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[Music] foreign [Music] I'm Terry Duke and welcome back to yet another special ranking of warband mods previously we did the best ranking for the best story driven mods then we had the best historical mods so today it's all about fantasy it's about magic worlds spells and playing as or fighting anything that's not human if you've seen my previous mod videos this will probably get a bit redundant but you know we always got new players here and well if you're looking for a good fantasy mod look no further as usual if you enjoy the content feel free to subscribe to the channel seriously as of making this video I got over a million views but I don't even have 5 000 Subs yet so please help me make sense of this I appreciate it thank you now just to be clear while these mods all feature fantasy the best mod among them is still up to you based on what you like fantasy mods can mean spells it can mean non-human species as well as adaptations of fantasy worlds or completely new ones I ranked all of these mods previously in different contexts but this time I'm ranking them purely based on personal preference whether they are high fantasy or low fantasy based on previous works of fiction or not so let's do this at number 15 we have Skyrim Civil War as the title suggests this mod is set in Skyrim you will find the same species the same units and factions the same music as Skyrim everything now if you saw my latest video you know Skyrim is not a game I played much so this mod has little value to me however if you love Skyrim this is basically warband in Skyrim and there's not much else to say beyond that I brought a complaint for me though is that besides recreating the world itself and doing so very well demand itself doesn't seem to bring any changes to the gameplay so it's actually a fairly light mod compared to others on this list you won't find This One on One DB because it got a copyright climb or something but thanks to a subscriber of the channel I now have a copy of the mod in my Google Drive and I left a link down below so if Skyrim is your thing have fun at 14 we have age of order this mod is basically Britain Wilder one of my favorite mods of all time set in the UK during the Dark Ages but with the legend of King Arthur added on top of it so in terms of fantasy it offers a bit with witches and wizards and the occasional spells these all come into a central Quest that the mod also offers that center around King Arthur however I've never been big on this story so I'm not all that invested and the mods screwed up The Siege mechanic from the mod that it's based on for more details make sure to check my complete review of The Mod however it is a pretty intense mod with lots of gameplay additions but the fantasy elements themselves are somewhat rare and not at all Center to the mod at 13 we have Paradigm worlds I hesitate to call this mod fantasy because it's just a big cluster of an art experiment on the part of the modders Paradigm worlds is set in a post-apocalyptic future ravaged by biological warfare so the man doesn't really feature fantasy elements like magic but we do have all kinds of non-human species like mutants and the undead there's also giant spiders and super vampires it's anything but realistic the man had only one goal and it was to cram as many wacky elements into it as possible with no concern for consistency or balance if I could sum a paradigm World in one word it's chaos it's a really funny mod but it's also extremely bloated and the more you try and make sense of it the more illogical it gets so if you're just looking for something ridiculous but fun give Paradigm worlds a shot but okay at number 12 we're taking a big step back where Simplicity is bliss with a more conventional mod if you will it's Fantasy Cow radio of all the mods in this video this one is a great place to start for anyone getting into fantasy mods the title is self-explanatory when the second radio adds fantasy elements to Native calradia we have new troop trees for spellcasters you yourself can Now cast spells which you buy from different guilds there's a few fantasy races like Orcs Elves and the undead that replace the native Bandits and that's pretty much it it's a good month to learn about spells that doesn't also overwhelm you with a massive new world and lore however this appeal is also the main drawback and it's that if you're not new to Fantasy mods this one will feel pretty simple in contrast but if you want to take it a small step further you can give number 11 a shot and this is legacy of the Dragon this one I discovered recently and in a lot of ways it feels a lot like fantasy car radio but with the extra layer of being set in a different world and that's pretty much it because of the new world there's also tons of new items and units new factions and overall it's a pretty decent total conversion the Spells work on most identical to fantasical Radia as they are accessed by meeting Sorcerers of different sex to learn different spells and buy new gear our personal favorite spell tree of mind though is the necromancy which allows you to take time while in Camp to summon the undead into your party an efficient way of getting troops without paying for them and they look pretty cool too overall Legacy of the Dragon is pretty good as a fantasy mod but it lacks in other areas hence why it's still pretty low in the list the dragons especially are an impressive attempt but they also show the limitations of warband at number 10 age of sword and sorcery this mod takes us to a fictional World set in the Renaissance late medieval period with a strong emphasis on spell casting overall this mod is simply gorgeous with the items and units the world itself is fairly fleshed out with different guilds that offer different quests as well as many caves and dungeons to explore for loot this is another month for which I did a full review however I will say that since then I've come to think less highly of the mod sure there's lots of cool stuff but the biggest problem with the mod is the late game sieges can be buggy as hell and there's no improvements to Kingdom management whatsoever so it's a really fun mod as a solo Adventurer not so much as a lord or a king but from fantasy color radio to Legacy of the Dragon we now have another mod that takes it even further at number nine this is world of vasnar world of vasnar is a fantasy mod with a much darker undertone that focuses more heavily on necromancy and black magic in terms of quality although the mod is not yet finished it still feels very well polished the world is a mix of late medieval and Renaissance period so the items are simply gorgeous most spells are simplified as drawable items but I especially love summoning skeletons in battle as unlike Legacy of the Dragon this is something that can be done in battle and the skeletons never take place in your party limit you can also play as a vampire although it's meant to be challenging since in this world nobody likes vampires the mod was also built on top of Espana 1200 and features much of its scenery including the many layers of defenses for sieges so overall of the simpler more straightforward fantasy mods we have vesnar is a top pick for me personally and number eight this is prophecy of Pandora prophecy of Pandora is one of the best known mods on warband this is another huge total conversion with tons of new factions and items tons of quests and tons of massive Bandit groups with unique loot for many this month is the best warband mod there is and while I agree it is huge and ambitious my criticisms have always been the same which is that most of what Pandora offers is in the late game and takes a lot of time to reach in terms of fantasy it's a fairly light mod with magical stones and some Elves as well as a few magical items but I don't recall saying much fantasy to begin with it's a good mod but only if you're willing to put in a time and fantasy wise it's there but it's fairly light speaking of Light number seven is light and darkness Heroes of calradia this month takes us back to the original car radio from the first Mountain Blade the main changes to the mod is a big story campaign where you investigate some evil cult to stop them from taking over the world in terms of fantasy it's also fairly light with a few magical items in the occasional fantasy creature though the story is the main selling point overall it's a really good mod for a one-time experience but the quest can get very grindy and you really have to play the story as the rest of the mod itself is still largely native with very few changes on another story driven mod with a bit more fantasy elements comes at number six with revenge of the berserk much like light and darkness the story in Revenge of the berserk takes Center Stage as the world itself isn't particularly impressive the scenery and the items found in stores are still largely native but the fantasy part comes with the story itself which is based on the berserk manga so in the story you take control of guts a huge swordsman and you go around first as a mercenary the them in a quest to fight some demons the fantasy elements are presented throughout with fairies zombies and demons not really any spells but the giant sword is just awesome so it makes for an amazing one-time experience so long as you stick to the story at number 5 this is Bones of dragonvald much like revenge of the berserk and lack in darkness before that bones of rackenwald is a very story driven mod but unlike the two the world in bones is a lot more fleshed out so fantasy wise we have the undead to the north and we have a forest full of demonic spider humanoids in the South so the world is fairly rich in lore and with new factions and music and overall just very immersive a very solid total conversion the fantasy elements aren't the main selling point but they sure add a lot to it bones of Dragon Ball has been one of my favorite mods since I've discovered it although the darker creepy atmosphere isn't for everyone but if you really want to go hardcore on fantasy then you gotta try number four which is war sword Conquest this month is based on the Warhammer Universe which to put it simply puts all the fantasy cliches into the same world and then blows the scope up to 15. so in terms of fantasy it doesn't get more intense than Warhammer and the mod Wars or Conquest surprisingly is more than up to the challenge it doesn't matter where you go in this mod everything is more accurate from the Orcs to the vampires to the lizards and the demons demand has every fantasy elements you could think of as well as some spellcasting and it is as gorgeous as it is awesome the main problem though is that choosing any other race than human quickly limits you to faction based equipment and makes most loot you find worthless and the races aren't exactly balanced either like chaos the Orcs the demons they just kick ass so think of horse or Conquest as Paradigm worlds but a little more structured and definitely more fantasy oriented and that's pretty much it great mod all around one of the best you can find more Ben but it really is for hardcore fantasy lovers as everyone else will just get overwhelmed with the share size of it all at number three this is the last days of the third age now TLD for short is undeniably one of the best mods ever for warband or at the very least one of the most ambitious and it's all based on Middle Earth and Lord of the Rings now I don't personally like Lord of the Rings very much but I can't deny the quality of this mod the recreated Middle Earth perfectly from the scenery to the items to the races to the story itself with cut scenes and a center Quest based on which side of the conflict you choose a bunch of uniquests and of course the battles are simply epic the biggest criticism I have of the mod though is the decision to make each kingdom use its own currency which you can only earn from completing Quests for sad Kingdom meaning it's almost impossible to amass wealth in the game let alone buy anything of value anywhere else in the world but besides that TLD is simply amazing this is the go-to for any fan of The Lord of the Rings no question about it but at number two we have a world which I'm actually a big fan of spread across two different mods these are Clash of Kings and World Of Ice And Fire these two mods are based on the Game of Thrones novels and shows and in that regard that about has great a job as TLD did the world is immersive as are the items the characters the music it all works really well I tend to always put the Mods together because they really are on the same level of quality But whichever you end up choosing really depends on you mostly based on the currently listed reasons but overall in terms of fantasy Game of Thrones is fairly low fantasy to begin with so there isn't much to it there's no spells mostly you can go beyond the wall to fight izombies but the monster nonetheless some of the best I've ever played although I'll admit both in terms of fantasy and overall quality because I really am a big fan of the books this is a very biased position they're cool mods but whether they deserve a top spot is very subjective and finally at number one no surprise there this is Paris now of all the fantasy mods out there that came up with an entirely New World in lore Paris snow is probably the most fleshed out of them all with no factions detailed lore explaining them all and a gameplay designed to be on the hardcore level of Warsaw Conquest with massive diverse Bandit groups and minor factions as well as the iconic Zen Invasion which is when a 10 000 strong Army invades Paris snow and just wrecks everything in its path in terms of fantasy we don't really get spells but the game has different races such as elves called the nephili the Giants and the dwarves and they're all fairly fleshed down by now the game also offers to ride giant wolves and bears into battle there's the occasional Abomination found with demon worshipers and the man offers tons of new quests lots of reward complex Kingdom management and has overall been my favorite warband mod for the sheer intensity of battles the Beautiful music and essentially checking all the marks on what makes a great mod for me personally and that's about it for today with story driven historical and fantasy months all having their special rankings I think we're done with those in terms of actual mods you people have still been recommending more for me to try out so it's very possible in the future that I will do another mods review so if you enjoy the content and don't want to miss out on more make sure to subscribe if you haven't done so already and before you make more recommendations feel absolutely free to bench my mod videos as by now it's very likely whatever mod you have in mind is one I already covered but anyway thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Terry Duke
Views: 17,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terry duke, warband mods
Id: F6HsvaOEYdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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