Is The LOC Method Really Cancelled? | Professional Natural Hair Advice

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four what's up guys welcome back to my channel it's your girl janelle saguaro back with another video and as you can see i have a special guest hi guys my name is jaleesa my instagram is stop by ja i am her hair stylist for the hair that's underneath this i'm a little rough right now but you know we'll just gloss over that so yes this is my stylist the one that i'm always talking about the one that i'm sending you guys to i hear that you guys are actually going to her so shout out to y'all thank you guys for coming i love you guys so much and thank you for trusting me because wow i had no idea that you guys would actually like me showing up at her spot so they love you for real i just wanted to take a second out to properly introduce my friend jaleesa here because i did not do a good job jaleesa is a natural hair stylist based in south florida she has over three years of experience in the hair game she is a licensed cosmetologist she has experience working with all different hair types but she focuses mainly on afro textured hair and she is super talented very knowledgeable and awesome that's why i had to bring her on here to you guys today so back to the video so today uh actually was like i'm saying hmm i can't really plan this out as much as i should have yeah but i got to wing it so a few weeks ago maybe months ago at this point i put out a video called the lock method it's cancelled yes the title was a little bit click-baity but like i have to get the clicks so i apologize but um the video was basically basically talking about how a lot of stylists and a lot of information has been coming out about how it's not so necessary for us to be piling on all these different products on top of our hair the oils the creams the butters all that stuff that we have been told is like necessary for our hair especially as high porosity naturals it's not exactly necessary so there was a lot an amounts of comments from you guys mostly positive some skeptical and others that were just like yeah i'm gonna continue to do what works for my hair which you know that's great that's fine i was just bringing the information out to y'all so i wanted to bring my stylist on here to give you guys a little bit more insight into the situation because i am not a professional i just bring the information to y'all but i get it from her no pressure so i just wanted to get her on here to give her some two cents we're gonna go through some of the comments that you guys left on the video and she's gonna give you guys some more information on all that so yeah if you're interested keep on watching before we get started though make sure you subscribe to my channel hit that bell button so you're notified every single time i post a new video if you're interested in beauty and lifestyle content let's get into it well first of all jaleesa i want to ask what are your thoughts on the whole situation can you give the people the why this the lock method the lco method isn't necessary for everyone why might it be detrimental you know what's your two cents that's like a general overview yeah okay so i'm gonna give you facts right the fact is oil and water do not mix together that's why when you eat like italian salad dressing you shake the bottle and it looks like it mixes together but when you leave it eventually it separates and the oil is sitting on top right the oil sits on top it's kind of the same thing when it comes to hair oil does have a purpose it has its uses and we'll get to that i think later on in the video i'll try to explain it but as a general rule of thumb when it comes to hydrating your hair and wanting to get moisture and water into your hair oil oftentimes acts as a barrier right so let's say your hair is already dry you say it's already dehydrated it's already in bad condition and you're trying to moisturize it you do a pre-poo of some type with an oil-based moisturizer or just straight up oil shea butter coconut oil whatever because it helps it helps you detangle oil does have detangling properties to it i guess it helps because it makes your hair slippery but it's literally creating a barrier um over your hair that makes it almost impossible for water to get into your hair so your hair is dehydrated and during the week instead of washing it you say i'm gonna put oil on my scalp castor oil shea butter coconut oil jojoba oil whatever instead of putting water on your hair you put oil on your hair that's one thing then you go throughout the week you sweat you put other products in your hair you have environmental factors and then you come to wash your hair now and a lot of times people don't know how to wash their hair properly or they're using a shampoo that's not strong enough to get all of that oil and product buildup off of their hair so they wash it they don't get all that product off and then they get out of the shower and they immediately put more oil on top of their hair so it's like dehydration covered by oil not properly washed and then covered in oil again and a lot of times people will say you know i use oil in my hair and it's soft it feels soft and of course it feels soft because oil is a lubricant so it makes your hair feel slippery it makes it it gives you that slip that you need but on a molecular level you're not actually hydrating anything you're just making it smooth and shiny um and you know i understand that's like hard for people to accept i guess or it's like it's a it's a little bit difficult i think to understand it sounds simple but it's definitely something that's a little bit more complicated i guess to understand but hopefully i'll explain it better so what's the alternative um the alternative y'all it's very simple it's very simple go with me wash your hair people like to hear it they want it to be more confusing than that there has to be like some magic product or like magic method to get your hair hydrated literally wash it your hair wants water your hair i like to tell people to consider their hair a plant to consider their hair the way they do the inside of their bodies when you're thirsty or when your plant is dying you don't spray oil on it you don't drink vegetable oil when you're thirsty you drink water for the same reasons why when you're thirsty and you drink juice it doesn't satisfy you when you drink soda it doesn't satisfy you but when you drink water you feel like awake it makes you feel a lot better it's the same thing for your hair in general the cleansing and conditioning process is what gets the hydration into your hair um because shampoo acts as an agent that raises the cuticle of the hair and allows moisture to get into it and then conditioner closes the cuticle of the hair and helps to seal that moisture in when your hair is dry when your scalp is itchy if you feel like your hair is dull if your hair is brittle i would encourage you to kind of examine how often you wash your hair and how well you wash your hair and just the whole process of shampooing like it it's very possible that you don't know how to wash your hair properly and that you don't wash it enough in general um on average we'd say seven to ten days but some people especially at the beginning of their hair care journey your hair is dehydrated so it's going to need water more often the water is going to evaporate out of your hair more often so some people you know some of my clients have to wash their hair every three days some people have to do it every five days some people get to do it every seven because their hair is in better condition um it can definitely be an inconvenience it can definitely be frustrating sometimes to have to wash your hair as much but i would say especially at the beginning of your hair journey i would recommend just listening to what your hair wants and if it just so happens that you have to wash your hair every three or four days for the first few weeks then just do that okay awesome thank you sounds great okay so right now since she gave us the nice little overview and the alternatives and all that stuff okay so what i'm doing is going through the comments of the video because there was like i said a lot of comments you guys really y'all ate that video up okay so and there was a lot of mostly positive feedback um but there was some skepticals there was some people who were you know kind of pushing back against it not a lot um and a few people that were just like well you know what works for your hair might not work for mine which kind of is like the whole because i felt like it's kind of the point you know like i feel like at this point in the natural hair journey and maybe i shouldn't just assume that everyone knows this but like what works for one may not work for the other i say that all the time on my channel so nothing i say is you know cut and dry again i'm not a stylist i'm not a scientist i'm not anything like that i am just a girl who knows how to do her hair well so i try to you know take any new information that comes and apply it to my hair so you know some videos that i have from like two years ago i would gag at the things that i was doing to my hair i leave them up there just so we can see you know the progression or whatever but um yeah so nothing i say is for like is you know written in stone i'm not telling anyone what they should or should not be doing i just be giving my opinion and what i find is working for my hair so before you continue you said something that i want to kind of springboard off of you said you have videos from a couple years ago that if you watch them now you would be horrified at what you were doing right it's the same thing with professional hair care i would say the natural hair movement itself is i want to say you could say like late 90s early 2000s is when it really started to take off and in that there has been decades just decades of misinformation and of people you know black people especially we do the best that we can with what we have for our hair and i think in general as it comes to hair care we we as a community could do a little better with being more open to just trying new things i understand that we are all very attached to our oils we're very attached to our butters you know it's it's it's cultural for us you know your grandma used to grease your scalp your auntie would grease your scalp you know we all had the bottle of luster's pink lotion and blue magic and dax like i grew up on decks like when i think about dax and the smell of decks i think about my childhood but there was also a point in time when you know before relaxers were made into relaxers people were putting just straight lie out of the bottle onto their scalps to straighten their hair life progresses things change and more information is given every day so yes there may have been a time where we believed that oil was the end-all be-all to caring for our hair and moisturizing our hair but it's also been 30-plus years so i would just say as it comes to hair care and trying new things and hearing all of this information i understand that it can be scary it can be a little bit annoying i know some stylists are very not are very but can appear abrasive when they're giving that information but i would just encourage people to just try um just listen to the information that's being given um because a lot of the information that's online about hair care is given for free when in truth it shouldn't be because i paid to learn what i learned about hair and all the other stylists that i know paid to get the education that we have and a lot of us give this information away for free out of love and concern and just a general care for other black women and we want to see you guys have an easier time taking care of your hair to just accept that you may have been doing something wrong for your entire life it can be a lot but i would just encourage people to just give it a shot like it's not going to kill you to not put oil in your hair for a couple of weeks and just wash your hair once a week or every five days like it literally will not hurt you just buy a good quality shampoo and conditioner set the oils to the side for like a month or two and just give it a shot and then if you don't like it go back to what you were doing but at least you know try and hear me out if you try it and your hair is not doing you know it's not giving what's supposed to have gave you can buy a wig from zero gravity slap that bad boy on and go about your day just a shameless plug also recommend as a plug for myself and just stylus in general so me as a stylist on youtube on my friends youtube telling you to stop using oil in your hair there's also other things that you have to do that i wouldn't be able to give general advice for so i would also recommend you partnering with a natural hair stylist or a texture hair specialist in your area use instagram use facebook use hashtags find somebody do your due diligence in your research and find a stylist that caters to your hair type and partner with them anyway i would say anywhere from six months to a year especially if you don't know what you're doing at all um just dedicate some consistency with a professional and some consistency at home and just give yourself a chance to maybe try something new and see what happens all right so back to the comments so first comment that we're gonna address is your hair is not our hair laughing emoji what works for you isn't 100 general okay duh i don't even mean that to be rude but like duh like of course it's not one size fits all but there are general there are general rules to hair that are across the board and one of the general rules is that oil is not a moisturizer i'm going to say that multiple times throughout the course of this video because it's just the truth oil is not a moisturizer oil does not hydrate oil lubricates oil makes your hair slippery oil acts as a barrier between water and your skin it acts as a barrier between oil and your hair that's just it just is what it is that's why when you go and you put like say you put a body butter on you get like a nice whipped shea butter and you put it on your skin and then you go and you hop in the point you get out and the water bead rolls off of your skin it's because oil and water don't mix because oil is not a hydrator so what would you say oh okay for the loc method right the oil is supposed to seal the moisture in is what the whole idea was okay what do you have to say about that it is an unnecessary step because when you wash your hair so in general you have your hair and you will say for lack of a better term this is your hair and when you wash your hair and you put shampoo on it it raises the cuticle so it's almost like your hair opens up to accept the water and that's the whole shampoo process you rinse all that good stuff you squeeze the hair and you smooth your hair out you make sure it's nice and wet and weighed down conditioner closes the cuticle back and also adds some shine and conditioning agents to your hair but that is what seals your cuticle down adding oil to your hair doesn't necessarily help seal oil in because either way you put it water evaporates and adding oil to your hair doesn't help the water evaporate from within the structure of your hair it doesn't help the water evaporate any slower the water is still going to evaporate regardless because that's what water does what oil does do is again create a barrier on your hair so then when you go to wash it especially if you're not using a good quality shampoo or you're not using a shampoo that is um strong enough to get all of that oil and build up off it prevents the water from the next time you wash your hair from getting into your hair so it's almost like it's it can be counterproductive in a lot of cases especially for those of you who use very thick very heavy oils and butters like castor oil and like raw shea butter and raw coconut oil and things like that dropping loc and lco okay simplifying the routine sure but using only shampoo conditioner and gel will not work for me i do a modified lco shampoo conditioner or deep conditioner alternate weekly leave-in conditioner on the hair oil on the scalp i am not opposed to leave-in conditioners i'm not um i definitely think that's and this is just me personally you know i'm sure there's a lot of stylists that disagree um i think depending on where you are with your hair and the condition that it's in a leave-in conditioner can definitely help i would say a lot of people don't like the shampoo condition gel method because if your hair is in a more dehydrated state or if it's in a more like damaged damaged state because there's different levels of damage just using a gel for the first few weeks or the first couple of times it'll end up freezing you won't get the same finish as you would if you use a leave-in conditioner or oil and in my experience that's just because your hair isn't quite as used to just existing in its natural form because of high manipulation styles or using a lot of oil or just being excessively dry i will say there's definitely a process to get to the point where your hair looks perfect by your standards by just shampooing conditioning and using one or two stylers it definitely takes a process so i would say at first if you want to use a leave-in conditioner you can do that some of my clients i do use a leave-in with as well um just because it helps their hair but eventually we get to a point where i transition them out of using a leave-in and we only use a gel because they've been consistent with the products that i recommend for them and they're consistent with keeping up with their hair care i i would just say overall it just maybe you're not there yet in your hair care but it is a journey because i think getting your hair to a dehydrated state it took you some time to get there it may have taken your whole life to get there which means it's going to take you some time to get to a place where your hair is healthy enough to do the ideal styling of just washing conditioning and using one product it definitely takes some time and a lot of patience so here's another comment beautiful hair thank you very much by the way i know this is going to make people angry but it's just my perception i would not really say this is afro textured hair believe she's referring to my very kinky hair neither good nor a bad thing just a thing i think the loc method can more benefit someone with a more coily tighter hair type and can totally see why it does nothing good for her hair referring to me okay so like i said before um hair care and getting your hair to a healthy place takes time right so when i first started doing janelle's hair i was fresh out of hair school and you know she being my friend was like do you want to use my hair as a canvas and i was like sure let's do it and at the time if i knew what i knew now i would say i wouldn't have colored her hair as aggressively as i did because it wasn't in a healthy state but like i mentioned before you know the same way you guys are learning as just the consumer or the client me as a stylist as a new stylist at the time and someone who's more experienced now it's all a learning curve you know every day you pick up something new so i would say even before we started coloring her hair there were there was a video that you did where people were just adamant about you not having type 4 hair because of whatever different factors and i can say for you with your hair when i first started doing it it didn't really have much of a curl to it it was more like wiry and like zigzaggy and wavy and it wouldn't hold a curl and that was back when you were using a bunch of oils and butters and stuff like that on your hair and i would say over the last like two years or so year and a half something like that yeah i finally convinced her to stop doing that and her hair is completely different now like she actually has ringlets and it's because her hair is simply not dehydrated anymore um so i think that a lot of times with black hair and tighter textures we've been conditioned to think that our hair can't curl or because we have 4c hair that we can't have ringlets or it can't lay smooth or it can't be shiny or it can't be soft to the touch and that's not the case at all the truth is a lot of us myself included because i'm ball headed now but i used to have a bunch of hair you can scroll back on my instagram if you don't believe me a lot of us have dehydrated hair and that is just that's just the fact that's just the basis bottom line we have dehydrated hair we spend years decades however long covering it with oil trying to hydrate it and moisturize it trying to do these twist outs and these styles that don't last and you know these co-washes and refusing to put shampoo in your hair there was like a nine month period where i didn't shampoo my hair because somebody on youtube told me that shampoo was bad for my hair and now that i've gone and gotten the education and i've spent the last three years and changed doing hair it's the stupidest thing in the world to me because it's like that would be like somebody telling you not to use soap on your body why would you do that anyway but to get back to the point imagine bathing with them imagine imagine bathing with lotion so her hair is definitely afro textured it's definitely shrinky um she definitely has i don't really care for the hair typing thing anymore because there's just too many factors to hair in general to put somebody in like a hard and fast category of the hair typing chart but if we're going to just for visual examples she definitely has type 4 hair like that is not a question it's not an opinion but because we've been so aggressive with taking care of her hair and she puts forth the effort to wash it weekly or a couple times a week like i said like once or twice a week yeah you wash your hair okay so she puts forth the effort i would say over the last year and a half to cleanse and condition her hair at least once a week she uses professional products she keeps up with her trends now you know like she does what i recommend for her to do and just me as a professional i can see the difference in her hair like i said when i first started doing her hair it was more of like a zigzag like real coarse like i'm not gonna lie to you the first time i did your hair your hair actually cut my finger i promise i was doing your twists out and i like twisted and swiped my finger down your hair and i got a paper cut oh because your hair was like that like coarse and dry and now it's like it it has a curl it holds on to water and it just does what it's supposed to do to the point where you know setting her wash and goes are a breeze because her hair is so hydrated that it just falls into place but it took a year and a half to get to this place and of course you know we're still on a journey me and her with her hair and it's getting better and it's going to continue to get better but it definitely took some time i definitely think there is a conversation to be had behind what we as black people deem afro textured hair and i often want to ask why so many of us believe that afro textured hair and tightly textured hair can't have a curl to it you know somebody told you that 4c hair is supposed to be zigzag and it's not supposed to have a coil to it and it's supposed to be wiry and unruly and rough and as a professional i'm telling you that that's not always the truth there are some people definitely who just genetically don't have a curl pattern um even with type 4 like tightly coiled hair they their hair more so waves but it's not like you guys said it's not a general rule of thumb that because you're black and you have type 4 coarse hair that your hair is incapable of curling or your hair has to be super wiry or rough or anything like that that that's not it's not a hard and fast rule it is very possible like i keep saying that your hair is simply dehydrated and or it's low porosity and those things are not permanent they can be changed and they can be fixed and i know you guys don't like to hear it but the best way to do that is to just get better at washing your hair and putting water this one i think it would just be redundant but i just have to say it you are wrong period for me and my family it's working very well this is the new blah blah to became it's not working for you sad call caps for you sad i just want to ask y'all you know i'll be reading the comments of this video please don't come to my instagram and get rude in my inbox don't do that i'm a very nice person i'm just trying to share information but i want to know what it is about oils that you guys feel that you cannot live without what is it for me you know when i found out about how to better take care of your hair and i was like yo all i got to do is shampoo condition and put like at the time i was using a leave-in conditioner and a gel and i got to a point where i could only use a gel but at that moment i was like i just got to wash condition and detangle use a leave-in conditioner and use a gel and that's it that sounds amazing that sounds amazing because it took my wash day from four hours to an hour and a half i literally said that in my video and it it sometimes i mean i understand it because i was a little bit resistant to not using oils at first but i did not hold on to it the way a lot of you guys do and i'm having trouble understanding why that is so i mean i guess if you guys can answer them leave it in the comments and let me know what it is about letting go of the oils that is so i don't know if it's scary for you or i guess i'm trying to understand why it upsets you guys so much at the idea of having a simpler wash day routine i would really love to know what it is and not to be like shady or anything i'm just trying to you know understand interesting comment so it says it's super interesting i have my own routine that seems to really work for my hair it feels kind of in between and if i'm consistent actually does wonders for my hair she doesn't actually go into what she does so i don't really know okay um one thing i do think is kind of devoid of this discussion is the kind of water too because not everyone lives with the same kind of quality of water in their area very true if you're living in a place with harder water quality i think that plays a role in your skin care and i assume your hair care too just something i thought about that's a very good point that's a very very good point um i know for me we live in south florida and the water here is pretty terrible um so for a lot of my clients i do have hard water treatments that i do which is why again i recommend that if you're able to that you partner with a stylist and when i say partner with a stylist i don't mean just go sit in anybody's chair i mean you know if they offer consultations take one you know pay for a consultation with a stylist in your area and ask the questions you know we have i have hard water at my house there's a lot of minerals in my water there's a lot of calcium buildup do you offer hard water treatments or do you offer treatments to remove the minerals from my hair and those things definitely help with how your hair sets how your hair is able to absorb water and just over time just the general health of your hair having hard water or just terrible water quality can definitely have a huge effect on your hair but again just like with porosity and with your hair being dehydrated when it comes to oil it's not a hard and fast rule and it's not something that's permanent it may just take a little bit of time to remove all the minerals from your hair or get your hair into a place where it's healthy um question what about the people who live in the middle of nowhere and can't get to a stylist what would you suggest to those people or they don't they're just not in an area where there's no good natural hair stylist okay yes so for people who don't have access to a professional stylist the brand that i use they have my favorite clarifying shampoo and they also the hard water treatment that i use the brand is malibu c and the website is malibu um and if you go under the hair remedies tab they have different options for um like hard water and if you have blonde hair if you have like scalp issues they have different options that you can choose from there and they're really not they're very inexpensive um but they're literally just like little packs of crystallized powders you follow the instructions put it in your hair follow the instructions and just continue with your hair care that way and i'll put that link in the description box okay so i have like two more comments and then we can wrap this up so let's see so i'm supposed to put hair gel in my hair every time i wash it hard pass loc is not canceled it works for me and that's what i'm sticking to period so you don't want to put gel in your hair every time you wash your hair but you put oil in your hair every time you wash your hair so you know i think a lot of people have an aversion to gels for some reason and i understand it there are a lot of gels that can be very dry um eco styler there are low quality gels there are there are gels that make your hair super crunchy they make your hair super flaky but there are again you guys due diligence in doing your own research i want you guys to go and google botanical gels or google water-based gels or you know go to your favorite you know natural hair stylist as some of them will not provide the information i i get that but some people will let you know the types of gels that they use trying out a botanical gel trying out a water-based gel trying out a better quality shampoo is not going to hurt you because you've already spent hundreds of dollars on products that don't work anyway every single time yeah so like every time you wash your hair you style it so just use a different styling product that's all we're talking about like that's all professionals are telling you to do instead of using a butter or a cream the reason why professionals would tell you especially for like twist outs and wash and go's to not use a cream is because creams don't have any hold to them there are some creams that have a very light hold and i think those would work better in areas where the humidity isn't so bad but if you want a style that has longevity if you want a style that sets oftentimes creams don't have oil don't have hold and they also don't dry so even if you sit under a dryer or you say you set your twist out or your braid out or your rod set you go to sleep you wake up you think it's dry it feels dry yes but the product within itself does not dry down the way a gel does so you pull your hair out and you have this beautiful twist out for 30 minutes while you're inside the house and as soon as you walk outside your hair shrinks up and it's just a poofy mess and it's because certain products aren't made for what you're asking it to do if that makes sense gels and styling foams are made to be heat activated by a dryer and they are meant to set the hair in a certain way oils butters and creams don't do that so you may not get the result that you want or you may find yourself frustrated because you set a twist out and it only lasts for 12 hours if that or you set your wash and go and it immediately puffs up and it's because you're either using you're asking a product to do what it wasn't made to do you're using the product incorrectly or you're using the wrong product overall so yes every time you wash your hair style it with a gel or a phone right or a phone or a phone if you if you are completely against gels if you are that girl and your hair can handle a styling foam the do d-o-u-x they make an amazing styling foam design essentials all makes an amazing styling foam try it you'll love it so this comment is kind of long but i'm kind of going to shorten it a little bit um she basically said that i think your hair needs to be in a certain condition she or he needs to be in a certain condition for this to work um that olaplex could be playing a huge roll in it it's just like when your body's at it's healthiest you don't need a bunch of pills and supplements to maintain it as you did before as long as you stay hydrated exercising well so basically what you said is your hair might need to be in a certain condition for this method this three-step method that we're calling it to work it does because we'll use your hair as an example again when i told her to just wash condition and use gel i feel like you genuinely hated me for like three months i was just like because she was just like she's crazy and i was like bro just keep at it just just keep at it i gave her the olapex products i gave her you know some conditioning pass and she was just like i don't like this and i was like bro just keep doing it i know like i was like i know it sucks i know you hate your hair right now i know i know i understand but just keep doing it just keep doing it keep swimming and then we made it through the first 30 days and she messaged me and she was just like okay i like this i look like shampoo and i was like i know the shampoo i like from the start it was it was the step three and the conditioner that you never really yeah but over time it just got to a point where she was like olaplex is that girl because olaplex is that girl with any professional product that you use you know again that's why i don't like to recommend products and even when i have like clients come in for their first or second visit i don't lead out with recommending products because you're not at a place yet where product brand needs to be your focus typically where i start with somebody is how are you detangling your hair how often do you wash your hair how are you washing your hair do you clarify how are you styling what steps do you take when you're washing your hair do you just like ball it up like i'm actually taking a class with um cut it kinky right now and they call it the tresemme method where you know back in those old commercials the chick would be in the video and she's just like doing whatever to her hair so do you wash your hair like that or do you smooth it out there are a ton of little steps to taking care of your hair that people don't really think are that big of a deal that end up making a huge difference when it comes to how you style your hair how long the style sets how long it takes you to wash condition and detangle you know with a lot of my clients we have to start at the very bottom and the very the very bottom is how are you shampooing your hair and a lot of people don't know how to shampoo their hair they don't realize that the shampoos that they're using for specific reasons are not what they should be using so we'll say somebody has dandruff they have psoriasis they have dermatitis and they're using a regular moisturizing shampoo and complaining that they're not getting all of the you know the flakes and the buildup off of their scalp it's because the product that you're using was not intended for that purpose so if you're looking to get build up off of your hair and you're using a moisturizing shampoo you're going to be unsatisfied with the result because you should be using a clarifying shampoo if you were trying to clean your scalp or soothe your scalp or you know rebalance it and help with dandruff or whatever other scalp issues that you're using and you're using a clarifying or a moisturizing shampoo or no sulfate shampoo you're not going to get the results that you want because you're not using the product that you should be using stylists like myself and hundreds of other stylists across the country across the world you know we're finding out all of this information and we're super excited to share it with you guys because we want to make hair care easier for you we don't want you to spend an entire sunday in the bathroom washing your hair and hating your hair or having panic and anxiety attacks because you're detangling and you don't know what you're doing and your hair is a mess because you haven't had a haircut in two years like the point of us telling you to only shampoo condition and use one styler is because we want to make it easier for you and we want to foster an environment where you can love your hair um so you know just let everybody just put the knives away you know let's relax a little bit let's let's try not to be so prickly and defensive when people tell you to not use oil like you know nobody is demanding that you do this it's just a suggestion you know if your hair is dehydrated scientifically this is why your hair is dehydrated and you can either follow it or you you don't i mean you really don't have to but the information is what the information is and fact is fact and if you choose to take it great you know people like me plenty of other stylists all over the place you know hair influencers who have the right information we're here to help you um but if you don't want to take it you don't have to take it but you know let's try not to be so rude about it actually this one might be a good one for those of us who like installing passion twists and this is gonna be the last one so for those of us who like installing passion twists and box braids how would you do this lighter method worry about my hair getting damaged if i don't use some kind of butter for extra moisture butter does not moisturize sample of that so i think that people don't realize that you can wash your hair with these protective styles in and i also think that in general people tend to leave their protective styles in way too long it's supposed to be four to six weeks some people quite like myself for pretty much all of the pandemic i had faux locs in i'm a hairstylist i think i'm pretty good at what i do but sometimes i be treating my hair all types of crazy so my faux locs were definitely in when i did have hair we're definitely in way too long and my hair suffered because of it and it's part of the reason why i went bald because you know i spend so much time helping you guys that i don't oftentimes have the patience to take care of my own hair so i just said screw it and cut my hair off because it was damaged beyond belief and it was just very dehydrated and i didn't feel like putting the effort in after being at work all day i didn't feel like putting the effort in to take care of my own hair that was just my choice as far as protective styles go i think that you should aim to have your style in for four weeks no more than six and i also recommend washing your hair during that time so when you're washing your hair in a protective style i would recommend getting a bottle with like a spout on it or a nozzle and you want to dilute your shampoo and some water stand in the shower and put it on your scalp and just rub the spaces between the braids you don't have to be aggressive you don't have to scrub nothing like that and make sure you get it into the braid itself and like squeeze and rinse your hair really well same thing with your conditioner and then after that you can use your spray leave-in conditioner and um if you're still experiencing a little tightness it's one of the few times that i would say that i like putting oil on the scalp just because again oil is a lubricant so it can help with that like tight feeling from braids you can use a little bit of oil you tie it down if you have a dryer you sit under the dryer if you don't have a dryer try to towel dry to the best of your ability and let it air dry but i do definitely recommend washing your hair when you have these installs in then when it comes time to taking your hair down also be super gentle because i know a lot of you aren't going to listen to anything that i have to say and you're going to leave your braids in for three four five months yeah and your hair is going to be dehydrated it just is what it is you know my clients do it all the time it's just y'all do what y'all want to do it's fine but when you do decide to take those braids out please you know a lot of breakage comes because you pull your braids out and you're just quick to comb through it and you're super aggressive with your ends people forget that the ends of your hair are the oldest part of your hair which means it's the most sensitive and that's why it's the most susceptible to breakage so if you're going to leave your braids in for a long time or even if just in general when you're pulling your braids out you want to make sure you detangle from the ends going upwards and also if you have that like build up at the base that you kind of take your fingers not so much a comb don't use a comb take your fingers and separate it first and me personally i like to keep a spray bottle to kind of dampen the hair a little bit and like use my fingers to pull that out and then use like a felicia leatherwood brush is my favorite personal brush to use to slowly detangle your hair if nothing else you could use the lock method style your hair with shea butter dunk your head into a vat of castor oil if you want fine whatever i would just recommend if you don't listen to anything else that i say i would say be gentle with your hair society tells us that black hair because it's coarse and because it's coily and it's wiry it's the strongest hair and it can stand up to anything and it is the exact opposite because of the structure of our hair and the way that it coils the natural you know moistures and oils and stuff like that that our hair makes it's harder for it to travel down the strand of our hair and our hair is more susceptible to breakage it's more susceptible to dryness i would just say to take your time with it be patient with your hair take your hair in sections that you can handle and that means that you need to split your hair down the middle and then split each side into four in order for you to detangle your hair do that just take your time with your hair be kind to it be kind to your edges like you know when you use edge control especially when you have braids in use a water-based edge control and then at night when you wash your hair take a wet rag and clean your edges off and just do them again in the morning there's just a bunch of little steps that you can take to just overall care about your hair and help you retain length and you know help you better treat your hair my goal personally as a stylist is just for people to be nicer to their hair in general and in order to be nice to your hair you have to keep it clean so watch it thank you so much jalisa that was freaking amazing i hope that this you know answered some of your questions concerns i hope this was helpful you know i feel like this video is like the only natural hair video you ever need to watch this is it right here this is all the information that you could ever need no i'm kidding but at some point if people have more questions i'm absolutely super open to doing them right now please please if you have any questions if you have anything else to add to the conversation please leave them in the comment section down below and we'll be happy to do a part two yeah you know if you guys if you got some more that you want us to say we're happy to do another one so let us know in the comments down below share this with your stubborn friend who does not want to put the shea butter down or with anyone who is just going natural and has no idea what's going on i feel like this would be a great video for them to watch you know just share the video okay help your girl out um i need to pay the bills so can i play my instagram of course oh my god y'all follow me on instagram is styled s-t-y-l-e-d by josh i'm gonna have to play it in the description below because i'm a fake youtuber you feel me follow me on instagram yes make sure you guys go follow her okay she's amazing as you guys know y'all always talking about how healthy my hair looks you're welcome it's her okay i just do what she says thank you guys so much for watching this video don't forget to like comment subscribe and follow me on instagram my handle is at janelsonquiverxo and all of that information will be in the description box down the low i will see you guys in my next video [Music]
Channel: Jonell Sequira
Views: 11,999
Rating: 4.871345 out of 5
Keywords: natural, hair, makeup, tutorial, tutorials, 4a/4b, the loc method is cancelled, jonellsequiraxo, is the loc method effective, is the loc method necessary, natural hair 3 step method
Id: Qp9nedKnSsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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