I lost my sanity in the hardest Trackmania Competition

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i want to show you guys uh the one finish that i did get off stream i was just playing with scrappy so i finished this map it's just a water wall climb you have to climb up this wall of water and i did that upstream but there was also importantly a video released with all of the maps and how to do them and this video is going to be very helpful because here you can see uh the inputs that the player did to finish the map and also like all the tricks and yeah the maps are nuts they're completely utterly nuts but you know knowing what to do like having a rough idea of what to do is better than not having a clue i think we can get a lot of these all right next map is very doable guys this next map i could give this map to a toddler and they could finish it it's free i i trust all you do is um hit a specific plank here and bounce up to the finish you just crash here and fly up to the finish so this is what i'll be doing for the next 10 minutes crashing this plank top tier entertainment yeah welcome to absolute content you you guys are essentially watching a gambling stream where i'm just i'm just going in and being like yeah all we need is a wall hit oh we didn't get it we'll get it next time though boom nope lamar just finished i'm literally trying i i can't do more than what i'm doing right now what happened to the price of this map i was told it was free we have 93 on one server it's not a good map yes it is oh my god i cannot wait to play 93 we're going here oh why did nobody tell me that 93 was coming up okay we have four minutes but i want to be here for night three i've already finished this map so i'm only gonna go for like a personal record while waiting for the next one i hope scrappy has this one by now because it's it's the easiest map you don't scrap it oh no scrappy oh no i thought it's easy finishing just to uh t scrappy a little bit it's free scrappy it's impossible it's it's so free it's a free map did i really get did it die on my favorite map there's no way the server crashed when my favorite map was coming up i refuse so i'm just gonna rejoin tmnf had over 1 000 days since my last login and i got my brother guys the server actually crashed on my favorite math and it's not working oh we don't have enough copium for this oh we do not have enough copium 93 i miss you buddy i miss you come back we're on map 93 okay let's go 10 minutes of 93. if you could date any girl in the world who would it be and why would it be muddy uh well isn't it weird to like date your friends that's the best no you just ruin a friendship you moved in with your friend now you're married okay that sounds kind of awesome but it can also go terribly wrong and then you lose your best friends because you don't function living together oh that's so close you have to know sparky the ending there how do you go to marrying your best friend without dating them first is there like a skip just propose now that won't work is there is there a strap does anyone have a setup that i can copy like a validation replay oh that's so close say it was a meme if they say no oh like the hey do you want to get married i'm just kidding unless there's a skip it's called pregnancy now that seems like you can just soft lock the game of life and be like stuck for 18 years i don't think that skip is very consistent you're 22 still living with your parents that's more than 18 come on dude i'm living with my parents because they enjoy my company i'm just such a great son that's it's the only reason why they just enjoy having me at home oh good speed okay so a little bit less left look look i'll go here you pepper god that was so close that was so close this one this one no i need to be more straight yes it's this one right here is this one wait do i have the speed it's this one it's not this one it's this one oh no oh speed i can't let this opportunity slip away from me it's the e it's the best map i'm scared i'm scared i might run out of time we're gonna try though i'll finish this it wasn't this session but i will definitely get this map like that i got i've got this one down i got this one down like i'm gonna finish this one can we get a copium counter i am not coping i am absolutely not coping what i say is just 100 objective it is actually scientific facts that i'm spitting uh so guys this map has a very unfortunate shortcut so i am going to um do that shortcut and get a free finish so we're gonna go here we're gonna jump out here uh hit a tree get stuck inside tree all part of the plant gonna go out here now for the next part of my plan i will gather a lot of speed and then i will proceed to use this speed to uh go up this ramp again right about here oh well looks like we've failed a little bit because i was supposed to land a bit earlier but that's the shortcut you just go on this ramp and jump up watch the new world record is there a clip of it there's a 11 second run oh no this map's in shambles all right looks like we're about to finish here just wanna make sure i have enough speed and yeah dd okay that was one shortcut now there's a faster shortcut on this apparently plaster x did it let's see gather speed oh my god all right okay okay foster x let's let's try that so he went here and then in that yeah you need pretty good speed for this though okay yeah that's that's very doable actually i almost had it in like 10 seconds what was this world record oh baby world record for now okay let's go clean rank one baby all right now we can go to server one imagine dropping by getting the world record then leave cool guys don't look at explosions man it's how it is it's how it is here we go this map is fun so here you just you hug this wall with an eye slide and then because of how ice and plastic works together this happens and then this happens and then you fly and then you try to avoid the plastic to bounce into the finish to the left there very fun map i almost finished this the first session but i don't know how like likely it is to happen oh wait no oh you that was a perfect lineup okay that was rude but the plastic whatever that is undeniably cooked me undeniably you cannot convince me otherwise okay a little bit of speed need a bounce here need a big bounce anything this one i can't describe the pain i'm feeling oh my god the indescribable pain it was such a perfect bounce too like i saw the one the one hockey puck that was left and it was just like it was perfect but i was i was laughing at another streamer who got this happened to them in the first session now what happened to me this is how khaki wait wait wait wait wait whoa it's not over yet it's not 30 seconds it's not over yet copium forever oh we need more coping can someone can someone buy some more copium we are running out the amount of pain you can feel here is just we have no time to waste chat no time to waste this one is absolutely free look all you do is crash that second light plank here you just crash this and bounce to the finish it's supposed to be free but it's actually really difficult i'll just try until i finish oh okay we flew a little bit no shot no shot didn't work uh okay we'll do one more map chat and then i'm gonna call it a night i could play this it feels horrible this map it's like they do like right left right left right left to keep speed like they snake it like this and then jump up this is the validation clip you drop in left right oh it's just one big circle left right left left right left ah you need to be higher when you eat it okay it's insane how many maps use this trick this year like i have to learn it because there's i think three maps that use this trick in the wall ride where you defy gravity oh that's close okay take a lap easier wait is it actually i feel like i will get disoriented if i do a full lap but okay oh oh no no okay okay yeah yeah i just need to save that if i get up yeah okay and then wall ride up left wall right up left wait can i land back oh close okay i was a bit late on timing oh i want to get this i want to get one more finish before i sleep no that's way too late oh it's not okay let's save this by doing this no oh my god it didn't unflip help oh come on just land on the wheels give me a chance i'm not hoping i can do this just give me a chance game not too low again i need to i need to be higher up yeah okay oh you gotta be kidding me oh you gotta be kidding me come on i am so tilted i'm gonna do one more i think after this i don't want to end on this let's see though if i can finish it [Music] no stop stop stop stop stop stop stop i should have had that i'm molding i'm actually molding i can't believe i'm mauling this hard what the hell i realize there's a lot of these i can get like that one okay so the thing is right we have a month i should not be molding because i will finish that map in the month no doubt like not even a shred of that but it's just like you kind of you want to realize your potential right away you know you don't want to waste time it's like i kind of just want to get it out of the way you guys could say copium but that map is free i could i could do it in editor right now that's not copium i could go an editor i could give it five more minutes and i finished uh i could get it so i'm not too worried but it's just like oh you know you don't want to waste those opportunities i think this is a great session guys we got five new finishes and i also found like another ten maps i can get if i if i can keep my composure and stay calm and avoid the mauldin from consuming me i think it's very doable but i'm gonna get some sleep but i hope you enjoyed watching today i had fun
Channel: WirtualTV
Views: 272,074
Rating: 4.9649477 out of 5
Keywords: Wirtual, Trackmania, Shortcut, World Record, Highlight, Best, Pro, Player, Tricks, Tips, Tutorial, How To, Coaching, Cup of the day
Id: gwI9kMok-H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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