I Quit My Job For God’s Plan! Deeper Purpose! My Testimony🙌🏾 Prophetic Word

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hey family thank you all so much for tuning in if you are new here to the channel my name is millie i am a teacher and revelator of god's word i am also a life coach and mentor who's been placed in your path as a destiny helper to help usher you into your greatness which is your purpose and ultimately that will lead to your destiny fulfilled so i'm so excited that you're here go ahead and subscribe and those of you who have been chugging along welcome back i'm happy to speak to you all today and really to share um my testimony as far as business is concerned so we're going to talk about some kingdom business today and how do you know that god is having you to move on from a secure job so you think or leave your job and start this this business a lot of you god is calling to be kingdom entrepreneurs kingdom ceos okay it's kingdom time and so it's foreign to some of you and i am actually released a message in the community today talking about using what's in your hands so some of you are at a place where you don't even know what god is calling you to do others you know the gifts that are in you but you don't know how to start this thing you don't know how to start the business that god is asking you to start and so this is again specifically for those of you who are called to be entrepreneurs and so i want to go ahead and share my story and how god did this for me and how i was able to know when it was time to leave my secure job so to speak and trust him and step out on faith and do what it was that he was showing me to do because he had so much more for me so i have about four points i want to cover to just kind of break up my testimony a little bit so that it's not too long for the sake of time and also so that it it gives a sense of clarification and order for those of you who have been going through this and you don't know what's going on so i just want to touch on these points so that it um you know it brings you into an awareness there it is because god does everything in order and so you've been going through this process and not understanding the process that you're going through so this is why you've been stuck this is why um a lot of you just in fear because you know it's time but you don't know how to trust god in this way so the first point i want to touch on is your awakening so god's going to awaken you he's going to shake your life to awaken you and that's what he did for me in 2016. he has shaken up everything i have built outside of him to my knowledge i thought i was with him right and so it is with you like you you thought you were doing things with god some of you you know you were doing things out of your own ambition and you're coming to into right relationship with god so he's shaking up everything these ishmaels that re recreate right and so for me my ishmael was my marriage and my career okay so i'm just gonna just kind of stick with the career part since we're talking about business but in 2016 as my marriage was shaking the ishmael i created and my life was shaking as far as career and just me not knowing my purpose and what was going on i got two direct words from the lord he told me in regards to my marriage that you gotta let him go to see who i am so he was saying let go of my husband at the time to see who he is who god is and what he can do that's what he was telling me so when i got that direct word from the lord i was obedient in that and separated from my uh then husband at the time and then the the word he gave me for business was i have something beyond your wildest dreams all you have to do is believe and he wasn't only just speaking business he was speaking my life but really in the area of business at that moment as well and so i held on to these two words and so it is with you whatever god has spoken to you you hold on to the word even though you don't understand what that means what that looks like okay this is why it's so important to have your relationship with god so that you can hear from him so these words i didn't share with anybody i just held on to him for me because i knew my father was telling me these things he spoke them right into my spirit right and so as i was obedient in separating from my then husband i began to look for another job cause i'm like okay lord i'm gonna be obedient i know you're not playing with this and actually he caused something supernatural to happen to let me know that he wasn't playing when i was dragging my feet in regards to the marriage portion my god and so after i let that go i'm like okay let me look for another job because he's leaving you know the half the income in the house is leaving i don't want to lose anything i want to maintain this lifestyle that i've built on the outside with all the finer things in life right and so i was like i don't want to lose i don't deserve my credit to be all tore up and all this stuff you know i i'm not you know i've done my best lord like this was my plea to god like you know i don't want to lose that so let me just get another job so that i can make it right oh god so good and so in that i began to search for another job and i had three opportunities come up and each time i went on an interview and and made it to like the face-to-face and was pretty confident i would get the job and actually let me say this all three of the jobs that i i went for they were all paying like 10 000 more a year okay so this would have been perfect for me to just be able to get into one of those jobs or i didn't have to worry i didn't have to worry about losing nothing you know it would be no more days of having more months than money come on somebody you got more month at the end of the month that you do have money come on and so i'm like all right lord this this has to be it and each time i would go on these interviews the lord kept telling me i have something better for you so i'm like okay so that was the first time i didn't get the job the second time the the next company he kept saying i got something better for you and i'm like okay maybe it's another one i didn't get that job so then the third job i went to and i mean this one was a shoe-in like the dress code was relaxed it was doing the same thing i was doing which was in like finance this is the type of job i had with no degree okay so this is how god will do it for you he will place you where you need to be placed in in your wilderness okay he will still make rivers in the desert in that dry place your dry place is your job your dry place is your marriage your dry places your relationship your dry places you're in the wrong city whatever your dry place is god is still gonna gonna provide for you okay and so this job that i thought was it i thought god kept saying i have something better because it was a better corporate job okay so this last one was a shoe-in as i said i thought i was going to be hired they pretty much told me i had the job offered me to not hear from them for for two weeks right so then they finally reached out and was like we went with someone else but we have another position we want you to try out for we we know you'll be a great company fit you know all the jargon right so i'm like okay i told you lord like all right this is the better like it's a better position i get to travel a little bit and things like that and god was like i have something better so here i am just going in my own way my own understanding went to the interview for that position they were like we need a person right now like today like we're going to be calling you in the next day or so did not hear back from the people called them at the end of the week and asked them what's going on only for the hiring manager to say they went with someone else and so i asked like okay well you know it wasn't something i did can you give me some feedback as i am out here interviewing like you know and she said no we just thought you would be bored with the position and i was like what so even they had all these great things to say about me great company fed and blah blah blah blah blah she said she thought i would be bored with the position so that told me i knew it was god that woman didn't know why she wasn't hiring me okay but i know why because god was shutting the doors and so he brought me to another sense of frustration to where i had did all i could do so it's like when you've done all you can stand so that's where i was i was standing like okay lord i've tried in my own strength what are you gonna do how are you gonna do this how are you gonna fix this what is this better you have for me like i'm yelling at god right and so this brings me to point number two my god he's going to reveal who what is in your hands he's going to reveal what's in your hands so he began to reveal to me to pick back up what he had gifted me with which was um in the beauty industry i was a cosmetologist and so i was thinking like well how am i going to go back to doing hair like i've been out of the industry for seven years you know all the clientele that i had and a little bit that i held on to you know some of you in the industry if you're listening you got those clients who just won't go to nobody else so you know i had them come into the house and i'm doing it here at the house and stuff but then that faded away because my life changed you know corporate america was taking over and the demands and then i had a baby and you know it was just i couldn't do it anymore right and so i'm like lord how am i supposed to balance eight to five really that's what it was and go try to work in the shop and build a clientele like this isn't making sense right and so in the process of me trying to figure it out i didn't mention this um i had started like this online boutique with my sister and so in that i knew deep down it was just something i was doing because i was trying to find a way out of the rat race i just knew that it was time for me to get out like that awakening that awakening so it is with some of you you've been trying to put your hands to you know maybe it is an online boutique or store or you're trying to you know maybe open a restaurant or you know maybe do um i don't know whatever it is and that's okay god's gonna he's gonna show you that that's not the thing because you're not gonna have peace about it it's not gonna it's something in you that's gonna know like this is a good thing to make money or whatever but it's not the god thing i'm still not fulfilled and that's how it was with me with the boutique with my sister so anyway i ended up uh shutting that down but at the time that we had that boutique we would do little vendor events and stuff like that and i ended up meeting a young lady who bought a purse from us and she was doing eyelashes and so god brought this woman back to my remembrance during this time because we were following each other on instagram and stuff like that and so i kept seeing her post pop up and she's doing these classes and things like that and i had never even thought about doing eyelashes i'm thinking like how do i get back to hair like that's what's in my hands and so god just kept pressing that on me so i'm like all right i'ma make the investment and take the class now let me tell y'all i said before i had more month than i had money i didn't know how i was going to pay for this training class which i think was about 600 that was a lot of money to me back then and it's a lot of money to some of you right now so i understand that right and so i'm like lord i don't know how i'm going to do this but this is what i felt him showing me to do and so as i was still praying about it and pondering on it i knew god kept highlighting it to me so so it is with some of you all god keeps highlighting that thing to you whether whatever industry is in he's highlighting it to you for a reason okay whether it's instagram commercials uh billboards wherever you're seeing this thing constantly he's waking you up to it okay my god and so i ended up reaching out to the young lady and i paid like half of um the deposit to do the lashes even though i have my my hair license and i could do it because i was licensed by the state but i never had done eyelashes before so i'm like let me go and get a little training and take the class and support her because she supported us in our business right so let me just see what it's about and you guys the day of the training actually the night before i was going to cancel it because i didn't have the rest of my money i had it but it was for a bill come on somebody i'm going somewhere with this i had it but it was for a bill and so god deals with me in dreams and some of you he's been showing you things in your dreams as well so the morning of the class the lord gives me this vision because he knew i was about to cancel it then here comes the enemy in my ear you need that money for a bill your life's going to get cut off don't be stupid you know like he's throwing all the fiery darts right my god and so in this dream that morning i had made up in my mind the night before like i'm just gonna have to lose that i think it was like 250 dollars i paid on the deposit i'm like i can't do it right i'm in i'm sleep and the lord shows me and it's so funny i chose to put on green today and this wasn't planned but in the dream i i used to wear this different green shirt that i had to work at the time and so in the dream he showed me myself with that green shirt on and i was in my bathroom and i was looking at myself in the mirror but my eyes were closed and i immediately thought like how can i see myself and my eyes are closed so i kind of dropped down like below like the cabinets because i was scared like how can i see myself and i can't see you know and so then i slowly began to creep up above the cabinet to see what was going on and my eyes started doing this like fluttering and so when i woke up the enemy here he goes so this is going to help somebody here he goes he's putting all these thoughts in my mind like trying to give me fear like don't do it like this is scary like how did you see yourself your eyes went open i said hold on so some of you have to take your authority over the enemy who's trying to block you from going into the thing that god is showing you to do in the mighty name of jesus so i told him i said hold on shut up that's what i said to the enemy right and that's how you got to talk to him he's under your feet he's under your feet in the name of jesus and so i told him to shut up and i had to silence my mind i had to be at this class now in like a cup like maybe an hour and a half okay this is the time i woke up it was like an hour and a half for me to get there to get myself together and i was like lord what are you saying and so he was showing me that green represents prosperity and growth and newness okay and he was showing me that my eyes were fluttering because he was saying the lashes okay like go do it and green it was going to bring me the prosperity my god so pay attention to your dreams when i tell y'all when i got that revelation i could not get ready fast enough i didn't think i ate breakfast but i knew that's where i was supposed to be in that class so i sent that girl the rest of her money and i made it to the class and i took the class and i started i didn't even tell anybody i was doing it okay i called my cousin one of my cousins and i said hey i'm doing this eyelash class i really don't know what i'm doing but just you know just come on over and let me do your lashes and you just pay me you know whatever you think you want to pay me right so here's another thing i didn't know what it was going to look like i just knew that's where god was leading me and he was going to make up for the rest so long story short my cousin came over uh the next day after i took the class and i did her lashes and she gave me like 50 bucks and she absolutely loved them and looking back on them they were a hot mess right but god had gifted me to do this thing and as i i worked in it as i started it god just began to it just began to be a ripple effect like i posted her picture on on uh i think it was facebook at the time and just said hey you know my cousin's lashes are looking good blah blah blah hit me up something like that i said and then god just started sending the people so there it is with some of you you know you're wondering where the clients are going to come from or where the business is going to come from or who's going to support you you don't have to to nag people and pressure them into supporting you you just put your stuff out there whatever it is god is showing you to do you just put it out there and he's going to send the people so again that just turned into a ripple effect right and so now i'm still working the job and i'm i'm getting these clients in they're coming and i'm working from home i'm working for my house so initially it started to be family you know and then friends you know that i knew and then people start contacting me that i didn't know and i'm like wait a minute i can't have just everyone in my house right and so i ended up um renting a space at a salon but it was so hard you guys because i couldn't balance the two i still had to keep my job and i was still working on my dream come on somebody some of you all are in the same position right now you're working your job and you're working the dream and you're wore out and that's what it takes this is what it's going to take for you to move and step out on faith and this is going to bring me to the next point your step of faith uh point number three so this is a scary place and it's not easy and so i was toggling the two you know i'm getting up at six a.m to get my son ready for school my god to drop him off at school to go through the rat racing traffic to get to work to work eight to five sometimes 5 30 get off go pick my son up for from the after school care okay to come home to to do a client and i'm new at lashing okay and so it was taking me like three hours to do a full set and when i say eyelashes i'm talking about the extension lashes for those of you who know and so you know i'm not getting to bed until almost midnight you know between trying to feed my son and things like that and his dad you know he had him on the days that he was supposed to have him and stuff like that too but it was hard so i'm i'm doing all this every day monday through friday not going to bed until 12 o'clock back up at six i mean i'm wore out and then of course working on the weekend just fitting in who i could fit in and so god brought me to that point where i was frustrated and even though i was not making the money in my business that i was making at the corporate job i knew what god was showing me in the crumbs if you will of what he was doing for me he was showing me that i could make in about about an hour to what i would have made in a whole day almost a whole day at work so i i saw the vision i saw what he was doing right and so so it is with some of you all you know as you get started and some of you who are in this place where yeah your money's not where where it needs to be right now but you see the potential of you see what god is doing right and so that's the place he wants you to be in this is the step of faith your faith is not going to look like everything balance like okay when my money meets what i'm making now then i'm going to step no that's not faith right faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen not seen in the natural but you see it in the spirit so i saw in the spirit what this could be and then again god allowed me to wear myself out to where one of them was going to have to go and it wasn't going to be my business and so that's how i got the faith to trust god and just to step out okay and and follow his leading and just trust that he will provide for me and you guys when i stepped out on faith if i can just say it this way all hell broke loose okay my clients canceled for that week like everybody was just canceling left right left right here comes the devil like i told you you shouldn't have you know left your job and look at you you look stupid you know everything my water heater broke in my house you guys like my house was practically brand new it had no business breaking down but it broke down so like come on my back was against the wall but god showed me in that that he's a present help in the time of trouble and when i tell you he provided the resources for me to get my water heater fixed for every client that canceled i promise you all he sent two more come on somebody these people would just my phone would just ding ding i mean let me tell y'all there were days when i was in the corner of my house in a room just sitting in the corner crying bawling okay because i didn't know it was out of my hands okay and this is exactly where god needs you to be where you let it go when you take your hands off what he's trying to do and you use what's in your hand so my job was to do the work my job was to do the eyelashes and put myself out there and some of you keep thinking this is going to fall from the sky and it's not you got to do your part god is going to send the people he's going to do the rest he's going to give the increase okay so you sow your seed of service and he's going to give the increase hallelujah and so you guys again he just showed out in my life he showed out in my life he showed me that everything did in fact come from his hand which is something that i did not realize before he has shaken my life my god i hope y'all still here so this is going to bring me to point number four which is increase god is going to increase the very thing that he has placed in your hands the very thing that he's prompting you to start doing he will give the increase to it and let me just read a a quick scripture second corinthians 9 verse 10 and the amplified says now he who provides seed for the sower and bread for food will provide and multiply your seed for sowing that is your resources and increase the harvest of your righteousness and so and it says what shows itself an act of goodness kindness and love so as you sow god will provide more seed to sow and he'll multiply your seed and i'm a witness of that i told you all i had more month than i had money and if i would not have sown where god was showing me to sow it wouldn't have led to where i am now which is in dallas okay and so as god increased uh everything that i was doing in that business he brought the people he brought the women every woman he brought to me to do their eyelashes it was not about the lashes it was a ministry unbeknownst to me i didn't even know god had started the kingdom of god matters in my eyelash business okay so the women he was sending to me they were going through the very things that god was pulling me out of whether it was a toxic relationship a toxic marriage they were in the corporate rat race and god was waking them up to come out of that whatever it was god was using me to help them so even though as hard as it was for me as i was sowing my love my patience uh my experience into these women okay money came by that yes god increased me financially to where i started that business in 2017 and by 2019 god had moved me here to dallas but by that time i had hit six figures i had made six figures in that business okay and he branched it out to where i wasn't just doing lashes i i became a lash educator and was training up other women to uh do lashes he was just sending the overflow come on this was the beyond my wildest dreams i didn't know that in 2016. that that's where god would have me do that next year from 2017 on up to 2019 and then let alone he didn't tell me i was moving okay into 2019 okay or he started awakening me to that in 2018 and i did a testimony about that and so i'll link it here for those of you who haven't seen it but most of you who are subscribed to this channel and have been following my ministry god led you to me because of that video because he because of my testimony because he's doing that very thing in your life he's shaking you he's awakening you he's moved some of you he's he's you know giving you the plans that he has for you and all of that right and so if i wasn't obedient and to do what god was was showing me to do i wouldn't be seeing all of this i wouldn't have met all the women that i've met and and touched their lives and and and been able to reach back in and help them right through god of course through god through his holy spirit again he led all of them to me right but it never was about the lashes okay and so this is what what god means when he says that that our our wisdom is not his wisdom you know our thoughts are not his thoughts our ways are not his ways they're so much higher above he has a deeper purpose for what he's he's showing you to do right now whatever he's telling you to start is a deeper purpose you better know it it's a deeper purpose and you just keep walking it out as he reveals it to you okay and so again god is going to increase it but you gotta go back to step one and that's let him wake you up and then step two he's gonna reveal what he placed in your hands which are already gifted with he's gonna reveal it to you and just be sensitive to the holy spirit listen to what god's telling you to do recognize when the doors are closing and when the doors are open okay and the door that god opens is not going to be the easy door it would have been easy for me to to take one of those jobs but again god shut the doors there was no way i could could have even taken the job now i could have kept toiling and applying for more jobs but to be transparent i had used all my vacation time going on interviews come on somebody you know so i couldn't do nothing but stand and wait for god my god but the the most important thing that i've gained out of all this in being obedient is is my life is getting my life it has nothing to do with with the material things it's the fruit of what god has done on the inside of me right and that's bleeding out of me it's the kingdom work and this is where god is trying to get you to and again i'm still at the crumbs of it so even when he moved me here to dallas and i had to start over and i thought he was moving me here to continue to increase the eyelash business because i had hit a ceiling in in like 2018 2019 i knew it was time to expand but i didn't see myself in st louis anymore i just couldn't see it and i didn't know where that place was and again i'll link my testimony but i thought he was moving me here to expand because you know the land is bigger and things like that but the whole time he was moving me here to expand his ministry right and he took he took that lashing from up under me that was just a stage you know a precursor to to this and then even me right now i'm you know i'm in this apartment and it's it's beautiful i love it you know and where god has me and this is just the the seed the seed how i'm doing my videos here my little kitchen space but this is the seed of what god has for me and i know this and so who my god he wants to get you to the place where you know that you know that you know that he has your back that you know that you know that you know that you can trust him when it doesn't look like you're going to make it when it doesn't look like you're winning when it doesn't look like what you want to do because it's not in your will right but when you when you let go of self and allow god to do it is when you truly live this is the zoe life he wants to give you so i'm just going to stop and end it here i love you all so much i pray that this message has been a blessing to you and that it has clarified what god has been doing in your life and what he's trying to show you okay so again i love you all with the love of christ thank you so much to those of you who always support those of you who are subscribed thank you so much those of you who watch the videos and haven't subscribed go ahead and do it i see the numbers i look at them like half of y'all be clicking on don't subscribe so just go ahead and subscribe god is doing some wonderful things and um i want to thank all of you who are praying for me just know i pray for this family as well i lift you all up and i thank you all so much for sowing into this ministry may the lord continue to bless you 100 fold and i will talk to you all soon get busy get to work get in your purpose start start start in the mighty name of jesus
Channel: The Kingdom of God Matters
Views: 127,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: God told me to quit my job, 6 figure business, I quit my job, Deeper purpose, purpose, prophetic word, The great resignation, should I quit my job, Kingdom business, kingdom entrepreneurship, kingdom ceo
Id: 7MiRT10vD5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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