I left my job...

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I think that letting go is hard in general it is tough to let go of something but what about when God calls us out to let go of a good thing of something that in the world doesn't make sense to let go of hi welcome or welcome back to my YouTube channel for those of you who don't know me my name is dbor and I'm a faith-based content creator I make videos sharing all about my journey with God to encourage you on your journey with him so welcome welcome to the channel and in today's video I'm going to be talking about why I left my job I've officially left my very well-paid less than part-time hour job that I was not qualified for I gave my notice a few weeks ago which I shared on here but as of a few days ago I have officially finished my notice period and I'm officially out I'm gone I'm done which I don't think it's sunk in fully yet it's definitely been a decision that's been scary to make let me be honest it's been hard to step out in faith and trust God this is something that I've been been praying about for months and months and months now I think that letting go is hard in general it is tough to let go of something but what about when God calls us out to let go of a good thing of something that in the world doesn't make sense to let go of what do we do then how can we step out in faith and trust him when it doesn't really make sense to be leaving so to start things off just a little bit about my job it was a job in Hospitality in a manager position in guest relations I had to deal with clients at work and I was self-employed so I would invoice the place that I work at I didn't have a contract at one point I was working at two places who had the same owner one of them was kind of a restaurant party type place so people would have dinner there with like party music and a DJ and the other place was similar to that and again in client relations dealing with clients dealing with guests things like that for this job position I was not qualified I'd never done anything like this before dealing with bookings on a system um on like a manager role kind of overseeing a team the way I kind of rolled into that in my opinion was the favor of the Lord timing wise um they considered me to be the best candidate to take that position when it came up and for that I'm so extremely grateful to God because with that came a salary increase of course and this was more money than I had ever made in my entire life the amount of money that I was made making some people make in a month at work and I have some friends who are working full-time who would make the same amount of money or roughly the same amount of money and I was working around 12 to 15 hours a week as amazing as that job was there were a lot of stress levels attached to it as well it was very fastpaced you had to be quick you had to be calm cool calm and collected there were definitely many different aspects of this job but for what I was getting paid it was a blessing let me just say that okay if you know my journey since the beginning of last year I really decided to dedicate my life over to God again and to give him a chance so to say and I cannot explain how he has truly changed my whole life and turned everything upside down I was living in a teeny tiny box room I was living paycheck to paycheck and then this job opportunity came God allowed me to move into this Faith apartment if you've seen my testimony there then you know if not then I would recommend checking it out because God really did above and beyond what I could have ever asked thought or imagined and that just continued on through the year our heavenly father really showed me that when we give him a chance when we place him first when we seek Him First seek first God's kingdom I have this print here when we seek him first he will make sure that everything else will be put into place he will take care of all the rest and in that walk with him I slowly but surely started to feel convicted about being in my workplace because this place is very secular it was a very secular workplace um there was alcohol involved people were engaging in like substance usage there was a lot of drama a lot of gossiping all of that was happening and in some ways I'm very grateful that I got to be there because I really did have the opportunity to be a light there I had conversations about Jesus I had conversations about what God started doing in my life I bought a Bible for one of my colleagues I was able to pray for them but it came to a place where I had to be honest and kind of reflect on okay am I still being a light in this place or is the darkness now affecting me because I started to go along with the gossips let me be honest there were times where I was able to step away from the conversation and just do something else but there were also plenty of times where I didn't do that and where when somebody asked o do you know what just happened I would be like no like tell me I would be involved in the gossip I would be involved in the drama um a certain aspect of my job is that I had to portray a certain character I had to be Stern I had to be harsh and that is not me since I was the first entry point of clients coming in I was kind of welcoming them I really felt like and I started to feel like I was kind of the gatekeeper of the place and I really had to sit down with the Lord does this job align with what you are doing in my life right now Lord doesn't align because it feels like there's a disconnect there basically the Bible verse that came to mind is Matthew 5:29 to 30 where it reads if your right eye causes you to stumble gudge it out and throw it away it is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell and if your right hand causes you to stumble cut it off and throw it away it is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell now this sounds very extreme the Bible is not telling us to actually cut off our arms and body parts but it is saying that if you know that certain parts of your life certain things in my case my job is causing you to stumble and it's causing you to step into sin and to fall into sin then cut it off cut it off throughout this time period of me praying about leaving my job again this was a period of months I spoke to some friends about it I spoke to some people about it and the responses I was getting were very mixed some people were like absolutely like you want to walk this journey with Holiness with the Lord the Lord will provide when you lay this down lay this down as sacrifice God sees the motives of your heart and he will provide but then other people were like it is just a job like why are you making such a big deal out of it um it is just a job it's not that deep so I think that all of these voices from the outside really kept me there and also let me be honest just the comfortability of it all before this job I never had a point in my life where I didn't live paycheck to paycheck so I absolutely got used to the comfortability of it all when people would ask me like oh how have you been what have you been up to it was so nice to get to a place where I would just say nothing much really like it just felt really comfortable I did didn't really have much to report I went to work during the week I created content that was it it really felt like I'm a very visual person so just imagining like Waters the ocean me sitting on a little boat with the Lord and the water was calm there were no waves like it was just so calm and I guess that the enemy kind of used that to whisper like why would you Ripple the waters up why would you change the circumstances that you're in right now and every time that I kind of decided of like okay I'm going to leave I would go on to social media and I would see a video about the cost of living crisis and how prices of everything are going to go up and that's when I would then step back again and be like I can't leave in a decision like this when it comes to leaving a job when there's finances involved or a relationship when you could leave a house there's a lot at stake and it is not always easy to step out in faith when you don't know what's next when God is calling us out when there's not a new job lined up when it's kind of like stepping into the unknown and that's what what God calls us out into very often to walk on the water with him we are not meant to live our lives in the boat constantly how can our faith grow how can we even exercise faith if we're always in that boat and it's scary I've made this decision now but I don't know what's next I'm still in the middle of it like I don't know where my next paycheck is going to come from and to be transparent I do get paid from YouTube AdSense for which I'm so extremely grateful praise the Lord thank you Jesus that something but I'm not getting paid nearly as much as I was getting paid at the job that I just left something that I forgot to say about AdSense is that it's not a very stable income at all one month it could be enough to pay my rent the next month it might be half that you never know and I have rent to pay I have bills to pay I have expenses I have this apartment that um when the lord gave me this place the rent was quite a bit higher than I expected I'd never paid this much rent that was a step out in faith to trust God that he would provide I can see that maybe in a way I kind of used my job to rely on instead of God now that job is gone and it feels like I'm really in the unknown with the Lord so like I mentioned I really prayed about this decision for a long time and I just felt like God was very silent in it all this nudge of the holy spirit in my heart and I know that some people would call it a gut feeling but I I believe that since the Holy Spirit lives within us very often these feelings can be credited to the Holy Spirit as a little nudge not all the time because our flesh is active within us we have a sinful nature that is at work trying to throw us off but looking at the decision and placing it next to the Bible we can very often identify if that is a little nudge of the Holy Spirit and in my case I knew that this was a nudge that the Holy Spirit was giving me that you know the Lord was giving me permission to leave and it's funny cuz at one point throughout my prayer process of this job like months ago the still voice of the lord gave me a word that was you you have permission to let go as we humans do I was doubting it left right and Center I was like is this me is this the enemy or is this you Lord what do I do and that's a word that I kind of held on to I've put it I put it on a shelf I held on to it but the image that I kind of got with this word and when I say image I mean when you close your eyes and you can kind of see a visual picture I saw somebody holding onto a ledge kind of digging their nails in the ledge and God had his has his hand right underneath and that's the daddy is when he tells us to let go he doesn't tell us to let go and then lets us fall like got you there like no he will always be there to catch us so that's something that I held on to for a while because when I was praying for confirmation of that word like Lord is this really you silence silence so I was like what do I do this not isn't going but I also don't want to step out in Disobedience I don't want to leave my job if that's not what you want me to do and one day I remember I was praying but I was really frustrated I was frustrated that that no confirmation was coming and no answer was coming and none of my friends were really able to give me um a solid answer even my friends that are in faith they everybody was kind of in the middle and I was in the middle I was on the fence of the decision right I got to a point where I was looking at a Bible story that I will mention in a second and I was like Lord you know the motives of my heart you know the motives for this decision I'm going to flip it around and I'm going to say if this is not the right thing to do then let me know but for now father I'm going to make this Choice I'm going to leave this job I want to truly and fully walk towards Holiness with you Jesus I want to become more like you that doesn't mean perfect but that does mean like this Bible verse mentioned in Matthew cutting off things that are leading me the opposite way or that are causing me to sin so I'm going to decide in my heart right now that this is what I'm going to do I'm going to give my notice in a few days and it's crazy that as soon as I made that decision as soon as I got off the fence in between the choice that's when the confirmation started to come at this point I hadn't even contacted my bosses yet nothing but just in your heart you know when you're when you've made a decision in your heart of like this is what I'm going to do I had finally made that decision I finally got off the fence I finally let go of the ledge of like okay Lord I'm going to do this I'm going to make this choice and as soon as I made that decision the confirmation came one of the ways in which I received confirmation was that one night I woke up with a number in my head which I never ever ever have and I did research on it nothing came up then I opened my Bible went to that page and it led me to the blessings of obedience in Deuteronomy now a lot of bibles are different there are different sizes of Bibles so every page is going to be different but just the fact that I woke up with that in my head and it led to this page with God there are no coincidences okay our heavenly father speaks through things like this so I was like wow that is confirmation right there and then on the day that I decided to give my notice the day that I called my boss um I remember being at work and after my colleagues kind of gathered in a circle around me and they were like why are you leaving which was hard to explain because a decision like this doesn't make sense in the world when everything is good when your job is good when you're getting paid well why can't you do your content and serve the Lord and do this like what's going on there but after after that I checked my emails and I saw that a brand opportunity had come up for a certain amount of money and I was like wow I haven't even left my job yet on the day that I've decided to leave literally a few minutes after kind of standing for the Lord and being like look this is what I'm doing this job opportunity came through coincidence I don't think so also in my devotional that day uh the devotional for that day specifically was go for it when I woke up the Sun was shining which I hadn't seen in weeks it's all these little things that were absolutely confirmations from the Lord for me that you know there's peace on this from that moment on there have still been many moments where I started to doubt where I was like am I sure this is the right thing to do one of my bosses talked to me about how shocked they were that I gave my notice because usually the girls that do this job don't leave for like s to eight years because it's paid really well it's a good amount of hours and when he said that I kind of went in this trans where I was like what am I doing what am I actually doing what am I thinking like why would I give up this salary and I've definitely thought about the what ifs I mean even now still I think about the what ifs what if I won't be able to pay my rent next month what if I lose everything what if I lose my apartment and it reminded me of the Bible story in Daniel of Shad M and abedo when King Nebuchadnezzar has made the Statue he's commanding the whole land to bow down to it but these three boys that are serving the lord are standing their ground and they're saying no and I can just imagine the people around them telling them like just bow down it's just quick it's just a statue like why are you making such a big big deal out of this why are you putting so much on the line for a decision like this and that reminded me of the people that I kind of consulted who were like why are you making such a big deal out of this like it's just a job can't you do both you know when you're serving God and when you're not serving God you know when something serves the Lord and when something doesn't and standing for that in the world doesn't make sense what these boys say to the king because they get plucked out and they get brought before the king like these men don't want to bow down to your statue and they say look King Nebuchadnezzar we know that we know that we know that our God the god that we serve will Deliver Us from your hand for whatever you're about to do to us God will provide God will come through but even if he does not and that's it right there I know I know and I have faith this is where my faith comes in I know I have faith that our God is faithful our God is Jehova Gyra he will provide I don't know how I don't know when I don't know where it's going to come from but I know that the Lord will will provide and sustain me in a way where I won't have any issues paying my rent none of that I place my full faith and trust in the Lord but even if he does not even if I lose everything this year I will know that I lost everything in my Pursuit for God in my decision for him these boys Shad M and had a lot to lose they had their lives to lose in my case I guess my finances are on the line and for some of us there's a house involved and that's what makes us scared to step out to place our trust in an invisible God cuz we can't see God we can't see his hand underneath us in the physical we can't see what we're about to step into but that's where our faith comes in and in this story of these boys standing up for the Lord I mean he delivered them in a way that's just so miraculous where the fire did not overtake them and there was another in the fire god was with them in that situation if he did it then if he did it in that Bible story for us to look at then why wouldn't he do it for us also when we start to dwell on the wh ifs and I'm telling myself this as well as I'm still going through this when we dwell on the wh ifs we do that as if we don't serve the god of the universe as if we don't serve the creator of everything as if God is not able to provide a way where there is none as if he's not able to make streams in the desert like the Bible says God owns all the money in the world God owns every job in the world and why would a step of faith for him why would he ever let us fall after something like that I really pray for opportunities and an abundance over my own life but also over your life as we're going through things like this stepping out in faith is not easy but this is where we can see God's hand at work in our lives how can we see God do Miracles how can we step on the water if we want to stay in the boat um I've mentioned before that how can God part the sea if we don't run into it first running into a sea is not fun it can be stressful but when we know who we're walking with God is able to make a path through that sea that's what he's able to do but he can't do that if we don't run into it first we cannot walk on the water if we don't step out of the boat and throughout the step of faith of my own as I'm currently going through it I just want to say that these decisions bring them before the Lord bring them before God In Prayer but also I think that sometimes we stay stuck in saying oh I'm praying about it for months I was telling people I'm praying about my job I was praying about it when deep down the Holy Spirit had already nudged me like you're okay to release this I've got you Deborah I've got you it is so important to seek God in all of our decisions to bring everything before him in prayer absolutely but when God calls us out let's be obedient and step out and let's not stay at that place of like no I'm still praying about it I'm still praying about it when the Lord has told us I've already given you that nudge to go it's time to go my child it's time to go in Isaiah it says whether you step to the right or to the left you will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way walk in it and that's what I got to experience when I was praying for that confirmation it didn't come but as soon as I made that decision in my heart I didn't act upon it yet but I made that decision that's when that confirmation came when I decided okay I'm going to go this way whether you step to the right or to the left I just I decided a direction and that's when the Lord behind me it says in that verse you will hear of still voice behind you I heard behind me the voice of the Lord saying the Bor this is the way now walk in it we're going to walk this through and I'm excited to see what God is going to do Jehovah Gyra he is our provider he will provide everything we need to sustain us through the blessing to sustain us through the Wilderness Mana came daily it came daily um the Lord told Abraham to go he didn't know where he was going he was directing his steps on The Daily and that goes for me right now as well I don't know what's next I don't know what's next in my career I don't know what's to come I don't know anything but I think that that is where we can really go on an adventure with God we can see him at work like never before so that is why I left my secular job to fully serve the Lord and to step into a holy life with him which doesn't mean perfect I will never be perfect but just being intentional about cutting off the things that don't serve God that clearly don't lead people closer to his kingdom that doesn't lead me closer to his kingdom cutting those things off so I really pray that in a way this has been a blessing for you we are in this together walking through this right now if you're also making a decision like this The Lord Is Our God he's our dad and I'm sure that he's excited when we make choices like this that he's like finally we get to go on an adventure we I get to take her out on the water in my imagination in situations like this the Lord is telling the Heavenly Realms about his excitement that he gets to take us on adventures um and the word of God also says that we have a crowd of witnesses cheering us on to walk the life of Faith to walk a life with with our heavenly father with our dad our God who's constantly looking after us so yeah again I pray that this has been a blessing for you may the Lord bless you and guide you in 2024 you are never ever ever alone no matter what it looks like let's not keep our eyes on the natural but let's have our eyes on the spiritual on what the Lord is doing because I know that sometimes in the natural it can look like things are going one way or things are going south but that's where we need to continue placing our trust in God he's got it he's still in control no matter what happens happens he's in control of the storm so all of that I pray over you in Jesus mighty name I'm so grateful to have you here you are my family in Christ so thank you for being here with me being on this journey with me thank you for your prayers I've been seeing your prayers come through about my job and about my finances and about all of that for which I'm so grateful I'm praying for you constantly also yeah may the Lord bless you and keep you throughout 2024 and all the years that are to come serve the Lord your God seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added on to you may you experience that in your life in Jesus mighty name so thank you so much for watching and I will be back again very very soon fast for letting you around my
Channel: Deborah B
Views: 57,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7c9jvEjTMMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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