I Gave The Cummins Mustang Even MORE Power

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that's a little better than it used to be daniel forklands or draft race dude i don't know if i'd tell you to record this or not because we're getting ready to rip the front bumper off the smokestack you know uh one thing i've also noticed is on top of it having a blown head gasket now whenever i start it up it has a weird tick oh yeah that's what we're doing by the way we blew up the head gasket the last time we took the smoke sting out but now guys over power driven diesel got a fire ringed head for us when we got the humvee so now we're gonna put the head on but hey she stopped flopping she's swaying in the breeze hey look at that he didn't even scrape i did no it did yeah it did no it did yeah i did no it did everybody hates it when i smoke out the dude it looks like we're casting potions in here we're doing redneck sorcery you know we went to sema i'd like to tell you guys that we did all kinds of cool things that we did but there wasn't nothing like they wouldn't want me to do a burnout in a single thing there so there's nothing really to show besides for haley deegan took me for a ride in a brand new gt5000 [Music] we had to figure out the advanced track for a minute we had to go through the settings they have a uh going through the drive-through setting they have a sport mode setting track mode setting yeah i think there was a couple settings in there to go to church but you know we finally found the right one and that bad boy is greater it did tell us to read the manual on the settings and we did well i opened the glove box and i looked to the manual and i'm like that's a lot of reading i don't know how to read but besides that we was ready to go but can you believe this ford wouldn't let me drive it ford i've got the best mustang in the world and you won't let me drive a gt500 why you know the bad news is i don't have enough money to buy a new bumper come on parker put that there i didn't put that there you put that thing do it i have it on camera but you watched me put it there trying to sabotage my dude i bet you scratched it oh my god look what you did this was a good bumper before i already like that we're about to get a new bumper it's already like that we're gonna have to get a new one look at this i can't believe you look at our nice clean antifreeze oh yeah that looks like oh dear lord yeah it does not look good we got oil in the water definitely but the burnout we just did didn't add any more look how cool this is you pull this bam open and then bam as soon as he gets that bolt out it just pops right out 100 convinced that that was the fusible link that kept the head gasket in the engine was the boost tube is blowing apart because the first time we have it where the boost tubes didn't flow apart what does it say fall apart all right maybe try again tomorrow boost didn't fall apart there we go the boost poops first time we had it where the booth pipes didn't fall apart is when the head gasket went out [Music] [Applause] [Music] hold on tastes all right i don't know there's just a little bit of a leak tastes a little bit like you won't hold this turbo oh god damn it it's hot it's hot dude it was so hard to turn my hand brown that could have been the rust i was leaking right there pretty bad yeah a little bit maybe a gasket next time we'll put a gasket on i've got a gasket for it dude you know every time i say the smokestains twin turbo it's so much easier to say twin turbo than compound boasted and everybody's like it's compound boosted you noob i bet you didn't even build that car suck mike oh yeah dude i love this thing ignore that you see the torque rating on them are 80 foot-pounds i tied them to 150 foot-pounds because i didn't want the head gasket to blow i guess what it didn't work oh sure i don't remember the turbo comes off of it in the car they see those look at that turbo look at all the black stuff in the back the spinning stuff in the front first time i went to sema there was this guy at the arp booth that had a 16-cylinder ls engine and he was a dick i walked up and i'm like damn you bolted two ls motors together hell yeah he's like sir we molded them together we didn't bolt them together we forged the cranks together in a steel oven and we forged the box together i'm like you should have melted it it's been so much easier i'm already tired right i'll be back with impact we just loosened the last head bolt and the whole head just went junk i've never seen a head come unsealed like that like normally you gotta like go really pull dude that thing just look you know how much these head bolts were these head bolts were eleven hundred dollars for these and they said you will not blow a head gasket with it they lied to me the head gasket blew and i wasn't doing nothing i was just driving to church i don't know leisurely driving the head gasket goes boom i think we'll have to bring the forklift over here and lift the [Music] not headband all right lift up did we hallucinate the rockers no that's fine no just keep it going up no something's alright it's been lift up the back of it lift it alright it didn't come up evenly here pull up on it what there it goes we've been that head stuck i think so you know i don't think we did unless we up the threads we might reuse that dude you can see right here where we blew the head gasket goodbye snowman you've survived well over 100 pounds of boost multiple times you won the race to get sqlitus and now it's time for you to rest for a little bit one more thing before we leave let's pull the head gasket off oh dude what's that blown yeah she's having a good time now they're not good oh my god every single cylinder is like pitted and i scored all right so inside this box is a fire ringed head from power driven diesel a fire ringed head is the best thing you can do to keep from blowing head gaskets on a cummins engine with that much boost i don't even turn the screen around to see if i look good oh oh you broke it all right guys so we got the cylinder head up here you can see where that fire ring sits in a groove on the bottom of this we're going to take and put this bad boy on we're going to put that head gasket on this time hopefully the head gasket doesn't blow the turbos are installed the cylinder heads back on the new head gasket installed and while we was doing it we went ahead and adjusted the timing all the way up she's got like i don't know 30 degrees of timing now it might be hard to start but if it does start it'll make a lot of power oh god damn you hear that man that's a lot of times ladies and gentlemen we've got a lot more fuel added to it as you can hear the knocking now so i guess let's see if she does any better [Applause] [Music] uh that's a little better than it used to be when you add more time it takes forever for it to spool but once it spooled did you feel it i'm like dude i'm not even joking i've never had that much smoke in a car with me i couldn't see the dash so now the thing is let's go out and see if she's any more powerful than she was before it spins it burnt dang this thing's a cruiser cool come on build food baby the throttle's stuck wide open dude i don't know why it's doing that you go full throttle with it look like right there it's jammed full throttle open and then you can push it back it's got all the springs on it i don't know why it's catching full throttle like that i know you won't go fast baby but we can't go fast all the time as much fun as it might be we probably don't want to be driving around a car with 800 plus horsepower with the throttle sticking almost wide open good thing is we got a switch in there just shuts off the fuel but why do we both smell fire nothing smoking for some reason i'm smelling fire really bad right now come on baby i know what that burning smell was it was the fuel solenoid on the fuel pump yeah that thing's wow how you guys doing with you yeah yeah perfect opportunity say broke down on three down thank you weston we watch all your videos oh hey i appreciate that i gotta get back to figuring out how to get back to my shop you guys that's awesome i've got an idea i just wedged my pocket knife into the fuel pump to make it run let's go please start baby yes pocket wine for a win and here's a funny thing put it in park turn off the switches still running but i'll show you our shutdown switch is amazing bam there's your new key you know i love you but sometimes i just wish you'd work a little bit better with me we're gonna get through this we're gonna go to counseling we're gonna find a new way to communicate i'm gonna hit you with a hammer
Channel: Westen Champlin
Views: 3,928,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aJwW6wfP240
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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