I Put Every Minecraft Dimension Through Google Translate 1 QUADRILLION Times...

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so apparently guys the last time I Google translated the dimensions of Minecraft was over a year ago I feel so old so I thought just for today let's Google translate the Minecraft Dimensions again and to make it more interesting we're going to Google translate the dimensions 10 trillion times 100 trillion times and to finish off the video One quadrillion times some of these dimensions are very silly some of them are very chaotic and some of them well some of them are just scary don't go in that one if you guys do enjoy this video remember to like and sub and let's get into the video to start things off on Google translate our first Dimension we're going to Google translate the nether 10 trillion times not found okay what if we have like an texture missing kind of a corrupt Dimension yeah let's try something along these lines okay so we have ourselves some error and then we also have error portal igniter so let's just build oursel a nice portal Boop um what uh um so welcome to the not found corrupt Dimension where literally every single structure can spawn in like you can see desert temple has tried to spawn in here beneath an end City there's a lot going on and then of course we have the error not found mobs hey buddy yep you're okay H and when we're actually exploring the dimension I'm hoping it'll happen soon oh my goodness there's a there's a full nether fortress here as well oh oh no uh-oh um so when you're in this Dimension you're also going to get pop-ups that you'll have to get rid of let's have a look if this is all intact this is spawned as well as it possibly can does the Trap still work yep it definitely still does uhoh and if we manage to break one of these blocks we get ourselves error items and oh this is a lot of error items and if we right click with these error items it just blows up woo we got some fossil spawning in as you do then uh witchard hi are you a little bit lost let's see if we can fight one of the locals in hand toand combat oh no oh no no no no this is a bad idea what if we use our error item to blow them up oh okay let's kill one of these not found oh it's going to work one of these gosh dang times error uhoh error no die not found there we go and they drop another error errors everywhere yay woo let's Google translate the next Dimension since we've just done the nether now let's Google translate the end 10 trillion times this is a treasure let's make the end Dimension a treasure so you know might be thinking Rie why are you standing next to Ruby all well I've now added Ruby or to the game and if we mine up the Ruby or they'll drop some rubies and there's a brand new use for the Ruby if we put the diamond here and the Ruby there this is a treasure portal igniter and to make this portal we're going to need some diamond blocks so let's just make a diamond block portal like this and then with this portal igniter we'll just Boop we have ourselves a golden block texture with diamond or we're in this is treasure everywhere yeah this is like the last treasure Dimension we did but like 10 times better we got emeralds we got gold diamond treasure blocks the drop treasure one broken this is the best day ever we also have to be very careful because there are chest monsters that are now charging at me I'm sorry treasure oh okay ah the treasures are angry good thing for us there's a little bit of wood we can probably use oh my goodness the treasure is here go away chest me we can use our golden wood to make golden planks and we the golden planks we get some sticks let's make ourselves a diamond sword with our brand new treasure let's just get some revenge on these treasure chests yeah free loot Baby Woo these guys actually drop a lot of loot oh they do a lot of damage though thank you don't mind if I do but yeah this is the this is treasure Dimension just beware of these treasure monsters they do drop a lot of loot but they definitely Pack-a-Punch you also got mounds of treasure spawning across the dimension so yeah this is what the end Island looks like if it was Google translated 10 trillion times pretty cool as this video goes on we're going to keep adding Dimensions to this collection until we have some of the most chaotic and greatest dimensions of all time let's do this okay let's Google translate the Overworld 10 trillion times luck has run out what about the world's most unluckiest Dimension how would that work for our next Dimension we have these bad luck blocks this is is your one way stop to bad luck baby woo okay officially out of luck damn that is so cool in giant red bold text it's telling us that this is unlucky but you know what we're going to go in anyway 3 2 1 uh the world's unluckiest D oh there's already an ender dragon that that's a lot of dragons we've got slowness to and bad luck to that's not a good start let's just seek cover in one of these little Huts don't mind me dragons oh there's a RAV up no no no no no no no no no no no no what about in here is this one safe no no no it was a trap don't mind me Dragons I'm just going to get shelter in this there's another ravager don't mind me Mr ravager nope no NOP this time we're going to avoid the lava we're just going to seek shelter and there's another ravager oh no okay well so much for taking shelter in one of these Huts this Dimension is probably impossible to survive in um except the fire trees look pretty cool with these unlucky blocks hi dragon dragon these nuts oh no we're going to Google translate the nether not 10 trillion times but we're going to Google translate the nether 100 trillion times let's do this woo leave a comment I think I have an idea for this Dimension okay so with our brand new leave a comment block from yours truly I've asked you guys to leave a comment so let's head into the leave a comment Dimension and see what you guys have said oh no boom let's go W so you might be thinking right now this Dimension is a little bit Bland you know there's not a lot going on but what you guys might not see yet is all of these blocks dotted around the dimension are random picked comments from my comment section let's just fly down to this one this one says make a bear for Freddy fosberry thanks Nick glaves great comment what about this one over here we got 06 Oham Oham indeed let's just go and look at as many comments as we possibly can two words crusty crab give me money SpongeBob where's my money what about this one it's CTI party face reveal this is what my face looks like on screen right now that's me fat men thanks the Ador s you guys should definitely listen to Tom Cooper 8363 from 2 days ago that would be really awesome smash yeah yay I in his video yay yay I in his video Woo hurger thanks crafty jumper I agree hamburger hamburger some of these comments why no chimpin house why no chimpin house for any drag okay maybe we actually have to add chimpin house in the next mod IDE I'm very sorry Rosie Robin says queso queso queso where queso what do you ah one of my personal favorites make a big big big balls yeah I'll make a big big big balls big big big big balls well those were some of your comments from your comment Dimension some of them are pretty epic some of them were definitely comments mhm let's Google translate the next Dimension let's Google translate the end Dimension 100 trillion times oh no hands everywhere we can make a dimension off this okay so I may have may not made a dimension where hands are literally everywhere okay we're going to grab ourselves the hand block we have hands inside of a hand which are holding two hands and there we go oh no this is going to be very cursed so let's just jump in and see what happens okay let's go woo um hello hands anywhere oh that's not a very nice sound it reminds me of the last foot Dimension I made once where are the hands that live here oh it's the feet brother let's go say hi to the hands hey guys high five yeah why is it so wriggly why are your fingers moving like that sir uh I just got the hand item from the hand hey guys high five high five look how wriggly they are it sounds like they're type in away on a keyboard okay let's just kill these guys we've killed the natives when you kill these hand guys you'll actually get their hands let me just show what these hand items do when we right click with a hand it will grab every block and wipe it out of existence let's see if this is true um that was more blocks than I expected these little guys are so cool let's just make an army of these guys an army of hands ah no so what is the Overworld Google translated 100 trillion times listen to the voices Google translate you okay I kind of gather this one's going to be scary uh-oh it's night time you know what that means okay so we have this scary block here let's just build a portal I'm not a fan of this one okay I think the voices are coming from this portal right here so just beware this one might be a little bit spooky hello I'm listening to the voices let's just try and survive one minute I don't like this we're going to use the scary logs to make some scary planks what what is that oh my gosh oh my oh my go what is that help me I don't know where I am I don't know where I am right now I've turned down the Whispers please make it stop please make it stop what is no build what is this why can't I run no no no please stay back stay back no no no no no no that was probably one of the most terrifying experiences I've had in Minecraft let's do it again okay this time I kind of want to peel back the curtain and just drink milk get rid of the blindness so this is what the dimension looks like on its own and oh this is terrifying why do the trees look like that what am I looking at right now oh no I'm going to have nightmares tonight I'm going to pee the bed I am going to wet myself build build build build build build build build yeah not so clever now are you scary pngs how foolish no now we're moving onto the big guns Google translate the nether one quadrillion times let's do this um actually this information has never um actually oh there he is this is the one guy at the back of your class that will just um actually all right let's light this bad boy up look at the little particles coming up let's enter the I'm actually Dimension wo oh no oh he's everywhere it's a nasty sound as well I feel like I'm going to be corrected any second and here they are in their wild habitat hello sir would you like to purchase some of my lemonade I'm sorry buddy you've corrected too many people I'm just going to put you at misery probably not the best solution but you're going to die oh I angered all of them by killing their friends but we do have the nerd item now and if we right click with a nerd item um actually if you have to steal memes then you could get shed because you are stealing intellectual property and your creator can shoot you first please stop doing this before illegal action will be taken I'm sorry buddy or if we right click again um actually it's spells okay okay and not okay gosh dang it I'm I'm sorry nerd I'm sorry for not knowing that that that's my bad ow no I'm sorry what did I do what did I do they've come to correct me oh I'm sorry ah let's finally Google translate the end one quadrillion times let's do this wo fire banish it sounds like we're going to h e double hockey sticks um that's not good okay if we grab ourselves the fire block and also the fire Dimension portal igniter we're about to be banished Into the Fire banish Dimension wish us luck um is this what h e double hockey sticks looks like her Herobrine uhoh how on Earth am I going to survive this Dimension ow ow ow ow ow ow okay put up the fire Herobrine what the bad mobs will spawn on us I suppose there's more Herobrine no no no no no similar to the bad luck dimension in this Dimension bad mobs can spawn anywhere and on top of us uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh this is one of the other spawners challenge for this Dimension with all of this wood that is definitely going to burn and all of this water to stop me from burning can I retrieve the diamond block let's find out I'm coming diamond block ow ow water go go go go go water protect me water not so clever now are we blazes uh-oh the blazes are still clever creeper ah no water ah build build build build build build build build we're so close water clutch no I will get this diamond block okay spe Bridge what up so close come on baby come on let's go yeah we oh no the diamond block the diamond Block's back there no yeah we did it oh so what do we from this video I don't really know but if you guys want to download these dimensions for free the link to these will be in the description down below make sure to sub and like and I'll see you guys next video bye-bye
Channel: ReniDrag
Views: 474,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: putting minecraft through google translate, minecraft google translate, minecraft, google translate minecraft, minecraft google translated, google translate minecraft 100 times, minecraft google translate memes, i google translated minecraft 100 times then made a custom mod, google translate minecraft 100000, my job java minecraft, my job java renidrag, i google translated minecraft, google translating minecraft, google translate minecraft mobs 100 times, my job java, reni, renidrag
Id: G1gZua9TB94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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