that mount is doing if this is causing bad mounting pressure then that's not going to help us at all look at that all right so back to the back to the basics uh because i have no idea where this card will go i'm just keeping it cold keeping the voltage really pretty much stock on the core i've got the memory pushed really far right now though i want to see if the memory will even pass and then what i'm doing now is i'm trying to see how far i can go on the stock voltage once we crash then we up the voltage see where our new limits are and we leap leapfrog it up um stuff that you know vince hates when i do because he's like this really prolongs how long you benched the card which really affects your maximum numbers but if i can't even get a single test to run it 5600 or even down to like 54.90 like i tried and it still crashes and what good is trying for those high scores if i don't even know where i'm starting so that's what we're doing right now and what i'll do is i'll show you guys where we get our initial crash and then um yeah it's not very good fps but then again we're only at like 250 megahertz right now all right so here's the crazy part right here this test is about to finish it's only at minus 80 c again because i'm not this is stock voltage i'll show you what the frequency is here in a second i know that vince said that this is a top-tier bin we had stock volts 2400 megahertz 16615 so i mean my best score was a 17501 technically a 507 i think i have a saved score in here but i haven't even touched the voltage and our memory is at 1800. so i haven't even i've touched the memory voltage yet but i haven't i haven't touched any of the nvdd now the msvdd is at 1.2 and then the frequency on the nv and ms frequency is at a thousand and ocp is disabled so that means this would not have run with those enabled like default but that voltage at that frequency is pretty damn telling let's see if 2445 will pass with stock core voltage and all those other supporting voltages raised oh it crashed right at the end like literally right at the end okay so that's fine i'm now going to bump up my voltage it's the same way you overclock anything on water or your graphics card or whatever you leave your voltages stock if you have voltage control leave your voltage stock and you find where you crash then instead of backing off the clock you up the voltage slightly and then you monitor your temperatures if your temperatures stay under control then you keep doing that until you no longer either have proper temperatures they get too hot or you just you are no longer stable because you run out of voltage so okay now we're crashing like almost right at the start which is funny because we got farther than that on less voltage before i've been told that these like to be around 125 between 125 and 135 minus obviously minus 125 135 but i'll be honest i'm all over the place i can't keep the temperatures nearly as consistent as i'd like and i really am just pissing into the into a fan in a dark room that's what it feels like not that i know what pissing into a fan in a dark room feels like all right so i just i cannot get anywhere with this card and i'm starting to actually get like truly angry at this and i don't want to break anything out of anger because that happens when i get mad things get thrown and broken and i really don't want to do that with these cards it it's really frustrating and this isn't against vince but it's really frustrating getting told like it's just do this just did this thing and do it and it's fine just go you know and it's like no it's not just that easy do the thing and find this go yeah you put in the numbers exactly as you're told to put them in and they don't come anywhere like anywhere close to running a complete test i can do the chicken walking like you just saw where i can get really far on stock voltage and then it crashes and then no matter what i do after that it won't run no more i can't get even five more megahertz out of it and i mean i was talking to nick about this and i feel like a lot of this started after we uh put the stupid back retention you know thing on so what i want to do now is i'm going to go ahead and undo the mount on this card this is the first one and i really want to see jesus tape i really want to see if that screwed it up because i can't even get anywhere close to the numbers i was able to on this card before doing this stupid back mount thing i want to see if the mount got all crooked doing it this way because i have a feeling that's our problem because it got really bad it got really bad doing it that way so let me just sort of see here it's a fairly centered mount you can see the pressure right in the middle but it still seems like a lot of the dye is not getting good coverage you can see how it's thicker on the outsides and thinner in the middle i guess i'll do a remount on that and we'll try it one more time without the bracket again i'm at the end of my frustration like the amount that i can tolerate is is all that i can say and i think anyone out there that's ever done anything even remotely like this has to know what i'm like what i'm talking about and knows what i'm feeling right now in terms of frustration all right so i repasted and remounted this one i took the back plate off but i just want to see if anything will happen anything positive whatsoever with this i'm not the kind of person that likes to give up i'm not and that's what makes this so difficult for me is the fact that i'm not very good at it i want to get better but i'm at the same stupid wall constantly and i know i'm doing something wrong here and i just don't know what it is not that i want to jinx it but that's the farthest we've gotten yet even if it crashes right now the fact that we've gotten as far as we have by taking that retention plate off tells me that was causing probably an uneven mount even though the mount looked right i don't know oh it just crashed right now i don't know how how to explain that i also don't know what it means when it crashes in certain parts of the test i don't know what it means for crashes in the middle versus the beginning could be a bad pace the end could be hot vrms i don't know what any of that is i'm just guessing and i'm guessing over and over and over and it's so infuriating let's try dropping the load line while also upping the voltage zone because it's like it's one of those things where it's been explained to me that the different parts of the tests have different load and as such depending on the difficulty of that that render that portion to render can determine how far the um voltage can rubber band in either direction it was recommended by vince to actually take the the pigtails that plug into the back and do a use a physical voltmeter to see what the volts are doing so i can see oh it crashed when it spiked or it crashed when it dipped but i just haven't done that yet i have a hard enough time keeping track of what the volt or what the see now we're crashing instantly do you see what i mean how far we made it into the damn run and then you don't change anything except one load line setting and then you crash instantly at the start now watch i'll put the i'll put it back to where it was i'll go back this is exactly where it was when it crashed as the ship was starting to land this is the exact same settings and i will bet you money right now it will crash at the very start of the test and i don't know what that means but for it to make it three quarters of the way through the test or halfway whatever and then suddenly go nope right at the start why what happened what changed what's the science there i'm a cause and effect guy a caused b and it's like i don't know what's causing what and it's driving me look what i tell you the exact same settings that i had now crashing for god knows what reason like this isn't even fun anymore i'm sure like the audience is already getting fatigued like jay why do you keep doing this to yourself i don't know but i can tell you right now i'm as fed up with it as you are this is a stupid hobby i'm starting to agree with everyone now that goes this is pointless screw it i don't care anymore let's go really cold or -165 this is pointless i'm just i'm just getting a little bit of frustration now by abusing the card the funny part is an sli i've gotten them to run at -180 almost all the way through a test which is way too cold for the core which makes me wonder how the hell it was running i don't know crashing the black screen see i pushed the voltage so far right now i'm just curious if anything will even happen it probably needs a system restart but i need a j restart same exact thing let's just do a power power cycle here yep all right that's it i'm done i'm not going to do these videos on ln2 anymore it's just not fun it's not fun for me anymore i'm gonna walk away from this i'm gonna take it off of the workbench so that it doesn't get water all up inside of the system here don't worry i won't bore you guys with these videos anymore sorry to show you this moment of weakness of angry jay but i don't even care anymore hi
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 475,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx 3080, 3080, nvidia 3080, 3080 crashing, rtx 3080 crashing, rtx 3080 issues, rtx 3080 problems, rtx 3080 black screen, rtx 3080 overclocking, 3080 overclocks, 3080 crashes, worst 3080s, worst rtx 3080 crashes, xoc, extreme overclocking, 3090 extreme overclocking, how to overclock with ln2, ln2 overclocking, kingpin, evga, kingpin 3090, rtx, nvidia, amd, Radeon
Id: 0cCdKXmSPMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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