I read 721 books in 2018

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👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/inferno7799 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

I think Felix should start using Goodreads, where he could upload every book he reads and write a review. Then we can all follow him and see which book he reads!

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/Agentrock1 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Press F to pay respect for Fahrenheit 451

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/Hellwingz 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

it was more like a book year review tho... but ok

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/jamesdeking 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

aww das hot... that is hot

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/dick-butt42069 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Great to see him talk about the Yukio Mishima books. The covers of his books are fantastic! I like when he does these sorts of bookclub videos. I hope Felix will read my own book one day.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/TheSupahman 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

He didnt review the woman in the dunes tho

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/raflmreddit 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Where can we get the list of all this year's books?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/juliod8a 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

The video was so heart warming, I loved it

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/AhmedEMA 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2018 🗫︎ replies
I read 72 books sorry I lied in the title that's right in 2018 I read 72 books here in my garage and this is all my knowledge and the other dead means 28 year old man discovers books is a thing if sander of the year and I wanted to make a sort of summary and talk about some of my favorite books that I read this year and I also wanted to make this book to hopefully inspire you guys there were more people in general to read as well the percentage of teenagers that read for fun is at an all-time low let's change that oh yeah the reason why I started reading was because I made actually a New Year's resolution so I thought okay well maybe this could you guys can pick the same resolution maybe you guys have the same problems as I had which is that I kind of have a problem with finishing things it sounds a bit weird but generally as soon as things get a little difficult I get bored and I move on to something else and this could be for even silly stuff like playing a video game if it gets boring at some point I don't really care to finish it I'll just buy a new game or move on to something else or whether it's a hobby project as soon as it gets a little boring I generally don't finish it so I I miss that feeling them finishing something I missed that gratifying feeling though you know even if it wasn't the most fun okay I still and I'm glad I went through with it I'm still glad I I can move on to the next thing preachy woman incoming and in case hasn't been preaching enough so far I think especially with social media as well we should literally never has an end to it it's just something that keeps going and going and going and going I wanted to have that feeling so I said by my new year's resolution was gonna be that no matter what I do I'm gonna finish it and I didn't have books in mind at all it just sort of became a coincidence that I decided okay I'll read a book and I'm leaving if I don't like it I don't care I'm just gonna finishing it finish it so I started off with reading sci-fi and to be fair I didn't really enjoyed that much I'm still buying I read it and I knew I wanted to read something different next and I really enjoyed that and it just sort of came moved on and on and on and Here I am later and I'm so happy I'm so glad I made this decision one of the major discoveries for me this year was discovering my favorite author which I talked a lot about on this channel which is Yukio Mishima didn't know anything about this author when I read him which I think really added to the effect for me so I almost don't want to talk about him because discovering him as was equally as fun almost or really added to the experience for me I it out on Twitter asking if there was any recommendations for Japanese authors because I enjoyed reading the more I count me and I didn't really expect much of it I thought Yukio was a female name I thought it was a female author because when I read the Sailor fell from grace would see I just felt so incompletely merged into the main character's mind which is something I never really experienced before with literature even though this character this young boy very special to say the least I I was I was there I was into it and I felt like I got a window into that time and period when this was written and that really is why I was so drawn to his literature afterwards studying the book learning about Yukio Mishima is life you certainly learn more about the meaning the symbolism and the ideas that motivated his work which makes it even more interesting so I think that's why for me you commissioned had such an impact this and also reading more about his non-fictional work like son steel for example it was his way of living he he wanted to reintroduce the samurai way of living into Japan and a lot of his book reflects that idea on the ship that Japan went through during the Meiji period shortly after the Second World War this is sorry this is the point is he wrote summon steel which was for a magazine and he was an avid body lifter weightlifter which is not your typical I guess writer hobby because he believed in Sun and steel which is his take on the old and old samurai saying the flower and the sword as oversimplifying it but basically it was this idea that samurais should spend just as much time writing poetry as they spend time practicing with their sword and Mishima felt like Japan had forgotten about their steel or the sword of Japan and especially during the westernization of Japan a lot of his work like runaway horses his tetralogy in the temple of dawn they all reflect this this shift it was also obsessed with the idea of dying young and he really dramatis eyes that and Mishima was supposed to win the Nobel Prize he was supposed to be one of the first winners this sort of became an essay I don't know why I didn't mean sorry I just I like talking about Mishima he was a poet because it's very interesting he was supposed to win them the Nobel Prize but he was kind of a misunderstood character and still fairly young to receive such an award so he he got snob then he went to one of his peers instead and I think twice even he was supposed to win the Nobel Prize it was sort of taken that yeah he's still young we don't really know who he is yet so when he gets older it will probably get the award but four people are know by Mishima he never made it that far the very fact fascinating author his life is equally as fascinating as his work so that has been one of my favorite things that I discovered this year just reading his books I loved it I read his tetralogy I read someone who I guess more weird stuff his short stories there's so much great work from him that I just I feel I enjoy every page that I read the second thing that I really enjoyed discovering this year which is something that I never thought I would say which is Buddhism that's right everybody I think a lot of people can benefit from Buddhism not from a religious thing fun but just I think if you embrace Buddhism as a philosophy there's so much to learn especially for me I think with the ideas around self-control and why you shouldn't indulge in the self-destructive behavior just is something man I really benefited from and it's something that I never really was taught so I'm really glad I read this book I picked it up on a complete win and the Sun came out of nowhere and I'm getting blasted like an inferno Jesus I find it interesting cuz a lot of its ideas on why you shouldn't indulge in self-destructive behavior sort of correlates to another book that I read I've talked about before which is man's search for meaning my bike victory Franko who's a Holocaust survivor he survived I think two or three concentration camps and he made the observation that people that you know started smoking or the self-destructive things on the camp's avoid the people that had kind of given up on on in general and these were the people that would soon after obviously not for everyone but would pass away because they they lost their meaning that they lost their their grip I guess you could say you know Here I am privileged little sweet boy why should I do these self-destructive things what's the meaning for me to do that and Frankel says as well that you should live your life as if you've already make made your mistakes as if you already lived in and made all your mistakes because that changes your approach life in a meaningful way and this connects a lot to the ideas in my opinion around reincarnation which sounds really weird for me to say but and it gives you a positive meaning and outlook on life in my opinion regardless if you embrace the religious and spiritual aspect of it in regardless if you believe in that or not I I think is irrelevant or at least actually it is relevant but it doesn't really change anything it doesn't change the outcome I guess you could say if you have a meaning for something you can go through any suffering and Buddhism treats life as suffering this became very weird my final point life sucks I want to tell us a touch upon this opions which I because I think that's something that a lot of people like to start off reading myself included one of the earliest books that I read this year was brave new world written by Aldous Huxley I love this one especially because it's a good mixture of comedy intentional or not I don't know and if how agreement gets as well how dark it is which it really delivers this impactful meaning behind it I don't want to go too much into it sorry but the main reason I'm bringing this up is because a lot of you guys are recommending this book to me which is Fahrenheit 451 which is another dystopia which depicts a future where people won't read books they have the same idea generally but I think these are two great examples of this one has a great elevator pitch this one doesn't but this one has so much more impactful meaning behind it this just sounds to me like the rambling of an angry old man this is the one that's going to get a movie adapted to it I think lilies things is even acting in it so it's gonna be great daddy daddy beauty and government controlled information versus information in the media today I'd say pretty identical just go on any social media website and you'll see that there's two sides to every story and everyone you literally just sound like a crying baby in an idiot which you are Lilly sings it's so bad this book is so terrible I think it's the perfect example of a book that the moral is the core center of the of the novel which just makes it so goddamn boring in my opinion the beauty of fiction is when you have characters that are interesting and the story that really grips you in a way that the ideas behind it isn't as transparent and they have so much more impact in my opinion this is so rambling so poorly written it blows my mind that this is what it gets recommended so don't read this one there's so many better to still be this out there whenever you go as well on the top rated books on online and you see see what's popular a lot of it is self-help book which is fine obviously they have a purpose and there's a lot to learn from that as well but I would really emphasize that reading fiction read fiction there's really no better way to to get the meaning behind something in my opinion instead of get just getting it spoon-fed to you and I hope that more people get into reading fiction as well and and don't just read nonfiction because I know I have a lot of younger guys watching me and I know younger guys generally tend to stray more towards nonfiction instead of fiction but you're missing out okay did it a skin extremely dark in here goddamnit I think that's all I wanted to say I couldn't probably ramble on a lot more thank you for listening so far I again I really hope this inspires more of you to read as well because I had a lot of fun this year and I also would recommend to start small and also maybe set a goal for yourself I think instead of reading 50 pages and then or 300 pages and stopping it's better to just read something small like 10 pages a day that's better if you're consistent with it at least then stopping and I think you'll find that you'll get into it quicker than you think obviously if you're not used to reading which I wasn't time it's a little harder to get into but once you do it's great it's really fun if this video gets 5,000 likes I will give away my favorite book of the year which is the Cat in the Hat now this book I'm thinking about doing the whole series about it's got that genius
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 7,076,118
Rating: 4.9176226 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: pNar3Dh9zDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 29 2018
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