WHY GOD Is Not Letting You Get A Job, No Matter How Hard You Try… | Powerfull Prophetic Prayer

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welcome welcome welcome back if you are old welcome if you are new this is chantali cover and I'm always here to pray with you and also to share the word of the Lord with you and today I want to share a testimony that I believe is going to bless you and also speak to your situation bring about Clarity this is something that happened to me and so I believe that it's going to bring a lot of clarity now you're watching this video perhaps you're someone who has tried to get a job you have tried everything that you can't but you are still not able to get a job even when you get a job you find yourself coming out of that job or something happens you're forced to leave the job or you study business and it doesn't work you try this one try that one but things don't just seem to move and you feel so strong in your heart or in your spirit that there is a contention there is something that is stopping you from receiving that job from getting that job there is a content somewhere this feature is for you it's not for everyone of course I will not sit here and encourage that people don't work or that God does not want people to work no no no no no please that's a disclaimer I'm just going to share something that will speak to your spirit that will speak to you that will bring in Clarity Hallelujah and what God wants you to do as well now please I'm also going to encourage that you watch the video right till the end God bless you as you do that in Jesus mighty name amen so um I've been in that place where I struggle to get a job I struggle to do things and at a point it became so difficult for me like it wasn't that I wasn't qualified and that is still some somebody right now you're qualified you have the qualifications but it's still hot for you so I was qualified I felt ready I felt prepared but there was just something stopping me there was this resistance I failed and my you not everything that happens to us that looks like bad to us is of the devil is of the devil now the devil might have done it but the Lord permitted it for a purpose it may seem negative but it is going to work together for your good now I kept struggling and struggling and it wasn't going the way I wanted it to go and then I sat down at one point and I just went with my my heart what was in my heart at the time I felt learned to come on YouTube I've shared this testimony before I felt learned to come on YouTube to start a channel and to share the word of the Lord you know to just start a channel on YouTube and to do something true to God I never knew how YouTube was functioning at that time I didn't know about it I just knew that um it was something that was so strong on my heart and um I just needed to follow that things I struggled the other way but didn't really get to see the results and actually if I'd continue struggling that remind you I should have delayed my coming year on YouTube so what happened was I I came here as a Holy Spirit Led me and I began to um do what the Holy Spirit laid on my heart to do and I prayed on this and I realized that the Lord spoke to me about this now for some of us why are you struggling to get the job that you want to get there's no word from the Lord you haven't gotten a word from God maybe there's a job you love so much but you haven't gotten a word from the Lord and it's not something that you desire you just want to do it to make ends meet some of us you want to start a business but you haven't heard from God concerning that business he has not told you anything about that business but there is something that does not really look promising to you that is in your heart so strong that the Lord has lived so strong on your heart that God has spoken to you about I want to tell you this heal to that voice heal to that still voice heal to that passion heal to that desire heal to that fire that is burning on the inside of you what God has put in your heart heal to it it may not look promising but I tell you the truth there is something powerful about it as long as it's off code and it's coming from God remember the scripture the Bible says the gifts of a man will make a way for him it is your gift that will make a way for you and cause you to stand before Kings it is not what you are doing as a person that is helping you to make ends meet it is your gift it is what God has placed on you Hallelujah so um now I came here and I just healed that to the voice of the Holy Spirit of course the beginning will never be easy most often it's always very tough but keep doing it so um and after a while I started seeing the hand of God moving now this brings me back to the topic of this video why is God not letting you get a job why is it that you're struggling but not able to really get that opportunity could it be that God is calling you could it be that there's an assignment you have to do in the kingdom of God that you are not really seeing or paying attention so now I'm not saying that if you're a man of God the minister of God you're not supposed to work there are other things I do right there are other things I do but there is just this um time that God will want um for you to spend with him when you have the call of God upon your life when he has called you into Ministry called you into his work called you to preach called you to go out there and win souls culture to become a helper in the kingdom of God when he has reached you as such he will need for you to spend time with him quality time with him about 80 percent of your time should be spent with the Lord trust me if you're a minister of God you're not doing that then I don't know because it's not easy it's it's risky I'll put it that way and for you to grow you have to spend that time with God let's say 70 percent to 80 of your time I know we have things to take care of right but even while you're walking you may put on the same on your listening to that this is spending time with God you're walking and you have um a free time you can just get into the world read something that is still spending time with God right so God wants us to give him that time he wants us to give him that time some of us he has seen that you cannot work and give him that time at the same time and so no matter how hard you try that door just keeps closing go back to him and ask him don't pray against it if it's from God because he will not change if he's from God no matter how hard you pray against it it will not change except it's not from God hallelujah go back to him and ask him Lord what do you want me to do what do you require of me could it be that you just want me to spend time with you so that you can build me prepare me train me give me the capacity that I need help me and then there will come a time when you will release me to do something at that time you're going to know that okay I will be able to handle this one and that one I don't know if this is making sense there are ministers of God who have many things doing and it's very advisable that is something that we should do right but there Comes A Time I'm telling you this truth that the Lord will isolate you that no matter how hard you try to get into something you will not be able to get into it at that time it means at that particular moment in that season God is calling you to spend time with him because there is something in you that he wants to build something in you that he wants to bring out so heal to the voice of the Holy Spirit at that time heal to what God is doing at that time praying against the will of God at that time will not help it's not going to help it's just going to bring in delay it is when you succumb when you finally surrender that is when you will find peace now that is where faith comes in remember Walking with God is working with faith or by faith you have to walk by faith you can't walk with God and you don't walk by faith whatever he tells you you may not see it you may not feel it you may not smell it you may not taste it you may not have even heard about it but as long as God has told you do it do it trust in him Hallelujah heal to it it will bring forth fruit it will bring forth results that will bless you a season will come when God will release you maybe to work or another thing and in that time he will open the door and he will speak to you about it he will tell you about it and that will bring confirmation to your spirit that it is of gold I'm not saying people should go and not work no please don't get me wrong I'm just speaking to those who are going through this situation and also when God places you in a place he will provide for you he will make a way and so don't be afraid he's the god that makes the way where there seems to be no way you find yourself in the wilderness God Will Supply he will provide for you as long as you are obedient to him doing his will he will supply he will provide have peace in your spirit don't be troubled just make sure it is God's will and you are going to come out happy grateful rejoicing in him Hallelujah God bless you in Jesus mighty name I see you prevailing I see you conquering in Jesus might name amen hope this was a blessing to you hope he spoke to you and give you Clarity if it was don't forget to like it please share the video also with someone subscribe if you are new you are welcome to join the family I'm very grateful I love you so much stay blessed stay in the Lord stay encouraged I hope to see you again shortly by his special Grace
Channel: God's Word with Chantal Ekabe
Views: 242,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: god message, god message today, god says, god's message today, prophetic word, prophetic prayer, prophetic word today, daily prophetic word, prophetic word shhh, julie green, prophetic word for today, wealth transfer, i need a prophetic word, prophetich word today, god message for you today, prophetic words, julie green 2022, powerfull prophetic prayer, Powerfull Prophetic Prayer, WHY GOD Is Not Letting You Get A Job, No Matter How Hard You Try, chantal ekabe, Get A Job
Id: zEK3dYdlSxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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