I Played the World's Hardest Mod Again

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this is a chest and usually you could craft one in about 20 seconds in any brand new Minecraft world but in this mod you'll have to spend over 30 hours to make one creating a windmill for power a saw for cutting wood and even a wolf farm for their dung in the process sounds easy enough though right well welcome to better than wolves the hardest Minecraft mod ever created this mod basically takes all of the easy and relaxing parts of Minecraft and turns them into brutally slow and often deadly grinds which to most Sint people probably just sounds terrible and unfun but I'm kind of addicted to doing terrible and unfun grinds so I'm going to conquer this mod no matter how long it takes and so far after roughly 20 hours of gaml I live in this dirt bunker have no armor and am at constant risk of dying to starvation but I do have this pair of shears which give me the ability to castrate creepers so that's pretty cool I guess today though I'm going to be soling in a bunch of these issues with my four big goals for this video first is to get just any set of armor so that I don't die as easily second is to create some type of animal farm that will give me a sustainable food source third is to make a windmill which will generate power so that I can actually start using some of the tech in this mod and my fourth and final goal is of course the big one to craft a chest and so to get started I first just need to go ahead and make a little extension to my base over by this body of water here all right and now that I've got some Cobblestone walls set up here I just need to add a layer of wood slabs to the top to prevent mobs from spawning okay and I have now created this ugly monstrosity here but that's totally okay because if this mod has taught me anything it's that functionality is much more important than Aesthetics but now of course the question I'm sure you're all asking is why did I need this extension to my base anyways and the reason I needed this is because in order to eventually make the windmill and craft that chest I need to go ahead and set up a farm for a crop called hemp right now of course though in order to make a farm I'm actually going to need some seeds to plant and the only way to get these hem seeds is as a very rare drop from digging up grass with an iron hoe so I'm going to need to do a little bit of that all that grass there and that was enough for a total of nine hemp seeds but honestly that's fine that's enough for us to at least get started here so what I have to do is just till that a second time and it'll turn it into farmland and then I can actually get the hemp planted down here and there we go my first nine hemp seeds are planted down of course though I don't call this the hardest Minecraft mod for no reason so this stuff is going to take forever to grow it has literally nine individual stages of growth before it's ready to be harvested so that's why I wanted to get these things planted down immediately so that I can actually work on some other stuff in the meantime instead of just staring at these for like the next 8 hours and the first thing I decided to do was just go out and explore a little bit more because the constant risk of starvation had kind of prevented me from doing too much of that up until this point and while I was out on this journey I actually discovered that me unlocking planks in the last episode meant that I was now able to Craft boats so traveling across water was actually feasible now we have a boat I didn't even know I could make this oh my God this feels so Advanced unfortunately my excitement didn't last too long because I quickly realized that I had completely lost track of time and was now stuck in the middle of nowhere as it turned tonight and considering that I still did not have a single piece of armor this was not exactly a great situation to be in thankfully that boat I had just crafted came in very handy and I was able to use it to escape from the horde of mobs that was chasing me but then I had a run in with a mob that I had been fortunate enough to avoid for my first 20 hours of play time oh my god get away no oh my God oh my God oh my God no this is a nightmare this is a nightmare wait I need my boat oh my God it let it Let Go me stay back stay back squid stay back stay back oh my God oh my God okay wait I want to pick up no oh no not again oh my God yeah in this mod even the squids turn into demonic Killers once the sunsets thankfully my iron sword did enough damage to get rid of them very very quickly but an encounter like that in the early game would have been enough to kill me which Speaking of dying this is probably a good time to give anyone a refresher who's a bit confused as to why I'm so scared of dying if this isn't even a hardcore world and that's because in this mod even the normal worlds are basically hardcore worlds because if you die you randomly respawn in a 2500x 2500 area around spawn so dying would basically mean starting from scratch all over again and completely erasing that 20 hours of progress I had already made as I was attempting to make my Escape in to this nearby desert village though I spotted what was essentially the equivalent of the jackpot in this mod a zombie decked out in full iron armor which would usually just sound very scary but one of the few things that this mod actually makes easier than vanilla Minecraft is that zombies are guaranteed to drop any tool or armor piece that they're wearing so if I could manage to kill this thing I was about to get rewarded big time oh my God it's it's coming to me too oh wait I didn't even realize it's like it's like loom in here okay we're okay we're okay for now I'm going to break these bottom blocks here and I'm going to try and kill it from the safety of this little village home here cuz getting this thing to drop a piece of iron armor for me would be so oh my God wait get this one out of here I got to go grab that oh my goodness oh my goodness now I have really hard decisions about what to drop like I'm dropping the planks though and I suppose mysterious gland I don't know what you're used for you're getting dropped as well oh my God oh my God three pieces of iron armor is insane that is actually insane and after that extremely eventful night the sun had finally risen so I could safely make my way back to my base and after making it back to the base I decided this was a good opportunity to do a bit of caving because now that I had access to the nether I could use a combination of Netherrack and campfires to make permanent light sources which which would make exploring these caves so much easier obviously getting these things set up was still a bit of a tedious process but I had a lot of progress I was going to have to make in this mod before I'd get access to permanent torches so for now this was the best I was going to do also I guessed that that iron zombie I killed had some family members that weren't too happy about it because one day during this whole caving process I was just hanging out in my bunker and suddenly I was attacked by this guy oh my God oh my God that thing hit me with the iron sword and did so much damage oh my God bro that thing did like 6 and 1 half hearts with one hit of that iron sword that could have ended so tragically oh my God and now I'm sure what you're all wondering is why the heck was I not wearing the three pieces of iron armor I had just dropped and well the reason for that is because in this mod each piece of armor adds weight to your character and the more weight you have on the faster you deplete hunger and as you can probably imagine iron armor adds a lot of weight and so until I had a more sustainable food source I really just couldn't afford to wear it after I was finished mining though I made my way over to check on my hemp plants because it had now been about 2 hours since I initially planted the seeds and luckily enough one of the plants had finally grown and I got my first piece of hemp but I was unfortunately going to need about 25 more of these before had any use to me and now what you also might notice is that even though I planted nine seeds there's only like five hemp crops still standing and that's because this mod has added another feature to make my life miserable which is the ability for weeds to grow on the crops and basically if the weeds stay there long enough without you breaking them then the crop just dies so that's what happened to the other four crops anyways though after all this adventuring I was once again running extremely low on my food supply so if I wanted to avoid starvation it was time for another hunting trip but because animals don't respawn in this mod I had already depleted a lot of the areas around my base and so finding food this time was not easy and after nearly a full day of searching I just barely found some sheep in time before I completely ran out of food so at this point it was clear that I needed to get that sustainable food source set up as fast as possible but as I was trudging my way through the desert back to my base I must have started hallucinating because out of nowhere the spawn of today's video suddenly appeared War Thunder is an epic free-to-play multiplayer Action Game featuring intense ground air and Naval Combat available on PC Playstation Xbox and Mac the game allows you to play any way you want whether you prefer blowing up your enemies on the front lines in a tank soaring through the skies in helicopters and fighter planes or taking to the sea to annihilate opposing warships they're also constantly improving their Graphics physics and sound so every element in War Thunder is super detailed allowing you to get fully immersed in the game's battles as you blow up everything in sight sending debris flying in all directions and as you level up you'll unlock a ton of new improvements and customization options for your vehicles allowing you to personalize your equipment exactly as you want to and War Thunder is also releasing the brand new Alpha strike update which not only significantly improves the in-game visual effects but also adds a ton of new content with the addition of a Hungarian Aviation a plethora of new equipment and the North Holland map featuring intense tank and Aviation battles so you can download War Thunder completely for free using my link in the description and all new players or those who haven't played War Thunder for 6 months will receive a week rental of some exclusive vehicles 100,000 silver Lions three free premium vehicles and a bunch of other free stuff big thank you to War Thunder for sponsoring today's video and now let's get back into it and after safely making it back to my base it was time to start working on that sustainable food stores which based on some advice I had received from a very experienced player of the mod my best bet was to go for an item called Chowder in order to unlock the ability to craft chowder though I would need to complete a three-stage plan and step one of that plan was to somehow get a cow back to my base so that I could Farm it for milk so to start I began setting up a basic pen where I could keep the cow but of course this mod doesn't like to make anything easy so if I wanted my future cow to survive this pen needed to meet a few basic requirements first since this mod has a feature that makes zombies want to kill any cow they encounter I had to make sure that my pen was fully closed off from any potential outside attacks second since this mod also has a feature that causes cows to slowly die over time if they don't have enough grass to feed on I had to also ensure that the pen was big enough so that my cow wouldn't just run out of food and finally I needed to place two redstone blocks inside the pen because these would act as permanent light sources to keep zombies from spawning inside the pen while also not burning the cow like my Netherrack and campfire strategy would and with the pen completed all that was left to do was to actually get a cow in it which you might be thinking was going to end up being the difficult part of this but it was actually the easiest because since I very first started playing this world I intentionally did not go on any hunting trips to the north of my base which meant that all of the animals in that area would still be there so I only had to walk about a 100 blocks north of my base before I found a cow that I was able to lure all the way back to my pen I I'm honestly in shock that I was able to walk over over there and get a calice easily I was expecting this to be some insane Tre I cannot lie now we just break one of those oh my God he got scared of me breaking the block are you kidding me please don't stay scared please don't stay scared please calm down you can trust me you can trust me I promise oh my God thank okay he trust me again I I thought I screwed up my entire relationship with this cow by uh breaking that block my life flashed from eyes I was like I do not I did not see any other cows in that area let's get him nice and tidy and boom there we go now he can Panic by me Place another one he's in he's in the pen let's go and that officially completed step one of my plan to get a sustainable food source and it was now time to move on to step two which was simply to get a bunch of fish but you see to put it plainly fishing in this mod usually just sucks because the rates are super nerfed from vanilla Minecraft but every eighth night during the full moon the fishing rates are eight times their usual amount and so by taking advantage of these nights I could in theory catch enough fish to last me until the next full moon and basically create a supply of NeverEnding fish to be used for the chowder and after looking at a chart of the different moon phases on the Minecraft Wiki I thought that this Moon meant that the next night was going to be a full moon but after heading to a nearby body of water that was large enough to fish in and getting all set up up for a full night of full moon fishing I realized that the full moon had actually already happened two nights ago so it looked like step two of the plan was going to have to be put on a temporary hold it wasn't all bad though because in the morning as I was heading back to my base I actually managed to find a second cow and lured it all the way back to the pen two cows we have two cows I actually did it yay I love you guys all right well project um fishing Hut was a complete and utter failure but project getting cows was not a failure so that's always exciting and in the meantime while I waited for the next full moon I decided to shift my focus over to a different goal of getting a pet wolf because I was eventually going to need a certain item that only they can produce but before heading out on a search to find one I realized that I had gone through all the work of getting these cows for milk but I had actually yet to milk either of them let me quickly run over to my workbench craft this bucket here and then I just want to see here if it just works like regular vanilla Minecraft like can I just right click on this guy and oh oh yeah okay well there we go we got some milk wait and look at that the UTS changed based on when they're ready to be milk look this one I just milk has very small Udders and the one I haven't milked yet has uh very obviously enlarged utterers that's um that's maybe a bit too much I don't know if I wanted to see all that but uh good information to have in the brain maybe I'm I'm not so sure I don't know and now that I had more knowledge about the biology of my two cows than I think I honestly ever needed to I set out on my journey to find a pet wolf I'm pretty sure though if I have the moon phases down correctly now which it's definitely possible that I don't obviously I was way off on when the full moon was but anyways I think I figured it out now and I think this upcoming night is going to be the Gloom night where it's like completely pitch dark outside so with that being said I do need to keep track of where the sun is in the sky and make sure that I Leave myself enough time to get back home or otherwise I'm going to be put in a very deadly situation again like I was in the last video as I continued to make my way through the forest I didn't spot any wolves but I did spot a cow up ahead in the distance and thought this was a great opportunity to work towards some leather armor now in my last video I completely avoided killing any cows because in this mod they fight back and can actually kill you pretty quickly but since that video I've learned a little trick from some expert players of this mod that makes them a lot less dangerous so I'll actually take my grass here to lure it over we don't need a fully lurt into the hole then then I can just push it into the hole all right then we take the dirt here all right start blocking it off then you may hear some noises of the cow not having the most fun time in the world that's okay it's just part of the process but then once the noises have subsided just make a little hole there and boom three leather three raw beef got everything I needed from the cow and I didn't even have to get kicked in the face in order to get it so yeah that is a very helpful trick there obviously I then continued to search the forest for a wolf but didn't have any luck finding one although on the bright side I did manage to find quite a few more cows and use that new trick I learned to trap them and get a bunch more leather but as I was making my way back towards my base I realized that the sun had started to set it's actually getting like way uncomfortably late I'm going to have my campfire and flint and steel ready to go and then as if I wasn't already in a super dangerous situation it suddenly started to rain which made this Gloom night about 20 times more dangerous wait if it's Gloom night this is actually so bad because the rain will put out my campfire and I there is no way I can make it back in time before it hits well I guess we are about to find out whether or not it is Gloom Knight I was wrong about the full moon timing before surely I miscalculated the Gloom Knight Moon as well right oh nope it is definitely Gloom night all right come on okay there we go oh my gosh okay this is this is really bad this is really really bad oh no and wait and this is going to light the trees on fire oh my gosh wait do I have like I need to make some sort of covering for this I don't want to use all my rocks I'll use like half of them oh no oh my gosh okay um wait it's going to put my campfire out is it not oh this is so bad how are we going to survive this it's out wait I guess the fire will leave this lit up for a little before it burns out this is so bad why did it decide to rain on a Gloom night this is literally the worst thing that could happen Okay I'm going to have another campfire ready to go I guess this is like the actual worst case scenario I need this tree to stay on fire oh no oh no oh no I just died of this thing don't I oh I'm like oh my gosh oh my gosh with half a heart wait before I get lit on fire before I get lit on fire from this thing oh my God half a heart okay wait I need to actually like stay away from this tree though I don't know what we're going to do here um I'm literally crippled now I do not know how I survived that spider Encounter that is actually crazy I just assumed for sure I was dead I actually just thought I was dead I have been so lucky up until this point with this mod but I literally do not know if it would be physically possible to get more unlucky than being stuck outside on a Gloom night where it's raining like like how could this possibly get any worse you know what maybe I shouldn't even say that because I'm sure the game will find some way to make this worse oh my God I don't even know if you guys can see see that but there is like four sets of red spider eyes off in that direction over there I'm slowly but surely healing my HP back though that's good in case we do get into another fight here all right we have to be getting close to the end of the night I feel like I've been out here for like 20 minutes at this point oh the sun's coming up oh my god oh wait and there's a wolf right there that we can tame oh my God we survived it we survived it okay let me see if I can tame this wolf and get home please come on Wolf come on how many bones is this oh my God I took nine bones okay will he follow hello is he okay why is he like why is his texture all bugged out like that is it cuz he oh is it cuz he's wet from the rain will he follow me oh he is following me oh my god let's go okay oh my God we survived the Gloom Knight and I got a pet wolf oh wait okay this is probably stupid any sane person at this point would probably just be happy that they survived and make their way home but I am not I see another cow here I'm going to take the opportunity to push it in the hole and get myself some more leather I'm sorry but if there's one thing I've learned from playing this mod it's that when an opportunity presents itself you have got to take advantage I can just get the cow in the hole please why is this impossible I did it so easily the first time and now I just literally cannot do it oh my gosh okay there we go holy that took forever that actually took me like 2 minutes to get it in there my gosh all right there we go some more raw beef and we're up to 10 leather that's pretty good all right I am done being greedy now though let's get me and my wolf home I don't want him to die so I'm going to block him I'm going to block him in like that this might look a bit inhumane but I swear it's not okay my wolf pet is very very happy here and now I don't think I've explained it up until this point but the reason I need this wolf is for its poop and obviously that's a statement that needs a bit more explanation but I'm not going to give it to you right now right if you want to know exactly why I need this thing's poop then um you're just going to have to wait around and find out and with my goal of getting a wolf now compl it was almost time to return to fishing but I still had a couple of nights before the full moon and since I had already collected enough leather to craft two pieces of armor I decided to set out in the morning to see if I could kill enough cows to complete the full set oh my God I have hit the mother load again okay let's get my trap set up here and let's lure all of these guys over oh my goodness four of them oh my gosh there's a fourth one over here holy I have the whole herd here oh are they starting to bounce out now cuz there's too many in there we can start with three for now that's okay that's a good start that is a that's a disturbing noise all right there we go though boom only five leather from three of them that seems kind of underwhelming I'm not going to lie after stumbling upon my next herd of cows though I had the sudden realization that I had been making a crucial error with this Pro strategy I was using wait this is how I should have been doing it the whole time when you have a block on that side over there then they are forced to fall into the hole by setting up the way I was before no wonder it's so much harder to do it okay this is actually like The Meta way of doing it I'm just a more on all right surely more than three right oh okay there we go I got oh my gosh 14 I got so much that time I got eight from those three well that is all I need then that is enough leather that was very easy to do so now I can create these last two pieces of leather armor I need starting with the chest plate and then the boots and boom there we go full leather armor acquired I think that's my first goal for this video that I have now checked off the list there we go 25 hours into my playthrough of this mod and I finally have three and 1 half armor bars feel like this is a pretty good opportunity to say if you guys are enjoying watching me suffer in this mod consider hitting subscribe it makes the pain hurt just a little bit less all right and it's finally almost time to make another attempt at full moon fishing but first I was curious as to why my wolf hadn't produced any poop yet so I did a little bit of research on the wiki and it turns out that these guys need at least a 3X3 area in order to you know do their business so I guess I'm just going to convert like one of these little rooms I have in my staircase here into a poop room for this wolf if he'll go ahead and follow me over here do I need to like push him come on man oh my God this AI is terrible please okay oh oh where is it going please bro oh my God there we go okay all right so now we'll sit him in here but the wiki that I read also said it's best for it to be in darkness as well so I'm going to block him off in there we are definitely back to inhumane forms of uh of housing for my wolf here but um you know I'm just doing whatever it takes to get this thing to poop at this point these new housing Arrangements worked very well though because only a few minutes later I went back in to check on my wolf and found myself a little surprised he pooped oh my God let let's go my first piece of dung thank you very much Mr Wolf I appreciate that let's go I have never been so excited to pick up a piece of poop in my entire life now do I have somewhere I can store this poop or nope I do not all right guess we are going to be carrying the poop with us for now and I'm sure that this is once again making a bunch of you question why exactly I need wolf dong in this mod but I'm going to continue to gatekeep that information for now so if you guys want to find out you're just going to have to wait but now at long last it was finally time to make another attempt at full moon fishing this time though I was also going to need to find a new spot to fish at because I did some research in between my attempts and found out that you want at least a 5x 5x5 cube of water to fish in in order to be able to like actually reliably catch fish there thankfully when I went exploring that one day to find myself a pet wolf I did notice that there's a deep kind of like Lake SL River area in the forest here that I think should be perfect for this yes perfect right here yeah wait actually the uh burnt trees from where I survived that insane Gloom night on half a heart are actually like the perfect marker for where this little fishing station is going to be so that's perfect okay and the Sun is setting I'm not sure when exactly it becomes considered Knight I'm just going to start fishing as soon as I don't see the sun anymore and hope that works out the Knight didn't get off to too great of a start though when these squids decided to come introduce themselves to me oh my oh my god oh oh wait my thing was still not high enough up oh my God oh my gosh wait oh my God oh my gosh holy okay well I guess I need to make my thing even a little bit higher up not a great start to my night of fishing all right it is the full moon though let's not let that ruin my experience and let's start fishing here and let me tell you guys those adex fishing rates were no joke because in the span of just this one night I managed to catch 29 fish and I actually would have been able to catch even more than that but my fishing rod broke after the 29th fish so I had to call it quits there but with that I now definitely had a big stockpile of fish ready to go which meant that step two of the sustainable food source plan was completed and it was now time to move on to the final step of the plan crafting an item called The Cauldron which would not only enable me to be able to combine the milk and fish into chowder but would also unlock a ton of other important crafting recipes later in the mod unfortunately though when I returned back to my base I was greeted with some bad news when I found that only one of my two cows was still alive and now at the time I had assumed that this was just some kind of bug and my second cow despawned when I left the chunk but later on in the video I actually end up discovering that there is a huge flaw with my current design of the pen here and I'm interested to see if you guys can figure it out so if you think you know what it is leave a comment down below right now and you can see if you're right later in this video anyways though the crafting recipe for this cauldron is relatively simple and just requires seven iron ingots a bone and a water bucket of course the one problem here is that getting seven iron ingots in this mod is easier said than done because not only does one iron ore only smelt into one iron nugget meaning I would actually need 63 pieces of iron to make make this thing plus another seven for the bucket but each iron also takes 20 minutes to smelt and that requires a full wooden log to do so overall it's just a very timec consuming process if I wanted to progress in this mod though it had to be done so over the course of the next 3 hours basically all I did was mine and smelt iron this actually took so long that another full moon came around in the process which allowed me to double my current stockpile of fish so at least I wouldn't be be running out of fish anytime soon eventually though I had all the materials I needed and could finally craft this thing and boom we have finally made a cauldron let's go all right now I'll head down into the room I was setting up for this thing and so the cauldron just needs to be placed right here and then hopefully it doesn't have gravity if it does okay perfect it doesn't so this is going to work how I thought it was going to so now we mine that block there and fill all that with Netherrack and then I need nine campfires for all this Netherrack here so let's go ahead and make those really quickly so there we go nine campfires here and then I need a fire starter which hopefully this torch is still lit oh my God it's at the very end can I make it in time can I make it before the torch goes out and light all nine of these campfires oh my God just in time this thing is going to go out any second all right but I think this should work now and of course the food item I'm trying to make is chowder here which requires two bowls a cooked fish and a bucket of milk so let's grab all of those items and try this out all right the Moment of Truth here we go two bowls cooked fish and milk it looks like it's cooking and there we go we get two chow and I get the bucket back as well which is obviously huge if I didn't that would be uh kind of terrible and if I'm not mistaken this chowder should be as good as steak here and regenerate my 2 and 1 half bars of hunger that I'm missing right now yep there we go oh my God I finally have a good source of food after only like 30 hours of gameplay and of course my cow here should be ready to be milked again yep there we go and so I can go ahead and take this bucket of milk and another cooked fish and make myself some more chowder let's go though wow that took so long to get that set up but I think it is going to be well worth it food has just been such a massive issue since I very first started playing this mod even so to have even a little bit of relief in that department is huge I did quickly realize though that there was a bit of an imbalance between the like 50 fish I had in comparison to how fast my one cow could produce milk so I went out adventuring the next day and found another cow to bring back to the pen to try and even things out a bit I also changed the height of my fences to be twoo high instead of just one but you'll soon see that this also didn't fix my issue of cows dying so if that was your guess as well you unfortunately were incorrect but now that I was able to craft chowder that completed my second big goal for this video of getting a sustainable food source and it was now time to turn my focus towards getting that windmill in order to create a windmill though there are a lot of other items I need to craft and processes I need to go through and so first thing I need to do is collect 10 of these stone bricks here and then I craft a millstone as well as another item to go along with that called the hand crank but now you might be asking what exactly is this Millstone for well all of this hemp that I have been farming up since the very beginning of this video this is the key to crafting the windmill because in order to craft the windmill I need to collect 108 hemp fibers and the way I get hemp fibers is by taking the hemp here putting it into the millstone and then manually processing it down with the hand crank which uh yes this is also An Extremely Loud process for some reason so I'm going to go ahead and uh temporarily turn my sound down quite a few notches there while I do this but what you also May notice here is that my Hunger will go down very very very quickly while I'm processing the hemp with the hand crank so that is the unfortunate part is even though I have all this set up I can't just sit here and process down all 23 of this hemp right now because well I'll run out of food and just straight up die but the benefit here is that one piece of hemp does turn down into four hemp fibers so I believe that this amount I have here is going to be almost enough I probably just need like one oh and actually there's one growing now so maybe just like one or two more of these hemp plants to grow and I should already have enough for all those hemp fibers I need for the windmill obviously for now though I kind of have to wait for my cows to be able to be milked a couple more times so I can stock up on chowder before I waste all of the Hunger processing the hemp down because I mean I could go through and eat a bunch of the cooked fish while I process it down but obviously that'd be a huge waste because the Chowder is just more efficient to eat and I just went through the whole process of getting this cauldron set up to make the chowder in the first place so I don't know I'm just not going to do that we're going to take our time processing this hemp down anyways though in the meantime I do need to work on something and I kind of remember that there are some parts of the original like massive cave I discovered in the first video that are probably still a bit unexplored cuz this place was just huge like I definitely have explored more parts of it than I initially did in the last video but there should still be a lot of new stuff to uncover so I feel like this area is probably the best for me to be looking around for now to find some more iron and maybe even some new diamonds if I get lucky and you know what now that I have the diamond pick I can actually go through and break these old blocks that had the iron or in them that I couldn't before and uncover some more hidden iron just like this so this area is definitely the best to be looking around which actually gives me a really good idea I can go back to where I found those diamonds in the first video and break these blocks yes there we go look at that some more diamonds hiding behind at least one there is it only going to be oh not only going to be one we've got some more hidden here may oh my God even more three extra any more hiding back here come on give me some more doesn't look like it looks like it was just a four Vin there that is still insane though there was just three extra diamonds hiding behind that one this whole time I could have actually done that at the start of this video already I just hadn't even like thought about that as a possibility I then continued caving for a bit and actually even managed to find another Diamond while doing so but eventually I decided that I just didn't want to continue to wait around for my cows to produce more milk for the chowder and instead I would just process the hemp now and use as much of the cooked fish as I needed to and so I got to work on grinding down the hemp into fibers not a very interesting process as it just involves me sitting here and right clicking this hand crank over and over again but after eating about 30 plus cooked fish I had finally done it there we go 108 hemp fibers definitely pretty taxing on my food supply but that's all that we need so hopefully now I can cut back on the amount of food that I'm using pretty significantly and now the next step is to turn all of these hemp fibers into fabric just like that and I now have 12 pieces of fabric which feels pretty sad for how much work that was I'm not going to lie and it's about to get even more sad because now I need to make 12 uh wood planks to go along with it and these 12 pieces of fabric get turned into four sails and that's all we have to show for everything we just did and then of course I can take these four sails put them like this and create the windmill let's go now it may look very small in my hand but trust me when I get this thing placed down it will not be very small at all and so the next morning I set up a wooden platform that would be big enough to fit this thing and got it placed down yes there we go there is the windmill oh my God wait let's go get a look from the other side on it beautiful look at that we are going to have some power let's go all right and that officially completes my third main goal of this video but now of course of course in order to make use of the power that this thing is generating I need to actually connect it to something and believe it or not this is finally where that wolf dong is going to come into play because it is the key component that I need to combine with a couple of other things in my cauldron here to produce tanned leather which is the final item that I needed to be able to craft the saw here that I will be powering with my brand new Windmill and the saw here is the key to an item that I have been waiting so so long for as soon as the sun comes up here I'll hook this thing up and show you guys what I'm talking about but I am so ready to finally have this item and then I believe I can just connect the saw like this look at that all right but now this is the big deal guys all right so first let me just make a ton of planks here really quickly but then if I take the planks and put it in front of the saw it turns them into oak wood sidings which is probably not going to make any sense to you what that is but trust me this is huge because if I go ahead and just create eight of these oak wood sidings I can then make my way over to my crafting table here and create a chest yes that is right we finally have chests after all this time I don't even know how many hours it's probably like 40 hours into the mod I have created a chest isn't it beautiful I'm finally going to be able to get rid of these hampers that only have four spots each and take so so long to make and I have chests with all this storage now and they're so easy to make it's literally just four Oak planks into the saw oh my God this is like this is the greatest day ever and with that my final goal for this video was now complete but there's actually one more huge advancement I'm going to make before we're done here first though I need to finally reveal what the issue with my cow pen was because after I set up my first double chest I walked over to the cow pen and noticed that once again my second cow had died and at this point I had simply had enough of my cows dying so I hopped onto a creative world and did some testing and it turns out the problem was actually a very simple one because the zombies can just hit the cows through the fences if they're too close to them so in order to fix it all I had to do was add a second layer of fences around the outside and we were good to go so yeah if you guessed that in the comments when I first brought it up which I'm sure a bunch of you did congrats you're much smarter than I am anyways though the last thing that I want to do before I end this video is to craft a torch which you're probably thinking that I've already had access to torches since my last video on this mod but I'm not talking about torches that burn out after 10 minutes I'm talking permanent torches this time but I am going to need one other thing in order to create these permanent torches and in order to get that thing I'm going to have to travel to the single most dangerous place in the entire mod the nether because I need to get some Soul Sand the question is though where exactly am I going to get some Soul Sand oh wait okay I see some Soul Sand over there I'm not sure am I able to get over there though I could grab a bunch of wooden planks and try and make a bridge but I wonder if a wood bridge is going to burn in the nether I kind of feel like it would here you know what I guess I can do a bit of an experiment I'll create two wooden planks here we'll toss one down and let's just see if it starts burning right uh-oh oh my God oh my God I need to get out of here okay well the wooden plank is not burning so that's a good sign for the experiment I think I definitely can make a wooden plank bridge I do not want to fight a gas right now can I hit this back please oh okay can I not can I not hit these things back oh okay I I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm actually so low I'm On One freaking heart please let me out of here I'm pretty sure also need to be super careful that I don't cause a gas to hit the Pigman because I think that makes them hate me and try and kill me as well which a fight with some pigment I can promise you is not going to end well for me in my leather armor all right I don't see the gas I think I can make it I think I can try and get out of here come on all right we're out we're out we're out oh it is night time in the Overworld here though can I make it safely back to my base now too please okay we're good we're good despite that terrifying experience though if I wanted to craft an infinite torch I I still needed to find a way to get some Soul Sand so I gathered up some wooden planks that I could use for a bridge and made my way back into the nether once again please no ghast please no ghast please no ghast I'm so scared oh the nether is so dangerous oh my God there's a ghast literally right next that Soul stand I want to go to as well okay if I stay to like the far left here I think it should be okay though wait how am I going to staircase this down though I haven't really fully thought this out I don't even know if it I mean I can definitely make oh my god did that thing shoot at me you guys this is so oh it is it is shooting at me okay maybe oh no oh no oh no ow oh no now they're pissed at me and now that and now that guy's pissed at me I need to get out I need to get out oh oh my God it's in the Overworld with me Jesus the nether is too dangerous how am I ever going to get this so sand I think I'm just going to have to make a tunnel or something that that wooden bridge idea was just way too ambitious I don't think there's any way I'm doing that without having like at least a 60% chance of dying which at that point it's just like not worth doing it's just not worth it no way so yeah obviously that bridging strategy was not going to work but I still needed some Soul Sand so I made my way back to the nether one last time to try and get some my plan is to just head back in here and I'm just going to start tunneling until I hit a new area that I can explore for soulan because there's just no way I'm going to be able to do anything else all right this is breaking my iron pickaxe like scary fast though I think I'm going to convert to just a very skinny tunnel here I thought I was oh all right here we go this this maybe has potential I can try and go over like this direction here man I did a lot of damage to my pickaxe getting over here though are we friendly okay they're not angry at me anymore too which is good go around the fire here we have some glow stone here have I even gotten glow stone yet I'm not sure if there's anything I could use it for besides just making some glowstone blocks for lighting or something but anything that can only be found in the nether I'm assuming is pretty valuable in this mod pack cuz this place is terrifying I'm going to keep placing wooden planks out here so I can kind of have a way to Mark where I've been oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no okay wait wait if that fireball hits a pigment again we're going to have a huge problem Oh this is not going to be easy is it come on please Soul Sand somewhere around here I hear one that's not good where is it at I hear it but I don't see it that's like Soul Sand okay wait can I get to that from here I can I can oh my God okay okay okay wait where's the gas though as long as oh no oh no there it is don't hit a pigman don't hit a pigman oh my God you know I do have to say this mod does make the nether feel a lot more terrifying than vanilla Minecraft I am so scared of these gests this is a miserable experience and there's so many of them now they are everywhere all right I'm going for it I'm going for the Soul Sand just a couple pieces I I I don't know how many pieces I'm going to need okay that's got to be good I'm running out I'm I'm just sprinting I'm sprinting it's a huge waste of food but I just need to get out of here leave me alone please oh my God my Hunger is draining so fast but it's worth it oh my God oh my God the hunger drink I can't even Sprint anymore let me out let me out let me out here's my wood I'm just if I get out without that hitting a pigman we are blessed oh my goodness we have been blessed let me at least get back to my portal before I celebrate I'm out I am out and I got 16 Soul Sand hopefully that is enough I do not want to have to go back to try and get more of this under any circumstances oh my God and using that Soul Sand I was able to make all the ingredients I needed to craft my first infinite torches which should now allow me to search for diamonds much more efficiently so maybe I can look into upgrading my armor and tools pretty soon here now obviously this is not the end of the mod in fact not only do I still have over a 100 hours of progression to get through but the next major thing I have to get is a blaze rod so uh we're going to be making a return to the nether but I haven't uploaded a video in 6 months so we're going to have to get that in part three [Music]
Channel: RageTrain
Views: 597,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ragetrain, Rage Train, Ragetrain Minecraft, Rage Train Minecraft, RageTrain hypixel, RageTrain Hypixel Skyblock, Minecraft, minecraft mod, hardest minecraft mod, minecrafts hardest modded, modded minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 58sec (2698 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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