I Played Yandere Simulator So You Don't Have To

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so when you work in the game industry you learn a couple of things really you learn uh that it's all a big magic trick and that the goal is really for developers to try and hide the artificiality of the game and get you lost in this fantasy reality they've created well mianeri simulator i i think it takes another approach you see i really think we could call yandev sim okay i think we could call this game a postmodern master stroke really because this game tries as hard as possible to make you aware of the fact that it is indeed an unpolished video game and yes i know it's a demo but it's been six years we gotta we gotta call it at some point i'm calling it here now yes i know i have no beard get over it uh now last time i covered yan sim two things happened i single-handedly forced yandev to finish osana which i would like more credit for please give me clap emojis in the comments uh anyway i take all credit for doing so and all of that work was my doing thank you thank you very much also last video we figured out uh that yandev has a uh a fixation on blonde-haired bombshells and dojins about big titty milfs and smug anime girls goodbye advertisers i i knew you well really i think there's two types of weebs the smug self-righteous gotcha peddler and the coomer consumer who we all know uh likes hentai and can tell us what kind of hentai it is based on a dewey decimal system now i said if something related to yan sim's development that i that i'd give it a shake who knew that literally a week later something would come out worth my time uh but it turns out i need a large hadron collider to play this game which really doesn't make for good gameplay so of course performance is gonna kind of suck and you're gonna see that when i play clips from the game but you know life's rough you know so today we're going to be comparing yan sim to not only his contemporary um comparisons that yandev has made but we're also going to be comparing it to just a couple other games in general because i play a lot of stealth action games in fact i play a lot of stealth action games but first this video was brought to you by my new merch quality clothing and prints with new designs inspired by rubber hose animation pick up a sailor scully shirt or perhaps a caffeinated af shirt down below and even on the youtube shelf except it doesn't do it right away so it'll take a day or two so let's break into this game the narrative of yan sim is is really the beginning of the problems i wanted to establish myself as a legitimate and trustworthy developer i don't understand why i'm still getting hate the moment you publicly acknowledge them they will experience orgasmic pleasure stick that cactus up your ass and vigorously violently shove it in and out of your ass one of the best functions of games is generated empathy by allowing us to live through the characters we're playing as which is why this intro is a huge problem it's basically a super long poorly animated cutscene which is funny because i i believe this is alex's specialty so uh this intro does a couple things we learn who yandere-chan is and then it introduces the first target which is our girl osana najimi with a great name just means childhood friend in english not only does this take too long it just really just it takes so it takes so long to get through this intro and then on top of that they introduce another character who's apparently extremely important that i've never heard about until now called infochan infochan is just a man in the chair type character you know like ned from spider-man except i mean he doesn't really do anything in those movies he's just there to be fat funny kid basically info chan is going to tutorialize your first run and she's the one who kind of like organizes all the contracts for um ayano who is the name of uh yandere chan also the game in these first couple of moments it really breaks the cardinal sin of ui design um which here that cardinal sin is too cluttered and putting light text on a light background graphic design is my passion rectangles and pink and white on no no on a white square great idea i gotta say the parallels between this and the hitman reboot are really apparent so i'll be comparing this to the paris level which is your first real mission in hitman season one they release the game in seasons technically is very complicated the game is great play them anyway i've played a lot of hitman 1 and hitman 2 from io interactive and uh really just i i play a lot of stealth games i i've played uh dishonored i've played the hitman games i i love stealth games metal gear solid metal gear solid i mean you can't can you really go wrong with metal gear solid now the issue with osana narratively is really this and i feel like this is going to impact the game quite negatively um because it's really something baked into what this game is at its core um yandere chan is clearly a bad person uh with a goal uh that that is bad but we as the audience should want to root for her right um if this is a persona level story we're going to spend a lot of time getting to know the people we're supposed to kill and and you can do that with osana you can get to know who she is and what she's like and and you're supposed to kind of agree with yandere chan that these are bad women that are not worth senpai's time but you know after about eight hours of playing this game what makes us asana unworthy what what makes her not worth of senpai the way we justify the kill and why we kill characters in these games right you have to make it satisfying narratively for the player you have to make osana a target worthy of the kill she needs to do more than like senpai and be the rude childhood friend tsundere who has a crush and and let's be real here uh the cop out that oh yandere chan is crazy it's really a cop-out that's what it is it's not a good enough reason for the murder okay for example look at joker right let's look at that movie he's a bad person he's he's a shitty person who does shitty things uh but what allows the audience to get behind him in a world around him right is that everybody else is much worse than he is in a way he's trying to convince the audience that we were watching this right that you know this character is the lesser evil right because these other people are responsible for systemic evil and other awful horrendous things and joker's really just putting that on display like you can make osana feel just as good and satisfying as the climax of joker right when you know she's more of a shitty person the people you kill and hit man are all worse than the government organization that or i guess it's not technical i think it's like a private organization point of the matter is is that all of the people that agent 47 kills are way worse than agent 47. if you know you were shooting mother teresa in the face it would not feel the same way now i i know the yandev fans in the comments are going to be talking about how hitman and yandere simulator not alike um because there is a difference in at yandere simulator you commit all the crimes in the same place versus the assassination and globetrotting spy adventure that is hitman but the paris level is structured in a very similar way to the high school in yandere simulator is they're both rectangular multi-level shaped buildings with lots of nooks and crannies in the side and out to each side of the building there are empty fields where other activities are taking place parallel to the main story that's going on inside the building um so these things are very similar the breakdown at the beginning of this is to tell us where we're going and who we're doing and who we're going to be killing and all that jazz so that's that's what's important here nation is the paris fashion show by san guin one of europe's leading couture brands your targets are sanguine owner victor novikov a former oligarch turned fashion mobile and his partner dalia margolis a retired supermodel an iconic power couple on the global fashion scene and two of the most dangerous people in the world so yeah i understand that they're literally pointing out there that they're incredibly dangerous people and that's very on the nose they're about to explain exactly what it is these people do now here's what makes agent 47 less of a bad than they are in this particular one um because later on in a story there's like internal subterfuge between the imaginary organizations of the hitman universe um but in this it's just basically a contract before any of that stuff has been uncovered um but these two people have information related to mi6 those of you for unfamiliar that's kind of like the cia but for british people uh but yeah these people are are incredibly bad these people are super terrorist disguised as incredibly famous people if you think people like osama bin laden are bad these are kind of like people who give him money to do bad things novikov and margolis are in fact the ringleaders of iago an enigmatic spy ring that deals in the global elite's most valuable secrets unscrupulous and opportunistic iago has caused disastrous security leaks all over the globe when crimean separatists caused a deadly meltdown at the odessa nuclear power plant iago gave them access to the plant security network and when the delgado drug cartel shot down the plane of president hernandez and his family iago provided the classified flight plans now navikov and mongolias have obtained a knock list of british undercover agents which they plan to sell at a secret iago auction during the sandwin show so our client mi6 need us to stop the ringleaders before the knock list ends up in the wrong hands okay everybody knows how dangerous a reactor meltdown can be in fact right now you know chernobyl's gotten much more popular because of the hbo series and all of that but here we get to hear about a very large loss of life and awful thing that happened these awful things kind of set up why these people need to die and why it's important for them to die again later on in hitman there are personal reasons why hitman and his crew are essentially going after certain people but in this one in particular we're specifically looking at the just specific reasons why they're bad um in the context of the narrative there's reasons why other targets are bad uh but these are particularly these people but the theming is the same is that the person that hitman is killing is much worse than whoever he is or who he's been hired by it's the rule of lesser the two evils obviously there's the whole oh being a spy is cool thing um but it is also laced with this idea of oh well i'm a bad person and i do bad things and it's very clear that agent 47 is a very gray character you know because he works for whoever can afford it but usually and this is pretty much with every single hitman target every single person you're gonna end up killing is going to be way worse than whoever hired you usually what happens in these stories is that agent 47 and whoever he's working with are technically the good guys they're convinced to us as being good guys and because we the viewer understand that they are the good guys we can go along with them they don't need to be good people we're viewing it through their lens for example in metal gear solid 5 it's the same story where you are the bad guy but you're playing the game from the perspective of the bad guy and let me just say there's also other issues with metal gear solid 5's narrative um where it's you're basically playing a gigantic diversion tactic it gets annoying it gets really ridiculous but stealth games lend themselves really well to spies and plays like that all right so here's the opening of yonder a simulator and i skipped the first opening because they introduced osana twice they introduced osana as having a crush on senpai in a like a traumatic cut scene where ayano watches osana and senpai talk and then infochan introduces osana again via this text conversation that we're about to watch so i'm showing you what's happening visually but that first introduction of osana isn't important in terms of narrative compared to what infochan gives about osana because we want to know who she is right for why she needs to die here in this kind of concept um we know that ayano doesn't like other women being around senpai but this is where the important stuff happens i saw you stalking an upperclassman today i'm sorry there must be some misunderstanding there's no need to play dumb with me i'm trying to help you want some information about the girl he was with i'm listening her name is osana najimi she has a crush on him okay so in this intro we're introduced to info chan this character that's a man and a chair type character and is kind of established as being much more powerful and important than yandere chen which i i think is interesting in terms of a character i can see info chan becoming like a late game target or something like that though i i do have a feeling that's not gonna happen um but there does seem to be this air of this character doesn't have your best interest in mine more or less kind of like she's pushing ayano on to becoming a murderer rather than her being one herself there's a lot of interesting ways you could take this story but i feel it's not going in ways that i think would be interesting right um i think her realizing oh i've been murdering and it's it's been wrong and it's this person that's been playing me and then they go and they do a righteous killing and they make the world a better place you can make this character a lot more redeeming you know and instead of this kind of downtrodden character but you know what i don't want to help him um you know we're just explaining who osana is in this current time she's planning to confess to him next friday underneath the cherry tree behind the school there's a myth that if you confess your love to someone underneath that tree the person you confess to can't refuse okay so here's where hitman gets off explaining really basic things um like you're going to paris france or being really you know straightforward about where you're going and what kind of place it is um is is because he's he hasn't been there okay um but ayano goes to this high school she knows what this myth is this is infochan talking to us um it's a bit weird maybe work this into the narrative but i mean this is like a small little nitpick you know when you're writing something you don't want to explain stuff a character already knows to a character you know like i i know should know this she definitely should know this there's no reason for this to be elaborated on at all if you want to include this cherry tree thing because it is important right it tells you where your deadline is you can't let her get to that tree on the last day of the week you have until friday up until that point right so that's where you know you can't pass go like that's important uh rather say oh let's make info chan uh like say oh she's gonna confess under the cherry tree this friday and ayano can reply or or like say infochan can ask like you know what happens under the cherry tree then ayano can explain the myth to info chan you know so that way at least it's like we know the character knows in that rate um i i think it would just be better for the conversation uh but you know i i'd love to know what other other writers down in the comments think um i i might honestly be wrong about the idea that characters need to be you know we need to have a reason to root for ayano in comparison to the rest of these characters because you know me sitting here going oh well these characters should be worse like who knows if i'm right i'd love to know everybody else's take um tell me how you would make osana more compelling as a villain why are you telling me this i would be happy if something bad happened to osanachan i think you might be the right person to give her what she deserves who are you have you ever heard of infochan an urban legend about a girl who hacks people and sells their dirty secrets to the highest bidder that's just the tip of the iceberg i sell a lot more than just blackmail are you trying to tell me that your info john do you really expect me to believe that i've installed an app on your phone take a look how did you do that that's not something you need to be concerned with if you do a few small favors for me i can offer a wide variety of services that should help you eliminate osanachan everything you need to know is in that app and what if i don't want anything to do with you if you're not interested in my services i won't take it personally feel free to ignore me but don't ignore osanachan you have one week until she confesses to your precious senpai make her suffer okay that's that's really it in terms of what we get to know about the target before going into it and this is fine in terms of like setup um it would help to know more about where the person is or where the person is going as far as info goes info chan isn't very helpful in making sure the job gets done it's more like yeah i can help you if if osan or sansa is is dead but yeah i'm not really gonna help you aside from that it's like i don't know where she goes i don't know what she does i don't know where she's gonna be i don't i don't know i don't know you need to give me something more you know i'm not saying make osana a human trafficker and like a bond type villain but she needs to do a little bit more than be bashfully rude to the guy like you kill osana and her friend uh hold on her friend rybaru fumotze for mutsu there we go don't worry guys i'm actually studying japanese i'm so great at it can't you tell uh anyway her friend her pigtails that's her name now it's pigtails pigtails become sad after killing osana you can play the rest of the demo and this girl is just absolutely heartbroken at the death or you know missing nature of her friend oh she's sad because her friend her friend isn't here you know um you usually when you play like like like you know when you kill people and hit man they're like [ __ ] hot awful and you don't feel bad about killing them afterwards this game you just you just killed a teenage girl and she didn't really do anything really what you see is that her best friend is gone now and and you're the responsible party and it really doesn't feel like you did the right thing you know when i when i killed when i killed the people on the paris level i felt like made the world a better place i did not feel that here listen it might just be me but i think it would be more compelling if osana was truly awful right if we're going to talk about this from a narrative and writing perspective right let's make this a twisted real world version of the tsundere archetype right similar to how you know like a game like the witcher plays on the fantasy tropes play on the anime tropes a bit more and give it a bit more character aside from stock anime girl who is bashful but also likes the guy but can't tell her so she acts mean you know how many times i've seen that do you really think i care so instead of bashful and rude let's actually make her horrific and abusive i really don't think that this game is capable of handling comedic nature and handling horrific nature in the same time so let's just lean on all the serious stuff and all the awful [ __ ] right because i think it'll just make a better game you know in a way it kind of would structure yandere-chan as this protector of senpai right and since this also wants to be a game where it's like persona and making choices matter you know so you can either expose a murder to the school or not and it'll change how people feel you know it it's going to change how bullies act and how people react and it would really just make it more impactful if osana is a bad person who the death of which will change how the school is structured really right now it just seems like you took away somebody that people kind of liked you know and it could change how the school operates you know kind of like on a on a like mission permission basis similar to how stealth games like metal gear solid phantom pain work where if you operate by going out at night all the time guards will end up having night vision goggles or end up with body armor depending on how many bullets you shoot and other stuff like that look the point is dramatically you not only feel like you don't earn the kill of osana but you also feel like it wasn't the right thing to do which isn't a great way to convince players to keep playing narratively speaking look i understand some people that play this game might be crazy people but let's just go out on a limb here say that most people are aren't crazy so they're not gonna take satisfaction from harming somebody who is completely innocent also let me just say that the persona system in this game the persona systems in this game uh that means students matter is really just a horrendous idea to mix with the hitman style mission based contract killing game imagine if by killing a non-target in story events right that this person wasn't in future story events some of these characters will be important to the plot of the game so killing them would be really really complicated and is gonna make your job so much harder let alone how this would change things up mechanically like mechanically is one thing but narratively that's already a huge task for one guy to complete all right like jesus like if i somehow kill the majority of the students i could end up just not having a game yeah the rivals don't show up there's only one a week but technically i could make the school a ghost town because most of the students aren't invulnerable and we're gonna get to that speaking of mechanics and murder uh the cleanup of murders is is like an awful idea it really is like there really isn't an incentive in not killing a witness you know and these ai have tunnel vision as it is and i can just drag their body like feats away from a crowd like that's how it operates here's here's literally a clip of me dragging osana right behind girls having lunch right behind them and as i've said the thematic balancing of all this is is just absolutely just terrible it as somebody who enjoys writing the writing is horrible right i highly doubt any of the comedy is gonna cut any of the stock anime tropes that are just littered throughout this game you know i get it stock anime tropes hahahaha she's a tsundere haha like i get it i get it i get it i get it you know what does it better madoka magicka you know what does it better all these other animes that have come out before this narratively the issues are pretty staggering and they really present a huge huge issue and you need to map them out way in advance i know for example like in netflix they used uh the twine to write the script for band or snatch and you really need to write something out where you can see how all your choices affect everything so you realize where everything's gonna go where and i i kind of look at this game and i'll go he doesn't have a [ __ ] clue where this is going really the the story of this game comes off as lacking the ability to understand the themes of the source material this is based on and as a result you just come up with this cheap imitation of what is much better games somewhere else that handle the same kind of subject matter somewhere else better now before we break into the assassination and mechanics of this game let's talk persona which clearly had a huge impact on this game aside from the narrative issues let's also look at the themes of persona right the persona games have varied in theme uh but we're gonna go off on a limb here and say that five had the biggest impact i don't know why i i think i might know why so persona 5 is a brilliant work of rebellious expression right japan is really a collectivist country and the ideas of rebellion and standing out against the crowd are much more of a contentious fact in that country than they are here in the states aside from the supernatural it is weird for teens to stand out dying your hair being quarter american the confidants you make in persona 5 are outcasts for one reason or another you know these are people who are kind of ostracized by society because they don't fit the status quo and it's what makes you feel compelled to bond with them because you feel a certain kinship with them being joker there's also a lot of christian symbolism in this game through the eyes of japanese folk who are primarily not a religious country in general and it's interesting to see how these themes of christian symbolism are are really tackled by a culture that might actually agree with the themes and how these are bad virtues well i guess these aren't virtues they're the seven deadly sins right uh but you know just how this culture like acts around people who are like this and how they feel about people who are these kind of people hell even the ui expresses the themes of the game i mean just look at this it's loud it's bold pop art there's a kinetic rebellion to the movement of the menus it is gorgeous it is beautiful and it deserves all the awards that it's gotten the music in the game is jazz inspired and it's peppered throughout the game and it inherits all of the qualities that make jazz rebellious music right since the jazz genre is known for not conforming right you have pieces that improvise and present a musician's personality and a character's personality by going off of the status quo of the song doing its own thing everything in persona reinforces its themes yandere sim includes persona-like mechanics not to present anything interesting but because hey i like persona and and and takami's hot i'll say this a couple times in a video but when you present your game by comparing it in relation to better games you aren't making a game you are shooting the [ __ ] about a hypothetical game you'd think is cool because all of these mechanics are great in a vacuum okay so i i think i hit the themes and narratives so let's get into actual mechanics gameplay of yandere simulator osana is going to confess her love to senpai on friday you have a week to find her and kill her okay that's that's basically it each day new events present themselves to give you a chance to kill osana in unique and interesting ways and that's basically the game this is very similar to hitman right similar to hitman similar to the paris level in particular uh same structure and everything with a square shaped building and outer perimeter of gardens and stuff like that um but you know you you got all this space you can see the target you can see senpai from the moment the level says go and there's a crowd everywhere rendering the murder pretty much impossible though some people would beg to differ the show is just about to start this is the red carpet event of the season and the guest list is a veritable who's who of the global fashion elite you will find viktor novikov basking in the spotlight while dalia margolis hosts the heavily guarded auction on the second floor for a group of iago's top customers now event security will keep a watchful eye on any suspicious activity but i trust your timeless look shall fit right in good luck 47 sorry i can't believe you overslept again it's just like back in middle school i'm sorry i'm not your personal alarm clock you know you can't rely on me to wake you up every day look you don't need to pay attention to any of this stuff or any of the information about osana don't need to know her or get to know her any better do anything don't listen to the conversations they're not important okay follow this way to the gardening club join the gardening club okay and now once you get access to the gardening club you can just take anything you want from from their shed and they have rat poison in there okay take the rat poison and now you're gonna go back to your classroom and then in your classroom you're gonna put the rat poison in the bento box that she's going to give to senpai all right so you put it in the pink bento box because of course osana has the pink pento box all right now just wait for lunch you can go to class level up your thing it doesn't matter what you do now right all you have to do is now follow osana and pigtails and and meet up with them up upstairs on the roof and hide behind the wall and now she's going to eat the pento box and she's going to go vomit when she's vomiting you just drown her in the toilet this is the easiest kill that i've gotten that adheres to the mechanics of the game and isn't me deliberately exploiting the game in any way now after you've drowned her all you have to do is drag her body all the way out to the furnace which they don't really do a good job of telling you where it is here it is on the map then you just drag her out to the furnace you can drag her all the way from that top floor bathroom all the way outside without anybody noticing you because the ai can't see anything at all they're they're just they have tunnel vision they're stupid they're dumb and you can do this kill in about 15 minutes like literally the whole entire demo can be done like just like that it's really that easy and and really you could do it a lot faster if it wasn't for everybody moving like a [ __ ] geriatric like there's zero skill involved in this kill and it is optimal okay like you don't get the hint system that you get in hitman but you might as well just use other people's playthroughs because there is no telling you how to play this game at all like this is optimal right because any blunt object or stabbing weapon at this point in the game will lead to blood loss making you either need to clean it up or remove evidence that you killed anybody in the first place that means you got to go bathe incinerate your clothing incinerate the weapon incinerate the body at this point you're just wasting time okay you're just wasting so much time trying to hide the murder the fact that you murder there is no reason to do this because it it is not optimal seriously any other way you kill someone you need to move fast because if you wanted to be you know completely safe nobody noticing you're there completely ghosting you know which i do like you like the the just ridiculous mgs play throughs where you're like no tranq like all that crazy [ __ ] ghosting completely 100 you know if you're shooting for something like that you got to work really fast to clean up the kill you got to clean up all the blood clean up everything and make sure there's no witnesses it's just ridiculously overly complicated and oh if you thought of killing osana in front of pigtails think again buddy because you can't why because she says plain as day i'm actually like really strong which is my favorite writing ever because you know characters who are good at fighting just open up a conversation or say in conversation well i can stop them i'm really strong how about you just how about you just lay it out for us there's no subtlety in that whatsoever it's just it's just there you know in a one-off conversation but you'd probably find out that pigtails is invincible way before this because your first kill on osana will probably be get a sharp object stab her in front of her friend and go stab her friend oh you can't do that you can't stab pigtails pigtails is an invincible bodyguard are you kidding me well technically she's invincible unless you use underhanded means but let's be real here why are you gonna take multiple days to kill osana when you could just knock her out on monday and be done with it for the rest of the week and then focus on leveling up your power on on your character and building your build instead of just oh my god it is it is so incredibly stupid that she's invincible it really is if anything you should make them both kill targets right and have two creative ways to kill each of them right so that way it it at least it that way it's more of a challenge and you can't do the kill in one day you got to do it in a span of two days but the way it's structured i could just knock this out in no time and it's not an exploit and if he patches it out he's just removing mechanics from how you kill people seriously any other way to kill osana is so not optimal right because if one of these dumb anime robots finds the body on the floor they're basically going to start a timer then in five minutes the police are going to show up and the police are a game over basically right unless you like clean up the murder and all that stuff but by the time a student sees the body you're basically sol okay like there's no there's no point you might as well just restart there's really no reason to keep going at this point and everything moves so slow at this point in the game that you're better off just stopping like the the kill for drowning her is just so simple there's no dramatic tension involved it's it adds nothing to the game really and the music now for some reason whenever i went to record the game the music would not play but i can assure you that it is just dumb peppy visual novel music it does it does not fit the tone of dragging a body across the floor and it's not comedy that's not a joke that's a that's a i don't understand how music impacts the tension of a game or a scene seriously listen to the music that happens after you kill the target in hitman highmore consulting is planning a merger i want to know with whom and at what price all right consider it done and that's for you keep it on you at all times last resort cyanide good choice we've got trouble well done 47 victor novikov [Music] is next [Music] yeah pretty tense right means something's actually happening in fact look some guy uh actually beat janssen in two minutes i thought i found the easiest way but mighty dude mighty mouse oh man that's a that's a pretty good one by the way alex keeps trying to patch all these ways for killing her out but you'd only ever find these if you were deliberately trying to go for speed runs of the game which happens when you play a game like hitman you know because they build in those mechanics for you to do stuff like that but you know in this game no no no no we can't do that we got to make sure that osana's built up and you can't beat her in like five seconds but literally it's in your best interest to beat her as soon as possible because there's a timer counting down towards friday wouldn't you want to get rid of her as soon as possible to focus on building relationship with senpai well you can't because apparently yandere chan just breaks down into a puddle of womanly goo because senpai is just the hottest wet napkin in town there's seriously nothing rewarding about these kills and i genuinely do mean that you know when we're comparing it to contemporaries like hitman there's not really much there in comparison to a game like hitman i get it it's just a demo but you know any other kill is just gonna be wasting your [ __ ] time there's no rewards for doing something special or different and really would you want to stand behind a tree for like an hour listening to osana and pigtails conversation about something that doesn't matter anyway there's a post about this on our slash osana by the way so this comes from them and i'll leave the post linked down below one of the best parts of my favorite stealth action games is getting to redo early missions with different content that i've unlocked through the course of playing the game hitman revels in the replayability of its missions by including things like new costumes new starting zones new weapons new equipment new gear new hidden locations to put extra gear you know all this stuff to make replays more valuable and then on top of that you also have the contract generation system and player made contracts mgs v gives you new weapons and tons of gadgets to just tackle a stealth mission in a variety of different ways hell dishonored allows you to reach new areas and see more when you have more abilities offering up more choice when you replay the game with everything unlocked now the subreddit basically recommended a lot of passive buffs or some kind of passive buff but i really think it should be something more tangible or something really added to the game to give it a bit more depth you know something that can change how later missions will play and really just open up the game a lot more to some of that sandbox type nature that hitman and other stealth games are known for hell even opening up more content with senpai because you killed the target early would be great give me like a dating sim in place of like the whole murder stealth mission crap if i can kill a rival day one of the week before the next one shows up then i should be able to do other things yandere-chan ain't gonna get the man of her life if she's just completely fawning over how the fact he just sits there idly and doesn't do [ __ ] now let's let's talk about the social deception right because it is horrendous right okay so you're gonna stalk osana drag her away from everyone with the note yeah good luck with that you're gonna do a lot of trying to figure out what she likes and what kind of person she is and you can't write it down you can't just take a guess you gotta figure it out while the social deception and hitman has you getting closer to target by dressing up as different people and pretending to be somebody you're not the social deception in this high school murder simulator is is much less engaging you don't actually become an active participant in events like you do in hitman you don't pretend to be a drummer you don't pretend to be a runway model you just stand behind a tree you're literally making it more tedious for yourself seriously you are watching these events happen you are a viewer in some of the most bland anime shlock ever you are watching fun events happen where it would be more fun if you were a person involved in the situation the humor and hitman comes from the crazy things agent 47 can for some reason do like why is he qualified to be all of these different things and also be an assassin that's funny there is nothing funny about being this girl standing behind a tree listening to some high schooler talk about a [ __ ] book that her sister gave her like you gotta stand behind a tree to find out she's going to give senpai food and then you gotta [ __ ] off on your own to figure out how you're gonna take advantage of that there is zero help whatsoever from that conversation they just say i'm gonna give him lunch today because i like him oh my god yeah okay great i'm glad i got to overhear this conversation but what can i do with this information there's no plan of action it's just i'm gonna do a thing there's this huge like sandbox you know similar to hitman but anything but the cleanest safest solution is just a game over it might as well not even be a choice this improvisation is impossible because of invincible npcs using fun weapons can get you caught because apparently a student holding a prop for a play is equal to holding a kitchen knife which doesn't make sense either i don't know why these things are on the same level of danger cause they're not seriously social deception in this game is nothing but sitting there and trying to figure out what color the person likes that's not fun at all it is so boring like when you look at paris you can already do a lot you know and they put the target right there like you can be a crazy person and just shoot the guy the second you see him and run about the level hiding from patrols and it is a completely different level than if you were to do social stealth and pretend to be a model who is also a super spy and get into the meetings with both of the targets in this level because it's too [Applause] [Music] oh you can also be a bartender and poison and drown him which at least at least is active participation in the situation right here you just poison her right but in this one it creates a whole scenario out of you poisoning them in the most comedically ridiculous way possible because apparently agent 47 is a crazy good bartender you know you can pretend to be with the target you can just shoot the target you can take part in a super villain auction this doesn't even need to be in the game and most players are probably never gonna do it if they only play the game once but it is just something that's there look the great thing about games is they make you a participant in the action if you are not a participant in the action the game is not being fun if you want to make a game engaging make the player a part of the action for example let's say the the she gets the bento box from like a food stand or something now yandere chan is also the person who works the food stand you know like who says that that can't happen all right this is already a girl who's like crazy and murdering people for her lover so don't even come at me about the realism [ __ ] there's nothing realistic about this game so just lead into the fun stuff please seriously yandere simulator just makes you a viewer in the most milk toast anime romance story ever stealthing i mean stealthing is there it might as well just not be there because the ai has ridiculous tunnel vision and you know they don't see me carry osana to the furnace it's just bad social stealth all all around you know this there's no hiding in a crowd none of that actually people push you away from being in crowds they don't like it when you invade their space uh you know the adaptability of the ai and games like mgs v and hitman it really shows you how bad this is in comparison like yes there are guards on patrol in the school they're basically like glorified hall monitors i guess they're part of the student council uh they're the students in white but they also have terrible vision and there are too few of them in the game to even be a threat to begin with normal students are even less of a threat you know there's a generous time where you can run away from students like really generous more generous than some stealth games where you could run away from a student covered in blood and they won't notice or do anything uh there is like a rise in threat by a guard spotting you if you're like playing another stealth game you know when you're snake in mgsv you get spotted by a guard guards begin patrolling in tactical systematic ways and there is a threat that is engaged right but in yandere simulator it just starts the countdown and these invincible students that are littered throughout the game just make it impossible to pull off a appropriate stealth game that it's just not there look anybody who plays a lot of stealth action games can tell you this when there is an instant game over for being spotted it's horrible nobody wants an instant game over this is just the same thing but it gives you five minutes well how about reactive stealth elements right where you can respond to action around you there is nothing aside from cleaning up there is really nothing unless you're gonna just make the situation worse by killing another student seriously you could switch out all the characters in this game for great boxes and and it would still be a mediocre stealth game the anime [ __ ] has nothing to do with it let's look at reactive stealth in a game like swat 4 swat 4 is a stealth tactical shooter where visuals play a key role in success right the game follows standard swot procedures and rules of engagement so for example you cannot shoot a target unless you or someone else's life is in immediate danger you know you yell at the criminal to say put your gun down they don't put your gun down they point the gun at you you shoot them talk this is sierra one element has moved out of visual aid dropping a bang suspect spotted seriously you you actually have a dedicated yell for compliance button in this game swap 4 is great play swat 4. there's a new game called ready or not coming out guys that ready or not pl please send me the g i will do anything to play your game you have this dedicated button and a criminal might comply and as they begin to raise their hands they might do it slowly right but sometimes the criminal be raising their hand to shoot you so you gotta shoot him and there's a small visual cue that tells you this is going to happen and it happens fast and the slow movement speed of this game means that every single second and move you make counts mgsv loaded with visual cues hell even the older mgs games loaded with visual cues flashlights sirens patrols hitman musical cues guards giving out locations saying where something is there are people talking to each other trying to coordinate their finding of you without these things in yan sim you can't even gauge what's happening when it's happening where it's happening when something important is occurring you know your extra sensory like peripherals that you're looking around to be like oh is something going on is something important it's not there it's just you have to rely on the ui and the ui isn't good enough to tell me when something is happening where i can't react to anything in a stealth manner because of how the game is structured it's really a guessing game of following ai routines as they fumble in circles before they stop at a certain time to talk about something that may or may not be important there's really no reason to listen and learn about osana but if you do you realize that yandere chan is just kind of an ass seriously the best time i had with the andre simulator was the user generated missions or i guess they're not using their ai generated missions right that literally work exactly like hitman's generated contracts these allow for much more streamlined kill the target missions and honestly you have access to everything in these moments and it is so much better this is what the game actually should be which is just hitman with anime that's all it needed to be and that's all it needs to do but instead it's trying to be so much more the game is is littered with these ridiculous half-baked rpg mechanics stealth assassination gameplay where characters are invincible unless prerequisites are met in in the rpg and then you have other extra crap that doesn't need to be there at all like a a fake discord simulator and an ar mini game and a and guys there's a fully operational shmup in yandere simulator why is that here [Music] what is this why is there a shmup in here why is there a shmup in here are you kidding well this is this runs better than the uh this one is better than a yonder recently this is a better game i i like this more i think we'll play this you're telling me there's like a whole [ __ ] bunch of these mini games like that in here yeah and terry dev [ __ ] get some priorities but there's a lot of down time in this game without any of the tension that games like hitman or mgs v even have okay hell even the down time and persona is is littered with great character interaction where where are the characters where is any of where is any of that i don't give a [ __ ] about pigtails or osana and senpai's off the table right so what am i to do you know before this video i said that scope needed to be reduced but now i definitely know i'm right in that assumption uh the ideas here are just conflicting you know yonder keeps patching out exploits and fun methods in the game making it really more of a slog without getting to the fundamental problem that really the ways you kill osana aren't that fun or interesting this game is what happens when you and your friends have a wouldn't it be cool if conversation if you've ever had the conversation with your friends about combining two things to make a cool thing that's basically what yandere simulator is you know it's someone who thought of a bunch of great food and assuming combining all of the ingredients from that great food together would make these foods even more great when you make the superfood ultimately all you do is make a mess because mixing pizza and ice cream shows you that pizza and ice cream are really good on their own but they're just a mess together so why not just eat pizza or eat ice cream and save yourself the trouble of this mess okay sure this is the end of day sequence hello game wow i sure learned a lot at that end of day sequence tiny thong panties ten dollars run along you're not welcome here he sounds like a kid is he supposed to be yakuza is it supposed to be some criminal huh why is all the music in here sound like uh porn i had no idea this was in the game are you kidding me man [Music] so a couple of things happened so uh over the course of since the demo released yandev has been patching the [ __ ] out of speed running methods and other things which is funny um because it's not answering the problem as a speed runner said who will be linked below uh but as you all know i i've i've made the new podcast and i had an episode with kappa who was featured in a yandev video and yandev knows who he is um so so kappa was banned on the twitch because cap and i on the podcast talked about how he would watch he ended up so you had dev bantam um oh and uh yandev is a v tuber now um you hey you notice you notice how the girl in the hate and shame video you know that's not that's not yandev that that's what he said he said that's not him um but then why why is his veto avatar the the girl from the hate and shame video listen buddy i understand you want to appear more innocent than you are but let's not beat around the bush here and saying that you would definitely buy used panties if they came in a vending machine all i'm saying is you are what you eat and you sir are a [ __ ] degenerate did i honestly i [ __ ] hate and shame too please where is it what are you gonna be this time maybe switch your v tuber to a nice little puppy right and say that it's a little puppy's being bullied on the internet and people are beating him that's that's what this is you're a stupid idiot all right so hopefully this was an in-depth discussion of the mechanics and all that stuff right because i am exhausted i've been talking for like 45 minutes please guys if you like what i do here subscribe and hit the bell you can also subscribe to my podcast explain it slowly which i will have linked down below you can also support me on patreon at fps diesel where you get early access to the podcast exclusive content ideas on different things like academic stuff i enjoy and extra videos and to me talking about what it's like to make commercial film and all that stuff there's there's tons of content there i try to make it worth your while you can also follow me on social media at fps diesel i post on instagram pictures of my face and i also have another instagram where i post pictures of pictures and tons of stuff i'm everywhere on the internet go out there find fps diesel you'll find me there i'm out there please go make sure i have clout because it's all i have please no but seriously guys i'm coming down to the end of my education so i'd really like to go full time in this because i i don't know what i'm gonna do with my life because i can't make film because we live in a we live in a dystopia and uh if you haven't noticed the california is literally blade runner so please please uh help please please uh please make me go full time though i am desperate please [ __ ] i don't [ __ ] with [ __ ] always blowing up on all of these [ __ ] they be trying to front for all of these [ __ ] i ain't got time cause they only need feelings [Music] [Music] now you see us
Views: 473,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FPS DIESEL, Loud Mouths, Online, Odyssey, yandere simulator, yandere sim, yandere dev, bijuu mike, yandere simulator update, senpai yandere simulator, yandere simulator ending, winning yandere simulator, beating yandere simulator 2020, yandere simulator beating osana, osana yandere simulator, yandere dev discord speedrun, yandere dev vtuber, yanderedev baka mitai, yanderedev drama, yandere dev is cancelled, indie games, yan sim, osana elimination yandere dev
Id: fTCRk2BA7bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 21sec (3441 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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