I Pushed Every NEW Hypercharge to 1000 Trophies to see which is best?! 🤔 (#4)

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we have seven brand new hyperchargers and brawl Stars so we're going to push every single one of them to 1,000 trophies to see which ones are good which ones are bad and then we're going to be ranking them from best to worst along the way starting with Frank and his new hypercharge and he got a rework but it's seismic smash Frank super now hits an entire circle around him it gives him speed damage and shield so I'm very curious to see how he is with the new buff and this hypercharge he's probably going to be meta so we're going to time this push as well for each brawler just to kind of gauge how long it takes kind of helps you gauge how good they are oh but I'm very excited for Frank here so basically attacks the same everything the rework I think is just only on he attacks faster the low's HP he has does he get speed boost too when he's low or is that just me being crazy so essentially it's the freaking thrower bro watch this boom dead I just ate damage that whole first goal and I got half of my hypercharge oh that was that was bad pass you can see the fast attack look at that look at that Victory Frank on the other team and he has the rework skin look at that I want to see ver morrises bro he's tags so fast boom boom boom if you have three hits and I have hypercharge we're just going to go for it it's all around it still stone that mortise Victory okay didn't look at bro look at those attacks go okay I'm going to go I'm going to Super all of them I mean that's a far range I mean I got the BB the the hard one a the triple stun potential with that and it breaks open all those walls so it's actually kind of double edged cuz it breaks open all those walls boom all stun except for the RICO someh oh that range is ridiculous look at that stun it breaks open every single wall too Frank might be new best tank so was going great with Frank and I'm Blown Away how good he is now but I do think there is value in using his other Gadget cuz the hypercharge is so strong and like important to make sure it gets off all right so we actually switched to noise cancelling Gadget took off the plus one I might put it back cuz like Brawlers like Tara Brawlers like Primo can cancel it out and I feel like one for his main super but then also for just the hypercharge value so good oh get owned so that's going to be for the RICO St there we go oh get blocked see that's why that Gadget was key that they would have scored if I didn't do that Victory and now we are over 850 there we go got the double stun I'm sure to get off stopped him stun in the goal let's go Victory we one away from 900 it's crazy how much better Frank is I cannot stand that he still does have counters like the typical counters like the coletes and all the stuns the gadget just kind of helps and then the the killing the Brawlers is nice like little motus there I got fast attack trying to open it up for the Lily that's a great play right there the LI is crazy now too dude so I'm going to get mine off stun him oh he has the gadget too so that's a chain right there with that he got three supers off and that's the craziness that you can have I've been trying to get those but he's are the threat right there look at that but we also got to get this skin basically a recolor of caveman Frank right or old caveman Frank we'll see how it is and then the skin was okay but the games were going great all of us were making crazy plays and we ended up hitting 950 trophies already but then we did lose a little bit after that but after all of this playing we were getting much better with Frank CU I'm to be honest we didn't really played before cuz he's one of the worst Brawlers we got back to 950 now and we're kind of rolling again bro you see me just melt that cordelius with the new Frank trait oh my gosh so I can't get thrown or Gadget it we Gadget 955 that's why Frank hypercharge crazy just opened it all up on their side man all right we're two games away dude I can't believe how much better Frank is I will say that's a much better skin that that guy has but it all depends on the match up like is he using the headphone gear Gadget I don't know what it's [Music] called normally I would have just straight up not be able to do that much damage to buz he would have got on me probably walked to my other side not kill I almost killed him there but this is where we have that's where the gadget comes in we kill him good goal see if I didn't have that Gadget not a goal oh I got stunned not be able to do much wasz missed we do the relay good for the first 1,000 of the hyper charges oh chestone Frank estone Gadget useful then I'm going to break the Wall go just easy access goals okay Frank coming in H with a stun I just nuked our side I don't know if that's worth it usually you want to Nuke the other team side not your side the bre side though we can get defense it will help Chino cuz he has a sniper it's not all for not ah we stuned them too there's nothing that's where that other Gadget does come in with the drag but you need it right now especially in ladder just ladder matches dude okay he's got a gadget can we kill him that's big they got the max let's freaking go obviously Frank's taking that number one spot in the hypercharge ranking cuz how we look at it how better it makes the brawler but he does get some bonus points for the rework but Frank number one but he's the only one we pushed next up is my boy Angelo getting the H bt1 thank you speed damage Shield plus 5% during hyper charge Angelo super follows him so Angelo was already a really strong brawler the downside was a super rang is really small we have a 977 trophy so maybe this one won't be too long but we'll go to drem grab and just see how he fares I would like to know to note I'm a two-time Angelo master from Mastery Mayhem oh but that L is going to be so frustrating and I have the wrong Gadget I need the jump Gadget oops we literally lost cuz of that Gadget I Had No Escape ability and we have Poco double tank with a Frank hypercharge nice okay okay we got that super D so normally my hypercharger would follow me okay big kill I will say since Angelo's a little bit harder to hit shots means if you're not sniping quick like I don't even have the hypercharge yet it's been the full game going to get those I just got the hypercharge ladies and gentlemen so Angelo's already fast too but now he's like crazy movement speed with it but we didn't even get the super first game well second game we lost first one but then we lost again and realized that it takes so freaking long to get Angelo's hypercharged like you need three cycles of three supers like as again the next game we got it at the very end of the game so it didn't feel great so far but maybe I just really just needed to land more shots or something something but with Angelo that obviously that is hard to be always Landing shots unless they're just running right at you especially when we're this high of in trophies already even that Angelo's so strong as a character I'm already seeing like this hyper charge probably not going to make that massive of a difference land it on Sandy there we go landed on him again big kills see a game like that I hit all my a lot of my shots chain two supers with Angelo which is already tough to do and we still aren't even that close I mean I get they don't want to make Angelo crazy but like man it like with Franks you get it nonstop like it almost reminds me of tick hypercharge where it's say so long but maybe it's that impactful all right we've landed like every single one of our shots so far we're like halfway there not even a third of the way there oh my gosh we still one shot a TI halfway there you know I'm just going to keep my super in case I get this hypercharge and I'm not going to grab gems I want this to go on a little longer never mind tun's like I don't want this longer we're one game away way dude I've landed so many shots we're barely even there don't grab them juny snipped jump away and three wait why did I use my super guys it's just Instinct I was contemplated throwing there guys just so we could go longer we hit rank 30 I'm just going to say it Angelo right now is in sixth place we're going to keep playing just until I actually hypercharge activate use it good okay guys we actually have the hypercharge see if we can make this come back so it follows you the auto poison the freaking kid just makes them alive but we kept them low oh my gosh that was clutched by solar too but I don't think that hypercharge is worth how long I had to wait for it bro I get it's good but they nerfed angang was poison it takes so long to get you get one maybe a game and the poison isn't even as strong as it used to be and I said six before cuz I forgot there were seven that this is seventh place for right now it is incredibly hard to get and also cuz Angelo's still really good the hypercharger doesn't make him that better next up is Ric Rico's Super projectiles bounce even further so is that kind of like his mutation speed damage and shield I think the that's what's going to be crazy we already got final boss engaged here this gadget did get nerfed let's try Robo retreat with him so we're going to go into Hot Potato hopefully Rico's like hyperchargers easier to get than Angelo's man the gadget still melts okay we we are r Treat engag I'm going to try and get this Frank kill oh we are cooking right now we are actually so close to Super I mean hypercharge it's not super okay I'm going to try and hit the dino okay I have super but I have the hyper charge don't have super I'm just going to didn't get that activate Okay we have it to see it right about I want to hit these Franks with it oh you can chain it too I was about to chain it but I got stunned the last two wins we didn't really get a hypercharge cuz we won so freaking fast that's a scary comp look at that just after the opening fight we already have hypercharge basically it's actually progress unlike freaking Angelo there we have hypercharge look at that dude oh Rico's I like a lot we're one away the robo Retreat is working but I'm going to do it with super bouncy deal more damage with more bounces cuz the hyper charge increases the bounce range but then we ran into Frank Lily here man and they were just too op I mean they're nerfed now a little bit when you're watching this but Frank and Lily so crazy we lost twice in a row like they maybe over buffed him that this time which they did like making the two worst Brawlers become the best but then we fa him again for the third time again three times in a row Frank Lily the two Buffs and they're just MVPs now oh my gosh man that's crazy [Music] okay we finally defeated it I think the play is just don't give Frank get him low he does no damage then don't attack him we let him go to the safe Lily you can leave maybe all right so we're two games away again Lily I think is more scary on this map than Frank cuz yeah like the Frank you can just leave Lily surprisingly know you can't but they do have Mo which more just like a dive over the safe which is scary like you can see that 30% already I think I like Robo Retreat better too I mean I get bouncing but gadg to him there we go oh my gosh Lily just melted me bro okay we got him hit the apit a bunch we got to actually kill that apit with the bounces look at that damage bro the actra bounce oh one away I do think I like Robie better though the downside to Chuck is we just have to win fast but he's a slow setup here honestly I'm just going to go give my bounces and gadgets off 1% come [Music] on oh my gosh let's go we freaking got a 1% win I like R's hyper charge I think Frank is just makes him so much more like better Rico's already strong I'm going to put Rico number two right now next up is barley he's my lowest trophies at 598 that just shows I've never played this brawler and I wouldn't have played him unless he got this hypercharge barley RS three big Brews that also destroy all bush is on impact Bush destroying is interesting cuz like it kind of helps him out but not really we'll see how big they are I we played like hypercharge b a couple Diamond but I never really saw it so obviously he's so low so it's going to take longer but I think we'll get to really see if it's hypercharge is amazing or not we got a mortise right off the start I wonder when we'll start seeing all the Franks and I mean we have Frank Lily on our team I'm also just trying to see Frank you could EAS walk that in let's go how quick I'm charging my hypercharge but halfway after like one super we won too quick all right let's see this hypercharge in action we're going to pass it up hypercharge and just throw it three big brw and my attacks are dealing 2,200 a shot with that hypercharge damage I think that will be the crazy part oh no oh no we thre oh nice block he could have walked that in so like the big brw is breaking the grass I don't know but dealing 2200 a shot with barley that was that felt good so winds were coming in Fast and early on I wasn't Blown Away by the hyper charge I mean you could charge it at an okay speed but it really just felt like his normal super just more damage but like just check out this game right here go see like that hypercharge super right there like it it basically accomplished the same goal as my original Super would maybe I'm just blown away by Franks and Ricos it's not bad it's not like crazy and I mean okay here we go R kind of through but you saw my h doing like 2,000 a tick it's like ah it last a little bit longer than the main super was not great friends you should have won that one but it's just like the normal super to me that's what it feels like and that that breaks grass still better than Angelo though can you actually get it now after that we hit 800 trophies but it took a quick break to grind and play on the treadmill but I started to warm up using his hypercharge now because it actually wasn't that bad we're 975 we're so close I I did maybe underestimate the hypercharge a little bit in its damage but I still do stand like it doesn't overall make oh there we go doesn't overall make barley like that much better of a brawler obviously hyper charges make Brawlers better but like say this super here if I could get my hypercharge in there it would melt any tank like even the Franks the like Franks are everywhere so the damage I was a little bit wrong about and you can see I just like how too like if you get a lot of them in the Brew you can chain it and get two kind of like similar to lose oh right big and Lily so strong dude I have a feeling they're going to emergency Nerf L dude they got to she is the best brawler so there we go we chained it and see how we just melted that Frank so you melted Frank again that's what I mean it's got some crazy damage there victory nice goal we're so close we just need to stop losing okay two games away good perfect just got to deal with this freaking Frank he doesn't have this P Gadget let's go never charge M that Frank passing It Up victory let's go one game away after that we lost a few in a row and it was a grind to get 1K we get close we lose get close again lose I mean barley just wasn't great in The Meta when Lily was at full power and Frank is just hard to kill so I can't knock him too much but man 4 hours in we were finally one trophy away from 1K again oh my gosh guys we finally are facing a freaking Lily question mark names I me are good going to be tough game like Lily is literally I can't do anything versus her it's insane the speed Rico bro just kept him at Bay and I switched to heal the heel was a big difference for barley too I don't know why I wasn't using it at all it's so good super got that defense let's go oh Gail killed them let's go big can we have our hyper charge if we need it which we do let's go I didn't even mean to pass it up there I meant to click my hypercharge and it was just auto aim I do think Rico is better than Barley's but barley is not as bad as I was initially thinking it's just he's again hard counter by lilan L are everywhere and Frank's hard to kill so he's third place next up we're going to do Piper cuz I want to play Jem grab and here we go so here's our hyper charge hyper drops even more bombs as she departs at an increased Speed The increased speed would be good she also destroys train when she lands does it knock back when she lands or just destroy really that's not bad speed damage and shield okay I push her a decent amount in ranked but not trophies you see I only have at rank 26 but I played a lot of Angelo so I'm hoping to be good with Piper hopefully it carries over and hopefully it's faster than barley I think it should be even though we have her low it's kind of nice like oh get get bodied get bodied nice I just got bodied nice I didn't realize she was dead or alive um it's kind of nice though cuz it's not as stressful brawl ball dude like oh we got that we're one away from the oh my gosh we have hyper charge okay we're going to do it right here I just want to see what it looks oh my gosh that is so fast Rems me like the Primo jump from the mutations oh get body bopping we're bopping right now bopping popping bopping a I should have supered but at least it seems like you like Angelos you couldn't get I got two with Piper and I feel like I hit the same amount of shots just for fun though I'm going to use homemade recipe not today Buzz I thought he was going to die I really do like her hypercharge I think it actually is useful in ads to her cuz like you want to break everything around you faster with Piper cuz you usually want the map open and the speed to allow you to land quicker is nice then it was going great except for me forgetting to update the trophies on the top there but Piper's hyper felt really good for her so I feel like in this meta the knockback gadget is like basically going to be needed unless like you're in ranked or something and you know that the enemy doesn't have like a dive B cuz there's lit melod IR relevant just tanks in general Buzz is very popular so the knockback is so good but this hypercharge man you get it so quick which is good it's actually useful then mortise is always a popular brawler too we all know this I'm going to break this walls and then I land and do I break my entire side too after we kill okay we'll do it now ready boom break that side we do break that like it's just so good cuz Piper wants the map open you know what I mean and that just helps you achieve that goal faster the speed of the jump is actually useful too and that's not even indicating like the hypercharge shot it's good yeah I like it after that we quickly hit 850 trophies and then I realized this hypercharge allowed you to go full off pen of Piper if you wanted to you can even use it offensively dude we love it you can just go in wait I just realized guys this is our 900 trophy game Sorry I'm not used to going this fast really struggle with barley this is all the gems right here so we need to kill that there we go yeah this hyper charge surprisingly like I didn't think it was going to be good when I first saw it but I really do like it just the speed jump and then obviously Piper shots dealing more damage like if you don't want to jump you just use a hypercharge it's kind of crazy how much damage or shots do look at that 900 trophy Piper already going much smoother than barley it's getting late I'm really tired we're one game away from 950 though and we have to deal with all Lily again it's not like I can dive her oh you made a mistake that the opening that up just so I can see if a lily hopefully is coming just need one [Music] Jam land it okay perfect perfect survived the first Lil on slaught we have two jumps and Hyper charges now just jumped oh my gosh I'm glad I jumped what I did cuz we like landed right on her I think we're two games away man we're two games away we have to take down a lily once again are so stressful with her man like what do I do here she jumps on me I die anyone dies honestly except for if you're Frank okay big shots Big Shots Lily has to pick those up big shots yes we freaking beat the Lily dude no Lily on this last one so we're one away again okay we have knockback for the Carl if they're really really nice and move with quick with their movements hard to hit but then the piper I hope that she's not running home cuz that gives her Advantage but Sni Dr the start Good Start snipped him snipped him there we go okay we need we just what the heck is this we just did really well versus that Max Landing shots Bang's going in we have the hyper charge we're on countdown get out of here here sir oh I just threw dude I I didn't think his back was going to hit me I'm so it's late we're tired watch that like throws us the game I would cry oh my gosh the clutch there let's freaking go I'm playing all day so give me cut me some slack Piper it helps her out a lot you can you can makes her be aggressive a lot more opens walls and the hypercharge shots so I'm actually going to put hers number three for now I'm thinking putting number two over Rico but we'll see for that cuz Rico's so good too but for now barley gets moved down and then obviously Angela with the last still on to M getting her hypercharge M pushes enemies to the outer edge of her supron activation and follows up with a dose of her spray a lot of speed damage and some Shield basically my task is go along this right side there still is Liles here too but we got Chino on the Lily this time oh my gosh the old best brawler in Draco gets melted nice Otis actually is a tough brawler for me to deal with or not Draco on the other hand is not did I say is not oh my gosh the bo boy did not die okay Draco was bodying us but I have my hyper charge now so you can chain it but you can't cuz of the the delay with it all right so we killed the Draco finally but was it off or not draco's still good all right we're basically back where we started let's see if this is better another Lily I swapped vision gear on too okay so after like one fight oh this is great for me okay we turned it around you see we're almost one one game away from 900 but I didn't really get her hyper charge so for the 900 game we should see some hyper charges here cuz of the tanks and that's what m is used for a lot of time tank counter so you after like two shots with a tank I'm halfway there okay we have our hyper charge Fang has a hyper [Music] charge so push them to the outer ring like it said and then my I shoot and then I deal extra damage that this it's solid got to get rid of that maybe same thing as barley but the speed will help a lot with M's but I I have to see more of it like when it knocks them back what if they're right on me and I use the the hyper charge so basically like a gadget pushes them to the end of the Zone too oh know we got 100 trophies to figure it out okay we have hypercharge we're going to go for it so he does push him to the into the Zone he put me to sleep where's this melody good good trade we yeah it's basically like the gadget one pull clip a third of a charge a fourth of a charge it charges fairly quick we're trying to protect Gino let Breath Again worked out the hypercharge saved us bro nice we're rolling and it's going very well I do do like the hypercharger totally counted that Leon cuz it just pushes him back [Music] bro oh get on Angelo we we like it we like it a lot after that we got to 950 cuz of an underdog game but then it was a little back and forth cuz sometimes we Face triple range and M struggles a bit there but we had a nice clutch cuz of this hyper charge see the hypercharge save me Clutch up bro then we did lose a couple but a short grind later we are once again close to our six hypercharged 1K okay Jean's scary Amber's annoying for a lane cuz he outranges me but and then there's Lily wow he uses Gadget bro yes that's a big kill okay he uses Gadget again 3 2 1 he's out he's going to be in that bush see like how un unfair that is man it's wild we have everyone like basically trapped hopefully Chino has a super oh big kill let's go oh gosh he has super again and and Jean hyper pull oh kill this freaking Lily get them all let's go hyper charge and well we all just clutched there let's go we survived she's probably right there yep survive the drain surv I don't I don't even know why I'm not body blocking for a second I can die here I don't care I was too excited man Underdog for the final win but I'm going to rank hers third next up Gil since he's a cold dude it's oh literally line popsicle but skill Su slightly wider and fires toys pushing enemies even further away pretty beefy stats no I swear I dropped his pop like my popsic somewhere but I can't find it so theoretically Gail is a tank counter but he really hasn't been seen much play recently will this hypercharge make a difference we'll find out okay wait wait wait for it and we push him out of the way oh he went way far back I wasn't expecting that I don't know why that wasn't even a hypercharge super he hasn't been meta for a long time so hopefully this hypercharge helps him but it is taking long to charge even versus tanks Nice Shot I I literally got her right at the end nice goal right as we got stunned after that the game is worth stop and we still haven't got his hypercharge yet but we did get silver 2 Mastery which is cool but finally we got to use a hypercharge a few games later okay we finally have the hyper there was the Super oh I need to run the stun the slow is so good that was my first time getting the hyper charge we're going to go blesser blow though to try that try training it new star power I would actually really like it versus this comp too with the Franks the buzz everything I like how with Gail I can kind of peek on this shoot this corner Buzz right there try and pass it up nice good all around honestly get St fool how am I still alive that star power crazy and even oh he freaking tried to Super and he got denied imagine oh my gosh I didn't realiz 900 game oh my gosh we already have the hypercharge this early so when you face tanks I guess you get it super quick it I wanted to change it so bad we did almost killed the okay wait how did I get pulled for that there's no way zero shot that he got that pull off [Music] and we get that goal okay well we charge it one time versus all the tanks in the world it is I thought you would get it faster we can chain it ah okay dude it's actually really good for tanks don't blame me I just darn yes give me that goal bro now after those crazy plays we drop back to reality where we lost the next few and we needed something a bit more consistent so it was back to this op gem grab map where Gail is actually really good cuz he can lock down an entire side and we are winning much more consistent now and we're only two games away from 1K all right with our win streak we're two away all right so we just basically do the tornado on the mortise usually the the tornado I'm going to use super to kill that tornado is good versus Lily too so and bang that's actually really good versus a lot of these Brawlers all right and then the vision gear is just op look at this I know you're right here but I have to help out versus Fang then I'll push you away okay we got that kill I'll take the rooll of gem carrier I guess not bad oh that's our gems right there I just need to kill that there we go we have our hypercharge on standby but I just can't get Charlie cocoon so I should probably run away works out as we're one game away the reason why I said this op gem grab map is cuz it's one of my favorites now you can play such a wide variety of things and make it work Chesters just love to run and Sprint down this side so Vision gear op I know he's right there there we go on that side now Colette I don't know where she is super just to finish out the kill normally I would save it for mortise but I have my tornadoes so it's fine ah I was trying to kill him with the super I was in a bad spot we're close to hyper if worst case scenario mortis somehow wipes but he won't cuz Mega is crazy I just want my hyper charge man C on the Lily got a last second but I don't care it's this one I do like it ranks pretty high for me the last rank 30 for Gale and we got a lot of Mastery for him too so just some careful considerations Frank I feel like is a little bit skewed number one because of his new Buffs and how good he is the hyper charge itself maybe I'm overvaluing we'll leave it there for now number two Rico crazy with the bounces number three M's the push back effect is just what's really nice I was thinking putting Piper above M but we have Piper at number four you charge it pretty quick the breaks walls it's really cool how fast it goes it actually opens up some doors for her and then I put fifth Gale um for the fact that it took so long to charge when it wasn't versus tanks but it's still good like it's still very nice and very helpful barley I dropped cuz it does take a while to get two it it is very sneaky good damage again all hyp is going to help it just didn't bump him up crazy tears I think he's still in the same spot and then number seven was Angelo cuz it just takes so dang long to get but hope you guys enjoyed it subscribe for more use code bt1 if you like these videos I'll see you guys later [Music] a
Channel: BenTimm1
Views: 227,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brawl stars, brawl stars ios, brawl stars android, brawl stars global, global release brawl stars, bentim, bentimm1, hypercharge brawl stars
Id: oMWH9a2PoiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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