In Conversation - Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri and Dr John Demartini

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[Music] assalamu alaikum salam' honor him to each and every one of you first and foremost allow me first to thank Shefford Lalla for coming to cape town once more to grace us with his presence we are looking forward to not only today but also tomorrow which is the full day conference tomorrow and also thank you to dr. John Demartini for agreeing to this meeting both of you and for also coming all this way out to come and have a conversation with us for now we are wanting to engage in the conversation between what I would believe to be two very great teachers whom I refer to both as master teachers so I have known John for 11 years going on 12 now he's been my teacher in human behavior and in self-development and consciousness and six years ago I found the work of chef at Lala and a light bulb went off and that light bulb was that I finally got to experience my secular understanding of consciousness of human behavior of the human spirit through which effort Lalla has been teaching for so many years I'm not going to go into the accolades of both these men because it's long and it's extensive and it's beautiful I want all of us to listen to the two of them have a conversation about what they've decided to have a conversation about today if it means that they're gonna sit in silence and so we too shall sit in silence but they are two very great revered teachers of mine and I'm very grateful that each and every one of you all of us are grateful the entire committee that you have come to experience this with us and also a particular mention to my students who are here because you'd know the work of both because I've been teaching you the work of both these great men so thank you so much over to you we're gonna we're gonna do silence aren't we well silence is the foundation of whatever is known and unknown whether you believe in anything or not the entire universe or the cosmos has emerged from absolute silence absolute peace the absolute origin you may call it other names called the divine the universal spirit whatever named but that is the origin and that is the destiny and if anybody is really seeking any transformative knowledge it is that that we are looking for but without that in our own heart in every heart we wouldn't have been where we are searching looking enjoying acknowledging or turning away from so that's all well there is but each one of us in a way represents the evolution of billions of years from one little cell to semipermeable where this mysterious thing we call life was touched and over billions of years grew into this most complex being so called homo sapiens so we all each one of us represents that universal magic or miracle so all what we need actually is to be more quiet genuinely voluntarily by choice in order to enter into the silence from which every sound every color every creation has emerged so there are as many ways to this discovery as there are breathing's not necessarily just humors every everything else that's hanging on air looking for security so that is why the sublime and the ridiculous are ever together here you want security security security secret them the entire truth appears as insecure seeking his origin which is ever there but not tangible not visible but leading emanating showing all of the other things which we call real let's get back now into the real thing what is real it's all transitory before you said it it has changed so our origin is absolute is cosmic its boundless not subject to changes in space or time and yet the human side is this really all what I learned is that the human being is the interspace the middle as the Buddhist and many many other teachings say middle people middle between the infinite and the finite middle between a silly blip of a biography I was born on the moon and then the light that is inseparable from the cosmic light so if there is anything to be done it is to put these two things together which they are in themselves and their essence and their truth they are not subjective space and time manifesting in space and time this is not a philosophy or some fancies it is the reality that is why nothing will satisfy an intelligent person that is within space and time because you know it will change it's not durable it's not reliable so we call it's more reliable more reliable less reliable these are all words but the most reliable entity ever is your own soul because it's not separate from the cosmic reality or spirit so the only thing I really learned is that if you have a purpose in this life if you have a duty in this life is to resonate this so-called you with the real you which is not subject to you you are subject to it that's all it's not a big thing it doesn't require 50 years of studies or hundreds of books it requires honesty sincerity silence and readiness to die because the illusion that you are this and that and others is always scared and is frightened by its demise so the ego or what the so-called you wants to always prop itself but what do they do after me but I'm helpful I am zero I've got charities I've got teaching it's all a fantasy of you to maintain the so-called you the so-called you is only a shadow of a light and that light is cosmic everyone has the same light modified in different versions to the rat and the bat and the gecko and all of them have life different intensities different complexities of that entity which we call life which is a form of complex lights and millions and billions of different energy waves and transmissions of hundreds and hundreds of known and unknown forces that we only discern the visible tiny bit of it that touches our tiny earth so the rest doesn't matter every few years you find astrophysicists coming up with new fads every few years are some new fad the latest has been black holes black holes were an idea which were easily 50 70 80 years ago but anyway so we're all the time time I got it I got it but the truth is that you begin to understand that it had got you was the other way around once you know it had got you there's no problem enjoy it be at one with whatever appears with the touch of that oneness that that's really all what it is I'm delighted to be here because I know all of you here are also you intend well and the amazing self-organizing nature of reality or truth whatever is that you will move according to the intensity of your sincerity and honesty so we are here this afternoon also to share that which is already there before us and it will be there after us and it is there within us so I welcome you I'm delighted to be with you beautiful what can I say is it everything you just stated is very in line very similar to the things that I've been exploring it's quite inspiring to see another reflection of myself what he just called the soul the ruh hatha nefesh the spirit is I use the sacred name called the state of unconditional love the state where we have no conditions for where we're just present and oftentimes we go and explore and go into a less subtle where awareness and we explore the realities that we make up and we judge those realities we make attractions repulsions we look up we look down we create complementation x' of opposites that we oscillate through and there are our judgments for our experience but deep inside us in a heart there's a an entangled knowing that this is just an experience and there's something beyond that that we are actually part of we judge down below and we get infatuated resentful we're too humble to admit what we see in the things we look above to we're too proud to admit that the things we look down on but there's nothing out there that's not us and when we realize that that's all one and we realize that it's all love we transcend that grosser reality and have a glimpse and calling to what's inside us that yearns to express with grace and equanimity and presence that which is beyond that reality and we automatically need those illusions as the driving forces and voids that yearn to be fulfilled and our individual experience Allah is a result of those illusions those hallucinations that we call life and but ultimate it's the realization that there's no duality or separation that we just thought there was and when moment we do we have inspired grace confirming that we now have got a glimpse of what actually is we don't know the boundaries of the cosmos but the more I've explored it in the stream of consciousness billionth of a second at a time there's nothing but love all else was an illusion and we have to go through our illusions and to already for that truth the moment we do we have confirmation of that there's such a profound grace state such a profound magnificence they were we're speechless we go into silence because there's no words words or things we use in time and space but we get to a point where we're extracted out space and time from our mind and just become present in our soul and we have a glimpse of that cosmic presence cosmic consciousness of you there's a pen psychic cosmic consciousness that permeates everything everything that we can perceive and beyond our perceptions but we live day to day in our daily realities and that's what makes society works but as the individual inside which transcends the social needs and the conformities and the rules and the moralities and dualities that we run our lives by there's a knowing an ever-present knowing that there's nothing but love all else was illusion so I think we have a very similar construct I don't I don't see any difference I think we have the magnificence I believe that our physiology the more I've explored the depths of the cell and the physiology the more humble I am because I really believe that every physiological response to our perceptions that are skewed and bias every intuitive response to our misperceptions every sociological feedback we get from our experiences interacting with others and every cosmic experience whether tragic or comic is nothing more than a feedback to initiate us into the realization that there was nothing but love and they're just feedback mechanisms attempting for us to realize that all of our distinctions are our journey of illusion but the moment we actually become really present and extract out space and time from our mind and become a causal and more Universal in nature we have the the true breath of life and then we we cannot go backwards once we've had an experience of that there's no there's a knowing and that knowing we can't know when we're in our polarities but we can know when we are in a state of grace and that is the that allows us to realize that the seer the seeing in the scene of the same we're all reflections and there's no distinctions on a universal level I think we can't even use the term we were trapped sometimes in our language using the term that we come from this we go to that but even that's part of the illusion of space and time so we just have to realize that it's all just present and it's just a game of the mind and that if we transcend that by seeing equanimity seeing both sides synchronously we end up realizing the divine in the experiences that we think are human experiences I always say where is the divine not wherever we don't see it it's our illusion if we look again and look deeper more subtle than the gross perceptions we realize that the highest frequency of awareness there's there's the divine waiting for our awakening because we've been slumbered in our our misperceptions so I think that we that I don't see much distinction in our message it's pretty pretty similar there's only same as everything else in existence is differentiated sameness if you are really looking at higher consciousness or the origin or the cosmic foundation you find it is Same Same Same there is nothing else to do or say you know this tiny little earth that we have nearly destroyed but just to elaborate on a point that we have just heard very interesting in that duality is the cover-up of cosmic unity so it is it has also within it the sacredness so that's why wherever you look there is a touch of the sacred and so it gets diluted diluted diluted otherwise it's too powerful we don't take the absoluteness so it is the story between the absolute the amazing unique oneness that you can't even refer to as oneness because there's not part of a 2 or 3 it is if you like none other than it they say all religions all awareness all awakenings all great teachers prophets alluded to the same thing but for centuries the separation distances on earth created all the so-called differences but you go into the essence of it with the same thing all what they're trying to say is that separation duality depreciation warfare war and peace is all at the lower level of consciousness it is human consciousness therefore humanity has to arise and it has the last few hundred years tremendous strides in humanity have taken place you know firmness helpfulness all of the other qualities that we ascribe to empathy sympathy goodness all of that so we have come a long way now we are at the cusp of something else which is more vertical rather than horizontal the the horizontal one is very luxurious because there were ethics morality is what is true what is not true but nowadays you can't distinguish between that anymore you don't know what are the extent of the lies or the cover-ups or what are the other if you like hidden agendas which when the face of it is very important you know very important so look at it in the face of it it's not good it's not nice look at the world look at the warfare but then stop that enter into neutrality and look at it with the sight of the divine because the purpose of this whole little experiment is for the divine to be recognized known and to be at one with so from that point of view why is there so much corruption so much abuse so much this and so it's so that we move into the vertical so as you become accountable entirely for your thoughts your intentions your actions totally responsible with the ultimate referencing of the original light which is your own source or the source of your life so there is now the beginning of a major if you like spiritual uplift and like a birth it is very painful so there are double double there is nothing in creation ever unless is one of twos so there was your birth from your physical you know whatever your origin your mother and then now there is another birth from the so called you which you invented with the help of others your biography over these years I am this and I'm that on this qualifier I'm this heart they all have a touch of the truth there is no lie ever without it having it the spark of the truth but we we know that's not good enough we want to recalibrate with the absolute truth the absolute is very difficult it's impossible so that's why it has been diluted over billions of years for the earth to be able to have this ultimate liar the so called human beings I am this analyst in Eisen so in order for the high high high potency of truth in the heart as a soul to to be able to accommodate all of this fantasy I've done this a lot where did he get it from where was your energy from who gave it to you where will it end who are you so again every one of you will know that ultimately it's through discarding what is not I thought I was this I thought I was a good child no no so it is no no no if you say no no no forever so the yes will shine because there is nothing else left the yes cannot show itself clearly there are all these shadows so it has to be done through true briefness humbleness simplicity willingness to die because you know death is not the end of you the real you is a soul which has no beginning nor end so it never dies so you have discovered the truth that is not subject to space or time which is a touch of the divine in you in him in her therefore we have to regard all other living entities with a touch of sacredness so with true respect then that respect translate into the human side which is easier comes into all kinds of empathy sympathy love and so on love is a field of energy that unifies the entire cosmos is unified so love is something we as humans also experience mostly through its opposite which is it's hate fear suspicion being laid down or I really love them or her or it or the money and it let me down money run away from me and what about so you have to read the map of duality as emanating from that amazing cosmic unity so in truth meaning in timelessness or the most durable the most sustainable is not subject to space-time or definition whatever we define is within the realm of duality which is our earthly if you like home you are at home here but in truth the real you is an alien it's a spirit where is the spirit where is come what is it song so we are all aliens passing through in a passage here if you have discovered that all of what you thought were true had a touch of the truth but the truth is really that immutable eternal light which is the source of your life and you can never know it because it's the source of all knowledge --is so how can you know that which is giving you the bit of knowledge so you give in to it you accept it and you truly then smile and you have the best of short lives on earth in order to realize eternal life in heaven and on earth and everyone and that is the divine and that is God and that is the sacred but in truth the touch of the sacred is throughout known and the unknown so that is the dominance if you like of the divine that is the ultimate cosmic control if you like or governance of everything we as humans are given a little bit of leeway to pretend that I can do this I can lift my hand it's an impossible even to imagine how is the mechanics of you able to move your hand or to know that you can't move it as well because you have pain or whatever look at the miracle upon miracle upon miracle so you are you accept the two three five percent whatever of the energy you have that you can actually act it's a pseudo action in order for you to be in all of the cosmic activities that goes on way beyond any possible imagination of light years impossible so you're humbled naturally and you're honored by have been given that at the same time as much as you're humbled in your own in your own ha you also feel you're honored by being given this life what more than that is there so what is there you are looking where is your ambition then so you truly end up where the beginning is wholesome that you are correct you're gentle you're right and if you have pain you announce it and if you're not of your if you don't whatever it is you are honest honest more than what you consider to be humanly honest that in truth you have nothing you will have nothing there is nothing other than it so that is all what it is then there'd be more and more people especially in the coming generations well they don't have the same drive and ambition to do more to develop more to own more to control more it's beginning now so I think this spiritual side of human awakening awareness enlightenment whatever name you'd like to give it I think it's beginning because we have nearly finished and killed the earth with our so-called progress and development there will be more and more and more people who will be in their own heart minimalist you know thank you it's enough so and the Paris of course get exasperated because they and their a previous parents have struggled so much to get anymore you're a fool you don't know you we don't know this is not your advantage benefit benefit benefit what is the ultimate benefit what is the supreme benefit is to know that there is neither gain nor loss there is perfection upon perfection upon perfection not the way the mind of the human who was animal for all these millions of years judges it benefit is to have more soon and the spiritual awakening it will be more is less not more is more which is true in the two dimensional model of earthly human reality you are both human and divine Humanity is reaching a very fine point it's not done it's not corrected so all of the other ethics moralities religions have served the great purpose but from now on you have to transcend all of that that's all in its place but are you only a human why do you desire sleep why are you afraid of death that's the give big gift fear of death so as you as an animal reckless have been given their autonomic system and all of the other thing you still have to fear that so you don't want to leave lose it until you know there is no loss life is forever and your life is not yours it owns you and therefore your life is not separate from the perfect eternal timeless spaceless divine light so what's the problem why are you scared why are you running what what oh so you reach a point where theoretically in your heart's mind you may know but now you have to live it until such time it is your own nature no longer something you'd like to talk or discuss or prove or tease it doesn't touch you anymore you just know in truth there is only that truth and it appears in countless ways and waves and energies including the little anger you may have ever known there's also another wave of energy but once you enter into the anger box or into that field of energy of anger it possesses you that's why the same thing is generosity or goodness you all of you people would like to be in the in a company that uplifts you because it has any that field of energy it's natural and it's healthy and it is good I see now there is a universal rise in that people were intelligent people more and more being trained with all of the outer even materialistic education they become acute acute acute acute and so people will not take it they know that what you've said touched another zone that is more permanent but you have to start with that which is temporary which is my mind my reason my biography all of it is acceptable but not enough you and I and he and she and every one of us don't want to prove through others or other thing all through books you know you want the experience you want the experiential constancy and the ease of you accessing it so that you are always recalibrated so you have another recharge the usually you need to charge at the physical level of material level for biological level little mentally need to rest in it until such time you need to have that trickle charge in your spiritual battery which is how can you forget the truth that you only exist because of that eternal light how can you ever forget that you may forget everything else but that is not forgive forgettable you're hanging on something that was never used who gave it to you who contracted you what do you know how do you know it's going to lead and look at the amazing tricks of beautiful nature the most vulnerable part of us is the part that we are hanging on which is air three four minutes the privation of that and you become you know mind that most people are anyway without even that but that's the truth what about water what about food what about what about social life and me and connectedness that's another necessary and important part of our well-being this any of these things if you are deprived of you are not full once you become more and more fulfilled you become that at the door where that gateway is towards cosmic fulfillment you know fulfilment was there before but you had to practice your own way slightly different in color it size nationality and whatever until such time we find fulfilment or God or that field is your nature perfect eternal cosmic life so you have unified your life so called mine mine mine you want to commit the one with days gone I didn't fill it with life is this cosmic so you're no longer frantic but to be frantic actually is a sign of low human intelligence but for how long you remain in that friend surely a time comes or occasions in your life if you have gone for a year or two or three of sabbatical or retreat so whatever you find no fulfillment and true true true Supra happiness is your own nature so you want anymore look for it and you know anymore have the illusion that somebody else can give it to you he or she also is looking for it poor poor thing but you blame her no I really thought you know when I first met you I really thought my fulfillment has come now after nine wives or eleven matter or false marriages now it is these are all mirrors mirrors mirrors mirrors but where is the light of the mirror what's the use of mirrors of there no light have a thousand mirrors in total darkness have a thousand friends who can't speak or show or become touch that we can't know they are even there what you need is a reflection that touches parts of you to fix your own mirror which is shattered why is it shattered its nature is for you to go through with the pretense and the training of putting it together put Humpty Dumpty together through what model perfection what is perfection no incongruity no enemity no discord total perfect love and so on so this is all what it is everyone has to do it and occasionally we have a friend or a partner or a teacher whatever it's helpful teacher can't give you anything the best teacher at best can show you how you have to get rid of what you had put upon yourself otherwise it becomes a cult and as you know it ends up in hundreds and hundreds of different miseries not on a teacher who claims consciously or otherwise that I can give you more whatever run away teacher who is truly fulfilled and they are as like what Geeta and many other scriptures say he is the same in praised by millions or by being disgraced by millions his innermost is the same then that is if you like safe that's about it really otherwise your here is going and you enter into a situation that intrinsically it's dangerous he's not going to work if anybody says he can give you something it's dangerous if he or she can say I can help you if you are desperate enough and if you're suffering in office everybody in the world is to show you where you had caused your own suffering that's useful I think that's helpful that's it thank them and go away he's only really there was why are you staying I remember was with a great guru in India and they asked him for how long have you been teaching so I can't tell you so there was a lady sitting next to him she said I won't tell you because he was being interviewed so he didn't want he said because otherwise she will tell you she's been with me for 40 years 40 years she didn't learn it so it shows you what an inadequate teacher I am so get it and go in otherwise this loyalty's if the shine is a sign as a proof of urine adequacy and the inadequacy over the teacher it's really so I run away from anybody who says I've known you for 30 40 is my car sir this is too bad really run get it and move because it had got you it isn't you're going to get anything you're going to get your mistakes and turn away from them and now repeat them it is boring repeat repeat repeat for how long be fresh fresh fresh fresh no two moments are ever the same life is ever continuous your life is indistinguishable from cosmic life from divine life from the divine presence so what more legal what more is there what a generosity beyond limits so then reminders whatever reminds you you're friends you teacher a book or a sound or a thumb that's fine but thank Allah who is the originator of all but also have gratitude and correct courtesy to humanity you can't just say you know it is the divine but the divine is also created all of this which is bovine so don't deny that you know you are now reaching a point of that continuous seamless cosmic connected continuous both sees connected and continuous that's what it is once you begin to discover that then you need to keep at it it's an engine that once began to fire you need to look after it a bit make sure you don't get again into your old silly habits and then it becomes part of your nature why people repeat the same habit because it has a touch of continuity the divine is ever continuous life is ever continuous so you get the illusion I've always done it like this don't always do it change it tomorrow don't listen so said your outer habits become flexible and your inner is divine and all that so you are truly always in absolute gratitude outwardly you have to occasionally help and change improve prove whatever you can less suffering less agony less lies less brutality that's all so as you flow with nature a lot of the world's suffering now and the climate change I'm not alone that we have got against the natural flow the natural flow is to be generous is to give and take but the last two or three hundred years the whole world has become too calculating too materialistic but there is the other side of it which is contentment for its own sake and if you are fortunate enough to be able to do that then you find from nowhere least you expect it somebody will give you what somebody will help you somebody will take you be a destitute occasionally you know in the early days of the rise of Sufism and especially in North Africa the kings knew that these people are ahead because they are no longer want to keep your kingdom they are with the king of kings so they occasionally some of the wiser Sultan's will want to send their sons to a great accomplished enlightened being so often I mean there were a few cases that I came across and I knew it was true the teacher would say only I take your son if he is going to obey my orders and so the salt and the King says yes yes yes so the first order was that you're going to go to the filthiest public toilet and for a month clean it oh this is the son of the king everybody knew he is the prince so if he did it then he is beyond any concern about his ego what reputation about so I'm not saying that you know find the teacher who asked her to do that but at least you don't go with all kinds of egos I've read all the books I've been to 900 gurus it shows your inadequacy and the inadequacy of all the gurus so so be honest be real and don't have spiritual ambition well the ambition is fine well your own bigger house and bigger car whatever that's fine it's childish but spiritual ambition is very dangerous the worst thing that I see more and more is spiritual materialism really it's awful I'm sure you two have experience so watch out for this thing these are big pitfalls other pitfall this I made a mistake I didn't look properly I was in a hurry because I wanted to greet you or I wanted be honest be real and laugh at yourself why that's why it's important for people on this so-called spiritual path every path spiritual is on this so cause they can laugh at each other because you know your agenda is not to humiliate the human being you can't humiliate you but if you are on a path of getting rid of your own self-inflicted ego then be with people who will poke at it love at it and you'll laugh at them and it's a relief so enjoy it be discriminating don't waste your time you don't know for how long you live and you don't know how for how long you have that energy to drive you you may suddenly have as everybody knows a few months or a few weeks you have a big drive and a lot of openings come to you and some other times they don't so flow with the flow of the wind when it touches your sails and the way go with it and then suddenly there is nothing there is a doldrum there is no movement also change your attitude than that and be quiet and do something else go gardening do whatever so flow with it without denying that you are in a world that calculates every minute every hour every day and so on and so until such time you lose your idea about time years but not also suddenly say oh I did I thought my the meeting was next year don't be stupid you were Huw heard that was this afternoon the 3:30 other so don't pretend don't blame but in your heart of heart for you is timeless you roar you saw your reality is timeless what greater gift than that when I was 18 I I was given a book by my uncle and it was by the German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz or Leibniz and it was called the discourse on metaphysics he wrote another book called the theodicy and wanted ology and in the very first chapter in the very first paragraph in a nutshell he said there was a divine perfection the divine beauty a divine love and divine magnificence a divine order the divine presence that few people get a glimpse of but those that do their lives are changed and the trajectory of their life is shifted from the horizontal to the vertical when I read that I got tears in my eyes I'm sure we've all had moments where we've got graced by tears of inspiration and there's a lot of gratitude even though I don't know if I'd really comprehended everything he was saying so I went on a pursuit I wanted to be one of those individuals that understood that state of awareness my uncle gave me that book he also sent me another book that was by Paul Dirac who is a Nobel Prize winner in physics that went on and developed something from Einstein and Schrodinger and Heisenberg and wrote a book on particle and antiparticle and he said that for every bit of matter there's an antimatter and I was talking it was talking about the union of these opposites made light you take a particle positron and a negative particle Negatron or electron and put them in a accelerator and they slam together and make light and I thought in my naivety wonder what would happen if we took the positive and negative experiences that we labeled and judged and we slammed them together in our mind could we make enlightenment and so I went on a pursuit of studying psychology and philosophy and theology attempting to find information that could you know make sense of this this paradox because in 1935 when this paradox was really uncovered by Einstein rosna Podolski and I wanted to know a way of a practical way for any human being to get a glimpse of this light because I believe that there is a divine light that's the synthesis and synchronicity of all complement opposites that could ever be perceived and it all occurs at all scales of existence from the infinite micro to the infinite macro and our mind has the capacity to engage in this synthesis and this synchronicity where we extract out space and time for the mind and become really present and become honored by this divine perfection it has no location it's non-local it's a causal but it's always present that led me to working on studying cells studying brain studying physiology trying to find a methodology that I could develop to assist people in honoring this light that's inside our misperceptions it's the hidden order inside the parent caste I realized that we were flittering around like a butterfly going from one judgment to the next inculcating and subordinating to one morality or superior authority to the next through tradition or non tradition and we were constantly being consciously and unconsciously split apart if we're infatuate with somebody we're conscious of the upsides were unconscious the downsides if it resentful to somebody we're conscious the downsides were unconscious the upsides both of which are illusions but we get trapped in I wondered what would happen if we were to put those two sides the conscious and unconscious as Jung would describe together at the same time in the same moment in the same space and I realized that the questions we ask make us conscious of unconscious content so I formulated questions to assist people and becoming aware of what they were unconscious of because when they were fully conscious there you might say blessed by the grace of this divine presence of life so what I found is that at the moment we perceive something our brain actually has the content of its opposite accessible if we ask the right questions it is revealed and we call it now memory and anti memory just like a particle antiparticle and we realize that whatever we are trying to run away from the opposite is always present and nothing's ever missing but we aren't seeing it and therefore we're run externally extrinsically by the world around us instead of called from the soul within us the moment we actually ask the right question and become present because we put the pairs of opposites together at the same time we get a glimpse of this divine and it confirms it with a tear of inspiration that whispers to us the direction of our next action not F morality not out of good or right or wrong but just out of knowing and that of a love act in a stream of consciousness that we pass through in our journey in every millisecond or microseconds or infinitesimally second in that moment whatever that perception is there's that pair of opposites if we become aware of them synchronously the pair of opposites we transcend the judgment we get a glimpse of the divine and we realize that split-second by split-second we called Planck's length of time every splits billionth of a second is nothing but love all else was just an illusion that we got trapped in based on our judgments but our judgments for our necessary journey our animal nature wants to avoid a predator and seek a prey but we realize eventually that the desire for that which is unobtainable and the desire to avoid that which is unavoidable is a source of our suffering and we realize that we if we have pray without predator we get gluttonous and fat sluggish and we increase the probability of a predator wanting to attack us because there's a lot of calories for the least effort and if we get nothing but predator we starve and we have nothing because we become emaciated so we must have the predator and the prey we must have the the dualities honored equally synchronously to access the grace as long as we're addicted to pride or infatuation or pleasure for hedonistic pursuits we're missing out on the divine mastery of our own calling that's innate within us that's true transcends these illusions so our job is to realize that there's the divine and nothing's missing the master lives in a world of transformation never the illusions of gain and loss nibble illusions of I have to have or I have to get a raid weight of there's nothing to seek or avoid ultimate the presence of love is omnipresent and the presence of the grace that we have access to is you know we had nothing to search for if we're searching for it we're denying it and I I love the way you said about the gurus I love having fun with gurus because there's paradoxes and some of their teachings and and I and if somebody is thinking they're dependent on them and they're they're exaggerating somebody minimizing themselves which blocks the very growth itself nobody's worth putting them on pedestals or pits everybody's worth putting in hearts and the moment we do the Guru ji or ru emerges spontaneously and there's nothing to be searching for we have its presence and I don't think there's any place or time that we have to go find there's no sacred place that we have to go search for to find it it's always inside our heart we look for it everywhere else but it's right there and we open our heart in a state of equanimity the moment we have the synthesis some synchronicity of opposites and it's the quality of the questions we ask and we become reveal a revelation and inspired revelation towards that that natural presence that's there so our ability to honor the journey is I always say humbleness the divinity is what gives us certainty for Humanity and then our exemplification of certainty for Humanity exemplifies and guides through our mirror neurons and our chameleon effect it awakens a yearning for each individual without saying anything without even being needed that that paused present moment that gives them a glimpse of that divine which starts there their engine running for the realization that they have nothing missing inside themselves at the level of the essence of the soul nothing's missing at the level of the existence of the senses things appear to be missing but those are the illusions of the senses that we get trapped in but necessarily along our journey because each of us have our own path that we navigate through and our whatever is highest on our value at the moment may guide that path but the moment we realize it we transcend even that value system and we realize that that's just part of the journey too so I find that what is being said I'm sitting here and having a lot of love for this because it's I I relate to what has been the wisdom he's he's sharing but I think you know we I still have some of my attachment I still like to eat I still like to you know travel and see the world I always say that there there's a there's an infinite number of experiences of love and all skills of existence for eternity and what greater love could there be but the realization that there's there's no way out of love you can't you can't escape it people searching for it are missing it because there's no way out of it it has us there's no escape of the divine love and there's no there's no only one pathway there there's not even a pathway there because that's an illusion of space and time it's always present there's nothing to have to go and find and I've been graced by the the comical the comedy and the tragedies of my illusions all of which are exactly the feedbacks I need on my journey so none of them are mistakes we only think there's a mistake when we compare our actions to somebody else's values and we only think they make a mistake when we compare their actions to our values and both of those are elusive so we might as well just get inside and dance and have a have a good joke because the second you get proud you get humbled and the second you get humbled you get lifted and the second you get centered you feel present and there's nothing but love in that presence and you can't lose anybody or can't miss anybody that you love because they're always present there's no space and time separation so I'm I'm pretty grateful for this is great you had a wonderful description and prescription at the same time really descriptions and prescriptions have to resonate you know although it's separate them because the mind is to separate yes but this you have just had a beautiful exposure of that so the other point of illusion of delusion that was and fear too is that we are as human beings repetitive we always we are also taken to habits as well so these are the dangers only on the path watch out we go by nature we get comfort and ease with repetitiveness the same place same thing same food same flavor from the moment you're born you know you're there is the story of the holy fool in a village and he was looking for something so people always trying to be helpful so a few people stopped by and eventually there was a whole lot of people at night looking for the ring missing ring so eventually once a person dared to ask him but what did you lose your ring he said there so but why are we all looking here because he said there is a little more light here so there is no life so this is our situation we all go for the familiar we all go but this is what my ancestor said we all minded so it's interesting we we want that which has been there forever but the truth has been there forever the light has always been there forever as for the attachment that you we have as long as you are breathing as long as you are still within this form we have attachment we have likes we have dislikes nothing wrong with that is the extent that it possesses you Imam Ali it has got a beautiful teaching in terms of you know modesty and asceticism he says asceticism means that nothing possesses you doesn't mean you don't possess things or on things that have thing gifting as long as you're human you have to act within that zone also of space time and the limitations of the second womb which is this earth so we have we have to have care to see at the lower side of us you have cared to see at the mind and be higher and you have Kurtis it was the light of Lights where you enter into cosmic silence from which every sound every music every whatever earth emerges that's all where there is the rest is to care for also the different levels of your own makeup the physical the chemical the biologically that's all and don't deny any of these things but more than all recalibrate always with the perfection of that silence from which cosmic love emerges which contains everything which connects everything that's all when there isn't we would like minded like hearted people no blame no claim and again humor spiritual humor you find especially religious people so on they become very grim because they are scared of losing the religious whatever it is the structural part see lose it all lose yourself the whole business is to lose yourself into your souls that's all and be with people whom you enjoy and they are happy to be with you and so on and I must express really great great pleasure for me also to be here this afternoon really with dr. de Martin released thank you very much for having arranged it good luck to you and thank you thank you thank you yes thank you now go home if you have one if you don't think I think some homeless no I think Cape Town is excelling in that so I mean I think I don't live anywhere I travel full-time no wonder yes I don't live anywhere come on somebody say something gone oh here she is yes she what thank you so much for that riveting conversation it was uncle Eunice was was whispering in my ear and he says if you close your eyes and you don't know the voice it's almost it's the same right and this was my excitement my kid lack excitement of being able to bring these two great minds together because of that similarity they are they are not so many people who speak on this depth there's not so many people who speak so many teachers who speak about this work in this way and about consciousness and the divine self in this way and to find two people from two separate sides of the world to come together to be able to have that conversation oh there's nothing but gratitude and love for that leave your wallet behind yes thank you so much I really do appreciate you I am delighted thing yes thank you for this lovely dr. Dee martini do you thank you so much as well I know we had to change your schedule quite a bit in order for you to be here and Yassin can you just bring me those books over there please my love mm-hmm dr. Dee martini would we know that one of your greatest loves is research and what better gift to give you for your research for it thank you as well as an early birthday present because we do know that's coming up later on in this month to give you some books of Shefford la la thank you very much you do anything [Applause]
Channel: SFH Foundation
Views: 2,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fadhlalla Haeri, John Demartini, conversation
Id: -66_0MuykH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 21sec (3621 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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