Bannerlord Vs Warband | In-Depth Comparison

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[Music] hello everyone I'm Terry Duke and welcome to my channel ever since the massive success of warband people have been anticipating the release of the sequel Banner Lord and that finally came true sort of nearly three years ago when the game was released in Early Access however since October 25 of last year the official release has been out and I thought it would be interesting to bring battlelord into perspective by comparing it to its iconic predecessor to observe how the gameplay evolved how it improved upon warband in some areas and possibly screwed up in others if you like the content make sure to subscribe also link to the Discord server and twitch and even my Kora if that's your thing now let's go so let's start with a lot of the ways in which bannerlord is definitely an improvement upon warband obviously in terms of graphics and sounds there's no contest panelord is a gorgeous game whereas warband is really Aging in comparison the atmosphere is well designed the colors are simply gorgeous the towns are actually full of people there is no complaints one could argue War Ben's whole setting point was the amazing battle system it's one thing to play on RPG but an RPG in which you have your own Army and find alongside your soldiers there simply was nothing like it at the time in this context benelord is as satisfying as it can get as it improved all aspects of battles the biggest point is what I'll call the total war mechanic as you get to deploy troops on the battlefield by simply clicking at a Zone on the map much like total war in more band the only way to get troops to hold the key position was by going to the said position yourself then ordering to hold not having to do that in battlelord allows for so much more use of tactics troops also have a much wider range of battle formations which is pretty neat and the Nike warband whose battle maps are generated randomly but no Lord selects the battlefield from a few presets while this may make some areas feel repetitive at least the battlefields themselves are optimized warband players quickly learn to avoid battles nearby any Hills on the map as it would give us this which is super annoying and finally the battles in battlelord are designed so that waves of reinforcements will keep coming essentially until you run out of troops unlike warband which limited each engagement to about 150 troops before having to fight into another round this made large-scale battles very grindy so Props to battlelord for addressing and improving everything from morbin sages are also an area which was well improved in warband the sieges are pretty simple you would typically charge at the walls with either a single ladder or Siege Tower and you would fight the enemy on the wall until you killed all of them which often meant most of the fight was spent fighting over a single choke point in battle Lord each settlement has three entry points two walls and the main gate so attacking castles will now require you to build a battering ram and Siege Towers the enemy will defend using either manganos and ballista but you can also build those to support your own assault better Lord sieges are therefore much better visually but also in gameplay because battles on the walls can be really chaotic and cinematic Siege defenses are also very fun as you get to manual Sage equipment to devastating effect but also throw rocks down at enemies [Applause] of course infinite supplies of arrows overall much better sieges though will still make some criticisms later on when it comes to the player's character I also like the character creation more as unlike warband you clearly see what benefits you gained from any choices made though largely the principle is the same and the leveling system while a bit confusing at first is definitely better than warbands none there was anything wrong with warband basically every time you leveled up you could just choose a skill to increase and that's it in battle Lord however not only are there more skills to learn but these skills come with tons of bonuses that can make your character very overpowered the only obstacle is that unlike warband that lets you level up anything banalog requires you practice the skills you want to increase so you want to become a better horse rider ride a horse basically what's cool about it is you don't have to build your character around a specific set of skills if you end up wanting to try out new skills you just have to start using them to improve them over time Kingdom management is also improved a lot compared to warband you now get to construct a lot more projects in the towns you own you can set companions to govern settlements for extra bonuses and you can create Caravans for trade kingdoms can also Implement policies that will add different advantages such as serfdom or different types of taxes there's also a new form of currency called influence which is used to make Kingdom decisions different Nobles within your kingdom will either approve or disapprove of your choices and the less they approve the more influence you need to override your Lords influence is gained true battles and conquests and is vital for staying in control of your faction while warband had the Marshall feature which meant you appointed a lore to organize military campaigns banalorn expanded Upon This by simply allowing the Lords to create their own armies in which different Lords of the realm will join if they want so kingdoms can have several armies in the field each with their own objectives which definitely intensifies the wars in Bangalore in terms of urban mechanics this is largely the same in battlelord Eureka troops for villages and it will upgrade as they can experience party size is determined by your Renown but there's a huge addition that of the clan mechanic in warband each road is essentially its own Clan and provide only one warband but in battle Lord each member of a clan can be the leader of a warband up to a maximum number determined by Renown so if you felt limited by your own party size limit you could ask a companion to create his own warband and follow you around effectively increasing your army size which is awesome trade is virtually the same as markets are divided by Goods weapons armors and horses the big difference with better Lord is that the size of your inventory depends on how many men and horses you'd have in your party in warband you could just max out the inventory management skill and you have a large inventory regardless of how many soldiers you have in Battlelog however any unused horse and soldiers increase the party's capacity this severely restricts the player when alone but it also means that when you have a large army you can carry way more stuff than you ever could in warband and it becomes easy to just grab all of the loot in every battle which when you sell adds up to a lot of money so these are the main ways in which I feel better Lord improved significantly over warband but there were a few things that Daniel Lord was either lazy about or screwed up such as tournaments in warband tournaments definitely felt repetitive but they were fairly lucrative especially in early game when trying to make some money but in battlelord the amount you can bet in the tournament is very limited rendering them useless sure you can also win some items but these items such as expensive horses often can't be used in early game if your writing skill is too low and none of the weapons and armors are super high end or anything essentially they managed to make tournaments even more boring and even less rewarding and bended lairs my God how lazy was this it's basically exactly the same as warband except for prayer scenery but the loot is also less rewarding and this annoying part where you face the gang leader is meaningless whether you duel him or not doesn't make a difference at all so this is another instance of something that ends up worse than it was in warband and this is a good time to talk about sages again because while they do flow better than in warband they still feel very repetitive regardless of the castle it's always the same two Siege towers and a bannering ram you have the option in the world map to build trebuchets to bombard the walls this will create breaches in the walls typically making the assault much easier but besides these two options there are no means to get the castle to surrender even when they run out of food Instead The Garrison will just slowly get wounded till you're out of patience and attack the weekend defenses seriously tail worlds you collaborated with the brittle wilda team to make Viking conquest and this is all you offer what about the ability to I don't know build a Siege Camp so that when enemy reinforcements arrive we can fight defensively from an entrenched position instead of just having a regular battle what about ways to lower enemy morale like poisoning their water supply or sending in a group of men to do some sabotage hell it would be fun to have some kind of stealth mechanic to sneak into enemy castles at night to open the gates that would be so cool there are so many ways in which sieges could be made more in thing and the people at till worlds know that I really wish there was more to the sieges and surprisingly the finite mechanics aren't as good as in warband it's a cool thing about the games that two attack and block from certain directions you have to make specific moves with the mouse but in battlelord the mouse movements have to be way more obvious for the game to pick up on them so unless you're using a shield finding it without one is really hard compared to warband I will also say things like shooting arrows feel a bit slower in Bangalore too and couching with the lens at least initially is very unreliable look at this ah compared to this I guess they were just going for realism with Banner Lord but that's just a good example of how realism in video games can be worse instead of better question better learn also largely missed the mark generally in warband quests had two purposes make money and improve relations with the Lord's giving them for me personally I've always felt Quest would lose their appeal the moment you have the means to go to war as war is far more rewarding but Quest and battlelorn are far more restricted and often far less rewarding for starters good like an inquest from Lords because until you get enough Renown you won't have access to the Lord's Hall and also many quests are faction based meaning if you're an independent Adventurer you won't have access to these quests this leave quests from Village and town leaders these are Merchants landlords and gang leaders that offer a lot of small paying jobs while a lot of new quests have been added most of the time I just feel they're not worth it in warband if you help the village often enough the relation will increase and they would start offering more better recruits in Battlelog however recourse in towns and Villages are offered by the different leaders and it's by helping all of them individually that you get more troops from all of them but because of that it's just not worth it because even without making an effort settlements actually still offer a lot of troops and also there is a skill on the charms that randomly improve relations with the locals every time you enter a settlement meaning you will passively unlock more recruits without having to do quests at all so really it's not that the quests are bad or boring it's that they're not rewarding enough to do this could easily be improved by tell worlds just make the quest more rewarding the companions are also something I'm not personally a fan of with how they work in manalord in warband the companions are the same in every campaign these characters have unique backstories specialize in different areas and have different personalities I feel the companions in warbin is what really humanizes the game as they offer several unique interactions that Lords and other NPCs simply don't some of them will get into disputes others will get along and you could also send them off to spread your right to rule and depending on their background they will make certain promises in battle Lord though companions are randomly generated in each campaign based on a handful of presets and as companions they don't offer any unique missions and they don't really add anything to the game they can be made Governors or given command of their own warbands but that's also true of family members so it's not unique I feel if tell words had taken the time to really flesh out the companions even just a little it will make all the difference in the world but as it stands the companions are well forgettable and finally persuasion is also something that I feel by the Lord did a poor job with both in war Ben and banner Lord the main purpose of persuasion is to convince Lords to leave their current kingdoms and join yours but so far to my knowledge I've never seen a single Lord in battle Lord even consider changing sides if they own lands meaning in Banner Lord the option to recruit Lords is only available if they have no lands and also the dialogue options are virtually always the same and the passing chance really feels more like a roll of dice than anything else compare that to warband if you convince the Lord to join your sign they and their lands would switch to your faction there was also more emphasis on what the Lord looks for in a king versus your own values as a king in both games I feel persuasion is a skill that is critical in the long run but that has never been fleshed out and somehow battlelorn made it worse so we've gone both the ways in which better aren't improved upon warband and the ways in which it didn't but any good sequel can't just address elements from previous installments they also have to come up with new stuff of their own so let's address those in no particular order and briefly mentioned the clan mechanics before but it's worth repeating as Orban has nothing like that in warband once you get to carry a banner and find a spouse to marry that's about as far as it goes but in battle Lord you get to create your own Clan which you roll over even if you're not the king of your faction Clans are essentially your family and companions both can be used to govern settlements or to create War bands independent of your realm as well as Caravans or they can be in your party to be assigned different positions like surgeon or engineer they can also be given divisions to come in in battle so it's all pretty cool and speaking of family this is another big addition in battle Lord you can't not only marry but also have children and if you enabled permanent death in the game options you will get to play as either one of your siblings or one of your children after you die as your children grow up you will get to choose their skills much like in character create nation which is both fun and surprisingly cute one of the biggest features added to battle Lord is smitting which is the ability to craft your own weapons the good side is when you level up and unlock crafting Parts you can make some really badass looking weapons and some of them you can also sell for a lot of money merchants and towns often have requests for weapons that match certain criterias and this can be very lucrative however the skill is hidden behind essentially a lot of grind and a never-ending search for charcoal to forge and melt materials as well as looking for materials required to make the weapons submitting is pretty cool generally but you can easily play the game without ever trying it and I just wish it was more accessible to begin with and also teller needs to be made aware of this but sometimes if I make really large swords the bottom tip is missing and it really triggers me another seemingly big component of the game I did say seemingly is character traits each Lord has a reputation which range from good to evil as the player character your reputation is also dictated by your actions do you let Lords go or do you take them prisoner do you rate Villages I feel this can be a very interesting feature for making allies and enemies but as it stands many have complained that character traits don't have a serious enough impact on the gameplay for instance being honorable or dishonorable does not change a Lord's Behavior honorable Lords will still raid Villages and we have the option to execute Lords after battle but executing evil Lords as seemingly the same impact as executing good ones the main way I know this character traits having an impact is in dating like you go on dates with Lords and Ladies depending on their character traits some answers will be preferable over others but that's really just it I hope they flesh it up more in the future and that leaves us with story mode I mean it's not really a story mode it's more like a unique mission that you can choose to start the campaign with or without it's a very slight change from sandbox essentially you'll have a main quest about finding the dragon Banner which you can use to make your own claim to the throne and that's pretty much it given the nature of the mountain Blade Games it was always about free exploration and doing whatever you want so I'm not criticizing Lord for not having a main story but rather because they hinted at it then barely did anything with it a fleshed out story in benidor could actually work really well especially with equally fleshed out companions but that's just a wish at this point and there we have it I think at the end of the day battlelord is a decent sequel in the most important areas it improved a lot but in other ways I have my fair share of frustrations especially considering the game has been out for three years and warbin has been out for 12. I can only hope those frustrations are addressed later on when it comes to banana vs warband benad largely wins in a lot of areas there is just one reason as to why I always end up going back to warband more than battlelord and it is the biggest reason of all and you guessed it it's the mods I've waited a long time for battleborn mods to come even close to comparing with warband mods in nearly 3 years in it's still far far away the reasons for that are obvious though Banner Lord was in Early Access for the longest time and this made it very difficult for mods to be created but also the game is far bigger and has so much more potential that creating a total conversion for it is going to take a lot more time and resources but in the meantime anything other than native is better to play on warband than on bannerlord want to play a total conversion of Game of Thrones I mean sure the mods for Battlelog get the items right so far and it's very promising but worben already has the entire game of thrones Universe covered in two different mods the world is completed as are the factions and the unique missions shukuho is a huge Samurai mod coming to Banner Lord eventually and it will be undoubtedly awesome but if you want to experience field of Japan right now kikoku enjoys a warband mod for which New Visions are still coming out and it's fully playable Lord of the Rings Warhammer please in conclusion if you've never played either one of them anything beyond native in the current times you'll have way more of a blast on warband I'm talking fantasy gunpowder new worlds and music and stories it's got it all that's not to say tool conversion mods on coming to battle Lord they are and when they do reach their full potential warbin will be free finally to sit back among some of the greatest Classics of all time in my humble opinion anyway that's about it for today thanks for watching if you made it this far and are not subscribing you'll be sending me mixed messages about a relationship so please clear that up for me hit that like button smash that subscribe thanks again and I'll see you next time [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Terry Duke
Views: 112,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terry duke, warband, bannerlord, bannerlord vs warband, warband vs bannerlord
Id: ytbPCqgx8g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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