Hollow Knight but Impossible

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we're just gonna get started here hello everyone we're doing the impossible any percent mod which is created by gwonky it is basically just as far as i know you go through like the any percent route but he is placed like a ton of obstacles to make it a lot harder and a bunch of people have been doing this already but i've been looking forward to uh trying it out how's it impossible if you can do it almost impossible any percent we should do steel soul that would be a great idea nope oh good thorns i see those okay don't worry about it chad nothing weird happened everything is normal hello everyone welcome to my let's play of hollow knight i've been wanting to play this game for a while um seems pretty cool i think they're going a bit crazy with the obstacles at first but you know i did hear it's a hard game so that makes sense oh that almost got me no shade you were supposed to help me where do i go here oh that's where you go okay oh so i don't even have dash yet but this still gives me a dash that's cool okay crawling you're cheating okay come on dude are you serious i can't heal now well we have one chance and i didn't even make it through the tunnel oh right we can inventory drop okay well i can just do this nice can probably go back around for my shade oh no the stalactites how do i get up there this is why we spend most of our time in king's pass during speed runs it's actually quite difficult okay i made it i made it i made it that time yeah this was the new patch released the other day team cherry was done with people saying it was too easy of a game oh right you can hit it through the floor i forgot about that shade oh my god shade okay we're just gonna respawn shade somewhere else can i read this i can't read the lore how am i gonna beat the game now all right room one complete there we go so these things green give you a dash and red gives you a double jump they are definitely not in base game there's like a thing that the decoration mod creator added okay nice lever i see that no you only have one dash here because you don't have cloak yet wait i'm a genius there we go where are we even going okay and now what the heck is this we gotta go up the spikes this is cursed because i have to like there we go there we go now what the heck do i do here okay good thing there's a checkpoint i wasn't sure how do you make that maybe i will do infinite health just because i feel like the only difference right now is that i'm spending like eight years um re-healing which is not really adding to this at all i can kind of pogo it lower down oh my god okay i don't see how i would make that okay just mash dash at that point there we go up go into peaks wait we can actually go into peaks nevermind uh that is so high up i need to double jump into the thing what no we were getting places what is the timing on the head that's like a uh that platform like goes away and comes back what the heck there's such a small amount of time one two three four five six two five six i don't know why that was so hard to time what is this curve for is that just to protect you from the uh the lasers i guess i can use it to climb too do i need to go the long way just to grab all the things the double jump what is this oh my god [Music] i'm gonna mess this up oh nice dirt mouth we finally got the text text unlocked hopefully there's not too much of these guys because these guys are the worst they drift around and they can make things like impossible wait what what's this about there's no way i can get through there i don't have dash why does everyone think you can spam attack you can't what huh that's a mechanic that's really hard okay there we go what are you doing here what are you doing here oh my god are you kidding me you have to de-boost over here oh there we go i love how this it's so hard and we're just trying to get to freaking we haven't even got to the well yet we're in dirt mouth compare this to like just jump spamming and walking past elderbug okay we got some inventory slides let's go i appreciate this being here oh nice elderbug no elderbug noclip invincibility oh what that put me back here all right let's keep going he's just social distancing by encasing himself in thorns it's a pretty uh interesting way of doing that this is the uh the fall i always remember here well it boosted me in we're good what the hell why don't you get damaged by the spikes what a cheater i'm glad i didn't like spoil this for myself because it's so funny just seeing these for the first time what is this path appears you can go either way ah we do need to go up of course what dude do you see that i poked it and i fell like i got no height do i need the soap or is it just a meme like that no no no no no where's the lever oh okay is there a statue there there's a statue whoa what the heck is this elevator oh no oh there's a safe spot this is a cool idea for a fight though [Music] it works pretty well pogo over the shock waves yo why is this fight sick gonna assume we can just leave what is this part we just gotta get the perfect arc perfect arc nope oh i'm glad those didn't hit me okay okay eventual spirit get after 54 minutes it's a pretty good split right there we go lever i always got to make sure you look for levers i almost reacted to that in time it was close so i see the theme here is uh just have spike floors and all that bosses you're not dead yet i think it's one more it takes so long to gather soul when uh you can get maybe one hit in oh this works okay now we're going to uh green path fireball skip good idea is this another fire monkey really likes these lever i hate levers you always think you made progression and then lever uh do i have to go up is there a lever yep i thought as much wait where's the lever oh i see this is interesting what is this this is the fireball skit whoa that counts as a floor that's below the floor that's so weird uh i need to pogo that are you kidding me what is this what is this jump okay okay okay that was cursed this looks like it's gonna be fun it wasn't that bad i only took a few hits come on dude even with the fireball this is pretty cursed oh i have dash thank you chad right i know how to spike tunnel oh good thorns okay levers levers at least it wasn't what i missed it's just over here although you can't pogo that can you just jump all the way up or is there like a yep i just did it oh that is so weird okay [Applause] that's so good oh geez explosions why does every platform have thorns on it i can't trust any platform dude i'm okay does this need me to do like a mini double jump that's easier that's a lot easier okay nice crystal and i squandered my opportunity see look at this even this one there's no purpose for this platform but it still has thorns on it wait what what okay okay why is this an explosion pogo what the heck oh there we go there we go that works that works all right dash and claw so now we're gonna go to gross mother which i'm just gonna go ahead and assume there's spikes on the floor wait you can duck under the laser okay thorn jump the triple spike pogo that's pretty cool dude platforms what did i say about trusting them nice lever lever where the hell what there's nowhere to go oh my really that's evil dude that's evil okay now we can do this oh it's just a conveyor okay i was expecting spikes this is an improvement over that platforms that's not even a platform that's usually there that was just added to to troll me wait what that's the whole floor is safe why'd i go for the one spot that wasn't safe oh yeah no wall no wall easy mode te skip i don't even need the three pogos because i can just watch him why is there spike tunnels everywhere also i see that at least i see this so i can hit it what is the purpose of this am i actually supposed to hit this wait that actually works there we go no no no okay there we go that last part is pretty cursed i like that even though there was a wall there what the heck yo what that's a solid wall [Music] wait how do i get dream nail then wait it goes away it goes away if you come from the right side i'm learning things are those thorns there is tiny little thorns on the top of these what the heck is happening here this is just supposed to be a nice sequence to get dream now what is this whoa what the [ __ ] what was that okay good okay i actually did that by accident but that works are we going over this whole wall what is happening here what you could do this are you kidding me is this skipping things i don't care we cheated it dude that's sick you can go over the entire top of the ceiling okay i should have expected this was gonna happen gotta go the long way we can't have a larger room like this and have it go normally oh like that there we go just have to have like the the tip of the nail i should have known that was going to be there i mean i could have paid attention on the way up as well but obviously i'm not that attentive no the actual spikes in the normal map got me okay okay okay there we go there we go what the heck is this every tunnel just needs to be a spike tunnel apparently oh there's a thorn jump there i was on there yeah speedrun strats this looks it's so stretched that's the most stretched conveyor i've ever seen oh it's fast too these are like space in a way that if you immediately dash you uh you miss you overshoot so i need to like move backwards a bit i think yeah of course we do that and now we got even more of them nice thorns okay you can just make that oh this is highly cursed don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me thank you it no you know we're not even going to bother what there's things in the dark room no that's my strat though i go against the back wall [Music] you've robbed me of my one strat okay we're good let me guess i'm not going to be able to do this no i can just spike tunnel i don't like this little this little baby saw blade dude it's the only thing i have to deal with but i don't like it and also the the spikes on the walls but those are less a big deal what he was on the spikes he was on the spikes okay the spikes got me okay the double damage though that's cursed getting hit into the spikes i underestimated how bad the spikes would be there we go i just have to focus oh fun oh no way no way what is this are you kidding me wait is the cycle like screwed now so this is potentially an impossible pattern so this is what you want then you want them at the same time there we go okay thorns yep i love thorns i'm glad the kingdom is completely overrun by thorns on every platform watch there be thorns here no thorns okay that was just chill where amps where it's on here somewhere isn't it no what the heck what is this how have i not found it yet oh my god are you kidding me why isn't it open that's not at the lever there's two well chat basically said it but i remember not being able to go here good room why have i done this to myself oh my god dude why is there another lever here i don't even want to know what that lever is for oh okay once again we're in a tunnel and of course it had to be transformed into a spike tunnel such as the way of impossible any percent we gotta go through here i like the use of the these like pointless rooms there's a lever up here oh my god what the hell is happening down there do you see that dude what the hell they've been multiplying oh no guys i thought i could clip through the lever but instead i just clipped into the ground and i'm stuck i was trying to not have to find the lever all right we gotta find a freaking lever oh wait is one here not supposed to why is there so many are you this are you the cause of this i didn't know that was there okay it's just right there i thought it was gonna be like at the start of the room or something oh my god the entire floor is thorns okay that's not that bad dude that oh there we go nope nope nope wait where'd he go thanks for the help i appreciate it okay crystal peaks time to see what insanity is there can i not go this way never mind yeah i just healed for no reason what is this uh good respawn stop oh my god thorns i was there i was out of it how okay i didn't know you could do that on any wall i thought it needs to be like a specific wall that worked no it did work and then thorns oh i broke it that worked okay no no no why every time i say that i jump into thorns every time okay there we go just taking it easy there oh good lovers yep gotta love the levers well we have one shot of this okay where i don't need it i don't need the lever oh i do but i found it what the hell dude i have to do this whole thing again okay please what do i do here this part's cursed we have to do under flat underplay there we go we did it all right so now all we have to do is um umu so we have to head all the way to fog canyon teachers archives and yeah then it's just hollow knight after hera okay damn it okay how helps wait that works like that's a goop that's a goop that's a crystal there we go i guess we're safe here okay oh of course my instinct is to dash once i'm in a thorn tunnel what jelly that jelly is such a troll i did the exact same thing i did last time what is this what is this i think this wants me to do one of those like weird wall jumps from earlier and sadly we can't go over like we did in uh dream nail that's what you're supposed to do what is this entrance oh no crow you okay over there that looks very close to impaling you this is cursed i can't talk to him never mind doesn't this kingdom just abound with surprises you could say that again okay there's one over here the the gaps do get closer though i didn't realize that okay how long is the spike tunnel excuse me i don't see an end to this so i'll have to do it legitimately what is this oh my god those are those are crystal peaks platforms oh my god okay good that was some good damage well you know for this version of the fight no no oh that's all i needed easy you know i'm pretty sure i've had worse cycles than that in like the normal umu fight i have a feeling the normal c dash isn't gonna work here right like why does this exist okay never mind what three there's three of them dude gotta love the lever mechanic very very original and uh difficult okay there's there's two at least they're not like that one in freaking city yes there we go okay wait what were those not the levers okay those might have been other levers i never checked over here so i just assumed that those three were for the lower gates it's kind of cool because we don't usually get to go over here i like this so now we have to go all the way back around right and there we go really i got this one i didn't get that one i don't know i'm done i'm done onwards i'm assuming we're gonna have to do uh qga routes yeah it's blocked off so this just looks like normal qga right which is a free trick wait what i see what i need to do here what the hell okay this is curse okay so we're gonna do like a fireball stall okay okay i thought i was gonna have to like wall jump and then save myself but we're good oh we're gonna have to actually go through this room for once what is this this is like those spy movies ah maybe just c dash whoops at the right timing there we go every time dude at this point i should just be looking for levers in every room found it why is there a double jump here oh wait good thing i checked good thing i investigated it's cause levers what nice spikes i should have known that was gonna happen what to do with the thorns room why not add more thorns what is my problem okay at least we spawn down here oh got lucky with that one the later areas are kind of easy honestly oh maybe i said that too soon i wonder if i could do like some kind of skip here like like that this is a skip we're doing it and it's probably harder than the normal way but i don't care let's go let's go dude i think i need this but i have no idea how to get this back okay okay okay okay no did we just cycle back what is this do i have to dash through this oh okay what is going on here oh my god this is cursed this is really cursed okay double jump obtains and then essentially get two double jumps there we go what the hell is this what good so that was all to get up here to like get back over to this left side i really hope i can make this without falling down there we go oh look at that i think i need to use those to get out later oh i love the spike tunnels i think so i think so okay what okay respawn points okay so i should probably dash off the wall into this right there we go there we go uh excuse me where is that lever um maybe in the upper spot okay okay okay okay okay what do i do here i'm scared i can't see where i'm going i can't see where i'm going okay that's free that's free you know this is getting pretty old oh i forgot about this you know oh that's cursed oh we were above it we were above it hold on yo that is cursed dude can you make that please knight you're so close how are you not grabbing that grab it there we go what have you done what have you done wonky i got him i got him yes okay so i know there's some jank i have to do to get out of here there's zoe so juggling so don't fall off so i think i need to grab that once and then so we're gonna double jump into it and get two i missed it so nice nice nice okay black egg might be a platforming challenge to even get to the fight right that's a pretty long room i'm worried about that room oh god nowhere is safe there we go whoa where am i going look at me put your one foot forward i don't know yep i knew this was going to be uh a thing had a feeling about this that's good wait this is not a good idea there's nowhere to go here see those over there four five damn this is one room this is one checkpoint is this like that that final room in the celeste uh dlc where do i go no dude we were doing so well no dude that was the end wasn't it sorry that was scary now i have to do this without double jump which is also scary we're good yes let's go imagine finding a lever there that's the cursed comment so we got saw blades and lasers is that it we're gonna take it very slow i'm gonna get heals whenever we can okay the empty hop it's too much to deal with dude it's the greatest attack shouldn't have went for that right this is current patch thk so it's also impossible because of that wow nice fuel cancel [Applause] come on staggers take it he's so fast oh no the double damage no the double damage that was just me being bad no no no no damn it i was hoping i could squeeze between those is is the newer version easier or harder easier this is the best i've done let's go [ __ ] nothing i could do there all right we're gonna we're gonna update with the the newer version if it's actually harder i'm gonna feel really trolled okay there's one less laser right is that the only change well you know having the middle section without a laser is actually a big help there's just like a an actual safe spot that i can like box with them so i will take this as an update that is fine easy it's kind of too easy i don't know i'm gonna kind of feel a bit like it's gonna feel a bit cheaty i feel like whatever there we go i don't know if i want to switch back i don't know if i want to it's fine we did it we did it no the trigger is definitely completely in the thorns there we go
Channel: Skurry
Views: 1,080,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hollow Knight, speedrun, modded, kaizo, impossible, any%, skurry
Id: pum1SmqEG68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 59sec (2819 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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