My Workout Review

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This is honestly incredibly motivational to me

👍︎︎ 189 👤︎︎ u/mirzakeehl 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Multi-millionare and the most humble person on YouTube. You don't need a slick setup to get fit! Good diet and exercise! Really good video, made me realize I need to have a long term goal in my fitness journey too rather than just get shredded for a certain time.

Also, yes don't be overconfident and get a PT's input at least for a short time to develop correct form. Getting hurt and being out for 2 months sucks a lot and throws you off your fitness journey completely along with potentially permanently damaging your body. I'm currently recovering from knee surgery because I developed a habit of poor form that screwed me up. Developing good form and habits is important!

You can do it! Slow and steady!

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/Unsilent_SoCalipede 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is one of his best videos yet in my opinion

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/dsashitposting 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Does anyone know what those dumbbells are that Pewds shows us in his epic home gym?

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/dick-fury 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

19 Year Old Army- We need to make this subreddit a place for motivation and progress (while never forgetting the memes, of course). If Pews video- or anything else for that matter- got you motivated to get fit or lead a healthier lifestyle- post that shit up- the 19 Year Old Army has got your back and will be there to cheer your success and bolster you resolve during setbacks. Despite all efforts we get enough shit as it is-why not strive for another positive thing to hang our hats on? Who’s with me?!

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/AdamPortrais 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Anyone looking for Felix's dumbell? Here it is.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/sespico 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

im calling it right now: other youtubers are going to copy this and this will be the new trend

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/icemachineisbroken 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

What is the name of the weight equipment? I swear that I will work my fat out if someone respond ( I should be 80-kg but at the moment I'm 92kg). Felix motivated me (not joking)... please (I understood just brock.exb but couldn't find the equipment).

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Really glad that his setup is similar to mine. Back in November, I was weighing about 210 and now I’ve dropped to 170~. All started with running and pushups. Dumbbells came later. Now I can do pull ups and run like no other.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Zombin8r 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
how's it going bros my name is ohmygod peered pie wreaked paid the price so strong this has basically been all over any form of social media oh my god ah it's basically being plastered on my subreddit they even had to close send the subreddit because people kept posting about it this isn't the why however but 54,000 people want a workout review so that's what we're gonna do today I'm I wasn't planning to talk about it or make a video like this in a long time at least I don't know six months a year to for me to actually gain some muscle I'm not ripped okay I'm just lean or what there's a difference I I feel like I still have a long way to go but what happened was I was putting up some light outside I mean that was challenging ceiling game as you can see my workout routines hundred tambourine hits add a hundred mics it came out and she was like damn so she's not the photo of me and they should we both looked at it like what the even I was shocked I had any workout that day it's not like I was pumped up or anything so she shared it on her social media because you know it's lame if I share it and goddamn people freaked out did not expect that I guess since people always I've always been very skinny for a very long time and people always see me that that's oh do you gain any form of muscle it and people are like what yeah this is me before yep oh yeah there it is I'm glad that photo exists and yeah this is me now I guess at the end at the end of the montage I need a couple more montages come on I saw people online debating if I'm using roids or any sort of supplement it's like I don't even know what they're talking about I don't know what it means I'm not that strong and other people were just going like oh oh he's got a super-rich he's got like a super good trainer pumping him every day and he's got like this insane gym at home he can afford it so I thought why don't I just start off by showing what my gym looks like welcome and here's my gym set it Eggar spots me thank you very much so basically it's just as what is it call Finch it's garbage it's so bad it's so bulky I swear to God I feel like if I ever die it's because this thing collapses on me half the time the screws are coming off and I have to keep screwing them in so they ignite these are super nifty and the way they work is that you can very quickly change each weight that you want you want 30 40 60 50 70 it goes up to 90 actually I have 90 here that's why and even ten without anything okay for 130 BAM lifts up ready to go and that's why I have this risk protection because it hits my wrists sometimes and it hurts a lot so I got these I actually recommend it if you're using these let me feel more badass somehow I don't know why it does have a problem which is that if I want to make a jump it's a high jump to go from 80 to 90 pounds that's from from 36 kilos to 41 instead of going from 36 kilos to maybe 38 or 39 it takes me a lot longer to jump in in weight basically that's the problem I have with these but it saves you a lot of money and a lot of space to not have a whole rack with dumbbells which would be nice I should probably get that but these are cheaper I also have these which are good for it's good for extra grip when you're doing pool exercises they're okay they're not that great it's just very frustrating again I'm filming it is very frustrating when you're trying to hit away and you know you can do it but you're losing grip I hate that so much so these help and that's pretty much it I put my workout Journal here next to all day all the chemicals so I write down all the this is me day one I was doing flat press 50-member soon cemani and then I could do it's not that bad actually I haven't improved that much it's just I hurt my arm recently so I haven't really I'm careful I'm careful what the show here cuz sometimes I write down I get angry and I write down about your show do it [ __ ] so it's notes for me for the next week I always go through what I did the previous week so I'm like yeah next time do this [ __ ] you wimp right arm weak very compared to left yeah this is two weeks ago I hurt my arm this is probably dumbbells and don't make the mistakes I made properly warm-up make the right movements because if you get injured you're you're out for three weeks at least it takes that long for the muscles to recover it it's very easy to get damage with dumbbells I also hurt my back from lifting down the dumbbells which is equally important so if you're working out with dumbbells be careful I'm saying it to myself in the past it's not worth it to get injured just take it slow but yeah I think it's cool I like the idea that anyone can pick up this with in their house it's very small it doesn't take up a lot of space and it's fairly cost efficient if you have if you don't have access to a gym this is a pretty good space I would say gym is always better because you're gonna have machines and you're not gonna hurt yourself like I do like a skinny again that's my setup setup for I know my my setup is and I know I could get more but I just really like the idea that I can move it anywhere it feels very liberating to have that kind of set up and you can do a ton with dumbbells like I said in the video so just be careful that's all so I've never actually spoken about my workout history or whatever in 2016 I had never been to a gym before in my entire life and I I didn't know anything I don't know how to properly squat I didn't know what reps meant I didn't know what sets meant I but I wanted to try and get in shape in better shape at least so I kind of forced myself to go to a gym I I was terrified I had no idea what to expect and it was just the overconfidence in me just said I'll cage you just go in there and just how hard can it be you just put up and down weights anyone can do that don't be me basically what I'm saying if you've never been touching before ask a friend to introduce you or or even better and ask one of the personal trainers at the gym they'll definitely be one and they'll help you out I keep seeing the sentiment that people that are maybe overweight or don't feel confident about their body or I feel like they're gonna be judged or something like that that you just couldn't be further from a true and I gotta say the personal trainers that I worked with have just been the most motivating and supportive people because that's their job you know it's so definitely don't be scared to do that and to just get started a lot of gyms will offer one personal trainer for free so it's a hundred percent worth it absolutely you need to know what you're doing going into a gym so I surely after I switched gyms and I got started with a personal trainer which was really good he taught me to how to really push myself how to workout with dumbbells ironically this is me after going to the gym you can tell there's some muscle yeah okay maybe I don't know I think the most strong I was at the time was in this video you can sorta tell there's some muscle there but not a lot this was really good the problem was that I didn't have a goal with my exercise I just sort of went with it which was a big mistake and I knew you know at the back of my mind I was working myself to the point where I was throwing up you know I was really almost I wasn't actually throwing up but when you feel like oh god I cannot give any more which is common when you start off and you haven't worked out before but in the back of my mind I was like there's no way I can maintain this for a long time you know so lo and behold I got sick I got a stomach flow that was really bad and they knocked me out for two to three weeks and after that I just I just never picked it up again and any sort of progress that I've gained from from those months at the gym after a year you know I was still fit but it most of the games were gone and so I decided to myself okay I'll just set up a bench I'll set up some dumb little side home and I can just work out from that you know and this time I'm not gonna make the same mistake I'm just gonna be consistent and I'm not gonna overdo it so I did that for a year this really measly workout just to be consistent because you know I've been consistent on YouTube and that sort of been my success so that can translate into exercise and yeah it just got to a point where I was fed up and I I wanted to really start pushing myself and I did that two months ago and that's when I really started to notice the big difference that you've seen in the photos today and this is after reading a lot of books reading a lot of philosophy you guys know I'm a fan of Mishima so if you know Mishima that's pretty self-explanatory for those who don't know Mishima was an author that was absolutely ripped he talked a lot of my body and action wishes a message today that seems completely lost and I read a bunch of other books as well that helped me develop my philosophy around exercise which seems kind of cringy and and like it doesn't match no work at it that's for dummies which couldn't be further from the truth if anything body and soul are are deeply connected and I wanted them to match and that's why I really wanted to start pushing myself with my work AB so this time I had a clear goal what I was getting into so I just needed to push myself this time but how I didn't have it I don't have a personal trainer anymore so I sort of became my own personal trainer I knew which workout that was needed to be done I just didn't know how to not slack off because it's easier to slack off when you work out on your own it's totally possible to to work out on your own but it's always better with a trainer or a friend or with someone else so I started tracking down my training I wrote down in a journal which you saw earlier my reps my sights the weights and how much rest time I would keep and I would really try and push myself each time to make sure I was making progress in retrospect I don't think that was the most important thing to do their most important thing is to really do it until you fail like you can't push any longer that should be the goal instead but it worked out for me so my workout routine finally we got to it I'm sorry for so much talking so Monday's I do push exercises I do chest heavily on chest everyone keeps making fun of my chest in the in the photo but it looks better in person trust me it's massive I got a huge tease and then I finish off with shoulders I don't remember it in my head but it's something like that and then Tuesdays I do leg squats deadlifts yada yada lunges and then Wednesday I do pull exercises then Thursday I do leg a and leg again and then Friday I finish with a mix of push and pull I know there's other variations of this sort of workout that are more efficient and I'm probably gonna change my workout pretty soon but it worked out for me so far I literally just googled online like five day dumbbell workout and you could probably find it yourself and follow it so or maybe I'll leave a link to an in description if you want to try what I did the most important thing is to really push yourself until you fail but the next thing which is very important and people always say that it's important but then they just ignore it anyway but it is equally important because when you're lifting weight you're only burning so many calories no matter how heavy of an exercise you don't really lose weight more in lifting weights ironically you have to change your diet if you want to lose body fat and the probably the biggest difference for me was cutting out alcohol which is something I talked about before I'd say maybe a year ago I quit alcohol for the first time yes you guys know I like my whiskey too much I like my whiskey too much which was not healthy I didn't feel good about it so I quit alcohol completely and I did that for a couple months and I felt okay great you know I can actually do this but then afterwards I just fell back into my old habits and I felt you can be and terrible about it like I was slowly killing myself it's great so I so I basically made the same mistake I did with my workout as I did with my eating or drinking rather and there was obviously a lot of calories and drinking that's not the reason I quit but it helps to have another reason to quit it I decided to just cut off hard liquor from my palate I just realized it's not for me if other people like it that's great I just know I'm not never again I do drink maybe like a pint of beer once a week if I'm hanging out with friends online or whatever I drink socially basically if someone saying hey as so as services and talk about how it's important to let your spirit loose and I kind of agree with that I was I think the problem was before when I quit drinking is that I was too strict on it I didn't want to be that person in the friend group and I think this way I'm just gonna be able to to stick with it and honestly quitting drinking it it was hard it was a habit that I had develop and like you probably have some food or some craving that you really feel strongly about maybe you don't realize that you're addicted to it but once you cut it out of your your diet that's when you realize that you are addicted to it and you sort of just like you trained yourself to like that food and depend on that food you have to train yourself to not be dependent on it and that's really tough in the beginning but once you get out of it you've gained a whole different perspective and youie even me looking back on my old drinking habits I have really looked back on it with the test and in the shame of my past self you have to realize that sensational pleasures don't bring happiness and as soon as you take that first wipe it's already fleeting it's not gonna make you happy now I feel like there's almost a social idea that you need food to be happy oh I need these food because they make me happy or whatever which isn't true recently there was a comedian Kumail Nanjiani who got really really ripped for Marvel role this is really impressive Jesus Christ those veins breath and I saw he went on the Kimmel show and they had prepared this like funny idea where okay so you reached your goal now now we're gonna set you off with a bunch of cakes and a bunch of pizzas yeah something special for you please go ahead and be careful [Music] and I get it it's it's just a funny thing but I also feel like this shows the to me at least the idea that oh you like these sort of things are dependent for for becoming happy or it reinforces it at the very least it doesn't state it necessarily gonna happen and I remember very specifically the day we were like is she gonna make it is she gonna make it and I remember when I got to the hospital one of those days and went and she was up and sitting on her bed I'm happier right now sorry this video just became me ranting about different topics hopefully it is helpful for people to understand my mindset because I really think mindset is one of the most important things if you want to work out you can obviously anyone can pick up working out for a little while but unless you have the right mindset you're not gonna be able to be consistently pushing yourself for it one of the best things I done out of all of these and and the change in my life that I'm the most happy about is I looked up how much protein I needed you can do this as well I'll link a little website down below so you can put in your weight you can put in your height and then you can put in how much you work out and then it tells you okay well this is roughly what your daily protein intake should be and mine was just way off so I started just stuffing myself with a bunch of protein snacks you know protein bars nuts that have a lot of protein it's not as great but it's if you want something savory it's good this was life-changing for me because I used to struggle a lot with anger I never really I talked about actually my sources and video about anger and I have made the habit of being very angry often and very confrontational and aggressive at first I liked that part of myself because I thought oh this is another sort of image of a man kind of like whisky is seen as manly you know it's it's society looks at anger a lot of ways as something manly as well and I think recognizing these things as just that and I started meditating on it a lot I was able to control my anger much much better so this doesn't really help with that as well but I would still you know feel it I would still feel that anger even though I didn't act on it the same way I used to I will feel happy now with virtuous by the fact that I wasn't acting on my anger anymore but I wasn't my happy self that I would you normally used to be and as much as I would like to at least but protein makes you self so much fuller and it doesn't make your at least for me my blood sugar spike is much so if that problem for me which was a big problem just completely disappeared just by me trying to eat more protein so I'm so happy I made that change it wasn't intentional but it's just something that just worked out really well for me I guess last thing working out will not solve all your problems it will not fix any sort of issues there's obviously many reasons to work out that are very positive you you will you'll look better you'll feel more confident you'll be more healthy but these are obviously degenerate reasons to work out you exercise you extra lift weights for Mishima okay you lift weights for homework you lift weights to escape abstract concepts like time and death that's the only acceptable reasons and just lastly if you feel good about yourself already there's there's no shape whatever size or shape you are I don't care all right if you feel good about yourself all right great excellent this is not a video to make it like you have to be like this or you have to have this mindset to be happy then this is just something that worked for me and I'm very happy about it and it's been really motivational as well to see so many support around it I think that's great and I really appreciate it I really feel like jimbros are the most supportive people out there so yeah this is my partner so far maybe in a year I'll make another video when a more in depth on my workout once I actually know how to do it properly I don't want to spread misinformation and stuff like that but I I feel confident in what I said today at least so there thanks for watching brofist [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 9,614,563
Rating: 4.9685555 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: 2m89AUgTxFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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